The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1895, Image 1

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A Week
Tou may rather together all the fabrics
for spring and summer wear that ever
came from a loom, and look them over,
taking1 the full merit of each Into ac
count, and after all Is said and done, you'll
be bound to admit that there Is not one In
the lot that will take the place of these
rich silken weaves, for solid comfort and
unmatchable elegance.
Silks are no longer a luxury. A dozen
different things have brought about a
price revolution In the silk markets of the
world, until the Queen of Textiles (Silk)
has become a sort of people's fabric. The
proof for this assertion lies In the Econ
omlo Bilk Values which follow.
NO. 3
assorted lot of figured
Taffeta Silks, light, medium and
dark grounds In all sorts of ways ;
actual values range from 75c. to (1.
Price for choice,
NO. 4
NO. 5
mixed lot white.
navy and black grounds, with
spots, figures and stripes; 20 pieces
in all; value 65c. to 75c; special
NO. 6
For one week we will offer a capital
range of the celebrated "Llbery" and
China Silks manufactured by Cheney
Bros., and guarantee them to be their well
known standard tl.00 quality. Exquisite
patterns on Black, Navy and Cream
Price for One Week
Only 59 Cents.
i i
NO. 1
If line 27-lneh Fancy
It Silks. In neat small elttcts; also l
I fancy Plaids and Clan Tartans for I
NO. 2
t iO Pieces
22-lneh Silks, light
f grounds, with dainty stripes In dell-l
I ( cate tints. An Ideal silk for sum- I
I mer waists. 1
Jll PiecesS.
If Satin Rhadames, V
II full range of desirable shadings,
1 1 and astonishing value at 1 1
.15 Pieces
II 27-lnoh Black Taffeta
II Silks, exactly the same thing l
II as our usual tl.00 quality. This II
Lively Debate in the House Over the
Mr. llaldwin, of Delaware, Mnkos n Dittcr
Attack on the KIM, Which lla
Claims Would Invite End
less Legislation.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Harrlsburg, May 14. The revenue bill
framed by the state tax conference
passed finally today In tho limine. The
vote was 147 to 14. This Is the largest
vote ever received by a revenue bill In
the state legislature. Four years ago
the TuKgart bllt pussed with 136 votes
In the affirmative. Those who voted
agaliixt the new revenue bill today
were Representatives Klnkalil, FoW,
Graham. Kearns. Ltttley, Liulen, Mack
rell. Patterson, James, Heeves, Saun
ders, Vnre. Weaver, West and Zehn-
Uer. AH these represent city districts
except lJi'presentatlves Urahum and
The passage of the bill Is a personal
triumph for Chairman Rltter, of the
ways and means committee. He has
given the measure much study and his
exhaustive and comprehensive elucida
tion of Its provisions In his speech last
Thursday, when the bill was under
consideration on second reading, gave
his colleagues a clear idea of It and
resolve many doubtful members In Its
The Kunkel bill making a uniform
policy of fire Insurance was defeated
after a long and exciting debate and
then reconsidered and postponed for
the present. The bill was taken up at
the morning' session on a special order
for third reading- and final passage.
Mr. Harrison, of Philadelphia, started
the debate by moving to Indefinitely
postpone consideration of the measure.
He objected to the bill because Its title
was not In harmony with the contents
and claimed the measure was In the In
terests of the Insurance companies and
against the people. Mr. Harrison as
serted that If the bill became a law he
would never take out another policy of
fire Insurance.
Chairman Kunkel. of the Insurance
committee, defended the bill and ap
pealed to the house to pass It out of
courtesy to the Insurance commission
er, at whose suggestion he had offered
.Mr. ftaldwln's Objections.
Mr. Baldwin, of Delaware, made a
bitter attack upon the bill. He con
tended that under Its provisions no one
could take out a polk-y. It would In
vite endless litigation and was solely
In the Interest of the Insurance com
panies. For this reason the member
from Delaware thought the bill ought
to be killed.
A lively dispute then arose between
Mr. Baldwin and Chairman Kunkel.
The former asserted he had Inquired of
Insurance Commissioner Lambert If he
wanted the bill and that the commis
sioner replied that he knew nothing
about It and did not want to be quoted
as being In favor of It. Mr. Baldwin
declared the Insurance companies were
the father of the bill. Chairman Kun
kel reasserted that the Insurance com
missioner had approved the measure.
Mr. Baldwin said the opponents of
the bill had prepared forty-two
amendments which they considered
would make it fair and Just and had
submitted them to its friends, who had
rejected them and declared It would
be put through as It stood. The bill
was then killed by a vote of 21 yeas to
112 nays. Soon after Mr. Harrison
moved to reconsider the vote. This was
a scheme to kill the bill effectually by
preventing It from ever being called
up and passed.
This brought Chairman Kunkel to his
feet with an appeal to the house to give
the bill a fair show. He charged Mr.
Harrison with attempting to kill It. To
this the Phlladelphlan replied: "My
purpose In making the motion Is to lick
this bill effectually. It Is the most in
Iqultuous measure ever attempted to
be put upon the statute books and
ought to be put down."
.Mr. Fow Defends tho Rill.
Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia, then took
the floor In defense of the bill. He as
serted with much earnestness that the
Insurance companies weire against It,
and that he had been Informed by Cap
tain Nesbltt, superintendent of the state
arsenal, who was chairman of the In
surance committee In the session of
1K91.-3, had told him that the bill was a
good one, and that if It was not passed
It would upset all the Insurance policies
In the state. Mr. Fow also claimed to
have knowledge that the Insurance de
partment had approved the bill.
In reply, Mr. Baldwin, of Delaware,
said Insurance Commissioner Lambert
had Informed him that he would .have
nothing to do with the measure,TW
IIUUIIi'S l" in. ...-...... .wv -
would not allow himself to be mlxedpVrifTIn, Ohio, May 14. At a meeting of
up with It. Mr. Kunkel then took a
whack at Mr. Harrison for his attempts
to kill the bill. He characterized them
as bushwhacking tactics, and renewed
his appeal to the house not to adopt
Harrison's motion. After Mr. Peltz, of
Philadelphia, had spoken In favor of
giving the bill another show the house
voted down Harrison's motlon and
adopted a motion to postpone for the
present, thus bringing to the close one
of the most exciting Incidents of the
The bills to protect policy holders
from fraudulent estimates, and In the
rightful disposition of surplus of ton
tine policies of life Insurance com
panies, and to prevent the Issue of
policies of fire, life, accident, liability
or marine Insurance by natural persons,
partnerships or other associations not
Incorporated were killed.
Senator Flinn's street bills went
through on special orders by comfort
able majorities. One amends tho act
of 1891 so as to enable municipal cor
porations to lay out, open, widen, ex
tend and vacate streets or alleys upon
petition or without petition of property
owners. The other empowers cities
to grade, pave, curb, macadamize and
otherwise Improve streets and alleys
within their corporate limits without
petition of property holders and pro
viding for the payment' of the costs,
damages and expenses. The bills have
passed the senate.
The bill Increasing the salary of the
adjutant general from 2,C0O to $4,000 a
year passed second reading on a spe
cial order and will be considered next
Tuesday on third reading and final pas
sage. The house held three sessions to
day. The order of business at the af
ternoon and evening sessions was tho
consideration of house bills on third
rending. The members were In a mood
to work, and a large number of meas
ures were considered on this stage.
Wesley McCrackon Kills Ills Neighbor,
Uoorgo M. Iliiwn.
Huntingdon, Pa., May 14. Wesley
McCracken, a prominent citizen of
Oneida township, of this county, shot
and Instantly killed Ouorge M. Hawn,
a neighbor, this morning. Hawn and
McCracken liud been at odds on a divid
ing line of fence between their proper
ties, and one or the oilier hiul been mov
ing the fence ufter night oiv the other's
Lust night Mc-Cracken ami a party of
friends heavily armed went to the
Hvene and awaited developments. At
about 1 o'clock this morning, Hawn
and his party arrived to move the fence
back again on McCracken's land, and
when tho work of removal wan com
pleted MoCracken opened fire with a
double-barreled ehot-gun, hitting
Hawn In tho head and back, killing him
The coroner today Investigated tho
shooting of Hawn. No direct evidence
was presented as to who fired the fatal
shot, but the Jury charged the Mc
Cracken brothers with the killing. Wes
ley McCracken, on whose lund the
shooting took place. Is In Jail, but his
brothers, Joe and Ellsworth, are hid
ing In the mountains. It Is expected
that they will soon be caught.
Suspicion Kcsts I' pun Three t.cft-llunJcJ
Jfcgrocs Kcsldirttf la the Neighbor
hood. New Prunswlek, N. J., May 14.
Moore Baker Is still confined to his home
in Franklin Park by the Injuries In
flicted on him by some mysterious as
sailant on Saturday night. A physi
cian's examination shows that Baker
was struck from behind with some
blunt weapon used by a strong man,
for the wound Is a severe one. Itaker
thinks that a black jack or sand bag
was used. His other Injuries seem to
show that he fell forward over the
dashboard of his wagon, finally falling
to the ground. From the scratches on
his face It Is supposed his legs became
entangled In th-neins, and that he
was dragged for srnne distance. Baker
says that a short time before being at
tacked he passed a wagon going In the
other direction, in which were George
Thompson and Peter Baker, father and
brother of the negroes he killed a year
ago. A number of other negroes were
also In the wagon. Baker and Thomp
son admit having passed Moore Baker
on the road, but declare that they went
right on to New Brunswick. The as
sault on the farmer wa3 made by a left
handed person, the wound beginning
In such- a position that It could not have
been Inflicted by a weapon In the right
hand of a man to the rear of the vic
tim. Both Baker and Howard Thomp
son, brother of the negro whom Morre
Baker killed, are left-handed.
Soon after the tragedy of March,
1S94, the farmers and other residents of
Franklin Park organized the Franklin
Park Vigilance league, with the
avowed Intention of driving the negroes
from the village. The league held a
number of meetings but never did any
thing besides passing motions and
adopting resolutions. The assault upon
Moore Baker has revived an Intense
feeling against the colored population
of the Park, and there is talk of reor
ganizing the league and expelling the
colored people.
Ilnfrnlo Bolters Will Bo Given Ninety
Days to Return to the Fold.
Washington. May 14. Referring to
the dispatch from Omaha In regard to
the coming meeting of the Elks, E. B.
Hay, of this city, grand exalted ruler
of the order, said:
"The grand lodge of Elks will meet
at Atlantic City July 9 to 11. There
will be delegates from 200 lodgna pres
ent, representing In all 21,000 Elks. The
meeting at Buffalo will simply be a
voluntary meeting of dissatisfied
Another prominent Elk, speaking
about the proposed Buffalo meeting,
"Even the Buffalo lodge will tie rep
resented at the regular Atlantic City
gathering. In addition all the strong
lodges In New York, Boston, Baltimore,
Chicago, Philadelphia and Washing
ton will be with us. The Buffalo bolt
ers will be given ninety days In which
to come Into the regular fold, falling in
which they will cense to be Elks."
Ladles' Cycling Club of Tiffin,
Hntttaa n MomontotiN Ouostlon
the Ladles' Cycling club Inst evening
the question of wearing bloomers was
thoroughly discussed. This was made
necessary by two of tho members ap
pearing In bloomer costume one eve
ning when a "run" was called and the
rest refusing to ride with them.
After a spirited discussion a vote whs
taken, which resulted In 7 to 8 In favor
of skirts. When any rider goes out
alone she can wear what she pleases,
but when she appears with the club
she must wear the regulation skirt.
The estato of the Into Dr. Martin Luther,
of Heading, paid $3,297.70 collateral Inherit
ance tax.
Beading's seven national banks have M,
857.406.38 in loans and discounts, and $3,772,
01)4.24 of deposits.
The Luzorno County Bar association has
Indorsed the Judges' retirement bill now
before tho legislature.
It Is still doubtful If Frederick Hummel,
the Wyoming seminary student, who was
hit by a base ball at Stroudsburg, can
Window glass mnnufaoturnrs of the
United States will meet at Pittsburg on
Thursday to lake action on the proposed
trust. -
Su'ts for $40,000 were yesterday brought
at Carllslo by the New York Electric En
gineering company against the Cumber
land trolley.
To break up the boycott of the Hamburg
postolnce, Superintendent Jackson, of the
railway mall service, will hereafter not ac
cept letters on trains,
Navy Department Gives Out In
Tho Sol Ohjoot of the Proceeding Is to
Show That the Admiral Hud Acted
Hastily In Asking to
Ho Dutuolied.
Washington. May 14. In regard to
tho case of Admiral Meade, the navy
department this afternoon gave out
the following statement:
The navy department addressed a letter
to Admiral Muuilu stutlng thut It desired
to know If ho was willing to answer
whether he hud given, or hud authorized,
what purported tob an Interview with him
publlHhud In the New York Tribune, and
Admiral Meade replied, acknowledging re
ceipt or the letter, but declining to unswor
the questions.
Tho fuels In relation to tho failure of tho
department to grunt Admiral Aluudu's ro
utiast to have the Cincinnati ordered to
tho New York yard Inxtuud of to the Nor
folk yard are that this vesHel wus or
dered by the ilepurtment to go to the Nor
folk navy yard fur soma necessary repairs.
This was done upon the recommendation
of tho chief constructor, who duslrud that
work, which Is now scarce at both yunlH,
might be eciuullzed between the Norfolk
ami Brooklyn yards. Admiral Meade, who
hud selected tho Cincinnati for his flag
ship during the absence of the New York
was thereupon ordered to hoist his tlag
upon that vessel upon her urrlvul ut Nor
folk, In the interim hoisting his (tug on the
Minneapolis. Ho ufterwurd forwarded a
second request to the department to have
the Cincinnati ordered to New York In
stead of to Norfolk. On tho day when
this latter request wus received Secretary
Herbert was not In the department at uny
time. Assistant Secretary McAdoo being
In charge, did not act upon the request, as
he did not think it proper to take uny ac
tion In the mutter until the secretary's
return. On the next morning, when Sec
retary Herbert cume to the ottice, this
mutter having been brought to his atten
tion, he ut once summoned before him the
chief constructor and, after conferring
with him and AsMlstunt Secretary Mc
Adoo Jointly, decided to order the Cincin
nati to New York and at once ordered Ad
miral Hamsay, who was present, to make
out orders to intercept the ship at Hamp
ton ronds and order her to New York. He
also directed orders t be mude out to Ad
miral Meudo notifying him of this chunge
and orders both to the admiral and to the
ship were written and ready to be Blgned
when a letter came in the noon mall from
Admiral Meade asking to be detached
from the squadron, vhlel4 request the sec
retary granted. ,
Secretary Has Nothing to Add.
Secretary Herbert said he had noth
ing to add In explanation of the above,
as it Included all the Information, the
department had to Impart. The sole
object of the statement, It Is under
stood. Is to show that Admiral Meade
has acted Impetuously in his dealings
with the department, first as stated, In
asking to be detached because his re
quest for the Cincinnati to come to
New York was not as promptly granted
as he wished and by implication that he
spoke hastily in the Interview which
caused so much surprise.
The president decided to hold tho
admiral to account for his utterances,
and on Saturday last, as stated In these
dispatches, a letter was sent to the ad
miral at his club here asking If he had
authorized the Interview. The admir
al's reply to this letter was received
yesterday and as he therein declined
to criminate himself, the department
was met by the embarrassing situation
that It would be unable to prove any
thing against the admiral if resort
were had to court martial proceedings.
His Decision In tho Truman Case Ap
p oved by a Higher Court.
Philadelphia, May 14. Judge Dallnfl
filed an opinion In the United States cir
cuit court of appeals today sustaining
a decision of Judge Acheson In the cir
cuit court at Pittsburg. In November
last a Jury In Pittsburg, under the di
rection of the court, rendered a verdict
lii favor of the estate of Lyman Tru
man, deceased, for $.r0,0lt0.50 agnlnHt the
Insolvent estate of Frederick It. Weed,
on a mortgage. The verdict was sub
ject to points of law reserved, which
Judge Acheson afterward decided In
favor of the Weed estate and the ver
dict set aside.
Frederick R. Weed, a prominent citi
zen of Wllllamsport, Pa., died In April,
1K'J2. He bequeathed his entire estate
to his brother, Mills B. Weed, In trust,
after carrying on the business until
four, years after the Weed estate be
came Insolvent with liabilities of about
$200,000, and In April, 1893, Mills B.
Weed was removed as trustee and J. C.
Hill was appointed to succeed him.
The mortgage In the suit was executed
In October, 1878, by Frederick R. Weed
and his wife, Lucy T. Weed, to Lyman
Truman, who then resided at Oswego,
N. Y but It was not recorded In Ly
coming county until August, 1893. The
questions of law which were reserved
when the verdict was rendered were
whether the mortgage was valid
against J. C. Hill, trustee, and the trust
creditors, and whether upon the ad
mitted farts, Trustee Hill or the trust
creditors had shown a defense to the
mortgage, The appeal was taken for
the Truman estate by the surviving
executrix, Emily M. Truman.
Aectisod of t'slng Mails for Fraudiilont
Washington, May 14. The chief post
office Inspector has been advised that
PostofTlce Inspector Moore caused the
arrest at Philadelphia today of Horace
P. McChesney, Albion Crabb and
Benjamin Bailey, officers of the East
ern Insurance company, of Philadel
phia. The men were arrested on charges of
using the malls for fraudulent pur
poses. Other officers of the same com
pany will be arrested tomorrow.
No . Hid t'ndor $2,000,000 Will Do
Philadelphia, May 14. Major Luther
8. Bent and the Qlrard Life Insurance
Annuity and Trust company, receivers
of the Pennsylvania Bteel company, will
offer at public auction tomorrow at the
Philadelphia exchange the entire prop
erty . of. the company- The property
consists of tho company's large blast
furnace and steel works at Steelton,
fourteen tracts and lots of land with
buildings thereon, located In Steeltun,
and several tracts of land elsewhere
In Dauphin county, two tracts In Lan
caster county, th three-story (brick
building on Fourth street below Wal
nut, In this city, In which are located
the company's offices ; five tract of
land in Patrick county, Virginia,
No bid under $2,000,000, tho amount of
the bonded Indebtedness, will be enter
tained, and the property will bo sold
In Its entirety. It Is understood that
the property will be bought In by tho
reorganization committee for the credl
Itors, and, although the Pennsylvania
Bteel company holds a controlling In
terest In the Btock of the Maryland
Steel company, which stock Is an asset
of the Pennsylvania steel company, It
Is expected that matters can be so ad
Justed that 'tho Sparrow's Point prop
erty will not come under the hammer.
Twentieth Annual Convention In Session
lit Wlllltimsport.
WllllumHport, Pa., May 14. The
twentieth annual convention of thu
grand custle of Pennsylvania of the
Order of the Knights of the Golden
Fugle was formally opened this morn
ing In thu Lycoming opera house.
The committee on credentials report
ed that of 485 castles In the state, 4Z0
were represented by delegates.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon a grand
parade took place, In which nearly 2,000
knights took part. The cnmiintltlnn
drill, which took place after the pa-
rauo, was won by St. Mary's com
mandery. No. 7. of Allentown. tho urlzn
being $100. A ball was given this even
ing. The sessions will lust until Thurs
Outcome of a lilch Planter's liunghter's
l.lopcincnt The a room Uses Ills
Covington, Ga., May 14. A tragedy
of a notable character occurred near
Newbern, In this county, yesterday
afternoon. In Morgan county. Just over
tno line from Newton, lives the fumlly
of the rich and well-known planter,
J. T. Estes, whose daughter had a
lover named Will Green. The family
of the young lady objected to the mar
riage of the young people and they de
termined to take matters In, their own
Yesterday Green met Miss Estes by
appointment, and the two proceeded in
a buggy to the residence of Itev. Mr.
Harwell, who was to perform the cere
mony. Just as the couple were alight
ing from the buggy they saw Mr. Estes
and his son coming rapidly toward
them. Green quickly pulled a revolver
and fired at Mr. Estes, the ball enter
ing near the heart, killing the farmer
Instantly. Green then fired two shots
at young Estes without effect.
leaving her father dead In the road
and shot to death by her lover, and her
brother bending over the Inanimate
form, Miss Estes went on with her
lover to Broughtonville, where they
The sheriff of Newton county has re
ceived a telegram stating that a re
ward of $250 has been offered for the
capture of Green.
Effects of the Cold Wove and Storm in
the West.
Springfield, Ills., May 14. Central
Illinois was visited by a heavy frost
last night. Grapes and other fruits
badly damaged. Corn Is bitten off
close to the ground. Potatoes are killed
to the roots and garden vegetables are
generally badly dumaged.
Grand Rapids, Mich, May 14. Re
ports from various portions of the fruit
belt of western Michigan are to the
effect that more damage was done to
crops by tho gale than by freezing. In
the upper part of the state snow Is
fourteen Inches doep and the thermo
meter nearly at freezing point.
Milwaukee, Wis., May 14. Killing
frosts occurred throughout Wisconsin
last night, but on the Whole the dam
age appears to bo less than expected.
Grapes and apples are reported killed.
Small fruit Is greatly damaged In the
southern part of the state, while In
the northern portion It Is very generally
kllIed' -
Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting In New York
New York, May 14. The forty-sixth
annual national convention of tho An
cient Order, of Hibernians began at
noon today at Tammany hall. About
1,000 delegates aro In attendance. Tho
proceedings of the convention, which
are conducted secret, will Inst four
days. The ofilceirs of the convention
are: James A. Haggerty, of New York,
president; P. McOarry, Chicago, sec
retary; and Daniel Battles, of Scranton,
This convention will elect and Install
officers for the cunrent year. It mny
make Important changes in the consti
tution. Advanco of Wages,
Pittsburg, May 14. The Carnegie Steel
company, limited, employing nearly 15,000
men, today decided to advance wuges 10
per cent.
Secretary Groshnm ato a beefsteak yes
terday,! and his doctor feels encouraged.
It Is thought that the president's family
will go to Gray Qubles by Juno 1, to re
main all summer.
Frank H. Thomas, chief clerk of tho
postofllce department, has roslgned, to en
ter the Insurance business.
It Is thought the cases against recal
citrant sugar trust witnesses will be taken
up by .District Attorney Btrney next
Forty-six Cuban clgarmakors Imported
at Key West, Fla In January. 1894, are to
be deported at once, having come In viola
tion of law. .
Upon the retirement, of Medical Director
Riuhard C. Dean, on the S7th Instant,
there will be twelve vacancies In the medi
cal corps of the navy.
The best methods of cultivating flax for
seed and fibre In tho United States and
the special needs of the Industry are re
viewed in a report Issued by the agricul
tural department.
Major Frederick M. Crandal, Third In
fantry, was placed on the retired list of
the army Monday, having reached the age
limit 04 years. He was born In Pennsyl
vania, and appointed to the Military Acad
emy from Maryland In 1848. ...
Passenger Train Leaps Over an
Train on St. Louis and Hannibal Railroad
Is Thrown from the Track ami
Hudly Wrecked A Soles,
man Killed.
Sllex, Mo May 14. At 8 o'clock this
morning tho southbound passenger
train on tho St. Louis and Hannibal
ruilroad struck a broken rati about two
miles north of here and derailed the
entire train, killing one person out
right and badly Injuring twenty-three
others. The following Is a list of the
C. Meyer, Warrenton, traveling salesman
killed outright.
Eugene Sullivan, engineer, Hannibal
probably fatally injured.
Perry Wood, New London, uttorney; dan.
gerously Injured.
A. J. Jordan, generul manager, Hannibal
seriously Injured in the buck.
Mrs. Qeorgo Clayton, Hannibal; Injured In
the shoulders.
Charles Yuncey Cluyton, Hannibal; slight
ly cut about the head.
H. W. Smiley, Hitmiihul; slightly injured.
Airs. I.izzn OrufTord, Cyme, Mo.; head cut
und Internal injuries.
Charles Van Hester, Keokuk, la.; Injured
In the head.
Andy Dick, bugguge muster; severely cut
about tho head.
C. P. Garwood, St. Louis; Injured In the
C. 11. Peters, St. Louis, Mo.; slightly
J. It. Smith, Salem, Mo.; hurt In the ribs
anil side.
Ifenjamln 11. Johnson, St. Louis; bruised.
E. V. Dieckhaust, St. Clements, Mo.;
slightly Injured about head.
Caroline Dieckhaust, St. Clements, Mo.;
arm bruised.
Joseph Dleckhuust, St, Clements, Mo.
hadly bruised.
W. F. Oglesby, Clarksville, Mo.; chest In
Jack Marand, brakeman: back and arm
Bllghtly Injured.
C. A. Newton, fireman; hip Injured.
J. H. Wright, Vandalla; slightly Injured
William Body, Vandalla; face cut.
Jesse Jones, Frankford, Mo.; collar bone
W. O. Hurd, St. Louis; slightly Injured.
Caused by a llrokcn Kail.
The train was running at ordinary
speed, but the engineer did not observe
the broken rail until within nearly
fifty feet, and although the air brakes
were Instantly applied, the momentum
was so great that the train could not
be stopped, and the engine, baggage
car and coaches left the rails and
rolled down a twenty foot embank
The uninjured passengers and crew-
rushed to the assistance of those who
were carried down In the wreck and
soon had them out of the debris. As
soon as word of the accident reached
Silex a number of physicians hurried
to the scene and did all In their power
to assist the Injured. The seriously In
jured persons were brought to this
place In carriages and wagons and are
being made as comfortable as possible,
The wrecking train was sent from
Hannibal and the tracks were repaired
this afternoon.
llo Desires the Removal of Rev. Father
Phclan, of St. Louis.
Asbury Park, N. J., May 14. Rev. J.
P. Dawson, pastor of the Westminster
Fresbyterlan church, is In receipt of a
communication from Monslgnor Satolll
acknowledging the petition sent lilm
by the Christian Endeavor societies of
Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, asking
for the removal of Rev. Father Phelan,
of St .Louis, for his recent utterances
against the society.
Mr. Dawson showed the United Press
correspondent a copy of the letter,
which Is as follows:
Apostolic Delegation, V. S. A.,
Washington, D. C, May 13, 1S03.
Rev. J. r. Dawson.
Dear sir I received some days ago your
letter with which you Bent me the protest
of the Christian Kndeavorers against the
attnek made by tho Rev. Father Phelan
in his paper on the practices of that asso
ciation; I regret exceedingly that a ques
tion of this kind should have arisen, but
after a long and careful consideration of
tho whole matter I feol that It is one which
bolongs to the most Rov. Archbishop of
St. 1auIs, rather thnn to mo. With my
sentiments of sincere enteeni, I remain
most faithfully yours In Christ, Satolll.
Mr. Dawson says he will obtnln
another copy of the petition and for
ward It to the archbishop of St. Louis,
together with a copy of Mgr. SatolU's
In case the archbishop pays no at
tention to tho potltlon, Mr. Dawson
says ho will go up still higher.
A Foreign Attachment Is Issnod Against
tho General.
Lebanon, Pa., May 14. Howard C.
Shirk, attorney for William H. Scott,
has Issued a foreign attachment
against General E. Hurd Grubb, of Bur
lington, N. J., and ball In $17,605.50 Is
demanded to dissolve It.
All moneys) due or becoming due by
Samuel Hantrantt, superintendent of
the Sheridan Furnaces and the Corn
wall Ore banks, are to be attached as
garnishees. Sheriff Stlne has served
the attachment.
The Full Quota of Men Enlisted la Com
pany G.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, May 14. Lieutenant James
McCausland, when seen by a Tribune
man, said: "Yes, Company G Is all
right. We enlisted the full quota last
night. Such men as we want. I am
very happy and bo 1st every one connect
ed with the company.
"We are not ephemeral, but eternal.
All Montrose Is happy."
Report of Grool Chief Hanger kirk at
Reading Mooting.
Reading, Pa., May 14. The sixth an
nual session of the grand court of
Pennsylvania Ancient Order of Forest
ers convened here today with twelve
delegates In attendance.. The conven
tion will be In session until Friday.
Mayor Shanaman delivered the ad
dress of welcome. Grand Chief Ranger
Kirk read a brief but favorable report.
Ho states that In May, 1894, there wore
100 courts with a membership of 11,139.
Since that date eleven courts were in
stituted and the membership now Is
13,400, showing a not gain of ton courts
and 1,138 members. Four junior courts
were started and this branch of the or
der has now twenty-five courts and a
membership of 900 boys. Mr. Kirk
recommended that the per capita tax
be reduced from 30 to 25 cents.
The membership and financial report
Jan, 1, 1895, showed the following fig
ures: Number of courts In this coun
try, 1,127; members, 14,845; paid to
grand court funeral fund, $43,318.78; fu
neral benefits paid by courts, $85,643.00;
sick benefits, $400,459; benevolent and
other expenses, $4t,617.69; balance In all
funds Jan. 1, $789,052.28. The lutter
shows an Increase of $51,694.90, and
there was a decrease In expenses In six
months of $35,086.17.
Refuses to Renew the Agreement Regard
ing the Seal Mshcrlc'K.
Victoria, B. C. May 14. The British
government has decided not to renew
the agreement with the United States
respecting sealing arms and Imple
ments of sealing vessels proceeding to
Bering sea during the closed season.
This information came In an official
message to the collector of customs to
day, and Is In consequence of the non
payment of the $425,0'X indemnity due
British sealers, and withheld by the
American government after being
formally agreed to.
An Eight-Horse l'oucr Duller Explodes
with Terrible Effcct-Threo Aro Also
l atally Wounded.
Wellsvllle, N. Y., May 14. A tc-rrlble
accident occurred thlB morning at West
Bingham, Potter county, Pa., fifteen
miles from here, in which five men were
killed and three fatally Injured by the
blowing up of an eight-horse power
Those killed are: Claude English,
James Mowers, Eugene Merrick, Ly
man Perry and Charles Grover. The
fatally Injured are: O. Johnston, Wil
liam Gredley and Caleb Converse, all
residents of Mills, Pa.
The mill, which employed twenty
men, Is owned by Peck. Haskell &
Cobb, of Ulysses. The cause of the
accident is unknown.
Nltro-Glyccrine Found at the cx-Kpcakcr s
Portland, Me., May 14. This city is
excited today over the discovery of evi
dence which leads the polite and many
citizens to believe that some crank
planned to blow up the residences of
Honorable Thomas R. Reed and Mayor
Henry Baxter. While patroling Deer
lng street last night, near the Reed and
Baxter houses, Policeman McCormick
found at the doorstep an envelope con
taming three vials filled with a dark
yellow fluid, and wrapped In cotton
batten. Pinned Inside the envelope was
a slip of paper upon which was some
writing in an unknown tongue, resem
bling a combination of Greek and Ar
menian. There was nothing in English
except: "M. Baxter, Few H'3, A. O. U.,
1, 22, 25. M. Reed. Slorrise L. Mors
rov." It was first thought that the mys
terious package had been placed on the
walk by some Joker, but when a drug
gist pronounced the fluid In the vials
to be nltro-glycerine, the police began
to look at the matter seriously. When
the discovery was reported to Mayor
Baxter, he failed to see the joke, and at
his request the entire police force began
an investigation, which as yet has de
veloped nothing.
Greek nnd Armenian residents of this
city cannot fathom the peculiar lan
guage wiitten on the paper found with
the package, ntrd there is no clue to in
dicate where it came from.
Singular Result of an Autograph Throw n
from n Car Window.
Anderson, Ind.. May 14. While on
tho Knights of Pythias trip to Wash
ington encampment last year, Thomas
McCollough, deputy postmaster, re
fused a cigar, and the box, which was
afterward emptied, was thrown to him,
and carelessly he wrote on the lid with
his pencil. It seems that he wrote his
name and address, and at last threw
the box out of the window.
Ho got a letter two weeks after he
returned home. In which the writer, a
young lady, stated that she found the
box, saw his name on It, and thinking
It a good chance to have some fun,
wrote to him. The correspondence has
been going on ever since, and the re
sult la that he went to Mount Union,
Pa., announcing that he would return
with a brlde The romance has at
tracted a great deal of attention.
Trost in Minnesota.
St. Paul, Minn., Mny 14. lteports indi
cate that thero was another severe frost
last night nil over Minnesota ami South
Dakota. It Is feared the damage wus even
greater thnn on Frldny, Saturdny nnd
Sunday nights. All garden plants not cov
ered were badly nipped. Fruit trees will
Dogs attnekod and fatally Injured Rev.
Mackerel fishermen of Gloucester, Mass.,
report a. very poor catch.
V. R. Woodbrldgo, of Port Henry, at
Westport, N. Y. Ho Is a well-known Free
San Francisco's Salvation Army leader
says the army will attempt to Christian
ize Chlnn.
Mrs. Thaddcus Brown perished nnd her
5-year-old eon wns fatally Injured In their
burning horns near uryan, u.
K-Presldent Harrison will start for New
ark, N. J., In a day or two, nnd mny spend
several weeks In tho cast, looking after
his presidential fences.
Under the name of "Jay Gould, Jr.,"
Lawrence Carroll, of Washington, D. C,
an apparent lunatic, wus arrested for
fraudulently trying to collect $10,000 from
W. R. Grace A Co., New York.
For being blacklisted ns an American
Railway union striker, William J. O'Shea
has begun suit for $10,000 each against
the Lake Shore, Ohio Central and Wabash
Railroad companies at Toledo, O.
TPii MLstern Pennsylvania, threatenlnt
weather with showers In northern por
tions; warmer; northwesterly , winds, be
coming variable.
W call special attention to tho following
special numbers in GOWNK:
A Tucked Yoke Muslin
Ruffle Gown,
At 65c. each
Embroidered Yoke Cam
bric Gowns, 98c,
Former price, $1.25
Empire, Square Neck, '
Embroidered Ruffle
Gown, $3.15,
Recent price, $1.50
"The Fedora," Cambric
Gown, Square Neck,
Handsomely trirnined,
$1.19, Recent price, $1.63
Skirts in great variety,
The Umbrella Skirts,
Handsomely trimmed
with Lace and Em
broidery, from
$3.75 to $7.50 each
Special m CM'.droa'i Gonna, Drawers and
Csderwaista. Also
Children's Ginjrban Drnte an! Boys' Gal
atea and Pique Kilt. Examine the goods and
you will spprecicte their value.
. 510 and 512
0. Ao M&SEURY,
Agent for Charles A.
Schieren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton.'
Mtil Leata
Mi Russet Sicss
For til Youth, the Boy, the Man. their Foefc
OurBhoea make ua busy, lltand 116 Wyo
ming avenue. W holosalo aud retail
A beautiful line of En
' gagement and Wed
ding Ring3. Also a
fine line of
In . Sterling Silver,"
Dorflinger's Cut Glass,
nd Porcelain Clocks,'
;. at .
rw. j. Weichel9s,
408 Spruce Street