The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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DsUy and Weekly. Ko Sunday EdUlon.
published at Bcrsnton, Pn , by Tho Trlbuno Pub-
llfihlnff Company,
few York. Office: Trlbuno Building, Frank a
Orny, Manager.
I. P. KlNOBaURV, ta. xiOin'l Man.
C. H. KlPPLg, Qco'v nd Tim,
W. W. DAVIS, Buun
W. W. VOUN03) Aov. MtNoV
intend at tub posTopncu at bciiantoh, pa., as
Ac0M0-Ct,AS3 flst'- MATTER.
TrlntprV Inlc," tho rworrnlrcl. .lonrrsxl fnr nrU'cr-Itw-p.
mtes Till'. Sciian rn.s Ti:iih:nk n llir hvet
i-dviTllRinK tiff-ilium lijNnnliraMltfVu JVuiiitylvu,
iibi. 'Trillion,' Ink" k4LvH.
Trjb Weekt.t Tiuhunk, IssuM Kvory Batunlay,
Contain Twelve llHiitlKomi l'mro. wltli un Abiin
dunce of News, Fiction, mxl WVll-Kflltoil JUstrl
Iftuy. For Those Who Viinnt Tube Tim Dmi.v
TuiBl'NKr the Weokly 1h KcconiinenihHl an tlio
Ileal Bargain Going. Uuly f 1 a Yilir, in Advance.
Th Tribune In for"ftal6 Piflly at Iho D , L. and. W.
btatlon at llulioliom
BCRANTON, MAY 13, 1803.
Retaliation for Criticism.
Unable to longror repress his dtabe
Jlef In the wisdom and the pavtrliTtlsm of
the present administration, Hear Ad
miral Meade lately made application
to bo retired from tire navy, and In an
Interview, printed In last Friday's New
York Tribuire. gave at length. tUe rea
rmns which Impelled him to take this
step. "My Ideas," he s:iid, "are not in
accord With those of this administra
tion. I am Just as much disgusted with
It as the people at larpe in 'this country
are, and I preferred 'to quit, rather
thah continue my connection with It.
I am," he added, "an American, and n
Union man. Those are (two thlnrrs that
this administration canrvt stand."
Later In the interview .the admiral de
clared: "1 am a Republican; and a
man who lives on the ocm is apt to
Imbibe patriotism and loyally. I find
these nrtlelea at a discount with the
present regime. I war t -to ! ur.tram
melled, so that I can think rr.-l r.uik
as I like, and iro Ihd-t onrt T will doff the
roI'J lace and don the hablHrnrrts of a
citizen, wlfrj at leaSt 1ms the pvc rotra
tlve of standing up for his country's
This Interview took jlnco In New
York, on Thursday. On Saturday, thJ
United Press wae informed by Frivate
Secretary Thurbcr that th3 president
Bad decided that AdmlraJ Meade should
he "held strictly to account for criticis
ing the administration. Allmiral Meado
has been asked If he Is responsible for
the objectionable remarks, and upon
his reply will depend whether he Is
ordered before a court-martial." It is
assorted that unleys tho admiral can
Faitlsfy the executive that he did not
make the remarks attributed to him he
"will be ordered to appear for trial on
charges 'limit (If sustained) will termi
nate his career as an officer of tho
United States navy."
The secret of tho admiral's wish to
roUre is probably due In part at least
to vexatious humiliations to which ho
has been subjected by tho ex:onfeder
ate clique now (temporarily in charge of
naval affairs. During the civil war,
Admiral was one of th? bravot
and shrewdest fighters In the Union
rravy; since then, he has shared with
Admiral Gherardl the honor of being
the most popular naval commander.
These proofa of his worth appear to
have Inspired the enmity of persons
now high In poyer; and they have
badgered him until a.t last his patlonce
was exhausted. If he Is to be court
martialed for criticising the adminis
tration. It Is possible that many of
these facts will be brought out. But
whether they shall be or not, Admiral
Meade nd not worry o to his future.
The American people) can be depended
upon to correct (the Injustices of their
present chief executive, and that at no
very distant day.
Federal Bureau of Heal.
The agitation of the American Medi
cal association for a national depart
ment of public health, In charge of a
cabinet secretary, Is backed by many
strong arguments. The federal govern
ment takes good care of certain dTimb
nnlmnls, by providing for their Inspec
tion; and It also takes ofilolal cognlz
ftnoe of vegetable life, bo far as con
cerns (the welfare of our cereal crops.
Logic wouM, therefore, seem to sustain
the claim that at least equal attention
should be paid to the health of Its
human constituents.
"The advantages ot an efficiently con
ducted national health bureau hardly
need to be enumerated, they are so ob
vious. " When we consider the superior
facilities which trie federal government
has, through Us various scientific
agencies, for the collection f valuable
Information relating to disease, the
wonder Is that greater attention has
not heretofore been devoted to this Im
portant function of wise government.
Every surveying corps, every life-saving
Btatlon, every signal service office could
be put to valuable use In trie collection
of data concerning sanitation, and the
only considerable additional expense
Involved In the creation of a first-class
federal health bureau would be for the
labor of digesting these data, and for
their utilization.
,The question whether the head of
ouch a bureau should sit as a member of
the president's cabinet Is one which
need not be raised until the Importance
of his work had been decided by a prac
tical test. Considerations of official
rank are naturally secondary to the
main question whether; such a depart
ment could prove of I al benefit to the
' ' v
. . -
public. It Is probable that a bill for
the organization uf a department of
pumic health will come before the next
congress; and if it shall, the national
legislature should yield its cordial assent.
Orcsham Is (letting Even.
The dereliction-charged against Lorln
A. Thurston, Hawaiian minister at
Washington, by Secretary GreHham, in
hlB letter demanding Mr. Thurston's re
call, was that of permitting a news
paper reporter to copy portions of an
unofficial letter which Mr. TJiurBton
had received from a personal friend In
Honolulu. If this was a breach of
diplomatic etiquette at nil, it was clear
ly a trivial one. The American slate
department 1s not invested lly tho Fed
eral constitution with jurisdiction over
the personal correspondence of foreign
ministers temporarily resident In
Washington; und any verbal claim (if
Secretary tJreHham for an apology
from Mr. Thurston was very properly
Ignored when it refused to be saUrJled
with a verbal expression of regret.
The Incident by rlnht had no official
standing whatever.
But the Washington convicts
Secretary (Ireshum of gross Inconsist
ency. It repeats the wild nnd dis
courteous remarks publicly made by
Senor Managua, while Spanish minis
ter, concerning tho American admiois
tration's ":presumptu:ius Interference"
In the Allianca affair; and points out
that for this Indecorous volubility, ex
ercised with no attempt nt conceal
ment, this peppery diplomatist was not
even mildly rebuked, much less re
called. He returned to Spain becausj
of a change in Spain's home -ministry;
but not because ot any official intima
tion from Secretary (Jresham that his
further presence at Washington would
prove distasteful to the American au
thorities. Tims what was improper In
the action of the olllcial representative
of tho Hawaiian republic became en
tirely proper when ten-fold aggravated
by the oflitlal representative of tho
kingdom of Wualn.
We quite fierce with our Washington
contemporary that Jlr. Gresham's
pitiable pretense "does not deceive
anybody. The civilized world knows
how miserably President Cleveland and
Secretary Greshnm failed In their en
deavor to revive a rotten monarchy
that had been overthrown by tho reput
able people of Hawaii. It really makes
no difference wJio represents the Island
republic at Washington; the presence
of an archangel with credentials from
President Dole would be every whit as
objectionable ns the presence of ir,
Thurston." But what a light the inci
dent casts upon the present adminis
tration! "Gold," says the Wilkes-Barre Lead
er, "Is not of absolutely stable value,
but It Is more nearly so than any other
thing of which we have any knowledge,
and can bo depended upon, therefore,
when employed as tho standard money,
to keci tl; buiTlen of, the debt and tho
value of the bund both more nearly the
same, nt all times and in all seasons,
than any other." This assertion is
flatly disputed by bimetallism, who
claim that a double standard, working
automatically, Is a more nearly stable
moasutv of value than a single me
tallic standard whether of sliver or
gold. Within a hundred years gold, it
Is claimed, has oscillated in value L'lii
per cent., or considerably mure even
than silver. Under the double stand
ard, htiwevor. when oue metal goes up,
the throwing of the burden on the lower
metal tends to create such a demand
for that metal that It rises, while the
hisher metal falls beeeause of the over
plus of its supply and thus an approx
imate equilibrium is established auto
matically. History shows that under
bimetallism values were steadier
they have been since the gold standard
was employed. If it didn't, there would
be no point to bimetallism.
liar silver In qnmtod In New
York at a fraction over CC cents an
ounce. It Is calculated that an advance
of 0 cents would render profitable tho
reopening of many mines which wtr-3
abandoned 1n consequence of thi recent
political onslaught upon silver coln
ngo. We tan r.rrsslve no reason to
doubt Hut tho freo coinage by this
government, at a ratio of pay 20 to 1, of
tho protected product of our American
silver mines would not only afford
prosperity to tho west; but also relievo
tho c.rj.lro country from th- currency
corttraation from which It Is now suf
fering. Scrauton fc poorer In dollars since
Colonel Cody's visit; but decidedly
richer In Its pleasant recollection of a
first-class, thoroughly-managed and
conscientious entertainment. Buffalo
Bill will always be warmly welcomed In
this city.
A well-known member of the Scran
ton board of trade remarks; "If a per
son has any Ptock to sell let him ad
vertise tt In the newspapers and pay
for It." And by way of making a good
start, lot him first select The Tribune.
Manager Barnte is requested not to
permit the generous promptings of his
agile young men to Interfere during
the present trip with Scranton's claim
on that penna-nt.
If everybody who has ot one time or
another "criticized this admlnlstra
tfon" Is to be hauled up for trial, where
will the president get a panel of Jurors?
The Philadelphia Bulletin regards
Congressman Catchlogs' likening of
Grover Cleveland to Andrew Jackson
as somewhat unfortunate for the man
he was eulogizing; in proof of which it
quotes Noah Brooks' description of
Jackson, as follows: "Jaokson was
wofully deficient in education, and was
grotesquely unfamiliar with the rudi
mentary principles of statecraft. He
was wilful, easily deceived by the rep
resentations of men In whom he might
trust, passionate, obstinate to the last
degree, a fierce hater and never averse
to taking tho responsibility, however
complicated th proceeding or however
limited his knowledge of tho exigencies
of the sltimWon. IIlBimperloue
spirit Irked even the nominal restraint
of advice, and although ho may have
consulted with a few Individuals of his
cabinet, he had little to do
with others." Cleveland Is a good re
production of Jackson's faults, without
Jackson's redeeming virtues.
Revised flfiures of tho gold production
of the United States for the calendar
year ism show that our output of the
yellow metal was not more than $10,
000.000, a gain of about 11 per cent,
over the production of ISO."!, which was
?;!!i,!l.)u,000. Unfortunately, almost none
of this gold has been coined, the de
mand for its use In tho arts being still
In excess of the supply. We are at this
time coining no money whatever, ex
cepting some subsidiary coins; yet the
population is Increasing, the old stock
of money Is subject to loss by destruc
tion, fires, wear and tear, etc., and tho
channels of business activity "cry for"
more of tho "sinews of war." In tho
language of the Immortal Bill Tweed,
what are the American people going to
do about it?
Says the Philadelphia Kecord:
"When the F.irr compulsory education
bill btc:fmes a law. If it bo enforced,
wo shall have the spectacle of a one-dollar-a-day
person Inside the school
house, teaching her pupils, and a two-clblhir-a-day
fellow outside, catching
truants." Well, what of It? Is that an
argument against education? Is it
nut, rather, oue against stingy school
Our columns are at the disposal of any
man who .can explain wherein tho coin
age of American silver at the ratio of
20 to J. protected by a Wgh tariff on all
Sorelgn Sliver, would iprove Injurious to
the credit or to the business of the
United States. Wherein would It be u
departure from protection principles?
- -
Mrs. Peary has taken tho lecture
platform to raise money for a relief ex
pedition to search for Lieutenant Peary
at the north polo. If Mrs. Peary will
agree to tie up her husband and keep
him out of foolhardy enterprises In fu
ture the public no doubt will cheer
fully respond to calls for aid.
It Is now proposed to amend the Ap
pellate court bill so as to Insure the se
lection of seven judges, five from one
party; and to Increase tho term of office
from fen to twenty-one years. There is
little doubt that the new court would,
almost from the start, have plenty of
business for seven Judges.
Would not the free coinage of Ameri
can silver at a ratio, say, of 20 to 1 pro
vide this country with an adequate
currency and probably force the chief
nations of Kurope to adopt bimetallism
also? If not, why nut?
Tho new morning "ofllclal organ ot
the city of Scnanton" might adtl that
Its bid was just one-fifth of Its card ad
vertising rates, or 3 cen ts a line! A dis
count of four-fifths Is nothing to crow
Kven Thomas Dolan, It seoms, was
unable to appease Senator Quay's bit
terness toward iis enemtes In Philadel
phia. There Is evidently going to be
some fun soon.
Next to being able to edfl a paper
better than Its editor, the average
American appears to pride himself on
his ability to gire valuable pointers to
the mayor.
Limited silver coinage Is probably a
certainty of the near fuure. How let
ter can it be limited than by putting
ptactie'aily a prohibitive tariff upon tho
silver of the outside world?
We advise Grover Cleveland to get
all tho revengi' he can out of his critics,
now while he liuu the chance. He will
not have It for long.
A good title for Mr. Cleveland's book
would be: "Puncitured Pretence; or,
How I Faked the American People
Once Too Often."
Professor Coles will klndjy note that
his predicted cold wave was reprehonsi
bly up to specifications.
When loved by poet and pninteri
The. sunrise fills the sky;
When night's Kold wings grow fainter
And In depths of amfjeir die
When the moon-breeze stirs tho curtuln,
Hearing an odorous freight
Then visions stranire, uncertain,
I'our thick through the Ivory gate.
When the oars of Ithaca dip so
Kilcntly Into the sea
That they nw.'ilio not sad Calypso,
And tho hero wanders free,
Ho breasts the ocean furrows,
At war with words of Fato,
And tho blue tide's low sursurus
Comes up to tho Ivory Gate.
Or, clad In the hide of leopafld,
'Mid Ida's freshest dews,
Paris, the Tnncrlan shepherd,
His sweet Knono woos;
On the thought of her coming bridal
Unuttered Joy doth wait
While tho tune of the faJsfe one's Idyl
Rings soft through the Ivory Gate.
Or, down from Greon Helvellyn
The roar of streams I hear,
And the lazy sail is swelling
To the winds of Wlndemere;
That girl with the rustlo bodice,
'Mid the ferry's lauRhlng freight,
Is as fair as any goddess
Who Bwecps through the Ivory Gate.
Ah! tho vision of dawn Is leisure,
But the truth of day Is toll;
And we pass from dreams of pleasure
To the world's unstayed turmoil.
Perchance, beyond the river
' Which regards the realms of. Fate,
Our spirits may dwell forever
'Mong dreams of tho Ivory Gate.
, . Mortimer Collins.
Tho Now Woman Aptly Described as tho
Sociul Complement of the Half Man.
Vrrtm . t fft VnrMnnrl Orftironlfljl.
The new woman is tho social comple
ment of tho hulf man. Sarah Grand Is the
hellish twin of Oscar Wildo. They are the
product of tho same racial decay and
omens of the same" social disaster, Tho
simultaneous nnpearanco of these two de
testable, types In literature and In the so-
cletyojf certain wealthy captain is natural
and liievltuble. Neither box Ib exempt
from the taint of corruption. Ono cannot
expect to remain sound while the other
loses health and vigor and becomes the
pruy of a hideous moral fungus. Tho wo
man who emancipates heraiBf from the
sacred duties of her sex to feed Its per
verted energies nnd appetites upon morbid
drnms of masculine liberty of conduct, of
soj'lnl relations, of employment, of self
indulgence, springs from the same dis
eased social nut as tho man who shirks
tho highest duly of virile humanity, as
well as tho common duties of social life,
to dull his senses, soften his manhood,
and corrupt his moral sense in the curious
exploration of the obscuro caverns of un
natural Indulgence.
Both are tho product of luxury and Idle
ness, and of thut Indefinable degeneration
of human fiber which comes with assem
blage of men in great numbers and relief.
of a part of them ot tho wholesale neces
sity of employing their faculties In the
struggle for existence. The bustnesfi of a
man is to make a place lu the world for
himself anil for some woman; to beget
strong children nnd to rear them to full
capacity to play their part In life In turn.
Tho greater effort this costs him, the bel
ter clrtzen docs he become In the training;
the more vigorous strain does he com
municate to his descendants. The busi
ness of a woman Is to bear healthy olill
dren, to cherish them in Infancy, and to
train them In childhood, and every re
striction tho experience of tho world has
plnccd upon her life is welcome to the
right-minded woman, because sho knows
that Its only object is to fit her the bet
ter for the performance of this supreme
function. Neither man nor woman Is un
fitted by religious performance of these
primary duties for the comiIetest devel
opment of faculties and the largest real
ization of cupacitles of which his nature
admits; Indeed, the vigor acquired in this
natural anil healthful existence encour
ages fullest development of mental and
physical powers.
Neglect and perversion of these primary
functions bring deVay of the Individual
and degeneration of the, race.
From the Kaston Free Press.
What is needed is gold and silver on a
parity nnd silver thus given Its proper
place. If the nations of tho world will not
give their consent to jolnthe United States
In this provision, then let the United
States go it alone. The cxamplo will be
such that other nations will be compelled
to folow suit.
Ilnvc llnd I noiiRh Talk.
From the Chlcago-Tlmes-Herald.
Tho president Is said to contemplate
wit favor a special session of congress
for tho purpose of Initiating a new moye-
mijit for nn International monetary con
ference. A special session shxiuld not be
called except In a great emergency, or for
tho accomplishment of a necessary, dis
tinct nnd concrete purpose. Tlrb world Is
tired of International monetary confer
ences miToly for talk. If tho lAilted
States shall take the Initiative in propos
ing another. It must bo upon an explicit
declaration that the delegates from tho
nations represented shall have power, not
merely to talk about It, but to fix an inter
national currency system and that every
nation participating in the congress shall
be bound to adopt It,
What Gold Monometallism Means.
Wilkes-Barre Leader, Gold Organ.
Many superficial thinkers Imagine that
the state bank nota system Is dead beyovd
resurrection. They repeat a lot of parrot
talk about wild-catlsm, and shlnplastors,
and counterfeit detectors, and Imagalne
that that disposes of tho whole matter.
But there Is a large and constantly In
creasing element in this country, com
prehending most of our deeper tftlnkers,
who ksiow that a larger utilization of gold
bearing securities ns a basis for cur
rency than is possible to the definitely
fixed limitations of the national banking
system, fftis got to be the ultimate solu
tion ol our currency problem.
Ono of tho llcst Features.
From tho Courier-Progress.
Tho Wllkes-Harre department of the
Scranlon Tribune Is now one' of the fea
tures of that excellent paper. Colonel
Iaclar, formerly editor of the Republican,
Is in charge of this novv department. In
addition to this Improvement The Tribune
has added another column to each of its
pages. The Tribune Is moving forward
and It deserves to, for It Is a great news
paper In every sense of tho word.
Questions from the Capital.
From tho Washington Post.
What makes gold so valuable? What
would an ounce of it be wortn today If It
were demonetized 'in Europe and North
America? Supposing gold to be univer
sally discarded as a money metal, and sup
posing sliver to be universally adopted as
tho solo standard of value, how many sli
ver dollars woud be required to buy an
ounce of gold?
No Show Yet for tho Millenium.
From tho Pittsburg Times.
It would bo a pleasing sight, no doubt,
if we could always see tho public oflice
pursuing the man, up hill and down hill,
with a lasso, and a great uprising of
voters scurrying about the district to head
off the modest nnd reluctant fugltlvs.
Hut otllces of all sorts have a long-time
habit of sitting still.
That nil the world's a stage Is shown
By bards to be a fact;
Ami each mnn thinks that he alone
Knows really how to,aot.
Washington Star.
Close to tun polls tho tab- one drew;
Ho turned in her direction.
"Excuse mo, miss," ho said; "are you
Engaged for this election?"
Washington Star,
To our eyes the tolephono glfl
Seldom If ever appears.
Contented Is she, and well she may be,
To get all the world By the ears.
Detroit Tribune.
Ho worried lest he!d lose her
When he was her gallant; '
And now he worries Just as much
Or more bo cause he can't.
Kansas City Journal,
My landlady's daughter has a wheel.
And down the street she flies;
Meanwhile the dear old girl herself
Gives us pneumatic pies.
Cincinnati Tribune.
Out In the cold world, out In the street,
Vainly I'm seeking some settled retreat;
From landlord to landlord dejected I
The sky Is my roof and the broad earth
Thy home.
The fox has its hole and the bird has its
But mine's an existence of endless unrest;
Domesticity's charm Is a thing that life
For I am a millionaire dodging that tax.
Baltimore Herald,
A wise man's day is worth, a fool'f life.
Wine invents nothing; It only tattles.
Ooodtiess thinks no ill where no 111
seems. Milton.
There are more men ennobled by study
than by nature. Cicero.
Individuality is everywhere to be spared
and respected aa the root of everything
thrown from the hand as to call back the
good. Rlehter.
Valor employed In an 111 quarrel turns
to cowardice. Masslnger.
It Is the enemy who keeps the sentinel
watchful. Mmo. Swetchlne.
Silence, when nothing need be said, is
the eloquence ef discretion. Bovee.
To know that which bofore us lies In
dully life Is the prime wisdom. Milton.
The virtues are lost in self-Interest as
rivers are In the sea. Rochunfoucauld.
Life without industry Is guilt, and In
dustry without art la brutality. Ruskin.
There la no ghast so difficult to lay as
tho ghost of an Injury. Alexander Smith.
The most substantial glory of a country
Is in its virtuous great men. Fisher Ames.
It is as easy to call back the stone
thrown from the hand as to call back the
word that Is spoken. Menahder.
Dolly Horoscope Drawn by AJaoohus, Tho
Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 12.30 a. m. for Monday,
May 13, 1895.
Moon rises 12.15 a. m.
A child born on this day will be of the
opinion that gentle spring has had a re
lapse. If Professor Coles assumes tho responsi
bility of the temperature of tho last
twenty-four hours, there seems no good
reason why he should not be waited upon
by a delegation of clay pigeon experts
properly armed with shotguns.
The announcement that Scranton Stock
exchunge commissions have thus far
amounted to but 87 cents would seem to In
dicate that the fleece of tho spring lamb
Is rather meagre this season.
It Is rumored that Queen Vic will abdi
cate. If such a thing should happen tho
Prince of Wales may cease to think tho
misquotation, "Unhappy lies the head that
wears no crown."
AJncchus' Advice.
Speculate not on this day If thou canst
avoid It. This Is a good time to lot tho
other fellow take all risks.
Be observing when crossing the asphalt
paved streets. Bicycles ridden by Idiots
usually have neither bells nor fenders.
Judge not by appearances. Remember
that many a four-dollar hat covers the de
fects In a two-dollur head.
To closi a fow patterns of Chamber Suits,
which we are droppiuc from oar regular stock,
we offer Huita roduced as follows:
1 No. 742 Mahogany, $135 $110
1 " 725 " 190 150
1 100 In. " 78 40
1 " 637 Curly Birch, 100 80
1 " 964 Oak, 65 45
1 " 1238 " 105 90
1 "50 " 32 28
1 "1217 " 31.50 27
1 " 1227" 40 35
1 " 1226 " 36 30
1 " 202 " 32 27
1 "214 " 37 30
The nbove Suits are first-class in workman
ship and finish, aud are cheap at our regular
Hill &
131 IND 133
Hammocks, White Mountain Ice
Cream Freezers, Jewett's Patent
Charcoal Filled Refrigerators,
Water Coolers and Filters.
Dinner Sets
We luive now over sixty sets, all
different decorations and shapes to se
lect from; these displayed la full on
tables, so you can see all tho pieces.
We also have eight different decora
tions in open stock from which you
can select just what piece you wish.
It wctild ' be impossible to
find four wheels that are bet
ter made. We are sure that
we can please you on a wheel.
Come and see.
Tone is found only in the W E B E R
Call and see these Pianos, and some One second-hand
Pianos we hare taken in exchange
for them.
Wyo. Ava.
Drapery Department 2d Floor.
Of the most valuable Oil Painting ever brought to this city.
The masterpiece of the world-famed artist, Mr. John A.
Fairman, who has received the title of Master of Arts from
some of the most noted art galleries of both hemispheres. The
subject is " Rescue of the Perishing," a scene off the French coast.
It is executed upon an immense canvas, and every outline
is perfect to nature. Mr. Fairman has kindly loaned this paint
ing to us for a limited time, and we ask the public at large, as
well as all "connoisseurs," to come and feast their eyes upon
as fine a work of art as ever made famous the names of an
"Angelo," a "Raphael" or a "Bonheur."
Large Size French
Filled with downaline and having deep ruffles, flany colorings and exquis
ite designs. Also just the thing for head rests in your hammocks, or to
throw about and ornament your summer houses.
Consequently they must run easier
than any other wheel. Call
ana examine them.
ia what we arc doing. We puih It along morn
ing, noon and night. Sometimes Ita a Lawn
Mower and aometimea Ita onr entire stock ot
Hardware, and it if Refrlgnratora, Garden
Toola, Uarden Hose, Lawn Beed and House
hold Hardware all the time.
ii a
I, Washington Aie
The secret is out Not only do they
av tre do wahslof? for a livlne. but
that do it veil. So keep it going.
Tell everybody you see, bat tell them
ot to tell.
332 Washington Ave.
Sateen Sofa Cushions
J) makes all the world kin." The
little touches that fixings make cause
the boy to look well. It's a waist,
perhaps, of the right colorings may
be a jaunty cap likely a neck-dressing
or bow, that will go with com
plexion, and it can be in the style of
the suit. You can safely try us and
patiently experiment for these happy
results. Surely stock is large and
varied enough to gratify exacting
ladles' Extra Long Scarfs tor Snirt Waists, 50 Cents
Special Attention Given
to Business Accounts.
The Lackawanna Trust and Safe
Deposit Company, 404 Lackawanna
avenue, gives special attention to
SavlngS-DcposItS, upon which
Interest Is allowed when the
same have been on deposit for
three months or over. Interest
Is computed and added to princi
pal semi-annually. By reason of
its large capital, 250,000, all ot
which has been fully paid, the se
curity offered to this class of de
positors is deserving of notice.
Sat teeth, S8.E0; beat eat. tt: for fold eapt
nd teeth Without plates, called erown and
bridge work, call for prices and refer
ences). TONALGIA, for extracting teeu
Without pain. No ether. No tTa. ,
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And Buppllej,
Stationers and Engravers,
May 11, 1395.
Have Moved
to No. 121 North
Washington Avenue,
Next First
Presbyterian Church
New Store,
New Styles,
New Prices,
We Want
You for a
New Customer.
-J dollar tovd it a dollar tainui."
TatolAdlee Salld Trmrb DoewflaKId Baa
I Umnhn In ths U.S..OB
Pamui Nate for S1.M.
Bqnale swery war the Va
sold la all retail stores tor
tUO. We make tus eon
onrsslree, therefore we aar
ana u any we m wm
we will refund the sy 7
Tssnaanouerpw. y-1"
Toe or Coauaoa Psoas,
widths C, IK. "fl
k sites 1 to I Sod baB
isae. Mdasar
PR Kit
CaTER te Co,
n i, . .
Kimrnt. HAU.
ftsetal fersu la Ptaltrt.