Stttrnftm EIGIIT PAGES 61 COLUMNS. SCRANTOJT, PA., MONDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. (inmiiiffi,,pME- KdS VJJ UU U iAlUUUVs i Lace Cuntains at. Qeaning Up Prices. Cleaning-tip season Ihas come 'round once more in our Curtain and Drapery Department, and we've put Prices down to the point that will insure a speedy clearance. The goods offered are odds and ends left over from early season's purchases, and are therefore right in ev erything: that goes to make them desirable. Real Brussels Lace Certains t FAIRS WERE S aOO, NOW $ 5.00 6 FAIRS WERE I 8.C0. NOW 6.50 0 PAIRS WERE SHOO, NOW 2 0,00 T; 4 PAIRS WERE 34.00, NOW $ 3.00 C PAIRS WERE 860O, NOW 4,00 In Cream Only 6 PAIRS WERE $2,60, NOW $ 11.75 6 PAIRS WERE 10.75. NOW. 2.75 8 PAIRS WERE $3.60, NOW 2.50 6 PAIRS WERE $o.50, NOW 4.00 PAIRS WERE $7 00, NOW 5.75 Cream and White 8 PAIRS WERE $ .03, NOW $ .50 8 PAIRS WERE 8 .85. NOW 59 8 PAIRS WERE SM0, NOW 1,35 18 PAIRS WERE 82.75, NOW 11 ,95 40 PAIRS WERE Sasa NOW 2.50 26 PAIRS WERE $3.75, NOW 2.75 12 PAIRS WERE 8500, NOW 3,75 11 PAIRS WERE f2.00, NOW 11 .75 . The Last Number Has I , Ruffled Edge SSI Strif e . .Madras Qirtaias 4 PAIRS WERE 8?.5U, NOW $ 2,50 JPAIBS WERB SftW, NOW 3.50 Sale Now On THE SALE Of Specials in Spring and Early Summer Dress Goods contin ues.. See last week's papers for details. OLO WAREHOUSE: BE PHILADELPHIA Senate Committee Will Meet To morrow for Organization. SEXATOK KENNEDY CHAIRMAN As I'crsonnl Friend of Senator Onny Ills "respects Arc Hopeful-James II. 'inirnh fur Scrgcant-at-Anns. Kurdslcy I'm don Cose. Cpocinl to tho Seranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, May 12. The annate com mittee to "Pcnrosa" Philadelphia will meet for organization next Tuesday. Senator Kennedy, of Allegheny, will probably be chosen chairman. He la the youngest member of the senate and U serving his first term. The senator Is a clo3o personal friend of Senator Quay, and a political protege of Lieu tenant Governor Lyon, the Heaver statesman's personal representative at tho state capital. It Is thought that when the committee organizes Silas W. I'ettlt, president of tho Union league, Philadelphia, will be formally chosen counsel and instructed to arrange the preliminaries for the investigation. The Penrose resolution provided that the sergeunt-at-arms of the senate shall serve on the same capacity on the com mittee. This position will be filled by James M. Harrah, of Heaver, who, for a generation, has looked after the de tails of the parly organization at Sen- i ator Quay's home. The applicants for I doorkeeper, clerk and page nre numer ous. The Investigation will not begin until after the close of the legislature. There is likely to be trouble over the selection of a chairman. Senator An drews claims the place because his name headed the list when the com mittee was formally announced to the senate. He says he la entitled to the honor, not only out of senatorial court esy, but by parliamentary usage. There Is much objection to Andrews being placed at the head of the committee. Certain members have received pro tests from some of the leading and most netlve Republicans in the Btate urging them not to make Andrews chairman. They believe If he Is given tho place he will use it to assist him in his efforts to supplant Hank Commissioner Gilkeson as chairman of the state Republican committee. Andrews' management of the Delamater campaign has demon strated, his opponents say, his inability for the position. Pave Martin would rather see any other member of the committee chair man than Andrews. The Philadelphia leader claims the trouble between him and Senator Quay would have been settled long ago If It had not been for the Crawford county man. Andrews wag jealous of the confidential relations which existed between Quay and Martin, and was glad when the break between them came. The ex-chairman Is said to have since been dolngevorything in his power to prevent a reconcllation. If he is made chairman it is believed he will not spare Martin or his friends in the investigation. The question whether the senate alone can appoint a committee with the powers which the Penrose resolution gives to the committee to Investigate the municipal affairs of the Quaker City is being agitated by the opposition to Senator Penrose. It is claimed by them that the concurrence of the gov ernor and house is necessary to give the committee proper authority. Friends of the Phlladelphian Bay there Is no doubt as to the legality of the commit tee. Many of the best lawyers In the house and senate give it as there opin ion that the investigation can be made under the resolution. Will Probe Af icr the Toll Election. The committee expects to do consid erable work this summer, hutitlie prole will not ha inserted deep until after the fall election. The committee has two years In which to make aha inquiry and prepare Its report, and It Is argued by the members Ithat there la no need to hurry. The Martin-Porter people claim there will never be an Investigation. j They say the committee will be ussd as i a club over Martin and Pcrter to force ! them to make terms with Senator Pen I rose and ex-Magt"?trate Durham. This, I however, is indignantly denied by 1 members of the committee. They claim i Senator Penrose has acted In good faith 1 all through his contest against his eme- mI'2S and ithat the Invest! gait Ion cannot be shopped. Public sentiment demands It and noit to make an. Investigation after going this far would be fatal to the political prospects not only of Sen ator Penrose but every member of the committee. The large brewing firms of Philadel phia and Pittsburg are preparing to make a bitter fight against the Cochrane bill taxing brewers 24 cents a barrel for all beer brewed in the state. The bill will b3 favorably reported on Monday evening from the house ways and means committee and will be cow iidcr;d on a special order, along with the cilher revenue bills. There Is strong opposition to tiho measure In the house and lit will be fought at every 1 stage. Its opponents claim lit discriminates against the Penmaylvania brewers and that !t ought to be amended bo as to re quire brewers of other etates shipping their product Into Pennsylvania to pay a license. State Treasurer Jackson es timates the bill will raise an annual revenue of about 8850,000. Knrdsley I ntdan Cane. The board of pardons will meet next Wednesday to hear argument In several new cases. Representative John H. Fow says the application for a pardon for John Bardsley, the defaulting -city treasurer of Philadelphia, will not be presented until next fall. He had a talk with Bardsley a few weoks ago on this subject and was told by the famous convict that hia friends had advised him to delay the application until then. A close personal friend of Governor Hastings said today that Hardsley would never be pardoned during the present state administration. "Do you think General Hastings Is going to1 com mit political, suicide by pardoning a man who stole over a million dollars?" sai'l the governor's friend. "The people believe Bardsley Bhould servo out his sentence. Public sentiment Is against his pardon, and you can rest assured Governor Hastings is not going to dis regard the wishes of the masses in a cave like this." The board has not yet announced Its action In the case of Hugh F. Dempsey, tho Pittsburg labor leader, whose case has been pending for several months. Dempsey is Bervlng seven years in the Western penitentiary for being at the head of the alleged plot to poison non union workers In tho Carnegie mills during the Btrike at Homestead four years ago. A mass of testimony has been presented by his counsel in their efforts to establish his Innocence, but It is said by those who speak by au thority that the board believes Demp sey Is guilty of having concocted a plot to put a drug In the water and food used by the workmen to "sicken" them. The senators and representatives from Pittsburg have protested against Dempsey's pardon, and it is believed the board will refuse to recommend his release. The Industrial school for soldiers' or phans ut Scotland will be opened June 1 with 150 pupils. These will be taken from the three schools now under the supervision of the soldiers' orphans' school commission. There are now K50 pupils in these schools, and It Is pro posed to keep that number In the In stitutions until the school at Scotland Is largo enough to accommodate all of them. The schools, except at Scotland, will close June 30 until September. The formal opening of tho Industrial school will not take place before fall. General Young, of Xenia, Ohio, will assume charge of the school next Wednesday and prepare for the opening. NEGRO BAMMVU'ED 01T. The Last of a Gang of Ruffians Is Shot hy a Committee of Avengers. New York, May 12. A special from Madison, Fla., says Hradford Hamp ton, a negro, was shot to death In Taylor- county Friday afternoon. The negro was ploughing ut the time and the shooting was done by men In am bush, no less than forty Winchester bullets having entered his body. Hamp ton Is the eighth negro who has been lynched or shot In Taylor and Lafay ette counties in the last six months, all of them for the same offense. In Taylor county, In November of last year. Miss Ella Jones, a young white sir, was assaulted by three negroes as she was returning from school. She was fearfully maltreated. Tosses were organized to hunt down her assailants and In a few days two of them were captured In Lafayette county and lynched. liefore being lynched these two negroes confessed their guilt and said they were members of a band whose purpose was to make white women their victims. The lynchers, it Is said, secured the names of tho members of the band and since then have been hun-lng them down. Shortly after the lynching of the first two negroes, three more who were im plicated in the plot were arrested near here. The posse started with the negroes for Taylor county, but they dlsapieared en route. , During the present year two others have been lynched In Taylor county, and Hampton, who was killed Friday, makes the eighth. It is said that every negro implicated by the confession of the first two lynched has now been killed. NO GROUNDS FOR CHARGE. English Polico licfiiso to I'roscctito Rev. Johmitluin Hell. Hlrmingham, England, May 12. As a result of Information received from De troit, and from other quarters in which inquiries wero made, the local police have decided that there are no grounds on which to base a criminal charge against the new Jonathan Bell, the Primitive Methodist clergyman, who, it is alleged, was, In a measure, respons ible for the death In a Detroit lying-in asylum of Emma Hall, a young English girl, with whom he had maintained illicit relations. This decision of the police has excited much public Indignation. Bell's where abouts, since his flight after confessing to his wife that he was responsible for Miss Hall's condition and her visit to America has not been learned. AH Ouict at I'ocnhontns. . Richmond, Va,, May 12. Tho Richmond Blues battalion and another detachment of tho Howitzers havo been ordered to Pocahontas and leave tonight. It Is un derstood that they go merely to relieve tho troops now there, and that the order Is not significant of Increased danger. All Is reported quiet at tho mines today. Thlncs CominR Their Way. Youngstown, O., May 12. President Oar land met a number of Amalgamated as sociation leaders here today to arrange for the national convention. He said: "Things are coming our way, and manu facturers that 'have opposed us are coming to our side." Slnvln Challenges Corhctt. London, Mny 12. Sporting Life will to morrow publish from Frank Slavln to Jim Corbett for a fight for 2,000 or f5,000 a side, to take place In England between March and May, 1890. First Evangelical Church. Bethlehem, Pa., May 12. Bishop Dubs tonight dedicated the first Evangelical church In eastern Pennsylvania. The edi fice cost 8150,000. Julius Scclyc Dead. Amherst, Mass., Mny 12,. President Julius H. Seelye, of Amherst college, died today from a complication of diseases. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Schuylkill county men will build a largo shoe factory at Landlngvillo. Bishops Romlg and Buchner addressed the Moravian synod at Bothlehcm. James Gallagher, at Wllkos-Barre, was squeezed toi death between mine cars. . By a mine expoHlon near Blossburg, young Hugh Black was burned to death, Brakeman George Miller was squeezed to death while coupling cars at Reading, Wlillo playing In the water at Strouds burg, little Stanley Kresge was drowned. Little Lottlo Murlch fell Into a heap of burning coal dirt at Luzerne borough and was roasted to death. Jumping from a passengor train at Lew istown, Frank Knlsely was struck by an other train and killed. Colonol James Young, tho king of Penn sylvania farmers, who. recently died at Mlddletown, left no will. Ordination services wore held yesterday at Harrisburg, when Clement Burgor, of Lykens, was admitted to priesthood. A hugo Bteer bring driven along Market Street, In York, ran Into Aba Culllson's carpet store and caused a temporary panic. The body of Miss Ellen Moyer, aged 40, was found last evening hanging to a stair way In her home at Hallfujc, Dauphin county. IS blamed for Not Making Arrangements with Kussin. CLASH KITH CZAK'S INTERESTS Doth Germany and Franco Look Upon tho Territory with Wishful Eyes. Japan's Dominion Increased Twenty-live Per Cont. San Francisco, May 12. The steam ship City of Pekln arrived from the Orient, bringing Yokohama dates to April 26. The United Press correspondent says: "Japan Is criticised because she did not 'square' Russia beforehand. She must have known, It is alleged, that her ex pansion would clash with Russian in terests, that if the great bear's paw was not to bo extended, he must have a morsel to keep him quiet. Certainly Japan did know that. She knew that Germany's friendship was of too selfish a character to stand any Btraln. Ger mnny has never done anything for Japan without being paid. The history of her relations with the mew Oriental power has been a series of hard bar gains. It was always easy to see that if Dtronger inducements were offered she would at any moment abandon fin amicable altitude. As for France, her role In the Orient has been Invariably dictatorial rather than conciliatory. The position Bhe now tokos Is perfectly consistent with her precedent. Yet Japan did not attempt to placate these powers by previous arrangement. She has learned the uselessiness of such at tempts. To satisfy one power Is to give umbrage to another. "For a itime it was Industriously ru mored that a secret understanding ex isted between her and Russia. There upon British suspicions were aroused and tho English press clamored. Territories Ceded by China. "The area of territories -ceded by China to Japan Is 30,950 square miles, of which 16,100 square miles represent Llao Tung peninsula. Speaking ap proximately, Japan Increases her do minion by 23 per cent, and her whole area becomes greater than that of the combined areas of France and Spain. With regard to population no accurate statistics are yet available, but it may be assumed that Formosa has a popu lation of three million; Percadores, a population of six thousand, and Llao Tung peninsula a population of four and a half million. Thus the total population of the Japanese empire be comes forty-eight million. The cus toms receipts of Formosa are over two million yen, and those of Y'ingko (New Chwang) about one million. The Japan 'Mall says: "It is stated that half the Indemnity to be paid by China will be borrowed from wealthy America, through the efforts of Mr. Foster, and the remaining half from two countries of Europe. "There was a rumor lately rife at Hacheng that General Chang Tsl Tung has presented nn address to the throne praying for the construction of a rail way between Pekln and Hankow, and the removal of the capitol from Pekln to Nankin." STRANGE NOISES IN HOTEL. Mysterious Rapping! Make an Invalid Young Woman Seriously HI. Bridgeport, May 12. The police were called upon today to Investigate a mys terious affair at the Arlington hotel at the oorncr of Main and Golden Hill streets. For about two months rap plngs have been heard In different parts of the hotel. E. W. Atwood, the proprietor, at first tried to solve the mystery, and later employed dec.tectives, but none could learn the cause of tho manifestations. The rapplngs have occurred at Inter vals of every two or three nights, but last night the crisis came, and as a re sult Miss Lillian Paige, a daughter of Andrew Paige, a dealer in safes, is critically ill from the fright she ex perienced, Mr. Paige occupies apartments In the Arlington. His daughter has been ill for a long time and the facts about the mysterious rapplngs have been kept from her. She has not been left alone. Saturday night, when the nurse had stepped out for a moment, a loud rap ping occurred on tho wall of the room occupied by the sick girl. When the nurse, who was near by, heard thorn she hurried to the room and found Miss Paige unconscious. She had fainted, and when she revived Bhe became hys terical, and for several hours was out of her mind. Dr. Smith, who is attend ing her, says she is now suffering from hysteria, and In her. weakened condi tion may die. Today Detective Arnold made a thor ough search of the premises, but could find no trace of anything to account for the mysterious noises. The room Is so situated that It Is impossible for any person to get at the place where tho noises seemed to come from. Proprietor Atwood at first was of the opinion that the family occupying the apartments under Mr. Paige had some thing to do with the rapplngs, but the tenants have chnnged several times, and he Is satisfied the present occu pants know nothing of it. The mystery bids fair to rival one in Stratford several years ago, when spirit rapplngs were heard In a house almost nightly. A committee of scientific men from Yale college were called In to solve the myBtery, but the very night they were making the) Investigations the rapping took place, and at the very spot where two college professors were watching. Tonight a watch will be placed at every place where the rap plngs have been heard. WRECK ON THE ERIE. Freight Train Derailed and Twclvo Valu able Horses Killed. Hornellsvllle. N. Y May 12. The first 6eotlon of an Erie freight train 'on the western division was wrecked east of Almond this morning. The wreck was caused by a broken wheel. Twelve Waded cars were derailed. One of them, contalnglng eighteen fine draught horses, was telescoped, and eleven of tho horses killed. S. M. Stewart, of Mercer, Pa., owner of the horses, was severely injured. Robert Plater, of Mercer, Pa., em ployed by Stewart, and L. P. Foster, of Sandy Lake, Pa., owner of stock In Cither cars, were Instantly killed. Brakeman Shanley, of this city, was In Jured. The track was badly torn up and no trains will be able to pass before Monday morning. The damage to the road will be heavy. TROOPS ARE ASKED FOR. Situation at tho Rockefeller Mines Bo conies Alarming. Duluth, Minn., May 12. The strike at the Rockefeller mine at Virginia as sumed more serious proportions today, after Sheriff Butchard had called on Governor Clough for troops. The men who had been making threats Saturday night gathered in knots tills morning and began discussing the advisability of making an immediate attack upon the mining property. Numerous dep uty sheriffs were ow the ground and this alone prevented trouble. Sheriff Butchard began notifying tho mllltlument at an early hour that their services might be needed at any mo ment. Adjutant General Muhlberg came from St. Paul this morning and for an hour or two was closeted with the sheriff. Several representatives of the Franklin Mining company were also on hand. The soldiers will come after midnight. ELKS CONTROVERSY. Secretory Reynolds Dcllcvcs That tho Coming Buffalo Meeting Should Be Dis countenanced. Atlantic City, N. J., May 12. Grand Exalter Ruler Edward B. Hay, Benev olent Protective Order of Elks, Wash ington, D. C, is now in this city, to gether with tho secretary, G. A. Reyn olds, of Saginaw, Mich., and the board of grand trustees; Peter J. Campbell, Baltimore; William Vanderllfe, Boston, and J. W. Lathrope, Richmond, Va., arranging for the national convention of the order to bo held in this city in July. They secured the Morris Guards' armory for holding sessions of the order for grand olllcers' headquarters at the United States hotel. Exalted Ruler Hay said to the United Press corres pondent, when questioned nbout the controversy which has caused dissen sion In the order: "The public has gained a wrong con ception of the extent of the defection existing In the order through the clat ter raised by the dissatisfied. Secre tary Reynolds had reported to me that lodges representing 21,000 of the 2G.00O members of the organization had de cided to send delegates to the Atlantic City convention and will uphold Its ac tions. The so-called meeting of grand officers, to held at Buffalo on May 20, Is purely fictitious. Such a meeting Is a voluntary one on the part of the dis satisfied Elks, who opposed the meet ing of our convention In Atlantic City a year ago, and met at Jamestown, N. Y. Such a meeting, I understand. It Is stated, will be. for the ostensible pur pose of restoring harmony, but Its pur pose In fact Is otherwise, and the meet ing is discountenanced by the grand lodge ollicera. Notwithstanding the controversy In the order the growth of the organzlation has been phenomenal, not only as to membership, but also In the way of new lodges Instituted. The meeting called by the Jamestown dis sentors for Savannah has been aban doned. The Atlantic City convention, I think, will be tho largest in the his tory of the order." JACK FROST ABROAD. Vegetation Is Nipped in tho find at .Many Points. Omaha, Neb., May 12. There was a heavy fall of frost In Nebraska nnU western Iowa last night. Gardens were damaged to some extent, and fruit also In some sections. Corn and other cereals were not injured. Wichita, Kas., May 12. A very light frost is reported throughout this sec tion last night. Vegetables and tender grass were slightly injured, but no dam age was done to other1 crops. Brown's Valley, Minn., May 12. This portion of We3tein Minnesota was vis ited by the heaviest May frost In many years last night. What the damage Is to graden truch, young corn and flax cannot yet be told. The outlook Is for another frost tonight. Dunkirk, N.Y., May 12. At f o'clock (hi, s evening thi'3 city was visited by a snow Btorm. The nlr Is very cold to night, and fears of a frost ore general. Lansing, Mich-, May 12. The mercury recorded a drop from 91 degress Friday to 28 this morning. Owing to a clouded sky the damage was reduced to a mini mum. Chicago, Way 12. Dispatches from In terior points In Illinois indicate heavy frosts tonight. Beyond nipping tender garden stock no damage is reported. DEATH OF A BRAKEMAN. Louis Bartholomew Expires from Results of on Accident at Newark. Newark, N. J., May 1.2. Louis Bar tholomew, the brakeman Injured In last night's accident on the Lehigh Valley railroad, near this city, died this morn ln. It was not until 2.30 o'clock, four hours after the accident occurred, that En gineer Loutzenberger was extricated from beneath his engine. He was weak from long and painful imprisonment, but his Injuries are not fatal. The others injured in the wreck will re cover. Engineer Lautzenberger, who lay under the wreck of his engine for four hours after the accident on the Lehigh Valley railroad, near Newark, died this morning. He came from South Easton, Pennsylvania. SPARKS BY TELEGRAPH. Spreading rails wrecked a meat and beer train near M untie, Ind., and a tramp was cruuhed under the debris. An unknown robber decapitated J. E. Nelson, of Scioto county, O., in his store boat, and escaped with his booty. Tennessee 'house of representatives re fused by a decisive vote to appropriate $300,000 for a state centennial exposition. After seven months of secresy, the dis appearance of Dr. R A. Stnsabaugh, a Mlddletown (N. Y.) dentist, with fciu.OOO Is made known. By shadowing the mistress of Henry Sehultz, bookkeeper, who stole 12,700 from a New York firm, police caught him at their mooting place. A cyclone struek Medford, Wis., Thurs day night, wrecking the now Hotel Win chester and tho fair groundB buildings, In- vovllng a Iobs of $15,000. Worry ' over a $10,000 damage suit, brought for killing Theodore Warren, caused the death of Jamas Davis, of Sum mltvllle, N. Y., from heart failure. ISSURGENTSGfllN GROUND Sanguine Observers Believe That There Is Yet Hope for Cuba. SPANISH TROOPS POURING IN Within Ten Days tho Situation on tho Island of Inrcst Appears to Have Been Changcd-Tho Maccos in Command, Santiago Do Cuba, May 4. Spain is throwing troops Into the province of Santiago at the rate of 2,000 or 3,000 a week, but the Insurrection is growing apace. For six weeks following tho rising of Feb. 24, little progress was made by the dare-devil patriots, who took to the woods in squads of from a dozen to a score, and who lacked arms, ammunition and Intelligent leadership. Few of tho whites who went out re mained when they found themselves associated with bandits and shiftless blacks with mulatto leaders. The gov ernment troops and civil guards sup pressed Incipient rising In Matanzas, Puerto Principe and near Havana, and tho better class of Cubans all over the Island belittled the movement and said tho time was not ripe for another war. In tho eastern district alone did the men remain In the field and defy the mother country, but their numbers grew less Instead of greater, and even their strongest supporters shook their heads and said that Cuba would never bo free. Within ten days the situation has completely changed, and In Cuban circles where there was no hope, abso lute confidence of ultimate success now prevails. The two Maceos, Antonio and Jose, nfter terrible hardships in the mountains and many nar row escapes from Spanish bullets, have reached the place from which the In surgent operations nre to be conducted and have been Joined by Maximo Go mez and Jose Marti, who eluded men-of-war on tho sea and troopn on land. Confidence in the Leaders. With these leaders nt the front there has been a rapid growth In all the In surgents' bands In this province and the concentration of forces in the vicin ity of Jarahuasa this week shows that Maceo has 3.000 men with him and there aremeaiiy 2,000 others under arms In other parts of the province. After a conference with his chiefs at Jarahuasa In the mountains, twenty miles northeast of Songo, Maceo moved forward, camping one night at the Rloempe plantation and passing on to ward Santa Ann, where he now Is with a force variously estimated at from 2,000 to 4,000. General Campos has been expected here for three days. The cutting of telegraph lines inland leaver all of the north coaft cities outside of communication, and the government Is now talking about laying a cable around the Island. There are ten cases of yellow fever In the hospital here. The patients are nil soldiers. About three die every week now from the fever. At Guantanamo the hospital Is full of soldiers. Most of them have an Intermittent fever. Exposure to the night air and rain in the interior brings It on. Jacksonville, Fla., May 12. A special from Tampa, Fla., says: Private ad vices received hero from the Cuoan revolutionary leaders say a big battle was fought at Boryey, Province iof Puerto Principe, between Gomez, the Cuban leader, and Salcede, the Spanish commander. Gomez was victorious, annihilating the Spanish troops, killing and capturing more than 1,000 men, and great quantities of ammunition and army stores. The battle lasted four hours and was hard fought. Men from the plantations are Joining tho Insurgents hourly and all work In the outlying provinces Is at a stand still. The Cuban patriots here are Jubilant over the news. Jacksonville, Fla., May 12. A cable gram from Key West says: An active movement has been noticed among the prominent Cubans In this city. It was reported today by Cuban leaders here that upwards of 100 carrier pigeons will be used by filibustering expeditions. A battle was fought by Gomez and Santo- cildes on May 8. The Spanish troops were defeated with 1,100 loss. Tho Cubans lost 400. Gomez continues his march through Camaguey. Several suspicious taoklng vessels are reported off Santiago. It Is supposed they are landing expeditions and arms. ICE CREAM TRAGEDY. Thirty Persons Aro Poisoned at Mrs Kcisliifjcr's Hni'jiim. Beaver Falls, Fa., May 12. Word of a terrible case of poisoning has Just reached here from Brady's Run, back of this place. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Mary Relslnger, a widow, hid a barn raising, wnlch was attended by about thirty neighbors. In the evening a dance was held and among other re freshments served was five gallons of Ice cream which had been mnde on the farm. The guest3 consumed the en tire amount and during the night all be came seriously ill. Phyrlclnns from this place, Roches ter anl New Brighton were summoned and have been In attendance since. All the sick persons are still alive, but It Is feared that several will die. An ex amination of the ice cream showed that It had been poisoned. How the poison got in the cream Is unknown, but the supposition, is that the vanilla with which it was flavored contained the poison. SHOT BY HER HUSBAND. Mrs. Davis Meets Death W'hllo on Her Way to Church. Rockvllle, Ind., May 12. Mrs. Jesse Davis was fatally shot by her divorced husband todny. The tragedy occurred while Mrs. Davis was on her way to church. Davis then wen home, took morphine and shot himself under tho left eye. He will recover. BUSINESS BOOMING. Encouraging Reports Aro Kocolvcd from Western Pcnnsvlvnln. Pittsburg, Pa., May 12. The Times tomorrow will print dispatches from all points in western Pennsylvania, east ern Ohio and West Virginia, on the business situation. These dispatches show that business Is booming ait every point heard from and that confidence In tho future seems fully restored. Nat since the spring of 1S93 has such activ ity been noticed. The revival Is not confined to any one line of Industry, but all classes of manufacture and trade feel the good effects. Old works that have been Idle for two years or more are resuming; plants that have been operating on part time have .in creased working forces, and numerous mills have advanced the price of labor. In the vicinity of Pittsburg alone oven 10,000 workmen received an ad vance in wages during the past week. HANGED IN EFFIGY. Governor Turncy's Subjects Exhibit Signs of Disapproval. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 12. News was received here today that people of Unicoi county, In tho eastern part of the state, last night hanged and burned Governor Turner In effigy n.t the county seat. This was done because the al leged partisan election committee threw out ten out of the twelve ejection districts In that county, three-fourths of the vote of the county being for Ev ans. There were many women and chil dren present and the affair passed off In a very orderly way. THE VETERANS OBJECT. They See No Itcnson Why Treason Should lie Honored. Indianapolis Ind., May 12. Phil H. Sherldon Grand Army of the Republic post of this city has adopted the follow ing resolution: Resolved, In reference to the unveiling of tho Chicago monument In honor of tho Confederate dead that will command the heart and thought of a great section of our people who seek honor and perpetuate the memory of the dead of the sunny south who sleep !n graves away from homo by erecting u marble shaft above their ashes, wo deprecate nnd from loyal hearts con demn any purpose or Intent'on, if such exist, to weave a laurel wreath about the brows of treason In thus honoring tho dead by settiir; forth ney defense of tho cause for which they dlc-J. Fort Worth, Texss, May 12. At a regular meeting of Sherman Po-st, Grand Aftny of the Republic, of Cran bury, yesterday, strong resolutions con demning the utterances of Commander Thayer, of Massachusetts, In criticising the unveiling of a confederate monu ment in Chicago were unanimously passed. Such actions wore characterized as "unwise, unkind and unpatriotic." BATTLE WITH BLACKSNAKES. Tho Scrroits Nine Feet l ong Fought Be- fore Being Killed. Straus?stown, Pa., May 11. Two blacksnakes, eneh nine feet long, were killed on Abraham N. De Turk's farm yesterday after a hard battle. Mr. De Turk nnd his hired man, William Claus es, were working In a field when the former saw a huge reptile. He attempt ed to kill it, but the great snake ran toward him and tried to coil around his legs. He called Clauser and they finally slaughtered their foe. In a few min utts the mate of the dead snake, which was equally large, was encountered. It also showed fight, but was dispatched with clubs. HAS AN EAR FOR WHISTLES. Alonzo Miller Desires to llcnr Music at linllroad Crossings. Omaha, Neb., Mny 12. Alonzo IJ. Miller, a farmer of Lyons, Neb., has be gun suit against the St. Paul, Minne apolis and Omaha Railway company for $78,000 for failure of the company's engines to whistle for each crossing. For such failure a Nebraska statute Imposes a penalty of $500. and Mr, Miller noted 1,578 times on which the engines passed the crossing without whistling, from May 4, to August 9, 1S!M. The case will be a test of the law. DISSTON'S LAND DEAL. Many Aro Curious as to How lie Obtained a Large Portion of Florida. Tallahasse, Fin., May 12. There is a movement on foot for a legislative In vestigation of the transaction by which 4,000,000 acres of Florida land were transferred to Hamilton Dlsston, of Philadelphia. W. D. Bloxham, who Is now comp troller, was governor at the time the land was transferred, nnd there are sensational rumors afloat relative to the matter. FOUGHT SNAKES WITH A HOE. A Farm Hand Attacked by a Col ony. Cape May, N. J., May 12. Daniel Car son, working on the Van Gilder farm, at Goshen, was attacked by a colony of blacksnakes, one of them measuring six feet nine Inches long. CarEon was armed with a hoe, and, luckily for him, he was well prepared for a conflict which migj-.t have had a different, termination. He succeeded in killing the entire brood. Sheridan Drops I'cnd. Special to the Scrnnton Triiune. Pittston, May 12.-1. J. Sheridan, keeper e ra.ianr,nl nt thp West Knd. whllo talking with somo friends nbout 7.30 thin evening suddenly sark Into a clinlr and died In a few seconds. BherlJnn was about 3S years old and was unmarried. Gall Hamilton. Washington, Mny 12.-Mis Moiy A. Dodge (Gull Hamilton) who was reported to have suffered a stroke of paralysis, I not seriously 111. Mrs. Truxton Beule said this evening that Miss Dodgo was sick, but that her illness was onlyjho result of overwork. FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. Yonnir Oueen Wilhrminn of Holland and the Queen Regent left London for homo. With military honors the funeral of Field Marshal Von Pnpe took place at Berlin. The Prince of Wales has accepted the chancellorship of tho newly-founded Welsh university. For his victories In the Philippines Gen eral Blanco, the povernor of the Islands, will be raised to the rank of marshal. In mldocenn. a steerage passenger named Stupel. on the Adriatic, from New York to Liverpool, Jumped overboard. To a Question In the Hungarian diet Premier Hanffy declared that the govern 'ment would not tolerate any tamperln.j with Its authority. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; norther ly winds. F1LEY: (DUR MAY SALE OF ManslSini Underweaj BEGINS TODAY, We call spmial attention to the following spnclal numbers in GO WKS: A Tucked Yoke Muslin Ruffle Gown, At 69c. eacl Embroidered Yoke Cam bric Gowns, 98c, Former price, $1.2 Empire, Square Neck, Embroidered Ruffle Gown, $1.15, Recent price' $1.5i "Tlhe Fedora," Cambric Gown, Square Neck, Handsomely trimmed,' $ 3 , II S, Recent price, $ 1 .6 J Skirts In great variety, The Umbrella Skirts, Handsomely trimmed with Lace and Em broidery, from $1.75 to $7.50 each Specials la Children'! Gowni, Drawen and Undorwaiflta. Also Children's Gingham Dremez ana Boys' Gal atea and Piquo Kilts. Examine the coads and ( yott will appreclcte their Talus, ! B10 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE H. A, HRGSBURY, Agent for Charles A,' Schleren & Co.'s Leather Bellini! The Very Best. 333 Spruce St., Scrantoflj Mat leather AM Eissset Slices .For the Youth, tha Boy, tho Man, tfcalr Feed Our Shoes make us busy. 114 and 110 Wyo ruing avenue. Wholcsalo and retail. LEIS,MELY&1AVIES JmsI ecelved A beautiful lane of En gagement and Wed ding Rings. Also a fine line of In 5terling Silver,' Dorfllnger's Outclass, and Porcelain Clocks, at fw; j. Welchel'Sj. 403 Spruce Street.' . A- rr .