8 THE SCUANTON TRTBTJNE FIIIDAT !RrOH!NTN"G. MAT 10, 1803. GORMAN'S tun DEPOT. LINENS The more you know of linens, the more you will nppreoiato tho valuo of a good stock of Linens. Ours is sclectod with the greatest care aud tho values we offer are tho b ;st. RIBBONS Too much cannot bo said for tho Kibbon display. Summer will soon bo hero nnd ribbons and tho 'summer girl" aro closelj related. Lawn par ties, picnics, mountain par ties, etc., will soon bo hero nnd we must propara in time for them. lo early and se lect from our Fiuo Stock of Eibbons. WASH GOODS By for the best goods for the . money that have ever been manufactured or offered for sale, wo are now able to sub mit to our customers; prices in many cases do not cover the cost of making. JIany superior qualities iu IMPORTED GIXUIIAMS in Clan riaids, Stripes nnd Checks, all ot fat colors and a great many figures never shown before. Come early for the best colors. Ladies' Taiior IVlade Suits Catch a glimpsj at the bean t if ul proportions, ; ' make aud the colori.is iu Black?, Blues and t.iu. $9.50 to S21.5:) the Suit. fl Our Fashion flonthly, Just Out. Describes and contiins the lead-1 tnj Fashion, latest Press Mater- i tals, Stories, et-. Given away to tho3a vrho call fr it at our i store. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR. REEVES, 412 Sprue Street. Scranton, I'a. Specialist cn Nerve Troubles, and Disease of the I.'art, Lur.ir. KM ny, I.lver, Vlum. Stjn.ac'u, Liadiler, Iiod. T js and Ep!lpa. He with his ets:tnr;t rat ail '!isea' of tne tye. No, F.- r nrc! Throat, Iry ppn, Kheumatim, :.o-t V'ial!'y, Nerv ous Iwbilitjf, Kf-ma; V(ra:-:r.'- v. ar.'l Irr-;-uiarlties. Nlrhtly lsmr-n and Krrors of Vonth, Txmt Manhood. Variooceie, Blovl Poisoning, Eczrna, Scrofula, St. VHii Dance, Diabetes, i. rent's DlaeaAe, Aathma. etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. TUfifE MONTHS' OFFER: Any orro aufferlnir -lth Ca.tarrh who Wishes to he permanently, qulrkly an1 cheaply ouriyl mny receive three mpnthe' treatment for only FIVE JiOLT.aiiS. The doctor ha rllneovere'l a nprlfie for thia dreadwl dltae. You ran treat anl cure yourself ami famiiy with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOrr.B-Daily, a. m. to p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 4k CARPETS Examine our new line of Sprinij Goods. Afl of flic latest design and colorings, anil our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goodx of tlie hauie quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We arc overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J.Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. v Toledo Grain Afnrkct. Toledo, O., May . Wheat Receipts, 1B, 700 bUahela; markot nrm; No. 2 red ensh, 67V4c.i May, 67?i.c.i Juno, 08c. ; July, )Sc.; August, 65o. Corn Hecelpta, 8,ai0 bunh. els shipments, Tp.OuO bunhelH; market Hrmj No. 2 oilxed JuW, BlMsC ()a.t Ueceipta, none; hipmentR, Y400 bushels; nothing do Intr. Clover oed-VMarket dull;. October, $5.2?. ., ,, . Am - : PhilodolplAo Tdlloiv Market. Philadelphia W . . Tallow Is quiet i-nd dull. We quote City, prime, In hhds, 4c; cbuntry, prlraV, In bbls, 4o.; do. dark, In bbla, Vakes, grease, i35o, ,. , . V. ..... . ..j . Highest of all in Leavening Power. LateSt U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE TIE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AM) BOX PS. Now York. Mny 9. Tho reactionists stui'k In the .market wore 'out In full force UKnln toclny, lint except In SiiRur their elYnrls went for nauuht. At tho opening London ntKl romtuixslou house hnd orders to buy, nml In sonio cuHeH n little below the tlKiiivs prevail ing nt the time rneiitloneil. 1-iiter on this contlilenee exprenneil by the for elKiifi'9 brotiKht iiliout a radical ehaiiKe In cfiitlineiit on the part of local trad ers not In touch with Lond on and the continent and there wan n grand rush to cover. The anthracite coalers were th llrst to feel the change and under heavy purchases advanced anywhere from 'u to -7n. New Jersey I'entnxl scoring the t.ucoMt train. The story was that the control of the KeaiJInt; had pas sed to the Jersey I'entral, but the rumor was not continued. The low priced Issues were all higher. In the closing dealings the excitement abnteil, except in Western I'lilon. which con tinued in re.inest. The total sales were 4K.lK0 shares the laritest total yet reached. Net chuiiKes show (talus of V, to 2Ts per cent.. Western I'nlon leadinu. The ranu-e of today's prices for the ac tive storks of the New YorR stock mar ket are Riven below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by li. ilu U. llm nilik. -112 Hpruce slieet. Scranton. P:'u- HtKll- Low- Ties tin;. . ,U'lT, est. 115-S, est In. Am. Tobacco Co Am. Cot. 1I '.''." Am. Suirar Ue't; Oo.ll4 IMS si. T3- I I'M 4;tS 114' j 7'. M" r.i-, TV.. 44 Mi, m St Atch.. To. ,i S. Ki Cm. South I'lns. hlo Chicauo Uan I'hic. N. W Chic. 1!. c ij C. I". t .'(: St. L... Chic. Mil. St. P I'h'.o.. n. i. a '... lit. M M S, 4t 4", L'e. aware lino. . . l"vi' . :, l'!t. .V: l I- 1S L.n. V!!ectrjL- JUS, III. Central Iik- s-lior. .R13 i4 14 ii, Lou:. aL- Nash WW 1-I-, .Manhattan K.e i M:ch. Central ' Mo. Pa otic ' Nat. Cor-.iace N:it. L.a 1 lis l'Ml, 2', 33 W'l 41S 12 S 13 113 Ml, l"l, 43' 1SI, l;n, 3T 5l 24 " I-", 1 Hi. K'n. 7S IS w 21 1 x. J. N Y. I X Y. X. Y.. X. Y.. I X,rV - C. r.:ral Central & N. E I.. K. f; W... -S. Is W S. v,. IV. p. a, 4Jt- 12; ?' 1-S ! 14-, 241- 'H is S3 21H 41", l-!5 . 11 . r - . 14 , . 24 . 11 14 . y 2v! P:.otti; Pa' in-. IT.... 4T, 22",. 1M, K 14T 2:S nu 1V-, "N ITS 91 I Xor. yni. "t.. s'.-'hom a ii'. T. rn ..fC. j .. l"ti' n Pacific. . ! Wab.wh. Pr.... I West. L'nion.. I.". S. Leathor.. I'. S. leather. 20 Pr. CHiCA'J-.J U'JAP.I) iF TrtADK PJtrCF.S. 0!.n- Hitrh- I in-. J If. A 1, J j'.y Sej.trr.ber ATS. July S- ptember Jun COP.N. July September ins. est. est. Ins. .... SI 63 ( .... S2-, C3 63'i 64-, .... H Si I .... 2S 2-, 2V, 2:' 2i' S 29 .... 5t n rt, si .... zi'i i: zv, us ") f, J.C 6 73 6 5 V) 6.S2 6.90 12.17 12 17 !21 II 17 12 23 12 40 12.20 12.40 1 I.AF;l. 'i'Jiy epf-mber i P'P.K. July S-.-ptemtr Scranton BoarJ of TraJo Exchange Quo lotions. Par Sh. Val. l'' ! ! W J.O P ::' l ! Y stocks. Bid. Ask. P'm Liep. & !i;ink F!r: Nat l f.nnk Difl. S 50 00 ')rn J;'.; Lum'r Co lir-k.i. L'imiier Co... J.-i'kii. Trust & Safe IlIK).'. Cn P'-rn'rt Hrtvlr-iri Pank. H'-ra'n tjir ur. Co. innt'rfi Korirlni? Co Thir l Nit l p.mk ... Nafl Porlnif & Orill in? Co.. Pr Thijrrin Coil J.nn'l Co H'-ranton l.e-l'llntc v Scranton Arle Worka 'ranton 'iia-s Co F rant'in Jar A H'op prr .o Iffk."n .Mfr Co Ii',i.;twrinn!i Mont r"e lt;ilirf,a Trader' Nnt'l fi.ink. P'.nta f;i!:s f'o Kprlnu l!ror,k Water Ci Allegheny Lumber Co liONDS. Beranton Trar. Co.... K-on'y Ht-m Heat Power Co Ma'!l"m Avenue Im provement. fVrenton ;ift,s 'o.... III. Heat A Power Co. 114 130 "m i 110 IB I'O 3i0 ft : f va ; m i 70 r. 110 , to 120 Pi M 103 ri lOTi ivxi I'M VH 2 WW 100 prt COMMERCIAL The Silver Market. W' w Tork. Mny !). The Ixindon mark"t for silver was very quint today and the pr!re for bars remained unchanged from yesterdny, at ?:fM. per oiinr.e. The loeal market was I'kewlne devoid of lualvlty, with tho tone a little tower, commercial b&rs having reaehed to WtC and Mexican dollars to G2'ic. The Mereimtlle Hafe Deposit company ho'ds 219,123 ounces of silver bullion, against which 218 rertlfleates are outstand ing, constating of 'M brown and lKTi green. finld Movement-. Nc York, May 0. F.xport tfinny, i'M,- C14 to Cuba, In connection with the sugar crops; Imports, 'i.UiJ. The total Imports since .I-i n. I have been 17,lll,'Jl(i, and ex ports v.i,m;.w. Tho Oroccry .Murkct, New Tork, May 9. The situation Ifl fllo Europeun market for sugar Is easier, tho London cable reporting cano rather quieter; Java now quoted at lis. td., which Is 3d. lower, but fair refining un changed ot 10s. licet was flat and lower. May quoted at 10s.; June, ins. lHd. The local market for raw sugar la firm, but rather quiet at the moment. We quote: tVntlfrugnls at 34a.THic.; muscovados, at 2k3c; molasses at SU4h2c. Tho market for refined sugar Is active but unchanged, granulated quoted at 4 7-10 a4c. , The markcj for Rrazll coffee Is steady, U!o No. 7 spot, flat bean, quoted at Ilk', and Aguas at 14c. Klo No. 8 quoted at liHalilc. - Hie and molasses fairly active In a Job bing way and steady. New York Produce Mnrkct. Now York, May 9. Flour Firm. Wheat --Dull, stronger; No. 2 red store and ele vator, BSlfcaHiitAc. ; nfloat, .CitHci f. o. b., C9ail!ic. ; ungraded red, 04H70e.; options Closed strong und. higher;. May C7Th5. : Juno, 6svs,c; July, Cxc; August, 69e.; September, ITOe.; October, 6Wc; Decem ber, 71"kc. Corn Weaker; No. 2. 55Hie. ele vator; Mc. afloat; steamer mixed, 64a 05c; ungraded mixed, 64aG5c; options He. h!ghor; May, 6694c.; June and July, 66e.; Beptember, 5CHc i Oats Quiet, easier; options more active. (weaker: May, HHe.i June, 32HP.! July, 32'mc; spot prices, No. 2, 32aS2iuc; No. 2 white. 37iHI7'ic: No. 2 Chi cago, IBuIU'ic; No. 3. 3ii'l''M No. 3 whlto, '.lii'nit.; nilAwi western, 32!in:tlc. ; whlto state und western, ;i7ii4U'. Provisions Hteady, uncliunged. I.urd Quiet, strong cr; woHtern sleain, Jt'..iHi; city, Ji'.iiti.lil; May, Ifi.XTi; July, 17; rdlm-d. ilull; conliiii'iit, $7.1; Houlh America, 17.26; compound, 6a fin'. llutter tjiilet, eimyj state, Sal7o.; ilu, crciuncry, l7S:ii tSt". ; western ilulry, 7'ia 12c; do. creamery, 12mISc; do. old, limlb'.; In. factory, 7a lie; Klglus, l7'-..ulSc. ; Imita tion creamery, Maal:lo. Cheese yulct, lower; state, old, 6allc.; do. large, new, 4u7c. : ilo. Hinall, new, 6a7c. ; famy, new, 7c; part rklms, olil, l'va.V. ; do. new, l'a 6'ci full sklilis. new, lal'c I'lggs Wrak; slate an. I I Ynimylvunlu, HI'viiHc; west ern fresh. 12'ViitlK'ic ; l". per case. $:l.2ta 3tlii; southern. Ilual2u'.; iltick, lllnlic; goose, 2ta2lo. Itiirfiilo t tin to Mnrkct. Hiiffiilo, May P.-Cuttle-Kocelpts, dsn head; on sale, 20 hetnl; ntarkct slcaily; via l. strong; prime, $I.Sttt6; light to good, 3a4.7!i. Hogs ItiH'clpts, 2.700 tieiid; on sale, l.fsK head; market opened steady to strong; Yorkers, f I.7;ii4.77-; pigs, ll.Ofni 4.70: inedltiiiis, $l.7.'a4 S; gooil to prime heavy. I.Mia4.S6: roughs. :i! 114.26; slugs, $:la3.76. Hheep lillil l.ullllis Itecelpts, 2.SIK) head; on sale, 6.000 head ; nmrket very dull; few prime VO-pound wethers sheep. U lna 4.20; eonttuon to fair, quotable at $2.7riu:i.rf; good to extra Ititubs, J.'uir. l'j; fully IS loads unsoltf. Chicago I'nttlo Market. I'nlon Stock Yards. III.. May 9.-Caltle Itivelpts. y.tut head; market very 111 tit; common to extra steers, t4.ljnti.26; stock ers ami feeders, 2.SOa4.SH; cows mid bulls, $l.7oa4.76: calves, ;:n5.26: Texans. I2.60h6.2S. Hons Hecelpts, 2:!.uv head; market opened easy, closed tlrin: heavy packing Hiid shipping lots, $4.4Ca4.St: coininon to choice mixed. ll.Wn4.7t: choice assorteil, 4.6iia4.(W; light. 4.26a4.W; pigs, J2.76a4.60. 8heep Itecelpts, 11.0m! head; mnrket tlrni; Inferior to choice, $1.76u4.7tf; lambs, J3.60a 5.76. til Vnrk.t. Ilttstitirg. May 9. OH opened uid low est. 170; highest and closed, 1M. tli City. May . Oil opened. 1C9 bid: highest, IS! bid; lowest. llS. olTered; closed, 11 bid. lXDl'STKIAL TOPICS. The New York. New Haven Hnrt fr has closed a contract for Its year's supply of coal. The Chesapeake & Ohio gets 160.000 tons. One of the Reading receivers said yesterday the company's business In general merchandise shows slight Im provement over last year, offset by losses In anthracite ciml revenue. General Manager Krlck. of the Cnr negie company, says that while busl netj Is Increasing and there Is a more active demand for rails and structural lrun. the business Is not In a condition which he hopes It will attain. There are stories on the street that the Lehigh Valley's earnings have In creased more than SAOO.000 since the year began, and that. If nothing un locked for occurs, dividends will be re sumed in October next at the rate of 1 per cent, per annum. Chicago. May 9. One of the most notable lonpr distance runs of the year was that made today on the Erie Rail road by a special train bringing Presi dent Thomas Into Chicago. The actual running time for the 122 miles from Huntingdon to Chicago was 122 min uter. Twelve minutes were consumed In stops, making the actual time 1,14 minutes. The shipments of coal and coke origi nating on the lines of the Pennsylvania Kailroad company east of Pittsburg and Erie for the week ending May 4 were: Coal, 312.117 tons; coke, 91.S17 tons; total, 40.1,934 tons. The total for the year to the above date Is 7.S55.QS9 tons of coal and coke, an Increase over the corresponding period of 18H4 of 2, 184.924 tons. The statement of business of the New York Central railroad for the quarter ended March 31 shows: Oross earnings Expanses .I9.X23.I118 Inc. 112.'ra . C,SI6,477 Inc. frS,.".! N"-t earnings.. Charges Profit Dividends .n.m.m iec. $i26,M9 . 2,647,177 Inc. 120,015 $.772, W4 Dec. t'w.m &T.I.2X3 Den. 220, 4 Id '""''It 1631,918 Inc. fX.m For the nine monthsj ending March 31 the gross eirnings are S:il,94,fffiN, a decrease of ir,7G7,744; the net earn ings IIO.CSS,!--,, a decrease of 11X3,025, and the deficit, after paying dividends, .".9,907, against a surplus of 18,312. HONESDALE. Mrs. Robert Miller left for Pittsburg today, where she will make her ftiturn home. Mr. Miller went to work there some time ago. Frank P. llrown, of Hcrnnlon, regis tered as the Allen Hoiimh yesterday. MIhs Mena llrady hn returned home after spending some 'time at Philadel phia nnd other place. A number of llonctulnllana will wit ness lluffalo Pill's Wild West at Scran ton, Haturday. ' Mrs. K. O. Hamlin left yeMorday morning for a visit with friends at Irv Ington, N. J. W. A. Wood will noon have complet ed one of the finest residences In Hones dale. Most of the modern Improve ments and appliances have been placed In the building, making It a modern home of comfort. This picturesque cottage Is situated at tho base of the mountain on the west Hide of Hone dale, overlooking North Park. K. A. fllltnore, of Horariton, watt In lown yeMerday. Ijirge numbers of Hhnd are being speared In ithe Delaware river at I.ack awaxen. They cm to bo very numer ous this season. lr. Reeves, 412 Bpruco street, Bcrnn ton, specialist on fetnalo weaknesses and Irregularities. A very large number of city boartlem will ciime to Honesdalo and vicinity this summer. Our town bun never looked prettier. WEAK HEN fOUR ITTEHTI01I '-'M1 Im CALLSU TO hau mew urest English Bemedy. SJ G Gray'8 Spccinc Kc(IclDe MUlTiWeakuMMof Body and Mind, Hperma torroexs and Impotaney, and all liisetsee that arise fxom OTsrdDdnlgsne and self bue. aa Loerof Memory and Power. UlmiiMa of Tla ion, Premature Old Age and many other due eases that lead to InumtT or ConinropUoa ana so early t rsva, writo for a pamphlet. Address O&AY MEDICI NK Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. The MtHKino Median la sold by all dragvtete at fl per package,, or six Mokagea for IS, or sent by mall on receipt of monev, and with awry (t.00 order we GUARANTEE cure or roomy refunded, ffi MyillHiniii HTOn arrount of ooonterfaita we hsre adopted the Yellow Wrapnor, the only g no lo Sold la ffcraaten by MatUtwt Btia FOREST CITV, A Polander wns Berlously though not dangerously hurt In the Forest City slopu, Wednesday. He was holding back a car when he slipped and fell, one of the wheels passing over his back, severely bruising it and strain ing his kidneys. At tho ball game at Blmpson, May B, between the Firest City buys, ami the Blmpson nine, tho latter won by u score of IS to Hi. Street Commissioner Coylo has a force of men denning out ditches along the streets of the borough and curtlng away the refuse. The marriage of llattlo It. Heese and Wlulleld U. Lott will bo Rolemnl'.ed on Wednesday evening of next week nt the residence of tho brlde'H parents on North Main street. "Dixie's Land" wns presented to n small audience at Davis' opera house Monday evening. The specialty work was goiid. (Int'ileii making. Is the chief occupa tion hereabouts at present. "Triii" Irish llunrls" wjll be given nt the opera house tonight. The com pany that will present It Is spoken very highly of by the press In towns whore It has appeared. This will probably bo the Inst Allow of the season, J. M. Stirlne. of Hldiiey, N. Y a former resident of Forest City, visited friends hero Wednesday anil yester day. A 4-year-old daughter of William Dunn, of Itlrlinionilajo, died on Tues day evimlng last of mciiihruticotiH croup. Interment took place yesterday at Wllkes-llarre, John II., son of Juntos Mitchell, of Rlehniondiile, died on Friday last of rheumatism of the heart. He was aged 4 years. The ftitcrmcnt was at Hill side cemetery, Forest City, on Monday. Rev. J. (1. Kvaus, of Viuullliig, will occupy the Ouigregatlonal church at Jcrtnyn Sunday morning ami evening. Stephen Yclvlngtoti, of tills place, will preach at the Vaiidllug church In tile evening. The local churches are preparing for Children's Day. V. T. Dnvles, who recently moved from this place to olyphuut, Is now In licllcviii hospital, where he Is being treated. Mr. I'll vies 1ms been a great sufferer from heart disease for several years. The new National bank which Is to be. erected at llonctultilc w ill be construct ed' of bulkllng stone iiuarried at Forest City. The social held by the Kpworth league at Mrs. O. M. leopard's on Tues day evening was very enjoyable af fair. A literary nnd musical pro gramme w:u presented anil lev cream und cake were Herved. N. K. Hrundage will erect n dwelling house nt the corner of Duiidalt and Susquehanna strevts. Enterprise Hose eompnny will soon order thirty rubber coats for use at tires. The boy "professor" took occasion In yesterday's Carboiidale Anthracite to persnally attack your correspondent. He tore himself away from manipulat ing the paste-boards long enough to In dulge In a few wishy-washy ersonals and took four good Inches of space nit the end to vent his spleen In most ex ecrable English. This young gentle man refers to hla being well-known In tho community, and we allow that he Is known for Incompetency in every po sition In which he has yet been placed and for a conceited Ignorance that Is scarcely less amusing than it Is con temptible. His collar nnd cuff proclivi ties are his moFt distinguishing marks. The real reason for his harrowed feel ings Is that The Tribune has been steadily gaining ground here In spite of his efforts. The Tribune will continue to give all the news In the local field Without Taking a Particle of Solid Food. Treated by Fifteen Kminont I'hynicinn Who Failed to (iivo llcr the Desired Hcllcf-Curcd by lr. Smith at 312 Wy oming Ave., Scranton. Miss Una McCray, who resides nt Marion, Pa., aged 27 years, has been a great sufferer for th ost eleven yeiirs. Miss McCray's mother was ambitious that she should become a school teacher consequently her training from the nge of 12 to IS years was a forced one. He Ing naturally of a nervous tempera ment the long hours of study gradually exhausted her vitality. Her nervous system became completely worn out. Sha became so weak nnd languid that she could not concentrate her mind upon her ntudles. Funciful nnd vague Ideas took jMissesslon of her, She lo came averse to shutting a door and could not be Induced to step on the threshold, neither could she be Induced to button her shoes. She then took It Into her head that she would be nccl dentolly jsilnoneil. Two months Inter she won suffering from a stricture of the (oesophagus) thront and could not swallow any solid food and for nine years nil food tnken Into her stomach had to Ik1 reduced to a fluid form. Her Mesh gradually dlsappeari-il and she be came a mere skeleton. After nil hope of her recovery had been abandoned sb wns taken to Dr. Smith, nt No, Ml! Wyoming avenue, and Is now eating three stiare meals each day. Not n vestlgo of the strletiire remains and hIio Is a well girl. She received seven mag netic treatments In all. Sundny afternoon at 5 o'clock May 12, Dr. Smith will deliver another free Illustrated leeture In Music Hall, lo men only. Doors open at 4. .'io, lei litre nt f o'clock sharp. The doctor will publicly heal the sick freo of charge In Music Hall every afternoon, all of next week, commencing Monday afternoon, May 1.1. Doors open nt 1.311, public heal ing nit 2 o'clock p. tn. sharp. Admission free. Tho doctor Is permanently locat ed at No. 312 Wyoming avenue, whore, a hone who are able nnd willing to pay may go from B a. m. to it p. m. dally, ex cept Sundays. Dr. Smith will perma nently cure seven nut of ten that have, been pronounced Incurable. (Jo and ecu him. DU FONT'S 1 MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Mannfactared at the Wapwallnpcn Mills, Lb xerne county, P., and at Wil mington, Delaware, ., HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agont for tho Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE, Soranton, Pa Third Nation.! Bank Building. AOIKCTM! ' J HOB. FOBDklltuton, Pa. OHIf B. SMITH SON, Plymouth. Pa, K. W. MULLIUAN. Wilkes Ilarre, Pa. Agents for the Hepauno Chemical Uon (any'a High Kiulvuft and promises hereafter to Ignore this puerile scribbler In the way of con troversy, believing thwt noticing him In anyway only adds to his swell-headed complacency. , Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, cures blood poisoning, rheumatism, neurulglu, pimples, blotches, etc. - - - , . . CARBONDALE. On Monday afternoon In Bt. Rose church, Martin J. Hrennan and Miss Alice Casio were united In marrlago by Rev. T. Coffey. Rev. J. C. Hogan was a caller In ('nrlmnilulc yesterday. Miss Anna 1 leach has returned from a visit to Hufl'iilo, N. Y. The remains of William, tho 5-year-old son of Mr. nud Mrs. Martin 1. Flynn, woro hrouglit to this city at noon yesterday and Interred In St. Rose cemetery. Mrs. J. I'J. Roche and Mrs. JOdwnrd Klnsey, of Scranton, cfilled on friends In this oily yesterday. Pottsvlllo Rase Rail team, one of tho strongest clubs In the Stale league, will play at Anthracite park this afternoon and Saturday. . About sixty Odd Fellows from this district will attend the dedlenUntl of the odd Fellows' temple on May 21. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce slri-et, Scraiv toii's greatest HpeclallKt, should be con sulted on all nervouH diseases. Dr. A. II. Woodwork, of Tuiiklian nock, was tin- guest of bis daughter, Mrs. W. Curcy, of Spring street, yes terday. Tlie (iormunla Singing soeloly are making exxteiislve preparations for their social in Keystone hall on Thurs day evening Of next week. On .Monday there will be held but one session of school In this city. It will 1 i tf&faU Ml DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated stuff of LOngiinh and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Ppstofflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a graduae of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Modlco-VhlrurglcHl college of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, NT vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Ulood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlzziness.lack of contldence. sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate tho mind en one subject, easily startled when suddenly siioken to, and dull distressed mind, which limits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits.ovll forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams. mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Thoo so aftfeted should consult us Immediately erd be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness, of Young Men Cured. If you have been given U0 by your phy sician call upon tho doctor and bo exam ""d. Ho cures tho worst cases of Ner U'ra Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Plies, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the lOye, Kar, Nose nnd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sscred and conllilenlfK. illl",) hours dally from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundny, 9 to 2. Enclose flvo 2-cent stamps for svmlpom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pay one thousand dollars in rold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI. LKl'TIC CONVCLHrtiNS or FITS. Mi. v.. oRKwnn. Old Post Office Itnllding, corner l'eua avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATKNT PAINT", which consists or Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied tn tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roots, also to hiiek dwellugr which will rirevsnt nhsoliitoly any crumbling, crack, ng or breaking of the brick. It will nut Inst tinning of any kind by many years, nml It's cost does not exceed otie-Ilflh that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by tho Job or pound. Coatraels taken by ANTONIO llARTMArN, U7 Birch St, French Injection Compound , 4'nrr. positively, qnli klv. (not mnrciy rlier.) 40iitinti4'f1 er money letiiinlnl. Avoid ,lnofrortim renii'illes. l'rlrellorrnl.H'r Imltle, Nl Itmllra (will euro noveot ciim'I .nitl reinlil, wieure rionl niiHurvni Ion, with only m lentllli ally miuUi nyi IohS tomiy nililrewi ior$:i.iMi. Great Reaction Sale at the EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO. OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE. 2 CASES Of Ladies' Hililio.l ViMtstynn havo nover worn s but ter, well fitted uiidiirKarinrnt; tlio urico, Only 19 Cants, slouvos short or Ioiik. NEXT LOT OOiloi.-n Klldiud V'ohIk, lighter In weight, t nt Jin.1 tho thlnit for tho summer. 3 ' Vest for 25 Cents. Can you sfford to In without ilium t GENTLEMEN'S BAIBRIGGANS In ID different numbors; onr linn ot Rnl brlKRHtis for uion wa run nay to the Urg ent in tho ohy. Ws supply the wholoisJ and rotwl trsds. We bavs tlis following: LOT 1 A Rood Bfilbrlwtun Bhirt and Drswors; kIkci to unit tbu buyer, sit 40 cents for the Su It, or K& csuts each, THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO., OLD STAND GDOD-flAN'S CUT PRICE STORE, 516 LACKAWANNA ML commence at 7.30 a. m. and close In time to give the pupils an opportunity to see HiilTalo Mill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Rldors. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray are vis iting Carboiidale friends. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!'.! Mrs. Wlnslow's Uoothlng Syrup has ben used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for diarrhea. Hold by druggists In every pari of the world, lia suro and auk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no other klud. Twonty-llve cents a bottle. KEYSTONE. Tho base ball season has opened In dead earnest. The team have donned their new suits of navy blue and orango and mean business. Tho first gume of the season was played with a profes sional team of Tuukhannock Inst Sat urday and resulted in a victory for our boys. After eleven closely contented Innings the score stood 8 to 7 In favor of tho Academy team. Among the bril liant features of the game was Stan ton's pitching and lienrdsley's batting. The second game of the season was played op the academy grounds last Wednesday with the Actives of Scran ton, ami resulted In a Hcore of 11 to 4 In favor of the latter. The teams lined up as follows: Academy Cntorall, catcher; Stanton, pitcher; Smiley, shortstop; lieardsley, llrst base; Ralph, second base; A. Moore, ihlrd base; Marsh, cen ter Held; Reynolds, left Held; Carnle, right Held. Actives Logan, catcher; Posner, pitcher; (1. Kearn, shortstop; (lauglian, llrst base; Coleman, second base; ,ang, third base; J. Kearn, center Meld; C. Moore, left Held; Rarrett, right field. Is tho Best Blood Purifier, Appetizer und N'ervo Tonic. It cures That Tired Feeling THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Come and see how you like it. We have been showing it to lots of people, and they have all admired its color, quality aud make. We hope it will please you. FOR THIS WEEK'S SPEC I A L Wc Lave selected n lot of Strictly All-wool Black Clay Diagonal Suits,in singleand double-breasted sacks and cutaways, at only $7.75 1 hese suits are worth $12.50, Bargains in Men's Furnishings $1.25 White Dress Shirts, 83c $1 Colored Dress Shirts, 72c 75c Colored Negligee Shirts, 50c. Neckwear, 48c 25c A regular $2 Men's Fine Derby Hat, - $1,48 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE RAU(JA1N(JIVEKS, 230 Lacka. Avenue. SIGN OF THE BELL LOT 2 Colored Halbrlinrinn, sold, brown snil Mint good quiility, nnd nir.eii to miit any body for thu prico ot 29 cents each. LOT 3 Did vnn ever have s shirt of onr Frenoh llulbrlKKiuir if you hvo not thnm, roil Iwtter ooino nnd exntninn tliioii; nllk Btttelied, the quality the bent, snd If they nrn nut eiiii in quality to wtrnt other wik "r eentM, will give a suit for nothinir, our prloe 39c. each, or 76 cents for Shirt aud I)i worn, WHAT'S NEXT7-AKOO.I whits linen Un iaiindrledStiirt; we are headquarters on Rood MuHlln Bhlrts: ourslilrta have tlie material, labor, neatly made and prices lower tllnn otllnra; SOo. each. Hhirts Altai n If you need a rtlilrt for work shift liiK. f.inoy In Cheirlot or Peroale. or any other ahirt yon Imve In your mind, go to Kniplrs DryUooilaL'o., direct manufae ttir.rH, H0S ("anal Bt., New York. Bell all their product to consumer, the afilla e . , III fill AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND DISPLAY OF F NE MILLINERY, IB, , arc mi mi is (III! 11$ IK I. & c ppetings INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS : Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other stores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices. We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's why we leave no effort unspared. The best makes aud finest designs, including niany pri vate patterns in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. Selected with a view to matching this season's best styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan. $1 A. 00 "or fi"est quality 40-yard rolls; a good heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at $4.00, with twenty in-between prices. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. A ROCKER You may be glad to pay $1.75 for a lml design finish in gloss antique. Bent anus that brace well price is too low to attract those lookiug for the three-dollar kind, but the rocker is as good this is Rocker Week with us. Have you been here this ? Many of your acquaint ances have. FOUR SWLES OF ?E1 TABLES AT S2.90 Supported by dainty legs shelf underneath six dollars have not purchased better they're in the basement with the Rockers. y CSWe find special sales a success always thought they'd be if conducted as by us. I (1 WILL HAVE I ECONOMY'S ASY WAY TO PAY AIDS SUM PURSES. ppnunnv riinnminp Pfi ClURUMI iUUIIHG W II FAIR. SCRANTON, PA. era & 01 EACH. THEIR TURN. 225 AND 227 In Wyoming Ate. II fl 1 CAN ill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers