The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1895, Page 8, Image 8
0) THE SCRANTON TRIBT7NE TITDIISDAT MORNING. MAY 9, 1895. GORMAN'S Hi DEPOT UNENS The mora Von know of linens, the more yoa will appreciate the valite of a good Btock of Linens. - . Oura la selected with the greatest care and the valncs we offer are the best. RIBBONS Too much cannot be said for the Kibbon display. Summer . will booTi bo here and ribbons and the "summer girl' are closely related. Lawn par- , ties, picnics, mountain par ties, etc., XTill soon be here ' and we must pre par o in time for them. Be early and se lect from our Fine Stock of Ribbons. WASH GOODS By for the best goods for the money that havo ever been manufactured or offered for sale, wo are now able to sub mit to. our customers; prices in many cases do not cover the - cost of making. Many srfperior ' qualities in IMPORTED GINGHAMS in Olatt Plaids, Stripes aiiU Checks, all of fast colors and a great many figures never shown, before. Come early for the best colors. Ladief' Tailor Made Suits Catch a glimpse at the beau tiful proportions, exquisite make and the colorings in Blacks, Blues and tads. $9.50 to $2 1 .50 the Suit. and p Our Fashion Honthly, Just Out. Describes and contains the lead ing; Fashion, latest Dress Mater ials, Stories, etc., Given away to those who call for it at our store. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. OR v. REEVES, A19IStUC Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, ted DIaeaaet of the Heart, Lunps. KIJ nors. Liver, Wbmb, Stomach, Bladder, aHetuL.Flta fcnd Epilepsy. H with hla assistant treat all disease m uie Xjya, nose, war ana inroni, uyq pepsla. Rheumatism, Lout Vitality, Nrv oua Debility. Female Weakness anil Irreg ularities, Nlffhtly Losses and Errors of Touth, Lost Manhood, Varlococnlo, Blood Poisoning, Edema, Scrofula, St. Vitus Dance, Diabetes, Brlht's Disease, Asthma, ato. YOUNQ MEN QUICKLX CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any ona .suffering With Catarrh who nahes to tie permanently, quickly and eheattjc cured may receive three months' treatment or only FIVE . DOLLAftB. The doctor has discovered auipeclflc for thta dreaded disease. You can treat and euro yourself and family with it at home. It never (alia to cure. A'. trial treatment free. OFFICB HOURS-Daily, 0 a, m. to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 10 tot. CARPETS . Examine onr new line of Spring Goods. AI of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices . lower than any other house In . the trade, for goods of the same .'; quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES ; . of eyery description and quality.' WALLPAPERS We are overstocked and will sell ' at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TofJdo Qrajn J i O., May 8. Wh Market. Toledo. O.. May 8. Wheat Koeelpts, 8,- 497 bushels-: shipments. 35,200 bushels; mar ket dull; No. 2 red cash, C7',4c; May and June, CTciJuly, 6ic; Augimt, 03c; No. 3 red cash, H4o. Corn Ilecelpts, 16,2a bushels; Atlpments, 2.700 bushels; market easy. No. I mixed cash, 61o. Oats He celpta, 1.600 bushels; shlpmonts, 8,000 bush els; market nominal. Kye Market Arm; No. 2 cash... Si. Clover Seed Markot .uiilp wiuufi, t,.aw, ...ft...... f . , f - , - " -';" '- :-' ,f . , ... ' : 1 Market. X Pittsburg, May OH opened and low- ISA- hkrhaat and Closed. KB. I . OU City, May . Oil opened 152V4 bid; ftlff hest 0l ioweet, 166; closed, 16a, IDS the World of business STOCKS AND BONDS. New. Tork, May 8. So far as the transactions are concerned, this was the banner day at the stock exchanse, over 422,000 shares of stock and 14,743,- 000 bonds havlnB been traded In. Sum mlng It up, however, the market did not display the reslHtancy which has been Its chief characteristic of late. In fact there was a prencral disposition on the part of traders, who turned bullish after tho adjournment of congress nnd loadvd up with Mb lines of various stocks, to turn paper profits Into cash, and the enormous realization from this sourve had a tendency at times to offset tho buying for Europe and by local commission houses. Tho buying for Kurope today was again heavy, the for. elgners tnklng renewed Interest In the bond department. The Texas Pacific Issues appeared to be In best demand, and a big block of the bonds were tliken for London. The foreign purchases are beginning to ex ert an Influence on sterling exchange, and late In the day demand bills sold as low as 4K8&a4X8. A feature of the share speculation was the Increased de mand for Chicago and Eastern Illinois, Big Four, Canada Southern, Michigan Central, .Flint and ere Marquette, Pa cific, Mail, Pan Handle, St. Louis, Southwestern, Texas Land, Texas Pa cific nnd a lot of other stocks which seldom figure In the dealings, except In times of miuHual excitement at the ex change. Sugar felt the Influence bf re cent liquidations, and after opening at I15A f,,n to 114. and closed at 114. Distillers was bouyant and Jumped to 20$. Chicago t!as was quiet, traders preferring to hear from Governor Alt geld In the matter of frontage bill be fore engaging In new ventures. In the closing hour the market was Inclined to weakness, nnd the final transactions as a rule showed net losses of al per cent. A few stocks, however, re corded gains of 14a per cent. Great Northern perferred brought 1U4 against 105, the Uxt previously reported sale. and has been mule t hcoestsmmtedln The rnngo of today's prlees for the ac tive stoi'ks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished Tho Trlhiino by O. du 11. Dlm nilck, 412 Spruce street, Scrunton, Dp'n- High- Low-.CIos-inir. est . est. Iiur. Am. Tobaeeo Co ! I'M", lto'i jm'4 Am. Cot. oil. 2II-S Am. Sugar lie's t'o.lir,'i 11514 114,4 O'i 53' 4 21 '4 Til'i 97' 77V4 4.T'.4 W7t m i;w ' 34 141 r.7i U8".. wj s 33'j, m 414 12, 1254 a;ii 5 2214 114 lliSf, 14 2:i4 10', 15-4 74 17 901,4 114'S. 21 Ateh., To. & 8. Ke... li',4 6, fan. South M 7V 45 t!5i 9"i Chun. & Ohio... Ch'eago Gun.... Chic. & N. V. Chle., U. & Q... t C. C. & St. . 2114 74 7'i 4l'i 73'4 97', 77'b 43 til7, m 130 HW4 2H'4 34 141 fi7:14 us',-. lll'-'ii W, 7 i!V4 mi- 9M4 4174 12S, 3' 5 22'4 lti'4 24 1H4 lBW n Chic, Mil. & St. P.. Chic, H. I. & P (Mi Delaware & Hud 1)., L. & W .lHO'i. l.'WU Dist. & C. F l:Si Oen. Electric S4 Lake Shore 141 2';i Si's 144 i Louis. & Nash.. .Manhattan Elo lli U9't llh. (Vntral in Mo. Pacific i.SS'i 2f',a Nnt. Cordsse. i;7fc V Nat. Lead 35'i Wt N. J. Central UtiTA !I7 N. Y. Central mrv. N. Y. & N. E 42 42 N. Y., L. E. Ai W 11"4 li'i, N. Y., 8. & V U w,i N. Y.. E. & V.. Pr... 37-4, 37'i Nor. Purine 6 5 Nor. Pacific, Pr 22" 22 Ont. & Went 18Uj S'i Phil, ti Head K 1714 Southern It. R 14.14 MHj Tcnn., C. & 1 2V4 21'a Tex. Pacific w ir I'fiion Pacltlc lfr K Wulinsh 7 V Wabash, Pr v n West. Union H U. S. Leather 2li 2114 1J. S. Leather, Pr.... 91(4 l'i 9074 2IVH, son 2M'4 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE PltlCES. ujien- lllKh- Low- Clos- WHEAT. July September . OATS. Ing. est. est. 62;4 (12 2S 25 B014 00 6.fl5 6.80 11.97 12.15 ing. fi'4 C3'i 24 (l;l'4 63 28 i',4 51 14 51'4 070 6.82 12.20 12.37 62 V4 62',4 2S14 2574 50 61 6.67 6.82 12.17 12.35 Quo Ask. July September CORN. 2ti',4 50 51 ',4 July September . LARD. July fi.7 C.82 September PORK. July ........ September 11.97 12.17, Scrnnton Hoard of Trade Exchange tation. No. Shi. Par Val. 50 STOCica m,i 20 10 20 100 5 10 10 5 D'mo lieu. & Tils. Hank 02 &0 1"0 First Nat'l Hank COO wo ureon U ku Lum r Co 100 Lackn. Lumber Co... 100 Lnckn. Trust & Safe Depos't Co 300 Sera'n Snvlngs Hank, loo Sera'n Laco Cur. Co. 100 Soranton Forging Co 100 Third Nat'l Dank...: 100 Nat'l Poring & Drill ing Co., Pr 100 Thmon Conl T.nnd Co ici Scranton lleddlng Co 100 Scranton Axle Works Kni Bcraliton (ilass Co 100 Scranton Jar & Stop per Co 100 Dickson Mfg Co 50 Lackawanna. Mont rose Railroad 100 Traders' Nat'l Dank. 100 Jlonla Olnss Co 100 Spring Hrook Water Co 100 Allegheny Lumber Co P.OND9. 1000 Scranton True. Co.... 110 110 145 2iO 150 "fO WO 350 CO fwi 103 80 70 25 100 GO 120 10 SO 105 950 ALMOST INCREDIBLE. A Professional Nurse Afflicted with Itright's IHbcoso of tho Kidneys 1 Inds a Cure. , (From the liufTalo News.) Mrs. A. E. Taylor has resided In Buffalo for over forty years, her address Is 250 Herkimer avenue; as a professional nurse she has nursed back to health many a suf ferer. Disease In all its varied forms )ve become-as familiar to her as to the regu lar practitioner. Her occupation Is one that taxes the strongest constitution, but the fatigue of long watching and nurs ing at last brought her to a bed of sick ness. Mrs. Taylor speaks of her com plaint and cure- as follows: "After being confined to my bed for some time my dis ease assumed such a serious acpect that a doctor was called In. He pronounced my ailment IlrlRht's disease of the kidneys In the third decree and a very bad case. My limbs swelled up so that I could not walk across the floor, or, Indeed, help myself In any way. My face bloatod up and my eyes swelled so that the sight was badly Im paired. This condition continued for near ly two months without any marked im provement from tho doctor's treatment. I have taken quarts of buchu and Juniper. 1 tried battery treatment, but nil with out "any lasting benefit until I felt like finally giving up In despair. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I gave them a trial, and after taking three boxes I was able to get up without assistance and walk, something I had not done m months. 1 continued steadily to improvo wlU their use. The swelling In my leg left, the color relumed to my face, changing from a chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now consider myself entirely cured and I shall never . rest .praising the little pill that saved nn. "Doan's Kidney Pills are certa'nly a surprising discovery for kidney ailments. I shall be glad to. tell anyone of the won derful cure they'rierformed on me." For sale by all dealers price 60 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mtllmrn Co., Buffalo, N. y soie agents for the U. S. 2 600 Bcon'y Steam Heat Power Co 600 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 105 6 600 Scranton Uless Co...'. .... 600 6 1000 III. Heat & Power Co. .... 1000 COMMERCIAL The Silver Alarkot. New York, May 8. There was a some what firmer tone to the market for silver today and prices ruled higher. In London bars advanced to DOttd. per ounce, whllo In this city the price for commercial bars .rose' to C7c. Mexican dollars were also higher at 62c. Indian council bills were allotted in Lon don today at an advance of l-16d. per rupee. Gold Movements. New York, May 8. Imports today $411. 047, foreign coin In transit to Cuba; ex ports 119,550. The total Imports since Jan. I huve been (17.106,319, and exports $32,241, 773. New York Produce Market. New York, May 8. Flour Qulut, steady. Wheat Dull, closing firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 65a6e.; afloat, 67u7'An.; f. o. b., 0tiat)SHo.; ungraded red, 03a70c; options closed weak at K.a'ido. decline; No. 2 May, C67c; June and July, 6674c.; Au gust,, 07',4c. ; September, 67c; December, 69e. Corn Firm, moderately active; No. 2, 67aK8e. elevator; 58a59c. afloat; un graded mixed, 55a55c; steamer mixed, 65'4u5'4c.; options closed firm at V4c over yesterday; May, 55V'.; July, 65V4c; Sep tember, 55c. Oats Dull, steady; options dull, easier; Alay, 32r4e.; June, 32c; July, 33c; upot prices, No. 2, 324a32c.; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 33a33c.; No. 3, ;ilV4c; No. 3 white, 3014c; mixed western, 324a34c; white stute and western, 37a41c Heef Steady, quiet; family, (Ilal3; extra mess, Js.51)h9. Ueef Hams Firm, dull; $!9.50. Tlerucd Ueef, Firm, ' unchanged. Cut Meats Dull, depressed; pickled bel lies, 12 pounds, C'4c; do. shoulders, 574c i do. hams, 9uU',4c; middles, dull, nominal. Lard yulK, firmer; western steam, (i.824; May, J'i.W, nominal: July, $li.!7, nominal; refined, quiet; continent, $7.10; South America, $7.55; compound, 5a.V4'. Pork Active,, steady; mess, $13.25al3 Ju. Butter Choice about steady; state dairy, 8al7c; do. creamery, 18c; western dairy, 7'i;al2c : do. creamery, new, 12a18c; do. old, 9al4c; do. factory, 7allc; Elglns, 18c; Im itation creamery, 874al3c Cheese Dull, wenk; state, old, 5ullc; do. new, large, fia 7c; fancy, new, 7(4a7c; do. small, new, 5a7V4c; part skims, l'iu'ic; do. new, 174a 5'4c; full skims, new, la!74c Eggs Quiet, Irregular; state and Pennsylvania, 13!-si 13c; western fresh, 12a1314c; do. pur ease, $3.20a3.60; southern, 12al3'c; duck, 13ul7c; goose, 20a24c Tho (iroccrv Market. New York, May 8. Late yesterday there was a good di al of activity In raw sugar, the sales for the day footing up fully 60,010 bags centlfrugal, cost and freight, 95 test, alloat, nt 2 7-lt)a2'4c At the close there wore no more sellers at 2',.c. We quote: Ccntrlfrugals, 96 test, 3',ia3c; the latter asked; muscovado, 2'ia3c for 89 test, and moasses sugar, 89 test, 2a2e. The London market was firm, but little offering for cane; Java quoted at 12s.; fair rellnlng, 10s.; beet, declining slowly, May quoted at 10s. l'4d.; June, los. Tid. The market for retlned sugar was very strong, the good demand continuing, with prices unchanged, grunulated quoted on the basis of 4c. Tho coffee market Is steady for Krazil, but quiet; Rio No. 7 quoted at 16alV4c; Rio No. 8 spot, 14al5c; mild coffee steady but quiet. Rice and molasses quiet and steady. Iluffnlo Cattle Market. Buffalo, May 8. Cattle Receipts, S!0 head; on sale, 140 head; market opened firmer and closed steady; coarse to good steers, $4.90a5; fat cows, $3.75a4; veals, dull and lower; supplies liberal; common to good, $3a4; choice, $4.25a4.75. Hogs Re ceipts, 3,600 head; on sale, 2,200 head; mar ket opened steady, closed steady to firm; Yorkers, $4.65a4.70; pigs, $4.65a4.70; mixed packers, $4.75; good mediums, $1.75; choice heavy, $4.75al.80; roughs, $la4.25; stags, 3a 3.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,910 head; on sale, 6.400 head; market opened very dull and 10c. lower, closed dull; good to prime hand clipped lambs, $5a5.25; a few fancy, $5.30a5.S5; light to fair. $4.25a 4.75; good mixed, $3.50a3.90; choice, $4a4.15; culls and common, $a3.25; heavy export clipped sheep, $4.25a4.40; do. lambs, $5a5.15. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Phlladelohla. Muv 8 Tnllniv la .lull nn.l unchanged. Wo quote: City, prime. In hhds, 4'4c; country, prime, In bbls, i'c; do. dark, In bbls. 4Vic.; cakes. 4r),c.: grease. 374C. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Notices have been posted Ini the Berk shire cotton mills that an Increase In wages would be granted May 20. The amount is not stated. The Central Traffic association lines have decided to grant a rate of one cent per mile for the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Louisville. In 1892 and 1S93 the New York and New England freight trains averaged 350 tons. Last year Mr. Odell Increased the tonnage per freight train so 08 to save the company $300,000; some trains carried 700 tons. When the New York Central's new code of rules goes Into effect the em ployes will be required to undergo ex amination as to their knowledge of them, and those who do not pass a cer tain percentage will have to leave the service. Pottstown, Pa., May 8. The large plant of the defunct Young, Willever Block Signal company was sold today to Stanly, Flagg & Co., who will Btart an Iron works, placing the machinery In the plant at once, and starting with a force of 250 hands. The shipments of coal over the Read ing railroad In the week ended May 4 were 276,446 tons, an Increase of 84.697 tons over the same week last year. For the fiscal year to date the shipments are 5.316,646 tons, an Increase of 645,211 tons as compared with the previous year. While It is true that the Illinois Steel company has orders ahead to keep Us mills employed for a couple of months. It Is also true that for more than a year the company has accepted large con tracts at absolutely no profit, Blmply to keep the mills running and give em ployment to Its men. So many rumors have been afloat re cently regarding a proposed scheme to secure control of the Reading railroad by a combination of the Pennsylvania, the Jersey Central, the Delaware and Lackawanna and other roads' Interested In the anthracite coal trade that a prominent Pennsylvania railroad offi cial took occasion yesterday to brand the story as absolutely false, so far as his company Is concerned. President Sloan, of the Delaware and Lackawan na, has already denied that his com pany has any connection with such a deal.. Manufacturers say that the booming of business Is beginning to be an ob stacle to Improvement. This is due partly to the fact that advances In raw materials have been relatively greater than advances In finished products, re ducing the narrow margin of profits still further. ' Added to this, operatives have been quick to demand Increase In wages. In some Instances It has been granted, but In 'others manufacturers threaten to close their works because of Inability to get out even, with higher cost for materials and higher cost of labor on one hand and only a slight ad vance In finished goods on the other. This situation applies to a good many woolen mills, some cotton mills and some of the coal and Iron works. MONTROSE. Commencement exercises will be held at the armory on Thursday night. P. C. Burns, of Great 'Bend, visited Montrose on Tuesday. Benjamin Vance, of Franklin Forks, was In town on Tuesday. Major C. R. Parke, of Scranton, was In Montrose on Monday night acting in his official capacity as surgeon of the Thirteenth regiment. The ladles of St. Paul's guild are mak ing preparations for a fair to be held In the near future. Each day of the week Is to be represented by a booth, save Sunday. William D. Lusk visited Great Bend on Tuesday. Miss Summers, of Great Bend, is at present a guest of Mrs. Rufus L. Scott. Allen Sturdevant, residing on the B, Mulford farm, has been III, but is now much better. Edmund Baldwin, who has been visit Ing his son at Blnghamton, has re turned. ' Mrs. W. W. Williams has returned to Montrose, having Bpentseveral months during the winter season In the west. Burgess H. C. Jessup and several of the health board, accompanied by the town council, visited Jones' lake to see about the water. Tho article In The Tribune some time ago evidently In spired the health board to communicate to the council regarding Montrose's water supply. As the water Is now all right, at least apparently so, the official visitation amounted to naught. Will- lam Walker, a director of the Consum ers' Water company, from Mayfleld, was In Montrose on Tuesday when the inspection occurred. Now thnt the bad water is gone, of course nothing was discovered. Surveyor D. D. Lathrop has for a few days been looking over the ground for an entrance into town for tho Montrose railroad. G. Provesky, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was recently the guest uf Albert Miller. The graduates of the Montrose high school are: Charles E. Hessel, Bessie A. Blsbee, Lorraine M. Bradshaw, Dar cey A. Cashln, Nellie L. Conklln,-Aura E. DeWltt, Alice E. Foster, Jessie M. Hastings, Eva J. Jleckman, Clifton Hlckok, Alpha M. Howard, Emma M. Lane,.Vietta LeCouver, Carrie F. Mott, Theodore T. Munger, Jr., Ella L. Oak ley, Herman H. Otto, Bessie M. Perrigo, Ethel M. S. Pope, Leonard F. Potter, Laura W. Sprout and Jonn E. Sweet Miss Pope is confined to her home with typhoid fever, but her standing has been so high that she will receive her diploma, even If for a short time she has been unable to attend school. The Tribune correspondent has of late been approached by a number of peo ple In Montrose who have accused him of sending news to the paper he repre sents. It Is usually considered by a conscientious reporter unlust to his na per, Its readers and himself if he doe's not endeavor to the best of his ability give an impartial, full and correct ac- count of all the news he can. The Idea of suppressing unpleasant news is prevalent In some localities; perhaps this has been the past custom in Mont rose. In a delicate manner The Tribune man wishes It understood that the news will prevail pleasant or otherwise. Perhaps It's because The Tribune prints the news that It has so Increased Its circulation here. Who knows? Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has beon used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain: oures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Jlr.i. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. PECKVILLE. One of the greatest attractions in town Is the elegant window at Bloes' drug store. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. B. Slckler, on Main street. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Scranton, specialist on fits and epilepsy. The many friends of our former pas tor, Rev. T. P. Doty, are sorry to learn Terrible Itching " I had what the doctors pronounced to be eczema. It was accompanied by se vere itching, and my limbs pained me a good deal and were swollen. I became all brok en out with pim ples. This caused me to Bcratch, and the ernptions tamed into one solid sore. Tho disease spread all over my body. Mr. F. T. Crmig At length, my at tention was called to Hood's Sarsaparllla, and I concluded to give it a trial. This was in April, and I continued faith fully with it until Christmas. At the same time I took the medicine, late anything that suited my appetite. I am Now Cured and have no signs of the disease except a little inflamed color where the sores gath- Hood's SP Cures ered. My affliction is healed1: I feel like myself again." F. T. Ckaio, Halfway, Va. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, hut act promptly, easily and efficiently, 25c. Complexion Preset-raft DR. HCBRA'S 1 VIOLA CREAM Bemoret Frtekln, Pimple. Liver MoIm, BlacfchtadiJ Sunburn and Ten, and re stores the skin to Its origi nal fiahneia, produdiig a IHH wiu ...... ""J i.".u 1 fmnamtloiii and twrfoetlr harmless. At all bUHlstaot mailed lor Sects, fiend lot Circular. VIOLA SXIN SOAP u iTir itiMt m a Ifcta urifclai Sept mmM fcr tkt MM. and Ufem Mlf iVrSy. fcl M mm. Al fM 25 Cnn. G. C. BITTNKR & 60.. Toledo, O. SlfK r sale by Matthews Bros, and John neiD. CMOe wt tH Hioxtrr Miwou Airnraumn 'SMomiOLlNHfllJER Jvy' S. nave you f irri nnu wbthm vn inn nn HEADMHEMK lOTTAmt Will mrm am a wonderful bono to auffvren fromColda. IttnThmtat. iBflaenva. Itrnnchltls, orBATFKTSB. 4onS immrliattrrHrf. Anenclenl ratnari. nnnptilnt fcn In aoeket resAy to one on nrnt Indication of ould. ConttBwe Vn ESkett PratM Care. Bntiaf action tnamiteed or money refunded. Frle. S rta. Trial frM at bruuliu. Kiwlatared mall, N oen la. lTl. CDdHMii; Ur., Ikrat Li Tin, Kick., U. i. 4, OTTI9ITnaTA.IV VB For sals by Matthews Bros. nd John n. ri 3hSlD3. MJPHTItni Ton aureat and eafeat twmMIr for fall inula an akin dtaaaa.aaetnt,lick.8alt! SoroaBarna, ruta. Wonderful rem' dr for PILES. Price, S3 eta. nt l)mr B a I U yiata or by matt propalrt. Adrtrnaa ainhnTw. DHLW that his son, Howard, is Buffering from scarlet fever. Will W. Watklns has added a very artistic sign to his drug store. All of the collieries that have been idle here for the past three days will resume work again this morning. William Swales Is suffering from a felon on his hand. The Young People's society of the Presbyterian church will hold a lawn social on the church grounds about May 20. If stormy It will be In the church parlors. Ice cream, fruit and all the delicacies of the season will be served. CAR BON DALE. Last evening a very happy event took place In the V. W. Watt building on Church street, the occasion being the second annual banquet of the Cross Country club. The hall for last even ing's event never looked so pretty. The decorations were handsome. At one end was constructed a large bank of flowers with the letters C. C. C. on it made of violets. Music for the evening was furnished by Professor Firth. Tables were spread for thirty couples by Caterers Munn & Avery. The toast master of the occasion was George W. Gillies, who filled that capacity admir ably. The toasts were responded to In tho following order: "Lake Ariel," Al bert Rutherford; "Y. M. C. A.," Albert Crance; "Society," Benjamin L. Singer; "The Cross Country Club In the Year 2000," Ophle I,. Morgan; "Fads," Joseph Murrln; "Our Lady Guests," Louts Ab bott; "Cobwebs," (or club history) Charlie Brldgett; "Art of Conversa tion," J. Russell Jones. Do you feel tired and languid? Con sult Dr. Reeves, specialist, 412 Spruce st., Scrnnton. In the city treaourers' office during the month of April the receipts were $5,997.84' and expedltures $0,258.44. , Miss Iona Tyler, of Forest City, called on Carbondale friends yesterday after noon. Miss Grace Smith Is the guest of Mrs. George Van Keuren, In Passaic, N. J. A pleasant time was had at the musi cal social In the Haptlst chapel "last evening. All styles of musical Instru ments was In use. HONESDALE. Mrs. G. W. Twitmeyer left home this morning for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Clearfield and Center coun ties. Dr. Reeves, specialist, 412 Spruce St., Scranton. has performed some wonder ful cures in this vicinity. O. H. Hadsell returned to Honesdale Tuesday after spending a few days angling for trout near his home, at Herrlck Center. H. M. Coston and F. C. Wettling, of Scranton, were registered at the Allen House yesterday. Joseph Atkinson and Joseph Solliday, of Hawley, were in 'town yesterday. - "llow to Cnro All Skin IHsenses." Simply apply "Swoyno's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, noso etc., leaving the skin clear! white nnd healthy. Its great healing ami curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne'H Ointment. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated staff of KngllMh and German physicians, are now permanently orated at Old Postofflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a graduae of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgury at the Medlco-Chlrurgicnl college of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlzzlness.lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, mnklng happiness impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice four, dreams.mel nncholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately, ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weak uess of Young Men Cured. Tf vnu h.v. K... .... v... . slclan call upon the doctor and be exam iniM him wui hi cases 01 Ner vous Lability, Scrofula, Old Sores. Ca- ........ - .-mum camititfH, AITeO- tlons of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Asthma, Dcafnoss, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. vviinuimiiuiin mm siriciiy sacred and confldonla:. Office hours dally frem w . m v p. ill. K?U unity, v 10 fl. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book called "New Llfo " I will pay one thousand dollars In gold lr,?.n?.ne,nom 1 ennnot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS m tw r,..V.?.' GRJ3WER, " - -mi uuiiuii k. corn ft r Fana avenue and Spruce street SCRANTON, PA. Great Reduction EMPIRE DRY OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE. 2 CASES Of Ladles' Ribbed Vesta; yon have never worn a better, well flttod undergarment; the price, Only 1 5 Cent, sleeve short or long. . NEXT LOT 60 dozen Ribbed Ve-ts, lighter in weight, lut Just tho thing for the summer. 3 Vests for 25 Cents. Can you afford to be without thoin GENTLEMEN'S BALBRIGGANS In 10 different nnmbers; oar line of Bal biiggana for men we can say Is tha larg est in the city. We supply the wholesale aud retail trade. We hare the following: LOT 1 A good Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers ; sizes to aott the bnyer, at 40 cents for the Suit, or (5 eants each, THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO., ' - old stam nmm CUT PRICE a- , ELEVENJfEflRS Without Taking a Particle of Solid Food. Treated by FIfteon Eminent Physician Who Failed to Give Her the Desired Relief-Cured by Dr. Smith at 312 Wy oming Ave., Scranton. Miss Llna McCray, who resides at Marlon, Pa., aged 27 years, has been a great sufferer for the past eleven years. Miss McCray's mother was ambitious that she should become a school teacher consequently her training from the age of 12 to 10 years was a forced one. Be ing naturally of a nervous tempera ment the long hours of study gradually exhausted her vitality. Her nervous system became completely worn out. She became so weak and languid that she could not concentrate her mind upon her studies. Fanciful and vague Ideas took possession of her. She be came averse to shutting a door and could not be induced' to step on the threshold, neither could she be Induced to button her shoes. She then took It Into her head that she would be acci dentally poisoned. Two months later she was suffering from a stricture of the (oesephngus) throat and could not swallow any solid food and for nine years all food taken into her stomach had to be reduced to a fluid form. Her flesh gradually disappeared and she be came a mere skeleton. After all hope of her recovery had been abandoned she was taken to Dr. Smith, at No. 312 Wyoming avenue, and Is now eating three square meals each day. Not a vestige of the stricture remains and she Is a well girl. She received seven mag netic treatments In all. Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock. May 12, Dr. Smith will deliver another free Illustrated lecture In Music Hall, to men only. Doors open at 4.30, lecture at 5 o'clock sharp. The doctor will publicly heal tho Blck free of charge in Music Hall every afternoon, all of next week, commencing Monday afternoon, May 13. Doors open at 1.30, public heal ing alt 2 o'clock p. m. sharp. Admission free. The doctor is permanently locat ed at No. 312 Wyoming avenue, where 'those who are able nnd willing to pay may go from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. dally, ex cept Sundays. Dr. Smith will perma nently cure seven out of ten that have been pronounced incurable. Oo and see him. 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Come and see how 3'ou like it. We have been showing it to lots 01 people, and they have all admired its color. quality and make. We hope it will please you. FOR THIS WEEK'S S PECI AL We have selected a lot of Strictly All-wool Black Clay Diagonal Suits,in singleand double-breasted sacks and cutaways, at only $7.75 These suits are worth $12.50. Bargains in Men's Furnishings $1.25 White Dress Shirts, 83c $i Colored Dress Shirts, , 72c 75c. Colored Negligee Shirts, - 48c 50c. Neckwear, - 25c A regular $2 Men's Fine Derby Hat, - $1,48 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE BARGAIN GIVERS, 230 Lacka. Avenue. SIGN OP THE BELL Sale at the GOODS CO. LOT 2 Colored Balbriggans, gold, brown and blue, good quality, and sizes to suit any body for the price of 25 cents each. LOT 3 Did Ton ever have a shirt of our Freuoh Balhrigiranr If you have not them, yon better come and examine them: rIb stltchod, the quality the beat, and If they are not equal in quality to what others ak 76 routs, will give a suit for notliin. Our price 39c. each, or M cents for Shirt and Drawers. WHAT'S NEXT? A good white linen Un iHunarieu Hnirt; we are headquarters on good Muslin Shirts: our slitrta have the material, labor, neatly made and pricos lower thnn others; 50c. each. Mhirts Again If yon need a Shirt tor work shift ing, fanny in Cheviot or Percale, ur any other shirt yon hnve in yonr mind, go to Umpire Dry Goods Co., direct manufac turers. Hon Canal Ht, New York. Sell all . their product to eonsumor, the THE BELL STORE, SIB LACKAWANNA AVE. ' ' 111 -o AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND DISPLAY OF III! 8, IIS, UK. Ml li I etings INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS: Our policy is to offer greater inducements than otter stores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices. We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's why we leave no effort uuspared. The best makes and finest designs, including many pri vate patterns in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, YELYETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. $ Selected with a view to matching this season's best styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan. A oo for the finest qiiality 40-yard rolls; a good P Tre heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at $4.00, with twenty in-between prices, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON. PA. IF YOU A ROCKER You may be glad to pay $1.75 for a colonial design finish in gloss antique. Bent arms that brace well price is too low to attract those looking for the three-dollar kind, but the rocker is as good Have you been here this ? Many ot your acquaint ances have. : FOUR SIMS OF 1U TABLES AT (2.90 Supported by dainty legs shelf underneath six dollars have not purchased better they're in the basement with the Rockers. tfCSrWe find special sales they'd be if conducted as by r WILL HAVE THEIR TURN. ECONOMY'S ASY WAY TO PAY AIDS SLIM PURSES. ECONOLIY FURNITURE II . ; FAIR SCRANTON, PA. CAN USE this is Rocker Week with us. EACH. a success always thought us. G0. 225 AND, 227 Wyoming! Atc 111 EBECKER- ft CO. if