8 THE SCR ANTON TRTBUNE MONDAY MORNING, : MAY C, 1895. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. LINENS Tho mora you know of linon3, the more you will appreciate tho value of a good kBtock of Linens. Ours ia selected with the greatest care and tho values we oiler are tho best. RIBBONS Too much cannot bo said for tho ttibbon display. Summer will soon bo here and ribbons nnd tlio "summer girl" are closely related. Lawn par ties, picnics, mountain par ties, etc., will soon bo hero and we must prepare in time fop them. 15o early and se lect from our Fiuo Stock of Kibbons. WASH GOODS By for the best goods for the money that have ever b?on manufactured or offered for sale, we are now ablo to fii li mit to our customers; prices in many cases do not covor the cost of making. Many superior qualities in IMPORTED GINGHAMS in Clan riakls, Stripes and Checks, all otfast colors and a great many figures never shown before. Come early for tho best colors. Ladies' Tailor IVIadb Suits Catch a glimpse at tho beau tiful proportions, exqnisito make and tho colorings in Blacks, Blues aud tnus. $0.50 to $21.50 the Suit. - FAERSC Our Fashion Honthly, Just Out. . Describes and contains tho lead ins Fashion, litest Jres Mater ials, Stories, et2., Given away to tho3e who call for it at our store. GORMAN'S "GRAND DEPOT. DR. . REEVES, 41 2 Spruce Srrcct, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, nd Diseases of tfn Heart. Lungs. Kid neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder, Head,, Fits and Kptlepsy. Ho with his asxistr.nts tnv.t nil diseases of the Eye, Nose, Eur nnd Throat, Dys pepsia, Itheumatism, Lout Vltullty, Nerv ous Debility, Female Weakness and Irreu uls.rltles, Nlfrhtly Losses and Krrors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Hlood Poisoning, Eccema, Scrofula. St. Vitus tance. Diabetes, BrlRht's Disease, Asthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to bo permanently, quickly nnd cheaply cured may reoelve threo months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with it at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOUHS-Da!ly, 9 a. m. to 9 p. tn. ; Sunday, 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of I lie latest designs and colorings, nnd our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same - quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, us we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 9 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. , Chicngo Cnttlo Market, nlcsfro, May 4.-Cott1e Receipts, 400 head; market dull and steady; common to extra steers. Wa4.E; stockors and feeder, $2.50a4.er; cows and bulls, l.l!0a4.7B; calvos, 2.EOa4.8,r; Tcxans, 2.53a4.75. Hogs Re ceipts, 12,000 head; market 10utr,c fower; heavy packing- and Hhtpplnff lots, $4.D0a4.90; common to choice mixed, l.40n4.R!i; choice assorted, 4.40a4.75; llffht, 4..15a4.75; plus, I3.60a4.65. Bheep Receipts, 6,000 head; market, dull and steady; Inferior to choice, MG4.60, lamp ffet.60. ., Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IKE WORLD OF BUSINESS .STOCKS AM) BONDS. Now York, lluy 4. Tho stock market opened firm, there belnir no uluns of the weakness which characterized yester day's closing dealing". Sugar again Htrui k the key note, and Its advance to led traders who were fighting the rise to cover. This buying, hi conjunc tion with outside orders, brought ubotit a rise of anywhere from to t per cent. The market ruled strong until near the close, when Chicago (las broke 2V4 on reports from Chicago that Governor Altg"UI 'had vetoed the bill recently passed by the l-.gl.slatiire favorable to th:- ei mpany. The decline brought In buying orders and the stock quickly re covered lVj. Anthracite stocks were firm for a time, but later weakened. The losses, however, were Insignificant. London wan a buyer of St. l'nul and Lou'.iivllle and Nashville, but its pur chases had no Influence on the market. Speculation closed irregular, but In the main firm. Net changes show gains of to . except for coalers. Total galea U'9.000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York slo.'U mar ket are given b'low. The quotations ore furnished The Tribune by G. du H. llm mlek. manager for William I.lnn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scran ton. Op'n Ing. Am. Tobacco Co I'M" Am. Col. 0!1 2H'a A n. JJii-iiir K'g Co.lli''i Cbes. Ohio IK'i. Chlcn-;o lus 71 Chic, ft N W '.H'k C. C. C. K- St. 1 4V Ch'e.. Mil. ii St. r... ICS Chic. I!. I. & 1' 0 V.. I. W Mi" (Sen. Kioetrie SI'j I.ouls. & Nash fi'i est. est. ing. lopij o:i' HH, KM 2 20. 2!l'j li:n is Ui'4 is-j, is:' is1 - 72'4 m, MN. 41", 41.i 41 's :! Km ;;. w"1 Or'i lii'i-' l.Miu ir.:,., SV2 X r.a r.v wr, US' us lli 9:i' tw'j, iwi, 2.-.?, 2S, $4 i;, -". i St SI", SIS ;' it:.'v, ! !.. '.IS'.. 9X1 1 4"' 40 " 4 " v: i2'i i:t'i Wi, 3i 37'i 3X .i .1 r. 21'4 2I'4 17' 174 17' i 17"i 17 17' i lfs, 14'i, M'j, 2-;:i, 22 'i MU. lnu.. pi', VP, H;'"a Hl-I H f Kl Tl'i 19114 2l"i 2 no ni Manhattan 101c.. Mich. Central... Mo. r.""!llc Nat. Cordage.... Nat. brad N. J? Central.... N. Y. Central.... N. Y. X. l-:.... N. Y I,. i:. & w .US nr. i; !'. 4il iri N. Y., s. & w c N . Y.. S. & W., Pr... 37' Nor. Paelllc 5 Nor. Pr.elilc. I'r 2'- iint. - Weyf 17". I'll 1 1. & Read Southern It. R Ti nn.. C. 1 17 14 V. Tex. Pacific... Wabash. I'r.... West. Cnlon... .. 10'. ...lt'."'H C S. Leather 2"'2 C. S. Leather, Pr SO CHICAGO IiOAItf) OF TRADI- p KICKS. Upen- High- Low- Clos ing, est. CJt. Ing. lit CI f.3 (CI ', I'.'.'i 04 '4 M'k j:'s 64 !i DSU 2S' 2S'4 2','i 2Si Si ::sn 2S- iW1- H', loin 'J'.'t 49H 49H 4!l'i 4!lH 49 r.'l .'!' I'l-i 6U'.3 6U?4 GU Ci . .72 6.72 ii.f'i G53 . 6.S7 6.!7 0.03 65 . 12.10 12.12 11.90 II ?2 . 12.30 12.30 11.93 ,2.15 Wheat. Mny ......... July September . ( IATS. July September .. CoRN. May July Septemlier .. LARD. July September . I'OKK. July September 12.30 Scranton Board of Trado i:chango Quo Intions. No. Par Shs. Vnl. STOCKS. Pid. Ask. 20 DO Plme Uep. & D!s. Hank C2 fiO 10 100 First Nat'l Rank COO 20 li) Green R'ge Lum'r Co 110 100 I'H) Laeka. Lumber Co... 110 6 100 Laeka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 150 II) IflO Rera'n Savings Hank. 200 10 ino Sera'n Lnre Cur. Co GO 5 100 Seranton Forging Co 100 25 UK) Third Nat'l Hank.... 350 5 100 Nat'l liorlng & Drill ing Co.. Pr .' P0 4! 100 Thurori Coal f.nnd Co .... 90 3 Hi) Scranton Redding Co 101'.. 4 Seranton Axle Works .... 80 10 100 Seranton Glass Co 70 2 1U0 Seranton Jur & Stop per Co 25 40 100 Dleksnn Mfg Co 100 CO 60 Luekawnnna H Mont rose Railroad CO TO 100 Traders' Nat'l Hank 120 25 100 P.onta Glass Co lo 60 100 Spring Hrook Water Co SO 30 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... 103 P.ONDS. 30 1000 Sernnlon True. Co 9S0 2 6o0 Kcon'y Steam Ilent f: Power Co 600 8 100 Madiwm Avenue Im provement 103 6 GOO Scrantun Glcss Co tut) COMMERCIAL New York Produce Market. New York, May 4. Flour Dull, firm. Wheat Dull, firm; No. 2 red store nnd ele vator, K8af;3'4c; nlloat. iWJiffiKiic; f. o. b., C9a7ii'iC.; ungraded red, ia7nc; options dull, weak: May. lW'ic; June nnd July, WSc; August, (i9",e.; September, 69'ic; December, 71. Corn-Firm; No. 2, 67-YiC elevator; SSIic. afloat; steamer mixed, 64 n.Vr'Hc: options steady; May and July, rl;c; September, 65f,c. Oats Dull, firm; options dull; May, 32T4c; June, 32c; July, WiC..; No. 2 while Mny, 3Mic; spot prb es, No. 2, 32n3.lR.; No. 2 white, 37',c; No. 2 Chicago, 3TOaia; No. 3, No. 3 wbltp, 'ic.i . mixed western, 83u34l&c.; white state and western, 37a41c. Provis ions Quiet, llrm, unchanged. Lard Quiet, lower; western steam, W.8214; city, WiC.; May. 0.85; July, $7; refined, quiet; continent, $7.20; South America, $7.C0; com pound, 6Via.rc. Iiutter Steady ; stato dairy, 8al7c. ; do. creamery, lc. ; western dnlry, flnlSc; do. creamery, new, 12al9c.; do. old, 9al4e.; do. factory, 7allo.; Kl gins, 19c; Imitation creamery, 9a1lc. Cheese Quiet, easy, unchanged. Eggs Quiet, unchanged. llnffnlo Cattlo . Market. Puffalo, May 4. Cattle Receipts, 1,500 head; on sale, 40 head; market dull; light stoers, $4.10a4.15; mixed steers, $3.65a4; fat dairy cows, J3.90nl; veals, $.'1.50a5. Hogs Receipts, 7,350 head; on sale, 4,500 head; market 6nl0c. lower; Yorkers and pigs quoted early at $4.80a4.8f; mixed packers, $4.8ta4.90; good mediums and heavy, 11.85a 4.90; roughs, f4.16a4.35; stags, 3.26a3.76; good, mediums and mixed packers sold late at $4.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,000 head; on sale, 6,000 head; market very dull and weak; good wool lambs, $5.40a5.75; fair to best do., , $1.7686.36; cull to fair clipped, $2.50a4; wool sheep, $3.D0a4; clipped do., $3.50a4.3O. ' Tolodo Groin Market. n Mnv 4. Wheat Recnlnts. .1 - 1UICWI - . ' 000 bushels; shipments,' 186.000 bushels'; .... VT O 1 ..U mhJ market quiei; ini anu mny, Vl'Ac: June, 67e.r July, 6Hc; August, 5c f;ornRecelpts,' 14,000 bushels; shipments, 67 (KX) bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed cash, 49c Oats Receipts, 8.000 bushels; .i.unnia Q nun hiiuhels; mnrket dull: No. 1 mixed May, 30c, Clover Seed Receipts, 2R bags; snipnienuB, w uvs, M,C-, October, $s.u. ' Oil Market. Oil City, May 4. Oil opened, 157; high est, IDS; lowest, 150; closed, B7ty. ' 'Pittsburg, May 4. OH opened and low est, K0; highest and closed, 1B7V4. IM)iSTKI.L TOPICS. The Lebanon county assessors have il:ced a valuation of $12,000,000 on the Cornwall ore banks. It 1 estinuvted that under the three lays' mining arrangement the May pri.Kluc.tlon will reach 3,500,000 tons. While the sales agents have been trying to ngree upon the May tonnage, the Keudlng during the last week In April materially added to its tonnage for that month by sending to market 253, 491 tons, an Increase of 35,912 over the corresivondlng week of 1S94. The ship ments from the Wyoming region were 37M.341 tons, a decrease of 43,563 ton, and from the Lehigh region, 136,701 tons, a decrease of l.GIS tons over the corresponding week of lust year. New York Sun: The agreement be tween the anthracite coal companies, though covering only a short period, Is another encouraging development. It can logically be accepted as evidence that the managers of those companies ore reluctant to engage In an open war fare which would be disastrous to all. The solution of the problem presented by the anthracite situation is compli cated, but not lmiwsslble, and the In terests Involved are so large that It seems reasonable to expect that In due time fhe desire for substantial returns upon the capital invested In the Indus try will result In an adjustment of pres ent differences. The force In the oar shoia of the Philadelphia, Reading and New Eng land rond, at Hartford, Is being In creased, and the section gangs tire being enlarged to improve the road bed. A large force is building fences. More than 1,000 tons of new GO-pound steel rail9 have been bought to lay the extended runs and heavy grades. The Iron and steel trade continues In a state of expectancy, for the actual developments In the business are slow in coining. A larger demand is talked of, but the big orders do not seem to be placed; higher prices are awaited for, but consumers prefer to do with out material for the present rather than pay any advance over tho prices that have ruled recently. Meanwhile, the situation. Is complicated by reports of combinations of coke manufactur ers, iron ore producers and workmen to advance the price of raw materials or of labor. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has ben used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. STROUDSBURG. A meeting concerning the interests of the Delaware Valley Electric railroad was recently held In Stroudsburg. Those present were Messrs. Coolboough and Peters, the receivers; Frcldberger, the president of the road; Rockwell, president of the Middletown and Goshen Traction company; Attorneys Storm, Staples, Shull, Palmer, Engineer Car rlck and K. Arborgast. When Judge Craig revoked the order for an olilcial sale, on the statement that the road would be sold by April 30 and the money paid over to the receivers by that date, providing the creditors would be willing to sign an agreement to take 50 per cent, of their claims, it was under stood that if the sale was not affected by the date fixed, in all probability legal action would be taken looking to an official public sale by the proper au thorities. This meeting was held to get a further extension of time, as there Is yet a probability of a private sale on the above terms being made. It was represented by the Intending purchasers that they had not had sufficient time to perfect ail their arrangements and that the best Interests of all concerned would be conserved by a private sale. Tt Is understood the price offered by:the Middletown and Goshen people was $12,000. Their statements and argu ments were favorably considered by those present, and it was deemed best by all those in attendance to grant the extension of time, providing it was In accord with the desires of the creditors. The receivers say they will be guided by the wishes of those having claims against the road, In all their actions, but private conference with one of them leads to the view that in his opinion, a private sale, if It can be affected, is best for all concerned. Through the efforts of the general secretary of the Young Men's Christian association, Abraham Azer hns been sent to Scranton to undergo medical treatment. The brethren of Mlnlsink tribe assist ed those of Sagamore tribej of East Stroudsburg, on Wednesday evening, In the adpotion of candidates , The latter tribe was but lately Instituted, and have not yet had the necessary time to perfect themselves in the work or in the necessary paraphernalia. As these two organizations are such close neighbors, a union of effort and purpose should be productive of mutual benefit and de velop workmen who cannot be excelled anywhere. Wilson Labar, who was employed at Stlte's Mountain house doing carpenter work, slipped while carrying a heavy plank, which fell on his hand and badly mashed It. The wound was dressed by Dr. Lesh, of East Stroudsfburg. M. K. Savacool was in Bangor and Pen Argyl on Thursday on business. Charles Ballanger, of East Strouds burg, was arrested by Constable Smith on Wednesday afternoon on a warrant Issued by Justice of the Peace Becker for assault and battery on Robert Winn, of the same place. The difficulty oc curred In Pysher's restaurant. At a special meeting of the board of directors of the Young Men's Christian association B. 'M. Posten, the general secretary, was elected a delegate to the International . convention of Young Men's Christian associations, to be held at Springfield, Mass., May 7 to 12 in clusive. ' Dr. W. E. Gregory has received an appointment from Harrlsburg to act In tho capacity; of medical Inspector for Monroe county. ' O. W. Giannlnl, wife and son, of New York city, are visiting Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Douglass, of East Stroudsburg. Henry Allen C. T. Nitlngale and Street Cleaning Commissioner Moore, all of New York, were in town recently, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hi M. Mutch ler. ' . Commencing this morning the Wllkes Barre and Eastern railroad will put on a fast triln for New York, which will leave here at E.57 a. m. and arrive at New York at 9.53 a. m. A train in re turn will leave the metropolis at 4.10 p, m., arriving at Stroudsburg at 8.11 p. m. Some malicious person or persons on Wednesday evening disconnected the umbrella to the fountain in the front of the residence of Morton Decker, of East Stroudsburg, and carried it about half a mle and placed It in a tree after smashing it. Mr. Decker offers a re ward of $10 for the arrest and convle. tlon of the thief. C. L. Rhodes has purchaser the prop erty occupied by Dr. Horace Bush, on Crystal street. East StroudMhurg. Mr, Bush will continue at the same old plnce. Consideration not given. Elmer Rosenbach, rwho was arrested for commluing an assault on Miss Mary Kngler, of East .Stroudsburg, and was released on ball, was married on Wed nesday by Rev. C. E. Ailen.of Delaware, N. J to the above named young lady. Jesse M. Graves, a resident of the Delaware Water Gap for thirty odd years, ond editor and proprietor of the Mountain Echo, a ibright sheet pub lished during the spring, summer and fall in the interests of the tourists, died Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock of cancer of the brain. Mr. Graves was about 60 years of age and was postmaster for two terms. He was a fine photographer and was the Instigator of the photo graphic views of the Clap which have commanded a large sale In the principal cities of the United States. Mr. Graves was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. The game between the Athletic asso ciation of Easton and the Normal team on Normal campus, was very exciting and full of brilliant plays, and was a finely contested game considering the fact that the visitors had only played two games this year. The battery for the Normal Is decidedly strong, and Normal will no doubt hold her own against all odds. Dull, as first base man, Is unexcelled, and taken all to gether, the team is exceptionally strong this year. Following Is the positions of the respective teams: Normal Powell, left Held; Cannon, third base; Dull, first base; Walsh, pitcher; Pomp, catcher; Loughran, second base; Madden, center field; Timony and Carens, right field; McGulgnn, shortstop. Easton Titus, second base; O. Smith, first bnse; Mc Kee, catcher; Setters, left field; Manch, shortstop; A. Smith, center field; Arnold, third base; Stecker, right field; Work helser, pitcher. Ituns Normal, 11 ; Eas tern, 3. Umpire Mulligan. We show snmples of high grade print ing In catalogues and booklets The Trib une Printing Department. TUNKHANNOCK. Mr. and 'Mrs. Hubert Kerr are rejoic ing over the advent of a 3-pnund girl. G. D. DeWitt Is erecting a new barn on his premises. A number of prominent Lehigh Val ley and Montrose railroad oflicials ar rived here in a special car Friday njght, and early Saturday morning made a Junketing trip up the Montrose road. Among them were Charles S. Lee, gen eral passenger agent of the I.e'hlgh Val ley; A. W. Nonnemncher, assistant pas senger agent; Superintendents Mltctiell, Esser and Alonzo P. Blnkslee; and Asa P. Blakslee, general passenger agent of the Montrose. Henry Dymond, who was Injured In the handcar collision a couple of weeks ago, is out again. Wool is down to 12 cents, nnd farmers declare sheep raising unprofitable any longer. The Byron Kelley tenement house on court house square, and the O. M. Heck man house on Bridge street are each undergoing repairs. As a rule the man who kicks hardest about the enormous taxes and growls most about the unnecessary expenses of the county Is the one who, If he has any thing to do for the county, will put in the biggest fee for services. This needn't shut out Just criticism upon the admlnstratlon of public affairs, haw ever. Rev. H. W. Buck, the new presiding elder for the United Evangelical people, preached at the Gravel Hill Independent school house last evening, administer ing the sacrament thereafter. Temple commandery. No. CO, Knights Templar, have accepted the invitation of the Wyoming Valley commandery at Pittston to attend Ascension Day ser vices at that place May 23. The now Montrose engine works satisfactorily, and is being run up and down the rond to see what alterations, if any, will have to be made to the road bed before putting on the new train. Rev. G. C. Lyman, of Pittston, was shaking hands with friends here Satur day. Bicyclers are kicking, with a good show of reasoning, against the borough ordinance that prohibits the use of side walks to wheelmen, but allows refuse of every sort to bo dumped Into the street to the Imminent danger of puncturing tires. The sidewalks are not a proper place for wheels, but riders are not so much to blame for taking refuge upon them when tho street is lined with toroken glass, old tin cans, bits of wire and other trash. The borough authori ties ought to put a stop to the throwing of such things into the street. Miss Mary Walker, of Canton, Brad ford county, Is visiting her uncle, T. G. Walter. Wyoming County Pomona grange held a session at the Grand Army of the ate public hall in this place on Saturday afternoon. The meeting was presided over by Worthy Master Norman Sterl ing, of Meshoppen. The principal busi ness was the conferring of tho fifth degree upon eight or nine candidates, but some other matters of more or less Importance were disposed of. At the close the subordinate grange held a short Besslon. The borough council has let the build ing of the stone culvert over Swale Brook to iM. V. Wandall for $500. A guard wall extending from the Tunk hannock creek ibrldgo to the culvert and rising three feet above the roadway will also be erected. The hall game between the Tritons and Keystone academy Saturday .after noon passed oft pleasantly, the result being a victory for the Academy .boys by a score of 7 to 8. E. N. .Stone, of this place, and Professor Harmon, of the Academy, did the umpiring. The game was hotly contested and some good playing done on both sides. It Is al leged that the Academy boys had two WEAK HEN toub ittebtioii IS CALLBD TO TBS Oroat English Remedy. Gray's Specific Medicine J2R lfYPu SUFFER'?. Nor- naram ma tnllt.y, Weaknemiof tindv and Mind. Htupmi. torrhMk, and Imnotency, and all disease that arias from oTer iudnlKcnc and solf-abnsw. m Loss ol Memory and Power, Uimaess of Vis Ion, Premature Old Age and many other all' asee that lead to IiiMinttT or Consumption and an early era-re, write for ram unlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE Do., Buffalo. K.Y. The Bpeciflo Medicine Is sold by all lata at per pacKage,, or six pacKagc lent by mail on reeolDt of mnnnr. .nd wtth.Tery fc.00 order Wt GUARANTEE . core or monav r rerunaea. aMawiaiiMi HrOn areonnt of counterfeits wo have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, th. only genu ine. Mi la fkrutea by ilttbw Bri or three Scranton men to help them out, but of this we cannot Bpeak definitely. The Academy team spoke very highly of tho treatment received from our boys. Their team were as follows: Oaterall, catcher; Stanton, pitcher; Beardsley, first base; Ralph, second base; Moore, third base; Williams, right field; Carnle, center; Reynolds, left. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. SnfTord will start for Lenoir, N. C, today, where they will take up their future abode. , Fierce fires are reported raging on th huckleberry mountains . back of Me hoopany, and the pronpect for a huckle berry crop Is slim. The crop was a fail ure last year' for the same reason. Tho neglect of a cold Is often fatal. Dr. Wood's Norwuy Pino Pyrup contains all the soothing virtues of the pine. Never fulls to cure. 1 CARBON DALE. Snturday afternoon, at S.20 o'clock, Samuel D. linker passed away at his home on Washington street. Deceased wus In the C7th year of his age. He was n native of Carbondale nnd was a member of the firm of Mills & Baker, proprietors of the sash and blind fac tory on Seventh avenue. Mr. Baker is survived by his wife, who Is the daugh ter of Honorable S. S. Benedict, nnd one son, Adelbert H. Baker. Funeral services will be conducted at the resi dence, on Washington avenue, on Tues day nfternoon lit 3 o'clock, (in Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Silas J. Wedeman died nt the home of his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Kllas Wede man, on Grove street, nt the age of 2t years. Funeral services will be held this nfternoon (Monday) at the resi dence at 3 o'clock. Kev. G. K. Jeporn, of the Berean Baptist church, will officiate. Miss Ciarlnda Strong, who hns passed the winter at Hotel American, left on Saturday for Middletown, N. Y., where she will spend the summer months. Dr. D. L. Bailey returned on Satur day from Chicngo, where he attended the convention of railway surgeons. On Saturday nfternoon, at Anthracite park, the lla.leton base ball club won the fourth straight game from Carbon dale team. The score was 9 to 8. The family of Kev.O. A. Place arrived In this city on Friday evening. The ladles of the church had tea ready for them at the parsonage, and gave them a hearty welcome. - HALLSTEAD, The Susquehanna county Sunday School association will hold their an nual Institute nt Foster! on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21 and 22. Itev. L. W. Church will preside at the Insulation of Rev. D. J. Sutherland, ns pastor of the First Prenbyterian church at Susquehanna, on May 15. The Prohibition couirty convention will be held at Montrosa on May 23. Rev. John Davis, pastor of the Bap tist church, exchanged .pulpits with Rev. Henry Hill, of Afton, yesterday. A village Improvement society is talked -of, and undoubtedly one will soon be organized here. The Baptist society have received a fine carload of stone for their new church. Madeline Went, of Tilnghamton. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. McCreary. Dr. Kdwnrds, of Rlnghnmton, nnd Attorney 10. R. W. Searle, of Susque hanna, were in town Saturday. Fire broke out In the Walling block on Main street last Friday evening about midnight. The building is used ns a ofllce by the Water company nnd living rooms by Mrs. Shaw. A large portion of her goods were damaged. But few of Mr. C. L. Crooks' were in jured in any way, although the ofllce was damaged quite badly by the water. The loss is about $1,000. Origin of the fire Is unknown. iervoiBsness Is only another naino for impure blood, for no person is weak and ncr Vouh whoso blood is perfectly pure. When tho blood is full of tho jrerins of disenso, nnd lacking in tho red cor puscles which pivo it vitality, when it fails to properly nourish tho organs nnd tissues of tlio body, what can you expect but that tired feeling and ner vousness? Of courso Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh and llheuniatism arc uni versally recognized us blood diseases, for which Hood's Snrenparilla, ns tho best blood purilier, is everywhere acknowled the greatest remedy. Therefore, as Hood's Sursuparilla cures all blood diseases, it is tlio best remedy for that condition of tho blood which causes Nervousness. It is a falso idea to think you are curing your nervousness when you fire taking ft preparation which only quiets your nerves! It is like trying to "drown" your sorrows in tlio flowing bowl. They aro sure to return. Wo wish to make most imoresslvo, then, this truism: You cannot purify your blood by peadkninu or ql'ietinu your nerves with opiate, narcotic, or nerve com pounds. If you tuko such articles you uro only trtflino with your troubles. There is sukk to bo a itEAo tion which will leave you worse than you were before. Why not then, take tho true course, follow the bee-lino to tho stato of health, purify your blood and cure your Nervousness by taking HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Great Reduction Sale at the EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO. OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE. 2 CASES Of Ladies' Ribbed Veta; yon have never worn a bettor, wi-ll fitted undergarment; the pries, OnlylS Cent, tleeve abort or lung. NEXT LOT W dozen Ribbed Vents, lighter In weight, tint juat tlio thing for the aummnr. 3 Vests for 29 Cents. Can you afford to be without them 1 GENTLEMEN'S BALBRIGGANS - In 10 different numbers? onr linn of Bal brlggnns for men we can say Is tha lam ent in the elty. We snpply the wholesale and retail trade. We bare the following: LOT 1 A good Balbrlggan Shirt nnd Drawers; sites to salt ths buyer, at 40 cant for me Suit, or zuoania eacu, THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO., OLD STAND G303.MAN S CUT PRICE J UY Dr. SR3ITH At 812 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Fa. Mr. Edward S. Hldgway, who is a well known cltlxeu of Avoca, has been a con firmed invalid for tho post seven months. llo has been n great suiferer from Nen ralglu of the entire right side or his body upwards of seven years. Luring all this time ho Was seldom free, from pain. Seven or eight months ugo he wus taken woihb. The puln In tho right side of his head at tacked tho thyroid glands In his neck. The awful excruciating puln then descend ed to the sinull of his buck, right hip and followed the course of the selullc nerve to the foot. The pain and sleepless nights Moon began to tell on him und he soon found himself a helpless und hopeless in valid. Jle remained in this condition until lust Tuesday morning, whpn he went to the Acudcniy of Music und received u inugncllc treatment fiom IJr. Smith, that Justly celebrated magnetic physician. Mr, lildgway commenced to Improve after the first mtignetlc treatment and is 4iovv on the road to permanent health. I)r, Smith Is unquestionably tho most scientific mag netic physician living. As u physlclun nnd surgt-on he stunds second to none. He Is a graduate from the "llegulur school of medicine and from the "Homeopathic" school. Ho hus walked the floors of the largest hospltuls In America and i'.urope. lie performs ull operations known to sur gery und will permanently cure seven cases out of ten that have been pronounced In curable. Ho Is the young man's friend. If you ore a young or old man and If you are suf fering from liny of the complaints pecu liar to men. go to hlin ami be cured. If you are low spirited or find II dllllcult to concentrate the mind on a column of fig ures long enough to udd them up. If your hail. Is are cold and dummy, go to Dr. Smith and ho will cure you. I)r. Smith positively cures ull diseases peculiar to women without the use of Instruments nnd without exposure of the person, lie cures Diabetes, Hrlght's disease of the kidneys. Spasms, Paralysis, Hheumatlsm, Heart Disease, Ulcers, Abscess, Deform ities, Removes Superfluous Hair and Wi th Marks. Cures the blind and lame. CONSULTATION FMK1C nt his office nnd residence, No. 312 Wyoming Hvenue, Scranton Pn. Ollice hours from n. m. to 9 p. m. daily, except Sundays. Remem ber It costs you nothing to go und see him. Letters of inquiry must contain postage. The Doctor will give a FREE, IL LUSTRATED LECTURE to men only at Music Hall at 8 o'clock THIS EVE NING, to which all are Invited. 230 Lackawanna Ava., Scranton. Don't say that and skip it over. You can afford to read what we print and we can probably give 'ou a point or two on prices, so that you will gain as much knowledge reading our ads as if you are reading the daily news. FOR INSTANCE, Last week we offered Men's Pants, a few of them left vet, at the ad vertised price, $2,00 PER PAIR They Are Worth S LUUaud S 1.0 J, This week we offer 65 Men's B'ack Cheviot Suits, - - $4.65 As to loe them, they aro worth ii. Children's Tersev Suits we sell for - - $1,25 utliors sell them for 5-00. II Children's Waists, Children's Caps, Men's Shirts, Men's Hosiery, Men's Gloves. WE ARE GOING TO QUIT KEEPING THEM. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE I Always the Cheapest. SIGN OF THE BELL LOT 2 Colored Balbricsans. cold, brown and Hub. g.ioi qniallty, and air.es to suit any body for the price of 25 cents each. LOT 3 Did you ovor have shirt of onr French Ballirlggnnr If yon have net them, you batter come and examine tllom; silk stitched, the quality the boat, and if they are not equal in quality tn what others ok 76 onnts, will give a suit for nothing, Our price 39c. each, or 78 cents for Shirt and Drawers, WHAT'S NEXT7-A good white linen Vn laundrktd Bblrt; we are headquartors on good Muslin Bhirts: our shirts have the material, labor, neatly made and prices lowar than others; 50o. each. , Hhlrts Again If yon need a Hliirt for work shift ing, fancy in Cheviot or Porcalo, or any other ahirt you have in your mind, gn to Empire Dry Goods Co., direct manufac turers. Canal fctt., New York. Bell all their product to consumer, the STORE, 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 o E FAIR 400402 LACKAWANNA AVE., GRAND m iSSkF THE I Mill, ItUKI Jll'SIIItt I Tlir rnm I t tiih mm t 1 11 1 IA A. JL . . INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS : Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other stores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices. We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's why Ave leave no effort unspared. The best makes and finest designs, including many pri vate patterns in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. s Selected with a view to matching this season's best styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan. $ A 00 for the finest quality 40-yard rolls; a good heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at M . Til- A.. A 1 . 4.00, wiin twenty in-Detweeu 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AX CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. DON'T Often sell goods at Half Value we've the chance. We want you to profit by it. It's Economy's generous nature. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FINE ROCKERS . . Some Quartered Oak, others rlcb Curly Birch and Mahogany finish, high mirror polish. "Stickley & Simonda Co. of Syracuse makers of high grade chairs, made them. Our representative was on the field when they were offered at one-half less than cost. If you want to know the "why" and "whereforo" of this sacrifica purchaso we will cheerfully answer all questions. COBBLER 5EAT PLUSH SEAT DAMASK BROCATELLE, CANE and POLISHED SEAT 25 Qlialllt Sliapod Batk Rot'kerS, 15-inch cobbler seat in different woods broad, generous arms that seem to say "Welcome." Half value price is $3.75, worth $7.50. There's another with cobbler seat Can be had in Oak and Mahogany only. Price $2.25, would sell at 5.00. Silk Plusli Spring Scat Rocker, high back, $1.90. HljSh Back Cane ROCker, antique finish, suitable for a "knock. about," $1.15. Price is the only cheap These 250 Rocker samples will be plain figures ean't sell them on credit SALE IS GOING ON NOW ECONOMY FURNITURE GO SSB and 287 Wyoming Avenue. AT FAIR SCRANTON. PA. f - . DISPLAY OF I m 4 prices, DO THIS thing about it There's another at 65c. displayed in our basement, marked in or charge accounts for cash Only. AND BALANCE OF WEEK. EBEGKER ft OIL Ill B I VALUE