The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 04, 1895, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE SOT?AXTt)N TTlTnUXE SATUKPAY MOTTNTNG. At AT 4, 1S9.7. GORMAN'S T. What Is Advertised Is only a part of wlwt wo Imve. Every day now goods arrive, are rait on our counters nnd nre gone before we've lmd a word to my about tliutn in the papers. Their merit sell tbem-tbeir clteaptiesx sells them. Thero'a always boiiiu tliintrof interest for you, uo mat ter when you come in. Bilks of other seasons, designs tlmt were ouee popular, colors Unit were nil the rago months nijo have passed out of si,'lit; now, that which Dume Fasliiou has smiled upon reigns supremo for the mo ment. Figured Taffeta, (ilusc Silks, choice figures, choice combinations. Figured Taffeta in Sprays, Figures and Dots; fine lustre and strong. We show au endless variety. SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, liniPESTlElASIL PRICE 49 CENTS. Ear Bold this season at 6c the yard. FANS Fans are an ornament, often a ne cessity and always acceptable. Many are the kinds, and tickle taste will surely be satisfied with our assortment. KID GLOVES Ladles' Four Button Gloves, Pariu Points, and Elegaut Tau Shades, Extra Quality Mosqueteres, Suede Gloves, Black, Tan and Brown. All the desirable shades in the new kid glove, and we assure at a price that will enable all to in dulge yourselves and be well gloved. Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cotton Gloves; all the summer shades for the approach ing season. SHIRT WAISTS Properly put together, good uew ing, good material and the sizea right. GORHAH'S GRAND DEPOT. OR. REEVES, 41 2 'Spruce Street, Scraatoa, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, And Dtnottna of the Hnart, Lungs, Kid ney, Liver, Womb. Stomach, Bladder, Hiad..V)ta jid Epilepsy, He with hlu JuUtiuitH treat all diseases of the Eye, JTobq, Sax and Throat, Dya eota, Kbeumatlem, Lost Vitality, Nerv oo PMtffjr. Female weakness and Irreer uUrHiaf. JHrhtty Lessee and Errors of Touth. Loe-t Mmibood. Varlococele, Blood Polsonllm, Etvim, Scrofula, St. Vitus twftOe, DlaAetfS, lirltiht's Disease, Asthma, etc YOUNQ MEN QUJCKLY CURED. THREE MfiMTUS' OFFER: Any one suffartng; -with Catarrh who Wlebes M Be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may reoelve thro morrths' treatment tor only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor ha dlerovered a specific for this dreaded dlaease. You nan treat and cure yourself and family with If at home. It never fsila to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFlCra HOURS Dally, 9 s, m. to 9 p. Bi. Sunday, It to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, 'and our prices lower than any other house in the trade,, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We ore overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as wc need the room. J.Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Toledo Grain Mnrkct. Toledo, O., May 8. Whent Receipts, 4. 022 btwlK-ls; RhlpmonlM, 12,000 bushels; mar ket firmer; No 2 red cash and May, 67c.j June, (Wc. ; July, Cii'.tc. ; AuKust, Cuiic; No. 3 red cash, (k'ftc. Corn Receipts. 7,928 minimis; shipments, 11,000 hUHhels; market quiet; No; 8 mixed cash, -Wic. ; No. 3 yel low, Mc, No. ii mixed July, too. Oats Re ceipts, 1,000 bushels; shipments, none; market dull, steady; nothing doing. Clover Seed Receipts, SO bai;s; shipments, 60 bans; market tirm; prime ca.ib, 85.90; October, G.30. . GRAND SILKS THE WORLD Of BBSS STOCKS 'AND BONDS. New York, Way 3. Prices at the Stock Exchange opened at a lilpher range. As usual Sugiar set the puce, the stock rfciltiB to 114VJ. Susar, how ever, ilIU not munopallzo the market by any meatia. On tho contrary thare was a better demand for other Hli:kii. Ijn don boiisht freely of lt3 f.ivorltos. This buylnt? resulitd In an ailv.m-e of to Hi, the cualers, C5r.iii;:er:i and the In dustrials all bi-liiB pivimliifiu In the up wircl movement. In the afternoon Chl ca:;o tlas broke l1?, tfiiKtir 1. Deli ware nnd Hudson IVh. MlehlRun Central 134 and the other prominent sticks .any where 'from H to 1 per cent. The mnr kut closed rather weak In tone. Net elmiiKtS show losses of Vi to "i: tV anthracite coalers gained Vi to I inr cent. Total pales were SIS.OlHl Hhnrcs. The raiiKO of today's prices for the i.e tlve stocks of the Now York slock limr ket are Klven bclon. The iiot:itions are furii'shed TIio Tribune by 1. du 1!. Dim tnlrk. mnnairer for William Linn. Allen & Co.. stock brokers, 412 Sprucu struct, Scrantoii. O'pn Mich- Low- Clos Ir.i;. st. cut. ill;,'. Am. Tobacco Co Wl'4 lit:li lol'i lei'i Am. Cot. oil 2S. I'.e, LI".. Am. Himur IJcr IH'i 112'j. 112't A teh.. To. & tf. Ke... H, 5 Ki U i 'mi. .South M'b M'i CiY 821 Ohes. & Oli'.o 1st, id 1ST, 1X' I'lueiiKO Lias 7i 7"eii "I'h Vl'-i Cli'e. - N. V iiV-j Wi'n !"i chic., h. a q 7r.'i 7.".'i 7i v, ;iv; C. C. C. Ac Si. L 4l'i 4Ih 41", 4I, Chic, si! I. Ai St. I'... IKS, ti2-i IS'n Chic. It. I. & V tij' I17' CIA, iwi DelHWare .4 Hud i: V.WS V::i 1211-H D. , L. At W HW'i W Ki'i' l'K'.i Dlst, Ai C. F ISSi l!Ts IS'., !..' Cell. l'Jleetric S.!1, S.1"H 3:!' u l',V-j Uike Shore 14;i llS't 14:1 H: Louis. Aj Nieih frfi'.y ti', ri5 U' .Manhattan Kle 11M. HS'.j 117'i 117', Mich. Central !0", Wt !'S' Mo. Tactile 2ia, 2,;', 2r.4 Nut. Coniutie Ii7, 7'i iir', i-V, Nat. Lead '31, SI'i, 3I'4 3I1 N. J. Central lUi'a !'7's W'i, IK;', N. Y. Central HS Wi?i Its', N. Y. & N. K 2'J 4l) i.9 3!ts, N. Y., L. 10. & W 12'4 12'i ll'i. 12 N. Y., S. Ai W l:t' la'a i:n, l'i N. Y., S. Ai '., IT... !, 37", 3 37'., Nor. raeitte 5 (i fi 5 out. & West 17 17'i 17'i 17". Phil. Ai Head 17'i 17'i, 17', Southern R. It 11 M, 14', H1: Tenii.. C. Ai 1 2:1 U:i'i 2L", 22". Tex. Pacitle 1u"2 luf-i, in", to Wabash. IT lt'.:1i V W West. L'nlon , M. K P.. A'- 0 67'i 674 H. S. G 2 22'., 22 22', CHICAGO HOARD OI' TRADR PRICKS O'pn liifh- Low-Clos- WIIEAT. int. est. est. im,-. May H3 CP, 2'i !: July 04 CV, (CM, C.I11, Septemlier 04 Oj1-, 01 01": OATS. May 2-514 Si 2814 2S July 2'-i 2xj, 2X1 a 2i September 2j:, 2o-J, 2iT, 2tr;i, CORN. ?.lav 4S't 4!"'i 4S'i 4!) July 43 4'i 49 4'"i Seitember 4!)- W!"i 4'J TH LAUD. May (l.fT. Cfir GOO fifii) Juy 6.90 ! 6 75 0.7: Septemtier 7.05 7.U7 0.90 0.9: PORK. Mav 11. R0 12.00 11.80 12.10 July 12.42 12 17 12.10 12.20 September 12.62 12.70 12.32 12.40 Scran ton Board of Trndo Exchange Quo tations. No. Par Shs. Vnl. STOCKS. Eld. Ask 20 DO Dime Dep. & Dis. Hank C2 SO Kl 100 First Nat'l Rank Coo 20 100 Green R'so Lum'r Co .... 110 100 tin) Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 .. B lC? Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co ISO 10 10O SiTa'ii Savings Rank. 200 .. 10 100 Scrifn Lace Cur. Co W 5 110 8cram'o,n Forclnj; Co l'X) .. 25 UN) Third Kat'l Rank 350 .. S 100 Nat'l Povlns & Drlll- inff Co.. i'r 90 45 100 Thuron Cor:! Land Co .... 90 3 100 Scranton Hei'dliiff Co .... lOI'i 4 100 Scranton Axlo Works .... 80 10 100 Scranton Glass Co 70 2 100 Scranton Jar AY Stop per Co 40 IM Dickson Mf Co 100 60 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad CO to 100 Traders' Nat'l Rank 120 25 100 Uonta Glass Co 10 CO 100 Siiriiur Iirook Water Co 90 30 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... 103 BONDS. 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co 950 2 Boo Kcon'v Steam Heat Hi Power Co D00 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 10.' 6 GOO Scranton Gloss Co DoO r COMMERCIAL. New York Produce Market. New York. May 3. Flour Firm. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and ele vator, fiSHc; afloat, 70o.; r. o. b WiaiOic; ungraded red, 64a7.1a; options closed steady; May, 68'c; June and July. 69K,c; AuK'ist, C3c; September, G9e.; Decem ber, 7114c. Corn Dull, lirmer; No. 2, B7r,c, elevator; K8Y,c. afloat; steamer mixed, 544 5"i?ic.; options higher, clorilnK II rm; May M-c; July, 6 IT4C ; September, KSVic. Oats Dull, firmer; options quiet, tlrmer; May and June, 33c; July, S3-V.! No. 2 white May, 37c. ; spot prices. No. 2, S3e. ; No. 2 white, 37t4c; No. 2 Chlcauo, 34c; No. 3, 32c; No. 2 white, 36',4c; mixed western, 33'ta34'Ac.; white state and western, 37a4lc. Provisions Firm, slow, unchanKed. Lard Quiet, weak; western steam, 8.87'4; city, G'ia6c; May, $6.90; July., $7.02; rennd, quiet; continent, $7.25; South America, $7.70; compound. r"n"' ;c. Rutter Steady; state daly, 8nl7c creamery, 19c; western dairy, Km creamery, new, 12al9c; do. old, 9jl,. .0. Tuetory, 7allc; KlKlns, 19c; Imllatioii creamery, 9a1 Ic Cheese Quiet, weak, unchnntfed. Kkks Quiet, steady; state and Pennsylvania, 134al3?ic. ; western fresh, 13ul3',4c.; south ern, YluXFiG.; duck, 13al7c; goose, 25a28c. Ilnffnlo Cntdc .Market. Buffalo, May 3. Cattle Recants, 17S head; on sale, 140 head; market very dull. I Iocs Receipts, 6.9H0 head; on sale, 4.2'iO head; market weak; Yorkers, $t.80al.K5; mixed. $4.S5u4.90; mediums, $4.90a4.9.j; cholco heavy, $5; roushs, $l.20a4.40; rtimn, $3.25a4. Sheep and Lambs Rece'pts, 7.2.K) head; on sale, 0,600 head; market dull; irood wool sheep, $5.fi0a.r).W); clipped, $5a5..riO; llKht to fair wools, $4.25a5.25; clipped, $:i.7'i 4.75; Kansas fed Texans wool sheep. $1.4 4.50; good native clipped. $3.5Ua4.25; two loads of I Ik lit (liS pounds Mexican wool sheep) sold late at $4.45a4.5). c.l.icnso Cattle Market. TTnlon Stock Yards, May 3. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market firm; common to extra steers, $la6.25; stockers nnd feed ers, $2.50n4.75: cows and bulls, $1.Wla4.75; calves, $2.l9a4.li5; Texans, $2.2.".h4.75. Hoks Receipts, 18,000 head; muiket strotiK; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4.Wa 4.9711.; common to choice mixed, $l.r,()a4.90; choice assorted, $l.70a4.80; llftht. $l.45a4.5; plus, $3.00a4.(K). Sheep Receipts, ll.OdO head; market steady jlnferior to choice, Jl.75a4.Gf.; lambs, 3afi.60. Oil Mnrkct. Plt.tsbiinf, May 8. Oil opened und hlKh est, Ki2',4 lowest and closed, 158. Oil City; May 8. Oil opened and highest, 1U2; lowest end closed, 153. Philadelphia Tallow Mnrkct. Philadelphia, May 8. Tallow Is quiet and steady. We quote: City, prims, In hhds, 4',4c.; country, prime, In bbls. 4',4c.; do. dark, in bbls, 4 lie; cukes, 4c; (reuse, 3v4c ' - M others! Mother ! ! Mothers ! ! ! Mrs. Wlnslows Soothlns Syrup has ben osed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethlnv, with perfect auocens. It soothes the child, softens tho sums, allays all. pain; eures wind colic, and Is ths belt remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing Syrup." and take r,9 other Und. Twenty-five ceuU a cot tin. IKDI'STKIAL Ttlta. The Pennsylvania railronJ was nr,t rereacnt'.-d at the coal sales agents' meetln In Ne w York Thursday. The Rcadlnc; Coal and Iron eorapany has Issued orders to commence varUIng all Its collieries on full time, ten houru per day. UpwardH of 12,000 men and boys will bo affected by the move. The oint Is made that the renr.?yl vnia railroad Is not ankud to rostrl t Us operation as a common carrier but t.) restr'.-.-t i!rs mining rf c-.'al. Tho L.iclrawnnnr.'s price of $3.28 per ton for broken c::;l ered in Puffalo over the years means J.26 per ton at t'.i'; mines. This Is to be cor.tra'Ued with tho mine -jirlce of $1.75 per ton on the same t'lntu of coal sold in tho th!?w.rlcr market up ti a l-oeenl dale. The price In January was $1.29 per ton; In April, ISM, it was $2.04, and in April, 1S03, $2.34. And now, s.iya (lie Wlllt -n-Barre Record, there is talk or th? New York, Slit:iiieiianna and Western litln;; owned by Hie "Pentisy." A (r.'eat deal of the iii-r-lis and bonds of thu concern are owned by Flnion Horfv'and his anao-e-iate3. rVJOIMTROSlZ. William Wheeler MulTord arrived In Montrose on Thursday nnd is now the of hla iti' lh.-r, Mia. ll.iehel Mul l'or.l. nt Lakeside, I'YIetidavillc. Miss l-:ili;l Pope Is eonlliud to her homo with a severe llhie?". Mrs. Ralph II. finllli, who has been very si.-k, Is now decidedly betler. I'eniiis Ken came !o Tile Ti iliune roriesiMindent yesterday nnd denied the fact that he had In.'iiHed the 12-year-old daughter of Mr.?. Fam-her, who. on Thursday nlcjit, pt bllely horsi; whlpied him. "I huv i too much rj speet for niyi-'eh'," Kind Mr. K-rriKan, "and the 111:1 tier Is one I sincerely re Kivt. 1 did not Insult the ulrl and can prove It. I have lived In Montrose twenty-seven years nnd the people know me. The trouble arose from an old hatred this woman has for me." Mr. Kerrl;;an was not Injured as badly as was nt first determined. He was at his place of business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Senrl Mi-Collum were at Lakeside for n few days this week. The Jolly Joker company, advertis ing: Pr. Kennedy's medlelnrs, have been plnyiiiK at the armory durinir the past week. J. Arthur Nelson Is In charge of the dramatic department. On May 16 the annual muster and In spection of Company O, Thirteenth reslment, will be held. Adjutant W. S. Millar will be the Inspecting officer. The company Is already preparing for the event, nnd judging from the amount of Put!! pomade. In use, the brasses will shine beyond description. Anicl thpn there's their armory fund, too Its growlnp. Mrs. William II. Mulford. of Scran ton, Is vlsithitr her son, W. S. Mulford. The Patrons of Industry held a hop on Thursday nl(?ht. John S. Courtrltrht Is absent from town, visiting In 1'arkersburg, V. Va. - CLARK'S GREEN. Mr. and Mrs. Tortious Gage, of Vine land, are spending a short time nt the home of the latter's uncle, J. C. Clark. llenjamin Mead Is now to assume light work for tho first time since De cember last, having had a protracted attack of sciatic rheumatism. An elegant supper was held nt the Methodist church Thursday evening, which was very enjoyable. Receipts, V.i. The Ladies' Aid society Is now do- In?r a grand work. Mrs. Lamont and three sons nnd daughter have taken up summer quar ters with Mrs. L. Dalesman. Much Interest is now beiug manifest ed in the formation of a new Fish club for the the (Jrltlln reservoir. Richard Davis, of Factoryvllle-, is Just completing a fine new dwelling on Highland park. The farmers of this vicinity nre vnliing themselves of this fine weather In putting In their crops. The annunl meeting of the Clark's Green Cemetery association will be held at the house of J. C. Higgiils, on Monday evening, May G, at 7.30 p. m for the purpose of electing trustees for the ensuing year. Tho nncW) nf ft colli Ir oftpn fntnl. Dl Wood's Norway Pine Syrup contains nil the soothing virtues of the pine. Never fulls to cure. PECKVILLE. Sabboth Williams has moved Into the house formerly occupied by Frank Hoyt. I'.ev. Mr. Dalrgcll, who expected to become pastor of ' the Presbyterian church of tills place, has had to cancel his engagement on account of poor health. The Young People's society of the Methodist Episcopal church is making preparations for an entertainment. Street Commissioner Yv'iillnm Hell Is entitled to gretit credit for tho way that he is Pxlng up our public roads, nnd the taxpayers should all appreciate It. Mrs. Henry Chapman, of the West Side, has baen Indisposed for the pnst week. The Junior Enworth league tire get ting ready to give nn entertainment entitled the "Fairy Queen." There will be no services at the H ip tlst rhitrch tomorrow, on account of genral repairs that are being made to the church edifice. John Wnrtie, who has been Indisposed for the past week, Is Improving. -Mrs. Thomas Pupi? entertained a number of her lady friends at her home last Thursday at n quilting bee. All report having had a good time. About twenty members of tho Green Itldge club pnssed through here last Thursday evening nnd made a short stop at Hotel Wilson. "llr.w to C1110 All Skin lUsensen." Simply apply "Swnyne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, Iteh, nil eruptions on tho face, hands, noi-e etc, leaving tho skin clear, while nnd healthy. Its great healing mid curutlvo powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druuglat for Swayne's Ointment. CARSONDAUE. W. D. Evans hna returned from a brief business visit to New York city. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hreese, of Dai-te avenue, on Thursday, a daughter. Dr. Rupert Purcell, of Windsor, N. Y., was a Carhondale visitor yesterday. E. Y. Davis, of Hayonno, N. J,, In again called to this city 1y the serious Illness of his mother, on Park street. Mr. Itlackwell, of Wilkes-Banc hnfl accepted a situation with Stephens & Tucker, or Salem avenue, Thomas Levlson yesterday placed a soda water fountain' In hia business place. Eugene Hudson hns returned to hia position on tho street car". Lew Hunnell, of Bcranton, mndo a business trip to thl olty yesterday afternoon. Patrick Sullivan, of Ilrooklyn street, died. yesterday morning, Deceased Wfis 4; year of fttfe and ft natlvv of Ireland. Tunernl will bo held Gundaafternoon at 3 o'clock. On YiYduesdcy evening of next week in tho Haptlst chapel 4 social WllJ. be held under the auspices of thi nil.isloiury committee of tho Christian Kndoavcr society. A general Invita tion Is extended, and all who attend are requested to bring some oort of a musi cal Instrument, tie more novel the bet ter. After the ro-.lal, ice cream end cake wl'l be served. Mrs. W. W. HIlkT.hri returned to h'-r home, in Tcnkhanno-ck, after a few daya' visit with her son, In this city. ..... . HONESDALE. James W. Hnyward died ut his home on Main street, Thursday night, flg'-d 79 years and 11 month?. He was born in Suarex county, N. Y und has lived In Honendale and vicinity for Hie past 2S yuiiu l.'e la M:rvlvd by his wife nnd tlie following sons and daUKhteis; Mrs. William JleKlroy, William Ilay xvard and Mrs. William Hill, Il ties dale; John Hay ward, Stanhope, N. J., tfriwln Hay ward, llaekcttstown, N. J.; Mrs. Cyius Hold.!', Iloue.ulnle; find Gc-orgo liaywnrd, who is supponed to be In Missouri, but lias not been heard from for several years. The funeral tt-111 be held from the house ut 1,0.20 a. 111. today (Saturday.) The funeral of the late Jense Dexter will be held from hi:; homo In Union Hill at 2 p. 111. today. Itev. John N. Lewis made a trip to New York Thursday. MAY STOKMS. P.Y PROF. C. COLF.S. Fioin the Wllkea-liarro Telephone. l roin the 1st to I he 7ih Ki eat and pecu liar eliiiii,-es will take place; rain, ha'l, Miow and cloudbursts are among 1 lie dls-turhanc.-s to be cx peeled. A very sharp nnd cool wave may be looked for before the reactory Morms, which will muke their appearance along the 10th. Threatening I clouds and showers will appear between the Will and 15th. From the 15th to the Hist, lienvy ruins, strong wind gales, snow, hull, llooils and cyclones may be expected. These storms will prove most dangerous throughout tho southern and weiYern (dates, and ill foreign lands. Watch tile telcm aphic rcpurts. My predictions for April proved true In every Instance. Proofs oil file. Signs: Venus will be in Taurus on the 5th; Mars in Gemini on the 12th; Jupiter In (It mini 011 the loth; Saturn In Libra on lhe2;th. Therefore: From the 1st to 3d good time to plant most any kind of vegetables. From Hie 7th to 9th good time for roots grass, cornfodder, millet, etc From the 9th to the 12th good time for grain, vines, peas, beans, etc. From the 19th to the 22d good time for grain, field-beans, etc. Tho best day for planting potatoes will be be tween tho 19th and 22d. On the 17th Is tho day for planting cucumbers, melons, squashes, etc. The vllnl forces of Vege table life will be at their hlchest ebb on the 1st. 2d. 9th, loth, 11th, 19th, 201 h and 271 h, and at their lovest ebb on the 3d nnd Ith, 30th and 31st; then la the time to kill weeds. Do not transplant uny kind of vegetables on those dates nor set out flowers of any kind. Plant potatoes as early as possible this year, ns the potato louse will again make its appearance. Practically Such. From Texas Siftings. Elderly Gentleman (taking a stroll on Sunday morning, to cabman) My friend, are you a Sabbath-observing man? Do you give that attention to religious mat ters which nil men should? Cabman Oh, yes, sir; Jump In, nnd I'll drive you to any church on the avenue for a dollar. Wo show samples of high grade print ing in catalogues and booklets The Trib une Printing Department. " THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE 1:4 HAPPY, lltl'lTFUL MAKRIAGI." Evcrr Man Who Would Know tK-j Grand Truths, I lie I'lntn Furls, Iho New Discoveries of Medical triinr3 ns Applied to married Life, Who Would Atone for Pant Errors nnd A Told Futnro Pitfall, Should Hecuro tho Wonderful Little Hook Called " Camplelo Miiuhooil, and How to At. lain It." " Hero nt last Is Information from n Mi-h nu ilii nl poiirce tlmt must work wonders with this Kcticratiun of meu." The hunk fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor unci manly power. A method by which to end all uunuturul uruiuaou me system. To euro nervmisnecs, lack of self-control, dc rpondency, Ac. To rxclmnga a Jr.ded nnd worn for oreef britzlitners, buoyancy nnd ower. To euro forever effect a cf cieuascisovcrv.-or't, 70rry, &c. To (.rive full ntrrnqth, development nnd tniio to every portion nnd oriin of 1 ho body, A (to no binder. Failure liujioesililc. Two tltniminl referonrrs. Tho lunik is purely mrdlcnl nnd scientific, cy'les; to enrionily ceekera, fiivuluuble to uieti u:ily who need it. Admrairlnir nan, who luul n;;illeil to us, n.-nn after wrote: "Well, I till yen that, first, dny Is one I 11 rcver forget. I Just bubbled wllh Joy. I v.'iiitcd to ling everybody and tell them my old ei If had iliiid ycMcnliiv, nnd inv new tclf vns brii to-dnv. Why lildu'l yoii tell 1110 win n 1 Diet wroto that I v.euld lied it thin'i-" And nnothcr than: "tf you (lumped 11 cart lond of gold ntmv feotit wimld not bring town (.huliR-st into my life as yuur method 1 an (tone. Wrllolothu Kltlli MKL'ICAt. COMPANY, DiilTalo, N. V., end iek !nf the little book cidlel ''CtlMI'I.KTB M NIIOOU" liefer to this inner, and the couitxtny prniiiiM's tosend tie book, in pen led t uvelonc, vltliniit nny inrVn, uuJ entirely free, until it is well lutio. Jueud. Great Reduction EMPIRE DRY OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PAIGE ST03E. 2 CASES Of Lnilics' Rllit.el Vests; you have never worn n better, well tilted Uh(l"ruruicnt; ' the price, Only 1 5 Cants, sleeves abort or lone. NEXT LOT ' &11 (1 01 11 UIi.LmI ki, lighter In woiirht. lilt Jii"t tho tiling for tho Binnmer. 3 VcGtsfor 25 Centa. t-'nn you ulTorcl to bu without thvjiu f GENTLEMAN'S BALBRIGGANS In 11 different numbers: our 11ns of Dal brleaan for men wo ran sy I' til lam ent In the city. We snpply tho wholoxalo mid retail trudo. We have tho lulluwiuu: LOT 1 A ifood Hnllrliwn Rhlrt and Drawers; lavs to suit the buyer, at 40 conts for the Suit, or US cents oaeb, THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO, 013 SUM GOtaMffS CUT PRICE Of Rheumatic ParalysJs by Dr. Frank B. Smith, the Magnetic Physician, at 3:2 Wyoming Ave nue, Scranton, Pa. '...i H. B. Cain, who resides near this cky, was Btriokon down about thirteen months ago with rheumatic paralysis. HI3 sufferings have been so great that at times It was feared he would lose ; his mind. For the past ncven months his lower llmbii h.ive be?n paralyzed i and ho has had to be lifted from his bed to a chair. Notwithstanding the , fact that both limbs were paralyzed the I pain und tenderness In his left leg was I terrible; the slightest . touch would throw him Into it paroxysm of frightful j r-aiii and Buffering, which would con 1 tiuue unabated for hours at a time I Ills lielplirs condition, together with the pain he Buffered, often caused him to pray for death. Physielans fe.r and near were called to see him, but none gave him the desired relief. Ilenring of the wond"rful. cures made by Dr. Smith ho applied to him for help, and we are happy to nay secured it. From the flrat magnetic treatment he began to improve. After the seventh he was freed from nil pain nnd all suffering came to an end and nt the expiration of four weeks could wall; without the aid of crutches or cane. This cure, like many others which Dr. Smith made, Is unimpeachable evidence in favor of his strange and mysterious powers to Ileal the sick. He will give a written guarantee to cure nil oases of plies, fissure, fistula In aim, stricture, vcrlococelo and hydrocele he under takes. He treats successfully catarrh, uyspepsiai, roc-art uiseasei liver com plaint, disease of the kidneys and all forms of chronic diseases. He cures all forma of ovarian tumors without tho usa of the knife. The doctor will con tinue to heal the elek free of charge at the Academy of Music every morning nt 10 o'clock. Consultation free at 312 Wyoming avenue from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 230 Lackawanna Ava., Scranton. Don't say that and skip it over. You can afford to read what we print and we can probably give you a point or two on prices, so that you will gain as much knowledge reading our ads as if you are reading the daily news. FOR INSTANCE, Last week we offered Men's Pants, a few of them left yet, at the ad vertised price, $2.00 PER PAIR They Aro Worth SiWiond Sl.lU This week we offer 65 Men's B'.ack Cheviot Suits, - - $4.65 As to see them, they aro worth SI Children's Jersey Suits we sell for - - $1.25 Others sell them for $2.(X). Children's Caps, Men's Shirts, Men's Gloves. WE ARE GOING TO b'tilT K:EPING THEM. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE Always tho Cheapest. SIGN OF THE BELLI Sale at tha GOODS CO. LOT 2 Colorod Halhrhrtrnns, Hold, brown and 1 be, if o 1 (uulity, nnd itson to suit any body for the iirioe of 25 cents each. LOT 3 Did vou over hivo a uliirf of nnr F1.0nf.t1 l.'HllirlKjiinr if ynu hnve not (hem, vou bettor coino mid cxnmlne them; hIIIi stilciied, the qituhty tlie host, end If they ant not equal in quality to wl nt others tt.-lc T.'i emits, will give a suit for nothing. Our prlo j 33c. each, or 75ceuta for ' Shirt and Diuwern, WHAT'S NEXT?-A (rood whlto linen Ui Huirt; we aro headquarters m . (rouil Atuxlin Bhirts: shirts have the material, inbo -. noutly mado and prices iow-r th'n otliurn: 50o. each, blilrts Afc'atu-If you need a Shirt Cor work shift init. fmcy in Cheviot or Percale, or any other ahli you Imve In your mind, ro to Empire Ury Co., diroot aanufae turors. SUi (.'anal Kt, New Vork.. Sou their product to conmnuor, the , . ST3RE, 516 LICWANNH AVE, ' "IIII" o 400-402 'LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND IUCEHE NTS f fit III, 118', BES' ui mm ib, ft 9 A III II V 3 Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other stores better, assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices. We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's why we leave no effort uuspared. The best makes and finest designs, including many pri vate patterns in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. o Selected with a view to matching this season's best styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan. $1 A. 2 r ie nest quality 40-yard rolls; a good heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at $4.00, with twenty in-between prices. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARSON THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ueneral Office: SCRANTON, PA m THINGS BEST We arc onr own severest critics; the business must not get into ruts; we've no right to think we're doing things as well as they can be done wc don't think so. Yesterday's storekecping wasn't such a storekecping as we'll bo ablo to give morrow. That's how we judge oursolves. ( COTTAGE FURNITURE! Best maker wo know of got them up; wonderfully pretty Cottag "Bedroom Suits. Somo of 'cm, it's to pay for theni---not an unnecessary penny to pay for any bit of for niture you buy here; but these would be boosted as bargains la any store; they're a bit unusual, even here. We have added a taking lino of iron and Brass Bedsteads. ROLLICKING OCKER.. THAT BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 6. They number two hundred and half less than they were made to ECONOMY FURNITURE GO ORIGINATORS OF.. ESPsywayto i aas and 227,Wyomlng Avanuu. t -0 1 1 i AT FAIR SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF Unas TO BUYERS : DALE. you a year hence,or today or to fair to say, are handsome. Not much fifty, and are to be sold at one be. PAY EIEOD ft Wo