The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 03, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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What Is
Isouly a part of what welmvc.
Every day new goods arrivo, urc
put on our countors ami are '"
before we've had a word to my
about them in the papers. Their
merit sella them-their cheapness
Bells them. There's always some
thing ofloterent for you, no mat
ter when you come in.
Silks of other seasons, designs thnt
were once popular, colons that were
all the rage months ago have
passed out of stent; now, that
which Dame Fashion has smiled
upon reigns supreme for the mo
ment. Figured Taffeta, Glasc
Silks, choice fifiures, choice
combinations. Figured Taffeta
in Sprays, Figures and Dots;
fine lustre und strong. We
show an endless variety.
Save sold this season t too. the yar.l
Fans are an ornament, often a ne
cessity and always acceptable.
Many are the kluds, and fk-klo
taste will surely be satisfied with
our assortment
Ladies' Four Button (Uoves, Paris
Points, and Elegaut Tan t hades,
Extra Quality Mosqueteres. Huedo
Gloves, Black, Tan and Urowii.
All the desirable shades iu th new
kid gloves, and we assure ut a
price that will enable all to in
dulge yourselves and lo well
gloved. Bilk and Lisle Thread
Gloves, Cotton Gloves; nil the
summer shades for the approach
ing season.
Properly put together, good sew
ing, good material and the sizes
41 2 Spruce Street, Soranton, la.
Specialist on
Nerve Trouble
tnd- Diseases of the Hnrt, Lun(?3, Kid
neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladuer,
Head,,F1ts and Epilepsy.
He wMh his assistants treat all diseases
Of the Eye, Noee, Ear and Throat, Vyn
pepola. Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv
ous DebUlty, Female Weakness and Irreit
ularMtea, Nlrhtly Losses and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood. Varlococele, Blood
Poisoning, Efima, Scrofula, St. Vitus
Panes, Diabetes, Brlght's Disease,
Asthma, etc.
'Any one suffwrtnej with CsAarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS.
The doctor h discovered a specific for
this dreaded disease. You can treat and
cure yourself and family with It at home.
It never falls to cure. A trial treatment
free. -
OSTICB HOTJR-Daily, a, m. to 9 p.
Co.; Buitdoy. 10 to i.
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the iatest designs
and colorings, an I our prices
lower than any other house in
' the trade, for goods of the same
i i--
' of every description and quality.
. We are overstocked and will s?ll
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, aa we need the room.
J. 'Scott Inglis
Toledo, O., Mo a. Wheat Receiins, 0.
803 bushels; shipments 7(1.000 bushels-, mar
ket firm; No. rl crh and May; 7c;
July end Autrust, Kc.i September, (;;c.;
No. i red cash, WlsA Corn Itece'pts, 13,
W2 buahete; shlpmonlV 1,01'U burhols; mar
ket quiet: No. i mlxe cash, 4!io.; May,
iMVfcs.; July, 60c, OafV-Renelpts, none;
shipments, 1.000 bushNa; no trading.
Clover Boed Keoelpts, 60ags: shipments,
130 bags; market firm; prlfce cash, I&.9J14:
October lift - . V'.,W. ..
Highest of all in Leavening Power.' Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Mew York, May 2. If there has
been any diutt existing us to the char
acter (if thi? current spceulutlon today's
operations at the stock exchange ought
ctitalnly to dispel them, for days paat
the chronic bears whenever the upward
movement laprtred, have pegged away at
the llvt, at one time uslnt; the light
cavninirs of the cianst-rs, and at anoth
er the apparent Inability of ihe sub
eUUury uttlc-ials of the anthracite coal
roads to get together on the question
of the May output. This, It v.-as claimed,
would InevltaMr lead to a ruinous coal
war. Today, however, the coal sales
airtnta met nnd agreed to mine three
days u we-k; Instead ofvorklns dally
to their full capacity, and even the
ltcudlnjr reprprtcnttttlvo stated that hln
company would not stand In the way of
a settlement of the troubles now per
plexing; the trade. Thin was a severe
disappointment to the wlseucres of the
T'treet who have been (villus the coalers
short on the prospect of a war, and In
the last hour of business there was
some heavy buying to cover contracts
In various parts of the list put out at
lower figures. lieadln.T moved up from
1U In 17; Jersey Central, from 9H4 to
9CI--. ; Delaware and Hudson, from to
1"0, and Lackawanna, from 1511 to ItiO.
riusar was more active than the coalers,
but Its fluctuations are of far less Im
portance to the general public. Over
60,000 shares of the stock were traded
in at lll?4al l.J'4, closing 112. The
strength of the stock was attributed to
buying by n new bull pool, ltefined
wad advanced again today for one
grad:' of sugar. This appears to be a
part of the bull programme. Chicago
Gaa and Leather were also more active
at n higher range. Among the low
priced stocks Louisville, New Albany
and Chicago, Hocking Valley and Pa
cific Mail scored higher figures. Pull
man palace car Bold at 177, the best
price for a Ions: time past. The market
closed stronger and confident. Net
changes for the day show gains of
to 2 per cent. Total Bales 328,812 shares,
of which 50.700 were American Sugar,
38,300 Chicago Gas and 30.200 Leather.
The gangers were stimulated by
good crop news and Improved about
ViaTa per c?nt.
The range of today's prices for the tc
tive stocks of the New York stock mar
ket are given bflow. The quotations are
furnished The Tribune by . du U. Plm
mlck. manager for William Linn. Allen &
Co., Htock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
CVpn High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. lug.
Am. Tobacco Co HKi'i PM'i 1034 HM'i
Am. Cot. Oil 27'i 29'i 2T4 IS'i
Am. Sugar Re's: Co.lli'i 113'i, 1114 112
Atch., To. & S. Fe... Gi u fci;
Can. South 53 KHj 53 53
Chf.s. & Ohio lS'i 19 l!"6
Chicago (las 74' A 7"'4 71 'i 75'Si
Ch'c. & N. ; VV Di'A VH 7'i
Chle., H. & Q 71'i 7.vS, 74's 75'4
C. C. C. & St. L 4Hi 41"i 414 41
Chic., Mil. & St. V... e,-2 C3i 62A Msi
Ielawae & Hud 12!) 130 129 12914
u., l. & w inuTi mo r,'4 mini
Diat. & C. F Vb KM lN 18,
Gen. Klectrle 33t 34i4 33 33Ti
111. Centra 921A W'i 2'i 924
Lake Shore 143'4 1KU 1427i 142T4
Louis. & Nash 5!'4 o'i'i 5li MKj
.Manhattan Klo 118M, 110:4 n4 m
Mluh. Central H.I'A WP-i, 100'i W
.Mo. Pacific 20 2'IHj 2J jM',4
Nat. Cordage 7'i 71, 7 7
Nat. Lead 31 34"', 34'4 ZWt
N. J. Central Dr.i.4 Dfuj M
N. Y. Centra! WV2 984 98i, 9S'4
N. Y. & N. K 3'J'A ZVi 3!) 3!)
N. Y. L. K. & V 12 12 12 12
N. Y., S. & W 13 1314 13 13'i
N. Y., S V., Pr... 3ii 3ii'4 3i! S'iUj
Nor. Pacific u 5 5 5 "
Nor. Pacific, Pr 21'A 217, 2!'4 21'4
Ont. & West 17i 17 17?i 17
Phil. & lined 10 17'-i 1fi 17'4
Southern U. H 11 144 13'j, 14
Tenn., C. & 1 21 4 23 21 '4 23
Tex. Pacific h.-4 l- yiv, 10
fnlon 1'iicltlc 134 !3'A l.'.;4 13'i
Wabash 7 7 7 7
Wabash. Pr W, 104 1i;'4 1i!
Wet. Union H'4 Wj, w4
B. 8. 22' , 22'4 22'4 224
13. & 0 5;7t( 67 56ft 67
O'pn IllKh- bow- Clos-
WHKAT. Ing. est. est. ing.
May fil'i 6li 63'4 63
July CVi, tk-fif, 84' 4 (14
September 6514 654 C4'4 64
May 2S4 2S tm 28",
Ju'y 29 29 2y'4 28K,
Sontrn.Ticr 2C?4 2',4 25T4 t5'i
ATey 49 49U 48 4',4
July 50 , 50-4 4x"i, 49
September 60 51 49 48
I.Alt I).
May (1.75 6.75 0.72 0.72
July C.90 6 S2 6 87 fi.9)
SPitember 7.03 7.00 7.03 7.U3
May 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15
July 12.35 12 CO 12.35 12 42
September 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57
Scranton IloorJ of Trade Exchange (,)uo
tntions. No. Pnr
Shs. Vnl. STOCKS. nid. Ask.
20 60 Dime Dep. & D:s.
Hank 02 50
10 100 First Nat'l Hank...... 000
20 1 00 Green li'go Lum'r Co .... 110
I'iO 100 Lackn. Lumber Co... 110
5 100 Lafku. Trust & Safo
lteponlt Co 150
10 W0 Scra'n Hnvlngs Hank. 200
10 Joo Scra'n Laeo Cur. Co P0
5 )0 Snranton Forging Co 100
25 Third Nat'l Hank.... 350
5 100 Nat'l Horing & Drill
ing Co., Pr IH)
45 ' 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 90
3 100 STanton Heddlng Co .... lOIVi
4 100 Scranton Axlo Works .... 80
10 1O0 Scranton Glass Co 70
2 100 Scranton Jar & Stop
per Co 35
40 100 Dickson Mfg Co 100
CO 60 Lackawanna & Mont
rose I a II road F0
50 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 120
25 KH) Bonta Olnss Co 10
60 100 Spring Drook Water
Co W)
20. 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... 105
30 1000 STanton Trac. Co 950
2 600 Econ'y Steam Heat
ut Power Co 600
g 100 MadlBon Avenue Im
provement 103
00 Scranton Gless Co 611O
New York Ii6duc Mnrkct.
Now York, May 2. FlourFirm, demand
moderate. Wheat Dull, lower with op
tions, closing ilrm : No. 2 red store and ele
vator 684c.; afloat, 70a7l)!4c.: f. o. b 69u
71c; ungraded red, 68a74u.; options closed
steady at Vic. advance to c. decline from
yesterday; No. 2 red May, 8c; June,
8c.: July. KMC.: August, 63c; Septem
ber OO'ic.; October, 60V4C.: December, 71c.
Corn-Dull, cosier; No. 2, 60a57c. ele
vator; rTOniac. afloat; steamer mixed, 63a
D5e.; options advanced Vtac: on better
cables and closed weak at ac. under
yesterday with a fair trade; Muy,. C3c;
July, 64c; September S4c. Oats More
active, firmer; options dull, enslar; May,
S2Vc; July, 83c; spot prices, No. 2, 82a
32c: No. 2 white. 87a3714c; No. 2 Chicago,
83MsS3c.i No. 3, 82o.i No. I whlto, 2614c :
mixed western, 83V4a34c.i white and went
ern, S7a41c Beef Quiet, firm; family, Ilia
13; extra mess, t8 E0a9. Cccf Hams Quiet,
strong; $19.50. Tiereed lleef Dull steady;
city extra India mess, $I8h20. ('lit Meuts
Dull, weak; pickled bellies. 12 pounds,
0'.4c; do. shoulders, 6ic; do. hams, DafHic;
middles, dull, nominal: short clear, W.90.
Lard Firmer, quiet; western steam, $0.DO
bid; cily, ilc; May, $7, nominal; July,
S7.20, nominal; refined dull; continent, $7.35;
South America $7.75; compound, 614c
Pork Dull, steady; muss, $13.60a14. But
ter Utcinly, fulrly active: stale dairy, Su
17c; do. creamery, 19c; western dairy, 8a
13c; do. creamery, new, 12al!'c. ; do. old,
9ul4c; do. factory, 7allc: Klglns, 19c;
Imitation creamery, 9aHc. Cheese Quiet,
easy; slate large, old, 6!iiullc; do. now,
OaSc; fancy, old 104al1c; do. small, old.
O'iallc; do. new, Ca8c; part skims, old.
H-aC'.ic; new. 2o6H'C1 full skims, new, In
l'ic Eggs Fair demand, fancy steady;
state and Pennsylvania, 13'L.a13c; west
ern fresh. l3'4n13lc; duck, 13al8c; south
ern, 12al3c; goose, 25u2Sc
Oil Market.
Plttrburg, May 2. Oil opened and high
est, 17x bid; lowest and closing, 159 bid.
Oil City, May 2.--0'l opened and highest,
183 od'eri-d; lowest, 109 offered; closing, 169
Philadelphia Tullow .Market.
Philadelphia, May 2. -Tallow la In mod
crate request and steady. We quote:
City, prime In hhds, 4'ic; country,
prime, In bbls. 4'i.c; do. dark, In bbls, 4iic;
cakes, 4c. ; grease, STic .
The Illinois Steel company has suf
ficient orders on hand to keep It busy
for several months to come.
Twenty million dollars' worth of
banknotes leave the bank of England
dally; while sixty folio volumes or ledg
ers are filled with writing In keeping the
uccounts of a single day.
From the patent office at Washington
comes the report thut In the eleven
years sine? the type-writing machine
was first put upon the market the sales
have amounted to nearly $30,000,000.
A report current that the Delaware
and Hudson Canal company was ar
ranging to buy control of the Now
York, Susquehanna and Western rail
road has been authoritatively denied.
The output of bicycles of a high grade
In Indianapolis for the present year will
reach nearly 35,000, while tires for near
ly 100,000 wheels and chains for almost
half a million will be made by the work
men of that city during the year.
The Pennsylvania railroad has placed
a second order for steel rails, the quun
tt'ty being 20,000 tons. The Pennsylva
nia Steel company will furnish 8,000
tons, the Cambria Iron company 7,000
tons, and the Carnegie works 6,000.
The price Is understood to be $22 per
ton. So far this year 'the company has
ordered 47,000 tons.
The fact has come out thait the allot
ment of tonnage for May was objected
to at the meeting of the Bales agents on
Tuesday unless the Pennsylvania rail
road would come Into the agreement.
As that company had no representative
at the meeting (It has not had for a
long; time) the meeting was adjourned
until today. Unless the Pennsylvania
railroad changes thepollcy ltestablished
many years ago It will not make a
definite contract to restrict the produc
tion of coal. Coal has been sold very
low recently. The New York school
contract was taken at the rate of $3.86,
put In the bin. The charge for unload
ing from the boat, carting and storing
In the cellars. Is generally reckoned In
New York at $1.10 per ton. At that esti
mate the coal nt'ts the seller $2.86. The
contract for the Buffalo Water works
was taken at a very low price. The
coal 25,000 tons Is to be delivered on
Che dock at $3,26 per ton. The freight
charges to Buffalo are $2, which leaves
but $1.26 for the coal at the mouth of
the mine. Reading made an offer to
take this contract at $3.65 per ton, and
an Individual Lehigh operator put In a
bid at $3.43.
Friday noon the base ball team re
ceived n telegram from Harry Illllmnn
academy stating that they could not be
ot hand to play the game advertised
for Saturday. Our boys were Indig
nant that the Harry Hlliman team,
after accepting their challenge, should
fail them In thl3 way and not even
send a reas n for their annulment of
the game. Tile academy team will play
Tunkh.mnock at that place Saturday.
The young men of the senior class
erected art enduring monument for
themselves on the Academy campus
Friday by planting eight fine elm trees,
one for each young man In the class.
The trees are the gift ot Andrew Leigh
ton, of Glenburn.
Last Saturday evening the young la
dles of Bryant Literary society of La
dles' hall and of the girls' prize-speaking
contestants, tendered a reception
and banquet to Miss Acken, our elocution
teacher, as a token of thanks for her
untiring labors In training them for
the prlze-spcaklng contest and their re
cent drama. About 8.30 thirty-five
young ladles were seated around the
table 3 In the dining room ready to par
take of the fumptuous repast which
had beett provided. The evening was
made merry with toasts and music.
Mls3 Acken responded to the toart
"Our Honpred Guest," by Mhs Race;
Mlis Cramer toasted "The Faculty;"
Miss Carr, "Bryant Literary Society;"
Miss Jane, "Pleasant Days at Key
etone;" and Miss Hull toonted, or rather
reacted, "Our Boys." Miss Barnes
presided a.s toastmeaster. The pro
gramme of music consisted of ti vooal
duet by Mlspes Van Fleet and Kennedy;
an Instrumental duet by Misses Peck
and Kennedy, and one by Misses
Rcscnrrans and Burdlck.
At the union meeting of the Young
Women's oml Young Men's Christian
associations, Tuesday, Frank Depew
gave a very Interesting and Inspiring
report of the Young Men's Ohrlstlain
association convention held at Buck
nell university last week, and Miss
Hall one of like nature from the Inter
national Young Women's Christian as
socti'tlcm convention held recently at
Pittsburg. ,
Tho members of Phi Mu society will
give e drama, entitled "After Taps,"
In Matthewson's hall, this (Friday)
evening, This drama Is founded
upon a fascinating story of the civil
war. Scenery and costumes have
been procured and the characters tak
ing part ttn the play have been care
fully drilled by special Instructor.
Mustcl will be furnished by the Factory
villa orchestra. Admission, 0 cents;
reserved seats, 25 cents, The proceeds
of the drama will be used by Phi Mu
society to refurnish their rooms.
Tho negleot of a cold Is often fatal. Dr.
Wood's Norway Pins Syrup contains all
the soothing virtues of the pine. Never
falls to euro,
Attorney E. R. W. Searle, of Susque
hanna, was In town yesterday.
Samuel Hall .will build an addition to
the rear of his already pleasant house.
We also notice thut C. 1C. Swnrtx Is
making extensive Improvements about
his line residence.
Dr. F. D. Lamb was In Blnghamton
on Monday.
Michael Hosa, nn old and respected
resident of Corbettsvllle, Is very ill
with pneumonia. Mr. Hosa Is well
known In this place and his friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Profesiior C. 1. Moxley will occupy
the house vacated by J. J. Compton,
owned by 'Mrs. Olive Mcintosh. He
will move Into his new quarters about
June 1. Mr. Compton has moved his
fumlly and store Into new apartments
on Main street.
Mrs. Corwln, who resides down the
river, Ib seriously 111.
J. B. Brown Is breaking ground for a
new house on Church street. He In
tends to make it one of tlft- finest houses
In town.
Mrs. Frank Arnold Is visiting friends
In Scranton.
Frank FJllen, of Blnghamton, Is visit
ing his sister, Mr3. John Crook, In this
"Miss Anna Ryan Is visiting friends In
Mrs. James B. MeCroary is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Stone, In Af
ton. O. C. Stone, of Afton, was In town
Burney Allen's fine structure on Rail
road street Is nearly completed.
Nelson Coon was In Cuibomlale a
few days since.
John Austin, street commissioner In
this place, is doing fine work on Du
bolso street.
I'reparatory lecture In the Presby
terian church on Saturdr.y at 2.30 p. m.
P. Cosgrlff, of 'Sawsvlllu, was In town
Byron Tanner, of this place, was In
Scranton yesterday.
IMIss M. Curran, who has been visit
ing In Susquehanna, has returned
L. D. Sawyer was in Blnghamton on
Secretary Adair, of tho Young Men's
Christian association, Is In Elnnra.
Mrs. Betsy Hays, wno has been
spending the winter with her son In
Scranton, is visiting her home In Great
Rev. R. N. Ives, ef Blnghamton,
called on 'his son, Ward, the first of the
Dr. F. D. Lamb was at Conlclln yes
terday. A farmers' institute will be held at
Thompson on May 8 and 9.
Mrs. William Hoover and sons spent
Sunday with friends ut Candor, N. Y.
Dr. Richardson, of Montrose, and
Attorney E. R. W. Searle, of Susuque
hanna, were In town on Wednesday.
W. W. Adair has returned from El
mlra. Ernest Reade was In the Parlor City
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton's
greatest specialist, should be consulted on
all nervous diseases.
Base ball today. This afternoon will
occur the opening of the state ltague
season In this city. Hank-ton team will
contest with the Carbondale club at An
thracite park. Headed by tha Mozart
band both clubs will parade the Btreets
at 2 o'clock. They will form In line In
front of Hotel Anthracite. At the park
the first ball will be pitched by Mayor
Hendrlek, after which a professional
man will go Into the box.
The Carbondale Cycle club met In the
rooms over Crane's store on Wednes
day evening. At tho meeting It was
decided that no bicycle meet would
be held in this city this season. Re
garding the club colors It was decided
that blue and gold should be attached
to the handle bars of the members'
John J. Simpson made a business trip
to Unlondale yesterday afternoon.
The members of the Women's Relief
corps were entertained in a pleasant
manner on Wednesdny evening at the
house of Mrs. E. (M. Cahoon, of Lincoln
E. T. Sexmlth made a trip to Wllkcs
Barre Tuesday.
T. Lincoln Medland returned home
from Carbondnle yesterday.
Harry Skeels, of Carbondale, was
calling on friends here Thursday.
The "enthusiastic" scribe for the Re
publican at this place seems to be
greatly worried about the electric light
wires on Lackawanna street.
The Oree.n Ridge Bicycle club took a
run through here last evening.
Mrs. Margaret Williamson, of Wllkes
5arre, Is visiting friends at this place.
Robert Q. Colborn. of Peckvllle, was
a caller In town yesterday.
M1ss Louies McNamara, of Scranton,
Is visiting her parents, on Dunmore
William McAndrew has returned,
after traveling a year In Europe.
Miss May Kennedy,, of Delaware
it fl im wiKiw r tm wtar 14 rui mw-
Great Reduction Sale at the
Of Ladies' Hlbbol Vests; you have never
worn a better, well fitted undcrgarmnnt;
the price, Only IS Cents, alcoves short
or long.
60 doa.'n BHibad Vesta, lighter In weight,
1 ut just tha thing for the summer. 3
Vests for 25 Cants. Can you afford
to ba without thorn I
In 10 different numbers; our line of Cal
brlggana for men we ran say la tha larg
est In the city. Wo anpply tho w holoiale
and retail trade. Wo hare tho (allowing:
A good Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers;
alios to suit the buyer, at 40 conts for
tha Su It, or 25 couta each,
street, tendered her little friends a May
party on Wednesday afternoon in the
old orchard. A large number were
present and a very pleasant afternoon
was spent.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton,
cures blood poisoning, rheumatism, neu
ralgia, pimples, blotches, etc,
1 N T. Purdy was at Bloomsburg last
The Ladles' Aid society of the Bap
tist church met at the church last Wed
nesday afternoon. A large number
were present and a very delightful
supper was served.
- Mrs. A. B. Davis spent Sunday at
Miss Pardee, of Factoryvllle, former
ly of this place, has a display of mil
linery goods every Wednesday at S. E.
Finn & Son's store.
There Is quite a number of Improve
ments going on at this place at the
present time In the line of building,
painting houses, and surveying streets,
etc. William Aurtln has a part of his
new building raised, and when complet
ed it will bo a great improvement to
this pluee. It will contain three stores,
five dwelling places, and a hall which
will be used by the. Young Men's Chris
tian association. F, M. Francis has hit
new residence nearly completed, and
when done It will be one of the finest In
town. Resides these, O. W. Carlton Is
building a new house, ns also Is J. 11.
Swarts. Dalton Is rapidly improving
each year and Is one of the most pleas
nnt little towns along the Deluware,
Lackawnnn and Western railroad.
Rev. C. H. Newlng was at Blngham
ton luet Tuesday.
Among those who attended the Chris
tian Endeavor convention at Nicholson
last Friday were Misses Mary Gardner,
Carrie Stoll, Minnie Wademan, Sallle
Wehr, Dora Smith, Jessie Kempher,
and Mrs. Nlles Smith, Rev. W.
H. Lowell. A. O. Ives, and Roy A.
Nelsoni Derh?lmer, of Wyoming sem
inary, spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dershelmer, of this
George Frnnklln and family have
moved to Scranton.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion met at th lecture room of the
Methodist Episcopal church last Wed
nesday evening and held a very pleas
ant meeting. They will meet nt the
Ilaptict church next Wednesday even
A. Ball has recovered from his
sprained ankle.
Mrs. Frances B. Swan, of Scranton
was visiting hrr slrter, Mrs. Klser, mt
this pla?o, Wednesday.
Dr. Charles Mickey has quite a largo
practice at present.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Methodist Episcopal church will hold
a social Friday evening.
John Owens, who sold his property
to Mrs. J. W. Oakford. of Scranton, Is
now stopping at tha Dalton House.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton,
specialist on femalo weaknesses and Ir
regularities. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has ben
used for over lifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teethinir,
with perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, nnd Is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Sold by druggists in every part
of the world. Bo sure and ask for "Mri.
WInslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Miss Stella Arnold came home sick
yesterday from Stroudsburg State Nor
mal school.
Thomas Suales has broken ground for
a new dwelling house on Maple street,
Don't forget to purchase a ticket for
the two-act drama entitled "Among
the Breakers," at the Ledyard hall this
W. G. Broad has moved into his new
home on Taylor avenue.
Mrs. Abner Davles has moved Into the
house recently vacated by Joseph
John English Is remodeling his home
on Main street.
Mrs. William Babcock, of Carbon
dale, were among the many visitors In
town last evening.
Miss Bertha Peck has returned home
after sojourning In Florida for the past
Jucob Depew has rented the Ketchum
building and will open a temeprance
house in about two weeks.
A public reception was given to Rev.
S. C. Slmpklns, of the Methodist Episco
pal church, at the church parlors last
night- Rev. Mr. Slmpklns made some
very able remarks for the manner In
which he was received. Rev. W. J.
Guest, of the Baptist church, then
spoke for a while nnd extended the
new minister a hearty welcome In this
community. Rev. Cendall then fol
lowed with a. few able remarks, and
anked the congregation to use their
new pastor as well as they used him
during the time he was their pastor a
few years ago. Rev. William Rowl
ings, of Chvrry Ridge, being present,
complimented the Rev. Mr. Slmpklns
on such a warm .reception. Refresh
ments were then served by the Ladies'
Aid and Young People's society. Much
credit Is due Chorister Shay and the
Is tho Best Blood
Purifier, Appetizer and
Nerve Tonic. It cures
That Tired Feeling
bw.w.c umimiHun, ku.u, uruwn una
Hu. 03 quality, and nlzos to auit any
body for tha price of 25 cents each.
Did vnu ever Iiava a alilrf nf nn rn.h
JJalbrigKHnt If you hava not them, you
better coma and examina thorn; allk
atilohod, the quality tlio beat, and it tbay
ara not equal in quality to wi at otbera
ask 75 onnta, will give a auit far notbinr,
Our prloo 39o. each, or 74 oauta (or
Shirt and Drawers.
WHAT'S NEXT?-A good white linan TJn
laundrleil Hulrt; wa aro headquarters on
good Muslin Bblrta: our alilrta have tha
material, labor, neatly mada and prlees
lowrr thin othora; QOo. eaoh. Shirts
Agnln-If you need a Shirt tor work shift,
ing. fancy in Cheviot or Peroalo, or any
other.shirt you hava In your mind, go to
Empire Dry Goods Co., dlraot manufac
turer. 8 Canal 8t, New York. Soli all
their product to eonaumar, tha
onranlst. Mrs. . C. . C White, and tha
committee for the elaborate spread that
was served.
We show samples of high grade print
ing In catalogues and booklets The Trib
une Printing Department.
Of Rheumatic Paralysis
by Dr. Frank B. Smith,
the Magnetic Physician,
at 312 Wyoming Ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
Mr. H, B. Cain, who resides near this
city, was stricken down about thirteen
months ago with rheumatic paralysis.
His sufferings have been eo great that
at times it was feared he would lose
his mind. For the past seven months
his lower limbs have been paralyzed
and ho has had to be lifted from his
bed to a chair. Notwithstanding the
Tact that both limbs were paralyzed tho
pain and tenderness In his left leg was
terrible; the slightest touch would
throw him Into a paroxysm of frightful
pain and Buffering, which would con
tinue unabated for hours at a time.
His helpless condition, together with
the pain he suffered, often caused him
to pray for death. Physicians far and
near were called to see him, but none
gave him tW; desired relief. Hearing
of the wonderful cures made by Dr.
Smith he applied to him for help, and
we are happy to say secured It. From
the Hist magnetic treatment he began
to Improve. After the seventh he was
freed from all pain and all suffering
came to an end and at tho expiration
of four weeks he could walk without
the aid of crutches or cane. This cure,
like many others which Dr. Bmith has
made, Is unimpeachable evidence In
favor of his strange and mysterious
powers to heal the sick. He will give
a written guarantee to cure all cases
of piles, fissure, fistula in ano, stricture,
veriococele and hydrocele he under
takes. He treats successfully catarrh,
dyspepsitu, heart dlsepsei liver com
plaint, disease of the kidneys and till
forms of chronic diseases. He cures nil
forms of ovarian tumors without the
use of the knife. The doctor will con
tinue to heal the sick free of charge at
the Academy of Music every morning
nt 10 o'clock. Consultation free at 312
Wyoming avenue from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton
Don't say that and skip
it over.. You can afford
to read what we print and
we can .probably give you
a point or two on prices,
so that you will gain as
much knowledge reading
our ads as if vou are
reading the daily news
Last week we offered
Men's Pants, a few of
them left vet, at the ad
vertised price, $2.00 PER PAIR
Taoy Ara worth IJ.UU aud Sl.lH
This week we offer 65
Men's Black Cheviot
Suits, . - $4.65
As to see them, they aro worth (8.
Children's Tersey Suits
we sell for - - $1,25
uthora sell thorn for sw.
Children's Waists,
Children's Caps,
Men's Shirts,
Men's Hosiery,
Men's Gloves.
Always the Cheapest.
mill v
Made a
ell Man
lit or.
15th Day. W2H. 0f Me.
THI ORtAT 30th bay.
produces tha abOTercfultala30 days. Itactr
powtrf ullr and quickly. Cum whan all othara tail
Vouag mea will regain thatr laal manhood, aad old
an will Noorar thalr Toatalul TUor T aaini
REVIVO. II quloklr ud iurlr rtatom Nercou
aaas, Loas Vitality, Iapotaaor. MtsMljr Kmlaalaaa,
Lost Power. Falllna llnaoro. Waatlnc Plaaaaea. ud
all (facta of eelf-abnae or asesaa and imtlaeraUoa.
wniennnfltoonstoratndr.biialnaaaoraiarrlafw. V.
not only euna by atortlnt at tha aaa of atsaaes.Kit
laagraat nurve tonto and blood bnlldar, br,nf.
Ing back tha pink (low tonal chaeka&ndre
staring tha Are of youth. It wards off Insanity
aad Osaramptlon. Ineiit on bating UltVlVO, no
other. It can ba carried la Teal poobet. By amail
V1.00 per package, or Hi for a.O, with pod
two writtaa ffaaraatoo to a lajini
thoawaay. Circular tree, 4las
r 'ami hy Matthew Iros Drwxiat
Saraatoa . tp .
Sat- a.
1 1
is n. I
a A
111 III
Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other
stores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices.
We want your rustoin and your friends' custom; that's
why we leave no effort unspared.
The best makes and finest designs, including many pri
vate patterns iu
Selected with a view to matching this season's best
styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan.
t A oo for the finest quality 40-yard rolls; a good
P heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at
$4.00, with twenty in-betweeu prices.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA
We aro our own severest critics; the business must not get into
ruts; we've no right to think we're doing things as well as they can
be done we don't think so. Yesterday's storekeeping wasn't such a
storekeeping as we'll be ablo to give you a year hence,or today or to.
morrow. That's how we judge ourselves. . .
Best maker we know of got them up; wonderfully pretty Cottag
Bedroom Suits. Some of em, it's fair to say, are handsome. Not much
to pay for them not an unnecessary penny to pay for any bit of fur.
niture you buy here; but these would be boosted aa bargains in any
store; they're a bit unusual, even here. We hare added a taking
line of iron and Brass Bedsteads.
They number two hundred and fifty, and are to be sold at one
half less than they were made to
ORIGINATORS OF.. Eeasy?vay to pay
8M and 227 Wyoming Avnue.
mam i co,
be. .