& ; THE SCRANTON TRTBUNE THURSDAY MOTINING. MAY 2, 1893. GORMAN'S HUD DEPOT. What Is Advertised Is only a part of what we have. Every day new gooih arrive, uro put on our counters and nro por.e before we've hart a word to tay about thetn In tbo papers. Their merit sells them-tlieir choBpin'SM sells them. There's always oiue thing of Interest for you, no mat ter when you come In. SILKS Silks of other setison, designs that were once popular, colors ihat were all the rage months ago have passed out of night; now, that which Dame Fashion has smiled upon reigns supreme for the mo ment. Figured Taffeta, Glasc Silks, choice figures, choice combination . Figured Taffeta in Sprays, Figures and Dots; fine lustre and strong. We show un endless variety. SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, irauiniifftrai PRICE 49 CENTS. tTnre sold this soasou ut 05c the yard. FANS Fans are an ornament, oflen a ne eesnity and always acceptable. Many are the klinU, and lleklo taste will surely be satisfied with our assortment. KID GLOVES Ladies' Four Button Cloves, Paris Points, and Elegant Tail shades, Extra Quality Mosquetcrps. Suede Gloves, Black, Tau and Drown. All the desirable shades in the new kid gloves, and we assure at a price that will enable a I to in dulge yourselves and lv well gloved. Silk ami Lisle Thread Gloves, Cotton Gloves; all the summer shades for the approach ing season. SHIRT WAISTS Properly put together, good sew ing, good material and the sizes right. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. OR. REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, and Diseases of the Heart, I-uncs, Kid neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder, Head,.KttB and Epilepsy. He with his assistants treat all diseases af the Eye, None, Ear and Throat, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv ous Debility, Female Weakness and Irreu ularltles, Nightly Lossm and Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Varlococele, Blood Poisoning, Eczema, Scrofula, St. Vitus tonce. Diabetes, Brlght'8 Disease, Asthma, etc. YOONQ mem quickly cured. THREE MONTHS' OFFER Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor hns discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with tt at home. It never falsi to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOURS-DaJty, 9 a, m. to 9 p. in.; Sunday, 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of tbc latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other , house in the trade, for goods of the- same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS , We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis . 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE " Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, May 1. Tallow is quiet and dull. We quote: City, prlmo, In hhdu, 4e.; country, prime, in bbls, 4c; do. dark. In bbls, 4!.o.; cakos, 4',ic.i grease, 8aS-4c. . The neglect of a cold la often fatal. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Byrup contains all the soothing virtues of the plue, Never falls to curtw ' THE WORLD GF BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, May 1. The transactions at the Stock Exchange today ORsreBat ei a."i6.i".33 shares, of which 174,724 was In the Industrials. It will be seen that the Industrial! almost completely monopolized speculative attention. Su gar was the leading feature and rose 3 per cent, to 11" on transactions of 85,01)0 shares. The buying of the stock was bused on the advance of Vs per cent, per pnml In all grades of refined, except granulated, which was put up one-sixteenth. Leather followed next in point of advance, the common rising to 2'la and preferred to 90 on Intima tions of a further advance In hides. Chiungu G;i. Lead and General Electric were nil slightly higher. Cordage se curities Improved 1 und 314 per cent, on the efforts making to form a company to handle the raw material for all cord age manufacturing companies. The rallro.id group wasuttacked early In the d.iy and the grangers at one time sold bel.iw yesterday's lowest figures. The decline, however, was unimportant and in the last hour, when Sugar rose to 11l"s. the loss was not only recovered, but the leading Issues sold above last nlaht'B closing. The great strength of Sugar completely upset thi calcula tions of the bears, and at the end of the day the shorts were anxious buyers. Speculation closed strong with an ad vancing U ndency. Compared with Tues day's Duals, prices for the prominent st icks show gains of Mi and l'er cent Sugar gained 2, ltubber I, and pre ferred Vi per cent, on the day. The ranse of today's prices for the uc tive stocks of the New York slock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by U. du B. Dltn miek, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co.. stock brokers, 411" Spruce street, Scrunluii. . O'pn High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co 1b M4 (4 Am! &rne'i"CoA W m ; Atch.. To. S. Ke... 6"i rJs J's & t'hes. & Ohio !' IVv J. Chkrco lias 73i 7-1 V jiH 74 I'lile. A N. W W'a Wf, (' l i C. St 1 41S. 41" 41 M, 4 Chle., MM. & St. V... or, 02;g MTs b'i'i. Chic. H. I. I w' Mfy Pelaware ti Hud 127i 128'i Wi p., L. ti V im J"9,, l't. & C. F l'."i 1'4 W-'i 14 Urn. Electric Kl'i "4 33'i 34 Luke Shore 143 143 143 143 Lou's. .' Nash fw'i Gd 5i!i BO Manhattan Kie 117 IWs 117 W .Mich. Central Ida's li NWw l''Mi .Mo. l'aeltlc 23 !H 25 K7 Nut. Cordage ti7 7'4 6(4 7 Nat. I-ad 34 Si's 34 34'i N. J. Central 'i 8I'6 "Vi N. Y. Central 9SU 9S'i iW-S, N. Y. & N. K 39 39', 89", N. Y., L. E. & V ll'i HHi H',4 lHi X. Y., S. & V 12 13 12 13 X. Y.. S. ft V., l'r... 3G'3 3'4 Sfi'-s 3UVi Xor. rae'.llc 4 5 4 5 Nor. l'aeltlc. I'r :i'i 21i 21'i 21'd (int. & West 17 17 17 17 I'hll. & Head Ifii lti'i 10 lii'i Southern It. R 13'2 14 13'i 13 Tenn., C. & 1 21 21 2'H4 21 Tex. Pacific l'i'i iw'i 1a Hi'i fnlon l'acilic 12 12 12 12 Wat.ash. Pr 1(1 Hi 15 16 West. Union 8S !i9 Ss 89 11. S. C. 22 22 22 22 CHICAGO UOAHU OK TRADE PRICKS. O'pn High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. ing. May C2 04 G2 CI July fi3-Si ii C3V4 C4'd September U3 64 C3 04 OATS. May 27 29 27 29 .Inly 2 2 2S 2S', September 23 2G!a 23 20Va CORN. May 4i 49 40 49 July 47 49 47 4!f Srntembcr 4S 60V2 48 00'. LARD. May C.02 fi.7rt 6.00 6.70 July 6.X2 6.Hi C2 6.8T, September 6.97 7.U0 6.97 7.0U PORK. May 11.80 11.97 11.80 11.97 July 12.12 12.25 12.10 12.25 September 12.37 12.45 12.30 12.45 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tations. . Xo. Par Shs. Vnl. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 20 60 Dime Dep. & DIs. Rank 62 50 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 600 21). IK) Cireen H'se Lum'r Co .... 110 100 1(10 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 6 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 150 10 110 Scra'n Savings Rank. 200 10 KiO Scra'n Laco Cur. Co CO 5 100 Scranton Forging Co 100 23 UK) Third Nafl Rank.... 330 5 100 Nat'l Rorlng & Drill ing Co., Pr 90 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 90 3 10O Serunton Redding Co .... 10l'j 4 100 Scranton Axle Works .... 80 10 loO Scranton Class Co 70 2 100 Scranton Jar & Stop per Co 3" 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co 100 CO 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad B0 m 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 120 25 100 Ronta Glass Co 10 CO 100 Spring Urook Water Cu 50 30 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... 105 UONDS. 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co 930 2 500 Econ'y Steam Heat K Power Co 500 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 103 5 000 Scranton (iless Co GoO C03IMERCIAL New York I'roduco .Market, New York, May 1. Flour Firm and fairly active. Wheat Dull; No. 2 red store nnd elevator, CSai;9c; afloat, 7014a 7iii2o. ; f. o. b., 70a71c; ungraded red, 05a 72c; options closed firm at H4alc. nd vance; May, June, July and August, C8a; September, 69c; December, 71c. Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 57c. elevator; DSVic. ufloat; steamer mixed, GlViaSS'lc.; options were more active and strong, iv,alc. ad vance; May, 54'4c; July, 54c; September, 5lc. Oats Dull, firmer; options moder ately active, firmer; May, 32'c; June, S3',ic; July, 33'4c.; spot prices, No. 2, 82',4a ,T.",4c.; No. 2 white, 30a37c; No. 2 Chicago, 33V4C.; No. 3, 31 Vic; No. 3 white, 36c; mixed western, 32a 34c; white state and western, 37a40c. Feed Bran, 85a87c; middlings, 85a 90c. Beef Quiet, steady; family, Jlla'.S; extra mess, $S.50a9. Reef Hams Quiet, strong; J19.50. Tlerced Beef Dull, steady; city extra India mess. $lSa20. Cut Meats Quieter, weak; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, C'jc; do. shoulders, 6c; do. hams, 9V4a 9Vic; middles dull, easy; short clear, sides, JjO.90. Lard Quiet, opened weak, closed steady; western steam, $0.95 asked; city, 0-y(e.; May, $7 asked; July, $7.15, nom inal; rcllned, quiet; continent, $7.35; South America, $7.75; compound, 6';e. Pork iDull, steady; moss, $13.50al4. Butter Fair demand, steady; state dairy, 8al7c.j do. creamery, 19c; western dairy, Sal 3c. ; do. creamery, new, 12al9c; do. old, 9allc; do. factory, 7allc; Elglns, 19c; Imitation creamery, 9al4c. Cheese Moderate de mand, about steady; state large, old, 5V4a lie; do. new, 6a8c; fancy, old, lOallc; do. small, old, CViallc; do. new, 6n8c. Eggs Firm, fair demand; state and Pennsyl vania, 13Vial3c; duck, 13al9c; western fresh, 13V4al3V4c; southern, 12a13c; goose, 2Sa30c. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., May 1. Wheat Receipts, fl, 200 bushels; shipments, 30,200 bushols; mar ket firmer; No. 2 red May, 67c; July, 60c; June, GG6o.: August, 65c. Corn Re ceipts, 12,487 'bushels; shipments, 49,510 bushels; market steady; No. 2 mixed cash and Mdy, 48V4c; September, 60V40. Oats Receipts, 10,102 bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels; market dull; No. a lxcd May, 29c. Clover Seed Receipts, 204 bags; shipments, 332 bags; October, $5.30, dull. Kiiffalo Cattle Market. Buffalo, May 1. Cattle Receipts, 2,480 head; on sale, 20 head; market opened weak, closed dull. Hogs Receipts, 1S.700 head; on sale, 2,250 head; market opened lower, closed lower and dull; Yorkers, $4.90a5; pigs, $5.10; later, $5 for best; mixed packers, S4.tHaii; mediums, $4.95a5; choice heavy, $5; roughs, $4.25a4.50; stags, $3.21a4; Yorkers sold late, $4.85u4.90; good mediums, $4.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,800 head; on sale, 9,200 head; market opened lower for lambs, sheep steady to strong; heavy wool lambs and sheep neglected, closing steady; prime wool lambs, $5.75a 5.90; fair to good, $4.60o5.65; clipped lambs, $l.25a5.5tl; wool sheep, fair to good mixed, $3.85a4.75; heavy exjort, $4.40(14.50; clipped shocp, $3.26a4.30; clipped heavy sheep sold late at $4.40a4.50. Chicago Cattle .Market. Union Stock Yards, May 1. -Cattle Re ceipts, 10,500 head; market dull and weak; common to extra steers, $3.90u6.15; stock era and feeders, $2.U5a4.75; cows and bulls, $l.C0a4.75; calves, $2.50a4.50; Texans, 2a 4.76. Hogs Receipts, 30.000 head; market weak and Dc. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4.55a4.85; common to choice mixed, $4.45a4.80; choice assorted, $4.70a4.80; light, $t.4uu4.75; pigs, $3.40a4.C5. Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head; market firm and 5c. hiiiher; Inferior to choice, $2a4.75; lambs, $2.5uu5.00. Oil .Market. Pittsburg, Miy 1. Oil opened and high est, 185; lowest, lS3'i; closed, 185. Oil City, May 1. Market, 190; Transit runs, 121,810; shipments, 117,540. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. AV. H. Smith, general manager of the Lackawanna line, Is In such poor health that he fears he will be compelled to give up his position, which he has filled for years with murked ability. The Reading's coal tonnage for the week ended April 27 aggregated 261, 764.11 tons, an Increase of 58,617.03 tons. Tonnage for the year to that date ag gregated 5,040(199.18 tons, an Increase of 060,513. 15 tons. The April number of the National Car and Locomotive Builder says there Is a revival In car building. Mention is made of contracts recently placed call ing for 6,710 freight cars, Including box, flat, ore and refrigerator cars, with prospective contracts for an additional 3,300. James McAllister, a Valley conductor, has been appointed receiver of tickets with headquarters at Sayre. He now lives at Easton. Theodore Richards, also a conductor, will have a like posi tion with headquarters at Hazleton. These receivers will have charge of con ductors' reports. The Railroad Gazette In Its monthly report of accidents which occurred on roads of the United States shows that In March there -were 126 accidents, In which twenty-three persons were killed and eighty injured. During the month there were thirty-six collisions and eighty-one derailments reported. Shipments of coal from Indiana and Illinois mines have Increased largely the last few days. One reason Is that a number of manufactories which used oil for fuel have gone back to coal and another Is that manufacturers and rail way companies are stocking up, fearing that there may be a strike next month. WIlkes-Barre 'Record: Officials of the Delaware and Hudson company say that they will not throw their coal on the market, but will Insist on getting their allotment of coal, which they claim Is necessary to supply their trade. As an evidence that they are not try ing to overload the market they point to the fact that their Plymouth col lieries were Idle part of the week. A New York dispatch says: A re markable expedition sailed from this port Tuesday morning. The expedition is bound for Peru, and Its purpose, briefly stated, Is the survey of a rail road which shall bring within commer cial utility the enormous deposltB of anthracite coal which are known to exist In the western slopes of the Cor dilleras, In Northern Peru. The expe dition is organized as a commission, which has been selected to represent a syndicate of capitalists who are back of an enterprise whk'h they believe will play an Important part In the future history of the social and industrial de velopment of South America. The syndicate thus formed represents a combined capital of $100,000,000. The basis of operations of this enteprlse Is a concession which has been granted by the Peruvian government and of which 'the syndicate have secured con trol. The concession grants the exclu sive right, for a long term of years, to work the coal, silver, gold and other mineral deposits In the department of Cajamarca. This department, which Is In Northern Peru, Is a state about equal In territory to Pennsylvania. Its coal deposits cover an estimated area of about 1,000 square miles. All that ts needed for their development Is the con struction of a railroad from the Pacific coast 8or less than 150 miles to the In terior. Specimens of the coal show It to be equal to the best Pennsylvania anthracite. The deposit Is enormous. "How to Cure All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear, while and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Auk your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. HAMLINTON, E. O. Stevens, of Scranton, was the guest of his brother, W. A. Stevens, yesterday. B. K. Nyce Is out of town on business. Miss Gertrude Jones, of the East Side, Is the first young lady in town to own a bicycle. The Georgetown-Canaan telephone line Is being erected under the manage ment of C. L. Simons. The Instruments, which are of the improved V. R. B. pat tern, will be put In tomorrow by H. M. Simons. Miss Maggie Reld closed her term of school on the East Side Tuesday even ing with an entertainment, which was a complete success. One of our estimable young men, E. B. Williams, has left town and accepted a position with Newel Williams, of Nineveh Junction, N. Y. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ben used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. PRICEQURG. William Wilson, of Lincoln street, is about to lead one of Prlceburg's young ladles to the altar. A horse owned by Richard Williams, of Main street, became frightened to day and dashed down the hill behind Jermyn's store. The buggy struck tho corner of Jermyn's fence and was upset and badly smashed. The horse was caught by some men who were stand ing on Jermyn's store stoop. The horse was not hurt. J. K. Goodman will play William Fagallne a game of alley ball at Lo gan's alley, thirty-one- points up, for $00 a side. Answer through The Tribune. FOREST CITV. John Dtlscoll and Mary Ordlng, two populur young people of Forest City, were married Wednesday afternoon nt 8 o'clock In St. Agnes' church, by Rev. J. J. Coroner. They will reside here. The Athletic base ball club of Forest City has organized for the season, and are now reudy to wipe up the time with any near-by aggregation of non professional sphere-welters. They have already Issued a challenge to the Simp son nine to ploy them a game at the latter place on May 6. B. F. Maxey, esq., will hold the stnkeB, umpire the game and keep the score. Mrs. Z. C. Hell, of Carbondale, visited borough friends Tuesday. A tough from Rlchmondale got full of bug Juice Tuesday morning und went through a course of calisthenics on Main street. He finally wound up by Insulting a lady who was passing. He was collared by Ofllcer J. G. Westcott and slept off his exhilaration In the Center Btreet chateau, itfterwards giv ing up an equivalent for the troublo taken with him In the form of a fine. A Polander who was quite seriously hurt In the mines here last week was taken to the Emergency hospital, nt Cnrbondule, yesterday. Young men and their weaknesses, losses, lmpoteney, tired feeling, heart troubles positively and quickly cured by Seranton's greatest specialist, Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street. The Carbondale Traction company will come Into thlB borough whether our enterprising council wants It to ornot; at least so says report and present In dications point that way. Tho track of the company has been extended right up to the borough limits on the south, and about nn eighth of a mile nearer here than the former terminus. J. W. Altken and a couple of engineers were here Tuesday looking over the ground, and it Is said the company will build a bridge over the creek between here and Vandling at a point east of the present bridge, and that a road bed will be graded through the land of the Delaware and Hudson, east of South Main street. In this way the company could come as far as the Hillside Coal and Iron company's railroad track, or almost Into the center of the town.wlth out a franchise from the council. While we, with the majority of people in the borough, would irejolce if tho com pany would do this and give us the facilities we deserve and need, yet we regret that such a step on the Traction company's part Is necessary. If a fran chise had been granted with the re strictions which the company agreed to when the road was first built, electric cars would now be running on Main street, we would have the patronnge of Vandling and Rlchmondale, and our principal thoroughfare could be In a great deal better shape than It Is to day. But the majority of our council men stood out flatly and persistently against the will of nine-tenths of their constituents, gave the franchise to a road on paper, diverted the trade of the two villages south of us to Car bondale and, held Forest City up to the gaze of outsiders as a community opposed to modern progress. Now It seems the road will come In spite of them, but Forest City will lose ad vantages that It might have gained had our representatives thought less of per sonal prejudice and more of the will of the people who elected thorn. Never theless we are glad the road Is coming. We want electric lights. Where is the Forest City Heat, Light and Power company? J. F. Gallagher and bride returned from their wedding tour Tuesday after noon. The Forest City band gave them a serenade the same evening, and after wards the boys were Invited In by Mr. Gallagher and a very pleasant time was spent, enlivened by vocal and Instru mental music. The Tribune wishes Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher a pleasant voyage on the sea of matrimony. A son of J. C. Davis was severely but not dangerously kicked by a mule Monday morning. William and Frederick Wolfort have moved from Forest City to Tioga, Pa., where they will ork In a tannery. Colonel T. D. Lewis, who died Monday In Scranton, was a half brother of Druggist Alfred Davis, and ithe latter Is in Scranton, called there by his broth er's sickness and death. The drug store of Joseph Davis was moved Tuesday from the Maxey build ing to James John's building, formerly occupied by J. J. Janwick as a drug store. The building has been remodelled and repainted. Dr. F. L. Grander Is In Reading, where he was called Tuesday by the serious Illness of his mother. NEW MIL. FORD, Whoop! The ever-glorious Fourth of July Is to stop at this place this year and be decorated with all the old-tlmu paraphernalia, with modern variations. The Independent Order of Odd Fellow.i has charge of the scheme and hus com menced the necessary arrangements for a grand old time. The base ball enthusiasts met last evening and formed an aggregation that will pull the laurels into town from far and near of the base ball variety. Mr. Butterfleld will do the twirling, with Mr. Bell as substitute. Illustra tions will Boon be on draught at the old ball field, near the Eagle hotel. A fine variety of flagstone Is being shipped dally from the quarries In this vicinity. Dr. Reeves, Stranton's greatest spe cialist, 412 Spruce street, cures all acute and chronic nervous diseases of men, women and children. Judson Tiffany has sold his grocery business to the Gilllsple brothers, two of our enterprising young men, who will continue the business. Our home dramatic society will pro duce "Old Hickory" at the opera house on Thursday evening, May 9. Among Great Reduction EMPIRE DRY OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE. 2 CASES Of Ladles' Hibbed Vests; yon have never worn a better, well fitted undergarment; tbe price, Only 1 5 Cents, sleeves short or long. NEXT LOT 60 dozen Rilibed Vests, lighter In weight, Hit Just the thing for tho summer. 3 Vesta for 29 Cents. Can you afford to b without thorn t GENTLEMEN'S BALKANS In 10 different numbers; our line of Eal brlggsns for men we can say Is the Unr est in the elty. We supply the wholesale and retail trade. We have the following: LOT 1 A good Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers; sizes to suit the buyer, at 40 cents for the Suit, or 25 cents each, THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO., OLD STAND GOODJUN'S CUT PRICE STORE, 518 LACKAWANNA AVE. the cast are L. J. DeWitt, Mart Hand, Matthew Hand, E, E. Brooks, Misses Helle McCollum and Vlnnle Vailes. Some of these young people are old-time favorites gmuiii our theater-goers, and are sure to win additional laurels. Go and sec. Remember the graded school exhibi tion at the opera house Thursday even ing. A. C. Risely Ib having an addition built on the rear of his residence on Main street. The calico hop holds tho boards Tor Friday evening. HONESDALE. Jesse Dexter, an, old and (honored resident of this town, for many yearB a watchman In .the National bank, died yesterday after a short Illness. Insurance adjusters are now on the ground adjusting the losses occasioned by Sunday night's fire. Edward C. Bourne, of Scranton, was In town yesterday. A party of Erie officials was In town yesterday looking over the ground for the new depot which It has proposed to build annually for the last quarter of a century. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, cures nil diseases of the heart, womb, bladder, liver and kidneys. C. L. Weston, general real estate agent, and C. R. Munvllle, superin tendent of the Pennsylvania division of the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany, returned homo yesterday morn ing, nfter spending several days In northern Wayne, angling for trout. Light boats are now moving regularly on 4he canal, and It Is expected that loading will commence today. The bodies that were placed In the vault In Dyberry cemetery during the past winter were taken out and regular ly interred yesterday. Trout fishing In our streams has been very poor thus far this year. Occasion al large catches have been reported, but tho general run of the fishermen have returned with nearly empty creels. The largest fish have been caught In the Lackawanna Creek. The Independent says that the town council has decided that as Main street has been macadamized it cannot now be paved under our present charter. As it Is the opinion of experts that our charter Is no good anyhow, what Is tho matter of obtaining a charter under the general act at tho same time that the borough lines are extended? Statistics. From Indirnapolls Journal. "My good man,''. Bald the i-overe lady, "have you ever stopped to think how much money Is wasted each year on tobacco and rum? "No, mum, I hain't," answered the ob Ject. "Its taking ull my time jlst now to tlgger out how many pore families could be supported oft the price of the extra cloth women puts in their sleeves." To You The Most Important Matter demanding attention at this season is the condition of your blood. Your health depends upon it, for as tho quality and quantity of the blood vary, you are better or worse. Tho blood conveys all the elements which go to make up the organs, nerves and tissues of tho body, and curries away all dissolved, useless material. Every bone, muscle, ncrvo and tissue, lives upon what tho blood feeds to it. Tho whole world knows that Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho standard remedy for making puro Mood. It possesses merit peculiar to itself and by which It effects marvelous cures even when other preparations fail. When you buy your spring medi ciuo get tho best, and that is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla N. B. Take Hood's and only Hood's. Hnnrl'c Pllle Iray. easy to ak, llOOU S flUS easy la eflect. 25c. Thla Famnni Remedy cum quickly nnd pcr mnnuntly nil nurvoui rtliioiihcn, such as Wuuk Memory, Lom of Hrriln Power, llrmlarbo, Waie ftilnuHH, loat Vltnlily. nightly emlHSions, evil divum. Iuj potency ami wnstlritf UUeHflPri caused by youthful error or eirriwi, Contulnn no oniiites. Is a nerve (ntilcnntl Mood builder. Waken tho polo unci taur BtrmiK ami plump. Kaslly carrleil In vont pocket. 1 per boxi O for ti. By mall prepaid with a writien itimrnntoe to euro or money rcfiirnlcri. Write un for free medical litKikt aent muled In pinln w nipper, which con tnlnn tnstlmohlnlf and rtrmnclul ri'foroucof. No charge fr conaiiltatlotia. Ittwnre uf imita tions. rUt hv our mlvprtlMHl ftuwiitH, or artilmna N y. HV K HKI'D . M aaunlc Tern p l, Oh I euro. 8(HiI IN SCRANTON, PA., H. C. HANHERHON WASUINUTON.COIt. Sl'KUCK, DHUUU1STB. Complexion Presetted DR. HEBRA'S i VIOLA i CREAM FrMklM, HmptML Liver . Moltt. BlMkhudai Sunbnra and Tin, and n tores the tltln to lta origi nal freabncM, producing clear aud healuiy oom- .lolnn fintwrlnr il all fnra preparation and .perfectly IitrmleM. At all ixuggiite, or mailed lot SOcta. &od tor Circular, mm a a inn anao la imtir BIB DuniTMf BOOB. HHM lOV UN HUH. IH HPH rtral W U uxor. xiilj as MlMkaj B Hat. At rtlil, Pri2SCim G. C. BITTNEH & CO., Toledo, O. . .For sale by Matthew Bros, and John H. PholDo. Sale at tho GOODS CO. LOT 2 Colored Baltirlcinnn, sold, brown and Hue, itr'oil quulity, and sizes to suit any body for the price of 25 cents each. LOT 3 Did von over have a shirt of onr French Balhrlgtrsnr If you have not them, you bettor come and examine them; silk stitched, the quality the best, and if tbey are not equal In quality to wrat others ask 7fi emits, will giva a suit for nothing, Our price 39c. each, or 76 cents for Shirt aud Drawers. WHAT'S N EXT7-A good whlto linen Un , luundrleil Biilrt; we are hoadquarters on liocd Muslin Shirts: our slilrts have the material, labor, neatly made and prices lower than' others; 50o. each, shirts Again-lf you need a bhlrt for work shift ing, finny In Cheviot or Percale, or any other shirt yon have In your mind, go to Empire Dry Goods Co., direot manufac turer!, m Canal St., New York. Bell ail their prodnot to consumer, the HE WAHIEALED Of Rheumatic Paralysis by Dr. Frank B. Smith, the Magnetic Physician, at 312 Wyoming Ave nue, Scranton, Pa. Mr. II. B. Cain, who resides near thla city, was stricken down about thirteen months ago with rheumatic paralysis. Ills Bufferings have been so great that at times It was feared he would lose his mind. For the past seven months hla lower limbs have been paralyzed and he has had to be lifted from his bed to a chair. 'Notwithstanding the fact that both limbs were paralyzed the pain and tenderness In his left leg was terrible; the slightest touch would throw him Into a paroxysm of frightful pain and suffering, which, would con tinue unabated for hours at e. time. His helpless condition, together with the pain he suffered, often caused him to pray for deaith. Physicians far and near were called to see him, but none gave him tw desired relief. Hearing of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Smith he applied to him for help, and we are happy to say secured It. From the first magnetic treatment he began to Improve. After the Beventh he was freed from all pain and all Buffering came to an end and at the expiration of four weeks he could walk without the aid of crutches or cane. This cure, like many others which Dr. Smith has mnde, Is unimpeachable evidence In favor of his strange and mysterious powers to heal the sick. He will give a written guarantee to cure all cases of piles, fissure, fistula In ano, stricture, verlococele end hydrocele he under takes. He treats successfully catarrh, dyspepBlai, heart diseasev liver com plaint, disease of the kidneys and all forms of chronic diseases. He cures all forms of ovarian tumors without the use of the knife. The doctor will con tinue to heal the sick free of charge at the Academy of Muslo every morning at 10 o'clock. Consultation free et 312 Wyoming avenue from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Dou't say that and skip it over. You can afford to read what we print and we can probably1 give you a point or two on prices, so that jrou will gain as much knowledge reading our ads as if vou are reading the daily news. FOR INSTANCE, Last week we offered Men's Pants, a few of them left vet, at the ad vertised price, $2.00 PER PAIR They Are Worth i&OO and SI.IM. This week we offer 65 Men's B'ack Cheviot Suits, . - $4.65 As to a 00 them, tbey are worth tt. Children's Tersev Suits we sell for - - $1,25 Others sell them for f 2.03. SELLING OPT AT NO PROFIT PRICES Children's Waists, Children's Caps, Men's Shirts, Men's Hosiery, Men's Gloves. WE IRE GOING TO QUIT KEEPING THEM. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE Always the Cheapest. SIGN OF THE BELL Case? ar tmi MishibT Mseieai Aewwim LiriHALEQ CffTARRH HMDIlCHEiSS lTrBAtiTO will cure yon. A wonderful boon to suflsrsrt from Holds. raTkrsat, laaneaaa). Brenekltla. or HAT FEVJCB. AIrU invudiattrelUf. An efficient remBflT. AnnTMBlAnt to aaxrv in poeket,reag ise on flrtt Indication of cold. !Antiauai ffecM raraaaaeas 7are. BBUtfaoUon snBranteed or money ref nndsd. Fries HWets. Trial rrre at uraaiits. tipstttsrea mail, L H COTJIU, 1ft., fkiM tiro. Hick, B. a 4, WeeDia. CftTSBHAir I U rtlTIf ft I Tho snnt and saf est remedy for MtftinUl. all skin dlMiues. Koseaia. Itch-Halt Hhum.nld SorseJInnit, (,'uu. vfoaderfal resv adrfrrII.KS. Prlea. la eta. at Drug- p a aa (law or by mail prepaid. Address sbbsotb. DnUlfl For sale by Matthew Broa.and Job Ci. ri Pheloa. HOYAL tTbIZTs. EOYAL U0IES'0NLY1cau-; preued and painful menstruation, ind a certain PREVENTATIVE f all female irreruUriiie. hold with a Wllttn faataBts to Cart Send a to tamp for narticuiaraand "Guide for VL Ladies." fmiat on having Ikl Sojtl Mora rSSKCH.BOIaJ.pao.lo.lW iuCMrtVS't'.O. ",&, In rk For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Drug glatg Wyoming av. and Spruce street. o ; .1 1 S AT THE 400402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND E FAIR FNEIIII! IIS, K, IIS, HS'JffiS'l HI'S JACKETS, h rail, Bp i w. PIwlMA yKjL JAPAN Vggf A BATTINGS. 500 Rolls this season's importations. Prices start at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 ' Cut quantities of Mattings 2lt cents and 5 cents over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacture of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General OHicet SCRANTON, PA. CREDIT We are miles ahead of them all and still progressing ! Never before in the history of Scranton have the people ao thoroughly real ized the advantages of ' "CCONOMY'S Lasy Way to Pay." A man nsed to feel pretty poor before he would think of buying on credit but bless your soul, they drive up here now in carriages--they come on bicycles they drop off the street cars and we stroke our whiskers with pardonable pride as we contemplate the change we wrought in CREDIT buying. Tisn't credit it's just plain oommon DECENCY it's the art of knowing how to be ACCOMMODATING--and good honest accommodation never cost any man a dollar. Get that framed and hang it up where you can se it it's the bigge,t lump of truth you ever slipped down on. orT.Twi r-lflan off the sidewalk trvins to tell you that tne Dest way to buy Furniture, Carpets, etc., is on them is HERR where credit costs no more tnan anyDoay emu b the countrv. Look us rieht in the face and tell us that you will come in here and pay us a month there isn't a wagon around the place tnai Dig enougu w u what you can buy no notes to slgn-.no interest to pay--you needn't even sayt "Thanfc you." 1 I ill It. OUR NEXT (Of which 9 " Rockers Greatest BIG VALUE - II i FAIR SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF But we are getting excited we've credit that the beat place to buy little money once a week or once a . . -a a t . T. V v. .! A 225-227 due notice will be given.) Woven Silk Covering, All Kinds Plush Coverlo Cobbler Boats, ' ' PollBhed Seats, In Woods of All Kinds. SALE ever run by us.