The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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What Is
Is only ft part of vbnt we have.
. Every day new goods arrive, are
put on our counters and nro fiono
before we've had a word to my
about tbem in the papers. Tlu'ir
merit sells them their cheapi ws
sells them. - Thera's always pome
thing of interest for you, 110 mat
ter when j ou como iu.
Bilks of other season, designs that
were ouceCiopular, colors that were
all the Age months ago have
passed out of sitfht; now, that
which Dame Fashion lias smiled
upon reigns supreme for tho mo
ment. Figured Taffeta, (Jl.ise
Silks, choice figures, choice
combinations. Figured Taffeta
in Sprays, Figures and I5oN:
line lustre und strong, e
show ou endless variety.
n iini.rmiii nrm nr n t n rrrt n nil h
u-NuHrluiu lilrtolflrrtl
' Hare sold this season at 05c. tho yard.
Fans are an ornament, often a tie
ressity and always acceptable
Many are the kinds, and ilrklo
taste will surely bo satisfied with
our assortment.
Ladies' Four Button tilores, Taris
Points, and Elepant Tan Miades,
Extra Quality Mosquctcres, Suede
Gloves, Black, Tan and Jiiviwii.
All the desirable shades in the new
kid gloves, and we assure nt a
price that will enable alt to in
dulge yourselves and 1 well
gloved. Silk and Lisle Thread
Gloves, Cotton Gloves; aH the
summer shades for the approach
ing season.
Properly put tojretber, good sew
ing, good material and the sizes
412'Spnice Street, Scranton, Pa.
Specialist on
Nerve Troubles,
Jifl Diseases of tho Heart, Lungs,
peys. Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder,
Jlead.vFlta and Epilepsy.
He with hta assistants treat all diseases
Of tha Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat, Kys
popsla. Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv
ra Debility, Female Weakness and Irreir
tUarltles, Nlifhtly Losses and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood. Varlococele, Mood
Poisoning, Edema, Scrofula, St. Vitus
Dance, Diabetes, Urlght's IXseasc,
Asthma, etc
Any one auffeTlngi with Catarrh who
wishes to be 'permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS.
The doctor hns discovered a specinc Mr
this dreaded disease. You can treat an1
core yourself and family with It at homo.
It never falls tat cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOUR3 Dally, 8 a, m, to 9 p.
in.i Sunday, 10 to 4.
T?.! ... . - .
bAaiuuig uui new imc ui opnnjj
Goods. All of the latest dcsiRtis
ond colorings, and our pricc3
lower thaa any other house in
the trade, for goods of tho same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will roll
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as we need the room.
J. Scott fnglis
)0 I APlf AiifftMUJi nifpuiic
Biiffnlo Cattlo .Market.
Buffalo, April SO. Cattle Roeclptn. zw
head; on sale, 40 head ; market opened slow
and weak. Hoga-Reeolpts, 2.240 head; on
sale, 4,200 head; market closed very dull!
Yorkers, M.95a6; mixed "puckers and me
diums, $5; Rood heavy, $Ta5.10; roughs, $4.15
a4.D0; stitRfi, $3.2fia4; plcn, 4.!)Oa6. Slicep
and Lambs Receipts, 1,300 head; on suie,
2,000 head; market closed steady; good to
choice wool lambs, i3.7uoa.vii; usnt to lair,
l4.S0aS.CS; clipped lambs, S4.GOaG.00; wool
sheep, fair -to oholeev $3.C0a4.8U; clipped,
l3.26a4.6S; cull wools, f2a, , . ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
New York, April 30. Wall street
Speculatlun at the Stork KxchaiiKe waa
lrroRiilnr today nnd business was on a
smaller scale than of late, amounting
to SR2,3rtO shares. The market lacked
forelK" HupiKirt nt the opening; In fact,
London was a sellor In the Initial trad-
ins, but subsequently arbitrage houses
turned buyers. Ar a result good Judges
Bay thit the foreign puivhases and
sales nb:iut balanced each other on the
day. Lnral operators who have opioseJ
tho rise the very be;tlnnlng also
sold at the start. Then they reversed
their to::!t!on, but toward tho close
thoy ti-lod tluMr hand oneo m:re nt the
Grnnger.i, !!ugar, l.ouslvlllo and Nash
ville und Oer.eni! Klei irie. In the lust
hour they hid tlieatral.ilatu'C of liquldat
r.z sal;-i by huldera willlns to turn pa
per .i-oilis into ear.h, but they made
little Imprepslon on values. Northwest
ran off to "JtfVi. ISurlington and Qulncy
to T3l, Ht. Paul to 62 und Rock Island
to C'j'4. These shares sh iwe.d little If
any recovery nt the close. General
Kl.-ctrle m.ivcd up a point to 34ty. After
considerable barking and filling the
Industrials closed lower on the day.
The anthracite coaler3 weakened early
in tho day, but subsequently recovered
nn.l closed steady. The street waited
for the action by the sales agents all
day, but nothing developed until after
the close, when !t was stated that the
agents had again adjourned without ac
tion until Thursday next. Speculation
In the lat hour was weak and a ma
orttv of the active i?suis sold at the
lowest point of the c'ay. The closing
was rather weak. Northern Pacific
pretei-fd was exceptionally strong
through nit, rangmt- Between
The range of today's prices for the ue
live stocks of the New York slock mar
ket are given below. The quotations are
furnished The Tribune by u. uu Jim
miek. manager for William Linn, Allen &
Co.. stock brokers, 412 Byruee street,
(Tpn Ulch- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. lug.
Am. Tobacco Co lul'i M' VU'i l'"Ts
Am. Cot. Oil Xi " ,-'
Am. Su-.-ar He'-r Co.l'- 1UH 101i
Atch.. To. & ti. Fe... 6-j S
Can. South B2 Rl'i S3 r,2
Ches. & Ohio lt 1! K'i l"1
Chicago 'Jus 71' il TJ .!
Chic, ft N. W fT1!
Ch'c. D. H tj it'i "I'll Ti'
C. C. C. & St. 1 41 H 42
Chle., Mil. & St. I'... ti25i !2"4
Chle.. It. I. & V M
Kelaware Hud 12S'-i 124 v'1-
t. L. & W l.Vi l.ij m 1W.
Hist. AC. F 1!! 19'i 1S' l'"i
G.-n. i:i.-etrlc 3."8 3'H 33S
I.,ik, Shore.... 143'4 lif'i 14.1 113
Louis. & Nnsh .W SHlg 0'i4 m
Manhattan Kle 119 119 lis ll'a
Mich. Central luti HiVi KW'i li0
Mo. racilie 2fi 2W 2";
Nat. ('ordase V Vi fi1
Nat. Lead 34' Si 34 31
N. J. Central S5H H" !H74 WTs
K. Y. Central 9sl 9K', SS'i
V Y. S. E 3!; 3HV 38". 3
N. Y., L. K. & W lV-i U ll'i 11'
N. Y.. S. & W 12M: 12U 12U, 12'i
N. Y.. S. & W., I'r... oti3, 2'A, 3T, 35
Vnr. Palllc 47 5 4T4 5
Nor. Paclllc, Pr 21 22-i 21 21J
Ont. & West 17 li4 17 17
Phil. & Read lfi',4 l'''7n 1" WX
Southern'K. R 13'(. 13"i 13'4 134
Tenn., C. & 1 214 2I 21'i 21H
Tex. Paclllc in M'-i loH W'.i
Wabash 7 "!4 1 7
Wabash. Tr 10-4 l'i74 HiH
West. Union, i KS74 f5i
!:. & o 5i;7j s;74 S.V4 sr. ',4
K. S. G 22 22 21" 21
O'pn High- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing.
.May fi-t ' 6I74 01T4
July w4 fil'4 03 r3
September G4'i 6l- 63 63
May 24 2S'4 27 277i
July 2s'k 2S', 2774 2X's
September 25" 2J ji 25
May 47 4T'4 4i74 47',;
July 4S-H 4S 47 4S'4
Sopiember i'J'Hi 4& 4S 9
LA Kit.
May R.77 C.77 .7 6.70
July r,.'.2 fi.92 6.S5 6So
September 7.07 7.07 7.02 7.02
May 12.30 12.30 11. R7 11.R7
July 12.37 12.37 12 20 12.22
September 12..Yi 12.55 12.50 12.50
nton Hoard of Trade Exchange
No. Par
Shs. Val. STOCKS. E!d. Ask.
20 5U D'm Dep. & Din.
Hank C2 T.0
10 100 First Nnfl Rank GOO
0 If') Oreen R'ge Lum'r Co .... 110
ICO W) Lacka. Lumber Cn... 110
5 Vl Lr.cka. Trust & Safe
" Deposit Co 150
10 Jon Scra'n Rovlni-'s Hank. 200 ....
10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co fo
n 1'1 Bemnton Forging Co 1")
2"i 1M Third Nat l Rank.... 350
6 100 Nat'l Poring & Drill
ing Co., Pr PO
45 lo3 Thuron Coal Land Co .... M
3 UtO S'-riinton Redding Co .... 10H4
4 l'fl Scranton Axle Works .... BO
10 lei Rcrsnton Glass Co 70
2 I'jO Scranton Jar & Slop-
per Co 37
40 infl Dlck'on Mfg Co 100
Co I0 Lackawanna. & Mont
rose Kail road SO
CO 1M Traders' Nat'l Hank 120
V, 100 Honta Glass Co 10
50 100 Spring llrook Water
Co M
80 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... 105
31 lOCO Sornnlon Trnc. Co 060
t M0 Econ'y.Sienm Heat
ti Power Co ". COO
g 100 Madison Avcnilo Im
provement 103
C 600 Scranton Glcss Co CdO
New York Prodnco Market.
New York, April 30. Flour Firm, quiet.
Wheat Weaker, fairly active; No. 3 red
nom'nnl, store and elevator, G7V4aG7e.;
afloat, KPKnBte.; f. o. b 6XMiac.; ungrad
ed red, K4a71c; options wcro loss active,
lower; May, B7c; Juno and July, 67in.;
August, 67',4c; September, C7T4e.; Octobor,
6R14C Corn More acllve, weaker; No. 2,
6Te. elevator; Kc. afloat; steamer
mixed, S24a53lSc. ; options moderately ac
tive, lower and weak; May, B2-X,o.; July,
S3y,c.; September, 63c.- Oats Dull, lower,
weak; option dull, unchanged; May, 31c.;
June, 32c.; July, 3214c; spot prices, No. 2,
31c; No. 2 white,' 8i'i'4c; No. 2 Chicago,
ffiiic. ; No. 8, 81o.; No. 3 white, SSftc.; mixed
western, S2a33c.; white state and western,
37a40c. Reef Dull, steady; family, tllu 13;
extra mess, S.S0n9. lleef Hams Strong;
$19.50. Tlerced Heef Fa'r demnnd, steady;
olty extra India mesB, $18a20. Cut Meats
Weak, better demand; pickled bellies, 12
pounds, 6'4c.; do. shoulders, 6c; do, hams,
gtynfjic.; middles, dull, weak; short clear,
$0.95. Lord Quiet, weak; western stonm,
$T; city, 6c; May, $0.95, nominal; , re
fined, qulot; continent, $7.8S; South Amer
ica, $7.75; compound, S'iC . Pork Dull,
steady; mess, $13.5Ual4. Butter Moderate
demand, unchanged. Cheeso New steady,
fair-demand; stato largo, old, 6allo.; do.
new, 6s8e.;-fancy, old, 10'4allc; do. small,
old, , lallc; do. new, aSc. Eggs Fairly
aotlvd,- firm; state and Pennsylvania, 13'Aa
al3c; western fresh, 13y4al3V4o. ; south
ern, 12al3c.i duck, 13a20c; goose, 28a30e.
ChicoRO Cottle Market.
ChloatP. April s:.Cattlo-Rccelpt, $.500
head; market strong; common to extra
steers, $4a6.20; stockers and feeders, $2.Wa
4.75; cows and bulls, $l.(JOa4.7S; calves, $2.50
a 2. 15; Texans, $2a4.7S. Hogs Receipts, 21,
000 head; market weaker; heavy packing
and shipping lots, $4.COa4.90; common to
choice mixed, $1.4084.87; choice assorted,
4.70al.SO; liKht, $4.S0a4.85; pigs, $3.60a4.70.
Sheep Receipts, 17.UJ0 head; market Blow
and easy; Inferior to choice, $l.0a4.&0;
lambs, ?3a5.S0.
Philadelphia Tallow Market.
Philadelphia, April 30. Tullow Is quint
and dull. We quoto: City, prlmo, In hhd
4c; country, prime, In bids, 4;!c; do.
dark, In bbls, 414c; cakes, 444c; grease,
Oil Markut.
Pittsburg, April 30. Oil opened and high-
em, zuu; lowest and closed, 195.
Oil City, April 30. oil opened, 200; high
est, 205, offered; lowest und closed, 195.
Coke production ond output In tho
Connellsvllle region for the week ended
April 20 took unother tumble, the form
er being In the neighborhood of 12,000
tons less than for the preceding week
Shipments do not show this much of a
slump In the demnnd, thus indicating
that some of the coke that has been
standing unconslgned on board cars
for the past two or three weeks was
shipped out of the region. However
there ure yet several hundred cars load
ed without destination. The number
may be decreased this week.
Washington and Greene counties ore
worked up to a keen pitch of excite
ment over the probability of the sale
of a large area of coal lands, an area so
large as to embrace 60,000 to 80,000 acres
and possesses a value of not less than
$l,i00,000. The country Involved In
cludts the southern portion of Somer
set and South Strabana townships, the
west side of Tike Run and East Uethle
hem, nil in Washington county, and a
large Bcope of the townships of Morgan.
Washington and Jefferson In Greene
county. The options that had been
taken in this field for Philadelphia cap
Itallsts expired April 1, without the
one-third of the purchase money being
paiu aown as the agreement called for,
It Is believed, however, the transfer will
yet be made. The price paid per acre
on the west side of the field Is $20, but
lurtner east the rate Is higher.
A more exhaustive study of the Read
Ing's March statements shows that net
results were due almost wholly to
economies in oiieration of the proper
ties, rnis is proven by a comparison
or the March and February statements.
It is a well known fact that the com
pany's coal tonnage was considerably
larger last month than the preceding
month. Untjer ordinary circumstances
gross earnings should, therefore, show
an increase, but the Stockholder finds
by examining the statement of the Coal
and Iron company that gross earnings
last month (with a much larger ton
nage) were $326,436 less than in Febru
ary. It is evident, therefore, that the
Reading received a much lower price
for coal sold In March than In Febru
ary, and yet in the former month there
was a profit from mining of no less
than $123,710, against a loss in Febru
ary of $63,176, thus making, the net
cnange ror Alarcn over February $186,
8S6. This showing was made possible
by a heavy reduction in expenses.
The Philadelphia Stockholder thinks
It Is quite probable the present week
will determine whether there Is to be an
open war between the various anthra
cite coal Interests, or whether another
effort will be made to adjust the ques
tions In dispute. Unless the sales
agents, at 'their adjourned meeting to.
day, agree as to the May output we
may expect continued unlimited pro
duction, which Is now In force, and
which. If kept up for a week or two,
will find the markets flooded with coal,
to the detriment of prices. Indeed, sales
have been already made at figures be
low those recently ruling a level the
lowest known for several years past.
The excuse offered for some of the
collieries being put on full time, that
they be enabled to make up their
month's allotments, suggests that some
of the companies failed to observe their
agreement to restrict production earlier
In the month, for the output up to
April 20 was on a basis which. If con
tinued to the end of the month, would
swell the total for the month to several
hundred thousand tons In excess of the
agreed output.
All those creeping, crawling, stinging
sensations that combine to make up tho
tortures of any Itching dlseaso of the
skin arc Instantly relieved and permanent
ly cured by Loan's Ointment. Take no
substitute. Doan's never falls.
Miss Lottie Qoble is visiting friends
at Rowlands.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gardner left
for Factoryvllle yesterday to attend
the funeral of their niece.
For some time past the Independent
has been advocating a greater
Honesdale., The Independent has
taken the proper position in
working 1 for the borough's en
largement. We now have a trading
population of some 8,000 people who
live within a radius of three-quarters
of a mile from the borough center,
whereas we are actually known as a
borough of 3,620, This Is unjust to our
selves and a detriment to the advance
ment of our town. We bespeak a
rapid growth for greater Honesdale.
MIbh Rena Spencer, of Yonkers, N. T.,
Is home on a vacation.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Rcran
ton's greatest specialist, cures when all
other fail. Consultation free.
Eugene Coon r ad, of Port Jervls, called
on Honesdale friends yesterday.
Mrs. Daniel Vlclnus died at her
home Monday night, aged 27 years and
7 .months. She Is survived by her hus
band and one child. The funeral will
be held Wednesday at 2 p. m.
Oraat English Rcmedr.
Sy Qv Cray's Specific Medicine
if YOU SUFFER "" N"-
mmimmmi uh II IWIT MI I hlli Tons De
bility, Weakness of Body sod Mind. Bparms
torrfita, sod Imootancy, and U dtMssos that
axis from OTr-lndulgenc snd Mlf-sbow. s
Loss ol Memory tad Powar, Dimness o( Vis
Ion, Prematura Old Age and many other die
eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an early grave, write for a pamphlet.
Addreee GRAY MEDICINE fju.. Buffalo,
V. Y. -The Kpociflo Medicine Is eeM by all
druggists at $l per package or six naokages
for to. or aent by mall on receipt of money,
and with arery fs.00 order WE ClIIRMTEE
core or money refunded. awkUUUUJkh
Of On account of counterfeits we bars
adopted tho Yol'ow Wrapper, the only g.nn.
tu Bold In Si-rantOB by Matthew Crcs
The marriage of Mlns Lizzie McHaJe,
of "this place, to Andrew Murphy, of
Plymouth, was solemnized In Ht. Thom
as' church at noon yesterday. A large
number of friends had essembled at
that hour to witness the ceremony. As
the bridal party entered the church
Miss McHale, a cousin of the bride,
played. Mendelssohn's wedding march.
The bride was attended by Miss Nellie
Kearney, the groom by John Colllgan,
of Plymouth. The bride and her maid
wero charmingly dressed. The bride
wore chocolate silk with gold lace trim
mings, and hat to match. The brides
maid wore ashes of roses silk .with
velvet trimming. A wedding breakfast
for the relatives of the wedded couple
followed tho ceremony at tho home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
McHale, of Cemetery street. In the
evening the bride wont to her future
home in Plymouth. v Mrs. Murphy
was one of tho bes know
and respected young ladles. Her
amlubllo disposition won for her nn
extensive circle of friends who will be
glad to wish jher an abundance of
happiness In her wedded life. Her hus
band, who Is a mino foreman In Ply
mouth, Is said to be a worthy com
panion of his wife.
Division 13, Ancient Order of Hibern
ians, will meet in John J. Swift's hall
at the usuul hour on Friday evening.
Miss B. Lully, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting at her former home on Laurel
Post Grand J. R. Thomas, of the Odd
Fellows' society, addressed the mem
bers of the Archbald atisoclutlon In the
Lutheran church on Sunday evening,
the occuslon being the seventy-fifth an
niversary of the foundation of the 'or
ganization. Young man, consult Dr. Reeves, 412
Spruce street, Scranton. He will cure
you quickly, e
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kinney, of Wayne
street, are mourning the loss of their
little daughter, Helen, who died sud
denly on Sunday. The funeral was
held on Monday.
.Mothers ! Mothers!! Mothors!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ben
used for over fifty ycurs by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every pure
of the world. Be sure and auk for "Airs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle.
The Olyplmnt base ball club defeated
the Senators, of Green Ridge, by a
score of 17 to 5, on, the Olyphant grounds
J. K. Toole closed a two-night engage
ment at the Father Mathew Opera
house with "Rip Van Winkle," last eve
ning. Mr. Toole, In the role of "Rip
Van Winkle," was very good, and the
pluy as a whole gave excellent Batisflac
tlon, and the audience departed well
P. F. Cnllanhan, of Scranton, was a
caller in town yesterday.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, specialist on lung troubles, con
sumption and diseases of tho heart.
Theb uildlng owned by R. J. Gal
lagher, which was damaged by fire
some time ago, Is being torn down to
be replaced by a larger building.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems
sent as 'a special provldcnco to the little
folks. Pleasant to take, perfectly harm
less, and absolutely sure to give Instant re
lief In all coses of cold or lung trouble.
Academy of Music
The most wonderful and Interesting
exhibition In Scranton Just now is the
free llustrated course of lectures and
free public healing of the sick at the
Academy of Music every morning at 10
o'clock by Dr. Smith, the world-famed
one of the finest Btereopticons made. The
lectures are Illustrated. They are pro
jected on a fctrge screen by means of
one of the finest sterlopticon made. The
lectures ure Intensely interesting. Then
follows demonstrations of healing the
sick free of charge by magnetic treat
ment of hypnotic suggestion.
There was a large and appreciative
audience present this morning at the
Academy of Music to witness the. most
wonderful exhibition of healing the sick
by the- laying on of the hands ever
known In Scranton. The hall was filled
with many of the best people of Scran
ton, and they all expressed themselves
highly pleased with the entertainment.
Dr. Smith will continue to perform the
marvelous cures at tho Academy of
Music every morning from 10 to 11
o'clock until further notice. He Is per
manently located at 312 Wyoming ave
nue, where those who are able and will
ing to pay may consult him from 9 a.
m. until 6 p. m. dally except Sundays.
Consultation free. He treats all forms
if chronic diseases, and will cure seven
cases out of ten that have been pro
nounced Incurable, In the treatment
of constipation, piles, hernia and all
diseases of the bladder and kidneys, Dr.
Smith stands without a rival and will
guarantee a cure after due consultation
and examination. He is Justly cele
brated as one of the most skillful sur
geons, and performs the most delicate
operations successfully, having never
In his forty years' experience lost a
case. Reader,' you will make no mistake
by consulting him at 312 Wyoming avenue.
Groat Reduction Sale at the
Of Ladies' Ribbed Vests: yon havs never
worn a better, well lit tod undergarment;
the prloe. Only 1 5 Cnta, sleeves short
or long. '
60 dozen Rllibsd Vests, lightor In weight,
lot Just the thing for the summer. 3
Veatafor 29 Centa. Can yon afford
to be without thsm f
In 10 different numbers; our linn of Bnl
brlggans for men wa ran say Is tha larg
est Id the olty. We supply the wholesale
and retail trade. Ws have the following:
A good Balbrlggtn Shirt and Drawers;
sises to suit the buyer, at 40 cents for
the Suit, or 25 centa each, -
A. L. Turner, of Blnghamton, spent
Sunday here with friends.
Scott Palmer hns returned from his
European trip, and reports having had
a good time.
Burgess B. J.' Stone and Councilman
A. B. Cowles have returned from their
New York city trip.
J. H. McAlptne Is Improving from his
recent severe Illness.
Rev. S. S. Kennedy Is attending the
Luzerne County Bible society meeting
at Wllkes-Barre. ...
D. S. Church has returned from On
tario college, Canada, where he has
been studying for a veterinary physi
cian. Miss Marie Jadwln, of Brooklyn, New
York, was the guest of A. J. .Smith, esq.,
last Frldny.
Professor P. C. Hanyen, of the Madi
son ncademy, treated the scholars of the
higher grade to a ride in the woods
last Friday afternoon, and gave them
a lesson In botany and entomology.
William Hall, with P. C. Thompson
& Co., of Philadelphia, and George
Bailey and Claude Relph, of Scranton,
spend Sunday here with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whalte have
returned from a six months' visit with
their sons, George and Walter, at Dan
ville, Illinois.
Miss Ida F. Sherman and niece Willie
are visiting friends In New York city.
Frank Edginton, son of George Edg
Inton, who broke his forearm last week
by an accidental fall, is Improving.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, specialist on diseases of men,
nightly losses, varlococele, sperma
torrhoea, etc.
The scholars and teachers of the
graded school are maklnjr extensive
preparations for a grand exhibition at
the Opera House on Thursday evening
of thlH week.
Professor Hanrahan's calico hop will
Indicate as surely as any ithysical
symptom shows anything, that tho or
K'uns u i id tissues of tho body arc not
satitilied with their nourishment.
Thoy draw their sustenance from
the blood, und if the blood is thin, im
pure or insiilllciciit, they are in a state
of revolt. Their complaints are niudo
to the brain, tho king- of tho body,
through tho nervous system, and tho
result of the ffenend dissatisfaction is
what we cull Nervousness.
This is a concise, reasonable expla
nation of tho whole mutter.
Tho euro for Nervousness, then, is
simple. Purify und enrich your blood
by tukinff Hood's Sursupurilla, and the
nerves, tissues and organs will have
tho healthful nourishment they crave.
Nervousness and Weakness will then
givo way to strength und health.
That this is not theory but fact is
proven by tho voluntary statements of
thousands cured by Hood's Sarsupu
rillu. Head the next column.
Rational Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL 250,000
BAMTJEIj HTNE8. President.
W. W. WATSON. Vice-President;
A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Bamuel Hlnes, James M. Everhart, Irv
tnn A. Finch, Plorce B. Flnley, Joseph J.
Jormyn, M. 8. Kemorer, Charles P. Mat
thews, John T. Porter. W. V. Watson.
This bank Invites the patronaea of bus
men anu nrms genoruiy.
Btandard Instruments In every ssnss of
the term as applied to Pianos.
Exceptional In holding their original ful-
Hash of tnnn.
Fifth avenue.
1 1 S Adana At Nw Telephone Bldg.
Colored Ralhrignns, gold, brown and
blue, gnod quality, and size to suit any
body for the price of 29 cents each.
Did you ever have a shirt of our French
Balurlgganr If you bare not them, you
better come and eiamine them; silk
stitched, the quality the boat, and If they
are not aquai In quality to what others
aak 75 oeuu, will give a suit for nothing,
Our prloe 39c. each, or 78 cents for
Shirt and Di awura,
WHAT'S NEXT7 Agood white linen Un
laundrliid Hnlrt; wo are headquarters on
good Muslin Bhtrts: our shirts have the
material, labor, neatly made and prleea
. . lower than others; 50c. each. Hhlrts
Again If you need a Shirt for work shift
ing, fancy In Cheviot or Peroale, or any
other shirt you have In your mind, go to
Empire Dry Goods Co., dlreot manufac
turer, got Canal St., New York. Sell ail
' their product to oouaumer, the ..
occur at the Opera House on Friday
evening of this week.
, The city fathers are agitating illumi
nating this city with twenty-four 2-can-dle
power kerosene lamps. From one
to two lights have been obliged to do
the business In the past, with the as
sistance of the solar system, and tho
Idea of springing twenty-four onto the
public all at once may produce a riot.
This town wants tts progression on the
Installment plan, judging from the
The new creamery at Tlngley Is doing
a flourishing business.
The Eagle hotel barroom and lobby
have been decorated In a most artistic
manner of late. Landlord Phlnney has
an up-to-date hotel.
Lonia Farrar has purchased Mr. Gil
lespie's Interest In the new livery busi
ness, and will hold the reins himself.
Daniel LangstafT, of. Scranton, was
a caller in town today. Mr. LangstafT
will occupy his fine summer residence
on Academy street very soon.
Walter Henwood and family, of
Scranton, have moved Into their new
residence, on Maple street.
A large number from this place at
tended the Keystone union, Endeavor
society, at Nicholson, Friday afternoon.
A very pleasant and Interesting day
was spent.
Miss Retta Snyder, of Nicholson,
spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss
Mabel Reynolds on Maple street. '
The funeral services of Miss May
Gardner, who died Sunday morning,
will be held from her home, on corner of
Church and River streets, this (Wed
nesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Holwey, of Pittston, will lecture
in the Methodist EplHcopul church on
Wednesday evening, May 1, on the sub
ject of temperance.
Miss Clara Gardner, who has been
111 for some time, is slowly gaining;
also Miss Sadie Clark Is reported bet
ter. Menkes
" With pleasure I will state that Hood's
Sarsaparilui has helped me wonderfully.
For several months I could not He down to
sleep on account of heart troubleand also
Prostration of the Nerves.
For three years I had been doctoring, but
could not get cured. I received relief for
while, but not permanent. Boon alter be
ginning to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there
was m change for the better. In B short
time I was feeling splendidly. I now rest
well and am able to do work of whatever
kind. If I had not tried Hood'B Sarenpa
riUa I do not know what would have be
come of me. I keep it in my house all the
time, and other members of the family
take it, and all say there is
Nothing Like Hood's
Sarsaparilla. I have highly recommended
itandoneof my neighbors has commenced
taking it. I jecommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla at every opportunity." Mas. S.
Buaddock, 401 Erie At., Wllliamsport,
Pennsylvania. Be sure to get
230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
Dou't say that and skip
it over. You can afford
to read what we print and
we can probably give you
a' point or two on prices,
so that you will gain as
much knowledge reading
our ads as if you are
reading the daily news.
Last week we offered
Men's Pants, a few of
them left yet, at the ad
vertised price, $2,00 PER PAIR
They Are Worth S3. 00 and 1100,
This week we offer 65
Men's B'ack Cheviot
Suits, . - $4,65
Aa to sea thorn, they are worth ja
Children's Jersey Suits
we sell for - - $1.25
Other sell tbem for f 2.00.
Children's Waists,
Children's Caps,
Men's Shirts,
Men's Hosiery,
Men's Gloyes.
,' Always the Cheapest.)
I 111,
ii or an
ml Ill
500 Rolls this season's importations. Prices start
at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00
Cut quantities of Mattings 22 cents and 5 cents
over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers
supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qeaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA
We are miles abend of them all and still progressing! Never
before in the history of Scranton have the people so thoroughly real
ized the advantages of
Lasy Way to Pay."
A man nsed to feel pretty poor before he would think of buying
on credit but bless your soul, thoy drive up hore now in carriages
they come on bicycles they drop off the street oars and we stroke
our whiskers with pardonable pride as we oontemplate the change we
wrought in CKEDIT buying. 'Tisn't credit it's Just plain common
DECENCY-it's the art of knowing how to be ACCOMMODATING
and good honest accommodation never cost any man a dollar. Get that
framed and hang it up where you
truth you ever Bllppcd down on.
stepped clean off the sidewalk trying to tell you that the best way to
buy Furniture, Carpets, etc., is on credit that the best place to buy
them is IIERR where credit costs no more than anybody else's cash
prices in the country. Look us right in the face and tell as that yoa
will come in here and pay us a little money once a week or once a
month there isn't a wagon around the plaoethat big enough to hold
what you can buy no notes to sign
evonsayj "Thank you."
OUR NEXT (Of which
21 wmn
. 1 50 It
Greatest BIG VALUE
II 1
; :
can see it--it's the biggest lump 01
But we are getting excited we've
- - .no interest to pay--you needn't
due notjee will be given.)
Woven Bilk Covering,
All Kinds Plush Coverings,
Cobbler Seats,
Polished Beats,
In Woods of All Kinds.
SALE ever run by as.