r .no 51 TWELVE PAGES 48 COLUMNS. SCHANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 27, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. V BAY WH TBE LAWMAKERS Work Before the House of Reprcseota tives at Harrisburg. MANY MEASURES CONSIDERED Aot Relating to Reading of Bibles In Publlo Schools Reported Favorably. BUI to Raise Penally for Sunday Law Violations. Harrisburg. Pa.. April 26. The house met at 10 o'clock this morning. The act relating to th reading of the scrip tures In the public schools was re ported favorably. It provides that each teacher stall devote not less than Ave nor more than fifteen minutes to the reading of the Bible every duy before the session. Mr. French, of Washington, Intro duced HI Increasing: the penalty for violating the Sunday act of 17H4 from t to 2i Mr. gtewart. of Philadelphia, Intro duced a bill Axing a penalty of $00 fine for he placing n of dynamite or other explosives In a stream to catch fish. This Is to meet the declaration of Judge Stewart, of Franklin, that the present " law relating to this ofTence Is uncon stitutional. Whn the order of original resolu tions was reached, half a dozen mem ber were on their feet In an Instant with propositions for special orders for the consideration of favorite bills. Among those who was successful was Mr. Burrell. for .the act creating the office of deputy auditor general. . Mr. Rice, of Montgomery, offered a resolution that the house should not adjourn until every bill on the calendar today had been considered. This cre ated a stormy scene, but Its opponents were not In the fight and the resolu tion went through. A Joint resolution was received from the .senate providing for the creation of a commission to represent the state at the Atlanta cotton exposition. After fcelng amended so as to Include the president pro tem of the senate and the speaker of the house on the com mission, the resolution passed. ' Senate mils Considered. ' The house then took up the calendar of senate bills on second reading, pass ing the following among others: To authorize the printing and distributing of mining Inspectors reports; to pre vent the pollution of streams supply ing centers of population by the use of - land for burial purposes within . pre ' scribed limits; for the incorporation of hip canal companies; regulating the leasing of corporate franchises and .: '.property; giving building associations - the right to make temporary loans; au ' thorlzing traction or motor power com panies to contract for the sale, lease ' and operation of their properties and franchises. The bill to prohibit a change of text -Jlufc. ttr -IfUlltlU -tTT--THy WnTCTT WT HP feated on Wednesday by not receiving a constitutional majority, again came up on a motion to reconsider the vote by which It was defeated. It was car ried and the bill was again on final passage. It was postponed for the pres ent. There was considerable bitterness shown over this matter before the vote was announced, Mr. Herzog, charging that Mr. Ritchie had been marked as voting "aye," and Mr. Smith that Mr. Rhoads had been marked as voting aye," when neither was prosent. ' Mr. Focht returned the intimation that the charging was all on one side, by showing that Mr. Harrison had been voted when absent. ' The house defeated the free kinder garten bill, and then adjourned until Monday evening at 8 o'clock. OSCAR LOOKS CAREWORN. It Is Also Announced That Ills Hair Has Been Cnt. London, April 26. The trial of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor was begun In the central Criminal count. Old Bailey, today. Charles Parker, and the other witnesses who testified at the preliminary hearings were called to the tand and repeated the stories they had previously told. Wilde looked care worn and anxious, and was much thin ner than usual. The fact that he had had his hair cut short added to his attenuated appear ance. Taylor maintained his air of un concern. Both prisoners pleaded not guilty. TWO MINERS ENTOMBED. Imprisoned by a Fall of Rock in a Cran berry Colli ry. Haxleton, Pa,, April 26. A horrible acldent occurred at Cranberry colliery this evening, two men. being Imprls ened by a fall of coal. One of them, William Dugan, was taken out two hours later and died before being re moved to his home. George Weaver, the other man, Is - atlll Inslde the colliery. It Is not known , whether h is dead or not. Everything possible Is being' done to get him out l,v . ' ONE BODY FOUND. A ' Mlaer Entombed Last October Re covered by Rescuer. Shamokln, Pa., Aril 26. The remains of William Barcavldge, one of the four workmen who were entombed In the Luke Fldler mines on October 8, last, was recovered this morning. The re mains were in good condition and showed that death ensued from suffo cation. It it expected that the bodies of the other three miners will 'be reached soon. BIG STRIKE THREATENED. 01 May 1 Trouble Will Begin in Ohio Coal Flslds. Bellalre, Ohio., April 26. The first district, containing (he counties of Jef ferson, Harrison Qnernsey ' and Tus- rawas within' its borders, has the nest coal fields in Ohio. , It Is conceded now by prominent coal Operators that on May 1 another big strike will be ordered which will end in turmoil and riot . '' JJLPLE SATISFACTION. Makes- Admissions That F.nd the Y Alliance Affair. . - v. ton. April 2. A dispatch to the Gm.-aX Nws from Madrid says that United States Minister Taylor refuses to talk on the subject, but Information obtained In other quarters confirms the statement that the Alllanca affair has been settled. Spain gives to the United States ample and honorable satisfaction and admitted that the Alllanca was outside the Jurisdiction and waters of Spain when she was fired upon. SIBLEY'S WESTERN TOUR. lie Will lie Joined by Senator Stewart In Ills Campaign. Washington, ApWl 26. Ex-Representative Sibley wll leave his home In Pennsylvania tomorrow for California to open his campaign as the nominee for the new sliver party for the presi dency. Extensive preparations have been made for his reception, und he will address meetings at a number of places along the Pacific coast. Senator Stewart Is arranging his busi ness affairs so thut he can Join Mr. Sibley without delay. TIGHTENING THE CHAIN. Witnesses Examined in the Murder Case Against Uurant-Chlvf Crowley's Opin ion. San Francisco, April 26. There was as large a crowd as ever at the Durant examination today. The defense ap parently have no hope of preventing the prisoner 'being held and are devot ing their efforts to obtaining Informa tion for use at the trial. . Elmer Wolfe was the first witness this morning. He repeated the story told at the Inquest of his being present at Dr. Vogel's on the night of the mur der, Durant arriving about 9.30. leav ing the house with Durant and sev eral young ladles, of accompanying Miss Low home, and about midnight seeing a man who resembled the ac cused near the church. During Wolfe's cross-examination he was requested to take off his coat, but refused to do so. Counsel for the defense appealed to the court and Wolfe finally removed the garment. He then admitted to counsel that It bore a resemblance to the one worn by Durant. On the night In question wit ness wore a dark coat and vest and light trousers, which were now at the ranch where he was employed and could be secured at any time. George R. King, organist of the church was then called. He had no key to the side door of the church, but had one to the library. He put the new lock on the library door, being assisted by Durant. who was the only one other than himself present. The lock (which was produced) caused a great deal of discussion among coun sel. It was apparent that the defense would maintain that Durant, having a key, could have unlocked the door, and that, in his case, there was no need why he should break the lock. The prosecution, on the other hand, Is of the opinion that as only he and King had keys to the room, he knew that to have unlocked the door would have ifieui iimiigomteiy. r - Chief of Police Crowley is of the opinion that there is not a single fact that points other than to Durant. "Mr. Olbson has a perfect alibi," he said to day. "We have studied him very care fully, and have spared no pains to as certain the truth or falsity of his state ments." Speaking of the Lamont case. Chief Crowley said the police department would present, if possible, a stronger chain of circumstantial evidence than in the case of Minnie Williams. "We shall follow Durant's movements up to the time when Miss Lamont met her death, and his relations with her, and all the circumstances of the tragedy will be clearly brought out." Chief Crowley added that at this time it would not be prudent for him to make public all the evidence in the case, but he intimated that new witnesses would be produced to show that Blanchle Lamont was last seen alive with Durant and in the Immediate vi cinity of Emanuel church. The case was continued untif next Tuesday.. It Is said the defense at that time will have Wolfe present, dressed as he was on the Friday night and see whether the witnesses who saw the man near the church that night will swear it was not Wolfe. COURTING IN COLLEGE. President Marsh Reprimands Sevoral Couples. I Alliance, Ohio, April 26. The faculty of Mount Union college Is going to pre vent courting among the scholars. Sev eral of the young ladies and gentlemen were reprimanded this morning. Presi dent Marsh remarked: "It Is said that matches are made In heaven, but I think a branch office has been opened at Mount Union college." Mr. Marsh wants more study and less trifling with Cupid. FORTUNE IN THE LUNCH. Dolan Quit After Twenty-six Years with Plenty of Cash. New York, April 26. Dolan's lunch room, on Park Row, where coffee and sinkers, beef and and other things which go to make up the old-time quick lunch 'have been dispensed , for many years, was closed fer good to day, and a number of peiaons went around there to bid It farewell. It was opened twenty-six years ago by Patrick Dolan, with a capital of H'l, and he Is said to be now worth 1X00,000. tllshops In Session. Carlisle, Pa April 26,-The bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church convened In business session today with closed doors and nothing was given out for publication. This evening Bishop Newman delivered a lecture In Hosier hall to a large audience. His subject was "America for Ameri cans.". STATE GLEANINGS. . A ladles' auxiliary to the board of man agers of the new Pottsvllle hospital Is to be organised. 'The wool hat finishers of the United States will hold their annual convention at Reading June 10. The saw mills of Wllllamsport will begin the season's operations next week, giving employment to 1,000 men. The parade of the Knights of Pythias nt Reading next August will be the largest In the history of the organisation, . D. O. Cunningham's glass faotory, at Pittsburg, was damaged to tho extent of 110,000 by fire yesterday morning. Many of the workmen made their escape through the windows. The loss Is probably coh ered by Insurance ' JEALOUS FOREIGN POWERS Show a Disposition to Deprive Japan of Fruits of Victory. FRIENDLY ADVICE IS OFFERED Russia, France and Uormany Think That Japanese Occupation of Liu Tong Would Ho a Monaco to the Peace of the East. London, April 26. The latest and most direct Information from authori tative sources as to the precise status of the negotiations between Russia, France, Qurmuny and Japan, received here Is ns follows: The Kussiun, French and German ministers separately Interviewed the Japanese vice-minister for foreign af fairs under Instructions from their re spective governments and presented memoranda, In which It was stated that the governments of Russia, France and Germany, mum examining tho terms of peace Imposed by Japan upon China, found that the possession of the penin sula of Liu Tong, claimed by Japan, would be a constant menace to the capital of China, and at the same time would threaten the Independence of Corea and render It non-effective In fact. In this sense, and for other rea sons, It was stated, It would be a con stant menace to the permanent peace of the far east. Consequently the gov ernments of France, Russia and Oer mimy. desiring to show their sincere friendship for the government of Japan, advise It to renounce the absolute and final possession of the peninsula of Liu Tong. The memoranda of the three governments make it plain that they are presented In the way of friendly ad vice to the Japanese governmnt, and are not Intended in any way to convey any open or covert menace. Ilrent Ilrltuin and Itnly Will Kcoo Off. The Impression Is gaining ground that Japan can rely upon the friendly coun sel of the United States at the present moment. Tho governments of Great Britain and Italy have made It plain that they do not Intend to follow the example of, Russia. France and Ger many, and the great commercial In terests of the United States In the far east, which the Japanese-Chinese treaty of ;eace would largely benefit, no less than theconstant attitude of the United States toward Japan, lead diplomats to believe that the United States at this Juncture will not fall to make such use of Its good offices as will prevent Japan from being deprived of the fruits of her victory. The treaty of peace has already been ratified by the emperor of Japan and it would be extremely difficult to make any change. ,The only effect of Rus sia's, France's and Germany's attitude must be to encourage the party In China which Is opposed to any mod erate and reasonable settlement, and t - tnus - ro" proiong-tne 'war indefinitely. It may be stated In the most positive terms that the reports thus far circu lated regarding Japan's reply to the powers are Incorrect. The reply had not been sent as late as the evening of the 26th, and from intimations received from ' the highest and most reliable sources here It may be stated that the reply, while moderate and conciliatory in tone, will not contnln any recession from what Japan regards as rightfully her due. THE COAL WAR IS ON. Reading Company lias Ordered All Collieries to Start and Work L'ntil Tuesday Evening. Pottsvllle, Pa., April 26. In accord ance with the determination to stand out for 21 per cent, the Reading com pany ordered all collieries to Btart to day and work until next Tuesday evening. The collieries were to have started yesterday, but the order came too late. All the collieries In the Schuylkill region, except those of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, are working today. The Individual and other companies have followed the example of Reading, and for the next five or six days there will be such shipments of qoal as have not been equalled In many years. The prospect of steady Hhicb pleases the miners, but they fear that prices will be cut, and this will lower the per centage of the wages basis. REFORM SCHOOL REVOLT. Thirty soven tnmatcs Mnko Thing? Lively nt Wnstilnptnn. Washington, April 26. Pandemonium reigns at the Girls' Reform School near this city. At B.30 o'clock yesterday afterncon the Inmates, thirty-seven In all, rose In revolt against tho school authorities, and although they are locked up In their rooms today they are keeping up the trouble by yelling, stamping and making things disagree able In other wnya. Yesterday afternoon two girls were ordered to their rooms an a. punishment for some Infraction of the rules. They refused to 50 and the other Inmates backed them up by selling sticks, clothes poles and other weapons, and attacking Mrs. Mnrshall. tho assistant matron. The girls are nrrrly all col ored, ranging In are from 11 to 20 ynarrs, and Mrs. Marshall and four m.fn em ployed on tho plnce had their hands full In dealing with them. Mrs. Mar shall was painfully but not seriously Injured. The girls were finally Induced to go to their rooms and were locked In. They be kept on a rcstrlsted diet until they becomes tractable. . MURDER AT EASTON. Mrs. Hay lilneUucll round Willi n llullot Hole In Iter Tcirpic. . Easton, Pa., April 26. The dead body of Mrs, Ray Hlaoltwell was found In bed at her homo In Phllllpsburg, N.VJ., at 10.30 o'clock last night. A bullet wound In the right temple and a pistol beside her hand In the bed gave rise to the belief that she had committed suicide. Today Samuel Carpenter, a resident of Easton, was taken Into custody by Easton officers on evidence furnished by the Phllllpsburg authori ties, who believe that he is implicated in her death, : The dead woman was the widow of Dr. D lack well, of Madison, N. J. Hummel, a neighbor of Mrr. Black well, Informed the police that the wo man had told her she feared Carpenter would kill her. Carpenter,' who Is about 40 years of age, was formerly postmaster at Asbury, Warren county, New JerBey, and Is quite wealthy. CONFESSES HIS GUILT. Then Retires to a liatliroora and Shoots lllmsolf in tho Head. Vermont, III., April 26.-Samuel M. Schroder, a wealthy and prominent young farmer and stock dealer living two and one-half miles south of Ver mont, shot himself through the temple early this morning. He had returned a few hours before from Chicago, where he had taken a load of hogs. He and his wife discussed the scandal ous stories of the attempted Intimacy of himself with the wives of his neigh bors. He acknowledged his guilt and declared he would take his own life shortly. ' He left Mrs. Schroder In the kitchen and went to the bathroom' and there shot himself and died at noon. In sanity Is undoubtedly the cause of the suicide, as well as of the other wrong doing. His business ventures have not proved successful, and this is sup posed to have unbaluuced his mind. IMPROVEMENT IN TRADE. Dun and Company's Weekly Rovtow Con tinues to Throw Mine Lights I'pon In creasing lluslness. New York, April 20. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade tomor row, will say: Neither the rising In speculative markets nor the steady guln in Industries has ceased, and it Is wholesome that there are fewer signs of hesitation In the productive indus tries than In speculative prices. Wages strikes grow more numerous and cause some trouble, and retail demand lags behind wholesale sales and Jobbing pur chases ' ' behind production In - some branches, but through many conflict ing reports the fact shines out that the Industries are gaining, not with a rush and a whirl, but more safely. It Is' less clear that railroads are In creasing their earnings, or that other production of cotton will be cured by the advance of 1 cents In price, or that cornering short sellers of wheat will help to market the large surplus. Hut revival of activity In all these direc tions, If possibly excessive In some re spects, 'helps confidence to take the throne so long held by distrust. Recovery Is not often mathematically quotable. When the load of depression is lifted, and men find that better things have come to stay, there must be many contradictory changes. Quite a number of works have advanced wages during the week, but strikes to compel an advance, possible for some but not for others, have grown much more numerous. Borne shops are clos ing for want of orders, but a larger number are resuming work. Prices of shoes and cotton goods are rising. Wool and woolens are lower. Iron production, stimulated because ore, coke and oil were to be dearer, is retarded by shrinking demand for products,- for on the whole new business Is, said to be smaller than fi February or'March. The structural demand for buildings throughout the country was never larger. The frenzy In oil has started a large demand for pipe, and sheets slightly advanced. Ralls are stagnant, though a shade better at Chicago; wire for fencing, for rails and wire rods are so dull as to be scarcely quoted, and bar, though lifted a shade, meets no Increased demand. London bought about $6,000,000 worth of stocks and bonds here this week. But the coal roads again failed to agree and the lowest prices of the year prevail for that product. The aggre gate of all roads reporting In April Is but 1.6 per cent, better than last year, and 13.4 per cent, less than In 1893. Failures for the week have been 230 In the United States against 179 last year, and 37 in Canada against 26 last year. MEDICAL JACK THE RIPPER.- Whitcchnnct Murderer Sold to Be a Lead ing Physlclon Now Mnniacnl. , . ' San Francisco, April 26. A London physician. Dr. Howard, who was re cently a guest of the Bohemian club, told his host, William Greer Harrison, that the Whltechapel niflrderer was a .well-known surgeon whose curious ac tions first alarmed his wife. She then. noticed that the horrid murders coin cided In time with her husband's dis appearances and that traces of blood were on him when he returned. Professional friends were called In and one of them stated to the supposed murderer the facts In his own case and persuaded him that he was the guilty person. He could not deny his guilt, for he was aware that certain periods In his life were blank. He was locked up In an Insane asylum at his own re quest and soon became a raving maniac- , An Allison lioom Started. Dos Moines, In., April 20. The stnte convention of the Iowa I.onmio of Repub l'cnn clubs was held hero today and Iowa riepuhllcnn sentiment In favor of AMI eon for president was crystallsed. PIsiih were mrdo to send a b'.g delegation to carry the Allison boom to tho National leaguo convention at Cleveland. In Mcnrneim llliifflw? ' Washington, April 20-Scrotnry Clresh rm told a friend today that he thouKht Nicaragua would pay Great llrltaln the money In time to prevent a force land ing. He Intimated that he had never had any other impression since General Bar rlos was In Washington. Tlilttcen Men Killed. Edinburgh, April 20. An explosion of lire damp took place In a colliery at Denny, near Stirling, tills afternoon, whllo 117 mnn were working In tho pit. Thirteen of the number were killed and several were hurt. ' ' .Vnrlnci Mnvo Not Landed. ' ' Porinto, Nicaragua, April 26. All Is quiet hero this morning. No English marines have yet been landed. " TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS. , The official majority of the Republicans In the last state election In Mlohlgan was 80,487. ' ' . Weary of life, John MdCabe, aged 00, ex oh'ef of the New York fire department, shot hlmMelf. ' Kxtenslve frauds In sugar valuations are said to have been unearthed In the 'Frisco custom house. ... . - On the griund of abandonment, Mrs. Cuthbert Bullitt, of Louisville, began suit for divorce from her venerable husband. In his suit for slander against Richard It. Fox, at New York, Christopher Clarke, his former business manager, got a 12,000 verdict, t : . '..'..' Caught NEWS FROM THE CUBAN WAR Ailditionul Information Concerning Landing of General Gomez. EMBARKED OX THE NOSTRAXD General and Party Land in a Fourteen Foot keel Boat Carrying $50,000 in American Gold with Them. British Schooner Sunk. Boston, April 26. Additional Infor mation in regard to the landing of General Gomez and his party on the coast of Cuba hns been brought to this city by Captain Lamont, of the steam ship Indianapolis, from Central Ameri can waters. From authorities at the , Island of Inagua the captain learned that General Gomes and three other in surgent leaders reached Cuba from this country In a roundabout course, by way of Inagua, Jamaica and Hay'tl. At Inagua they purchased a 14-foot, four-oared keel boat and embarking on the ' German steamer, Nostrand, slung their boat from the Nostrand's davits. Just at daybreak, on April 10, when the steamer was two miles oft Cape Maysl, General Gomez and the others of his party dropped their boat Into the water and quietly landed on the Cuban coast. Thence they made their way through the bush to the In terior, where they are supposed to have reached the main body of Insurgents. It was known at Inagua that General Gomez had with him fully $.")0,000 In American gold. Particulars about the sinking of a British schooner off the coast of Cuba by the Spanish wahlp Conde De Venadlto was also gathered by Cap tain Lamont from the Inngunn au thorities. It appears that twenty-five Cuban insurgent sympathizers, exiled In Central America, took pnssage on the Atlas steamer Adirondack for Long Key, on Fortune Inland. At Long Key they made negotiations without excit ing suspicion, for the purchase of a small schooner, and they finally suc ceeded through tho American consular agent, Mr. Farrlngton, In buying one for $1,500. One of the conditions of the purchase was that Mr. Farrlngton should allow his rrew and officers to remain on board, their wages to be the same as those paid by Mr. Farrlngton. Concluding this nrrangement the new owners cleared for the Island of In agua. What they had as baggage was , not known. Compelled to Steer for Cuba. After the departure of tho schooner the Cuban owners. Instead of al lowing the captain to proceed to Innguai, compelled him to steer for Cuba, and they succeeded In landing at a. point on the Cuban coast near Baracoa. Then they told the cap tain to return to Inagua or wherever he cared to go. The schooner had not pro ceeded three miles from the Cuban coast when she was becalmed and It was while she was thus lying helpless that the Conde De Venadlto hove In sight, nnd, without making any signals whatever, fired Into the schooner, sink ing her nnd killing her captain at the helm. Two of her crew were picked up by the Spanish vessel and thrown Into prison at Santiago De Cuba. As the crew of the schooner wore British subjects the Kpnnish govern ment then communicated with Great Britain and the British warship Mo hawk was sent down from Nassau with orders to arrest Mr. Farrlngton. It was found, however, that ns the schooner had clpared for a British possession, Inagua, Mr. Farrlngton had had no ground for suspecting any trick, nor had he any. means of knowing about her Bince her departure from Long Key. Moreover the bill of sale was made out publicly, in due form and ac cordingly Wr. Farrlngton was not ar rested. To make themselves doubly sure of Mr. Farrlngton's Innocence, the Mohawk officers proceeded to ina gua to ascertain If the schooner had been accustomed to touch . at that Island. The regular agent there was found to be expecting her within a few days, having heard nothing of the trou ble. The Mohawk went to Santiago De Cuba, where the two sailors rescued by the Conde De Venadlto were taken on 'boardl ' These two men are supposed to be on board the Mohawk at the pres ent time. '' 1 Mrs. Parnoll Improving. Bordentown, N. J., April 20. The condi tion of Mrs. Parnell was more favorable today than at any time since the assault, 1 In Time. Dr. Shlpps seemed quite hopeful of the aged lady's recovery, but said an unfa vorable change might occur at any mo ment. SHOT HIS WIFE DOWN. Pcrkplle Makes a Had Matter Worse by Committing Murder. Sidney, O., April 26. A startling tragedy occurred In the Jail here this morning. John Perkplle Is a hunted wife slayer, and the body of his vic tim lies In the morgue. The Perkpiles were young people and enjoyed the best of reputations. The husband is a successful business man and the wife was a beautiful woman. It was sup posed that they lived happily. Last Tuesday Perkplle left home on a busi ness errand and last night he received a telegram announcing that his wife was in Jail awaiting his assistance. He arrived here at 9 o'clock this morning and was crushed to learn the cause of his wife's arrest. Thursday- night the police made a raid on a disreputable house and captured a number of men and women, among whom was Mrs. Perkplle. She had gone to the- hoi'? In company with a kiver. When told of his wife's Infidelity Perkplle start ed for the Jail. He asked for an Inter view with his erring wife and was con ducted to her cell. As he approached It his wife caught sight of him and be gan to weep hysterically. "Oh, John, I" began the poor wo man, as her husband came to a stand still before the grated cell door. There was a flash and the report of a revolver cut short her exclamation With a piercing scream the wretched woman fell dead on the stone floor. The Jail officers were horror stricken, and in the confusion Perkplle escaped. No one noticed In what direction he went. Immediately several posses were organized and began a hunt, but no trace of him hns yet been secured. The bullet struck squarely In the center of his wife's heart, and she was dead before her body struck the floor. BIG FIRE AT CARLISLE. The City Vloitcd by a Thirty Thousand Dollar Maze. Carlisle, Pa., April 26. During a ter rific vlnd etorin this evening 'fire, which broke out In the stable belonging to Daniel Hartzler, located in the First ward, destroyed the stable, and - the building of the American Brewing company with all Its Rontons, beer and machinery. ' The sparks from the burn ing buildings communicated to the dwelling of ex-Judge Henderson, de stroying tho house and contents. . The buildings of the agricultural so ciety, 'Mrs. Huyett and others were on fire from the falling sparks, but the flames were extinguished. The loss Is estimated at $25,000 to $30,000. The fire was of Incendiary origin. WILL SUPPORT MRS. HELL. Methodists of lllnckhcnth Will Look After tho Minister's Family. ' London, April 26. The Methodists of Blackheath" have decided to support the wife and six children of the Rev. Jonathan Bell. Mr. Hall, father of the girl whom Bell Is said to have be trayed. Is surprised because he has re ceived no communication from Ameri ca regarding his daughter. He will take steps at once to learn the facts concerning her disappear ance and death, and to bring to punish ment the persons responsible for both. Miss Pol In id Will Sail. Now York, April 26. On the French lino steamer La Champagne, which sails to morrow for Havre, Is Miss Madeline Pol lard, who recently gained much notoriety at the expense of Colonel Breckinridge, of Kentucky. Nicaragua Is Still Silent. Colon, April 26. Advlcs received hero from Nicaragua tonight are to the efTeot that at 9 o'clock this morning the N lea rug nun government has not handed Its reply to 'the British admiral. WASHINGTON' GOSSIP. ' Ex-Postmaster General Blssell and fam ily left Washington yesterday perma nently. Assistant Secretary McAdoo, of the navy, will return from the West Indies tomorrow. Colonel William G. Rice, of Albany, N. Y., a Democrat, will, It Is understood, suc ceed. Theodore Roosevelt as civil service commissioner. Colonel R. H. MeLean, recently ap pointed by President Dole as commander-in-chief ' of the Hawaiian forces, left Washington yesterday for Hawaii. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, - showers: cooler; variable winds, moatiyeasterly. FOLEY'S Ladies' Shirt Waists Our ' stock is again com plete,showing the latest, most attractive designs. The large business we have done is the proof that- - OUR ARE CORRECT. THEY COMPRISE. Silk, Linen, Dimity, Lawn. Percale and Ginghams And the Celebrated KING WAISTS. KILT SUITS. ..... Infants' Long and Short Dresses. We call special attention to the superior make and finish of. these goods. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR cmus LEATHER THE VERY BEST. 813 SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON, PA. LEWIS.REILLY& DAVIES The People's Providers ot HONEST SHOES. 114 1116 Get prices at Weichel's if you want a watch." Great reduction in prices for thirty days. . W.J. 408 Spruce Street N. B. Fine line of Silver Novelties and Jewelry. Re. SIT WAISTS WATCHES IB pairing a specialty. A t. 1 i '.