3 THE SCttANTON TRIBUNE ITIIDAT MORNIN'Q. APRHV2G, 1895. ; ' Another Rood day of bnso bnll weather yesterday permitted all of the avhi'duleil National games. In this city HazU-ton dufcnted "Hilly" Barnle'8 men by a neore tC 10 ami 7. California Johnson twirled for Scran ton and was touched up for llfteen hits, while only eight hits were made olt Kenmm, who pitched his first proles Blonal game. Pittsburg continued Its winning streak and Is now two Barnes ahead of Uoston, Baltimore and Hrooklyn. the three clubs next on the list. Hrooklyn Jumped Into second, place with Haltl more and Uoston by defeating the for mer and lialtlmore's lusing to New York. Clevolund won from St. Iiouls and thos. two clubs now occupy the tall end together. .Yesterday's National games and per centage list follow: At Baltimore Hrooklyn 0 3 0 I 0 0 S 5 2-11 l!altimore 1 0 1 01 M D-d Hits ltrooklyn, at; Baltimore, W. Er rors Hrooklyn, 5: Haltlmore, 5. Butter ies Lucid. Stein und Grim; Gleason and Robinson. Umpires Murray and Long. At New York Ntw York v...O 0300000 -3 lijston 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0-2 Hits New York. 7: Uoston, 5. Errors New York, 5; Hoston, 3. Butteries-Mevkln nn.i Furrelt; Nichols and Gumell. Umpire Campbell. At Washington Philadelphia 3 0 0 5 4 0 10 15 Washington 3 3 1 0 2 0 0" 0 1 til Hits Philadelphia. 13; Washington. 1.. Errors Philadelphia. 4: Washington, 4. lotteries Carsey and Clements: Mercer, JUrlarky. McOuIre and Mahonej I'm pire Keefe. At Cincinnati rittsburg 0 1100200S 7 Cincinnati 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 04 Hits Pittsburg, W; Cincinnati. 2. Er rom Pitsburg. 5: Cincinnati, 2. Batteries Hart and Sug'fcn; Foreman and Spies. Umpire Emjlle. At Louisville Chicago 0 220000004 Louisville 1 0 0 1 0 5 4 4 015 Hits Chicago. 4: 'Louisville. 19. Errors Chicago. 8; Louisville. 5. Batteries Strat ton and Moran; Cunningham and Cote. Umpire McDonald. At St. Louis Cleveland 1 00000030 4 Sr. Louis 0 00000200 1 Hits Cleveland. I; St. Louis, S. Errors Cleveland. 0: St. Louis. 2. Hatteries Cuppy and Zimmer; Ehret and Fellz. Um pire Betts. Standing of National I.eaj-ne Clubs. Flajxed. Won. Lost. PerCt. P!tt3butv 5 1 .RS3 Boston 5 3 2 .M) Baltimore .... 5 3 2 .600 Brooklyn 5 3 2 .M Clnclnaati .... 6 3 3 .Sou Chicago 6 3 3 ..vM I-ouisville 6 3 3 .500 Washington .. 5 2 3 .400 New York , 5 2 3 .4u0 Philadelphia . 5 2 3 .400 St. Louis.. .. 8 2 4 .334 Cleveland ..... 6 2 4 .Sit ONE FOR HAZLETON. Won a Game from Locals at the Park Yesterday. Barnle's nine boys In blue were un able to prevent the Hazleton club from winning a. victory at .the base ball park yesterday afternoon In a game marked by somewhat loose playing. Patchen took part In his first jrame with the locals this season and did fairly good back-stop work, but his eye could not locate the ball with any decree of suc cess. Ward, conspicuous i;i a red sweater, tried repeatedly to rally the men and save the game, but they did not seem equal to the task. California Johnson was In the box for the locals and his curves Just seem to suit the Hazleton boys, for they treated them with the jrreatest familiarity after the fourth Inning. Ife was found fif teen times for a total of twenty-one basses. Winkle-man was put In at short In place of Sweeney, but was not able to fill the position in anything like a creditable manner. He was also weak at the bat. Hazleton put Kennan In to pitch. It was his first professional game, but he proved himself a very promising young man. He kept 'the hits well scattered, and while he gave a good many bases on balls they were, not as a rule costly. Rothermel played a good game at short, and McVay did some brilliant fielding In center. The batting honors also be long to him. At 'the beginning of the elxth Inning It began to rain, delaying the game twenty-five minutes. Score: SCRANTON. K. II. O. A. H ward, 2b I 3 2 2 (I Itrady, If 0 2 3 0 0 Wlnkleman, ss 0 0 0 2 0 Clark, lb 1 0 9 0 0 Whitehead, 3b 2 1111 Jloule, rf o 2 4 1 0 W. Johnson, cf 0 0 3 0 0 Patchen, c. 2 0 5 2 0 T. G. Johnson, p 1 0 0 2 0 Totals 7 8 27 10 1 HAZLETON. It. H. O. A. B. Jforan, Tf 3 12 0 0 J'.othermcl, ss 114 2 1 McVay, cf 0 3 2 0 0 Donovan, If 0 0 0 0 0 Motz, lb 1 2 5 0 1 Carfrey, 2b 1 2 6 2 1 Behank, 3b 2 3 2 0 0 Westlako, c 1 2 6 0 0 Kennan, p.. 1113 1 Totals 10 15 27 7 3 Torturing Disfiguring SKIN DISEASES Instantly RELIEVED by CUTICURA the GREAT SKIN CURE SoldOimuirhout the world. British denot: F. Nowbmhv & Sohs. i. Kins F.dward.tt.. London. Form Druo ft Chm. Coar., Sol Props., Boston, U. 8. A. Horanton 1 010022107 Hazleton 1 0 0 0 8 S 2 0 110 Burned runs Hualeton', 7. Two-base hit Ward. Three-base hits Westlnke, Mo Vay, Morun. Double plays Kothermel and Mots. Struck out Seiiinton, 5; lla sleton, 4. First huso on called balls Horanton, 0; Hazleton, 2. Wild pitches Johnson, 2; Kennan, 2. Passed ballM l'atchen. 1; Westlake, 1. Tlmo-2.20. Um plru llaflney. other CninvN Played. At Ilethlehem-AIK'nlowii, IS; Lehigh, 4. COKXL'LL VS. PKINUiON. Tho Two College Teams Will I'luy Hero Tomorrow. Tomorrow's base bull game lit this city, between Cornell and l'llwetuii, Is creating tv great deal of Interest. Col lege enthuslusts and base ball crunks alike will prolmbly swell the attendance to at least the l.Doo-murk. ltrooks, Williams and Uunster, of this city, will pluy wilh the tigers. TIih Cornell team Is stronger than ever, having recently dofcated both tho Syracuse find Klmira professional teams. The probable make-up of Cor nell will be Janson, left field; llussford, center; licuchnmii, right; McNeil, first; Aldrlch, second: Harmon, short stop; AfTeld, third; Hamlin, catcher; and either I'rleat, Smith or Cobb In tho box. Cornell will arrive nt 3.45 this after noon und Princeton at S.50. The Cor nell men will be nuartered at the Ter race. The grand stand will be decor rated li orange Jind black for the l'rlncoton, and crimson und white for Cornell. BASE H.U.I. NOTES. Reading Is after Mark Baldwin, who has been released by Philadelphia. Marty Hogun Is batting hard for St, Louis. If he can keep up his present gait ho will be a star this season. Mlllliran's Allentown State leaguers will pluy in Wilkes-Barre tomorrow und will try to get even with Shannon's men for Allentowu's defeat a week ago. Sporting writers generally are upholding Umpire Lynch In his resignation from the National league. President Young is getting severely roasted for allowing tho New York management to lead him by the nose in tho affair. The announcement going the rounds of the papers that McLuughlln has signed with Carbondale Is premature. McLaugh lin Is under contract to Wilkes-Barre und has not been released. Curbondalo Is anxious to secure McLaughlin, but It has not yet been decided whether Wilkes Barre will let him go. It depends some what upon how many sore nuis the other pitchers get during the first fortnight of th season. Wilkes-Barre Leader. SWARTZ IS DEFEATED. In Wilkes-Ha rrc Carver Wins the First of tho Series. A crowd of 300' persons at West Side park, Wilkes-Barre, yesterday after noon saw II. D. Swartz, of this city, de feated by Dr. W. F. Carver, of Kaitsas City, In the first of a series of three pigeon shooting matches. Dr. Carver shot So out of 9 birds. Mr. Swartz'8 score was 60 out of 95, but 23 of his birds fell out of bounds. Mr. Swartz was nervous and -will make a better showing, so his friends say, in the Scranton Driving park this afternoon, and at Carbondale Saturday morning. Dr. Carver had ridden all the preceding night In order to keep his appointment. He has a record of 9!) birds out of 100. Mr. Swartz has killed 74 out of 73 birds, and In recent practice shot 33 without a miss. The matches are shot under tho American association rules, 100 birds, thirty yards rise, fifty yards bound ary, five unknown traps. AGAINST A RACE MEET. Scranton Dicyclo Club Committco Makes an Unfavorable Report. Two Important matters were decided at last night's meeting of the Scranton Bicycle club. There will be no summer race meet, nor will a banquet be held April 30. The committee appointed to Investi gate the advisability of the meet re ported adversely. Their negative re port was due largely to the refusal of certain business and public concerns and corporations to contribute toward the expense of the meeting. These con cerns had been appealed to because they reap a profit from large gather ings and contributed on former occa sions. The banquet announced for April 30 was simply postponed. It will prob ably be given before thu end of the summer. The prospect Is good for a local race meet sometime after Sept. 1. Yale and ilorvord Crews. The Yale and 'Harvard University crews have now been on the water about the same length of time, and they are both at the training tablu. From the figures given below It will be seen that Yale Is the heavier, the aver age of the crew being 178.2 pounds to Harvard's 173.6. The following l the order of the two crews and their weights as they rowed on Wednesday: Yale How, Armstrong, 105; 2, Hol- comb, 177; 8, Heard, 176; 4, Cross, 196; 5, Dater, 184; 6, Longacre, 1S1; 7, Tread way, 175; stroke, Langford, 172. Harvard Bow, Lewis, 169; 2, flhep- ard, 109; 3, Damon, 170',4; 4, Fennessy, 173: C, Perkins, 178; (I, Watrlss, 178; 7, Stevenson, 177; 8, Holllster, 174. Corbett and U'Kunrko. Cincinnati, April 24. Tom O'ltourke, manager of Walcott and Dixon, has posted $1,000 for either of these men to fight any man of their class Corbett may put up. This Is tho outcome of an Interview with Corbett. The latter says he will back Mysterious Billy Smith or Tommy Tracey against Wal cott, and Australian Billy Murphy against Dixon. ALL KINDS OF SPORTS. "Kid" Lavlgne has started to train at Anbury Park for his fight with Young Urlffo. Tho first of a series of summor socials of the Excelsior Athletic club will he hold next Wednesday night In O'Donnoll'shnll, The senior class of Cornell has votod as a class memorial to give a shell to the Cor nell crow for the Henley regatta to cost ICOO. ' Captain A. E. Bull, of the 'Varsity crew, will represent Pennsylvania In New York on Saturday Instead of Chairman Hor wltz, of the rowing committee, Dan S. McLeod, of California, has chal lenged "Farmer" . BurnB to a wrestling match for 12,500 and his title of heavy weight champion of the world, best two out of three falls. "I'a.4on" Davles 1b back of McLeod. ' J. A. Wilson, of '85 M., has been ap pointed manager of the University of Pennsylvania t.rack team. Mr, Wilson Is one of the fast bicycle riders of the uni versity and took a second place In Satur day's bicycle race. New York slate turfmen are becoming nervous over tho delay of the racing bill In thu legislature. At Morris Park prep arations are being mnde, so there will be no deluy In oponlng May 4, provided the governor signs tho bill before that day. Dick O'Brien, the Boston welter-weight, Intends to get another mill with Joo Walcott. Walcott recently said that O'Brien gave him tho toughest battle of his career. O'Brien and "Kid" MaCoy have signed articles to box twonty-llve rounds before tho Suffolk club, of Boston, on May 20. Tho weight Is lltf pounds ut the ringside. Tint lighters are nt It again not In a paHHUgu-ut-iirms, but with their mouths uitd pens. FIlzslnimonH suys ho Is willing to llnbl anywhere, and makes a strong point when he nays that IC Corbett Ih will ing to ll;ht Jui'kHon In England ho Hhotild have no hesitation In meeting him (Kits Simmons) there. There Is something in that. Philadelphia Press. The wrestling mutch ut Buffalo Tuesday night between "Hobby" Iteukes, of Sil ver Creek, and James Ollllgan, of Haver hill, was one of the most stubbornly con tented of any on record. The men began wrestling a few minutes after V o'clock und tugKcd at each other two hours and llfteen minutes without either winning a full. At the end of thut time llllllgan gave up und Iteukes was declared tho victor. The match wus for f-M and the gutu re ceipts. President H. Murdoch Kendrlck, of the Intercollegiate Alhletlu assoclutloii, bus received u lettur from Oxford acknowl edging tho receipt of thu assuclutlon's challuiigo to international games und an nouncing the arrangement of u conference with Cambridge to consider tho mutter. A definite reply Is expected In a week or ten days. Various private letters re ceived on this side of thu wuter give rise to the hope thut a favorable reply will be received. NOTES OF THE FLYING WHEEL England's cycle trndo with America tho past year has been only one-third usjgruut us In IV. i3. A circuit of electric light race meets ts being arranged In IVunsylvunlu by a l'hll adclphlan. Forty acres of land Is ono of tho prizes at the Wisconsin division meet at Mari nette this year. Ten thousand dollars will bo raised by the Asbury i'aik wheelmen to entertain tho visitors ut tho leugutl meet In July. Wisconsin wheelmen nro "sore" at Chairman Uldeon because he will not put badger state towns on tho national cir cuit before Sept. 15. Miss Kate Helnike, of St. Louis, has been blind since youth. She Is un anient whuclwomati uml takes her outings on tho rear Beat of a tandem. Miss Annie Londonderry, the female who started from Chicago last year, has reached San Francisco and Is on her way to Chicago via the southern states. L. S. Melntjes, tho South African who came to this country In 1S93 and cuptured the 60-kllometer championship at the In ternational tournament held in this city, is now in Kngland preparing for a season of racing. Ho will not revisit America. W. L. Sachtlcbcn, who has gone In search of Lenz, tho wheelman who Is thought to have been killed by the Ar menians, Is now In Constantinople. He expects to go Into Armenia in the middle of April and will complete his seuroh in three months. The members of the Grand Army of the, Republic residing In Minneapolis are fight ing the wheelmen who wish to hold road races on Decoration Day. They claim that the holiday Is not for such purposes and that the wheelmen desecrate tho day by racing. They are trying to get tha leg islature to pass a bill prohibiting It, but are not meeting with much success. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Lehigh and Vv'llkes-Durro collieries will work full time for tho remainder of this month. Wilkes-Barre Record: The electric rail way roads all over the country are all do ing a fine spring business. It Is said the Scranton companies are Increasing their earnings at the rute of 20 per cent, com pared with their business. New York, April 25. The sales agents of tho big anthracite coal carrying and pro ducing companies held a conference this morning. The agents spent several hours In conference and then adjourned -without action except an agreement to meet again on Tuesday, April 30. The report of Mine Inspector John M. Lowls, of the Fifth anthracite district, for the last year shows the following re sults: Total production, 6,132,591 tons: number of days worked, 190.2; number of persons employed, 18,3111; number of fatal accidents, 53; number of non-fatal acci dents, 95. During tho winter, says tho Wilkes Itarre Record, Ice gathered In tho now nlr shaft at Alden of the Aldcn Coal com pany In great quantities, so that It became quite dangerous. Tho company tried to dislodge It by the use or dynamite, but with no. success. A few days ago It fell down tho shaft with a terrific crash, tear ing out several of the buntings. Some of tho clinks, to uso the words of an old miner, were as largo as gondola cars. The damage done by the Ice can be repaired In about a week. The miss shaft at Hanover, started three years ago, has been sunk to the coal. Tho hoisting engines huvo been placed In position and the breaker Is almost com pleted and will be ready to prepare coal by June L The Auchlncloss shaft, on tho hill between the Illlss colliery and Nantlcoke, Is down &KI feat, and the lumber Is arriving for the breaker. When these two collier ies, which ure owned by tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, are ready they will give iployment to 2.0"0 men and boys. Tho outside superintend ent Is Thomas f.'arey. The sinking was done by Reese & Perkins. It Is said that the dlnputo between the Reading railroad and ithe Lehigh Valley railroad relative to coal prices may lead the latter company to build Its projected lino to Freemnnshurg to tho out-off of tho Pennsylvania railroad, thus parallel ing the North I'enn road. It Is well known that tho Lehigh Valley and Penn sylvania componles are very friendly, and It Is more than likely that the present conl dispute will cause these two companies to work more In unison than ever. The Le high Valley company neverul years ago made very complete surveys between Kroemnnsburg and Shawmont, on the Schuylkill river, where connection was to bo made with the Pennsylvania line. Ono of these lines follows tho Wlssuhlckon val ley past Ambler, thence northward to tha west of North Wales and Lansdale. It Is Children Shrink from talcing medicine. They don't like its taste. But they aro eager to take what they like Scott's Emulsion, for instance. Children almost always liko Scott's Emulsion. And it docs them good. Scott's Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with tho Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda added to nourish the bones and tone'up the ncr. vous 6ystcm. Tho way child ren gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. . ; : . All delicate children need it. ; Don't bi ptrtuadtd to ace.pt a tvbititutef Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Ail Druggist!. 50b ond $li said that this was thought the most feasi ble route. The company was on the point of awarding tho contract for the building of the road, but Just then President Mc Leod, of the Reading railroad, stepped In and put a stop to It by leasing the Lehigh Valley system. Thut settled the project for some time, and nothing more of H was hoard until the courts declared the lease of tho Valley system void, and the Read ing company passed Into the hands of re ceivers. Tho story of building Is now re vived, and rumors have It that the Valley company and tho Pennsylvania officials are discussing a connection at Fort Wash ington with the Trenton cut-off which would glvo the former company entrance to the greut iiroud street station, Phlla phia, Nine Months In lied. Cured In 24 Hours. T. J. lllackmore, of Hullnr A lllack niore, Pittsburg, Pa., says: "A short tlmo Blnce I procured a bottle of 'MYSTIC CURD:.' It got me out of the house In twenty-four hours. 1 took to my bud with KheumatlKin nlno months ago and the 'MYSTIC CUlll'" is thu only medicine thut did me uny good. I had five of the best physlcluns in tho city, hut 1 received very little relief from them. I know the MYSTIC C'lTKkV to be what It Is rep resented and take pleasure In recom mending It to other poor sufferers. Hold by Curl Loreuz, Druggist, 418 Luckawuuna avenue, Scranton. t STOCKS AXI) BONUS. New York, April 25. Irregularity murked the course of prices ut the opening of thu Block Exchange today because of a sharp break In the an thracite coal stocks duo In turn to tho refusal of the New York coal com panies to accede to tho demands of thu Heading for 21 per ccrlt. af thu coal tonnage. The reaction In the general list, however, wus unimportant, and tho market soon cut away from thu coalers und moved up briskly under tho loader ship of American Sugar. A feature of tho afternoon trading was thu Inquiry for tho luduHtrluls. In the lust hour Jersey Central suddenly broke to on the revival of the unfavorable ru mors current recently about the coal trade, but the decline hud no effect on the general murket, which closed strong. Not changes Hhow advances of UalVi. The anthracite coalers, how ever, lost Via per cent. Total Bales Were 315,500 shares. Tho rangu of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by CI. du 11. Dim mlck. manager for William Linn, Alien & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co ! 101V4 ! lot'4, Am. Sugar Re'g Co.IWi 108'4 10X Atch., To. & S. Fo... 8V fi'fi , Can. South 52'i 6-"i $2 Ches. a. Ohio Wlt Wi iMi l!"4 Chicago Gas 72'4 73'i 7-"4 73 Chic. & N. W B7li S'i 07 97'J Chic. n. & y 7'1't 7'.Vt 74'i 75 C. C. C. & St. L 41 424 41 4!"i Chic, Mil. & St. P... U1'4 l'2''!i 1'.4 K'i Chic. It. I. & P 60'i Wi CUVi 07', Delaware & Hud 127'4 128 12H 127Mi D. , L. & W 15Hi I'm 15K l.VJ Dlst. & C. F l.vi 17'd 15 17 Gen. Electric ffil'i 3P,i 8 3:iS Luke Shore Wi Hl;,i H1'4 Hl'H Louis. & Nash 55a ttl1. ta Bir'ii Manhattan I'.le 117V4 118 11714 IWi Mich. Central 10) lno'4 1U0 Km'i Mo. Pacific Wt 2fi'4 2fl 2.14 Nat. Cordage tJVi C?h 0'i OMi Nat. Leud.. aiij SPi 32"i 23 N. J. Central M OS H3"4 91'4 N. Y. Central V 9 9S", N. Y. & N. B 39 4(1 39 39 N. Y., L. E. & W 124 12 12',4 12i N. Y., S. & W., Pr... l'!i Sni 3t' 3tili Nor. Pacllic 4'4 4", 4"i 4;a Nor. Pacltle, Pr 2'i'4 21'4 20'4 21 Ont. & West 17 17 17 17 Phil. & Head 14 15 14 35 Southern K. K 13 14 13 14 Tenn.. C. & 1 2i 22 21Vj 22 Tex. Pacific 10 10 10 1(J Union Pacllic 13 13 13 13V. Wabash 7 7 7 7 Wabash. Pr Hi 17 1C 17 West. Union 89 89 X'J 89 B. & O "... Eli M GO Etl B. S. G 18 18 18 18 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. O'pn- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May 00 6) K9 tw July 01 1 fil 61 September 02 02 61 62 OATS. May 2K 29 2S 28 July 2s 2S 2S 2s Hep tern her 2u 20 20 2G CORN. May 47 47 47 47V. July 48 4X 47 47 September 48 49 48 48 LARD. May 6.95 G.95 6.!K !.nr July 7.00 7 00 6.97 7.U0 September 7.1:1 7.15 7.10 7.15 PORK. May 12.25 12.25 12.10 12.22 July 12.51) 12.52 12.32 12.37 September 12.U7 12.72 12.00 12.72 Scranton Hoard of Trado Lxchungo tatlons. No. Par Shs. Vnl. BTOCKS. Bid. 20 60 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 62 50 10 100 First Nat'l Bank too 20 Its) Green R'go Lum'r Co .... 100 101) Lacka, Lumber Co.., 110 5 100 Luck a. Trust & Safo Dejwslt Co 10 100 Scra'n Havings Bank. 200 10 1U0 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 5 UK) Srruntnn Forging Co 100 25 100 Third Nat'l Bank.... 350 6 100 Nat'l Boring & Drill- Ing Co., 1'r 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 3 inn Hcninton Bedding Co .... 4 ino Scranton Axlo Works .... 10 100 Scranton Glass Co 2 100 Scranton Jur & Stop per Co 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co CO 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad m 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 25 100 lionta Gloss Co DO 100 Bprlng Brook Water Co 20 10 Laclca. Store Asso ciation, Limited 80 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... BONDS. 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co 2 500 Econ'y Wteam Heat Power Co 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement C COO Scranton Gless Co Quo Ask. 110 150 "co 90 101 80 70 35 luo ro 120 10 90 n 105 950 COO lor. Geo New York Produce Mnrket. Now York, April 25,-FIour-Qulet and firm. Wheat Hull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, 65afillc. ; afloat, 6iiyi; f. o. b., OCMUWHo. i ungraded red, 6ua5sc: op tions firm nt slight advance; May, U4c; Juno, 65c: July, GDc; August, C5Jc. September, fidMc; December, 68o. Corn Dull, turner; No. 2, nono here; ungraded mixed, r.2a54c.; Bleamnr mixed, nnaSSo. ; options firm; May, H2c; July, 52o.; Sep tember, 53c. Outs Quiet, firmer; op tions stronger; April and May, 32c; Julv, 85c; spot prices, No. 2, 32c; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 83e.; No. 3, 31o.; No. S white, 87e.; mixed western, 32a lo.; white state and Western, 3(in40c. Provisions Quiet, s tend v. Lanl ii..t about steady. Butter Steady, quiet; stato uuiry, Buntjc.i uo. croumery, new, 19o.; western dairy. 8a13'4e. : fll. pronmr.ru new, 12n19.; do. old. 0a15c.; do. factory, 7nl1n.; Eights, 19c.j Imitation creamery, llair.c. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Eggs wuieip eiiny; mate anil Pennsylvania, 13c; western fresh, 13al3t',o.; southern, 12al2o.( duck, 18a23c.; goose, 30c. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo. O.. Aorll 25. Wheat nnnoli.ta 8,K) bushels; shipments, 49,071 bushels; market firm; No. 2 red cash, fi3l4o.; May, 03c; July, Il2c: August, 62o. Corn nuceipis, i.zuu bushels; sblimnts, 68.492 bushels: market dull: Nn. i niinuf i.uh 47V4o. Oats Receipts, 1,509 bushels; ship- uitmin, Hum-, no irnning. uiover weed Receipts. 110 hairs: shlnments. 411 hnn. murket firm; prime cash, V.W April, $0.80: October, $5.07; prime alslke, $5.50. Philadelphia Tallow Market, .Phllnilelnhln. Anrll 9r.Tnllnw la ln.. live and unchanged. We quote: citv, prime. In hhds, 4e.; country, prime, in liKln. 4H.n rliv HArlr in hl,l lUn . 4c. J grease, 8a3o. ' ' "My husband had two cancers taken from his face, and another was coming on his lip. He took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and It disappeared. Ho Is completely well. " Mrs. Wm. Klrby, Akron, Erie, Co., N. Y. Connolly & Our Line of Si 10 0 Is far superior to any thing else shown in Scranton. In I, IP features, they cannot he approached. CARPETS CLEANED, FEATHERS RENOVATED, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, BED SPRINGS REPAIRED, Etc. cSrWe don't ask you satisfied with our work. THE 8 GRANTOR A WORD. WANTS OP ALT, KINDS "OST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOK, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAKI3K WILL BE LESS THAN Sir. CENTS. THIS HULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AI;E INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. A ANTED BO Y TO WOKK IN BARBER V ' shoo who bus bad soma expjrienco. Call 107 Wyoming avunuu. WANTED-A FEW RELIABLE MEN TO VV canvOFS for most complete and bost known nurseries in tho United Stntei: pecial inducement". ELLWANUEll tt BARRY, Rocuoster, N. Y. C A Rl'EN T ER9 W ANTEDAPPLY AT 303 Lackawanna avenue, printing oflice. WANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to nolicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; liie money for agents: uo capital required. EDWARD C. FISI1 A CO., Borden Block, Cuioago. 111. CALE8MEN RHSIDENT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with thu local and n.arby Arug and grocery trade, to haudla our lino of nigh grade cigars. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD COWLES Co., 13 Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. TTAND3T!AT)fEir V work in this olty ; salary paid. Call at Lackawanna Valley House after 4 p. m. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER gotla Raleswoninn to represent us. Guaranteed $0 a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, ineloiing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. Ti John sti t. New York. For Rent. (,) FIRST FLOOR ROOMS TO KENT FOR offleea. 11)4 Franklin avenue. I 7)lt HE NT 7 ROOM HOUSE, NO. U 1 Forest street, Imtween Dickson works and Erie depot, Inquire of MONROE BROWN, Bull's Head. T.'URNI.snED HOUSE TO RENT-EIGHT V roim; modern improvements. Oreen Ridge street, corner Wyoming. rpWO LARGE, WELL LIGHTED ROOMS, J. for rent nn second floor, 410 Lackawanna avenue. Inquire In Btore of Boylo & Muck luw, 41U Lackawanna avenue. 1OI1 RENT-TWO STORES, DWELLING . houses and barn at 1114 and MO. Cedar avo. Inquire nt Davidow Bros., tfl. Lacka. avenue. T70R RKNTA BUI 'LDiNuTiN FRA NKLTn J' nvenuo. suitable lor business. Address P. O. Box 44. F'OR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH OAL l..rv formnrlv occupied bv.U. L. Grifiin, including rooms for housekeeping. 1!W Wyo ming avenue. CHAS. SLHLAGER. 1TOR RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY 1WILD J lug at 1 ;CI Irauklin nwnne; suitablo for wholesalo business. CARSON & DAVIES, Scranton. 1OB RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR 1 nlshcd rooms at SIW Lackawanna avonuo. 1 j'OB BENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, aear UK! Luncrno, Hyde Park. i"0BKE NTNIC ELY FURNISHED HALL J' sultnblo for lodgo rooms. JOHN JER MYN, UK Wyoming uventie. For Sole. 1ORBALE-ONBOFTHE BEST WHOLE 1 sale liquor houses in Luierno county. Good opportunity for I lie rigiit man. Address P. O, Box 837, Wilkes Barra, Pa. I.OR SALE A COLUMBIA BICYCLE, 1 nearly new, 'III pattern: must bo sold nt once: liargaln. Inquire of G. L. ACKER M AN, ?-4 Wyoming avenue. l.iOll SALE - FIRST-CLASS PACING 1' horses at vour own price. Come and seo thorn. W. M. JKRMYN, Prlccburg, Pa. Real Estate. 4'JTc7EFATtM?7ilL 'i ton, for salts r will oxchnngo for city property; n bargain; rnll for particulars, KOMT. MEltlUHliLI), 810 Spruce Btroet. TrAHlH IW AORKS-Sli MILES FROM F.LbT r hurst: 1 mile from pnstnlllon; school near. Addross D. W. GORMAN, Moscow, Pa. CMALL FARM WANTED - WE HAVE O tho nnmes of soveral persons who wuut to liny small farms noar Scranton. Wo oxchango city property for oountry. COMEGYS A FRANZ' Houses on Credit. 1 1 OU8E8 BUILT ON CREDIT. AD- J.JL dress look box 318, Scranton. CxecutrU's Notice. INSTATE OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM KEL J William Kellow, Into of Scranton, Lacka wanna comity. Pa. Letters testamentary anon tho above named ostmto liaviug been granted to the under signed, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will will ulooso make Immediate pnvment to FHANCKS A. KRLLoW. Executrix. JONES & POWDERLY. Attornsys for Estate Oil Market. ' Plttnburg, April 25. Oil opened nntl low est bid, 2(10; highest snip. I!u7; lowest and closing sule, iio5ft here and at OH City.. Gstelle" to pay us for Cleaning your Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED S'-D TO J30 PER DAY easily mado iu any locality. Wo furnish a line of samples free and allow 50 per cent, commission for selling. Particulars free, or we will mail a sample of our goods in sterling silver upon receipt of tou cents in stamps. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mkhs. AGENTS MAKtfsiO DAILY SELLINGAlT uininum novelties; new process silver wnre; bar goods; big line, the new, wonder ful metal; delivered free: sample in velvet lined case. 10c; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., iiii Broadway, New York. A GENTS HINDE'B PATENT UNIVER Jl sal Huir Curlers and Wavers (used with out lientj, and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box iM. New York. IITANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO v V handlo our lino, no peddling. Salarr. S75 per muutb and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 53US, Boston, Msa Special Notices. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES nt reduced prices. We have got a big stock, too big in fact, of watches, good watches, which we are willing to sell at very cloee figures, barely cost, to reduce, at Mer cercau & Council's. TVOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1. I ll wbl make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free op-jn air advertising ex hibitions wilh the stereoptioon: Taylorrille, Hyde Park, Providence. Dickson (ilyuhant. Peck ville, Archbald, Jcrmyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday anil Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tising are JlO per mouth. Address E. H. Call, Tribune office, city. "rpUE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Losllo's famous old War Pirtirrs.sliow ing the forces in actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2,(luU pictures, fold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, A22 Adams Ave., iScranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zines, etc, bound or rebound at The TuinuKU ollico. yuiek work. Reasonable priroi. Situations Wanted. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION an butcher; has had Ave years' experi ence; can speak Gorman and Euglisu. Call ;(S2 Franklin avenue. SITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING; washings taken home, also. Call or ad dress U B., 014 N.Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. T ANTED-SrrUATION AS FIREMAnT V by a good, steady man. Address F-, Mi Birch street, city, T YOUNG LADY DESIRES-APOsiTION 1Y nn assistant bookkeeper, copyist or work on n typewriter; writes a nont, quick hand. Address Lock Box 14 e'eranton, Pa. GIRL, III YEARS OF OF AGE, WISHES A place to assist with housework or tako caro of child. Address 1018 W. Lackawanna avenue, Hyde Park. UTANTEU POSITION - YOUNG LADY lady would like position as steno grapher and typewriter. Has had experi ence. Can furnish reference. Competent party. Address T. C, iUi Academy street, city. SITUATION WANTKD BY A YOUNG lady as typewriter or buslnefs corre spondent Thoroughly understands book keeping, quick and accurate at flgurca, writes a splendid businrss hand. Address "Coffipe tent," care Tribune omec. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DU. O. EDGAR DKAN HAS REMOVED to BUI Spruce at reel, Sorimlon, Pa. (JiiHt opposite Court House Square.) Br" A." J CONNELL,"OI'KlCE 5M Washington avenue, cor. Sprueo street, over Krancke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vino St. Olllee hourm: 10.30 to 12 n. m. and 2 to 4. nud 6. SO to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, 6U North Washington avonuo. DR. O. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of tho Eye, Eur, Nose anil Throat; olllee, 122 Wyoming nve. Rosl denno, 629 Vine street. DR. I M. GATES. 126 WASHINGTON live imp. Olllee hours, 8 to a. m., J.i',0 to 2 nnd 7 to 8 p. in. Residence 30!) Wiull noii avenue. JOHN L. WF.NTZ, M. V.. OFFICES 62 and f.;l Commonweulth building; real ileneo 711 Mudlson live.; olllee hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.S0 to 4, evonlngs at residence. A apuclnlty mn.de of dlHen8B of tho eye, eur, nose and throat und gynecology. DR." " K A Y,2M PENN AVB.7 1 to 8 P. mTj cull 20C. Dla. of women, obstietrlce and and all dis. of chll. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scruntiin, Pa., prepares boys anil girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opena September 10. HEV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MIS3 WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 413 Adams avenue. Pu- ' plln received at all times. Next term Will open April 8, ; Wallace Iu Silk and many dif ferent weaves of the newest wash fabrics. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED, Connolly & Wallace, 209 Washington Ave., OPP. COURT HOUSE. 3 FOR CLEANING Brussels & iDgraia Carpets Carpets unless you are perfectly 602 and 604 Lack, aye., d Corner Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prevented and cared by Btrtsf your eyes scientifically examined aod fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FEEE. Satisfactk guaranteed io every case. 305 Spruce Street Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. i W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT. torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law: offices S and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 5. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFuRD, ATTORN EY-al-Law. rooms C3, 04 and Ci, Common wealth building. sTmUeTT W." EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Otllce. S17 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa, UR1E TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at 5 per cent. C. R. pitcher! ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pu. C.COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. b. b. replogle7attorney LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4ui Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Olllee, 325 North Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH7 SURGEON-DENTIST No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND l.oan Assoclntlon will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other associntlon. Call on S. N. Cnliender, Dime Bank building. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lit) avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Propriotor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. G. 8CHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broadway, nt Union Square, New York. American plan, $.150 per day and upward. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, B. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L & W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON 8TORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 2T and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. ErL7VALThiB7AKCITECT. OFFICIO rear of OOti Washington avenue. LlCrIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, AHCHl'HiCTd, Price building, 126 Washington aveaua, Bcranton. Seeds. Q. H. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; atore 146 Washington ave nue; green house, ISM North Main ave nue; store telephoe 782. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed- ' riinga and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGARQEH BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. Frank p. brown & co, whole- srIo dealers In Woodware, Cordage ana Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna nve. tIhOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postolllce. Agent for the Hex Fire Extinguisher.