C5 EIGHT TAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCIIANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING AI?RIL 2G, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. SINKS SOFTLY TO SLUMBER Anthracite County Chloroformed by Judiciary Committee. MR. O'MALLEY SEALED ITS PATE The House In a Working Mood-Lobbyists, However. Swurm tho Hall and Interfere with llusliioss-llllls That Are Passed Fluully. 0beelal to the Seranton Tribune. Harrisburg, April 25. The house Ju diciary committee tonight negatived the bill fir tho county of Anthracite. Kepresentatlve O'Malley made a at runic speech tn opposition to the measure, uiul out of courtesy to him the com mittee at once killed tho bill. Trior to taking this action the committee heard a delegation of Carbondale people In support of the new county movement. On the delegation were ex-ltepresetitu-tlve Burke. J. I'. Troutwlne, John W. Aiken and J. F. Reynolds. House ut Work. The house was In a working mood today- The order was bills on second reading. The members for once con sidered the bills on their merits, and did not fritter away the time lu useless debate. The result Is that the second reading calendar Is almost clear for the first time this seasou. Frequently dur ing the morning session Speaker Wal ton was compelled to give notice from his desk that unless the strangers In the house. Interfering with member and talking In loud tones, paid more regard to the rules, they would be ordered off the floor. Lobbyists are be ginning to throng the chamber and In terfere with the proceedings. The speaker Is determined to stop this and unless hese persons regard the rules they will not be accorded the privileges of the house. The bill ceding Jurisdiction over the real estate of the Monogahala naviga tion company to be acquired by the Vnlted States went through finally on a special order. Bills granting to water power companies the authority con ferred on electric light companies, and providing that one burial permit be a sufficient authority for the Interment In a cemetery, partly within the limits of two or more municipalities, also passed this stage on special orders. The Brown road bill was substituted for the Smiley bill, and then killed after Jt had been Jumped upon by the rural members. The fight against the bill was led by Mr. Focht. He said It would Impose a great burden upon the tax payers of the rural districts. Mr. Focht contended the farmers could make good roads If they had the means. They were now taxed enought and were not asking for any interference on the part of the legislature In the way of laws governing the construction of public highways, and would accept none until the state was ready to make an appro priation, as now done to the public schools. Bills Passed Finally. Among the bills passing second read ing are the following: Requiring coun ty commisisoners to locate county boundary line monuments; regulating the manner of changing county seats; providing for the appointment of meas urers of building material and the ad justment of disputes arising from the erection of buildings; giving preference of appointment or employment to hon orably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines; changing the method of Incor poration of boroughs by abolishing the method of proceeding by laying the ap plication before the grand Jury; author izing boards of health In third class cities to regulate house drainage, the registration of master plumbers and the construction of cesspools; enabling county commissioners to carry out the provisions of the election, law of 1893 to provide suitable places for holding elec tions. The Seanor act to prevent the adul teration of food under a heavy penalty was killed, and the act providing for the employment of none but American citizens on public works was dropped from the calendar. A similar measure has already passed th house. The bill providing for a uniform policy of fire insurance, which was on the calendar for third reading and final passage on a special order, wad postponed for a week. mil to Pension Teachers. The bill granting a pension to school teachers who have taught In the public schools fifty years enlivened the house for a short time, as all kinds of ridicu lous amendments were offered to It, none being germain to the question. After Indulging in a little merriment over the bill. It passed second reading without amendment. The bill prohibiting the soliciting of orders for goods of any kind In the sev eral boroughs without a llcens and providing a penalty therefor, was called up by Mr. Focht, of Union. After some discussion and the discovery that a bill of the same character had passed the day before, Mr. Focht moved to postpone his bill. On the passage of the bill providing compensation for constables who visit places where liquors are sold, an aye and nay vote was taken, and It was then discovered that there was not a quorum of members present. A delay in the count was made until enough members were gathered In to make a quorum. The bill then passed second reading by a vote of 90 to 17. Seeing that It was useless to continue the session longer with such a slim attend ance, the' house adjourned. GUSHER AT LIMA. iBIg Oil Well Flows Four Hundred Barrels n Day. Toledo, O., April 25. A special from Lima, O., says: The biggest well In the Lima field for several years was de veloped this morning on the Voorhees farm, two miles east of this city. The well was drilled In yesterday, and when shot this morning contained 1,000 feet of oil and it sprayed oil over several hundred feet and began flow ing. It Is now flowing at the rate of 400 barrels a day. SENSATION IN COURT. A Wild-Eyed Man Creates Havoc with an '. ' '-' Axe. . Pittsburg, . Pa., April 25. Somewhat of a sensation was caused this morn ing in the court house by the appear and of, a wild-eyed man of middle age, who said he was hunting for Judge Kwlng, of common plea court No. 2. He cart-led In his hand a dangerous looking axe, with which he Bald he would avenge himself upon the Judge for Borne fancied wrong. Several weeks ago Judge Kwlng received a letter In which threats of a murderous char acter were made. Before the court oMoera could apprehend the crank he made his escape. Judge Magctf uIho received a threat ening letter from a woman crunk today, who said she wanted the Judge to pro tect her from her neighbors or he would have to suffer himself. TIED AND WHIPPED. Horrible Treatment of a Jewelry Peddler by Three Young Men. Huntington, V. Va., April 25. J- A. Weedy, a Jewelry peddler, who claims he lives near Cleveland. O., was stopped at Hluchman Bend, fifteen miles sutith of this city, last evening, while riding horseback, by three young men named Btumtlt'ld. He was taken from his horse, tied to a bush and horribly lacerated with hickory switches. He is now In a frightful condition, with no hopes of re covery. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE. New Type Mas Just Been Completed at the lluldwln Locomotive Work at Phila delphia. Philadelphia, April 25. An electric locomotive of a new type has just been completed at the Baldwin Locomotive works for the North American com pany, which operates the property of the Oregon and Transcontinental com pany and extensive street railway and electric lighting Interests In Milwau kee. This locomotive was designed by Sprague. Duncan & Hutchinson, of New York, and It Is Intended for spe cial experimental work In handling heavy freight and for switching pur poses. The locomotive resembles somewhat the ordinary consolidation itype used for heavy freight yard work. There are four pairs of drivers coupled to gether by connecting rods. The driv ers are 56 Inches In diameter. The motors, four In number, and alternating In position, are of the "continental" Iron clad type, the field magnets consisting of two steel cast ings, having two field colls placed at the ends of the motors. The controlling apparatus in the cab Is so arranged that the engineer sits at the right side, looking forward, no matter which way he Is running. The total weight of the engine Is about 134,000 pounds, equally distribut ed upon the drivers. ROBBERY AT CLIFFORD. Thieves Ransack the Home of Mrs Ann Morgan While the Latter Is at Church. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Hallstead, Pa., April 25. News reached here today of a very daring robbery at Clifford, this county, which occurred on Sunday evening at the lir.me of Mrs. Ann Morgan, widow of the late Owen Morgan. The family at tended church that evening. When they returned home they found their trunks broken open, bureau and ma chine drawers pulled out, and different things that the robbers did not want they found scattered upon the floor. It was plain to be seen that the house had been ransacked from cellar to garret. Among the things that were taken were two silver watches, about 17 In money, and three specimens of gold that Mr. Morgan brought from California, one valued at 5, another at $10 and another at $20. The $5 piece had i hand on one side and a harp on the other. It was found by Mr. Morgan while at work near the gold diggings. Besides the above, the thieves also took three quarter-dollar gold pieces, with the corners clipped off, two fine gold rings, hat, shirt and razor. They also helped themselves to cake, cookies and meat. The robbers left at the house a screwdriver. There Is much excitement In the neighborhood over the robbery. REV. BELL AT BROOKLYN. The Suspected Minister Hud an I'nsnvory Record In the City of Churches. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 25. The Rev. Mr. Bell who Is suspected of criminal ity In the Emily Hall case, was the first pastor of the Primitive church, on Park avenue. Brooklyn. It was built In 1873, and a year later he was expelled. He was charged with being on too friendly terms with two sisters of his congregation. He was a married mnn and had two children. He left Brook lyn suddenly and went to London. Oould Must Pay t'p. New York, April 25. In accordance with the decision which was rendered by Juilge Andrews tn the special term of the su prime court, the executors of the will of the late Jay Gould will lie compelled to pay tho taxes upon the assessment of $10. (Mu.tfJO which was placed upon the personal property for the year 1M for taxation. - - - -Sailors Washed Ashoro. London, April 25. Six dead bodies of sailors have come ashore near Plymouth. An oar and a small bout marked "Sti-um- ship Marie," were found a hundred yards from them. Tho Norwegian steamship Marie, 1,3m) tons, piles between C'open hagon and Odessa. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. It will take $12S,000 to keep Reading's city government in motion this year. Berwick will get the next convention df the Commandery General Sons of America. The coke output at Connellsvllle, owing to the advanced price, dropped 12.00U tons last week. Christian Relhl, a farmer and brush maker, In past Coventry, Chester county, has been missing from home for a month. The farm owned by the Into Mrs. Mar garet Labar, at Upper Mt. Bethel, North ainpton county, was willed to her hired man. The Elks of Erie, who published the Erie Herald for one day on behnlf of charity. made a big success of their 32-page news papor. The Hon. Justus F. Temple, aged CI years, of Waynesburg, died yesterday. He served as auditor general of Pennsylvania from 1874 to 1878. A thief yeBterday morning entered Hutchinson Brother's store In Pittsburg and grabbed - the cash box, containing about 130 In money, a gold watch and bonds representing $7,600. The bonds were recovered later by the police. IN DEFENSE OF DURflNT His Attorneys Seek to Droij Dr. Gib- sun Into the Cusc. THE TELL TALE HANDWRITING Expert Montcltb Discover a Clow Thut Strengthens IHirnnt's Cnuse Thou ilea Advanced an to Ur. Uibeuii's Part In tho Affair. San Francisco, April 25. Dr. Gibson wiih again called to the stand on the resumption of tho Durrant examina tion this illuming. He was asked for a specimen of his huudwrltlngs, but declined to give It. After some tilt with counsel for tho defense,- however, the witness tlnully wrote his name on a piece of paper, and, at the request of the counsel he also wrote the name of Oeorge King and of a professor which were In the newspaper In which the rings of Blanche Lamunt were en closed. It was evident from this that the defense were trying to connect Dr. Ulbsuit with the Lanmnt tragedy. The witness Idcntitled the chisel and hammer Introduced by the defense as his property. He testified that they were kept in a drawer In his study. On being questioned as to his connec tion with St. Andrew's Baptist church, Scotland, witness stalled that he could not remember the name of the street upon which It was situated, although he had lived there ithree years. He was asked to K've the location In tho Kman uel church of the wash basin In which blood stains were found, and replied that It was very close to his study. He further stated that he supplied the towels that were used find that they were kept In an unlocked drawer In the study. Ir. Voxel's Testimony. The defense believes that It has a case against the Rev. Dr. Gibson, and It will, It Is said, try to show flint he, and not IHinint, killed Miss Wllllums and Miss Lamont. It was in support of this theory that Dr. Gibson was asked to give Durnnt's counsel specimens of his writing this morning. George Mon telth, a well-known attorney, discov ered what led to this line of Investiga tion. On the morning after the finding of Minnie Williams' body, the CaJl pub lished a fac simile of names, written on the margin of paper sent around the rings, and returned to 'the dead girl's aunt, Mrs. Noble. Monteith Is an ex pert on handwriting, and says he dis covered pecularlties in writing which showed that both were written by the same hand. He reported his discov ery to Durant's counsel, and It Is said their Investigations have satisfied them that Durant's case has received a great deal of strength from It. Monteith was in court this morning when Gibson sub mitted his specimens of writing, and says that the additional specimens make the resemblance between the preacher's writing and that on the paper wrapper more remarkable. It Is said that tho defense will accept the police theory that the murder was committed at a different time from the mutilation, should It follow this line of defense. The Idea has been that Durant wrote the names found on the puper wrapper, and that in doing so he tried to imitate the writing of Organist King. The alleged discovery of the defence puts this In a different light. Ir. Vogcl's Testimony. Dr. Vogel at the examination this afternoon repeated his testimony taken at the Inquest. He testified as to the meeting at his house Friday evening, April 12, and the condition of Durant on his arrival about 9.20. Witness saw him when he entered. When he got to the top of the stairs was perspiring. Witness did not remember exactly what was said, but Durant asked to be allowed to wrush his hands. On crosa examlnatlon he was askel whether he saw anything unusual about Durant's request to wash his hands. Vogel said he did not, except that Durant looked heated. Dr. Gibson closed his testimony by a corrected statement from that made yesterday, to the effect that the library door was locked with the old lock on his first visit before the discovery of the body. He had stated It was un locked. W. MoHIroy, another new witness, testified lie saw a man meet a woman at 8.30 o'clck Friday evening near the church. The couple stopped at a gute leading to the street entrance of the church. While waiting for a friend, Bert Minna, he say a light In the rear of the church, moving as If from a can dle or lantern. Minna corroborated McElroy'8 statement. District Attor ney Barnes expects to conclude the examination tomorrow. ' EXPRESS A(ENT JAILED. Ira S. Illckel Charged with Lmhczzllng $1,20(1. Lebanon, Pa., April 25. Ira S. Hlckel, the late United tatps Express agent here, Is in Jail on the charge of em bezzling $1,200 of the company's money. He suddenly .left town a week ago to day, about the time that Auditor Howe, of Keadlnrr, arrived to examine his hooks. A shortage of the foregoing sum was found and a warrant Issued for his arrest. That not being forth coming, Detective Lyons was gent here by the Fidelity and Deposit company, of Baltimore, BIckel'B sureties. 1 ticked was found to have remained In the city, hiding In a friend's home. In default of $1,600 he was Jailed for a hearing on Saturday next. He pro tests his Innocence. A woman is said to be at the bottom of tho whole affair. READING READY TO FIGHT. W ill Stand by the Demand for 21 Per Cent, of Output. Philadelphia, April 25. In an Inter view today one of the receivers of the Reading Rnllroad company affirmed again the Heading's unalterable deter mination to have 21 per cent, of tho anthracite coal output. This gentle man said that Reading did not propose to be coerced Into the matter, and that the receivers had carefully considered the situation, and were of the unani mous opinion that Rending was nnt only entitled to 21 per cent., but even more of the output. He further added, significantly, that if tho other com panies agreed to give Reading the 21 per cent., well and good, but If 'they did not Reading would take the 21 per cent, and probably more, too. He also saltl that the receivers pro posed to maintain the equipment of the Toad, and that they were now In tho market for 1,000 coal cars, and another now and powerful sea-going tug. Read ing did not wish to wage war, but If the other companies did, they were reudy for hostilities. THEY STRUCK FOR WATER. I'lve Hundred fllase Workers Preferred It to llcer. Brldgeton, N. J April 25. The work men In the Cohansey Glass company's tank furnace wanted ice water to drink when the warm weather set In. They wanted It so badly that they demand ed It of the firm, but the firm declined to supply It. Because the coolish drought was not forthcoming the men struck this afternoon. As a result, all the fires were drawn, the works closed down and COO men throwu out of employment. BELLOW OF BEEF MAGNATES. They Claim Tliut Consumption Hue I'allcn Off Forty Per Cent. Ninco Secretary Morton lleconio Interested. Chicago, April 25. Referring to the statements mude by Secretary Morton, of the agricultural department, that the rise In price of live stock had been less than one dollar a hundred pounds over the last year price, and that dressed beef was now five to ten cents higher In New York city. O. V. Swift, of Swift and company, in an interview today, said: "1 sold over a million and a quarter pounds of dressed beef In New York city last week at 8V1, cents per pound, and this same quality of beef brought 7 cents during the spring months of last year. It Is claimed that the retail butchers are asking 25 to 30 cents a pound for this beef, but the secretary falls to mention that this price is for choice porterhouse, while other por tions of the beeves sell aa low as six cents. This talk by Secretary Morton has caused beef consumption to fall off nearly 40 per cent, throughout the country, and is one of the reasons why the retail butchers are asking high prices for beef. People aro now buying mutton and pork instead of beef. Advance Will Continue. "The prlceof cattle todayls fully $1.50 a hundred higher than It was during the corresponding period last year, and the present Indications are that the ad vance will continue. Five .weeks agi, before this agitation commenceu, live stock was $2.25 a hundred higher than lust year's prices. Of course, the farm ers want to receive 'he highest price for cattle, and It is 'the duty of the agricultural department to look out for the farmers, but instead of doing so, this agitation has caused a decline of 75 cents per hundred pounds tn live stock." Nelson Morris, one 6f the largest cat tle growers In the country, said that the talk of Secretary iljrton was in juring the meat trade all Over the coun try. Dressed beef was being sold In Chicago about of a cent lower than in New York. TOBACCO FACTORY FIRE. Many Girls Leap from High Windows and Arc Severely Injured. Montreal, April 23. Shortly after 6 o'clock this evening flames were dis covered in MoDonald's tobacco factory, the largest of the kind In Canada, cov ering several acres of ground on On tario street. The fire made rapid pro gress, and In a short time the whole upper portion of the building was In flames. The place was crowded with employee, many of them girls- who were finishing their day's work and prepar ing to leave for their homes. Exit was cut off and many of the girls had to Jump from the tipper floors to save their lives. Ambulances were called and several girls were removed to the hospital badly Injured. The firemen seemed powerless and as the fire la still burning, It looks us If the whole factory and adjoining prop erty would bo destrowed. The loss al ready will roach three-quarters of a million of dollars, and there is no In surance. The factory Is the proerty of W. C. McDonald, the tobacco king of Canada. Montrai.'l, April 26. Eleven persons were brought to the hospitals last night suffering from Injuries sustained by jumping. The physicians In charge say that several of the number are likely to die before daylight. The total Kmh will umount to about $200,000. The tire was brought under control at 1 o'clock. 2.15 a. m. It Is reported several peo ple were burned to death. - Mrs. 1'nrnell Improving, llordentown, N. J., April 25. The slight Improvement noticed this morning In Mrs. I'arneH's . condition continued throughout the day and this evening she recognized those In attendance upon her and was nblo to take some nourishment. Her attending physician, however, has but little hope of her ultimate recovery. Forger Pnrdonod. Harrlsburg, April 25. Governor Hast ings to day grantod a pardon to W. 8. Wallace, of Allegheny county, serving a term in 1 tie western penitentiary forgery. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. for "Illlf Louis" has been rolcnsed as being Innocent of New York's "Hipper" mur der. A nltro-glyeerlne explosion, caUHcd by accident, broke most of the windows In Lima, O., yesterday. O. 8. Smith, night operator and ticket agent at Dunfeo, Ind., was robbed of $M on Tuesday night by masked men. Murderer Morris Hopkins, colored, who killed H. 8. I 'arsons In a dispute about wages, whs hanged at Henrico Jail, Va. Union and Confederate vetorans will unite In services to dedicate a monu ment to fallen Confederates at Chicago. A womun mysteriously gashed and drownod with her 6-year-old son In Chi cago, has been Identified as Mrs. Mattle Morrison, of Clifton, III. Life Imprisonment was Imposed at Dos Moines, In., upon Cora Smith for the mur der of her steprathor, and Bhe fainted when she heard her doom. A marrlago advertisement's respondent, Alameda Wllllums, Is lifter Carl Browne, of Coxcylte fame, to force him to wed her In compliance with his "ad." 'A special from Cincinnati, O., says that reports from the Flat Top mining region In West Virginia, say that 7,000 coal miners will strike there May 1. Dissatisfaction over scale of wages Is the cause. ' SITUATION AT NICARAGUA The United States Kill Not Interfere in the Case. NO AMERICAN SHU'S ON SCENE It Is llclleved That If Hie Government of Nicaragua Fulls to liccclvo Aid from Uncle Sum, She Will Yield Gracefully. Tondon, April 25. Rear Admiral Henry F. Stephunson, commanding the warships In the harbor of Corlnto, Nicaragua, has telegraphed to tho ad tnlrulty that other war vessels are on their way to join his licet at Corlnto and that he Is prepared to land 400 blue Jackets ut daybreak tomorrow If the itrltttth demands are not complied with by midnight tonight. The warships are lying close to the shore In order to protect the binding party, which, the admiral says, he will cover with twenty-one guns. Washington, April 25. The Nica ragua!) minister, Dr. Guzman, spent several hours at the tate department In the early morning today, hoping to obtain from Secretary Oresham some further Information as to the attitude of this country. The president and his cabinet were In the meuntlme being photogruphed und the secretary of wur and the secre tary of the navy Immediately after wards started for Philadelphia. In the afternoon Dr. (iuxman called ngaln at the department, but saw the secretary only for a moment. In reply to an In quiry tonight, Dr. Guzman simply Bald that the secretary had no Information to Impart; while he, the Nlcaraguun minister, on the other hand, could ad vance no suggestion as to the outcome. Nothing can be obtained officially from the state department In regard to the present attitude of the United States tn the Nicaragua affair. It Is understood the president Is unalter ably opposed to the giving out of any Information as to matters which may bo mude the subject of more or less delicate diplomatic negotiations. The reticence which Is observed towards the American public, however. Is not so carefully maintained with diplo matic officers of other governments, and thus much that would otherwise be a sealed book becomes matter of public Information. Have Taken No (.round. It Is distinctly understood that the United States have taken the ground that the dispute between Great Britain and Nicaragua Is one Involving ques tions of national honor and dignity, in which the United States have no right to interpose. It Is, therefore, Inferred that should .Nicaragua hold out and British marines take possession of the Corlnto custom house tomorrow morn ing no objection will be urged on the part of the United States. It Is positive that no United States war vessel has been ordered to Corlnto. The four American warships reported In a Nica raguan cable dispatch as having been seen on their way to Corlnto are mythi cal creations growing out of the fever ish hopes of the Nlcaraguan people of United States intervention. It Is con ceded even by friends of Nicaragua that no harm can come to Corlnto or to the republic Itself from a temporary occupation of Corlnto by the British. It Is believed that after a few days have elapsed and If the United States should fail to secure any extension of time or change In the mode of payment, as asked at Nicaragua's request, Nica ragua will then gracefuly yield to the Inevitable and come forward with the Indemnity. London, April 25. The St. James Ga zette says: Nothing is known at the United States embassy regarding any request made by the Washington gov ernment to Lord Klmberly for delay on the part of Great Britain In taking ac tion against Nicaragua. It Is under stood that Great BrHlun and the United States are agreed upon the course to be pursued In enforcing compliance with the British demand. TEXAS HAILSTORM. Stones as l.urgo as Hen's V.rrs Fall I'pon the citizens. St. Louis, Mo., April 25. A special to the Chronicle from San Antonio, Tex., says that meagre particulars have reached there of a terrible hall storm that swept through adjoining counties last evening. A courier arrived this morning from the town of Lytic, twelve miles south of San Antonio and reHrts that town and a strip of country five miles wide, extending through Wilson, Boxer and Medina counties, completely devastated by the storm. The damage to corn and cotton crops ulone Is esti mated nt $50,000, while the damage to tci'.ldhigs will amount to not less than $150,000. Tho hald stones were as large as hen's eggs, and the International and Great Northern railroad wns block aded with them. Section hands had to clear the track before trains could be run over that part of the line. There wns no loss of life so fur as reported, although ninny persons were Injured by the awful Impact of the hall stones. SCHWEIGI.RT'S DEATH. Tho Printer Shot Through tho Heart by His lusnne Wife. ' Savannah, da., April .25. Milton J. Schwelgert, foreman on tho Kvenlng Bulletin, waB shot through the heart and Instantly killed by his wife this morning at 3 o'clock. He wns asleep at the time. Mrs. Schwelgert Is snld to 1m? Inaanc, and Is now under arrest. Ianraster, Pa., April 25. Milton J. Schwelgert, who was shot and killed by his wife In Savannah, Ga., was a native of Oxford, Chester county, and learned the trade of printing here. About ten years ago 'he left here for New York, and has since been In vari ous sections of the country. THRASHED WIFE'S LOVER. Phlladelphisn's Martial Woes Drought to v a Climax. West Chester, Pa., April 26. The marital woes of a young man residing on Juniper street, near Race, In Phila delphia, came to a climax here today. He soundly thrashed a man twice his size for Inducing his wife to leave home and come here to live. The elopers were here for a week, and last night the Injured husband came down to find them. We met his truant wife at a ho tel, and fixed up peace relations with her. Early this morning he awoke to find that during the night his wife had slipped from bed and deserted him. He later discovered that all his money had been taken. Ho boarded a train for Philadelphia, but found that his ticket had been stolen. This was the last straw. He dis mounted from the train ut the first station, walked back to Went Chester and here found his wife once more. She was about to leave town. The angry husband then sought the dis turber of his peace, found him In a ho tel and, without parley, proceeded to paralyze lilrn in true Jim Corbett style. The victim of this righteous wrath begged for mercy. He also resides In l'hlludelphla, on ChrlHtiun street, near Klghteenth. BISHOPS LV SKSSlChV. Heads of tho Methodist KpUcopul Church, Seventeen in Number, Assemble at CurlUle. x Carlisle, Pa., April 25. The bishops of tho Methodist Episcopal church, seventeen In number, began their ueinl-uiinuul session In this city this evening. The principal business to be transacted at the session will be to fix the dates for holding the annual fall conference, and to select from their own members presiding officers. The exerolses this evening opened with prayer. The address of welcome was delivered by President George K. Reed, on behalf of Dickinson college. On behalf of the state of Pennsylvania, Governor Hastings welcomed the bishops, and on behalf of the church Rev. W. M. Fryslnger, pastor of the Methodist church, spoke. The ad dresses of welcome were responded to by Bishop John F. Hurst, D. D LL. D. The opening of the session was fol lowed by a public reception to Bishops Fowler, Mallallieu, Ooodsell, Nlnde, Jolce, Andrews, Wortnan, Bowman, Walden, Foster, Foss Vincent, Merrill, Hurst, Warren and Fitzgerald.. The meeting was presided over by Rev. W. W. Evans, D. D., presiding elder of the Harrisburg district. The business meetings of the session will be strictly private. The session will extend over several days. General Hastings was accompanied on his visit by General Reeder, secretary of the commonwealth. COUNTESS RUSSELL NO WIFE. She Loses in a Scandalous Contest, and the Fori Is Divorced. London, April 25. F.arl Russell was today granted a Judical separation from his wife, Countess Russell, on the ground of legal cruelty upon the part of his wife, and her suit for a restitution of conjugal rights consequently failed. Lady Russell is a daughter of the late Sir Claude Scott, and she had only been married a year, In 1NI1, when she sought a separation from her husband, and charged him with hideous offenses, which she failed to prove. Earl Russell Is the eldest son of the late Viscount Amberley, who died during the lifetime of his father, the famous E.tatesman. The present earl is 30 years old. He was a mere boy when he succeeded to the title, and came of age In 1886; but did not take his seat in the house of lords until February, 18S8. DOUBT ABOUT A DEATH. Doctors Disagree and an Vndcrtakcr Is Surf riscd. Sag Harbor, L. I., April 25. Last Friday Mrs. Dred Doming, wife of Na thaniel Doming, wM reported dead at East Hampton, but up to this time many believe her to be alive and In a trance. Dr. Bell refused to pronounce her dead, although Dr. Osborne had given a certificate of death. Funeral services were held on Mon day last, but the woman's husband said he intended keeping his wife In his par lor all summer, if necessary. He said he touched a lighted match to her to see If It would raise a blister but that It did not, and he thought her dead, but would keep the body awhile. Under taker Thompson said In his twenty eight years' experience he never saw a like case. TRAIN ROBBERS FAILED. Prospect of KoccivliiR n Warm Reception Caused Them to Retreat. Atchison, Kan., April 25. Yesterday afternoon the Missouri Pacific officials hero received Information of a plot to hold up the Central Branch incoming train between Golfs and Corning, where It passed about midnight. When the train arrived at Frankfort, a flat car was placed between the smoker and mall car and a posse concealed themselves behind the sideboards. The robbers did not make the at tempt, and It Is supposed that they got wind of the reception) awaiting them, and fled. The citizens of Ooffs were up In arms and waiting to go in pursuit of the robbers. HEIR TO A VAST FORTUNE. Urnndson of Lord Orunvltlc, of Fnglnnd, Finally l ocated. ' Marietta, O., April 25. Eppes Sar gent, an attorney, hns discovered, through D. W. Dye, the whoren.bouta of the long lost son of Edward Alfred Mc Donald, son of Lord Granville, of Eng land. The mother of the boy was Lou Kountz, of Washington county, who went to England, married McDonald, and then ran away from him, taking their son, whom fhe kept In seclusion while she lived an abandoned life in Columbus, O. McDonald died recently, willing $2,000,000 to his son. Mr. Dye married a half-sister to Lou Kountz, and was able to identify the boy. CABLE GLEANINGS. Employes of the Seine company have joined the Paris omnibus striko. Courts In Bonus have cleared ex-Premlor Qlollttl of connection with the extraction of documents connected with tho Banna Homana scandal. London's central criminal court for feited the ball of Edd Ames Webber and Louis Henry Perlmiin, tho American crooks, who profited by tho "missing let ter" swindle. Rev. Jonathan Bell, the alleged seducer of Emily Hall, who died from the effects of a criminal operation In Detroit, has disappeared from London and Is reported to have left England., WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, increasing cloudiness with showers Friday evening or night; colder; variable winds. Bnleys Ladies' Shirt Waists Our stock is again com plete,shoving the latest, most attractive designs. The large business we have done is tho proof that OUR ARE CORRECT. THEY COMPRISE Silk, Linen, Dimity, Lawn. Percale and Ginghams And the Celebrated KING WAISTS. 1 Kill SUITS. Infants' Long and Short Dresses. We call SDecial .A attention to the superior make and finish of these goods. FIN LEV'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOIt THE VERY BEST. IS SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. The People's Providers of HONEST SHOES. Get prices at Weichel's if you want a watch. Great rcductiou in prices for thirty days. 408 Spruce Street N. B. Fine line of Silver Novelties and Jewelry. Re pairing a specialty. I is s GHflS. R. SGH1EREK S COS lii III LEWIS,REILLY&DAVIES III,
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