The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Sonic Events of the Day on the West
Side of thcCitv Noted.
It Waa AitcnUod by a large Concourse of
friends K'caovuiinn ttio Musonlo
llull-.Murriugesof the lhiy-Xew
.Notes unj lVrsouul llc-sslp.
The West Sid Interest of The Tribune
nave been placed In th tmmis f Kmor
son Owen, whom ull news announce
ments anj complaints may bo addressed.
The largest funeral procession that
ha-ver moved from llcllevue was that
which ucciui!anlcd yesterday the re
mains of the late Mrs. Matilda Owen,
of Roland avenue, to the Washburn
strevt cemetery, where lnt-rment was
made. Uev. lr. 1. C. Hughes, of the
Jackson Strevt liaptist church, con
ducted the obsvquies at the house, and
afterward at the jrrave side. The body-
was borne from the family residence,
across the gretn Held, to Eighth street,
where Undertaker 1'rloe's hearse con
veyed the remains to the cemetery. It
was an lmprvssive scene. The hillside
was literally black with spectators,
watching the cortln and the long line of
mourners following it. The procession
extended from Division street to Kynon
The pall-bearers were: John Iaves,
George Coombs, W. O. Davis. V. D.
Jeiikins. John Owen and David Thom
as, of the Jackson street church. Out
of town attendants were: Mrs. Samh
Sainesbury. David Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Jenkins, of PeekvHIe;
Mr. and Mrs. John Owen and Mr. and
Mrs. Esau Knight, of Mauch Chunk;
Mrs. Elizabeth Price, of Mlnersviile;
Mr. and Mrs. Loomls and Mrs. Re
becca Thomas, of Wllkes-Earre; Mrs.
John Griffiths, of Shenandoah, and Mr.
and Mrs. William Jones, of Forest City.
Tonight's Concert nt Plymouth Church.
The classes of Miss Jennie Lewis and
Miss Lula James, of thj Plymouth
church Sabbath school, will (rive a con
cert tunitrht in the auditorium of the
church.. They wltl be assisted by MIhs
Adela Breakstone, reader, of Wllkes
Barre; Alfred Wooler, tenor; Miss
Phoebe Smith, soprano; Miss May Sta:a
Peck, frianisit, of Ki-ystone academv;
and others. A largj number of tickets
have been sold. The following is the
Duet Piano and Violin
Miss Davis and Mr. Evans.
Reading Selected
Miss Breakstone.
Sons "Mary of Argyle"
Mr. Wooler.
Piano Solo Miss Peck
Vocal Duet. ..Misses Phillips and Parry
Reading Miss Preakstone
Sons t "Chaminade"
Miss Smith.
Reading Miss Breakstone
Son? "Quef-n. of the Earth"
Mr. Wooler.
Chorus "We Rock Away"
St. P.rcndnn'g Night.
The musical and literary entertain
ment given last evening1 under the aus
pices nt St. Brendan council 24.1, Younff
Men's Institute, In .Wears' hall, attract
ed a large audience. Mr. J. Mo An
drew opened the evenlnj? entertainment
with an address, and the programme,
as published in The Tribune, was car
ried out in Its entirety, and in addi
tion Miss Tesay McCoy reel ted, accom
panied by Miss Margaret Gibbs on the
A Hnndqomo l.oJjc Room.
The lodge room In Masonic hall on
North Main avenue, has bren complete
ly rejuvenated, through the Instrument
ality of trustee Alfred CJodshall, sr., of
the Masonic lodge. That gentleman tie-
Mrs. S. Bates Tells the Story of Her
How Slio Was Cured hy Mnnyon'i I.lttlc
Pellet After Physician?
Uad Failed.
Mrs. B. Batos. of Cecil, N. J., adds her
testimony to that' of the thousands who
have been waved from a llfo of Buffering
by Munyon's Remedies. She Raid: "I had
miffered greatly with indigestion and
stomach trouble. Kverythlng I ate dis
tressed mo. 1 wan nervous and fretful and
rapidly breaking down. Physicians had
failed to help me, nor did any of the many
remedies I took relieve rne until I began
using Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. The ro
null whs astonishing. After taking but
three doses I felt greatly ImVroved, and
after taking one 25c. buttle I was entirely
Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Curo
cures all form of Indigestion and stomach
troubles such as constipation, rising of
food, distress After eating, bloating of the
stomach, palpitation of the heart, short
ness of breath und all affections of the
heart caused by Indigestion. It soothes,
heals and Invigorates stomachs that have
been weakened by over-eating, or where
the lining has been Impaired by physic
and Injurious modlclnes. Price 25c.
Munyon's Homeopathic Home Remedy
.Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearly every disease, which aw
old by all druggists mostly for 26 cents a
a bottle. ...,,,...
' Those who are In doubt as lo the naturo
of their1 dlsease'should address Professor
Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia,
giving full symptoms of their disease.
Professor Munyton will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit of his
advice absolutely free of all charge. The
Remedies will be sent to any address on
tecelpt of retail price. .
termlned, some 1 weeks ago, . that the
then musty hull must be overhnulcd,
and, without uIHclally consulting the
Masonic lodge, which owns 'the build
ing, Mr. Godshall went to each of the
two hundred and llfty members and
asked a dollar as a contribution toward
lixlng up the place, lie collected $-07
and then contracted with Fred Becker,
who changed tho whulo uppenratice of
the room. The ante chambers have been
ivpapered and cleansed, und the largo
room hau been fitted Into one of tho
finest lodgo rooms In tho city.
1 1st to tho Wedding Hells.
Miss Gertrude Koerner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kuernur, of North
Lincoln avenue, and Fred Crawford, of
Hyde Park avenue, were ushered Into
the confines of matrimonial bliss last
evening by Rev. Dr. Floyd, of the Simp
son Methodist Episcopal church. Only
tho Immediate relatives of the young
people wore attendants at the wedding
ceremony, which occurred promptly ut
S o'clock. W. 11. Crawford, brother of
tho groom, tuded us best man, and
Maud, a sister of the bride, accom
panied1 the bride. After the nuptial
knot had been tied a repast was en
Joyed by those present. The young
eouplo will enter Into housekeeping In
a few days on Price street.
Mr, lluclics' Condition.
The condition of Mr. Benjamin
Hughes, who Is perlotisly 111 ut his
home, on Washburn street, Is slightly
Improved at this writing. Mr. Hughes'
sickness Is the main topic of conversa
tion on the West Side. His worth as a
citUen and liberal disposition have won
the respect and revelation of every
West Slder.
Jottings About Atmiicincnts.
An entertainment tinder the direction
of the Hellevue Methodist Kplscnpul
Church Band of Hope was given Tues
day evening in the church builillng.
The Band of Hope connected with
the Bellevue mission of the First Welsh
Baptist church will give tin entertain
ment on April 8 In the mission building.
Martini Washington chapter, No. 'J.
O. K. S., will give an anniversary so
cial and entertainment this evening In
Masonic hall.
There will be a maple sugar social at
the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church this evening.
There will be an entertainment at
the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church this evening. Those who will
participate are us follows: Lavlna
Tamilson, Arthur Morse, Walter Klple,
Mrs. B. T. Jayne, Miss I.ydia Sailor,
Mrs. Heckel, Mrs. Boston-Will lams,
Miss Rose Price and Miss Fannie Jones;
also Mrs. Thomas' Ladles choir. Green
Ridge Wheelmen's quartette and
Susie's band. Refreshments will be
served free of charge. Many tickets
have been disposed of and an at
tendance which will fill the renovated
auditorium is anticipated.
News Brevities.
Three fire hydrants have been placed
in Bellevue.
Drujrgist Tom Jones Is Improving his
South Main avenue property.
Butcher Shipman has removed his
family from Jackson street to Bromley
Alderman T. T. Morgan, of the Fif
teenth ward, has applied for a notary
public certificate.
Hopkin Williams will open his South
Main avenue hotel in two weeks. Invi
tations will be sent out.
Constable Timothy Jones has been
appointed agent of the society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Knapp gave a
surprise party on Monday evening at
their home on North Rebecca avenue.
Thomas, the 3-year old child of Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Jones, of Avenue D,
Bellevue. died yesterday morning from
an attack of bronchitus.
The funeral of Mrs. William Helbrlnar,
of 10J.-; Price street, will take place from
tho residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
when Rev. M. H. Mill will conduct a
brief service. Interment will be made
at the Washburn street cemetery.
The larg; auditorium of the Simpron
Methodist Episcopal church was
cleansed yesterday, The. benqhes. were
removed a3 the work progressed and
the floor given a cleaning. The room
will be used for the firat time this eve
ning at tho entertainment.
A congregational meeting of the
members of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian church will be held on Friday
evening to consider the desirability of
exf-nding a call to a pastor. The pas-
tor.t.te has been vacant since the resig
nation of Rev. D. W. Skellenger.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. David Atkinson, of Meridian
street, is sick.
Mr. Myron Evans, of North Hyde
Park avenue, Is HI.
Miss Jessie Owen, of Taylor, had re
covered from a two weeks' Illness.
Mr. Lou Jones, of North Hyde Park
avenue. Is convalescent after an illness.
Mr. Morris Thomas, of Bellevue
street, Is visiting relatives In Brooklyn.
Horace John, son of Alderman Owen
D. John, is convalescent after a selge of
Miss Mattle Jones, of North Hyde
Park avenue, Is seriously ill. Her re
covery Is doubtful.
Miss JuHa Freeman, of Clark's Sum
mit, is visiting Mlys Emma Sweet, of
Hyde Park avenue.
Weatbrooke Merrlng, of Muplewood,
has returned home after a visit to
Chauncy Derby, of Hyde Pnrknvenue.
Miss Lizzie Derrick, daughter of
Christopher Derrick, of Keyser Valley,
was married last evening to Owen
On or about the evening of May 1
Miss Rose Murphy and (leorgo Mallot
will wed. Preparations aro being made
for the event.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at
the Tabernacle church yesterday, when
Thomas W. Evans and Miss Ellen Jer
vls, both of Nantlcoke, were united In
marriage by Rev. D. P. Jones. Many
friends of the bride and bridegroom
were present and wished tho happy
couple many years of happiness and
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Morgan, of North
Rebecca avenue, assisted by friends,
celebrated their fifth wedding annivers
ary last evening. The house had been
especially decorated for tho occasion,
and upon the arrival of the guests fes
tivities were commenced and continued
until tho "witching hour of midnight."
The Columbian quartette rendered sev
eral selections and dancing concluded
the evening's entertainment.
West Sldo nuslness Directory.
PITOTOORAPHER Cabinet Photos, $U0
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling nt Stumer's
Photo Parlors, lot and 103 Houth Main
GROCERIES Revere Standard Java
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee
of the day. For sale only at p. w. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South
Main avenue. - 1
for anything you have to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J, C. King, 1U34 and MS)
Jackson street.
WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds,
206 North ' Main avenue, and see- his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new slock.
PLU.MWNU-Viilllam V. ' Oritllths, 113
North Main uvenuo, does tirat-cltiss
Plumbing, gtoum Heat and Uas Fitting.
Satisfaction la strictly guaranteed.
Miss Jennie Owens, of Main avenue,
lias recovered from a long Illness.
Miss Nettle Davis," of Marguret ave
nue, Is visiting friends In Plttston.
Patrick Kane, of Pottsvllle, Is visit
ing his aunt, Mrs. Cecelia Kane, of
Rockwell street.
MlbS Lea Heath, will give the lust of
her lectures on French urt In tho Green
Ridge library tonight.
William Gessner, of Monroe avenue,
In having the foundation built fur a
new house on Theodore, street.
Owing to the largo number of orders
on hand tho spike mill of Spencer's
Lolling mill Is put on double turn.
A I'eckvllle car Jumped the track near
the city lino yesterday afternoon und
blocked the roadway, stopping all
Irutllo for some time.
The Electric Social club has derided
to hold a series of mniuls in O'DunnoU'H
hall during the summer. The opening
one was held last night and was very
well ut tended.
Rev. William Edgar, the newly ap
pointed pastor of tin- Providence Meth
odist Episcopal chinch, has removed
his household goods to the parsonugu
on Main avenue. A reception will bo
tendered him by Ihn members of the
Hpwoiih league III the Sunday school
rooms next Friday evening.
Thomas Flauiiery, of llloom avenue,
was united In maniiige to Miss Mary
Liilly, of the same street, by Rev. W.
P. O'Donnoll, in thi? presence of u huge
number of friends, in the Holy itosary
church, yesterduy afternoon about 3
o'clock, lK'iinls Knno acting as best
man, und Miss Kate Ruddy us brides
maid. After the ceremony the couple
left on a short wedding trip and on
their return expect to commence house
keeping on Bloom uvenue.
The work of nuicudaiulzlng Main
avenue is rapidly going on. The por
tion between Putnam und Jones streets,
on one side of the street car tracks, is
nearly completed and is a great Im
provement. Coiincilmen Finn and
Morris have decided to carry on the
work from Court street to the public
square, and efforts are being made to
nave the First ward councilmen carry
on tho work to Parker street. The
steam roller has also been at work roll
ing Market street, between Wayne and
Brick avenue, thus making a noticeable
Improvement In the driving over It.
A large number of her school friends
gave Miss Bertha Sanders a surprise
party at the residence of her father,
M. E., on Church avenue,' last
evening. The evening was enjoyably
spent In playing games ami refresh
ments were partaken of before the visi
tors dispersed. Those present were:
Misses Anna Pherwiti, Sallie Ressao,
Bertha Simms, Jessie Featenby, Hazel
Hopewell, Sadie Jones, Franc Wash
burn, Pansy Washburn, Josephine
Paff, Bertha Treston, Alma Claney,
Huldaih Capwell and Susie Watklns,
and Charles Clark, Warren Wireback,
Will Panders, John Overbaugh, George
Orr, F-nos Clark, Thomas Powell, Wal
t?i' Finn. Harry Baumgartner, James
Hopewell, Simon Ward. Stuart Ferris,
I'.dgar Sanders and Herbert Day.
A. J. Timlin, of Parker street, recent
ly purchased a ljjouse from H. R. Hurl
burt In a half-finished condition. One
of the terms of settlement, however,
was that Mr. Ilurlburt should finish It
as soon as porsilile. Without awaiting
for Its completion Mr. Timlin moved
his family into It and has since occu
pied. Last week some painters were
put at work on the building, and after
they had finished, it was discovered
that j:,00 in gold, which had been sewed
up in a mattress in one or the rooms
in which they were at work, was miss
ing. Warrants were sworn out before
Alderman Roberts for their arrest, but
at the trial yesterday morning no
proofs could be given that they had
any knowledge of the money having
bren in the room and so were dis
Thoir.iis II. Phillips end I'.rvan McNanuira
The park commissioners have recom
mended Thomas H. Phillips for super
intendent, and Bryan McNamara for
policeman In Nay Aug park. The
recommendations have been received
by the mayor and will probably receive
favorable consideration.
Mr. Phillips Is employed in tho, lower
steel mill, and Mr. MeXamara resides
on Luzerne street.
If you want a good plumber telephono
2242. W. U. Doud & Co., M) Lackawanna
Supper will be served In the Peiin Ave
nue Baptist church this evening from 0 to
8 o'clock.
Hclicf In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder rtis
eases relloved In six hours hy tho "Now
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
bock and every part of tho urinary pas
sages, in mole or fernalo. It relievos re
tention of water and pnln In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want qul':k
relief nnd curo this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Pcnn avo
nuo, Bcranton, Pa.
When Pnby was ilclc, we gave her distorts.
When slie was a Child, she cried fur t'astoria.
When she became Mlm, she clung to C'ostorla.
v'tion sho had Children, she gave thou UaaUula-
When you can get ymircyeH bden
tiliciilly tented
Any lows of vision from age or
defect can be corrected by tlie lino
of the Acro-CryHtul lenses, which
will stop nil pain in the head.
Have no other. The Aero-Crystal
lenses nre sold only hy
Hmiru: Dnily.O to 11 a. ni., 1 to 5 und 7 to V p.ra
I'dullc Mectini) of Columbus Council,
Younij Men's Institute.
Ho Treated the Silver Question In a Very
i:xluiiistiv Mnniior-Iiinurnl of Fred
erick Zung-ihcio Wero Two
MarrluBes nt St, John's church.
Tho publlo wus Invited to attend the
public reception At Columbus Council,
Young Men's Institute moms, lust eve
ning. M. J. Donnhoe, chairman of the
institute, called Hie meeting to order
nnd Introduced Rev. E. J. Mollcy, pas
tor of St. John's church. The reverend
speaker said ho knew that the meet
ing was called to hear the silver ques
tion discussed, mid he advised the per
sons present 'to be more solicitous In
regard .to religion than temporal affairs.
A short inimical programme intervened.
James Touhill played with skill and ur
tlstlu tlnhdi ''The Battle of Hebastopol,"
on his guitar, nnd Miss Winifred Mel
vlu sang with richness of voice and
clearness the bullad, "Hearts." At this
point C. G. Poland was Introduced and
bis subject was "Tho Silver Question."
Ho spoke for two hours mid discussed
Very elubbrotely IIiIh theme.
Ho suid that the money question Is
the greatest the World lias to consider
ut this time, and It bus been un enigma
for centuries. Mr. Holaud said that
salt Is legal tender in Abyssinia and
codllsh In Newfoundland; but gold and
silver appear to have been the most
accepted as a medium of exchange for
centuries. Gold, he said, In the early
ages of Christianity enslaved men; be
cause the lending of It was done at
rates of interest that stipulated the for
feiture of liberty In cuse of a default of
payment. The speaker then carried his
hearers through tho economic side of
the money question. Today, he said,
the business of lending gold In largely
done In transferring it from Israel to
Engla nd.
For centuries, lie said, gold and sliver
has been accepted us the medium of
exchange and the standard of values.
England changed to the gold standard
In 1816, but until lS7i tho other countries
did not change. Since then silver has
been removed as one of the standards
of money nnd its retirement has had
most to do with the numerous upheav
als In business since. Removing silver
from the currency of the country lias
thrown tho control of the commerce of
tho world into the hands of 4,000 gold
bond holders, Mr. Poland advocated
as a remedy that silver be returned nnd
accepted im the standard of value; there
Is not nough of gold and there Is of
silver. The speaker does not believe in
adopting a metal on account of Its in
trinsio value, us this makes it an aim
for money lenders to horde their wealth.
He scored President Cleveland for his
truckling to the gold bugs of Wall
Miss Katie Donohoo sang a solo und
was followed by D. M. Davis, who ren
dered a song in his usual excellent style.
Frederick Zang Iltiricd,
All that was mortal of the late
Frederick Zang was laid at rest yester
day afternoon In Plttston Avenue ceme
tery. Theremains were conveyed to
St. Paul's German Evangelical church
on Prospect avenue, and funeral ser
vices were there conducted by the pas
tor, Rev. Edward Lang, who preached
a touching funeral eulogy. The cortege
was a very large one.
Two .Mnrrlngcs Yesterday.
At St. John's ohurch yesterday after
noon two young couples were united
for life by Rev. E. J. Melley. Frank
O'Brien and MIhs Sadie Murray, both
of Crown avenue, were joined In the
holy bonds of matrimony at 8 p. m. A
reception followed at the home of the
Patrick Tlghe and Miss Alice I.oftus,
of Pear street, were also married. The
ceremony was attended at .3 p. m. by
many of the friends of the young couple
at the church. They will go house
keeping on Pittstun avenue.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Michael DcLacy, of Palm street, has
been sent to the Hillside Insane asylum.
Theodore C. Bergcr and Miss Eliza
beth A. Languth, both of Hickory
street, will be married with a nuptial
mass next Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock
nt St. Mary'H German Catholic church.
Mary Smith, a young woman em
ployed as a domestic on Pear street,
'undertook light tho lire with kero
sene nnd it was the same old story.
They are looking for the kerosene can
yet. She was only slightly burned on
tho hand and thigh.
John Hughes Is placing an iron fence
at bin property on Potter street.
Mrs. H. F. Boyle, of Seranton, visited
relatives In town yerterdny afternoon.
F. P. Connolly Is making Improve
ments' on his property on Electric ave
nue. Rev. J. W. WMIIams Is having a barn
erected In the ieur of his property on
Elm street.
Michael McDonald & Co. have
opened a grocery store In the Shaffer
building on Chestnut street.
George Merriman lias returned home
for his summer vacation, after spend
ing the past yearat Schenectady, where
lie was attending Heboid.
The funernl of the lata Cornelius
Brannlng will take place from the resi
dence of his Bon, Eber, on Fifth street,
this nfternoon ut 2 o'clock.
The marriage of Miss Lizzie Brennan
and James .McAndrew was solemnized
yesterday afternoon nt 5 o'clock In St.
Mary's church. John McDonald, of
Carbondale, was best man, and Miss
Julia Hopkins acted as bridesmaid.
Miss Nellie Cumin performed Mendels
sohn's wedding mnrch. After the cere
mony the wedding party drove to
Bunker HIM, where n reception was
held at the home of the bride.
Game Called 3 30 p.m. Scranlon Base Bali Park
Flint three rows rowrvotl for ladies
u ml escorts.
, 311 Luck. Ay. and Stewart's Art Store.
Photo Engraving for Circulars, Books, Cata
Iffgncs, Newspapers.
Holf-Tonoa and Lin Wcrk.
Interesting Fxliibltloii Given by lluffulo
Dill's Wild West.
Buffalo Kills' Wild West, which Is
soon to appear here, is admitted to be
tho most wonderful and Interesting ex
hibition ever given in the open air.
The sweeping charge
of the oavalry com
panies from the Unit
ed ataUs, Great Bri
tain, France, Rus
sia und Germuny, the
B queer antics of tho
jVO Indians, the Buffalo
t hunt, the rough rid
ing Indulged) lit by the Cowboys
and Houth American Gnuchos, the
wonderful display of Hliooting by
Miss Annie Oakley, -Juhnny Ba
ker, and . Colonel Cody, tho .re
production of the Battle of Little Blg
llorn, und the attack on the Deadwood
stage-couch, ure all features that have
not only won tho adinlrutloii of the
people of the United tUatcs, but of
every great city of Europe,
The entertainment Is truly an object
lesson In the history of the United
States. This season the entertainment
will he presented In new, Improved und
enlarged form. To round out tho ef
forts In thu past of Colonel Cody and
Nutu Salsbiuy, who have no long been
UKSooluted together In the manage
ment of the wild West, hua been udded
thu material experience of James A.
Bailey, now und for many years tho
acting head of Barnum's show. This
managerial trio have spared no ex
peuHu nnd neglected no opportunity for
Increasing the Interest nnd correct iichh
of tho exhibition, which will be given
hero on Saturday, May 11.
- -
(Under this handing short letters of In
terest will be published when accompa
nied, fur publication, by the writer's
name. The Tribune will not be bold re
sponsible for opinions here expressed.)
Editor of Tho Tribune.
Sir; I mm In the edition of our best
evening paper qtilto a sensational uppeal
fur Undo Sam to violently interfere with
tho collecting by England of certain
claims Hgulnst Nicaragua all this by rea
son of tho Monroe doctrine. The doctrine
aforesaid Is certainly correct In principle.
It ought to bu maintained und enforced
by any and every American administra
tion. On this point we nil agree. But on
tho other hand Is It proper and fair to
prevent a friendly power like England
from collecting claims which ore certainly
well founded, though porhapB soinewhate
excessive? Brltii-h subjects und even a
British consul, luivo been rouMhly and un
ceremoniously handled by citizens of this
petty Central American government. But
Englund never allows any such encroach
ments on the rights and dignity of her
subJentM abroad. In fact. It would be well
for us to follow the example which the
cabinet of Saint James sets us in cases of
this kind. But, alas! for a grand and
glorious nation, we are so proverbiully
lax nnd Indifferent regarding the dignity
unci nafety of our citizens uhroud that I
am not surprised to sec u morbid public
sentiment lu the United States In favor of
Nicaragua In the present cuse.
If we ure to Insist that England shall
not collect a Just in principle, then
let us guarantee thu debt to the Saint
James cabinet and run the risk of col
lecting it ourselves. In other words. If
wo are to allow all the turbulent and
troublesome citizens of the republics of
South and Central America to hide un
der tho ample wings of the American
eagle, It is our duty also to prevent un In
justice being done a great and noble na
tion from whom we have received our
best blood and whose mother-tongue is
our own. Sensationalism is neither senti
ment nor patriotism, and fairness Is the
best of policies for states us well as In
dividuals. Let us be fair with England
and then force her If need be to be fair In
her turn. That is, after she collects her
claims let our too cowardly state depart
ment Insist upon the Immediate evacua
tion of Nlcaraguun soil. Still, so sensible
and patriotic a step Is hardly to be expect
cd from a government that has attempted
to assassinate one republic nnd which
may yet permit another to be gobbled up.
Let us hope, however, for the best.
Yours truly,
Daniel B. Strong.
Pocket knives, razors and scissors at
Davldov.- Bros., -'17 Lackn. nve.
Will for tho Next Thirty Days, Give Ahso
1 Ititcly 1'reo, All Consultations, 1 xanil
nutions and Professional Services.
Rompmh-r. this Is for 80 DAYS ONLY.
Avail yourfwlvo of tins rare opportunity.
This only Applies to esses of nervuua troubles
Mining from Krrors of Youth.
Our npoginlixt III trentmeut of nil Cetsrrbkl
and Threat troubles nlno givm FIKSTTKKAX
MKNTr'UKK. Deafness positively cured.
Opposite New Hotel Jormyn, Bcranton, Pa,
Orileo: 820 Washington Avenue.
Work: NoyAug, l'u li. & W. V. It. H.
m. hTdale,
General Sales Agent, Scrunton, Pa
k - OM.'hwtM-'t Knail.b Rraa4.
Origin nl mma Only danalne A
rr, tlttftji rfrilablo. utoicu ink A
Uruk-rltt for Ckichtttrt JTmIm Vi
,mond Brand in U4 Mitt Gold BfUlHoffy
yvit$, iNileii with bl n ribbflH. Take W
Aftio other, titlit Han$erv nthitaw v
fif tiomt au imlttion. At l)rvtc"i. rtwd 4.
1 In lnnl fnr aatJ
'1lllrr for Ladlfft,Htnlr. I.t rrtara
- raaui. ii.uvu ir-uwvniais, jrciasiB rupen
llh-.r-KD.anUa.! Caw. -lad lamia tin
BoM tu til Lwfti Urufjjliu. ffkUwlaV. tm
three pigeons he has shot for practice, ho ban killed them all.
Probably there is no niun better known in the shooting world than the fa
mous Dr. W. F. Carver, who is better known as the "Evil Spirit of the
Plains." Dr. Carver hits been decorated by Emperor, Kings, Pf LBCM la tho
"C VlL . S ?l ft ITjO'fcM
Governors of Australia. Visited and presented by medals of appreciation from
Presidents of the United States, Grant and Hayes. Dr. Carver earned the title
of tho "Evil Spirit of the Plains" by being one of the greatest Indian fighters)
on the frontier. His nssoclates were ButTalo Bill, Texas Jack and Wild Biil.
It is said thnt these four gentlemen, with their trusty Winchester rifles and
mounted on their famous horses, could whip a whole band of Indians. Es
pecially for Dr. Carver were the Indians always on the lookout and of him
they were constantly In deadly fear.
Each match will be 100 birds per man and will be shot under the Amerl
con Association rules, "0-yanl rise, 50-yard boundary, and from 5 unknown
traps set in a segment of a circle 5 yards apart.
GomeMataa tiaedi a reliable, nanthlr, rcttnlatinz medicine. Only karalaaa ta4
the pureit drugs aheuld be sawi. If you wast Iha beat, get
(7V Sr. Peal's
V ThfT are prompt, aa'e ard certain In nwalt. Tba nlii (Dr. Feal'teimra'iaap.
' noiot, enlaaj wtiiirc,l.uO. Adarcsi rxJ.aUiioua Ce Uerelud, 0.
For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue anal
Spruce Street, Seranton, Pa.
Specially Adapted for Reading aiid Sewing.
Consumes threo (8) feet of gns per
hour and gives an efficiency of sixty
(00) candles.
SnvioK t least 33 J per cent, over tho
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call und See It.
Hanufacturers' Agents.
Tale raaanns Renedf euroa qutpkly and per
manently alt iKrTOiia (1lflcnioa, atwb aa Weak
Memory, f,oof Drutii Puffer, lloaclnrho, Wake
fuluena, I. oat Vitality, nlalitlr enilmlona, evil
draunia.linpotnoTanil iranUtiK ulfleuacii canned by
youthful errnrt Ar exceaaea. 1-oitutlnt no
oiilutea. la o uerve tonic nnd bliMtd bulliter.
Makes tho pale nnd poliT utronganil plump. Kiitlly
oan lmltii vest pocket. Ml pnr boxi u for VIS. by
mall prepalil wltU a written tnaranteo to euro or
money refunded. Wrlto un for free medical
knnk . mnt nnlnd In nlain wmnnt-r. which cnn.
tains teatlmonlulH and tlnanelal roft'nmccK. No
eHarce Cor cooanltntloiia. Rficorv mtfi
Uonn. PnU1 hy our ndYrlled aannu, or aOriroM
MKHVK Rl3a .. MasunloTomple.Cliloas-o.
ffl i Pit me,
v Midi.
Tho ndjol Ding' cut of Mr.
B. D. bwartz, who Is on
of tho bunt amateur wing
shots In Northeastern Penn
sylvania, shooting undar
tho rule of tho American
Association, SO yards rlM
and 60-yurd boundary.
Mr. Kwurlz shoots tbrp
matches with Dr. W. P.
Carver, champion pigeon
shot of the world.
First Match to take
place at the Bane Ball
I'urk, Wilkes.liarre.l'a.,
Thursday, April 25.
Second Mutch at ths
Scrunton Driving Park,
Seranton, l'u., Friday,
April 2i.
Third Mutch at the
Carhondulc liuso Ball
I'urk. (Jarhondalc. Pa..
V Saturday, April 27.
Ill Tho shootlne at Wilkes.
VMif Uarre and Carbonduie will
' III commence at 10 80 a. in.
IJlii and the shooting at Bcran
ton will take place at 2.39
p. in.
l)r. W. F. Carver's record
iB'J'Jout of 100, while Mr.
Hwurtz's record is 74 out of
75. Every man who Is
lover of shooting should not
mist theue three matches.
Mr. Bwartz is confident of
winning at least two out of
three. In his last thlrtr-
Pennyroyal PH2s
Moosie Powder Co
Kooms i ana z conn&ove&iui bid's,
Lafflln A Rand Powder Co."!
Orange Gun Powder
Electric nattering, FnsM for exploding-
blasts, Safety Fuse and
Repauno Chemical Co.'s HiEiplasiva
Caaeaaae ar tmc tiiwnt Mtaraai Aarmamia
Thla lfatmmfl
lNSAran m-ltl euro tun. A
Lwondcrfnl boon to mfTtrart
'froraffelda. lonThMat.
Influanva. Hroackltla,
(itUATmii. Aftrdt
remedy, conTcatent to earry
In pnekat, ready to n en Brat Indication of cold,
raallaacd Va KOcta Farnaaaat rra
rnuiraouonanarantaoraiony rarundad. rrloa
SO eta. Trial fraa nt pinalfta. Reentered mall,
Moeula. Ltl. CUSIitlf, Icj., turn ainn, Hick, 0. i. a,
irMTIfni Tho aurast and aafnat remedy fdr
ITIbill nUL. ail akladUaaaaaRraaaa. Itch. Bait
Bneumld SoraaHurna, Cuta. woadorfail rear
edy for PI LK. rrloe, tft eta. t nrn-D I afl
ajita or by malt prepaid. Aitdrc. aa above.
. For aala by Matthews Broa. and Joh
H. Phelna.
Have yon BoreThroat, Itraples, Conper-Colorad
Spote, Aches, Old Sores. Ulcers In Mouth, Hatr
(lllna7 Write Cook Remedy Co, BOT ktav
aonloTempleblcavcro,lll.orproofaof enres.
CatpltaaaaoOjOOO. ratlonuouredalneyeora