The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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WW w
- V. - !- t -
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
10,000 Dozen Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, worth 5, 8 and 10c. each,
500 Dozen Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, worth 19 and
21c. each, SPECIAL ALL WEEK, -----
500 Dozen Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, worth 25c. each,
SPECIAL ALL WEEK, .- - - - - -
1 $n
250 Dozen Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, worth 39 to 50c.
each, special all week, -
End of a
(The short aerial storls are copy
righted by Bacheiier. Johnson Bachel
ler. and ara printed In The Tribune by
(pedal arranffement. almultaneoua with
their appearance in the leading daiiy
journals of the large cities).
Jasper Noel did suit Barbara exactly,
even more perfectly than she had ever
fancied any man could. He was frank
and simple of manner and open of
speech, but had a strong will, and Bar
bara loved a strong will. Then he also
had that generosity which Is apt to ac
company the artistic temperament.
His admiration for women was of the
Idealistte sort, tenderly chivalrous and
reverential. Barbara laughed to her
self over his unworldly faith, while the
sensation of tears stung her eyes. She
saw that his worldly experience had
not been excessively broad or else tljat
he had passed along with eyes closed
to the selfishness and folly of her set.
lie painted well, surprisingly well for
a young man of such great expecta
tions, and devoted himself assiduously
to work. That also appealed to her.
"He will be groat as well as rich, and
he a so lovable, flo lovable," she ac
knowledged to herself.
She had always expected to be Inter
ested In the personality of the man she
married, but not to the extent that
Noel absorbed her. It was almost
alarming. "I think I love him; yes,
I'm sure I love him." Hhe rested her
chin on her hands and mused awhile.
Why should her heart beat so fast and
loud every time she recalled a tender
glance or a whispered word of his? He
never had made love to her as other
men, why should she blush arid palpi
tate? "Well, positively this Is the first
real -mystery I ever came across In my
life. I feel so different, so very differ
ent." She began walking the floor of her
little room with a restlessness that
would have astonished Mrs. Waring
could that lady have been a spectator.
"Yet they say that's always the way,"
nhf continued musing to herself. "One
' dmore's Aromatic Wine
;A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted . and ner
vous; are1 getting thin and all
run , down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will briug roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator' and : corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. . It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting, strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
reads about It until one Is weary and
yet one is drawo on Just the same, and
it Is always new."
The deep disquiet of her soul bewil
dered her. There were some trinkets
on her bureau and she arranged and
rearranged these, Bcannlng the effect
each time as though the result were a
matter of grave moment. But her
thoughts were all the while busy with
other things. Finally obeying an Im
pulse she put on her best walking
gown and set fort!) for Noel's studio.
She had grown very fond of the studio,
but this was the first time she had ever j
gone aione, ana sne wonaerea now
what her mother would say. But she
must see him, analyze him In the light
of this new revelation. If Hhe couldn't
"Is It true, Barbara?"
"It what true?"
"I love you, love you so: do you love
me a little? I I seem to read It in
your eyes."
"Oh, you must let me go," she
breathed, suffering an lntenser fright
over her own emotion than over the
Impropriety of the situation, Btundlng
there alonqwtth him In his studio.
"Yes, this instant, sweetheart; but
I'm coming this evening to see you."
"Yes, come," she faltered, as Hhe van
ished through the doorway and fled
' "l Think I l ove lllm."
analyze herself. She knew that It won
his working hour, so she opened the
door and walked In.
He was painting away with nil
fervor, with a dirty, heavy-mouthed
droop-eyed child before him as a model.
"Why Miss Waring, Miss Waring," he
cried, delighted. "I'm Ho glad you've
come today. I've been wishing all
morning that you could be here. I
wanted you to see this new model, Heo
what a wild, lovely tangle In her hair,
and what long yelashes she has. I
found her on the street and asked her
to come up with me. She makes u line
study In color with that yellow drapery
behind her."
llanlmra was not artistic enough 10
easily reflect his enthusiasm, yet the
plcturesqueness of the child wus not
entirely lost upon her.
"She is very good," she ngreed, ab
sently, and walked around to look at
the picture on the easel. She was
flushed and breathless from nydil
walking, and now that she stood In his
presence wished that she had not come.
"Mease go on' with your work," sho
begged after a moment. "I shall feel
sorry If you don't, and talk to mo about
your mode), Where did you find her?"
"On the street. Do sit here on this '
chair where I can see you, too, If I am
to work while you are here."
But she was too restless, uneasy over
the .boldness of 'her visit, to sit down.
She continued to walk around looking
at sketches and odds and ends of draw
ing. Noel's eyes followed all ht r move
ments and his IntertFt In his work
flagged. When' Bnrbara bow the little
model stealing softly away, somo shin
ing coins in her dirty little hund, she
felt that she too muni go.'
"Not Jut this moment," ho pleaded,
putting out his hand.
"But I only cahie In for a moment. I
have some shopping an appointment
" she stammered, blushing and con
fused. Then she looked up nt him as
they stood facing each other, t nd He
took one of her hunds between both of
his. .. .. - , .
The engagement wns publicly an
nounced In a few days. Mrs. Colonel
Waring believing In letting the world
appreciate her triumphs. She confided
the story of Noel's wealth and high con
nection to two or three gossipy friends,
and the poor princess figured largely In
the story, too. Uttle notices crept Into
the papers and Barbara was envied ns
well ns admired. Notl was too bliss
fully happy to heed anything outside of
his sweetheart and his pictures. lie
had been accepted, and so had they nt
the Hjirlng exhibition, nnd discriminat
ing critics had given them high praise.
It wus about this time that Tom War
ing returned from California. A lucky
financial deal had added considerably
to his fortune, and lie wns gay acord
Ingly; yet Ills smile grew a trifle grim
when told of Barbara's engagement.
"I thought she'd make hlin forget the
other woman, but I'm sfrald men are
faithless creatures injyway. I'm true
as anybody to ive, but not to Its per
sonification. 1 thought I had left my
take a little Carlsbad Simidcl Salt In
a glass full of water. That will set
j ii right and keep you r In lit, if you're
Inclined to be bilious or dyspeptic or
1'coplu wonder, sometime, why it
Is that the Carlsbad treatment, the
world's remedy for habitual constipa
tion, hliotild be recommended for dlar
iluca, nnd Hitch disorders, too. Sim
ply, because it lcuilu the stomach and
bowels naturally Jtito a healthy condi
tion, whatever their derancmcntS'-lt
doesn't accomplish its results by harm
ful irritation, as most pills and purga
tives do.
He ware of imitations sold as "Im
proved" or "artificial". Carlsbad Salt.
The only genuine Carlsbad Salt, with
all, the properties of Sprmlcl Spi tni;
(solidified, has the seal of the city of
Carlsbad and the signature of "Eisner
&'Mcndclson Co., Sole Agents, New
York," on every bottle. , All others are
worthless Imitations. - ' i
heart safely In New York, and now I
believe It's In Mexico. Stunning crea
ture I met down there!" But senti
mental regrets could not cloud Mr.
Warlng's satisfaction In his financial
success. He beamed upon the world
like a full-risen sun and returned
thanks for his good fortune In liberal
donations to favorite charities and a
diamond pin to Barbara.
It was two days after his return that
he received another foreign letter, and
hs? recognized James Noel's handwrit
ng before he broke the seal.
"Dear Waring: I regret exceedingly
hat I troubled you with that former
'utter about my son. He did not sail
fr America, but secretly married the
.vlilow. The bad tante of the matri
monial BlTalr still lingers bitter around
my mouth, but there's no use worrying
now, and our daughter-in-law is stay
ing with us. By the way"
Waring did not stop to turn over the
page and finish the letter. He felt his
hair rising, nnd nn ague creeping down
his back. Young Noel still abroad and
man-led? Then what of this other man
who bore his name, who had won Bnr
bara. An ndventurer? The thought
was awful.
Twenty minutes later he rushed Into
Mrs. Warlng's apartments, breathless,
turbulent, the open letter still In his
hand. The drnwlng-room was free of
visitors. Mrs. Colonel Waring irecllned
by the open fire absorbed In a bonk,
while half way down the room Barbara
sat radiant, talking with Noel. War
ing felt like sprliiKlng upon the young
vllilan for holding the girl's hand, but
restrained himself, because such a
course would be unwise as well as lack
ing In dlKtiity. Still his ntiger Incrcnsed
with every stride he took forward Into
the room. Mrs. Waring sprung nimbly
to her feet.
"flood heavens! Tom, what's the
"The devil's to pny,"he cried fierce
ly." That man is u i the Lord only
knows what," bis voice falling him, one
linger pointed at Noel.
"What is the matter?" Inquired the
young man, a I Mo rising.
"Matter, sir, matter, you osk mo the
matter? Head that mid you'll find out.
(Hi, it shows you up well," thrusting
the letter Into his hund. Mrs. Waring
looked on in disgust, districted nnd yet
firm. Noel rend the letter hastily, his
face clearing, lie remembered Waring
as he had first seen him nnd thought he
comprehended the situation.
"You are a little excited now," lie
said pleasuntly, even amusedly. "I
think you must have missed punt of this
letter. It explains the situation pretty
well, and and " ho broke Into a
hearty luugh. "I feel very much as
though 1 had stepped out of a plnk
boiind story book, lie lias mistaken
my Identity, Barbara, he has mistaken
It quite Ht't'loUHly."
' There was u twinkle In his eye, but
he noted with surprise that Hui-bnra's
face wore an expression of puroled
anxiety. Waring began rending the
letter aloud. "L'y ths way" ho read
beginning where he hud left off "my
nephew, Allen's son, writes me that ho
had settled In New York and knows
you us well oh some of your relatives.
I hope he'll bo mors successful In his
ait than hla father was In business.
Boor Allen, you must remember what a
dreamy, Impractical fellow he i wus."
Waring paused, feeling decidedly
blank. Noel's face coftencd to tender
nwa. "Poor father! Wo felt sutlsried
wlthacti other. We didn't care for the
OLoney; you would . have loved him.
Barbara." Then he looked again nt
her, "Oh, f awJon me. I did not think..
Of course I have only my art, and
three thousand a year, not much to live
upon. But I didn't realize, I didn't
i know the money might make a differ
ence to you. How blind and selfish of
me. Under the corcumstances it is more
than needless for me to explain to you
how free you are Miss Waring."
The coals dropped softly In the grate.
Between last! and disappointment Mrs.
"Kid You Think I'd Give You I'p for Such
a Consideration '!"
Colonel Waring had been Almost para
lyzed. But the attitude of her daugh
ter consoled her, and Noel's words were
like balm to her heart.
"You have nt least earned the good
will of both Barbara nd me by ap
preciating the situation so perfectly,"
she finally Bald, addressing him. "I
shall always consider you a frlttnl of
the family, one of our best friends. In
fact," her tone beginning to take on a
tlngo of effusiveness. 'Barbara Is such
a sensible girl I have never felt any
anxiety about her. This Is a severe
test but 1 am proud of you both."
No one responded to her little speech.
Twilight Boomed to turn suddenly
black, and even Mrs. Waling shivered
slightly and drew her black luce scarf
more closely about her.
'That fire In dying down; I must ring
for coal," she remarked. "I wonder
Unit Murka doesn't come In to light the
gus," oa a wavering yellow gleam wan
dered In from the street lamp. VI hope
we shall still see you when you you
feet like dropping In for a cup of tea,
Mr. Noel."
But Hat-bom apivuig to her feet as
Noel started for the door. Her fnee
crimsoned, her eyes glistened mistily.
"You don't think that nuch a trivial
consideration as money could come be
tween us, do you, Juspur? You are"
her voice was beginning to quiver and
break. "Why, you are unworthy of tny
love, almost, if that Is the way you
tuku me. You know, you must know,
that my lot lies with yours, what
ever" It was iluln that she could not Bay
any more Just then for tears, but Blie
was resting agulnst him and he stroked
her hair with the soft, tender touch
we reserve for children and people most
precious to us, holding her fust and
"I understand," he whimpered from
the depths of his content, "I under
stand." The Knd.
"How to Ciiro All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No Internal motllclno required. Curos tet
ter, ocjeina, Itch, all eruptions on the face,
hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great healing and
curative powers are possessed by no other
remedy. ' Ask your druggist for Swayne's
ointment, .
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso
ciated staff of iiiiKii! h and German
physicians, are now permanently
located nt
Old Postofflce Building, Corner Penn
Avenue and Spruce Street.
The doctor in a graduae of the I'nlver
Ity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
strntor of physiology and surgery at the
Medieo-t'htrurglral college of rhtlndel.
phla. His specialties are Chronic. Ner
vous, Sktn, Heart, Womb and Blood dis
The symptoms of which are di(tiness,lack
of conrtoence, sexual weaVnow In men
and women, ball rising In throat, spots
Hosting before the eyes, loss of memory,
unable to concentrate the mind on one
subject, easily startled when suddenly
spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which
limits them for performing tho actual du
ties of life, making happiness Impossible,
distressing the action of the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits. evil
forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel
ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as
tired In th morning as when retiring,
lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thoiiRht, depression, constipa
tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so
affected should consult us Immediately
nrd bo restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and bo oxnni
"d. He cures tho worst oases of Ner
ous Iwblllty, Scrofula, Old Sores, c.
tairh, Tiles, Pemnle Weakness. Affection-
of tho Eye, fcair, Nose and Throat,
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples of every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred
and conlldenia., Office hours daily frm
f n.m, to II p.m. Sunday, 8 to 1
lOnclose Ave i-cent stamps for symtpora
blnnks and my book called "New Life."
I will pay on thousand dollars In gold
to snyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Tost Office Building, corner l'un
venue and Spruce street.
The World Ranowned and Old Reliabl
Dr. Campbell' Great Magic Worm
Sugar and Tea a
Every bos gurmitetd to give aattsfactloa
or mousy rfunded. Pull punted direettou
from s ohlld to a grown pruu. It is purely
vugntabto and cannot positively harm the most
Under Infant. Insist on having Dr. Camp,
ball's; accept do other. At all Druggist, too.
Booth Scranton, Pa, Nov. 10, 1804.
Mr. C. W. Cnii.b(rtl-tear Sir: I hara
Blven my boy, Freddie, T years old, some of
ir. Cainpbsll'a Magic Worm Sugar and Tea,
and to my aurprlss this afternoon about 1
o'clock he pamwd tapeworm measuring
about 8fi feat In length, head and all. 1 havo
It in a bottle and any person wishing to see
It can do so by calling at my store. I had
triad numerous other Vemedlos recommended
for taking tapeworms, but all falltd. In my
estimation Dr. Ownpball't la tbe greatest
worm rumedy in exietrnce.
Yours Trv resueotf ully,
FKBD HEFFNEB, 782 Beech St
Note Tks a bore is what everybody say
after oncn alng. Maunfactnred by OL W.
Campbell.' Lancaster, Pa. Suoceaaor to Dft
Jehu Campbell Boa.
Statement March 5. 1H5. called for hy
the Comptroller of the Currency.
ri:soi RCLS.
Loans $1,436.?74.1
Overdrafts 28t).74
I'nitcd Slates bonds S0.O00.00
Other Bonds 290.555.20
Banking llonsc 2S.074.4tl
Premiums on I. S. Bonds... W43.75
Due from I . S. Ticokurcr... 7,600.00
Due from banks 263.791.1.4
Coh 15P,S7B89
Capital S20O.O00.Ort
.Surplus 2HO.O00.00
I nd nldcd Profits 72,3.'d.PO
Circulation 71.S00.00
Dividends I'npaid 520.50
Pc posits 1.63 7.214 .
Due to Banks 20,013.74
WILLI Ol CONN ELI, President.
OEO. 11. OATI.JN. Vice President.
William Connell, George II. Ontlin,
Alfred Hand. .1 nines Arclibald, Henry
Pelin, jr., William T. Smith, Luther
Special attention given to business aa
counts. Interest Paid on time deposits.
Safe-Deposit Vaults
Trust l
404 Lackawanna Ave.
exceptional facilities for the safe
keeping of Securities.
ltoxes of all sizes and prices.
Large, light and airy rooms for
the use and convenience of cus
tomers. Entrance Only Through the Bank
It Day.
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
pnxiKroxi udmudt
prodncrs the ahore results ln'80 days. It art
powerf nllf and anlrilir. Cures whsn all others fall
Young men will mala their lest manhood, so old
men will reconr thrtr youthful vujor by nelnf
KEVIVO. It qulekiy and surelf restores Nsneua
nets. Lost Vltalitr, lmpotaoer, HKUtly Kralssloos,
Lost Power, FalUnf Memory, wastioa Dlsosses.ana
sil streets at self-abuse or exessa and Indiscretion,
whlsh units ons tor study, business or marrlsa s. It
not only euros by stsrtlnf at the seat of disease, bat
is a a raat nrrf tonlo and blood builder, brine
Iri Mck the pink (low to pal cheeks and n
tortnt the Are of youth. It wards off Insanity
ud Consumption. Insist on hsvlns RBVIVO, no
other. It can be carried In vrst pockst. By aadl,
41.00 per paokaxe, or alt tor S.Oa, with posl
Mvo written f usmntee to euro or refund
ho money. Circular tree. Address
r Ml y Matthew Broa VlMflO
tcroatoa , Fa