3 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOENIKCr. APRIL 1 24, 1895. ... A I u Thoro was wwplntr and walllntr and piwisliliiK of teeth In Carbomlale yedtor Uay wlu'ii the news reached that city that Dan Shannon's Kustern leaguers of Wilkes-lJarre huii Uwried the Anthra cites ot the Statu leuKUe up into the ii Ir and let them fall down im'uln. Tin) score of Is 'the obituary of the ti'aine. , The Eastern league victory ut Wilkes liarre Is, however, offset by the defeut of Syracuse by Lancaster, of tho Stats league, In the latter city. It wasti close and exciting Ke, and was won by a score of 4-3. Syracuse led In the bat ting, but lost by costly errors. In the National league, Flttsburg won from Cincinnati and Incidentally pulled themselves Into first position with tho team they defeated. The Cleveland babies have yet to win their llrst pame. Louisville nd Chicago played like a pack of Juveniles. The National fames and percentages follow: At New York New York 0 S3000010-7 Brooklyn 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 110 Hits New York. U: Brooklyn, 17. Hi rers New York, t: Hrooklyn. 6. Uuttor le Herman and Sohrlver; Kennedy und .Mulvey. L'lnplres Meekln and Mulvey. At Hultlmore Baltimore 5 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 -lO 1'hlludelphla 1 1110004 '.'-10 lilts-lialtlmore. 18; Philadelphia. 1". Er rors Baltimore, 4: Philadelphia, li. llat tertcs Esper. Gleuson and Robinson; Weyhlnir. Smith, Clements und Buckley. Vmplres Murray and Campbell. At Washington Washington 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Postun 1 000000001 Hits Washington, 5; Boston, 8. Errors Washington. . Batteries Maul and Mc CiUlre; Wilson and Warner. Vmpire Keefe. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0 0010001 13 Plttsbunt 0 11000400 ti Hlts-Clnelnnatl. 6: Pittsburg, 10. Kr rors Cincinnati. 1: Pittsburg, 5. Batter ies Parrott and Merrltt; Hawley and Sag-d-n. 1'mpire Emslle. At Louisville Louisville 0 4 0 0 3 3 0 8 013 Chicago t 0 0 5 1 0 3 0 411 Hits Louisville, 23; Chicago, 13. Errors Louisville, 7: Chicago, 7. Batteries Luby and Cole; Grltttth and Kittrldge. Umpire McDonald. At St. Louis St. Louis 0 0 0 6 6 15 0 13 Cleveland 2 0 1 0 0 5 0 2 111 Hits St. Louis, s; Cleveland, 13. L'rrors St. Louis. 8; Cleveland, 6. Batteries Kiiret and Peitz; Cuppy and Zlmmer. L'm J.ire Betts. Standing of National League Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. TerCt. Cincinnati .... 4 3 1 '"tshiinr ..... 4', , 1 Huston S ' 2 1' '.MS Brooklyn 3 2 1 .tw; Baltimore .... 3 2 1 .I'M Chicago 4 2 2 .MO Louisville .... 4 2 2 .(iio St. Louis 4 2 2 Now York 3 1 2 .XB Philadelphia .3 1 2 .123 Washington ..3 1 2 .333 Cleveland 4 0 4 .uW Lancaster Wins from Syracuse. L.anca.-rter, Pa., April 23. The Lan caster Pennsylvania State league team and the Syracuse team, of the Eastern league, played a close game here this afternoon. Scure: Lancaster L0 0 1 0 1 1 0 04 Syracuse l 000200003 Hits Lancaster, 7: Syracuse, 8. Errors Lanaaster, 1; (Syracuse, 4. Batteries Yerkes anJ Arthur; Lothrop and Rafter. Carhondnle's Poor Oume. At the Wllkes-Barre Athletic park yesterday afternoon Marty Swift's State teaguers from Carbondale were turn down hard. Fee was batted all over the field by the Wllkes-Barre men while Betts was a puzzle to the Anthra cites. The score was 29 to 9. Wllkes Barre made 2 errors and Carbondale 6. It was a poor game throughout. LMgglns caught for Wilkes-Barre and Hess for Carbondale. DOES HE WANT HODSON? Rumors About Yesterday's Trip of Man rger Bnrnle to New York. Manager Billy Ramie was on a trip of mystery to New York yesterday. Among base ball people It was rumored that he had gone to secure Pitcher Ifodson, formerly of Scranton, who is to be released by Boston. Another rumor was to the effent that IJarnle Is about to corral a catcher who has been Bet down by a. National club. Over a week ago Manager Barnle knew that dlodson was liable to get his walking papers. At that time the Scranton manager secured whnt he considered a reliable promise from the Bostons to let him know of Hudson's rolease the moment It occurred. It ap pears that there was a hitch. Providence wants the ex-iScrariton twlrler and seems likely to secure him. Today's Game at Carbondale. A special train will leave this city at 2 p. m. today for the Carbondale iScranton base ball game at Carbon dale. Hound trip tickets. Including admission to the grounds, will be sold for 75 cents each. The train will go direct to the base ball park, Allnooka's Hall Tossers. An exceptionally strong team Is said to have been organized In Mlnooka for ticira the great SKIN CURE Instantly Relieves TORTURING Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of itching, burning, bleeding, aud scaly akin, scalp, and blood humors, and points to a speedy cure when all other remedies and the best physl. i clans fail. Cutioura Works Wonders, and Jts cures of torturing, disfiguring humor an the most wonderful on record. . ,' Sold throughout the world. Brltlth depot! Nhw. sY, i, King Edward-., London. PoTTM DattO WW V M8V ITT the coming Reason. Tho club has Just received handsome blue and white uni forms from Florey's. Following lare the names of the r'ayers: O'Nell, catcher; Hastings, pitcher; iJlskln, shortstop; Lafty, first 'baHo; Cuslck, second base; Fallon, third base; Flannery, center Held; Joyce, left field; Fhllbln, right field: Noon and MoDon ald, pitchers. An . entertainment for the bonctlt of the club will bo given May 20 In Cutlery's arcade. 1JASE HALL NOTES. Bert DuBher says ho has wagered $100 with 'resident Sodeii that New York beats out Boston. , Manager Irwin, of Philadelphia, has re leased Pitcher Mark Baldwin, und Pitts burg Is negotiating with dilm. Philadelphia papers suy that lack of teuin work seems to be the only short coming of tlio Phillies this season. Short Stop Cooney and Pitcher Htiddor ham, of Providence, are luuriilug to bat Kft-humled fur somo reason or other. U Is again rumored In Now York that John M. Ward will return to the diamond in a week or two and Inks his old position at second tor the (.Hants. According to George Munson, the former secretary of tho Browns, tho battle for tho pennant lays between the Boston, New Y'ork and Philadelphia clubs. The Chlcagos are ono of the swellest base ball aggregations on tho road. An son never takeo his men to any but the strictly llrsl-elass hotels. From all accounts. McUraw imuI Kelley have not yet inado their peace with Man ager llaulon, of tho Baltiinores. Their squabble over tho salary question was a bitter one. Fred Ely, the sensational short stop of tho Browns, seems determined to keep up his great record of lust year. He Is scoop ing them up cleaner und throwing Just us well as ever. Poor old Pete Browning Is again fondly hugging the delusion I hat It Is best for him not to sign with a minor league team. as soma National league club will surely bo alter him before long. A story comes from Chicago that Cap tain Anson has his eye on Jack Cotter, who played on llrst for Georgetown col lege lust year, and that he will give him a trial soon. Cotter Is ut present playing with Columbia college, of New York. For the Cornell-Princeton base bnll game Saturday afternoon the llrst three rows In the grand stand will be reserved for ladles and their escorts. The Cor nells have enguged rooms at the Terrace, and the Princeton team ut the Wyoming. Pitcher Hodsou.of the Bostons, who was to have Joined tho Providence Grays yes terday, would not agree to the transfer. and there was a. hitch in the deal. He was advised by other players to hang out for an outright release from the Boston club. Providence Journal. BIG PIGEON SHOOT. Br. Carver and II. I. Stvnrtz Will Be tho Contestants. The pigeon shoot between II. D. Swartz, of this city, and the famous Dr. W. F. Carver, champion pigeon shot of the world, Is attracting widespread attention. There will be three matches between t'-fso men. The first will be shot at tho isdso Ball park, Wllks-Barre, on Thurs day; second at the Base Ball park, this city, Friday, and third at Base Ball park, Carbondale, on Saturday. Tha match In this city will begin at 2.30 p. m. i Dr. Carver has a record of killing 99 out of 100 pigeons, and Mr. Swartz 74 out of 75 and the matches promise to be close and Interesting. ALL KINDS OF SPORTS. The matchmakers seem likely to get Choylnskl and Jim Hall together for twenty rounds on June 3. "Shadow" Mabcr, the new pug from Australia, simply toyed with "Alt" Han Ion, the Britisher, In the Seaside Athletic club's ring Monday night. Maber was "pulling" and did not show his real form. "Joe" Vendlg, tho matchmaker for tha Florida Athletic club, refuses to release FMzslmmons from his fight wlh Corbott, which will take place after July 1 on a, day to be decided upon, unless the Florida legislature passes a prohibitory boxing law. A special meeting of the Scranton Bi cycle club will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock to consider the advlsablllay of holding a race meeting on June 24. A date has been granted tho club In tho national olroult, which will Include Scranton, Wllkes-Barre and Carbondale. Evan Lewis, tho "Strangler," met his match In "Farmer" Burns In Chicago Monday night. The "Strangler's" usual brutal tactics availed him nothing and ha lost three of the five bouts. "Parson" Davles will back McLeod, of California, against Burns, catch-as-catch-can, for Jl.'KW. . , Between Steve Judge, of tho South Side, nd Mike Duddy, of Old Forge, formerly 6f Mlnooka, there will be a 15-round box ing match tomorrow evening nt Weber's rink, Taylor borough. The bout will be under the auspices of tho Nonparlel Ath letic club, of Taylor. Both contestants have been In active training for the past six weeks and this is an assurance that the "go" will be an interesting one. Ex-Chnmplon John L. Sullivan distin guished himself as a life saver Sunday af ternoon In his boarding house In Bos ton. A fire In the kitchen had Ignited the cook's clothing and while (the was In dan ger of being burned to death John L. wrapped a mat about her and extin guished the names. His hands wero pain fully burned and were dressed by a sur geon. The woman died eight hours later In the hospital. . Fred Foster stated recently that he ex pected to ship his horses, Including Or. Rico, from St, Louis to Shoepshoad liny today (Tuesday). Foster Is anxious to have Taral again ride Dr. .Pico In the Brooklyn. Tarnl Is likely to have an out side mount, as It will be almost Impossible for him to reduce sufficiently to ride Horn pipe. Hornpipe Is In at KG pounds, and the extreme limit of overweight would bring his Impost up to 110, TAYLMt. Miss Choice Powell, of Nantlcoke, han been visiting In this place' for a few days past. ltev. K. O. Eckman, of Scranton, pre siding elder of the Wyoming district, occupied the pulpit In the Methodist church Sunday morning. The Lord's supper wan served. Dr. J. W. Hnuser and Ttev. Father J. Loughran are In Marrieta, Pa. A fine musical programme will bo rendered in the Congregational church at their ' entertainment to be held this evening. Tho bicycle contest, which has been pending for tho pant six months, will be decided at the close of the entertainment. Mrs. John K. Johns was In Wllkes Barre yesterday. Mrs. David T. Davis Is visiting friends In Wllkes-Barre. Wouldn't (iot Off Yet. From the Amusing Journal. A recently published book on railway systems contains this new version of the old story of an aged lady's first Journey by rail. As the train was pitched down an embankment, and she crawled from The Saturday Tribune. ONE of the secrets of tha great and growing popular ity of the Saturday Tribune its originality. Unlike the special editions of many other papers, it is not made up largely If not exclusively, of stereotyped features widely syndicated for simultaneous publication. On the contrary, tho bulk of the special matter presented In The Saturday Tribune Is prepared rspeclully for this paper. That Tho Saturday Trlbtmo la satis factorily filling Its Held Is sub stantially manifested by u steadily growing constituency. No other paper ever printed In the history of Scranton Journal ism has achieved a fuller meas ure of success than The Satur day Tribune. The Saturday Tribune Is es sentially Scruntun's Fuvorlte Newspaper. BASE BALL AND OTHER SPORTS. ALL the yeur round The Trlb tmo Is In advunce in cover ing events or note in the sporting world. But with the opening of the base ball Benson It will, as heretofore, give addi tional attention to this depart ment. Base ball lovers will find the games covered more fully from day to day In The Tribune than they are covered by any other pnper printed or sold in Scranton. This paper is the recognized authority In Scran ton on base bull and other sports and arrangements have been made that will insure fuller and better reports than ever before. Patrons of the national game will find In The Tribune every day In the week Just what they want In the way of detailed re ports, which will be supplement ed each Saturday with a page of the freshest and most readable sporting news and gossip. Due attention will also be given to all other out-door pastimes. beneath the wreckage, she asked a pas senger, "Is this Stamford?" "No, mad nme," replied the man, who was pinned down by a piece of timber, "this is not Stamford; this Is a catastrophe." "Oh!" cried tho ludy. "Then I hadn't oughter got off here." Kliemuntlsra Cared In a Day. "MYSTIC CURIO" for Bheumatlsm and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remark able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The llrst dose greatly bene fits. To cents. So d by Carl Lorenz, Drug gist, 413 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Peanuts cost Americans $10,000,000 an nually. American men pay $300,000,000 anually for hats. A fender fautory will be established at Elwood, 111. Americans used 60,090,02) pounds of oleo margarine last year. The onglne of an express train consumes twelve gallons ot water for each mile traveled. In some new shops Just erected by the Wcstlnghouse people at Brlnton, Pa., nil the machinery ils to be driven by electric ity. Sir Bobert Ball, astronomer royal for Ireland, foresees a tlmo when machinery will bo driven by heat from the direct ac tion of the sun. Railroad discrimination in favor of east ern manufacturers has reduced tho output of paper on the Pacific coast CO per cent, within the last few years. The Berlin Streetcar company paid J2f0, 000 Into tho treasury of the city for the privilege of crossing tho principal .ve nue, Unter dor Linden, at ono point. Fifty years ago a horse power cost six or seven pounds of coal an hour. Today a good compound englno will produce a horse-power at one and one-half pounds of coal an hour. Waiter power costs nearly as much now as then. In France a very good gas Is made from the fatty material contained In tho soap suds nftor washing wools and yarns. The wash-water of a woolen mill with 21), 000 spindles will annually yield enough of this substance to produce 1,100,000 feet of gas. (in the Belgian stato railways fares are lower than anywhere else In Muropo. Re cently the Belgian government has made a fresh concession. For $5 the traveler can obtain a ticket available for one per son to travel over the entire system for a fortnight. For second-class the charge Is about half as much again, and for first class about double. The -"f elegrnphers of Nebraska are the authors of a bill recently Introduced in the state legislature, the object of which Is to keep "students" out of telegrnph of fices. The language of the bill does not disclose this fact, but declares It to be a measure for public safety, alleging that 90 per cent, of the train wrecks through tele graphic .Teasons are from the Incom petence of boys who are willing to attempt to perform the duties of the regular opera tor without puy for the sake of the prac tice. In a recent speech, Governor McKlnley, of Ohio, spoke as follows: "Bo you know the amount of wages paid to tho labor of this country In 1S90? The stupendous sum of Jl.i21,170,ir,l, or $391,914,000 to each working day; or $391,400 for every working hour of every working day In that busy year. As showing the advance of our manufactures wo had exactly 910,000 mora persons employed In the year 1890 than UM), and more In 1892 thun In either period; and the aggregate of wages of 1890 was more than double the amount paid In 18X0. The value of tho product of our manu factures in 1890 was more- than 100 per cent, greater than those of the 1880. The Internal commerce of the United States during 1890 was exceedingly gratifying, and gives ub somo conception of our won deful business activity. The coastwise trade of tha Great Lakes In that year ag gregated 28,29!,9&9 tons. On our three WEAK HEN TOUR ITTERTIOH IS CALLSO TO CMS mw wMyy (ireat English Ktnrady. O fcf Gray's Specific Medicine Kar roos Da- BlltT, WeskntMof Body and Mind, (Sperm -torrnes, and Impotency, and all diseases that ansa uom orer-lnauigenoe ana seir-aDaae. as lxes oi Memory ana rower, uimn of Via- ion. Premature Old Age and many other dia r "of that lead to in .utanlty or Consumption and an early gran V tMVA. W write for a Addreea GRAY MEDIOINH CO., Buffalo, K. Y. Tha spwlflo lledlctns Is aold by all dtugrlaUat $1 per package,, or six paokaea for V, or aent by mail on receipt of money, and with avery J4.W order WE GUAHHTEE core or money refunded. yajuykAU4iJa BrOn account of eonnterfelta we hura adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tba only gtBO to Sold la fcrutoD by Utttaiirt Bros. rivers the Mississippi, the Missouri' and the Ohio and their tributaries for tha sume.year the freight aggregated 29,405, 040 tons; while through the Detroit river alone there wero carried 21,684,000 tons. The tonnage of London and Liverpool combined, during 1890, entered and cleared for the foreign trade, was 24,422,110$ tons; or was only 1,000,000 tons greater than that which passed through the Detroit river alone, our railroads In 1891 curried an Aggregate trattlo of 704,898,009 tons of freight. The railroads of the whole of L'urouo In 1890 carried but 760,000,000 tons of freight. What lessons of progress those figures proclaim 1" STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, April 23. On transactions of 1102,000 shares the usually active stocks closed with net gains ranging from 14 to 1J4 per cent. There were heavy realizations throughout the day, but the stocks offered were readily ab sorbed, end In the main speeulation closed strong und confident. London bought 30,000 shurea. Local bears pro fessed to be disappointed at the failure of the presidents of the anthracite coal companies to urrlve at an agreement, and they endeavored to bring about a reaction, but the decline was Inslgnlll cant. In the afternoon the old stories of a settlement of the dllllcultles of the companies wore revived and the stocks, notably Heading:, responded. In the luto trading the grangers were particu larly prominent. The rangeof today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of tho New York stock mar ket sin given below. The quotations ure furnished The Tribune by O. du U. 111m mlck, munager for William Linn. Allen & Co., Htock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Dcrumou. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. 1 ii if . Am. Tobacco Co VJft Wit IW)4 99 Am. Cot. Oil Uti4 28 28 28 Am. Suijar lte'g Co.10.VJi 1(M' lnf.54 100 Atch., To. & S. Fe... tilt Can. South 12 034 r.24 M'4 Ches. & Ohio 19 V4 u '9V, Chicago Uus W 74 73',i 73' Ohio, ft N. W 97 98H W 9s4 Chic, B. ft Q 74"4 74'i V4V4 7474 C. C. C. ft St. L 41 4F4 41 4174 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 6li 01! 01 62 Chic. It, I. ft p m 0714 6iiH 7'j nuiuware Jtuu 12W 130'i vzh VMYj V., L. ft W Ull'4 102 uuvi W. Ulst. ft C. F 16 10 IMi 1B'4 Gen. Klcctriu.... H'iVi 3374 23',b 3314 Lake Shore '. 141 lll'i 141 141V4 ijouih. s isasn R)'fc fisi no Manhattan Klo 117 11874 117 11874 Mich. Central H'JVi lo louV4 WW Mo. Pacific 2.1 27 2! 2B'-i Nat. Cordage 6 6 K Nat. Irf.-ad 33'4 34 S3'4j 34 N. J. Central M 97 9.'.',a 97 N. Y. Central 99(4 VMi 99H !i9'4 N. Y. ft N. K 40 mi 39 3974 N. Y L. K. ft W 114 12'4 114 KVt N. Y., 8. ft W 13 13'4 12i 13'4 N. Y.. S. ft W., Pr... 3Ut4 37' 36'4 37' i Nor. Pacific 44 4 4:H 4"4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 19 20V4 19'4 20 Ont. ft West 17 17 17'4 W, Phil. & Read !, ie 16',; lot. Southern R. R 12 12U htZ yi,. Tenn.. C. ft 1 i"i4 si si !!. Tex. Paclllo iw 1014 mvi Wabash 7 714 7 71,4 Wabash, Pr iu4 184 lfi ppx West. Union 89 89'.J 8xi 89 B. & O n"4 CH74 IW74 fitJTC B. B. a 17 184 17 17'j CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. O'pn- Hixh- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. lug. May (Sou riiti, nftii rM July ttl',4 62 60 September 61,4 62'i 61" 61'4 OATS. May 2Mi 28"! !8i nu. July ,4 2 28 2" September 2014 2U'4 20 20l4 Cili ' CORN. May July 8eptemler . LARD. May July September PORK. 47 47 4Til iH'i 4.W., 47 il 49',4 494 45!4 48-;4 . 0.93 6.97 6.92 6.92 . 7.10 7.10 7.07 7.07 . 7.25 7.25 7.22 7.22 May 12.27 12.40 12.27 12.3T. July 12.M 1170 12.S3 12.70 September 1 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.90 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange lotions. No. Par She. Val. STOCKS. Bid. 20 GO Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 62 50 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 600 20 Iihj tireen R'ge Lum'r Co .... loo WO Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 10 100 Scra'n Savings Bank. 200 10 1(0 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co C loO Scranton Forging Co 100 25 1'H) Third Nnt'l Bank.... 3S0 5 100 Nat'l Boring ft Drill ing Co.. Pr , 45 loO Thuron Coal Land Co .... 3 luO Scranton Bedding Co .... 4 li Scranton Axle Works .... 10 1(10 Scranton Olnss Co 2 100 Scranton Jar ft Stop per Co 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co CO 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad f.0 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 25 100 Bonta Glass Co DO 100 Spring Brook Water Cu 20 10 Lacka. Store Asso ciation, Limited 30 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... BONDS. 80 1000 Scrapton Trae. Co 2 500 Bcon'y teim Heat I'owcr Co 8 100 Madison Avenue 1m- provement 6 COO Scranton Oless Co Quo Ask. "iio 150 "co P0 90 lOIMi 80 70 35 100 F0 320 10 SO 11 lu5 m 500 105 too New York Produce Market. New York. April 23. Flour Quiet, Arm. Wheat Dull, firm; No. 2 red store and ele vator, 64',ta(i4iC.; afloat, 65?ic; f. o. b., 65alWHc; ungraded red, OUaWtc; options steady, lower; No. 2 red May, 4'4c. ; Juno, OI'Sc. ; July, liac; August, 66c; September, IIMio.; October, titlc; December, 67T4c Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, 64c. elevator; SS'ic alloat: steamer mixed, S2nr3c; no tions wereidnll and weak and lower; Miiy, 62c; July, 52Vic; September, 53c Oats Quiet, easier; options dull, weaker; April and Mny, 8274c j July, 33'(,c; spot prices, No. 2, 32t4a324e.; No. 2 white, 3Ha37c.; No. 2 Chicago, aSiiaSltc; No. 8, Sic; No. 3 white, 3liVic; mixed Western, 33,,4a34c,; white state and western, 3tln40Vsc Provis ions Firm and unchanged. Lard Rasy, quiet; Butter Quiet, steady; state dairy, 8al8c; do. creamery, new, 20c; western dairy, 8al3t4c; do. creamery, new, 2u20c.; do. old. 9al5c; do. factory, 7allc.; Klglns, 2(lc.; imitation creamery, 9al5c Cheese Kssy, unchanged. Kggs Firmer; state and Pennsylvania, 133ial4c; western fresh, l:74al3c; southern, 124al3l4c.; duck, 19a 23c; goose, 80u35c. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., April 23. Wheat Receipts, 7,377 bushels: shipments, 221,500 bushels; cash, 62c; Mny, KiH'C ; July and August, 62V4c; September, 6374,0. Corn Receipts, 9,820 bushels; shipments, 23,000 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed cash, 4794c; July, 49c Oats Receipts and shipments, noun; nothing doing. Clover Seed Receipts, 600 bags; shipments, 443 bags; market firm; cash, $5.90; October, $7.05. Buffalo Cattle Market. Buffalo, April 23. Cattle Receipts, 120 head; on sale 20 head; market steady; good fat heavy steers, $5.50a5.8ri; old to fair cows, $2.50a3.25; veals, good, $3.8508.85; choice to extra, $4a4.50. Hogs Receipts, 4,0(10 hoad; on sale, 2,000 head; market steady; Yorkers, good to choice, $5.1lia 8.1774; good mixed, $5.M; mediums, $5.'0a 5.1; prime, $5.25a5.30; pigs, $5.10o5.15; roughs, $4.25a4.60; stags, $3.C0a.4. Sheep nml Lambs-'Recelpts, 400 head; on sale, 2,300 head; market Arm; good fat state wool lambs, $590; western, $5.50a5.6O; clipped Inmbs, culls to good, $3.60a5; wool sheep, good to choice, $4a4.50; heay, dull, $4.2oa 4.50; clipped sheop, $3.25a4.25; heavy ex port wool wethers, $4.50. Chicago Cattle Market. Chloago. April iS.-Cattle-Hecelpts, 8.500 neuu; niarKHi nrm; oommon to extra steers, $4a6.20: stockers and feeders, $2.oa 4.85: oow and bulls. $1.75a6; calves. 12.5005: Texans, $3.25a6.25. Hogs Receipts, 17,000 head; marxet wean; neavy packing and shipping lots, $4,75afi.lO; common to choice mixed, $4.60a5; choice assorted, $4.70a4.85; light, $4.55o4.90j pigs, $3.504.60. Sheep Re ceipts, 12,000 head; market weak; Infe rior to choice, $2.50a4.6O lambs, $3.755.75. "My husband .had two cancers taktn from his face, and another was coming on his lip. 'He took two bottles Of Burdock Blood Bitters and it disappeared, . He la completely weir. " Mrs;. Wm. Klrby, Akron, Erie, Co., N. Y. . c onnolly &, Wallace CONTINUATION OF THE Additional Stock Received Today. Good News for the Hen Folks. 00 dozen Men's Fine Sateon Night Bulrts, At $1, Former Price $2 75 dozeu Men'B Fine Muslin Nlftht Bhlrts, handsomely Unshod, mild everywhere at $1.00. Siilu I'rlcc BOc. 150 doon Men's Half Homo in tans, greys, and assorted stripes, regular 23c. goods, atjiidt halC i I'aliH for2.Sc. A great quantity of Men's Folded Tubulur Neckties, washable goods, gouts' furuiHliing sloro price 'I'm. Our I'rlcc, :J for 25c. DRESS GOODS, ETC. One ease of Bilk and Wool Mixtures, 40 Inches wide, former wholesale price HOts. Our Sale I'rlcc 25c. You cunnot ulVord to iiiIsm the opportunity that this ureal Kale oilers you, to buy Dry Goods cheaper than you ever did in the past und which the future will never nee duplicated. CONNOLLY WALLACa 20PashcS0flotenue' CARPETS CLEANED, FEATHERS RENOVATED, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, BED SPRINGS UCWe don't ask you satisfied with our work. A WORD. WANTS OP A LI, KINDS POST THAT Ml'CH. WHEN 1'AID KOR. IN AD VANl'K. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IH MA UK, NO CIlAKCiE WILL 1113 L1SS3 THAN 25 CKNTS. THIS HULK A I' I'LIKS TO SMALL WANT AUS, EX I' KPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AR10 INSERTKU KHEE. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED - A P1RBT-CLAS8 PAPER V V lianser: one who uud'rs'and But work; none other nwd apply. HAlthiB HE1BEKT, l'JO Teuth trset. 1 J AK BEB WANT K U- AT L. A. w EIIER'8 li barber tihop. 111 Wyoming avenue; only ilrst-chu mtanwil tpply. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN f every town to polii it stork Bubscrip tlons; a monopoly: bis money for agents; no CHpitul required. LDWAKD 0. FISH CO., Borden 15JOCK, uiuoreo. hi. UALE8MEN KKSIDENT SALESMEN D wanted, acouulnteit with tho local Mid nearby druif and proory trade, to hnndle our liuu of hiiih Krude clears. Address, litvlnR references, J. EDWAllD CuWLES A Co., 11J Chamber utreot, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. w ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO F.NER- irotlo aaleswomen to represent us. Quaranteod $U a day without intc-rferiuK with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars. Inclosing stamp, Jlanaro Chron ical Company. No. 7'i John street. New York. For Rent. TWRNISHED HOUSE TO RENT EIliHT V rooms; modern Improvements. 1102 Green llidge street, corner Wyoming. TOR RENT 7 KOOM HOUSE. NO. 68 i Foroat street, between Dickson works and Erio depot. Inmiireof MONROE BROWN, BnUJsHead rfrwo LARUE, WKLlTXiGHTED ROOMS, J. for rent on second floor, ltl Lackawanna avenue. Inquire In store of Boyle & Muck- lOW, 4IU LaCHBWUlllW MVOUUU. IOR RENT-TWO STORKS, DWELLING ' honaes and barn at 314 and 310 Cedar ave. Inqniro at Davldow Hros. tf!7 Lacka. avenue. 1"BlTENT A lWILDINO ON FRANKLIN 1 avenue, suitable lor butiness. Address P. O. Box UK tTOR RENT THE PHOTOUHAFH OAL r lery formerly occupied by C. L. Orlltln, inoludina rooms for housekeeping. 1IW Wyo uiini: avenue. fllAS. SlHLAOElt OR RENT A LARUE, 4-STORY 11U1LD- 1 io at I IB Franklin avenue; suitnble for wholesale business. CARSON & DAVIES, Scranton. 1OII RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR ? nlhrd rooms at. VIS Lackawanna avemio. T,-OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST V Lnckawanna avenue. Adilrraw THOMAS K, EVA MS, aear UltS Luserue, Hydo Park. TOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL V auitttblo for lodgo looms. JOHN JER MYN, 111) Wyoming ovonue. For Sale. 1OR BALE FIRST-CLASS PACING them. W. M. JEHMYN. Pricebnry. Pa. 1OR SALE A BUTTER OR MEAT " cooler 7x5t4i feet and two sprlnit wairons. JOS. A. MEARS. Real Eatate. SM. NASU. REAL ESTATE KXCHANOE, . 42S Spruce street. Place property with me to sell at moderate orice; 1 take buyers on the ground and sell if there Is any buy In the crowd, I have an elogant dwelling to rent or sell at Uresn Ridge; to sell, $iU,000; rent at f40 per month. UARMr0ACm'fi-S mii7ffromf.l M 1 burst: 1 nillo from jwHtolllon; school noar. Address V. W. OORMAN, alowow.Pa. CMALL FARM WANTED WE HAVE O the names of several persons who want to buy small farms near Scranton. We exchange city property for country. COMEOY8 A FRANZ' House on Credit. nOUSEB RUILT ON CREDIT. AD drees lock box SIB, Scranton. Charter Applications. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT AN application will be made to tba Court of Common Plena of Lankawsnna county, on Monday, the mh day of. April at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, uuiler the Act of Aiasmbly en titled "An act to provldo for the incorporation and regulation of certain oorporatlona." ap proved April 2Vth, 1874, and tho supplement! tlloreto, by John JlatUHhnk, Andrew Oodvin, Thomas lilchl, Oeorge Dnvln and John Bo ros for a chartor ot au intended corinration to be called the "Slavonic Evangelical Luther an Church, of Winton Borough, Pennsylva nia," the cliarnot r and objoct ot which la tha maintenance of a church forth support of public worship of Almighty Ooi, according to the doctrines, discipline and government of the Slavonic Lutheran Church, and for tliia furpesj to have, (un'iis and enjoy all tha ighta, beneflts and prlvllegw conferred by the Act of Assembly nforeaaid and Its supple ments. Said chartor is filed to No. 1314 Hay term, UBu, in said court. ' H. U REYNOLDS, Solicitor. . Oil Market. Plttsburff,' April 23. Oil opened and low est, Sill; hltfhcHt, 218; closed, 210, here anit at Oil City. A lot of colored China Eilks, aold all over Scranton at 800, Our Sale Price 19c. 12 different tdiadeg of new Opera Bilks, never sold under GOu. Go During the Sule at 31c. SOME GREAT NOTION FLYERS 1,000 boxex Crescent Black Mourning I'lus, price all over 10c Our Sale Price c. a Box: 6,000 boxes Invisible Hair Pins, 60 to box. Ucduced from 10c. to 3c. Jet Collars und Ornaments, a lot of Jull'iuy's samples, are in good con dition, at Less '1 hurt Ilulf Price. 000 dosstm Men's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Jafi'ray's price 25c. Our Sale Price lOc. Each. REPAIRED, Etc. to pay us for Cleaning your BMflTI! BEDIM Igents Wanted. UENTS WANTEU-SJ2UTO 63U PER UAY iV easily mr.du in any locality. We furniab a lino of samples free und allow M percent. cointuiSHiijn fr eelling. ' Particulars free, or Wh will mull a sample of our goodn in st rling S'iver upon receipt ot ten centK iu sumps. STANDARD blLVEHWARE CO.. Boston, MiHS. "A OENTS MARK 10 DAILY SELLiNO AL J V umlnura iioveltleu; new procew silver war; tar K"oda; bj line, the n-w, wonder ful metal; delivered free: sample in velvet lined nine. 10-; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., iili Broadway, New York. tiENT83ilNDEB"'"i'ATEKT CsTvEhV sal Hulr Curlers and Wavers (until witu out lieatj, and "I'yr Polnted"Huir Pins. Lib eral commiKMions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 45(5. New York. U 'fAXfij)T ACTIVE " SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Snlarv, S75 per munth and oxjienses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Bjx, !Mi, Boston, Masa Special Notices, LARGE 8TOCK OF OOLD WATCHES at reduced prices. We have got a big stock, too big in fact, of watcTu-s, good watches, which we are willing to aril et very c.oee figures, bareiy cost, to reduce, at Mer cereaa a Conneirs. VOT1CE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1. I ll wll make a monthly tour of the follow Inir places giving free opon air advertising ex hibiiions wi.h the Rteroopticon: Tayiorvilln, Hydo Hark, Providene. Dickson Dlynhant, lVckville. Arclibald, Jermyn. Exhibitions givoi on W'edncs.iay and Friday of each wcelv during tho month, th ratoa for adver Usng are 1U per month. Adireu E. li. Tribuno ollice, city. 4qHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Picturt-s.show-Ing the fotons in actuxl battle, sketched on tha apot. Two volumes, 2,0tiU pictures. Sold on easy tnoiithlv payment". Delivered by ex- Preas complete, nil claries prepaid. Address . O. MOODY, &2 Adsms Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAG A zines, etc., bound or rebound at Thi THinL'NB ollics. uick work. Reasonable pri-c. Lost. IOST-AN INSURANCE POLICY IN THE J eatate of George Seal. The finder will be suitnbly lewarded by returning the same to Mrs. Margaret Seal, KeVHCr avenue, or to W. Oarlnr.l Thomas, attorney. Republican Bnild- ing, Scranton,, Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED KO R WASHING; 0 wasliiups taken home, also. Call or art dress U R, HM N. Sumner avonue, Hyde Park. f ANTED-. sTrUAT ION AS'FIREM ANT ' ty a good, steady man. Address F., 315 Birch airect, city, YOUNG LAD Y I'ESl : RESAPOSlf ION as assistant bookkeeper, copyist or work on a typewriter; writes a neat, quick hand. Address 1 ock Box 14 Scranton, Pa. GlRirifl YEAR80F OFAU E,"" W 1SU ESA place to asaiKt with housework or take care of child Address 1018 W. Lackawanna avenue, Hyde Park. WANTED POSITION - YOUNO LADY 1 lady would like position as steno grapher and typewriter. Has had experi ence. Can furnish reference. Competent party. Address T. C, 1142 Aoadelny street, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady as typewriter or business corre spondent. Thoroughly understands book keeping, quick ami accurate nt figures, writes a splendid business baud. Address "Compe tent," care Tribune nftiee. DRESSMAKER WANTS POSITION AS eoamtrcwH; no objection to other light duties, or work by tho day with dressmaker; Al reference, if necessary. Address or call 8. N. NICIiOLLS, 11KS. Relwcca avenue. b"iTUXTl6NWANTED-BY A YOITNG t) married man at driving delivery wagon; willing to work: has had experience with horses. Address C. W. Q., Tribune offlca, Y0V N U M AN"nV ITH OODR E FE REN CES wants position totaka care ot hocaes or any other kind of work. Address FRANK BOYCE, 15iU Diokson avenue, Scranton, Pa. 1ADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IN HO J tol as siierlntending; Is generally expo, rionced, and exceptional reforenc. Address BUS1N EhS, care Tribune ouV. W--NTED-A TOSITION BY A YOUNG M married man at any kind nt work by which I can make allying. Address F. D. B Box 171, Dunmore, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians und Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 816 Bpruco street, Serunton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) VH. A. J. CONNELlT-OFFICE 201 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Fruncke'a drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine -t. Otlloa hours: 10.30 to 12 a. ni. and 2 to 4. and 6.30 to 7.3d p. m. Sun day, 2 to 8 p. in. iTr. W. B. ALLBN,-o13 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FRKY, PRACTICES LIMITED illaeaeea of the Eye, Kur, Nose and Throitt: ottlce, 122 Wyoming avo. Real, dunce, K29 Vine street. DR. U U. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Otllue houra. 8 to 9 a. m., 1..10 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence SOD Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENT., M. D., OFFICES 63 and 53 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.j office hours, 10 to 12. to 4, 7 to 8; Sundaya, 2.20 to 4, evenings at roeldence. A apeclalty made, of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE.; 1 to 8 P. M.j call 20U2. DIs. of women, obstretrlce and and all dis. of chll. t LINENS AND DOMESTICS Linen Sideboard Covers, In 64 and 72-inch lengths, hemstitched and azuro work, in fact the fluent goods that money can produce : $ .25, Reduced from $ .73 .50, 1.00 .75, 1.50 .79, " 1.50 1.00, " " 1.75 This is a great opportunity on Linens Truy Cloths in Hemstitched and Azure Work, at 39c .and 05c, easily worth double. 3 FOR CLEANING Brussels & Ingiain Carpets Carpels unless you are perfectly M. 2 and 604 LacL m, Corner Adams. Lawyers. JESSUPS 4 HAND, ATTORNEYB AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JES3UP, HORACE K. HAND, W. hi. J ESS UP. JR. WILLAKU WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornuya und Couniieiloni at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Euranton, Pa. PaTte'rsON & WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; ofllct-s t and Libraiv buildln); , Scranton, Pa. . UotfWKLL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. alkri:d hand, william j. hand. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealih building. Rooms 1, 20 and 21. W. F. HOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. IB and 2u, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORN EY-AT-Law. Room i. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law. rooms C2, A and 05, Common wealth building. BAMriiLW. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. 3:7 Spruce ft., Scranton, Pa, L. A. YVATKES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Iacknwana ave., Scranton, Pa. VRIE TOWN SEND, ATTORNEY AT Law. Liime Rank Building, Scranton'. Money to loan In large sums at & pee Cellt. v. ... im.nr,a, AUUtUM-AI law, uommonwealth building, Scran ton, ru. C.jCOilEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. t. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY L0AN3 negotiated on real estate security. 40S . Spruce atreet. n. F. K1LLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - 120 Wyoming ave.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 40 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. I3S WYOMINQ AVE. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boya and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, ' WALTER H. BITELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adame avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next terra will open April & Dentist. DR. WILLI A 5TAT 'AFT SPECIALTY? In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapln. Office, S2 North. Washington avenue. C. C. LAt RACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFF1CB COAL Ex change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Ixian Association will loan you money, on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank; building. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KL'ETTEL. B15 LACKAWANNA avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ot Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. Q. 8CHSNCK, Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, 13.50 per day and upward. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. B. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. I SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the) Europoan plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON 8TORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 26 and 26, Commonwsaltn building, Bcranion E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of BOS Washington avenue. Le wi'sli ancock."" J rTarchitect. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scrantoiu BROWN MORRIS, ARCPIlTalC'J rnw wmw.ii.hi . - m - craaiou. - Seeds. O. R. CLARK, at JU., Be;riLBaiE. Nurserynion; store no vaaniiiitiwii nue; green house, 1850 North Main' ave nue ; store telephoe 782. ( Miscellaneous. I BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wgd diturs and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming; avenue, over Hulberta muslo store. iU I . V i vj, i j ii i.v i .iu i.u, . ..... - - supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. ' FRANK P. BROWN ft CO;. WHOLE aale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna aye.;; THI1MAH AttRRKV. EXPERT . AC countant and auditor. Rooms It and 80. Williams Building, oppoaHe postofflceT Agent for tho Rex Fire Exunguisnsr. L'S.