THE SCBANTOl nffiBUNB-FEIDAT T 3fOHNHT, APBIL 19; 189ff; CAUTION Johann Iloff has a suit pending against Tarrant It Co., to enjoin them from using the words " Hoff Malt Extract "on thelrlabels. 1 . ' Beware of imitations. Beware of Imitations. The Johann Hotl's Malt txtract na this signature Z3f f'-jsffl&Jff, wii ncm ituci. coach ut nicnucL3un oie Agents, New lorK. TALES Of TWO P1TTST0NS News of Interest to Headers Up and Down the Valley NEW CITY I31UDIXG DESIRED Lack tt Propcf Railroad Stations Is Menace to ttas Welfare of the West SUo-klllcd by a Fall of KodIc Special to tta Socanten Tribune. Pitt-ten, April 13. On of the first questions to come before the new coun cils -will be that of a more comodluus building, tn which to transact the muni cipal affairs of our new city. A very convenient location to erect euch a building would b on the unoccupied epaoe JrtJthe rear of the Miners' Savings bank. It would not only aid In beauti fying that portion of the city but would have a tendency to draw business tu a central portion of the city, and increase the value of property in that vicinity. A new city hall will further the inter ests of a greater Pittstoru School Board Business. ' The school board met at Butler Hill school house this evening. Members present were Eagen, Lynett, Langan, MoCormlck, Abbott, Miles, Bryden and Brennan. In the absence of the regu lar chairman Mr. Bryden presided. The taxes of William Duffy, John Sheridan and Leonard Jackson were exonerated. The contraot for the heating and closets for No. 6 school was awarded to Gor man & English, with instructions to place the Smead-Wills apparatus in the building. The board also decided to place new desks in the rooms in charge of Miss Barrett and Miss Blewitt. . Select Connctl Meets. The select council met this evening and approved of the action of the com mon branch in reference to city officials with the exception of city clerk. The common council fixed the time of city clerk at three years and the select branch is in favor of a term of one year. A committee was appointed to confer with the common council upon the subject as follows: Bohan, Thomp son and Clifford. New ordinances creating: the office of street commis sioner and e. board of health were In troduced. The council then adjourned to meet two weeks hence. Other Items of Interest. M. 3. Carney, the tonsorta! artist, was a visitor et Wllkes-Barre this afternoon. J. P. Delahaunty has received an order for another of his Rawstate dying machines. This is the eijrhth machine h,t has been shipped to Georgia with in a month. Ona of the greatest advantages to West Pittston will be the consolidation of the 'West Pittston and Susquehanna stations of the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western railroad, the new station to be located on Luzerne avenue. The present location of stations is a great menace to business on the West Side. The Hookies' new. street sprinkler will nrrive tomorrow. John Glendenlnnen was killed at No. t shaft of the Pennsylvania Coal com pany this morning. He was caught by a fall of black rock. He leaves a wife and four children. The advance sale for the entertain ment given by thme Lyrlo club for the benefit of the hospital was closed at 6 'dock. Every sent was taken long he fore that hour. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. At New York Now York..,- .0 00-202 4 Brooklyn -...2 010003 1-7 Hits New York, 7; Brooklyn, 13. Errors New York, 2; Brooklyn, 2. Batteries Rusle and Farrell; Kennedy And Orlm. Umpire Lynch. Called on account of darkness. At Baltimore Baltimore 0 01600000-ft Philadelphia. 0 0000002&-7 Hits Baltimore, 9; Philadelphia, 10. Kr rors Baltimore, 1; Philadelphia, 2. Bat teries Esper and Robinson; Taylor and Clements. Umpires Murray and Camp bell. At Louisville Louisville 1 0 0 0 2 8 2 0 0-11 Pittsburg 0 100Q10002 lilts Louisville, 8; Pittsburg, 8. Errors Louisville, 3; Pittsburg, 8. Batteries Inks and Welch; Klllen, Hart and Kins low. Umpire McDonald. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 1 0 1 8 0 1 4 0 -10 Cleveland .., 1 00008 13 0-8 Hits Cincinnati, 3; Cleveland, 13. ' Er rors Cincinnati, 3; Cleveland, 4. Batter ies Dwyer, Parrott and Merritt; Sullivan and Zlmmcr. Umpire Emslio, At St. Louis. Bt. Louis 0 011003027 Chicago 1 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 810 Hits St. Louis, 10; Chicago, 12. Errors-i Bt. Louis, 2; Chicago, 4. Butteries Brelt ensteln and Pelts; Griffith end Klttrldge. Umpire Betts. Sailors In Demand. Lack of trained sailors for the navy Is seriously felt in the United States, where only two-thirds of a crew hns been ob . talned for the swift cruiser Minneapolis, Just placed in commission. . ' y Test for Expert Noses A drug firm at Excelsior Springs, Mo., Will award a prize of ISO to the members of the Mdsslsslppl Valley Pharmaceutical associations who identifies the largest umber of drugs by the smell! Ask for the gennine JOHANN HOFfS Halt Extract. Mayor Hopkins 5 AYS: Mayor's Office, ) Chicago. $ THE genuine Johann Hoffs Malt is the best tonic I have ever used, and as such I can cheerfully recom mend it. genuine U'f A PURTURKKD HOUSEHOLD. From the Chlcaito Record. CHAPTER I. It was but a few minutes after break fast when Mrs. Belton told Mr. Button that he would have to send for a lock smith, because the lock ou the library door was broken. You'd better go for him right away," said Mrs. Belton. But Mr. Bolton was a "handy man about the house." "Nonsense," he eald. "The idea of giving up half a dollur to some uppren tice when you can do the work your self in live minutes." CHAPTER II. It was 11 o'clock when Mr. Belton, kneeling before the library door with a kit of tools scattered around him, ordered his son to go to the hardware store and buy a new screwdriver. "What's the matter?" inquired Mrs, Belton. "Can's you get at the lock?" "Of course I can," said her husband, "You Just keep quiet; will you?" CHAPTER III. ".Tohnnv!" Mr. Beltdn with his coat and vest off and his hair tousled, was gouging into the woodwork around the keyhole. "Johnny! go over to the hardware store and buy me a file and a chisel." Meantime Mrs. Belton ran out to the drug store for some arnica, for her hus band had bruised his linger while ex perimenting with the lock. "I've most got It fixed now," said Mr. Bolton, as she left. CHAPTER IV. It was about 7 o'clock in the evening when Mr. Belton, with a rent in one trouser leg and his face covered h ffHmf nms anirrllv. and. throw ing down his tools, ordered Johnny to go for a locksmith. "Somebody's been tampering with Vif Wlr nr T'f have fixed It." he said. glancing with angry suspicion and re proach at each member of the family in turn. Then he sat down and glanced over the bills from the hardware store, which included tl for a chisel, 73 cents for a screwdriver, and 80 cents for two m Tt addition, there was 25 cents for arnica, and it would cost $8 for a new pair of trousers, and at least t5 to repair the gouged places in the door. r.HiPTRB V. Five minutes atter the locksmith's boy came he was rattling the key in the look to show that It worked ail rignT. "How much?" asked Mr. Belton, brusquely. "Oh, I guess the Job's worth a dime, said the boy. NATIONAL NAMES. Sumatra means the "happy land." H&ytl means "mountain country." The Transvaal is the country beyond the Vaal. Moldavia took Its name from the Blver Moldau. Columbia was thus called in honor of Columbus. Java is the Malay word for "land of nutmegs." Bolivia was thus called in honor of Si mon Bolivar. Prussia was at first Borussla, the land of snow." Arabia was so called from its inhabit ants, the Arabs. Mexico Is the City of Mexltll, tho Mexl oan god of war. Finland is properly Fenland, "the land of the marshes." Canada Is an Indian word meaning "col lection of huts." Corsica has a Phoenician name, meaning "wooded Islands." The word Borneo Is of native origin, sig nifying "the land." Costa Rica is a Spanish expression sig nifying "rich coast." Abyssinia was the land of the Abas sins, or "mixed races." Chill is a Peruvian word, signifying "th9 country of the Borussl. Argentina has its name from the silvery reflection of Its rivers. Nicaragua was thus named In honor of a chief named Nlcuro. Formosa is a Portuguese word signify ing "beautiful country." The Sahara Is so named from the Arabic word signifying "desert." Egypt means "Equator," an allusion to Its geographical position. Manitoba commemorates the Manltou or great spirit of the Indiun. Zanzibar, more correctly Zanguebar, sig nifies "the coast of the negroes." Bohemia Is so called because it was set tled by the boll, a tribe of Germuns. Gulnpa was named from a West African word, meaning "abounding in gold." Jamaica hus a name of Indian origin. It means "the country, with springs." The word Ceylon Is of Sanskrit origin, signifying the "Island of tho Lions." Bulgaria was formerly Votgurla, so called from the Volscl who Inhabited It. Ontario Is a corruption of the Indian word Onatac, "a village on a mountain." Senegambla was so called because It lay between the Rivers Benegal and Gambia, Portugal Is a corruption of Porto Cale, the Roman name of the town of Oporto. Algiers Is so called from the Arabic words Al-Jezalr, meaning "a peninsula." Labrador was named by the Bpanlnrds Tlorra Labrador, or the "cultivated land." . .; Poland is a West European transposi tion of Land Pole, meaning "the land of plains." HENRY W. THOMPSON. Henry W. Thompson, who departed this life March 14, 1895, was born tn Massachu setts In the year 1800. With his parents he moved to Pennsylvania In 1807, near Waverly. Pa., then the county of Lu zerne, and at the time of his death lacked only fifteen years being as old as that county from which L.aeKawanna county was formed Aug. 13, 1878. Of tho three children, one sister survives him, Mrs. Lydla Cahoon, who lives at uarrney city, S. C. The other slstor, Mrs. Cellnda Rey nolds, died In 1891. Henry W. Thompson was married In early life to Miss Alice Stone, To them were born and raised to bless the noma Uhue children. Two sons, Samuel E. Thompson and Henry H. Thompson, de ceased. The daughter, Mrs. Suuan Ball, survives him to mourn the loss of a de voted father. Ono granddaughter, Mrs. Allie Stark, and one grout-granddaughter, Miss Ethel Stark, who reside at Nicholson, Pa., are the direct descendants of tho de ceased. Tho wife and companion of his early days died In lKiiO. Two years latnr he murrled Plioeba Urltmnn, who by death was called uwuy In One yeur after ho was again wedded to Mrs. Mary J. Slov ens, who rcniulns Ills widow. He was lit tho time of his death the oldest resident In Hint vicinity, having resided there elglity- elghU yuui-. 1"H ,UI,f continued life of Industry, sobriety and Christianity made him loved and respected by till who knew him. These noble trulls of character were exemplified ill life us a kind husband und ulYoctionuto futher. He was one of the oldest members of tho Waverly Baptist church und lived mid died in thnt fulth. Tho lessons his active. Christian life taught while on earth will leave erected a monu ment of love und honor that will stand tliroUKh ull time to beckon his kindred and mourning friends to that home of final rest from all care and trouble, where glori fied for bis faith and obedience here, ho uwults their coming at the end of life's Journey, where they may reunite to sepa rate no more. H. D. T. IXDl'STBIAL TOPICS. The Elwood (Pa.) Weldless Tube com pany lias pluced tho contract for two steel buildings, which will double its ca pacity for seamless tubing, The Mononguhela Tin Plata company, of Pittsburg, has six mills running regu larly und will put three additional ones in operation in a short time. The Pittsburg Locomotive works have received u contract for six ten-wheel freight locomotives to be furnished to the Pittsburg-and Lake Erie rullroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad company has awarded tho contract for 1,000 hopper bottom coal cars. Tho Barney & Smith Car conipuny, of Dayton, O., will build 5no, the Union Cur company, of Buffalo, 100, and the other 4v0 will be built at. tho company's shops at Altoona. V A good many members of the anthraclto coal trade affect, saye the Stockholder, to be very much discouraged regurding the outlook for higher, and greater stability as to, prices. Tho condition of the trade at the moment could hardly be less satis. factory, although some attention Is being paid by the producing companies to re strlctlon, but only within the last week or two. The statement of shipments for the month of March, us prepared by the bu reau of anthracite coal statistics, shows an Increase compared with the sume pe riod last year of 1,100,6-1.17 tons, as fol lows: March, Tons 1895. March, I Tons Tons Regions. . I 1894. iDlfference W yomlng Lehigh ... Schuylk'U l,906,303.04:i,844,S$2.13 626.285.01 44li.2u9.10 1,229,877.03 774,2ti8.08 180.025.11 4K3.608.15 Total 3,761,G63.O82,5C5,0W.ll,l,19li,64.17 increase. The output for March, as agreed upon by the sales agents at their February meet lng, was 3.50O.O0O tons; shipments for the month, however, aggregated, as above, 3."01,6tiri.O8 tons, or 261,665.08 tons more than the allotment. Shipments, moreover, were 1.195,604.17 tons larger for March this year than for the same month of 1894. While the output of the Wyoming region shows a comparative Increase of 560,970.11 tons, that from the Schuylkill (the Reading's terri tory) aggregated 4wi,G08.1u tons more than for tho same period last year. Thus fur production, as indicated by monthly state. ments, shows for the year expired to March 31 an increase over 1891 of 2,350,863.15 tons, as per appended table: Tons I Tons- I Tons Reglons Wyoming .. Lehigh ..... Schuylk'll . For Year, For YearlDifference 5,46O,358.07i4,O7S.601.19i.S81.7u.08 l,49o,2S3.U4ll,Z4,238.03 249,04.1.01 3,0O2,60J.ll2,272,752.O5 73O,O52.06 Total . .. . .'i9,9S8.446.ni7.C9T.B9Z.07j2.3S0.803.16 Increase. The disposition on the part of the leading companies is manifestly to mine all the coal they can sell, and this, regardless of effect, good or bad, on the trade as a whole. How long will this go on? Any agreement that may be made to be eftec tlve must, as a good authority points out, be brought about very shortly, as dealers ere everywhere heavily stocked, and a great many of them have made contracts at low rates running for weeks ahead. practically there Is no now business being dono at the lately advanced circular, nor at any price; and with the spring season well forward, It Is a warranted assump tfon that no very large demand for anthra cite coal can be stimulated for some time to como, agreement or no agreement on tho part of the leading companies. Easiest way to kill a chicken Is to break the egg before it Is hatched. Same Is true of consumption. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup Is a positive cure for coughs and colds. Nothing will cure con sumption. Does it pay to neglect the cold? Rtffnli rntttn Mnrlrnt- Buffalo, April 18.-Cattle-Recelpts, 280 head; mnrkrt ois?ned easy; nothing doing; closed weak for common, but steady to Strong lor export Kruucn. nuKit-ivtruvirin, ...... , .. 1 . , .......... .1 1 . tn ir.rt I..II.11P closed steady; Yorkers, ii.0Ga!i.lO; mixed liacKors, -,lum.e; ruwj iiiruiiuii, ....t-t, , ..... r. jr...r: jn. .Aii.h. tlifinirji Ktsgs, J3.25S4. Sheep and Imbs Receipts, U ilO nPHUi INMirvwt ninuj .v, kuwu hen'ly shipping and butcher grades, slow end vvak for heavy exports: choice to ex f i r. 7r...r. mi. in olw.l.o tra. WOVl minim, ,." .wv, r.". $ft G0aJi.7i: HKht to fair, J3.75n4.S5; clipped lambs, tl.Koe.2C; mixed wool sheep, 14.25a 4.75; fair to good, 13.2ua4; clipped sheep, , trn or. .0.6UU-I..rtr r.i. ! i .1 I nli ( Tnllntv U nrL .f ( 11 11. u. - - - - - ........... Philadelphia, April 18. Tnllow Is In light request at former raleB. We quote: City, prime, in nnus, ".; inunn, pi libls, 4'Sc.i do. dark. In bbls, 414c; cakes, 41io.; greaao, 3a3T4c Oil Alsrkot. Pittsburg, April IB. Oil opened and i a ntr. ,..t 9(77 rtlnatvl. Vifi. Oil City, Aprir Oil opened, 225; high est. 'ii; itwe Baie, ton -unrui In Curing Torturing Disfiguring Skin Diseases Works Wonders Ml taiaankmrt wojM. BrittA 4Pi Lauo a OaaateAL Ces., Pfi Umm v. a a. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York. Aorll 18.-The stock market broadened to an extent that exceeded the expectation of the most enthusiastic of bulls and completely set at rest tne con tentions of belated buyers that .the cur rent speculative movement Is the work of the professional element. Touay stocg commission houses took hold and undor liberal purchases the market advanced anywhere from 14 to per cent.. At the same time the transactions In stocks reached the enormous total of 822,000 shares. The market received Us first Im pulse from London. The important gains were Pullman Palace 4, Lake wrie ami Western 114, Canadian Paclllo 14, Kansas and Texas 1, Paclllo Mall Hi. Omaha Hi, Tennessee Coal H4, Union Puclllc Hi. Tne Industrial and anthracite coalers all closed higher on the day. The market left oft strong with bullish feeling In tho ascend ant. Not changes uhuw advances of 14 to 2", per cent, The runae of tndnv's nrlces for the Ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket aro given below. Tho quotations lire furnished Tho Tribune by G. du H. Dlm nilck, munuger for Wllllum Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 411! Spruce street, Scruntou. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est, lng. Am. Tobacco Co UK I'B'i IM W'j Am. Col. Oil 27'. 2IV, 27'i 27 Am. Sugar Jle'g Co.lo5'a lou'i 105'i. loi'-n Alcli., To. & S. l-'u... f'7i . .. Can. South !.2 fx 1-'1 ""i Ches. & Ohio 174 Wt 17;' ,sl' Chicago (las 7I- 7H 71 ilV Chic. H N. VV !Ui m mis vu Chic, H. y 73'4 71 71'n 74 C. t.. tt HI. I. 3'1't, lulu OV'l "'V Chic, Mil. St. P... OU'. W M'i Chic, It. 1. & 1' 5'4 0.1ft O'iS Wi Delaware Hud 127 17 nb .i D., L. & W liio'i lii'i 1W Wi Klht. ft U. K IMi IW ir.!i It Gen. Electric ,. Ki 33!j KKi 33 Lake Shore.., Ml' 111 lll'i Hi'-i l.ouls. Ak Nash KiM, MS M'ii M"4 Mitnliultau Kle 1 1 7 1 , llt,t 117 H'l4 Mich. Central W W' Wli W4 Mo. Puclllc 24i 25'i Wt 2Mi Nut. Cordage IVi O'i f'4 fi'i Nut. Loud iP't Mt 32 l"4 N. J. Central H'i'4 tr.74 Wv Wvt N. Y. Central US'4 !Wli VH'ii N. Y. & N. E 3Si 38'i 2li 3S!, N. Y., L. E. & V loi 11 10 II N. Y., S. W mi 13 lli-i 12!i N. Y.. 8. A W.. Pr... 3U',i 87 86'i 8UVj Nor. Puclllc 4'4 t 4'4 4 Nor. Puclllc. Pr 19'4 1914 lHi 19'4 Out. & West l'J'n 17'4 U 1754 Phil. & Iteud 14V li 14 U Southern R. R lli Vt'A U'i la Tenn.. C. A 1 21 '4 221 21ll 21 Tex. Puellle 104 1014 MH Mli Union Paclllo 121i 18' 1214 13'4 Wabash 6 tli C 14 Wabash, Pr 14V4 151 U 1& West. Union Wis "9 fci 8814 B. A 0 53 51 53 544 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. - lng. 57'.i 58?k 534 fM' & r.9ii rail 60 6014 5914 CU 2814 28 28 2Si 2714 27. 2714 27i 25 2514 25 254 45H 40 4S',i 45M 4ii' 4ll4 4U 4614 4614 46"i 4614 464 0.92 C.92 6.87 0.87 7.07 7.07 7.02 7.02 7.22 7.22 7.15 7.15 12.20 12.25 12.10 12.15 12.42 12.47 12.32 12.87 12.65 12.63 12.65 12. '15 WHEAT. May July September , OATS. May July September , CORN. May July September , LAKD. Muy July , September PORK. May , July , September Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo Ask, . tations. No. Par Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. 20 60 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 62 50 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 600 20 100 Green R'ge Lum'r Co .... 100 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Lacka Trust & Safe Deposit Co 6 100 M. A M. Savings Bank (Carbondale). .... 10 CO Providence A Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 83 10 100 Scra'n Savings Bank. 200 10 1() Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 6 100 Scranton Forging Co 100 25 . 100 Third Nat'l Bank.... 850 1 100 Na'tl Boring A Drill ing Co., Pr 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 3 1C0 Scrunton Bedding Co .... 4 loo Scranton Axle Works .... 10 100 Scranton Glass Co 2 100 Scranton Jar A Stop per Co 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co CO 60 Lackawanna & Mont rone Railroad BO 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 25 loo Bonta Glass Co 50 100 Spring Brook Water Co CO 10 Lacka. Store Asso ciation, Limited SO 100 Allegheny Lumber Co .... BONDS. 80 10(10 Scranton Trac. Co 2 600 Econ'y Steam Heat & Power Co 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 5 500 Scranton Glass Co 110 160 225 60 85 90 10114 80 70 85 100 CO 120 10 DO 11 105 C50 COO 105 COO Scranton Wholesale Fruits and Produce. Dried apples, per lb., 6auc. ; evaporaicu appies, nose, per in. California prunes, 61in8i:.; English cur rants. 2Aa3c: layer raisins, Jl.7ial.S0: mus. catels, 414u51io. per lb., !la1.40 per box; new VhIchcIuh. 614a614c per lb. Deans Mar rowfats. 13 per bushel: mediums, 12.25a2.30: pea beans, t2.25. . Pens-Green, tl.10al.15 per bushel; spilt, 2.fim2.C0; lent els, 5a8c. per lb. Potatoes 75h8Uc. ppr bushel. Onions- Bushel, l.2&ai.3. minor om, 4nl7c; new, 19a22o. per lb. Cheese 9al2c. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 14al4'4c Meats Hams, 101.C. small hnms, 10c. ; skinned hams, ll'o.: California hams, 7'4c; shoulders. 714c; bellies, 714c; smoked brcnkfnBt bncon, 10c. Smoked Reof Outsldcs, )2c; sets. 13Wo.: Insldes and knuckles. I5e.: Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, 12.40 dozen. Pork mess, ii: snort clear, JIB, T T nf in H.ri.0. In tttl... OS' n . 10-pound palls, 914c. per pound; 5-pounj pnlls, '1c. per pound: 8-pound pnlls, 9.0. per pound; compound lard, tierces, Olio.; tubs, Wc; 10-potind palls, 714c nor pound; 5-notind palls. 7. per pound: 3-nound pnlls, 7c. per pound; Flour Minnesota patent, vr imrrtii, .mi. v, vuiio unu jnni ona amber, H;.20; Grahum, 13.2(1; rye flour, 13.20. Feed Mixed, per cwt., 11.05. Grain Itye, 65c; corn, CAaMc; oats, 39a46c. per biisnel. itye Hirnw fer ion, i2nii. nay llt.DOaiii. liucawneat t lour fs per loo. New York Produce Morkot. New York, April 18. Flour Very firm and In fnlr demand, wneai r irmer; No, 2 rod store and elevator, TOfcc; afloat 41,a41lic : f. o. b., 64!4a8Gr.r ungraded red 69a66i.; No. 1 northern, 7ua7lc; options were active and higher; May, w.c; J it no, 634c.; July, 64o.; August, (I4'4c.; September, 64c; i.ictooer, nuVt"., " uecemoer, 66;,c, Corn Firm, quiet; No. 2, Mlc. elevator UiW. ulloat,; Bleiimer nuxeu, 4V4uriUo. options dull and Arm, higher; May, 50.c. July, Bl'ic; September, 61.c. OHts Dull, firm; options dull, steady; May, 32c. i July, 820.: No. 2 white April. c; Mny, 3510.! spot prices. No. 2, 82c; No. 2 white, XHn 35c; No. 2 wnite, S!"n;.c ; no. 2 til cago, 3:ic; No. 3, 81c; No. 3 white, 35a. mixed western, 32n.13o, : white state and western, 86n40c. Provisions quiet, firm, Ijaru quiet, lower; western steam, 17.16 city. eVliiOHic.: May. 17.20: July, 17.35: re. fined, dull; continent, 17.65; South America, 17.80; compound, 6ia61ie, Pork Dull steady. Butter Firm; state dairy, 9al8c. do. creamery, new, 20c; 'western dairy, 8s, la4c.; uo. creamery, new, izazoc; uo, old, 9u16c.i do. factory, 71t.a11c; Eights, 20t Imitation creamery, 9ul5c, Cheese Easy, Eggs Firm: stute and Pennsylvania. 13c: western fresh, 12i,4al2lto.; southern, 1114a 12ttC.; quck, zuuzoc.t goose, juojuc, Toledo Oreln Market. Toledo, O., April 18. Wheat-Recetpti, 6,01V nusneis; smpmenis, ia,vu pusneisi ....... I. .. fM. Vn 0 m,1 no ul. AllUM ll.u 1 1 11.1 .V. 1.1 1 1 1 I . ' , M u , . . . , mu., 1" " J . 0OV4c; July, noHc; August, 60c; No. 3 red rasn, ma. corn ltoceipis, s,iwi uusneis; shipments. 12,500 bushels; market dull: No. 2 mixed cash, 46c. Onts Receipts, 1,000 iTushnls; shipments, none; nothing doing, Clover Boeu itoceints, oags; snip, ments, 207 bags; market firm; April, 15.7714 October, fs.oa',4. , Chleaaa Cattlo Market. ChlcsM, April It. Cattle Receipts, 11,. 000 head; rfarket weak; common to extra steers. 14a8 26; atoekers and feeders, 12.0oa 4.75; cows and bulla, tl.7Sa6; calves, t2a4.75; Texans, 13.26at.26. Hogs Receipts, 25,000 head; market weak: heavy packing and shipping lots, 14.5a6.10; common to choice mixed, H.Uiae cnoico """"""'l, Mgh t4 0Oa4.96; pigs, 4a4.60. Bhep-Re celpts, U.000 head; market weak; Inf. nor to cnoice, .., t.nv.wv. c oninolly &, Wallace Additional Stock Received Today. Good News 50 dozen Men's Fine Sateen NiKht HhlrU, At $ 1 , Former l'rlcc $2 75 dozen Men's Fine Muslin Night Shirts, liandsomvly finished, sold everywhere ut $1.00. Sulc Price 50c. 150 dozen Men's Half II oho In tans, preys und assorted ftrlpes, regular 25n. goods, at Just lmlC 2 Tulrs lor 25c. ereat quantity of Men's Folded Tubular Neckties, wuHlmblu oods, gouts' furnisliiiiK store price lioe. Our 1'rlcc, ii for 25c. DRESS GOODS, ETC. Ou'o raw of Bilk nnd Wool Mixtures, 40 Indies wide, former wholci-mu lirice 6Uu. Our Sulc I'rkc 25c. You cannot afford to iiiIsh the than you ever did in the past and which the future will never see duplicated. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, "25g?lF gllllHIHHIIiSII ll2Ii:EEI: aiiHtHMiinmiiiinmli w 4 a"Sf WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the can't please you. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PA11J KOK, IN Al VANCK. WH10N A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MA1J1T, NO I'HAHOK WILL UK I.IOSS THAN 25 CKNTfl. THIS HULK AP Pi,lK8 TO SMALL WANT AHS. KX- CEKT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AK1S iNSKilTKU Ir'KKK. Wanted. r ilTY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES TO selL rent or exchange. JtKKIlll-lELU. 319 Spruce street, opposite Hotel Jainiyu, WANTED THE FOLLOWING BACK nnmbers of Bcrantoa Tribune at busi ness office Tribune Publishing Co., Sept. 10; Deo 7; and Dec. 12. 1804. Help Wanted Male. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN 1-V everv town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for snents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., Horuun Biocit, (.nicago. in. OALEHMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN IJ wunted. sconslnted with the locnl and nearby drug andgrocery trade, to handle our line 01 nign grsiio cigars. Aimrusi, tivini; rsferences. J. EDWARD COWLEd Co.. 143 Chambers street, N. Y. Wanted To Rent. WANTED -SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM "SIN- V Bio house." Went Side, by May L Ad- drs ,:N. P. H.," Tribuus. For Rent. 1XR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE, NO. eat Forest streot, between Dickson works and Erie depot. Inniitreof UOiN aKJEt JSItu , Dull s neini. 7URN1SHED FRONT ROOMS WITH 1 board: flrst clats accommndntions; gas and bath, etc 144 Adams avenue, corner Bprnce street. TOR RENT-TWO STORES, DWELLING It ..J t..n at Ull and 31)1 (VHnl B.VA Inquire at Davidow Bros., 217 Lacka avenue. MOR RENT ABUILDINO ON FRANKLIN P avnti .iiitnhia f,ir businoiis. Address BOX 44. lrOR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH OAL- 1 lrv fnrutMrlv iicnilllicd bv C. L. Orlftin. lnelndlng rooms for housekeeping. I3S Wvo. miug avenuo. CHA8. KLnLAOEK. JOlt RENT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD 1 Inn at l:tl Kimikliii svenue: suitnble for wholosiile business. CAKSON Se DAVIES, Scranton. I poll RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR nished rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue. OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lacknwnnna avenue. Addross THOMAS E. EVANS, sear 1132 Luzorno, Hyde Park. iOR it EN T N il' ELY KU KN 1 S 11 K 11 HA LL J1 suitnble for lodite rooms. J4U1N JEU MYN, 110 Wyouiing ovenuo. For Sale. DEW1RAI1LE REBIDRN'CG FOR SALE Madison avenue bolow Greon Ridge street; tnn rooms; all modern conveniences; lot 18IXC0: barn and carriage shod. Price low and terms easy. Inquire 300 Spruce struct, paint store. IOR BALE-A BUTTER OR MEAT . cooiur 7x5W feet and two sprinir wsirona JOS. A. MEAKS. Real Estate. SMALL FARM WANTED - WE HAVE the names of soveral persona who want to buy email farms near Kcruntou. We exchange city property for country. COM BOYS FRANZ' . Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED 820 TO f30 PER DAY ensily made In any locality. We furnish a line of samples free and allow 60 per cent, commission for soiling. Particulars free, or we will mail a sample of our floods In sterling sllvsr upon receipt of ton cents In stamps. HTANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Muss. AGENTS MAKE .10 DAILY SELLlVo AL nniinura novnlties; now process silver wars; bar goods: bltf line, the nnw, wonder ful metal; delivered free: sample in volvnt lined case. 10c. ; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., Ht Broadway. New York, AGENTS H1NDEB PATENT UNIVER. sal Hair Curlers and W avers fused with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hnir Plus. Lib aral commissions. Free sample and full par-, ttoulars. Address P. O. Box 4&0. Now York. ANTf D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Salarr, (75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely now. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, M0S Boston, Mass. ' legal, I1ZKIE PRH!E VS. ELHWORTH PR1(!R. J III the Court of Common Pleas of Lacka wanna Oounty.No. 6, Nov. T., 1HUA To Elsworta Price, rcspondont above named: Thesubposna and allaa sulipuma in divorce having been returned non est inventus, you art horaby notlHed to be and appear at said conrt on Monday, the -7th day of May, at w o'clock a. in,, to answer the libelant's com plaint. FRANK H. OLEMONS, bherlB. US. WOODRUFF, Attorney. Horse Shoe re.' Notice. rpHEHORB SHOER8' PROTECTIVE A8 1 soclation will hold a mooting in Raub's Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. K. T. GOULD, Beoretary. THE 86RAIIT0H BE ONE CONTINUATION OF THE A lot of colored China Silks, sold all over Scruntou at 86c. Our Sale Price 19c. 12 different shades of new Opera Bilks, never sold under 60c. Go During the Sale ut 31c. SOME GREAT NOTION FLYERS 1,000 boxes CreRccnt Black Mourning Tins, price all over 10c Our Sale Price 4c. u Hox. 5,000 boxes Invisible Hair Pins, 50 to box. Kciluccd from 10c. to 3c. Jet Collars and Ornaments, a lot of Juflray's samples, are in good con dition, at Less Thau Half Price. 500 dozen Men's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, JufTray's price c. Our Sule Price lOc. Each. opportunity thut thin ureal sule offers vou. to buv Drv Goods cheaper Latest Improved Process. ffrt Ifrt n lin ffD Special Notices. ATOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I wi l uiuku n luoiithly tour of the follow ing places giviuir fro op.n air advrtisiiitf ex liiliiiious wi.h tho starcopti' tiu: Taylorviile, Hyde Hurk, Providence. Iickion Olyuhaiit, P).ckvlll. Archbald. Jcriuyn. Exhibitions given tn Wudns1ay und Friday of ouch week durinv the month, tlio rates for advur tia tix are SID per mouth. Ad.rcHs E. H. (.'all, Tribune ofllce, city. tt'I'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." 1 Yon wnut this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's tnrnoUHold War Pictures, show ing the foiCBs in actusl liuttlo, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 'iftou pictures, hold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press cninpleto. all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 0'. Adams Ave., Scranton, Ia. IOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH It Eome party dtairina, to Still milk route. Address JOHN r'0&u.R, care station agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zines, etc., bound or reliound at The Tkibunb office. Vuick work. Reasonable prices. Proposals. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT J the office of John Jermvn. Priceburir. Pa., until April ifitu, 'IH, for (.inking two Ci) shafts, tho size of one to b 11x20 fent, clear of buntons. and nbouti:40 feet deep; the other to be 1'ixlS foot clear of bnntons and about 240 feet deii). We reorve the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars apply at; ofHee. W. M. JIlRMYN, Supt. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE coived at the office of the City Clerk. Scranton. Pa., nntil 1M o'clock p. in., Thurs day, April 25, lfl9 to publish tne advertise moots of the several departments of the city government of the city of Scrr.r.ton for the fit cal year ending on tho first Monday of April, iM Hi. Proposals shall state price for publish ing edvrrtlsements three consecutive days in advertising pagn: also price for publishing in locals. Proposals shall also state price for ad ditional Insertions of some advertisements in advertising and local pages. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton. Pa.. April 17, 1W 3. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK ceived at the office of the City Clerk. Scranton. Pa., until 7.30 o'clock p. m., Thurs day. April 2ft, 1X95, to print city ordinances for city councils of the city of Scranton for the fiscal venr ending the first Monday of April, 1M HI. Proposals shall state pri: pr line for Srinting in accordance with sample and speci cation filed in the office of the City Clerk. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa.. April 17. 1hh.V Houses on Credit. H OUSES BUILT ON CREDIT. AD- dress lock hoxzii, Kcrsnton. Situations Wanted. DRESSMAKER WANTS POM I ION AH seamstress; no objection to other light duties, or work by Ihe day with dressmaker; Al ref -rence, if necessary. Address or call S. N. NIChOLLS, HAS. Rebecca avenue. ClTUATION WANTED-BYa" YOUNG O marriod man irt driving dolivery wagon; willing to work: has had experience with horses. Address C. W. O., Tribune office. OUNG MAN WITH GOOD REFERENCES wants position to take cure of horses or anv other kind of work. Address FRANK BOYCE, 1.VJ0 Dickson avenue, hcranton, Pa. -OUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE would like to learn barber trade; wo-k for trade wltlurilit party. Addrcsi C. Tribune office, IADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IM HO J tel as superintending: Is generally expe rienced, and exceptional reference. Address BUSINESS, caro Tribune olllce. "I VrANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG VV married man at any kind of work by which I can make a living. Address I. U. R., Box 171. Pun, tore. Pa. WANTED - BY A MIDDLE AGED American widow, position as working housekeeper. Addresa Widow, Tribnue of fice. ' BOOKkEEPEli-A LADY GRADUATE OF a leaillng ooilego of commerce of Phila delphia, desires a position. Box Hazle ton, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physiciuns and Surgeons. VH. Q. EDOAK DKAN HAS REMOVED to 016 Spruce street, Scrunton, Pa. (.Just opposite Court HouseSquure.) VH. A S c7)NNKLU OFFICE 201 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce streot, over Krancke's drug- stroe. Hesldence, 723 Vine at. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. n. and 2 tu 4. and 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 8 p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN, S12 North Washington avenue. DFTCTL. KREY. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Eur, Nose nnd Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, to Vine street. DR. L. M. OATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, I to a. m., 1.K0 to 1 and 7 to 8 p, m. Residence 309 Madl aen avenue. JOHN L. WENT,, M. V., OFFICES 52 and 53 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; ofllce hours, . 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, . evenings at residence. A specially I made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE.; 1 to 8 P. M.j call 2012. Lis. of women, obstretrlce and and all dls. of cliil. Seeds. O. It. CLARK A CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 782, for the Hen Folks. LINENS AND DOMESTICS Linen Sideboard Covers, la 54 and 72-lnch lengths, hemstitched and azure work, In fact the finest goods that money can produce : ; $ .25, Reduced from $ .75 .50, 1.00 .75, " " 1.50 .70, " " 1.50 1.00, ' 1.75 This is a great opportunity on Llnena Tray Cloths in Hemittitched and Azure Work, at 30c und 05c, easily worth double, - 1 kJ per yard. Rugs and Carpets Uive us a trial and see if we ffurrfi loimuetm, Corner Adams, Lawyers. J ESS UPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth bulldliiL', Washington avenue. W. H. JESSt.'P, HORACE K. HAND, . H. JES8UP, JR. ' WILLAKD, WAR KEN' & KNAPP, AT torneys und Counsellors ut Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Hcranton, Pa. PaYtERS(jN & WILCOX. ATTOK neys and Counsellors at Law; ortlcf s tj und b Library buildltiR , Srrunton. Pa. RoSW'ELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 13. 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nok. 10 and 2u, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. HENRY M. SEELY LAW OFFICES In Price bulldlne, 1.6 Washington ave. FRANK T.oi-ELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scran ton. Pu. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms tii, t4 and t, Common wealth building. samuel" W. e dorTTttorneyTat Luw. Office, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. UR1E TOWSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at per cent. P. P. 8M.TOrCrNSELLOR"AT LAvT Office rooms, 54, 55 and 56 Common wealth building. C. R. PITCHER, law, Commonwealth ton, Pu. ATTORN EY-AT building, Scran- C. COMEGYS, 3il SPRUCE STREET. D. " B. REPLOGLErATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4u8 Spruce street. ST pr K1LLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, AVALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open April 8. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Ofllce, 325 North Washington avenue. cTc."LAUlCH7sURCrEON DEN'flST, No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Cull on S. N. Cullender, Dime Bank building. cas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUKTTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens, Hotels und Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK II n avenue. Rates reasonable. P. 7.1 EG I. E It, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, $3.50 per day and upward. STlUNsfER HOTEL, ' , B. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON STORCH, ARCHITECTS Rooms 24, 25 and 2, Commonwealth building, Bcranton. KTrWALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of bOti Washington avenue. LFIrtAljCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS, ARCH1T-.CTS." Price building. 128 .Wsihlngtoa aveati Scranton. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, plonios, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert a music store. - MEQARQEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, in. FRANK P. BROWN CO, WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and Oil CloHi.JMJVeslcltttwanna ave Thomas' aubrey, expert ac- countant and auditor. Rooms 18 ana ff). , Williams Building-, opposite postoflloe. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers