8 THE SCBANTON TEIBTJXE Til UHSDAT 3TOIlNINGr. ' APRIL 1 8, 1 895. : GORMAN'S GRID DEPOT ROW WE GET TRADE. By close application and constant ef fort. Pnst laurels we count not. Ac tion of the day Is the measure of worth. What hus been done is history. Here are present fucts: Our Store is a perfect marvel of newness, color, quantity and fashion, from GinghuniH, the em blent of domestic happiness und work, to Silks, Sutins and luxu riotisness. DRESS GOODS. Imported ami dom.-stle. Th crea tions of the most skilled manufacturer nd the selections of the most critical buyer we can show you. French novel ties In chuiiBi'Bble tltrures, extra line silk und wool fabrics lnmuuy urtlsUle combi nations; exclusive patterns and hun dreds of the most recherche novelties, nil together are an unequaled assort ment of the newest and best dress niaterlul to be found anywhere this sea sun. LACES. Superior qualities of fine laces for trimming and draperies are arriving, and taking the Held with some of the choicest designs ami best values In laces we have ever shown. White Kmbrold red Yokes. Wack Luce. Chiffon. Va lenciennes. Point Venise. Lace Insertions lu fact the lace world Is well repre sented In our lace department. PARASOLS. UMBRELLAS. These suggest April showers and spring and summer sun. Our umbrella counters and parasol stands represent the latest creations of the umbrella manufacturer and the choice of the markets rare and beautiful handles black and colored silks. Parasols In lovely coverings the charm of the sum mer girl. Come early and see our dis play at the umbrella department. UNDERWEAR. . The hot rays of the bright April sun reminds us that it will be much warmer later on. We do not mean for you to be rash or Imprudent in removing your heavy winter clothing, but we show ou in advance all the necessary weights and different materials whk'h the climate will demand. At our un derwear counters you will find' Swiss Kibbed Vests with or without sleeves. Balbrlggun Vests, silk and wool mixed. Light L'nlon suits. Everything In this department can meet the demand of di versified tastes and wants. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR. .. REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles. nd Diseases of the Heart, Lunge, KM-ni-yn, Liver, Womb. Stomach, Bladder, Head, Fits and Epilepsy. He with him aaxlat&nte treat all diseases of the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat, Dya prpsia. Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv ous Debility, Female Weakness and Irre tilarltle, Nightly Losses and Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood. Varicocele, Blood Poisoning, Eczema, Scrofula, St. Vltm rianoe, diabetes. Bright'! LMseaae, Asthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wshes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLAK3. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOURS Dally, t a. m. to p. in.: Sunday. 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and ojr prices lower than an; other house in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS ' We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LlCKAWkNM AVENUE. DUNMOKE. 11 las Susie Connelly, of Blnghamton, Is visiting her cousin, W. H. Miller, of Pine street. - Miss Emllie Flynn has returned to the StroudBburg State Normal school to resume her studies, ' , ' - One to five applications of Doan's Oint ment will cure tho wornt case of Itching piles there ever wai,. Can you afford to eunr tortures when a simple never-fall ing remedy Is at hand? Doan's Ointment never fail) NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUNKHAMOCK. J. W, Dodge, of Carbon county, has rented the Spring Grove House at Lake Carey and will take possession about May 1. The house Is attractively locat ed and nJoys a large patronage dur ing the summer outing season. Mr. Dodge was formerly a resident of Seat tle, WaHh. Professor Racklyeft succeeded In or ganizing a small class of pupils In vo cal niUMio at the Methodist Kplscopal church Tuesday evening, but there will doubtless be a much larger attendance on, Tuesday evening next. If there are no conflicting attractions. Mr. Hackly-eft's terms are moderate but $1.25 for twelve lessons, with private lesson to those who desire at 25 cents extra. The quota of prisoners at the Jail Is reduced to one. Mrs. O. M. Hecknmn has gone to Waverly, N. Y for a short visit. It cost the county $1:15 to bourd the jury and tiptaves during the 'Wall mur der trial. Mrs. John Young and son, Walter, who have been niuklng an extended visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Walter, returned to their home, In New York city, yesterday morning. Kor Keiilal manners and accommodat ing ways commend to us J. V. Dun lels, buKKUge master on trains 83 and S4. The nulll driver of this department Is repeutedly under obligations to him for favors done. A special train Is distributing new telegraph poles along the Lehigh Valley this week. The poles are to be re-set the entire distance between Fulling Springs und Sayre. James Conner, a son of John Con ners, who met a tragic death under the cars a year ugo, has been given employment by the Valley company us section hund. Miss Kmma. Titus has gone to New York city to buy millinery goods. K. F. Drake hus gone to Harrlsburg in the Interest of a client. A new sidewalk was luld fronting the Keelcr property on Bridge street, yesterday. The rumor that Pratt had confessed to the 'murder of Waterman since his acquittal wus a fake yarn started by some of the boys, who enjoy romancing occasionally to measure the credulity of the people. Mrs. Kate Downing, of Altentown, formerly of Scranton. is visiting friends In .this vicinity. She and her husbund ure preparing to move to Haltlmore. Another warrant was Issued for W. H. Richmond, the alleged detective, yesterday, on complaint of Peter Me Uee, landlord at the Warren Street ho tel. Richmond went to District At torney Frear Tuesday and obtained a statement of his fees as witness In the Wall case, and then proceeded to draw his pay from the county. The com missioners did not ask for the state ment, for they already had It on file. Richmond then went to Mr. McGee and showed the statement, offering to sell the account at a less figure. Ills offer was accepted, and he pocketed the money and left town on the next train. Constable Piatt went to Pitts ton yeserday noon, wih a warrant. In search of him. Th,e quasi detective has been traveling a rocky road since making his debut In Tunkhannock, this being but one of many scrapes of vari ous kinds he has got Into. A man who gravitates as readily to the wrong end of his business as he does has evi dently mistaken his calling. The abundance of counterfeit silver dollars floating about Indicate that certain lines of Industry are not para lyzed by business depression. Mrs. Charles Tremayne returned to Ashley yesterday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. William Fox. The school board met Tuesday even ing and selected diplomas for the grad uating class. A warrant is out for Judson J. Mandevllle, a Huntsvllle man, who pil laged the house of Charles C. Harding while visiting up In this section a few days ago, Mandevllle entered the house while the family were away and helped himself to a pall of eggs and a pair of mittens. He then went Into the cel lar and helped himself to elder, allow ing the contents of. the barrel to run to waste, after partaking to his satis faction. He sold the eggs at a nearby grocery store and endeavored to dispose of the mittens. A Lehigh Valley freight conductor was hauled up before the burgess yes terday morning and fined )5 for block ading a street crossing longer than the law allow. That sort of thing has been going on for eome time, and It was determined to make an example of somebody. JL1LLSTEAD. Gilbert Davis, of Nicholson, Is visit ing his brother, James, In this place. Mrs. B. F. Bernstein Is visiting friends and relatives In New York city. Mrs. Michael Carlgg attended the fu neral of her mother at Susquehanna yesterday. Daniel McDevItt, of this place, while coupling car In the Scranton yard on Monday evening, had the misfortune to have his arm caught between the bumpers and quite badly Injured. He is at present In the Mosea Taylor hos pital, at Scranton, awaiting recovery. J. M. Lester, of Baltimore, Md., la In FIGHTING FOR LIFE. A StlTERIXa WOMAN TESTIFIES. Mrs. Henrietta Uurton, of Janvier, N. J., write.: "For a long time I suffered from a disordered stomach. My nppetlte was gone and what little I ate distressed me terribly. My health failed rapidly, I be came very weak and feared I should never be well. After reading your 'Guide to Health' I was encouraged to try Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. Its action was so prompt that I soon felt Ilk a new woman, and am now completely cured." MUNYON'S STOMACH AND DYSPEP SIS CL'RIi cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach troubles, such as constipa tion, rising of food, distress after eating, bloating of the stomach, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and all affec tions of the heart caused by Indigestion. It soothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs that have been weakened by over-eating, or where the lining of the stomach has been Impaired by physio and Injurious medicines. Price 26 cents. Munyon's Homeopathic Home Remedy Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci fics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease, should address Professor Munyon, 1CUS Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full spmptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his ad vice absolutely free of all charge. The Remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of nKull price. .'. town to organize a benefit society called the Improved order of Heptasophs. Fred W. Church is 111. , Mrs. Sullivan, of, Ithaca, la visiting friends here. , Frank WllllumB, of Blnghamton, Is visiting at the residence of James Snover. M ON THOSE. W. D. U. Alney, who has been In Scranton, has returned. K. It. Chrlsman, of Philadelphia, has arrived In town. Mrs. Chrlsman will Join him here In a few days, when they will occupy for the summer their pala tial home on South Main street, The alumni of the Montrose high school will In May hold their annual banquet at the Montrose house, Leonard Raynsford and his guest, Frederick Armstrong, have returned to Ithaca. The death of Fayette Avery removes from Montrose one of her oldest and most respected Inhabitants. Retiring and modest, tempered by a faultless disposition, he for seventy-live years lived In Montrose. Tho funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Frederick Diddle Hutler, of Philadel phia, arrived In Montrose on Monduy. Mr. Butler will spend the summer In Montrose. Joseph H. Beardsley left on Wednes day for New York and Washington. At the latter point he win Join his tut her, Captuln 11. F. Beardsley, who hus been at the capital for some time. It Is learned by private advice that J. D. Sinlllc, of New York, Is seriously 111 of the grip. James Potts, of Rush, is registered at the Montrose house. Charles Reed on Wednesday captured nine splendid specimens of the speckled beauty vurlety. On Tuesday Searle McCollum and Hurry Lyons lured five. There Is it present too miK'h snow water In the trout streams. Barry Searle, who has for several mouths been the guest of his futhur, Roger Searle, returned on Wednesday to Kl Callao, Venezuela. Mr. Searle Is the superintendent of a Spanish gold mining company, Da Companlu de Minora el Callno. Rev. A. O. Warner Is confined to his home with u large carbuncle, located on his back. D. D. Depue, of Binghamton, who will on May 1 take charge of the Tar bell house and stables connected, was In Montrose on Wednesday. One of the recent acquisitions which Montrose can boast of Is the Hepta sophs. The local conclave Is but a few months old, but already has a member ship of thirty-seven. The- olllcers of Aeneas conclave, No. 338, I. O. H., are as follows: Past archou, F, I. Lott; urchon, W. N. Barnes; provost, H. ,A. Lyons; secretary, H. .V. Frlnk; finan cier, 'S. J. Sparkes; treasurer, W. S. Maxey; inspector, J. T. Harrington; warden, H. R Taylor; sentinel, R F. Ruone; prelate, A. L. Force. The su preme conclave of the Heptasophs will be held next May, In New Haven. At a recent meeting F. . Lott was chosen to represent the Montrose organization at that time. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Great South Americcn Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing It almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. NICHOLSON. A sad accident occurred Thursday last near Shields' stone quarry. A son of Fred Siscos, aged 4 years, attempted to Jump on a stone wagon, driven by Henry Brown. He fell under the wagon, the wheels passing over his body and killing him Instantly. Wallace Billings Is drug clerk for Dr. Wheeler. John Perry, of Waverly, visited friends here Sunday lost. E. S. Rogers and wife, of Scranton, spent Sunday with the latter' parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Klntner, of Meshoppen, are visiting their duughter, Mrs. Arthur Moore. Miss Anna Wilcox made a flying busi ness trip to Brooklyn Tuesday lust. Neal and Andrew Walker spent Sun day with their parents. Mr. Joe Harding visited the Electric City Wednesday last. Mr. Rachel Billings, mother of I, W, and Miner Hillings, died at East Lemon Friday Inst. Interment, Sunday lust, at Stark church. , N. P. Wilcox visited the Electric City yesterday. Don Boyle visited his parents last Sunday. Sclatie Kheumatism Cured. "Li. Wagner. Wholesale Druggist, Rich mond, Va., says: "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate ennuuh to ft MYSTIC CURE, KOR RHKUAIAT1S.M. This cured me after doctor's prescrip tions had failed to have any effect. I have also heard of tine results from others who have used it." Sold by Carl Lorunz, Drug gist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. PECKV1LLE. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Slekler and daugh ter, Dora, returned home last Tuesday from California, where they have been spending the winter. O. D. Secor has moved Into the dwell ing rooms over his barber shop. Joseph Phillips, of Jermyn, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bridges, last Sun day. - ,' A valuable cow belonging to Herbert Fern wus killed on the railroad here last Monday. Wert Page and Mis Cora Oliver, of Plttston, called on the former' parents here the first of tho week. Kvangellst Sweat I holding revival meeting every evening In the Baptist church. Mothers! Mother!! Mother!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha been used for over fifty year by million of mother for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, often the gum), allay all pain; cure wind colic, and I the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggist In every part of the world. Be sura and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. HONESDALE. Mrs. A. J. Gllmore, of FilJ'tory vllle, I the guest of her brother, Benjamin Gardner. ' ' . Otto Weaver, proprietor of the Na tional hotel, who has -been Buffering from cancer of the neok for several months past, died at his home In the hotel Wednesduy morning at 8 o'clock. Mr. Weaver was born at Indian Or chard, Wayne county. When he wa yet a boy hla parents moved to Honesdale. He Is survived 'by four brothers and three listers, John, William, and Charles, Honesdale; George, Philadel phia; Mrs. Market and Mr. Schilling, Brooklyn, and Barbara, Honesdale. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2.30 p. m. from the hotel. Rev. Swift and Schmidt will ofllelate. - R. L. Price and F. iS. Scott, of Scran ton, were at the Allen house yesterday. John Goldsmith, of Wllkes-Burre,, wa oalling on his friends here yesterday. The Wayne County Saving bank have purchased from II. Z. Russell and Homer Greene a lot adjoining their property 38 by 90 feet. . . . OLYTJiAJiT. Thomas Murray, Jr., died at hi home on Jones street, after a sickness of about two weeks. Deceased was 24 years of age. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment will be made In the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Crans, of Owego, I the guest of her son. Dr. A. F. Crans, of this place. Mrs. S. N. Callendar and daughter Mubello are spending a few duys in Philadelphia. Mrs. R. J. Jones Is visiting relatives In Wyoming. John Abel hus severed his connection with Hchluger's drug store, and re turned to his home In Stlllwuter, Min nesota. .... Rev. Edward Jenkins, of Kingston, was a visitor In town the fore purt of tho week. Mrs. Louise Price, of Nantlcoke, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. T. P. Jones, of Lackawanna street. T. W. Taylor, and family have re moved to thelr residence on the West Side. Frank Furrell, of Fort Wlngate, New Mexico, Is visiting his parents on Dun more street. Curds ure out announcing the mar riage of Miss Kute Hoban to M. J. Neulon, of the Arlington, to take place next Tuesday In St. Patrick's church. Miss Alice Kennedy, of Providence, is visiting Miss Mary Carbine, of Lack awanna street. Miss Mamie Hyland spent yesterday at her homo on Dunmore street. TAYLOR. MIbs Maggie Evans, of Hyde Park, was a visitor here yesterday. Miss Mamie Green and Homer Green, of Mooslc, were callers here yesterduy. The publication of the Tuylor Herald has been changed from Saturday to Wednesday. An Important meeting of the board of trade was held on Tuesday evening. Great interest Is being manifested In the success of the board and the mem bership Is Increasing. A slight fire occurred In the sausage room of Robert Llewellyn's shop. The flames were extinguished without any trouble. .Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wlnslowl have re turned from u visit to Great Bend. Isaac Stone and son Fred were fish ing In the Roaring Brook the fore part of the week, and succeeded In catching sixty-nine trout. The funeral of Miss Lizzie Morris, on Tuesday, was very largely attended. Services were held In the Culvary Bap tist church, and Rev. H. H. Harris, the pastor, paid a glowing tribute to the deceased. Interment was made In the Forest Home cemetery. The Bachelor's social was held In the Price Library association hall last eve ning and was a success In every detail. The Sibley and Austin Heights col leries were paid yesterday. Anthony Lydon has broken ground for a new house on his property on Main street. MINOOKA. P. J. Connolly will leave this morning for the beach, to angle for trout.- - ; It Is rumored that the annexation pro ject is to be resurrected Miss Maggie Cutler, of Greenwood, visited Forest City friends yesterday. Thomas O'Boyle, of Kingston, visited Mlnooka friends yesterday. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. i save seen tunering Purifies The year witn arnipeu Hfti taken doctor medicine end Patent meoMotnc of most all Kind, bo I ooe seemed to do me any goooV I finally mail u? yrffl!,,a tS.te Mujcl( loooT Bitter. HareoMafoOr i.rvloe. Better Co.. Pa. BLOOD, Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 CommoieaJUi Bld'f, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUBH DALB WORKS. Lafllin Rand Powder Co.'t Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, SVise for explod . Ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RopannoCheinlcal Co.'s Hi&hEiplosiiei EMPIRE: DRY GOODS CO., OF 516 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Would announce their Opening Sale for one week's time. We have a selec tion of a very fine line In Shirts, tho finest in this city. Our ShirtB are one of the best mnkes, and sold at very low figures; for illustration see the follow lug: . A Cheviot Shirt, made up with neck band and yoke, cost almost to man ufacture $3.60 a dozen; our price, 29 -'cents; a flyer. Next lot made 80 ' inches long, stitched, doublo seam, fast in color, and only 39 cents. Boys' Waists, anything In the line from 1 5 cents and upwards to 60c. Our Selection In Underwear, we are most sure will satisfy every buy er, because the line is complete for Men, Ladles and Children and the Babe Child. THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS (GGODXM'S OLD STAND,) Scrofula From Childhood " My mother bu been afflicted with crol ula Id her held line her childhood. She U now in her Slit year. She ha also suffered' from weskne in her back for which h never expected ny relief. Uhe has hlthfcliy tried Hood's Strsaparilla and it has freed her system front scrofula, cured burning pain In her feet and limb and alio a pain in her left breast which prevented her from lyintf on that aide for fourteen year It ha made her feel many year younger. Hood's Cures She has taken four bottle of the medicine. We cannot recommend Hood' Hamapa rllla too highly." Ira K. Vanoilokb, Etna Green, Indian. . Hood's Pills JSCM4. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. SAM'LOFPOSEN says: "All we want is a cliance." GIVE US a fair trial and we will give you bargains that you never dreamed of getting, bargains you will remember all your life. Every one that buys of us now will surely be one of our regular customers here after. As an inducement to those on the lookout for a rare bar gain we are now offering Men's All-wool Black Clay Q( Diagonal Suits, O"' bauie quality sold elsewhere for $10. Men's all-wool Black Chev- K( lot suits, J.Jv Same quality sold elsewhere for $7.50. Boys' Long Pants Suits, 4 25 Boys' Long Pants Qi' C A Dress Suils, OV.Ov A lot of Black and Blue Q f'. Knee Pants Suits, Jl.UJ worth f 3. A Hat that others sell for S3 1 you can buy from u for 1UJ THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE Alway do as they advertise, 230 Lackawanna Avenue. . IVSIGN OF THE BELL. "ZW RE VIVO RE8T0RES VITALITY Made a Well Mar, 14 Day. lCtbDay, of Me. ina uhe a i . goth Day. FnBNOH ZUSM1IDT produce the aboTereeultaln'SO day. IticU rDwerfully end quickly. Cune wben ell othere fell oubc men will regit thlr leel manhood, ead old n will recover their youthful vlor by uile RE VIVO. II quickly end euraly netone Nerrou kcte. Lot Vitality, Impoteney, Nlfhtly Eratmlou, Loet fewer. Felling Memory. Wtetln Dlenrn. end HI eeTeota of eelf-eeuM or eioemend Indieorttloa whloh unSte one tor itudy. buiinc or merrtece, II not only curse by ettrtln it the eeat of dieeeee, but lie greet nerietanlo end blood builder. Mim ing beok tb pink (low to pale eheeke ead re terint the fire of youth, ft werda off fnunltr end Oeneumplloa. luiit on hitlcg RRVIVU.no other. It ceo be curled la veet pooket. By mill 1.00 per peokejre, or ill for 8-0O, with poel IIto written fmrantoo to ear or lofunr. the money. Circuit tree. Addmee OYAL ME0ICINB CO., 68 RUer St, CHICAGO. ILl t Ml ft Metthewe Bre DI lernatoa . Fa NO. 1 A flno Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers. To make the price conve nient for these times 25 cent each, ' in the following colors Blue, Gold, Brown and White. This number is worth while for every man to ex amine. A French . Balbrigitnn Shirt, silk , fl nlsh, you can't buy them anywhere for less than 76 eeuts. Our price, 43 cents. . Ladies' Ribbed Vest from S cents to 15 cents, long or short sleeves. 500 dozen Child Rlbbed.long sleeves, 10 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. If you need a Shirt Laundrled, In Cheviot or Percale, do not forget the Elace which sells the best goods for ss money 43 cents each. We guarantee the work and material. .JkV. f,A 516 UCKIWMM AVE. o . d II : L AT THE 400402 LACKAWANNA AVE., GRAND tin. in: is i HIS JJB. I ; e d - II! I Ml KERR, SIMMER A CO. ; $31 yy C I. VA i JAPAN . W A MATTES. 500 Rolls this season's importations. Prices start- at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 2 cents and 5 cents over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. le Rise of Mercury Suggests three things that we are interested In; our object is to make these same things inter esting to you. MATTINGS A Design and quality are inducements T while price hints that you save that T heavy Carpet by replacing it with I Matting, thereby cool and purify N the room, in rolls of twenty yards. G We sell at S $1.75, $2, $2.50 and $3 per roll. REFRIGERATORS AND CHESTS With or without water coolers, the kind that saves ice. $2.50 will buy one; others at $10.00, $12.00, $i5.oo and upwards. BABY CARRIAGES Join the crusade against keeping babies shut up in the house and making them poor and sickly all their lives. $5.50 will be instrument tal in assisting you; $10.00 and $12.00 kinds are as good as one wants. We have them at $35 , Those Plush Upholstered $3.So Recepiont Chairs are going rapidly at $1.35. EC0C10UY FURNITURE CO.. CASH OR CREDIT DEALERS, 1 1 FAIR SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Beadachee prevented and enred by h trial four eyee ecientifloally examined and fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. ETE8 EXAMINED FREE. SatiafaeUo guaranteed in every caee. 305 Spruce Street, 22S AKD 227 WYOMING AVENUE r