The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
THE SCRAXTOX TM1UTT--TIIUllSDAY MOHXIXG, Al'ML 18, lS'Jo. ' aV 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scran ton. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. THE FAIR THE FAIR FA Specials for This Week 1 I A a case plaiu Toweling, lineu fin- I, ooo dozen Ladies' Fancy Hand- I case Ladies' Spring Ribbed Vests, 25 dozen Gents' Fancy Striped 250 dozen all Linen Towels, z ished worth 5c yd " Only 1ac kerchiefs, worth from 5c to worth 25c. each, Only221C Lanndrfed Shirts, sizes 14 to yards long, worth 25c, ' ' Sc. each, Only 2lo i6, worth 75c, Only 49c Only 12ic I case Check Aprou Gingham,best 5o dozeu Ladies' Embroidered Ladies', Misses' and Children's loo dozen Gents' Fancy Outing 90 dozen all Linen Towels, 1 , Handkerchiefs, worth 19c. to Spring Vests and Pants, com- Shirts, worth 69c. and 75c, yards long, extra wide, quality, worth 6c. yd, Only 2aQ each 0nly 10c plete line just received, Only 49C worth 39c, Only 25c I case light American Shirting 500 dozen Ladies' Hose, warrant- ' , case M c spedal bar. , 500 dozen Gents' Seamless Half- 20 pieces Table Linen, assorted, , , ed fast black and seamless, Hose, worth 12-a Pair bleached, unbleached and tur- Prints, worth 6c. yd, Only 20 worlh X9C. tt pair j)nIy 1Qc &m worth x a pair' n,y Only 7c .' key red,worth agc.Specia. 25c 1 case latest styles Dress Calicoes, 1 tase Children's Hose, fast black Sole agents in Scranton for W. B. 2 cases Gents' Merino Shirts and 5q Q (ribbed), sizes 5 to 9J4, seam- Corsets and P. N. Corsets, $1 Drawers, in white and gray, worth 7c. yd, Only 3c less, worth 9c. a pair, Only 10c quality, on Only 75C worth 39c, Only 25c 6-4, worth $1.25, Special 7 Qc t -. , , 75 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves,' Fos- Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Chem- OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ' . . -n I case latest styles Dress Gmg- ' ' ise Drawers, Skirts, Night UUn 1 c orL on IU 150 Chemlle Table Covers, size V 1 Onlv via tCr h00ks' a11 8hades WOlth Gowns, Corset Covers, 75c. and THE FINEST IN SCRANTON, at hams, worth ioc yd, Only 4c $I0O a pair Only 71 C 85c. quality, on Only 50c , REGULAR DRY GOODS PRICES. 4"4, worth 89c, Special 45 C . case Dress Goods, "Serge," all n Ladies' Fancy Hose, g" CLOAK DEPARTMENT - Ladies' J(jTrp " ' r. a .nnlvic Tans, Reds, etc. (seamless), Suit; fancy and Velvet Suits Capes, all the latest styles, 01 UulMll HUllUL r . shades, worth 25c. yd, Only 15C worth 25c a pair, OnlyC for small boys a specialty. From $..00 to $5.oo Each . case Dress Goods, fancy (quite ' dozen Ladies' Silk Taffeta .00 Ladies' 1 Wool f fc " Onlv1Q Gloves, all sizes, worth 25c. and liht calico, ' SKIRTS, ' V new), worth 29c j d, uniyigc apah. . m 0nly19c Special line at 25o worth $5.00, Special $2.98 Jet Trimmings, JCWdry, P0CkCtbOOLS I case 36-inch Cashmere,all shades, I00 Ladies. Silk Umbrellas, 26- pII. .....19c 5 Ladies' all silk SKIRTS, Ud HOtlOBS Of All KlHlb worth 39c yd, Only 25c inch worth $l-5 0ny " ?, ?s Quality: SzuzilzisS worth $15.00, Only $9.00 Reduced 25 Per Cent, for This Sale. 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SCRANTON, PA. THE FA R 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SCRANTON, PA. vti . a. lilt ilTrfli;iiiniiriii, , m ,. A Sailor fcover By HARQARET DELAND. (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson 4 Bach "eller.and are printed InThe Tribune by special arrangement, simultaneous wltn their appearance In the leading dally Journals of the large.clties). ' I- Vv'hy Donald Hayes nhould have built his house so near the water that the linp of drift left by the high title was tangled-In his Uttlo picket .fence, was a mystery to the Seaport. "I Phould think. Don, you'd have enough of that ocean week days, with out a-scttln' and a-Iookln' at It Sun days, too," remonstrated more than one friend.' "Ain't you tired of seein' the sea, just layln' there? If you was up here in town you could see the street, and folks comin' and goln'." "FoIUb!" said Donald Hayes, with a laugh; "the sea is folks enough for me." "Well, It's easy talking," threatened the other, good naturedly, "but wait till you try to get Mary Ellis to live down on those fiod-foraaken rocks; Mary, or any woman, will say 'no, thank ye!' I don't see how your mother stands it, nohow." , Donald laughed again; he was a fine, vigorous young fellow, with an open, sunny, handsome face, and a mouth that found laughing easy. "Mother don't mind," he said; and then he Jumped Into his dory, which was tied at the wharf where they had been talk ing, and went slipping down the little tidal, fiver towards the open sea. Don eld was not concerned about his chance for getting a wife. "Mnry won't mind the rocks," he might have said; but he only pulled his oars in as he passed a house near the river, and waved his hand at a girl upon the .bank, who was hanging tea towels out on the currant bushes In the back garden. "Hullo, Mary!" he called out; and she came running down the path to the Gilmore's Aromatic Wino A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness,, ind feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh' and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator.', and corrector for ailments t peculiar to woman Aood. . It promotes digestion, fctiTiches the blood 'and gives lasting strength, fold .'. by Matthews Bros., Scranton. river. Hhe was a pleasant looking girl, not pretty, but fresh and honest, and with eyes hat knew no secrets. As they met Donald's there was a Joyous avowal In them. "Can. you get in?" he asked her, as the dory bumped against the piles that banked the wass at the end of the gardtn. Mary glanced at him, side wise. "I thought you were going to take me out yesterday?" "Why!" said Donald, "I vow! so I was. Well, I declare I never thought of It till this minute! Ah, come on, Mary; don't be. hard on a fellow!" Marry demurred, with that delightful affectation of indignation at being neg lected which only the girl who knows she Is loved can assume. Donald coaxed, rather humbly: "Just for a turn outside the breakwater. The Went Slipping Down (ho Little River. sea's like glass. Come on, now, Mary. Never mind your hat, the sun's low. Mary, I'm going to sail Saturday." . Her face changed, as though a cloud had crossed the sun. She got In silent ly, and Bat down opposite the young man; she looked at him onee, and then watched the bubbles, leaping to the surface when the onrs'cut down Into the swift flow of the tide. "Your mother'll be lonely,". Bhe said. "Bless your heart!" he answered, gayly, "what's a six months' voyage? I'll be beck in December, And maybe you'll look In on her sometimes, Mary? Folks ray our house Is lonely, down on the shore; well, It never seemed so to me; if I can Just, look at the water I'm happy. I wish I could live on It all the year round. But maybe mother will feel lonely; and I'd take It as a favor If you'd see her sometimes?" Mary nodded. "Of course I will." "Don't let her worry If we're a day or two overdue; worrying Is about the meanest business I know of. I worried about the Samuel P. Jonea the time I let horito Dick Wheeler, and he was two weeks overdue. I thought she'd gone to the bottom, and I'd be out my money I put Into her. Well, I ninde tip my mind thqn I'd never do It again; worry, I meanv Worrying wouldn't a-brought her up. If she'd been stove In and sunk; and If she was afloat,, where was the sense?" " "We won't worry If you'll do your part, and write from every port," Mary said, a little tremulously. "You know you didn't write for six months the last time; and of course your mother was anxious." "Well, I'm not much on writing," Donald admitted; "when I get a blamed pen Into my hand I never can think of a thing to say. I don't believe I'll promise, Mary, but I guess I'll do It all the same." Mary laughed and scolded. "If I'd only been teaching school when you were a boy," Bhe said, "I'd have got that laziness out of you! I don't take any excuses from the boys, I can tell you I make them write compositions every Friday." "My!" said Don, admiringly, "I'll bet on you for bossing them. Hut I'm pretty glad you weren't teaching when I was a young one, because because you would have been older than me now." Mary's face flushed, and she did not meet his eyes; but she smiled and said: "Oh, nonsense " and neglected to cor rect his grammar, which .would have been in the line of her duty ns school mistress of Seaport. The town lay inland half a mile, scattered along the bank of a river that slipped down through salt marshes to the sea. It was a primitive little place: Its main Industry was fishing. Indeed, the pungent smell of drying fish, and the flshhouses, gray and weatherbenten, and full of lobster pots and seines, betrayed that fact to any stranger. Pick Wheeler was almost the only man In Seaport who was not a fisherman. He had made an effort to follow the trade of his neighbors, but his one voyage on the Samuel P. Jones had been too unsuccessful tp encourage him to put his father's Inheritance Into a vessel; Instead, he bought a sawmill, and was growing richer every year. Mary never had occasion to correct Dick's grammar, nor reproach hltn for breaking his promises; but when, after her friendly scolding for his forgetful ness, Donald fluid, slyly, something to the effect that Dick Wheeler, who never forgot things, was probably the kind of pupil she had In her school, the "kin o' fellow that pleases you, Mnry?" nlu tosHed her head, and said: "Nonsense!" and this time with a snice of earnest ness that seemed to please Don very much. They lind drifted around the brenk water, and the dory lay with Idle onrs, rocking up and down. Up on the clllTs was the low, wenther-benten house; Its fnlnt whlsp of smoke leaning with the wind sgnlnst the opnl (trny of the Juno twilight. Perhaps the )bf of the men at the wharf made Donald ay, with sudden wlstfulness: , "Well, Dick Wheeler's house Is smart er. I must say!" "Oh, It's too big," Mary objected, carelessly; and Donald agreed, with animation, and stiid, fur his part, he liked Dick. After tlmt they were .silent,, looking out across the gray, breathing, lifting expanse, at the fueling crimson In the west; and a Utile later, they turned back. When they reached the foot of the garden, and he helped Mary out, Donald held her hand hard In his n moment. r . "You'll -mind what,. I sold about mother, won'f .you? . Andartd '. you wo't go back on me, Mary?'V - : , ; She looked him straight In he eyes, and her Hp quivered. "Take core of yourself, Don," she faltered. But ie only laughed, because he was tqo happy to answer her seriously.' ' "Bless you! I'm not ugar nor salt." Then he told her he would come up after supper, and they would go to prayer meeting. "If you don't forget It," she told him, sarcastically. "Well, that's so," he acknowledged, Mcry Spreading tlio Napkins to Dry. humbly enough, "I must say, I'm good at forgetting. But I'm coming, Just the same." (To be Continued.) FREE! FREE! FREE ! RAILROAD TIME-TABLES aOINtl TO CARLSBAD Isn't necessary now. Carlsbad is cu mi ny to you. At least, the health giving part of it is. You get every curative quality that bus mado the place famous for hundreds of years la the Carlshad Spru lel Water und Salt. That Is, if you get the genuine. Heware of the so-called ".mproved" or "artifRlul" Kdt ouvrcd in the mar ket. The genuine lies the signature or "Eisner & MentL-lson Co., Sole Aetifs, ,Xev York," on every package.. Write lor pamphlet. ill I S22K!5E3 Ir- YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION! DR. HACKER, "THE ENGLISH SPECIALIST," Will for tho Next Thirty Days, Give AbsO' lutely tree, All Consultations, Kxuinl. nations and Professional Services. Rmembir. this la for 80 DAYS ONLY. Avail yourmilvas of this rr opportunity. Thii only pplio to caioa of uervous troubles rlslug from Krrors of Youth. Our Hnuciullat ill ttentu.eut of sll Catarrhal and Throat troubles Ino glv KIK8T TREAT MENT t'KEh'. Deafneus positively cured. DR.W.H. HACKER ;' 327 SPRUCE STREET, I Opposite New Hotol Jormya, Scranton, Pa. ; OKFICK HOURd-8 TO t. riilrhMlfi1. roU.h Diamond llranK. ENNYROYAl PILLS O riff 1 mil mui 0ljr Or a nine VL, rfilil'in, lADit a liiftj4Ut tor Vkii kwttr JhifJti Uin a mffiJ umu,t m km ahfl f'uid nifumicr lmft. imlnl with blii't riUrmii. Tiiko t.a ilntv lltfHat danttmrou itibifi(M tttmt mui Mt'fiifiMfti. At ItruitUti. flrKOdla, tti Mknipi lor "ri(oulmi. tratiBivnlal tul "rriivi ir i. ot return .Mull. 1,0W IV-UmoiiInU. A'im Paptr. htp4,ctltICa..l4UmiH4iHt 8ld bf 4Ul Lwiftl Drug-U. lJ.ll.t ft 7. BOYAL TlllLITIi RATAL LADIES' ONLY I S&! prewcil and painful menstruation, and a certain MIVHTATIVi (r all female irreiuUruic, buld with a Wrlttra fotrutM W Cure Send a to tamp fur particulars and "Guide for diei." I miit on havlnf Tk Ujli fiunonl Titleti (M Orowt Irul) ttirr VkKKCN.ROVAL V. 10. Trak ta Vtart, Bn, IW, (erf For aale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Drug Slat, Wyoming v. and Sprue atrtat. Complexion Prsseiveti DR. HEBRVS viola on Remove Fraoltlaa, Plnptoe, Uver Maloa, bUcli.Suide, unburn and Ten, ai-.u ro nton the akin, to Its origi nal fjoihtU'tO, pnxluug " "r.,;.t,' frepamtlona and .perfertly hrmle , At all ueU,ur mailed lur SOeu. 81 tor Circular, VIOLA OXIM 80AP "rJr taeeaparHili a emltj la P, aaM the WK iWL tot Am TiorSnr. jmte 1 cat Anni-n, Prteej veata. , Q. C. BITTNER 4. CO., Tottoo, O, .For sale by Matthew Bros, and John H. Pheloa. iiif!i ie u a wlUrmta Ktiaomaa bt th HiaHier Maweai Avrxoamre SM0L1NHAI8 ft MtTMl "ATADDU lABTHNAvnmnnic HEADACHE WHH will ears tod. a wonderful boon to euireren fromC'eriria, SeiroTliraaa, Inaaeaea, Brtiaekltla, hHIT flTKM. A fnrdi tmnwHaUrfUtf. Anefttclenl reaaedr, convenient to of rn uoia. Prlea. iteleu. llealetered malt ian Kinn, not., u. a. V hi BMkt,rMdr to Ba on Brat Indication of (lowtlaalaef IJeo Itaweta Peraaaaant C, iafaeuonfnaraateedormoner refunded. Pi era. xnu iree iiwnio Keenta. aCkCDUMiC-., 3TJrCir UrilTUni The enraat and eafeet remedT for Wtll I nil alliklndlfeaeeeteuaia.lu3b.8all lmald Borea urai, Outa. Wowelarnal ram ed; for rlK.Be). rrleej. ate. at Draa- B a I II ataehyau prepaid. Addritae above. OWLW Par sal by Matthew Bro. and Joh n ri hle. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Miequehanna Division I Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnaur lng cleanliness and comfort. TlMK TABLfc; IN KKKKCT MARCH 25, 18S5. Trains leave Soranton for Plttston, Wllkos-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m., 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.25 p. in. Sunday. e.UQ a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 1.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8 20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), S.05 (express) p.m. Sun duy, 2.15 p.m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Euaton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a-m., 12.45, 3.05, 6. 00 (except Philadelphia) p.m. Sunday,' 2.15 p.m. For 1-onr Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.24 a.m., 12.45 p.m. For Keadlna;, Lebanon and Harrlsburf, via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 6.00 p.m. Sunday. 2.15 p.m. For Pottevtlle, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m.. 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (rxpresB with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, t.00 8m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 6.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the Mntlon. H. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. tcl., Lack, and Western. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: rress for New York and all points Eak. 40, 2.50, 6.16, 8.00 and 9.65 a.m.; 12.65 and 3.50 '' Express for Enston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a.m., 12.55 and 3.60 p.m. Washington and way stations, S.5o p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 P.m. Express for Blnirhamton, Oswego, h.1 mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a.m. and 1.24 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points in the West , Northwest and Houthwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a.m. UlnRlmmton and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson acpomtnodntlon, at 6.16 P.m. Klngliumton and Klnilra Express, 6.06 P ExproFi for Cortlfind, Syracuse, Oswcijo Uilua and Kiclrlleld Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. Ithaca. 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Bnrre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Unn vllle, making close connections at North umberland for Wtlllatnsport, Harrlaburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intorm.'illato sta tluiin, 6.00, 9.66 a.m. and 1.30 and C.07 p.m. Nnntb'oke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m. I'ullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains For dotallcd information, pocket time tables, otc, apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket o 111 oo, :t?s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket otlke. DELAvTARR AND -HUDSON RAIL . . ROAD. Commenclntr Monday, Vaf fl'Va Jfty- Julv S". ail trains m m m mw- will arrive at new ick B m m on anna avenue atatlon Jtr as follows: Z7 'y Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale and in termediate points at 2.20, 6.45, 7.00, 8.26 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 120, 3.66, 6.15, (.16, 7.26, 9.11 and 11.80 p.m. i . , For Farview. Wayroart and Honesdale at 7.00. 8.25 and 10.10,12.00. 8.20 and 6.11 For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For Wllkes-Barro and Intermediate .hits at 7.45, 8.46, 1.38 and 10.46 a.m.. 12.06i 1.20, 138, 4.00, 6.10, (.06, 9.U and 11.38 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate point et 7 40, 1.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00. 1.17,2.34, (.40, 4.64, 6.65, 7.46, KU and 11.33 p.m. From Honesdale. Waymart and Far view at 9.94 a.m., 1100. 1.17. 140, 6.65 an4J T.45 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etx, at 4.64 and U.8I p.m. - M . From Wukea-Barre and Intermediate. Prints at 116, 8.04, 10.06 and 11.66 a.m., l.l'J U4t lie, m, . 7J9, 9.03 and U.4 p.m. Not. tt, 1894. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at "AS a.m., 12.05. 2.38 and 11.38 p.m., via D., U W. R. R;, 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes Barre, via D.. L. W. R. R., 6.00. 108, 1129 a.m., 160, 6.07, 8.50 p.m. Leave 8cranton for WWte Haven, Ha zleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via K. W. V. R. K.. 6.40 am., via D. ek 11. R. at 7.46 am., 12.05, 138. 4.00 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.0U, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 8.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaiton, Reading;, Harrlaburg and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R., 7.45 a.m., 12.05. 2.38, 4.00. 11.38(p.m., via D., L. A W. R. K.. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhinnock, To wanda, Klmira. Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. 4 H. R. R , m a.m., 12.05 and 11.36 p.m., via D., & Wj R. R.. 8.08. 9.55 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Ix'ave Scranton for Rochester, Buffaloe Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R.. 8.46 am... 12.05, 9.15, 11.38 p.m.. via D.. L. ft W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08. 9.56 a.m., 1.30,' 8.60 p.m., via E. A W. V. R. R., 8.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via 1). & H. R. R., 8.46 a.m., 12.06, 6.05 p.m.. via D., L. A W. R. R., 8.08. 9.56 a.m., l.M, and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between & B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspensioa Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. S.LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.. Fa, A. W. NON'NEM ACHER. Asat. Oen, Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Torft? and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 6.S6 a.m. and 824 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 6.35. 9.4S a.m., and 8.24 p.m. All the above are through train to and from Honesdale. Trains leave tor Wllkes-Barre at 149 a. m. a ltd 8.41 p.m. SCRANTON DIVISIOlf. In fleet Sept. 16tb, 1894a North Honnd. fai 81W 110 758 T 51 T45 788 T S3 TiM 7 10 Tub 161 648 N43 41 Sft 6 3.' 6 129 6 em e 1U 614 ft) 13 610 p a 201 3 r T8i T 10 T00I r mi 1 1 100 13 56 111 40 19 40 1 14 18 13 03 ril50 11 4I 1184 (1130 11 S3 II 18 flllS 11 11 11 07 11 OS 1108 11 00 f!057 10SS a m Stationa Sooth vim fTraina Dallr. cept 8uDdaj) Arrive Leave N Y Franklin 8t West 4'.'mi St weehawken 'Arrive Leave! Uancock Juoo. Hancock Btarligjit PreatonPark (Como Poyiitelle Belmont rieaaaiit Mt Uniondale Forest City Carbondale White Bridse Mayfleld Jermyn Archibald Winton PeckvUle Olyphaut Dickson Throop Providence Park Place So ran ton Leava Arrive A Ml 600 60S 618 65 est 640 645 6K 7101 T94 77 8 784 740 T4 748 7M 754 756 800 80 All trains pun rlallw mmrmnt AunriaT. f . signifies that trains atop ea sigaal for ps ! . . . .. Hecura rates via untario ex neaieru umuiv urohaatna; UekeU and save money. Day aa4) Igsa Tpress to toe west, ' a 1 0 Anderaoa, Geo. Pass. Agt T. nttaroft, Dir. Pass. Agt., Itatea, Pa. Bound. I stMiSUtf 1 ! J V iOfl .... )L 111 9 .... 8 31 .... 8 41 .... -V 160 8 58 .... , 8 00 8 09 819f i 3 84 6 31 fSSS 6 87) f84Sf54l 845 5 4 ' 851 681 8 54 6M 8 59 5fc J 404 6bt X 407 4Vr -i f 410 610 'I 4 14 46 I (4 17 6 li I 4 80 4 si I JS I v. 1 V