THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE TtlSDAY MORHTNG, APRIL 16, 1895. EQUALLED BY FEW AND EXCELLED BY HONE FRESH IN 1 POUND PRINTS. Try it and you will use 510 other. 24c PEH POUND. luceIjros. JIN OTHER S1DE0F CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the Kcst Side of the City Noted. BANQUET OP LITERARY SOCIETY It Waa Held In the Parlors of I'alrchlld's Hotel Funeral of Jacob liurncll. Performance Given by tbojcanclto ' Dramatic Club Last Evening. ' The members and several friends of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society assembled at 9.30 o'clock last evenlne In the spacious (lining parlors at'Falrchlld's hotel, where the second annual banuuet of the socletv was held. A preliminary meeting was held In the society's rooms, where the question box furnished discussion for the members until the appointed time for the bun quet. David J. Davis presided. Joseph Hughes was caterer. Three long tables were set, on which the following menu was served: Blue points, on the half shell, banquet wafers, bouillon olives, celery, white fish, anchory sauce, roust turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, green peas, mashed, potatoes, chicken salad, crescent rolls, salted almonds, ice cream, cake, fruit, cheese, crackers and coffee. About two hours were spent In discussing the menu, after which the toast master made the opening address, and the following toasts were responded to: "The So ciety," William A. Price; "Our City," Howard Davis: "The Stage," Kmerson D. Owen and J. Myron Evans; Mr. Owen recited "'Ostler Joe," and Mr. Evans "Casey at the Bat"; "Politics," Charles E. Daniels; "Society Prophesy," Charles , E. House; "Washington," Robert Williams; "Our Country," Wal lace O. Moser. The speeches were given in excellent style and showed a great Improvement on the work In the society. Their efforts were greatly ap plauded. The glee party of the society furnished music during the evening, which was much enjoyed. Those present . were: John R. Ed wards. D. J. Davis. Edward W. Thayer, Robert Williams, B. "Williams, Jr., of Middle Granville; Wallace O. Moser, Charles Bertine, E. O. Peters, Will James, W. A. Price, Howard Davis, Joseph Jeremiah, Burt Harrington, A. B. Elias, C. E. House, John B. Blume, Arthur L. Davies, Myron Evans, Al bert Davies, John P. York, James Powell, James T. Harris, Albert Elias, Emerson Owen, of the Carbondale An thracite, Charles E. Daniels, of the Truth, Chauncey Harvey Derby, of the Times. Gwilym A. Williams, of the Re publican, and George T. Griffiths, of the Tribune. Brief Notes of Interest. Mrs. Thomas Thomas and son, Will lam, of Plymouth, spent yesterday with relatives on Sumner avenue. An enjoyable entertainment was held last evening In the First Welsh Congre gational church by the Junior Christian Endeavor society. The affair was In charge of William Reese and Rev. David Jones. The classes of David Williams and Mrs. Coons, of the Sumner avenue Presbyterian church held a delightful entertainment and social last evening In their parlors. The) room was crowded and the programme was well rendered. The remains of the late Daniel Ed gar were interred yesterday afternoon. The services, were conducted at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Wallace, at the corner of Oxford and Tenth streets. The floral offerings were very pretty. Mears' hall was crowded last even ing at the eighth annual ball which was (riven by the members of the Twilight Social club. The room was neatly dec orated and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Dancing was Indulged in until early morning. ' The funeral of Mary Klme, wife of Albert Klme, will take place this after noon from the family home, on Rob inson street. Services will be held by Rev, T. . Collins, of the Scranton Street Baptist church. Interment In the Washburn Street cemetery. Camp 33, Patriotic Order of True Americans, and Waco council, No. i t Daughters 'of Pocahontas. ' The Jeanette Dramatic club gave their first entertainment last evening for the benefit of St. John's German Beneficial society In their club rooms on South iMaln avenue. For some time past the members have been rehears ing a play entitled "For Half a Mil lion," and this was tho feature last evening. Besides this there was a game of basket toall and 'several sl&rt sketches, A large number attended the funeral of the late Jacob Burnell, which took place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, from his home at Edwards court. The remains were conveyed to St. John's German Presbyterian church, on South Main avenue, where a solemn ' high mass of requiem was celebrated- by Rev. Father Trlcker. , Interment was' made In St. John's cemetery. The pall bearers were: Motz Flesch, Joseph Rey, Michael Lynn and Sebastian Klein. . . West Sldo Iluslnois Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. . Con vfneo yourself by calling at Btarner's ' Photo Parlors, 101 and 102 Smith Main -avenue. ' ; .GROCERIES Revere. Standard Java Coffee ie unexcelled. The leading coffoe : or tne day. j'or sale only at F. W. Ma son Co. . Fine Groceries.' J16 .South Main avsnuo. . .. , .. , . ., SECOND HAND FURNITURE-CASH . for anything you have to sell. Furnl- 4iifa. HinVAM Tools - ettv- frill 'nnit ami the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and lit Jackson street. . - WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, 106 North Main avenue, and see hli complete line of Wall Paper, Paints W.1 BUTTER . and Window Shades. Just opened with ,M Stock. . t' PLt.'MBINO William D. Orifflths, 113 North Main avenue, does ttrnt-clam Plumbing, Steam Heat and Ga Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. SCRANTON VS. POTTS VI LLE. The Clubs Will Play in This City This Afternoon. The Scranton-Pottsvllle practice game announced for yesterday In this city was prevented by wet grounds. 52- game will be played today, when lirown and Johnson and Rodgers and Reagan will be in the points for Scran ton. Umpire Oaffney arrived here yester day and will remain to adjudicate all the practice games and the- opening Eastern league games. Tomorrow the Serantons will meet the Onandaga Indians on the home grounds. Games I'luycd Ycsterduy. Baltimore, April 15. The champions played the first game of the seasorl on their home grounds this afternoon. Tho Princeton college boys, their op ponents, were beaten with ridiculous euse. An error and careless fielding In the seventh Inning gave the tigers their only run. Hcore: Bulllmore D 0 10 110 3 1-12 Princeton 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 lilts Baltimore. 10; Princeton, 3. Errors llnltimore, 2; Princeton, 3. Butteries Buffer, Kissinger anil Hubinson; 1 1 1 1 rot, Wilson and Williams. Bethlehem, Pa., April 15 The Allen town State league team defeated the University of Pennsylvania reserves In an exciting thirteen Innings game ut Manhattan Park this afternoon. Score: Allentown 0 82010000000 2-8 U. 1 , 0 14000010000 1-7 Hits Allentown, 14; University of Penn sylvania, 14. Errors, Allentown, 3. But. terles Mayer. Baker and Mllllgun; Speak er and Reunlg. Umpire Connor. TEMPERANCE HALL Bl B.NED. .Meeting Place of the Young Men's Total Abstinence Society of Sport Uill He dnccd to Ashes This Moraing. A bright red blaze reflected against the sky at 2 o'clock this morning showed that a fierce fire had burst out and was raging In Dunmore. Telephone messages from that local ity were received stating that the hall of the Young Men's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society, of Sport Hill, Dunmore borough, was burning, and could not be saved from destruction. Nothing was learned In reference to the origin of the Are. SAMUEL GOMPERS HERE. Says Tbut His Object Is to Arouse the Laboring .Men. Samuel Gompers, of New York, ex presidont of the American Federation of Labor, arrived In this city yesterday afternoon and registered at the Lacka wanna Valley house, llr. Gompers was met at the train by a delegation of labor men and escorted to the hotel. He went to the court house in the after noon to Jiear Attorney T. V. Powderly, likewise an ex-labor leader, address the Jury In the opening of the Leonardo Rosa homicide case. Mr. Gompers will address a labor meeting at the hall over Samter Bros.' clothing store this evening. The gen tleman was seen at his room yesterday afternoon and asked to define the pur pose of his visit to Scranton. He said the time Is ripe for a revival In the in dustrial situation after the business de pression of the past two years, and he is here to confer with the labor unions with the end in view to bring about a more thorough organization. He will try to create a sentiment In favor of shorter hours of labor and will make It a point to arouse public opinion against the "sweating" system In the tenement workshops of New York. Scranton Is a large distributing point, he said, for scab Bhops of New York, on account of the consumption here of the product of these shops. He will demand among the laboring classes that they look for the union label on all clothing they purchase, and a transfer of trade from the merchants' who sell the output of "sweating" shops. Notwithstanding the report of the committee from the Sam Sloan division of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers that went to New York and are alleged to have In vestigated the shop of Hackott, Car hart & Co., Mr. Gompers said that this firm has been and threatens to con tinue to be obnoxious to the labor unions. The gentlemen who went to New York to Investigate the matter, he said, were either duped or dishonest. He will treat these matters fully In his lecture this evening. . BEAUTIFUL SILK FLAG. Presented to tho Members of Scranton Division, Knights of Pythins. A beautiful fillk full-sized American flag was presented to the members of Scranton division. No. CO, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias, by their wives at the rooms of the division, 510 Lackawanna avenue, last night. It was the regular drill night and the presentation was a surprise to. the members. Mrs. David Brown, wife of Captain David Brown, gave the flag away and It was accepted in a happy, graceful spirit. A duet. entitled, "Beautiful Moonlight," was sung by Mrs. Emma Diem and Mrs. Heckle; ' Mrs. Nellie Moses Thomas was the accompanist. Recitations were delivered by Miss Llddy Luther,' Benjamin Griffiths, and Fred Otto. Refreshments were served and dancing was afterward ' enjoyed. Professor Korn furnished the music. Remeber our telephone number Is 2242 If you want plumbing work. W. G. Doud & Co.. GOV Lacka. ave. Homo Seekers' Excursions, via. the Nickel Plate Mood. ... to points In the south, at one fare for the round trip, March 6 to April and 30. Ask your city ticket agent for detailed Infomu tlon, or address F. J. Moore, general agent, No. 23 Exchange' street, Buffalo, N. Y. ' Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging;' most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very soro. Swanye's Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul .. "U' a most, cases removes th tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents.- Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Constipation Is a deadly enemy to health ; Burdock Blood Bitters Is a deadly enemy to constipation. ' . (Then Baby Was tick, we gore her Castors, ' When she wu Child, she cried for Caatocjv ' When she became Miss, she clung to CoetoruC ' ' When she bad Children, she gave them OMtorkv AFFRAY AT PECKVILLE Prank ISczcil Seriously Wounded by Michael Boarder. USED KNIFE AND PORK ON HIM During the Moleo Windows and Articles of Furniture in tho House Wcro Smashed-Anqthcr Stabbing Affray at tho Rnfgo at Archbald. Easter Sunday was observed with riot and drunkenness by the foreign ele ment of Sterrlck's Patch, a locality on the outskirts of PeckvIIle, and across the hills at the notorious "Ridge" in Archbald borough the celebration was along parallel lines, and in both pluces the general Jollification terminated very nearly In murder. Michael Boarder' keeps a boarding house in Sterrlck's Patch and the con tingent that he feeds and shelters for hire purchased several kegs of beer Sunday morning and In the evening had become so drunk that a free light was the natural offshoot. One of the board ers, a burly Hun named Frank Bezel), backed up by his brother, Joseph Bezell, opened the exercises by pitching into the boarding boss with the leg of a chair. The other boarders sided with the buss and tjie melee did not end until In the general confusion every window and artlole of furniture in the house was broken to pieces. Boarder, the boss, attacked savagely the ilrst named Bezell with a fork and slashed him painfully on the hand with the prongs, lacerating the flesh in a very serious condition. Bezell was also stabbed on the cheek with a knife and received rather serious Injuries. In or der to escape from being carved to death by his infurlaited assailants, he was obliged to plunge headlong through a window and Jump a high distance from the porch to the ground. The other brother was very brutally beaten and was lucky to escape with his life. Number of Arrests Made. The entire Peckville force of officers, with the assistance of several citizens, succeeded In arresting all concerned In the affray, and they were locked up in the town station house. Dr. Grover was called to attend the Bezell brothers and found both very weak from loss of blood. He dressed their wounds and Is of the opinion that their Injuries are by no means dangerous. At the Ridge a Polander named Mi chael Mielo was so seriously Injured In the fight that he was considered to be In danger of death. Dr. Beck attended him, but finds that the man will re cover. John Motli, Andrew Dusak and John Hummock were arrested and re quired to furnish bail for their appear ance at court. COMMENCEMENT EVENING. Y. M. C, A. Educational Year Closes with an Enjoyable Event. The second annual commencement of the Young Men's Christian association evening school was attended by a large audience of the students and their, friends last night. An excellent at traction had been secured for the pro gramme in the Marcy Male quartette of Brooklyn. Tho addresses of the evening were delivered by II. M. Row ley, T. J. Foster and H. C. Shafer. A synopsis of the educational report as presented by Mr. Rowley shows that the total class enrollment In thirteen different branches was 402, and that six teachers had been employed. Cer tificates were Issued to fifty-nine young men. President Dickson's prize of to In gold was awarded to F. H. Sanger, whose record of attendance at progress reached tho highest mark. At the close of the regular pro gramme General Secretary Mahy an nounced that Ice cream and cake would be served in the dining hall and that Conrad's orchestra, which had opened the programme, would continue to play In the reception room. The audience adjourned to the parlors and reception rooms and had a -social time until 10.30 p. m. ANNUAL MEETING. Held by the Congregation of the Grace Reformed Church. The congregation of the Grace Re formed church held its' annual meeting last evening. The ves'try'mqn for the past year were re-elected, namely; G. YV. Fritz, S. ,G. Smith, J: E.' Chandler, W. TT Hackett, E. H. Ripple, R. H. Frear, T. E. Lyddon, W. W. Lathrope and A. P.-Tuthlll. '- - The pastor, Rev. G. L. Alrich, pre sented a full, and interesting report of his work during the past year, showing a steady and healthy . growth In the membership of the church. Delegates were elected to attend the synodlcal council to be held In Wilming ton, Del., In October, 'next,. and were in structed to invite the council to meet here In October, 189C. ; ' .. . . " NO ONE WAS TO BLAME. That Was the Verdict of Coroner's Jury . in Joseph Turk Case. Now It is Olyphant's turn to move up to the head of the procession. A coron er's Jury has returned a verdict In the case of the Hungarian, Joseph Turk, who was found along the street car track In Dickson borough Friday night, that deserves to go on record. Notwithstanding all the evidence in the case the conclusion of the jury was that the man was killed on the street car tracks. Fourteen or fifteen wit nesses were sworn. The verdict was that he came to his death by being run ovef by a Scranton Traction company car and that no one was to blame. NORTH END NOTES. Mrs. John Edwards, of Plymouth, Is visiting relatives 4n this plact. Mrs. Jane Williams, of Wayne ave nue, is on a business trip In New York. Miss Mollle Clark and Miss Mary Flynn, of Brick avenue, visited friends In Archbald Saturday. The members of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church will hold their Easter bazaar in the church par lors tonight.. George Archbald, of Market street, has announced himself its candidate for the office of celect councilman of the first ward to succeed Flnley Ross. Armory hall was crowded last night when the "Keystone Dramatlo club pre sented "The Fisherman's Luck," under the auspices of the Electric Social club. The play was well presented. The Crystal Literary club presented the drama "A Celebrated Case" In St. Mary's hall yesterday for? the benefit of the Excelsior Hose oompany. A matinee was held In, the afternoon. The funeral of William White, the 15-year-old son of James . White, of William street, who died last Saturday, was held yesterday7- morning. - A" re quiem mass was celebrated in the Holy Rosary church at 9 o'clock and the body taken to Archbald for inter ment. A large number of friends ac companied it. PRESBYTERY MEETING. Opening Session in the Second Presby. tcrlan Church, - . . . , . Last evening the sessions of the Lack awanna Presbytery were opened at the Second Presbyterian church, when Rev. W. H. Swift, of Honesdale, moder ator, preached an appropriate sermon from I Corinthians, x, 31. W. C. Wecden conducted the musical exer cises and sang the solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple." Professor Rock well presided at the organ with his usual ability. At the business meeting Rev. W. S. Stltes, of Wyoming, was elected moder ator, and Rev. M. L. Cook, temporary secretary. Rev. T- H. Brooks was ap pointed a committee to prepare resolu tions y the death of Rev. E. H. Snow den, of Forty Fort. Rev. W. H. Swift was apotnted to discharge similar duties In connection with the death of Rev. Harvey Shaw, of Bethany. Rev. C. S. Robinson presehted a report on behalf of the committee on arrange ments. ' This morning a business session will be held from 9 a. m- to 12 noon, and nn afternoon session will be held from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. A popular meeting will be held at 7.30 o'clock when Rev. John Macintosh, of Philadelphia, will speak on "Sustenatlon and Home Mission. TURNERS' EXHIBITION. It Was Given East Night in Their Hull. Scranton Turners had a merry time of It lust night at their hall on Seventh street. Guth's orchestra opened the programme with an overture and then there followed ten specialties in gym nastic work by "the little boys, little girls and active Turners. Physical Di rector Carl Stalber guided the exer cises. The attendance was very large, and when the entertaining gymnaBtlc exhi bition was over the hall was cleared of tables at which refreshments were served, and the remainder of the occa sion was given up to dancing. The lit tle girls were especially clever and in teresting in their exhibition, AFTER THE TROUT. Yesterday Was the Oponlng of a Back ward Season. Yesterday witnessed the opening of a very backward trout season, and it was noted about the city that fewer embyro Sir Isaacs started after the festive beauty than on the first day of any former season In many years. Although the weather has for several weeks been of the kind that makes the speckled fellows ravenous, the large fall of rain has put him away from the hook for at least several days. Reports from the trout regions Indicates that the streams are too high and too muddy to permit of successful angling. Old fishermen say the best early Ashing will not be found at the head of the streams. PROF. SI EG EL'S BALL. Was Given in tho I'rot hlnghatn Theater Last Night. Professor J. F. Siegel's promenade concert and ball was given last night in the Frothlngham. Beginning at 8.30 o'clock Bauer's Dand and orchestra rendered a de lightful overture programme of three numbers. The dancing programme In cluded twenty-four numbers and five promenades. A light but delectable menu was served by Huntington. Sev eral other attractions about the city were probably accountable for the small attendance. DELAYS are dangerous. A dollar spent for Hood's Sarsaparllla now may pre vent Illness which will be expensive and hard to bear. Now Is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparillu. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re lieve constipation and assist digestion. 25c. Alarm clocks reduced from $1.25 to 79c. at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue., opposite Columbus Monument. For plumbing and electrlo bells tele phone 2242 to W. G. Doud & Co., 609 Lacka. ave. . t ESTABLISH ED 1870. GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Carrlagod, Business Wngrns, Renatring. Horse HhoeinK. Paintngund UpUolateriUK. Nos. 819, 'ill, fcU 825 Ueventh street, Scranton, Pa. Standard Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. . NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 113 Adams Ave., New Telephone Bldg. CALL UP 3682. CO, OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, . Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'tfr. vigor " am Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, ' Karvoasneajs, voDimy, ana an tne tram oi evus from eany errors or utter excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry. etc. Full strength, devel opment and tone given to evei-v ororen and Dortion ofthnhodv. SlmDle. nat ural methods. Immedi ate improvement eeen. Vu 1 1 n h Imnnulhla. ! (Wl rnfarnnrM. Dock. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. EBIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, M. YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION ! DR HACKER, "THE ENGLISH SPECIALIST," Will for the Next Thirty Days, Give Abso lutely Free, All Consultations, i:xami pations and Professional Services. RememlKr, this Is for 30 DAYS ONLY. Avail yourselves of this rare opportunity. This onlr applies to cases of iitrvous troubles rising from Errors of Youth. Our speelaliut In treatment of all Catarrhal and Throat troubles also gives FIRST TREAT MENT FKEt. Deafness positively cured. DR.W.H. HACKER 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite New Hotel Jermyn, Scranton, Pa. OFFICE HOURb-8 TO 8. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturer sad Dealers in Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound; also a large line of Par am no Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. Wm. Mason, Manager. Office: Coal Exchagne, Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine Brook. Wm. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chi capo Board of Trade, either for cash or 00 margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. D1MHICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 5,002. This Font on Remedy c 11 reft quickly and p&r in Fluently all nervous illwubcfl, such as Weak Momory, Loss of Hralti Power Ilrudache, Wake fuluesp, Ioat Vltnllty. nightly v ml salons, evil drnftmMmpotPncy 11ml wnnMnur ilIscaHes canned by yonttaful error or ficrmfi. Contain no opiates, in a iiervo tonic utttl Mood btillrtr Mnkes tho pule and uny wtronnanU plump. Kasily carried hi vest pocket. HI per box; O forVA. By mail prepaid will, a written ffimrniiteo to cure or money refunded. Wrlto un for free aiedlcKl book rtent wit led In pi at 11 wrapper, which con tntna testimonials and financial refitronre. K chftrw for ciiiiauUutlmia. Br mire of imita tion. Sold bv our mlvprtlned auenti. or nd Irons NEItVENEkD CO., Masonic Temple. Cklottiro. BOLD IN 80 R ANTON". PA., H. C. RANDEHSON WASHINGTON, COK. SPRUCE. DKUUG1ST8. Complexion Pressed DR. HEBRA'S I VIOLA s Removes Freeklee, Pimple. Liver . Mel., Blackheads enburn and Tin, and re stores the skin to lu origi nal ficsbnecs, producing lMf eud hcalLhv com. ntavinn. Rmierinr to all tern tiirpenitlona and .perfectly harmless. At 'all Or ugglits, or moiled lor SOcta. bend lor Circular. VIOLA BKIN 80AP U dmplr Iraapmbl. j kin puriMtf SMp, uacqaAM ft tb. WM, and wlUoirt e ftrfcl fo tb. ftararr. Abtolotel Jrar. tn4 OeUMU BMU- Mtiii Miintrfnt, Frio 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. . .For sale by Matthews Bros, and Jolts H. Phelps. Ckbomib it vse HiaHter Mtwe.t Aimrasmce SMFMTHflf iNHfllffl &EL CATARRH HEABACHEKS iNHAtxn will euro you. A wonderful boon to sufferen from Colds flare Throat or II AY FETCH. AtnrAi immediate relit f. Anefletenl remectT. convenient in carr In prtnket.reeij' UlT to Tl.ft on first Indlratlnn of ra,ld. ttall.f aotloo an&rantottd or raoner refunded. Prlee. 6 eta. . Trial rrro at prunglrts. RrLtrel mail, 60 coat. 1.&C1MWB, Mlr.,lkilmi.lliil0.S.4, Mr NTH DL The aureat nod ..fort rentmtr for Rtaeutnoiit floroa, Burna, Cute, wonderful rem edy for PlLKa). Price. ete at Drag ft a i u Klata or bj gull prepaid. Addrw aeboe. on L frl . For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. HOYAL S07AL Tuiinr. UDIES'ONLVIcTr presited and painful menstniattoti, nd a certain PREVENTATIVE fcJ all female lrregtilnriue.. Sold with a Written OuirnntM to Cur. Send a 2c atamp for particular, and "Guide for Ladies." tn.lst on having IHl Bcjil Fennyrovjl Tabltta (lit Greet Brtni) dilr. FIIKHCII-UOtlLfllill. l!O.T.ia- ai. cut B'a'a r.o. a... ma, e irk For eale by JOHN II. PHELPS, Drug flit, Wyoming ave. and Spruce street. Bare roe SoraTbraet, Pimples, Oevper-ColorM Dpota, Aohea, Wd Boies, Uloera In Mouth. II air Falling? Write (Took Remedy Ce SOT Ma MBleTeaaple ,hlco Jll-Jur proof, of cures. Oetaiitskl SOOfSOO. PsUentacnred alee years IllUlAllHLOinfi 01 IsS VELSBACII LIGHT Specially Adapted (or and Sew log. Consumes three (3) feet of gas per hour and gives an efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Having at leant 33$ per cent over the ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. HIT H01EU CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Manufacturers' Agents. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boa garrantexl to aire iatiafactloo or money refunded. Full printed directions from a child to s grown parson. It la purely vegutsbleand cannot positively harm the moat tenler Infant. Insist on having Dr. Camp bell'.; accept do other. At all Drof gists, 2&0, WONDERFUL Bouth ScRAKTort, Pa, Nor. 10. 1894. Mr, O. W. Campbsll-Uear Mr: I bsve given my boy, Freddie. 7 years old, some of hr. Campbell's Mimic Worm Sugar and Tea, and to my surprise this afternoon about 2 o'clock ho psaaed a tapeworm meafluriDg about 85 fet in length, head and all. 1 have It In a bottle and auv person wi.hing to see It can do so by calling at my .tore. I bad tried numerous other remedies recommended (or taking tapeworm., but all failed. Iu my estimation Dr. Cuupbell's is the greatest worm remedy in existence. Yours Terv reanectfully, FRED HEFFNEB, 732 Beach St Note The above is what everybody says after once n.lng. Jiannffactured by C. W. Campbell, Lancaster, pa. Successor to Or. John Campbell & Son. Reading l Pi lis U Li ondVery Kill - (Action TO OUR patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paf rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop - is fully cured. ' New wheat is now upon the market, an J owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful, attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. e MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rivw ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1BE1I SCRANTON, PA, LUMBER At Wholesale. RICHARDS LUMBER TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. , . Oeneral Office: ' SCRANTON, FA . EVERY WOMAN afc nvtds m rtlltblt. . WpnWVUpilHMNIIN. UVIWHiiwirnipi Dr. PcaPc Pennyroyal Pills Tkarara, aalaacA esrtaln In raralt. Tbs mo!ds (Dr. Faal's) asm alaaa. notsl, eta7Bsc,ll.a. Addrsa. Fu. ilMJtuuM Us UarsUnd, o. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruoa Straot Soranton, Pa. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and hia elated sUirt of English and Gorman physicians, are now permanently located at Old Poetofflce Building, Corner Pens Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor is a graduae of the Univer sity of Penntiylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chlrurgicul college of Philadel phia. Hie specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness.lack of contldence, sexual weakness In men and women, bail rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentratu the mind on one subject, eanlly startled when suddenly spoken to. and dull distressed mlnd,whicn unllts them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action ot the heart, caus ing flURh of heat, depression of splrlts.evll forebodings, cowardice, fear, d ream a, me 1 anclioly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the) morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confunion of thought, depression, constipa tleivweukness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected nhould consult us Immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam lid. He cures the worst cases of Ner Vo'js lability. Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Pi leu. Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Asthma, Deafnexs, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly Bacred and confidents.". Ollloe hours dally frero f a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, ( to t Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book callr-d "New Life " I will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. . , LR. E. OREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Pansj avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. CO., 22 Commonwealth B'lX Scranton, Pa. CONNELL 1 OIL Monthly. nUtlnp medlelM. On If t.mliCa Pharmaclat, Cor. Wyoming Avanua an)
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