The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Lackawanna Avenue,
Lackawanna Avenue,
ecials for
1 ...l.............
2 case plain Toweling, linen fin
ished, worth 5c. yd, Only 12c
I case Check Apron Ginghain,best
quality, worth 6c. yd, Only 23c
I case light American Shirting
Prints, worth 6c. yd, Only 21c
I case latest styles Dress Calicoes,
worth 7c. yd, Only 32c
1 case latest styles Dress Ging
hams, worth 10c yd," Only 42c
I case Dress Goods, "Serge," all
shades, worth 25c. yd, Only 15c
1 case Dress Goods,
new), worth 29c.
I case 36-inch Cashuiere,all shades,
worth 39c. yd, Only 25c
I :......,, i -.. . . . .
Sessions of the Wyoming Conference
Being Held at Carbondale.
Will Begin Monday in the Second Pros
fcyteriun Church-Events of the Week.
Musical Programmes to Be Ren
dered Tomorrow in Churches.
'Above all other church events of the
week the AVyomlng conference has ab
sorbed the attention of members of all
' denominations. To those outside of the
Methodist denomination the proceed
ings at Carbondale have been full of in
terest as indicating the marvelous
growth of the great Methodist con
nection in one brief year. Not only in
numbers, but In wealth, the Wyoming
conference has had a singularly pros
perous year, and this can be plainly
seen by the single Instance afforded In
the great increase of the special fund
for relief of worn-out ministers. Wil
liam Connell. treasurer of the fund, who
expressed hlls delight at the liberality,
of his fellow members, reported that
Blnce the last conference there had
either been subsarlbed or promised the
magnificent sum of $40,000 to swell the
fund, the Interest of which was devoted
to cheering and making comfortable the
last days of the veterans of the pulpit.
The meeting on Thursday night. In sup
port of the Preacher's Aid society, was
a memorable one nnd Indicated that the
Methodists of the Wyoming conference
were In the front. in-appreciating the
circumstances of the aged ministers,
and in the determination to fulfil their
obligations In meeting the Just claims
of those who had devoted their lives to
the service of God and hjs church.
Lackawanna Presbytery Meeting.
On Monday the meeting of the Lacka
wanna Presbytery will convene at the
Second Presbyterian church, when the
following programme will be observed:
Monday, 7.30 p. m., sermon by Modera
tor Rev. W. H. Swift, Honesdalei Pa.;
election of new moderator.
Tuesday, 9 to 12 a, m., devotional ex
ercises ( hour); reading minutes of
last meeting; Presbyterlal business. 2
to 6 p. m., Presbyterlal business. 7.30
p. m., popular meeting, Rev. Dr. John
Macintosh, of Philadelphia, will flpcnk
on "Sustentatlon and Home Mission."
Wednesday, 9 a. m. to 12 m., one hour
devotional service, Including the read
ing of the narrative of church's reli
gious life in the Presbytary for the
year, also obituary notices and other
Presbyterlal. business- - 2. to 5 p; m.,
Presbyterlal business,- Including the
election of commissioners to general
assembly at Pittsburg, Pa. 7.30 p. m
general rally of Christian Endeavor so
cieties,' at' popular meeting on foreign
missions, auuressea Dy me ceicDratoa
missionary, Rev. Henry. H. Jessup, D.
D of Belrul, Syria. .
Other Events of tho Week.
A surprise, party was tendered -Rev.
T. J, 'Collins at his residence on Hyde
Park avenue on Monday night, when
scores of his friends attended upon him
to congratulate the reverend gentleman
on the seventh anniversary of his pas
torate of the ;Flrst, Baptist , churoh,
Scranton' street. Every . room . In '. the
house Was soon crowded and the guests
loon made themselves thoroughly at
home. Many .baskets of refreshments dozen Ladies' Fancy Hand
kerchiefs, worth from 5c. to
Sc. each, Monday Only 21c
5o dozen Ladies' Kmbroidered
Handkerchiefs, worth 19c. to
25c. each, Only Oc
500 dozen Ladies' Hose, warrant
ed fast black and seamless,
worth 19c. a pair, Only 10c
I case Children's Hose, fast black
(ribbed), sizes 5 to 9, seam
less, worth 9c. a pair, Only 10c
75 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fos
ter hooks, all shades, worth
$1.00 a pair, Only 71 C
5o dozen Ladies' Fancy Hose,
Tans, Reds, etc. (seamless),
worth 25c. a pair, Only122C
100 dozen
fancy (quite
yd, Only 19c
a pair,
190 Ladies Umbrellas, 26-
inch, worth $1.50, Monday $1.09
accompanied the party and they enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Collins in great
style. Numerous complimentary ad
dresses were delivered having reference
to the success of Mr. Collins' pastorate
and his unvarying courtesy to the mem
bers of his own and other churches.
Mrs. Collins, who Is a model pastor's
wife, was also mentioned In very kind
terms and tine thanks of the company
were extended to her for affable man
ner In which she had always supported
all movements for the benefit of all sec
tions of the community. .
The Dutch Oap mission connected
with the Providence Welsh Congrega
tion Sunday school held a very delight
ful entertainment on Tuesday evening.
This mission Is In a very nourishing
condition. It wnstarted about a year
and a half ago with an average attend
ance of forty pupils and has now
reached eighty, nearly all of whom, pre
vious to the organizing of this school,
went to no school. There Is also con
nected with It a large Junior Christian
Endeavor society, which meets every
Friday evening and its beneficial results
are plainly seen.
The most successful entertainment
and social ever conducted by the mem
bers of the Welsh Cnlvlnlstic Methodist
churoh of Providence was tho one
which was held lust Wednesday even
ing, when nearly fiOO were served with
refreshments at the close of an excel
lent entertainment.
The Christian Endeavor society of tho
Providence Welsh Congregational
church have decided to run an excursion
to Lake Ariel on Saturday, June 13.
The Literary society of the North
Main Avenue Baptist church were en
tertained nt the residence of Charles
Henwood, on Main avenue, last Tues
day evening. i
The Puritan Congregational church,
on Market street, was filled last Mon
day night, when the combined Sunday
school classes of Miss Emma Humph
rey and Miss Ida Powell gave nn en
tertainment, followed by a social. The
programme consisted of tableaux,
drills, and choruses by the members of
tho classes, and recitations by Miss
Margaret Price and Miss Grace Will
iams. Tho annual missionary meeting of the
Provldonce Methodbtt Episcopal church
was held recently, when $1N4 was given
to the treasurer of tho 'hurch mission
fund as the Sunday school's missionary
contribution for the year Just ended.
Various reports were given by the olll
clals, all of which were very satisfac
tory, there having been an Increase In
all the departments. The school now
numbers 3G0, of whom 109 are In the
primary department and 2S5 In the In
termediate and Bible classes.
D. C. Sffward has written an admira
ble article m the Asbury Herald, giving
tho history of the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal chucrch since June, 1873. The
article Is brimful -of pleasant reminis
cences, and recollections.
' coming Kvents. -
Tho Wyoming district convention will
be held at the Asbury church June 4
and 5.
' Mrs. Potter, of Bloomlngton, 111., who
delivered such an admirable address at
(the Wyoming conference at Carbondale
yesterday will deliver an address at
the Elm Park chtfrch tomorrow morn
ing, and at the Simpson churoh in the
Aside from the programme of Easter
music printed- in The Tribune on Wed
nesday the following will be rendered
In the city churches tomorrow;
Ladies' Silk' Taffeta
all sizes, worth 25c.
Only 19c
Pcnn Avenue Baptist Church.
Elaborate preparations are being
made for Easter by the Penn Avenue
Baptist' church. The church will be
tastefully decorated with Easter low
ers, and a handsome programme of the
services will be handed to each person
who enters the church. Special Easter
music will be rendered by an excel
lent quartette, assisted by a chorus
choir of about forty voices. The pas
tor will preach appropriate Easter ser
mons. The following is the programme:
Organ Voluntary, "Christ Is Risen,"
James C. Gross.
Hymn, "Christine Lord Is Risen Today,"
Responsive Reading.
Anthem, "Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen,"
By Large Chorus,
Solo, "Hall, Risen Snvlour"....Lulgl Luzzi
Moses Morgan.
Sermon, "The Resurrection Body,"
Pastor Warren G. pannage
Quartette, "Come, See the Place Where
Jesus Lny" H. W. 1'arser
Mrs.- F. D. Hrumluge, MIks Maggie Jones,
Moses Morgun and Mr. Bynliam,
Hymn, Coronation.
Organ Postlude, "Offertory No. 4...-Wely
Evening Service.
Organ Prelude, Adagio In "A" Flat,
, VoicKmar
Hymn, "Hark; Ten Thousand Harps
and Voices."
Responsive Reading.
Solo, "Resurrection" Holland
Miss Maggie Jones.
Scripture Lesson.
Anthem, "Christ Our Fussover".. Schilling
Chorus Choir.-
Solo, "1 Know That My Redeemer Llveth,"
. Wnml
Mrs. F. D. Briindngc.
Sermon, "The Resurrection of Christ."
Quartette, "llnsannu" Jules Granler
Hymn, "Angels, Roll the Rock Awny."
Organ I'OHtlinle In G..... .Hmuit
(irccn Kldge Prcsb tcrlnn churches.
The services on Kaster Sunday at the
Green Ridge Presbyterian church will
bo of absorbing Interest to all who at
tend. Tho congregation will welcome
the pastor, Rev. N. F. Stahl, who will
return on Saturday from an extended
tour In Europe. The choir and Bible
school, under the leadership of C. F.
Whlttemore, has prepared a beautiful
and Interesting service for morning and
evening. The music for the morning
service will bo given by a lurge chorus
choir as follows: ;
Anthem, "The Angel Has Rolled Awny
tho Stone". ..William Conrad and Choir
Solo, "Hall Easter Morn,"
" Miss I.lda J. Gnragon
Anthem, "This Is tho Day Full Chorus
Solo, "The Risen Lord,"
Mrs. C. B. Metzgar
Anthem, "Christ Oour.Lord Is Risen
Today" Miss Garagan and Choir
Organist, Miss Salome Becker; solo vlo
lln, F. J. Whlmayer.
The evening service will be especially
attractive as presented by tho Bible
Bchool, assisted by the choir and orches
The programme of the evening service
Is as follows: '
Prelude , .Bible School Orchestra
Full Chorus, "Jian to tne ught",.. .School
Responsive Reading.... School
prayer ...Pastor
Anthem, "The Strlfs Is O'er" Choir
Solo, "He Is Risen,"
" Miss Annio M. Jenkins
Hymn, Coronation Congregation
Responsive. Reading .....School
Solo, "The Resurrection,"
Mrs. C. B. Metzgar
Carol, "Easter Lessons,"
Primary Department
"All Hall Thou Risen,"
' Miss Gnrnsan and School
Atdress Pastor
Solo, "Risen indeed".. w. H. Beck
case Ladies' Spring Ribbed Vests,
worth 25c. each, Monday 2.zG
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Spring Vests-"and Pants, com
plete line just received,
10 per cent discount on Monday
I case M. C. Corsets, special bar
gain, worth $1 a pair, Only 50c
agents in Scranton for W. B.
Corsets and P. N. Corsets, $1
quality, on Honday 75c
Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Chem
ise, Drawers, Skirts, Night
Gowns,Corset Covers,75c. and
85c. quality, on flonday 50c
Boys' Suits, spring stock just re
ceived; Prices, 98c. to $3.75
Suit; fancy and Velvet Suits
for small boys a specialty.
Boys' Shirt Waists, 500 dozen
Outing Flannel, indigo blue
and light calico,
Special line at 25c
Pairs, 25c. Quality,. ut
Pairs, 50c. Quality, at
Pairs, 75c. Quality, at
Anthem, "Christ Our Passover" Choir
With Solos by Miss Garagun and Mr.
Responsive Reading School
Full Chorus, "The Mighty King". ..School
Easter Offering for Sunday School Work.
Scenes from the Crucillxlon and Resur
rection, presented by Rev. A. V. Bower
March Bible School Orchestra
Kim Purk Church.
The music for Easter Sunday at the
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church
will be fully up to the standard of the
quartette, and will bo very attractive.
At the evening service the quartette
will le assisted by Mrs. Boston Will
lams In a quintette by Scheneckcr one
of his best efforts. An Easter song by
Holden, sung by Mr. Thomas; a solo
of iSulllvan, by Miss Dreager; "I Know
That iMy Redeemer Llveth," from the
Messiah, by Miss Guthrie, will consti
tute the musical programme. One
week from Sunday evening, a double
quartette will lng "The Story of the
Cross" by Dudley Buck, a cantata of
great beauty und effectiveness. The
Ladles' quartette, Interwoven by the
words of Jesus as he hung upon the
cross sung by the tenor, Is only one
of the musical features of the work.
The additional quartette consists of
Mrs. Brundage, Mrs. Williams, Mr.
Whlttemore and Mr. Blddlemnn.
At Simpson Al. K. Church.
The choir at Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church will render the following
selections at the morning service:
Organ Prelude liutlste
Walter Duvles.
Anthem and Solo, "Why Seek Ye the
Living Among the Dead".. F. Peel
Harry Acker and Choir.
Offertory H. It. Shelly
Walter Davles.
Solo, "Easter Day" Van Do Water
Miss Cora Storms.
Anthem, "Christ Our Passover,"
Rev. E. Hall
James Hartnian und Choir.
Organ Postluile.. J. W. Simpson
Walter Davles.
The programme for the evening ser
vice follows:
Organ Prelude B. Tours
Walter Davles.
Anthem, " 'TIs Night The Sabbath
Calm Is Brooding Now,"
J. R. Trowbridge
Alto and Soprano Solos, Quartette and
Ella aodslmll, Mrs. Beck, Harry Wrlgley,
Will Whlttman and Choir.
Offertory D. Munro
Walter Davles.
Quartette, "Jesus Died for I's,"
Miss Storms, Mrs. Beck, William W. Jones
und Harry Acker.
Chorus, "Jesus Lives" Choir.,
Anthem, "Why Seek Ye,"
William E. Eastman
Miss Cora Storms and Choir.
Organ Posllude DuRols
Professor William W. Jones, chorister;
Wajfer Davles, orgnnlst. .
Sopranos Miss Storms, Klla Godshall,
Mrs. Snover, Mrs. Wrlgley, Kate Davles,
Hannah Hum, Elvira Harris, Mrs. Shoe
maker, Alary Stover, Minnie Weber,
Stella Yohe, Mrs. Myers.
Altos Mrs, Beck, Mrs. Lewis, Annie
Jones, Mary Jones, Maggie Foster,' Wal
ter E. Davles, Mrs. Dr. Hall, Grace Acker.
Tenors James Hiirtmiui, Albert Hart
man, Walter Jones, Mr. Rldcway, Ed Ber
tlne. Bass Harry Acker. Harry Wrlgley, Will
Whlttman, Thomas W. Jones.
First Welsh Conf rcgatlonal Church.
In the First Welsh Congregational
church, on South Main avenue, the fol
lowing programme will be rendered to
morrow evening: "' .
Hymn ,. ..,,........ .....i. Congregation
Scripture Lesson.
ChoruB, "This Is the Day" Chblr
Solo, "I Will Exalt Thee."
, Mrs. Q. W. Powell
25 dozen Gents' Fancy Striped
Lauudried Shirts, sizes 14 to
-16, worth 75c, Only 49 C
100 dozen Gents' Fancy Outing
Shirts, worth 69c. and 75c,
flonday 49 C
500 dozen Gents' Seamless Half-
Hose, worth I2c. a pair,
Monday 7 c
2 cases Gents' Merino Shirts and
Drawers, in white and gray,
worth 39c, Monday 25c
Capes, all the latest styles,
From $2.00 to $25.oo Each
100 Ladies' All Wool
worth $5.00, Special $2.98
25 Ladies' all silk SKIRTS,
worth $15.00, flonday $9.00
Quartette. "Jesus. Refuge of My Soul."
Miss Lizzie Jenkins. Miss Mattle Williams,
Thomas Abram, William Rees.
Sermon Rev. D. Jones, Pastor
Subject, "The Resurrection of Christ an
Historical Fact," I Cor., xv, 3-8.
Duet, Mrs. G. W. Powell nnd Lizzie Jenkins
Chorus, "The Earth Is the Lord's".. Choir
Doxology. Benediction.
Roger Evans, chorister; Miss Norma
Williams, organist.
Trinity Lutheran Church.
The Easter services at Holy Trinity
Lutheran church have always been not
able events which yield great enjoy
ment to the resnective congregation.
Tomoiirow Mr. E. R. Protheroe, organ-
1st and musical director of Holy Trin
ity, will render some excellent Easter
music at the morning service.
Sopranos Miss Lettle Doyle, Miss Edith
Altos-Miss Abbld Orff, Mrs. Q. B. Whit
man. Tenors William Morgans, M. Landt.
Bass El L. Haas, H. Selbert.
Organ Prelude Scotson
Kyrle Zahn
Gloria Patrl Liilter
To Deum... C. F. Ives
Gloria In Excelsls Schartz
Hymn, "Christ tho Lord Is Risen Today,"
Offertory (Miserere Ml Dens) Last-Is
Solo, "He Is Risen Today" Gounod
Miss Lettle Doyle.
Hymn, "The Day of Resurrection."
Sunelus Salvation
Annus Del Cartridge
Nunc Dlmlttls Luzrlz
Second Presbyterian Church.
Miss Blanche Derr, of New York city,
will sing at the communion service In
the morning, "Christ the Lord Is Risen
Toduy." The following Is the order for
music In the evening, Miss Derr, Mr.
Weeden, Mr. Bynon, soloists, and
chorus of sixteen voices:
Sopranos-.MIss Derr, Miss Snover, Miss
DuKols, Miss Kann.
Contraltos Miss Rice, Miss Mmlth, Miss
Powell, Miss Saunders.
Tenors W. C Weedon, Mr. Bynon, Mr.
Taylor, Mr. Runyon..
Knssos Mr. Rowley, Mr. Watson, Mr.
Salmon, Mr. Thrall.
(leorgo N. Rockwell, organist; W. C.
Weedon, leader.
Solo, "Christ Arose" By Mr. Weedon
With Full Chorus of Sixteen Voices.
Chorus of Male Voices.
Anthem, "Now Is Christ Risen" Danks
Trio Butterfleld
Miss Derr, Mr. Weedon, Mr. Bynon.
Solo, "1 Know My Redeemer Lives," i
Mr. Bynon.
Duet ; Bsssford
Miss Derr and Mr. Weedon.
Solo, "Resu rrect ton" . ... Shelley
MIbs Derr.
Organ rreludo.
Organ Post lode George N. Rockwetl
All Bents free at night.
North Main Avenue Baptist Church.
Resurrection Jomes McGranahan
By tho Choir.
Anthem, "Bright und Joyous Morn,"
A. Blerly
By the Choir.
Chorus, "Hull, Glorious Morn,"
H. R. Palmer
With Solo by Mrs. Stopford.
Duet, "Hall to Our Shepherd,"
Misses Mattle Huntsman and Alma Clancy
Chorus, "Rejoice," with Echo Effect.
Chorus, "Easter Lily Bells," with Solos
' by Misses Ethel und Lily Watklna.
"The Easter Story". Full ChoruB
With Solos by Miss Lizzie Owen, W. J,
Owen and Charles Brown.
"Beautiful Kaster Morn" Full Chorus
Solo, "I Shall Rise Again,"
Miss Ph. Smith
Closing Cherus by the Choir and Con
gregatlon. ThesA musical numbers will be Inter
spersed with Scripture responses and
chants. -
At the V. M. C. A.
The following programme will be
250 dozen all Linen Towels, 1
yards long,
90 dozen all Linen Towels, 1
yards long,
worth 39c,
20 pieces Table
bleached, unbleached and tur
key red,worth 39c, Special 25c
l5o Chenille Table Covers, size
6-4, worth $1.25, Special 79c
150 Chenille Table Covers, size
4-4, worth 89c, Special 45 C
Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries,
Lace Collars, Ladies' Fancy Ties,
Jet Trimmings, Jewelry, Pocketbooks
and Notions of All Kinds
Reduced 25 Per Cent, for Monday's Sale.
rendered at the Young Men's Christian
association Easter song services, Sun
day, at 3.50:
Voluntary Selected
Conrad's orchestra.
Glee Club. .'..."The Stone Is Rolled Away"
Reading "Gothsemane"
Singing " 'Twas Midnight"
Reading "The Crucillxlon"
Singing "The Wondrous Cross"
Reading "The Visit to the Sepulchie"
Anthem Selected
Gleo Club.
Beading, "The Journey to Emmaus."
"The Great Commission." The As
cension. Hymn "Crown Him"
Orchestra Selections.
The Second Presbyterian Church Rev.
Charles E. Robinson, D.D., pastor. Ser
vice. 10.30 a. m. Communion, 7.30 p. m.
Tls.'re will be spcelnl Easter music In the
evening. Miss Blanche Derr, of New'
York; W. C. Weedon and Mr. Bynore, solo
ists, nnd chorus of sixteen voices. The
pastor will preach on the "Expulsive
Power of the Easter Thought." All seats
freq In the evening.
Green Ridge Presbyterian Church The
pastor, Rov. N. F. Stahl, will preach nt
iO.'M a. m. In the evening, commencing
nt 7 o'clock, will be held the Bible school
Easter service, which will Include nn ad
dress on the crucillxlon and resurrection.
by A. V. Rower, illustrated by stereop
tlcon. Bible school nt o'clock and Ku
ileavor meeting at 6 o'clock p. m. The
public will be welcome at all services.
St. Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Israel,
rector. Easter Day. Holy communion,
tl a. m 8 a. in., 11 a. m.; morning prayer
nnd sermon, 10.30 a. in.; children's carol
festival, 3 p. m.; evening prayer and ser
mon, 7.30 p. m.
St. Luke's Mission, Dunmore Rev. A.
L. 1'rban In charge. Holy communion,
6.30 a. m.; children's carol festival. 3 p.
in.; evening prayer und sermon, 4 p. m.
St. Luke's Church Easter evening. Holy
communion, Co. m.; morning prayer Hi;
litany, 12 m.; baptismal service, 3 p. in.
Venn Avenue Baptist Church Rev.
Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services
appropriate for Easter at 10.30 a. m. and
7.30 p. ni, Subject In the morning, "The
Resurrection Body." In the evening. "The
Resurrection of Christ." Special Easter
mnslu bv a quartette and a large chorus.
Strangers are cordially Invited.
Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by
Rev. Bullle Brown, of Auburn, N. Y.
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Chruch
Special Easter services; line muslo will
be rendered; an Easter sermon by the pas
tor In the morning; In the evening a
hymn service. Tho offerings of tho day
will be for the organ fund.
Trinity English Lutheran Church Ad
ams avenue, corner Mujberry street. Rev.
Edwin Lunn Miller, pastor. The holy com
munion will bo celebrated at tho morning
service, beginning at 10.30. At 7.30 p. m.
the children's Easter service will be held.
The pews are free and all worshipers are
Waverly Baptist Church Rev. A. Ber
gen Browe, pastor. Special Easter ser
voces. Preaching by the pastor at 10.30 a.
m "The Assurances of Life," with appro
priate music. 7 p. m young people's
meeting, led by E. J. Feehley. Preaching
at 8, "How to Seek God with Success."
Conservatory hall, 402 Lackawanna ave
nue. Gospel song service and preaching
at 3.30 p. m. by Evangelist James Scovlll.
All welcome.
First PreBbyterian Church Rev. James
McLeod, D.D., pastor. Services at 10.30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will preach
both morning and evening. Parents will
present their children for baptism In tho
morning. . .
Trinity . United Evangelical Church
Little England.. J. G. Whit mire, pastor..
EaBter Bermon at 10.30 a. m. Prayer ser
vice at 11.45 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p.
m. The services at 7.30 p. m. will be of nn
Interesting nature, consisting of prayer,
worth 25c,
Monday 1 2z C
extra wide,
flonday 25c
Linen, assorted,
singing, Bible readings, short talks anil
the Easter treat to the Sunday school.
First Baptist Church Pastor Collins'
will preach Sabbath at 10.S0 a. m. and T.M
p. m. Morning theme, "The Living Re
deemer." Evening theme, "The Resurrec
tion of the Believer." Special . Easter
music, morning and evening.
Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. 1- Clfr miKtnr. Services on Sun
day at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation at 10.3o a. in. and i.Stf p. m. Sund.iy
school nt 11.30 a. m. Rev. O. A. Shorretts,
of Fowlersvllle, Pa., will preach. Every
body welcome.
St. David's Church Corner of Jackson
street and Bromley avenue. Rev. M. H.
Mill, rector. Morning preyer and sermon
at 10.30; evening prayer anil sermon at
7.30. Sunday school at 2.3il. Friday even
ing service at 7.30. Litany service daily
at 4 p. m. during Lent, except Friday and
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Preaching In the morning by Rev. George
Forsyth. M. A. In the evening Mrs. l'ot-
vr, of Bloomlngton, III., will speak. Seats
free. Strangers welcome.
St. Paul's (English Lutheran) Park
Place, near public school building. Rev.
George M. Soheldy, pastor. Services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Professor Smith,
of the South Side nnd several members
of his Park place singing school will ren
der anthems appropriate for the Easter
festival. Free pews.
Passover services will' be held at the
Linden Street temple Sunday at 0.30 p. in.
Subject of the lecture by Rabbi J. Feuer
llcht will be "The Messianic Idea." Mon
ilnv mnrnlnir services will begin at .10
Jackson Street Baptist Church The pas
tor will preach tomorrow both morning
and evening. Morning theme, "The Res
urrection of Christ; Its Place In Bedetnp
tlon's Plan; its Certainty as a Historical
Fact; Its Incentives ns a Moral Power."
Evening. "Tho Garden Sepulchre; Closed
and Open." Reception of members and
communion after evening sermon. Preach
ing 10.30 a. m. and G p. in. Sunday school
3 p. m. on uml after the first Sunday In
-May, evening service at 7 p. in.
Howard Place African Methodist Epis
copal Church. Rev. C. A. McGee, pas
tor. Preaching nt 10.30 a. m. There will
bo Interesting Easter exercises at 2.30
and 8 p. in. All are Invited.
The service In the Dunmore Presbyte
rlnn church will bo appropriate for the
Easter season. Special music has been
arranged by tho chor. Professor South
worth takes charge. Morning sermon at
10.30, subject, "Tho Risen Suvlour;" even
ing at 7.30. The decorations will be In
charge of tho floral committee of the
Christian Endeavor society.
A enke sale will tako place at the Dim
more Presbyterian mnnse this afternoon
between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock undur
the auspices of the Ladles' Aid socloty.
All rpesons wishing to purchase cake for
Easter ore Invited to be present.
All Souls' (Unlversallst) Church-Pins
street, near Adams avenue. Sunday school
at 11.30 a, m. Young People's meeting U.S0
p, m. No preaching.
In tho Spring.
Nearly everybody needs a good medN
cine. The Impurities which have accumu
lated In tho blood during the cold months
must bo expelled, or when the mild days
come, nnd the effoct of 'bracing air Is lost,
the body Is llablo ti be overcome by debil
ity or somo serious disease. The re
markable Buccess achieved by Hood's S'af
saparllla, and the ninny words of praise It
has received, make it worthy your conn-
aence. . we asK you 10 kivb mis mi?'-ciiiu
a trial, we are sure it win uo you mwm
Read the testimonials published In behalf
OI noou S BUI BMlMii iiiu, an iiuui .
grateful people. . wi ney ten mo story.
What Docs This Mean?
From the Wllkes-Bnrre Record.
Poor Scranton I From our hearts we
pity her, and hope that before the close
nt thA twentieth centurv she mav bs able
Hln.1 tint- tn thA nnnt nml ktpn out Into
sunshine of modern civilization.