The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally ana Weekly) No Hundsy Edition.
Puallilitd at Bcranton, P , bjr Tin Trlbun tub-
innicr ivmiHuir
Hiw York Offloa: Tttaune Building, i'rutlk a
(in, Manager, ,
t. R KINOBiURY, "W O.a'i M.
C. H. HIPPLI, Me Te.
, LIVV RICHARD, ferree.
W. W. DAVIS, Iwiiiih MNtn.
W. W, VOUNQB, Aoy. Man-.
BjrriKlD AT TttM POSIomol AT 9CRABTOB. ?., A6
amwf unmnn win mm
"rrtntertf Ink," Ih m-nntw1 Journal Ibr edrci-
Ham, nor thk wbaiiton niram ine mi
drertl.lng nwtlliim lu Northewlera femurivi
Die "I'riuurr in-
Thk WkKl.r Tlllltlil, lweiru Kvery Halurduy,
IVnt.tll. Twelve Hemtrome Pmrwi. with an Abun
dance of New. Fiction, and W.ll-Wllfd Mlecel-
Imijr. Vor Thaw wuo ifenuiH Tuke Tub Daily
Tmiu'nk, th Weekly I Herein mended u lUe
Heel Bargain uoilig. uniy ti i w, ui ani
TukTmbi'M la for Hale 111 r at the D , 1- aud W,
Button at Uobottea.
H'ltAlSTON, A1MUL 1:!, lS'Jo,
Com and Inspect our city.
Klevation above the tide, 70 feet
Extremely healthy.
Estimate population. 1S96, 1M.0.
Kvglttered voters,
.Value of school property, $SX'.00u.
Number of achool children, 12.IM).
Average amount vf bank deposits, til,
lt' the metropolis of northeastern Tenn
sylvanla. Can produce electric power cheaper than
No better point In the Vnlted States at
which to establish new Industrie.
Bee how we crow:
Population In ISiJO 9.2C3
Population In 1ST0 J5.IM)
l'opuiatlon In KSO 4.S.N)
Population In 75.115
l'opuiatlon In ISM (estimated) 10B.W0
And the end is not yet:
Those persons who believe that an In
come tax is right In principle are usu
ally the first ones to squeal when made
to practice a bit of their own preaching.
It Is the Incomeless man who Is loudest
Jn his applause of vicarious taxation.
A Basis of Legal Protection Against
Christian Science Homicides.
In not less than six recent instances
coroners' Juries have returned verdicts
holding preachers and teachers of
"Christian Science" responsible for
deaths arising from their teachings in
the neglect of suitable medical attend
ance. We have carefully paused a
number of thr!vSjgJjj!nd of ex
pressions cf opinion concerning them;
and while the believers In this so-called
science are unanimous In denouncing
the- action of the civil authorities, the
opinion of most other persons Is that
the pursuit of an unusual creed to the
point where It nds In Virtually the
murder of the Innocent neds to be
checked by law. If possible, Irrespective
of the creed's abstract merits.
The point under consideration Is well
Illustrated In the case of Leila Mead,
the ten-year-old daughter of Colonel
and Mrs. B. F. Mead, of Dayton, O.
Seven weeks ago, Leila took sick, and
Mr. and Mrs. Hatten, professional faith
curlsta, were called In. One week ago,
Leila died, of tubercular meningitis.
Coroner Lee Corbln made a thorough
investigation and we append some por
tions of his long verdict:
While I And that the child was most ten
dr;rly and affectionately nursed by Its pa
rents and friends. I also find that they had
at no time in the course . of the disease
any proper conception of the nature or
treatment of It; nor. Indeed, did they, in
their strangely misguided ideas, care to
have any such knowledge. They neither
sought for medical advice, nor used any
rational means to relieve1 pain or prolong
life. The zeal and determination of those
directly In charge of the child, to carry
out strictly and exclusively a peculiar
treatment. Indorsed only by the so
called "Christian Scientists," was such
that the disease was allowed to run Its
course untreated. None of the well-established
means to relieve head pains, which
are properly characterized as "Intense and
agonizing," In meningeal tuberculosis,
were used. On the otht-r hand, the testi
mony taken In the examination showed
hat during the period of the disease In
which the pains are the most severe the
child was taken out riding, thus doubtlcs
aggravating the head pains, when the
most rigid quietness of a darkened room
would have been prescribed by the .Intel
ligent medical adviser. Everything con
sidered. It will not be putting It too strong
ly to say that the life of an Innocent child,
of tho age of Immature judgment, has
been shortened. Therein lies the cause
for severest condemnation of the parents,
the natural guardians and protectors of
tho child, not Intentionally guilty, to be
ure, yet unfortunately the results are the
same. Grunted lhat the autopsy did Indl
rate that tho child had what, with a few
exceptions, is usually a fatal disease, this
does not ameliorate the conditions, for the
reason that the parents, together with
those employed as healers In tho case, em
phasized the statement In their testi
mony that Ihelr system treats all ail
ments and diseases of whatsoever kind,
curable or Incurable, precisely alike. On
the part of the parents, the principals In
dhe case, they are guilty ofa "sin," not of
commission, but of omission, and both are
pq'ual In the eyes of tho law. Granted that
they did the best, "according to their be
lief," for the child, yet .the fact stands out
plainly that they omitted to do all,
topped short of doing all that unpre
judiced common sense demands that pa
rents should do'for their offspring under
elmllar circumstances. The Muttons we'
consider as accomplices, and are guilty
for the reason that tnty encouraged the
parents In their unnatural negligence.
It may be. as Mrs. Sarah Wilder
.Pratt, In a letter to a Chicago paper,
Bays, that "attention to what the Spirit
teacheth will take birthmarks from the
face and eruptions, freckles and all
tinslghtllnesB; that It will 'make the
lame to leap and praise Ood' and many
more things besides," It may be that
the power of faith will knit together
severed, limbs, heal broken heads and
calm Violent fevers arising from the
eystemtlo ravages of millions upon
millions of alien bacilli. These opin
ions, when honestly held, 'are not the
ubject of objection. We suspect that
the worst skeptic would be glad to be
able to believe them. . The point at Is
sue Is whether the' parent who does be
lieve them has any legal right to take
chances, on sacrificing the life of an
Innocent child by preferring faith to
medicine when the former Is exceed
ingly uncertain and the latter In most
Instances Is tolerably certain to effect
a cure. Let the parent practice on his
own -self If he choose; but let him,' In
tha case of those dependent on him, re
inforce the faith cure with the drug
and-hyglona cure, and thus double the
chanees of recovery .
It Boems to ub that society may, with
out Injustice, Insist by law upon this
due consideration for the rights of in
vullila und children.
The failure of the United States to
recognise the Independence of ' Cuba
would be an lnoIYacablo national dls
grace. Will even a Democratic udmln
Istratloti be guilty of that?
The Road to Purty Ruin.
Speaker Hamilton Fish, of the New
Turk unwmbly, bus at last publicly nd
niltted that he Is responsible for the
"hold up" of the bill to reform the rot
ten police system of Troy; und he virtu
ally Intimates that he will, not consent
to any proposition for the Improvement
of that corrupt yntem which is not
satisfactory to Senator Kdwtml- Mill-
phy. To be sure, this amounts to ns
bare-faced a repudiation of pre-election
pledges as whs ever known In the his
tiny of Knipire stale politics; und it Is
one of a series of repudiations which Is
eliciting from such far-seeing Kepuljll
cans as t-x-Scnator -Miller and Chuuncey
M. lvpew most solemn warnings Indi
cative of the danger of such reckless
ness to the party which the people will
hold responsible for it." Hut Speaker
Fish Is u l'latt man; Piatt Is lighting to
retain his arrogant czurshlp over a
party to which 'his ' leadership has
brought nothing but defeat, ami the
present Is not the first time that l'lutt-
ism has played Into, the hands of Sena
tor Murphy and his gang.
The result of this grossly mistaken
policy; the result of the timidity of cer
tain Republican influences In New York
state In enforcing upon their servants
at Albany the demands of candor, hon
esty and fair dealing. Irrespective of the
personal fortunes of the treacherous
l'latt coterie, is broadly hinted ut In
"Holland's" accurate correspondence to
the Philadelphia Press. After reciting
the dismay and even chaos that pre
vailed in the Inner circles of the Tam
many organization Immediately after
last Xovenber's Impressive election re
turns ru; significantly says: "That there
been a sudden change must be evi'
uent to any person wno looks reflective'
ly upon recent Indications. The Tarn
many society for the first time since
last November shows slsns of vitality,
and Is now speaking with confidence of
a reorganization which will steady and
strengthen Its lines. The Democracy
In the state seems to be awaking to
what Is regards as an opportunity.
And he follows this assertion with a
column-long divulgementof the shrewdly-drawn
plans for Democratic re
habilitation In support of which promin
ent New York Democrats are now being
canvassed for subscriptions.
If this clever scheme shall succeed, as
seems quite probable unless the damage
Ing sway of the rule-or-ruin Platt ele
ment at Albany shall Quickly be broken
down by the force of awakened publii
opinion, the Republican party not only
In New York but throughout the coun
try will be the loser. The recreancy of
that party In one state cannot help and
Is more likely to hurt the party's Inter
ests In other states. Mr. Depew sound
ed the true note when he said that If the
Albany legislature should fall to pass
the reform bills to which Issue the Re
publican victory of last November was
very largely due, "It will militate
against the Republican party with an
Inclsiveness and directness that one
do-s not realize now, while flushed with
the victory of last fall. In the last elec
tion the reform element was centralized
on the Republican ticket. If this ma
jority of voters do not get what they
cast their ballots for they will naturally
not uphold a party which has proved
false to Its trust."
If Mr. l'latt wants to drive over the
precipice Into the abyss, let him go.
He never will be misled. Hut the Re
publican party In New York state Is
too valuable and ought to be too sensi
ble an organization to be Sacrificed be.
cause of Mr. Piatt's bull-headedness.
- : r
The Louisville Courier-Journal Is op
posed to the annexation of Cuba. "Her
people," It .says, "are by character,
training and habit wholly disqualified
for American citizens. Robbery Is the
profession of a considerable number of
them, and tho prollts are shared by
not a few of the residents of the, dis
tricts where the robbers opernte. We
should have to keep a standing army
there to maintain order." Where does
our blue-grass .contemporary get Its
strange Information?,
The assertion of War Correspondent
Smith that War Correspondent Creel
man, the author of the Port Arthur
atrocities narrative, deliberately and
maliciously lied Is accompanied with
sufficient amplitude of, details to call
for an explanation. The New York
World. Is nut especially noted .for Its
veracity; yet If Its -Creelmtin 'letters
were fictitious, Ananias' mantle has
evidently found a fitting resting pluue.
';: .... r- . ,
Washington Is the latest city- to de
mand that Its trolley curs shall be
equipped with efficient safety fenders,
Washington, by the; way, Is not1 owned
by a Traction company.' "-I" ' '
i . t ii. i '. j
Chauncey M. Depew says ,that the
Republican party was last fall. Invested
with) the responsibility of power In 'n4w
York city and . state because H had
promised to institute needed reforms.
Its failure to meet this contract'' will,
he adds, cost It public confidence. Mr.
Depew ought to put the blame for that
failure where It belongs on the shoul
ders of Thomas C. Platt.
Mr. Depow thinks that the Demo
cratic national platform will be "over
loaded with free-silver promises," and
the next Republican national platform
"stuffed full of bimetallism Ideas," but
neither platform will "change a vote."
It would be Interesting to have Mr.
Depew's explanation of what platforms
are for.
The Wllkes-Harre News-Dealer Is In
cllned to hold (leneralletslmo Hurrlty
responsible tor 4he recent Republican
majorities In Pennsylvania. No doubt
Mr, Hurrlty helped to roll them up; but
he did not do the good work. The com
moil sense of the people was also a con
stderublu factor.
An amazing amount of political mis
Information Is llndlng Its wuy Into some
of tho Pittsburg papers, these day. To
be truthrul ubout tlovernor Hastings
unil other Repiilillcuu U-uuVi'S would be
.lust us easy us to be untruthful ubout
them; und It would be a good dettl
Chicago Democrats admit thut In the
late municipal campulgn they raised it
J,",Wi,(KK election fund und still got the
worst whaling on record. When con
science beuts cash In u city like fill
rago, n wonder some people think they
see signs of the millennium.
The Chicago Herald thinks that the
power of the government" Is udeiiuute
to the enforcement of the Income tax
in every part of the country." All the
more reason, therefore, for u special
session of congress to enforce the tax's
If the Hrooks high license were onco
properly enforced In this community
It might Inspire pVblic favor. As It Is,
It cannot Inspire much else than gen
ernl contempt.
It Is still unsafe to venture an opin
ion upon the opinion of the Supreme
court upon the constitutionality of the
Income tax.
There Is something suggestive of the
scapegoat In the departure of Oscar
Wilde from high places In English so
Silver l.cadors planning to Muko an
I ncrRCtio Curapulgu.
From the Chicago Herald.
Washington April 9. Announcement Is
made by the miuiugers of the sliver party
that they are going to make an aggress!'.
campaign In the east. Their plan Is to In-
teret the labor organizations, and, work
Ing through them, to make converts from
the ranks of both the old parties. They
believe that the existing unrest and dis
satisfaction umong the laboring clusses
can be utilized to excellent advuntage in
furthering their plans. They will charge
that much of Hie trouble of the laboring
classes Is due to what they term a con
tracted currency and to the monopoly of
gold men, as they say. The socialistic
classes will be arrayed agulnst the gold
standard as being synonymous with cap
ital and monopoly. Wall street and tho
Rothschilds will be set up as the bugbear
of the workingmen, responsible for all
their ills, and the free coinage of silver
and an enlarged circulating medium sug
gested as the only euro for existing
Politicians profess to see an excellent op
portunity in this plan of action for making
political capital, and say thut times were
never more auspicious for the establish
ment of a. new political cult. It Is dunned
that the Idea of the llnanclal policy being
responsible for troubles heretofore
charged to other causes will tnke well with
the restless and dissatisfied ' ones. The
first move In the direction of eliciting the
attention of the people upon whom tho
new party Is working is a dissemination
of vast amounts of free sliver literature
Hundreds of books and pamphlets present
ing the silver question in u popular wuy
and In a manner calculated to appeal to
the preudlce of the people are being circu
lated throughout the country. Kvery time
an eastern man, usually a theorist, makes
a declaration In favor of free coinage the
promoters of the new party seize upon It
eagerly and give It the widest circulation
President Andrews' Declaration.
A case In point Is the recent statement
of President Andrews, of llrown unlver
slty, who declared that, national free coin
ago would result in "a tremendous re
vival of business, money turned loose
factories going full capacity and trade of
every silver country coming our way.
The fact that Professor Andrews Is an
eastern man and a warm friend and ad
mirer of President Cleveland Is utilized to
Its full advunluge by the sliver men In cir
culating his statement. On the other
hand, the assertion of Hcnator Hhcrman, a
financier of world-wide reputation, a prac
tical llnancler mid not a theorist, to ihe
effeot that free coinage "would result In
the most tremendous llnanclal panic this
country has ever known, and that It would
puruli'stci business ami trade beyond any
tlilng ever known In the history of any
nation In the world," Is hooted ut us be
ing mi-rely the ruvlng of a gold admirer.
. Next Saturday Mr. Hlbley, Heliutor Jones.
of Nevada, and General A. .1. Warner.
president of the Illmcliillic league, will
mett In CIiIcuko. It Is expected that they
will he Jointed there by three of four other
prominent apostles of free sliver und tho
party will proceed to Denver. It Is not
proposed to do any missionary work in
route and an Itinerary of their trip beyond
Denver has not been arranged. It Is
known, however, thut several speeches
will be made In Colorado, mid It Is expect
ed that Invitations will be received there
from a largo number of cities where they
will be requested to address mass meetings
and expound tho doctrines of the new
It Is more than likely that the parly, tin
der the. chnpnronuge of Hetintor Jones, will
continue their trip through Nevada, Cali
fornia, Washington, Oregon, Montana ami
lduho. A special point, it Is said, will be
made to spend some time In ITtuh and
lenve no slone unturned which might con
tribute to the selection of two silver sena
tors from thnt new state, and possibly
place It Intbe fourth purty column at Ihe
next national election, Utah ut this stage
of the gume would be quite a valuable
Orover llssllnd rinoiiah.
Washington Special to N. Y. Tribune'
Washington, April 0. On the highest au
thority It can be said that the president re
cently told' a valued friend that he hud
never thought of being a candidate for a
third term In tho presidential ofllee. It
tan be explicitly staled on this authority
that he will never aspire to a rcnomlna
tlon. It Is believed by those who know
his Intentions' thut the president .will maka
a declaration for public use through soma
convenient channel. It Is said that the
president foels thut no man aught to seek'
to disturb the popular usage and unwrit
ten law which prescribes that a ilrd pres
idential term, whether or not consecutive,
Is dangerous to the republic. . '
Freight on Trolley Lines,
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
It Is not surprising thut, with tho open
ing of trolley roads In rural sections, a
demand that they shall carry freight has
sprung up. It was sakl In yesterday's da
bate that the country people want this
measure and would hall Its passage with
delight. There are few or no local ex
presses on country roads; neither Is there
a cheap package-carrying system on the
railroads, and, If there were, there are
very many cases In which It would be In
convenient to patronise them. Most farm
ers own horses and wagons; but most
farmers have other uses for them than to
drive about whenever a small purchase Is
to be made and a few goods interchanged
between frlonds and neighbors. It It Is a
convenience to have trolley roods for
country travel, It Is also a convenience to
have trolley transportation for country
morchundlso, and one will probably pay
as well as the other. If It does, that will
be proof that the peoplo desire It, If so,
they should have It. If not, the companies
are not likely to keep up the system very
long, and so the evil If It Is an evil will
cure Itself,
Some Results of llarrltyism.
From tha Wllkes-Harre News-Dealer.
There Is a pointed sermon In the figures
showing the result of the Hurrlty rule In
tills state, and as Indicating bow demoral
ising to tho party the factional fight has
been ;
ixsu Democratic plurality 10,HM
1 S!1 Republican plurality M,u77
mc Republican plurality M.77
1 Mli.t Kupublican plurality 135,11(1
lKH Republican plurality M.'M
Is It not high time that a leadership
showing Ihe above results was set asldu
und u new order of things estubllshed? It
might be better; IC could not be worse.
Corruully Dlugnosud.
From the" Wllkes-llurru Ntws-Deulr.
The Hcrurilou Traction eompuny appear
to own I lu councils of thut city bag and
buggugc. Kvery effort has been made,
but without avail, to compel the company
to put fenders on tho cars fur the protec
tion of the public. Hut the fenders won't
come. Traction favors ure tile stumbling
block In the wuy,
Daily Horoscope Druwn by AJucuhus, Tho
Tribune Astrologer,
Astrolabe cast: !!.! a. m. for Friday,
April 12, U.
An artistic spirit will direct the career of
a chilli born on this day, under favorable
conditions. It may become the creator of
wondrousdruams In "hand-painted" china,
or perchance produce canvases that re
Meet tho beauties of a suburban landscape
bathed In Hoods of morning sunlight.
Under evil Inlluences, however, Ihe sub
ject is liable to confine artistic efforts to
painting the town red, or whut Is worse,
display u disposition to become an ama
teur urchltect and practice upon Bcranton.
Ye flowers of spring are blooming fust
In hot-house beds, for Easter duy.
When purchasers will stand aghast
At prices they will have to pay.
One year ago Wayne county was envol
oped In eight inches of snow the same
amount thut covers Scranton's Democracy
If an organ grinder does not make his
appeatance on our streets soon, that
ready-made "harbinger of spring" Joke
will become as unseasonable us a last
year's Kaster egg.
AJuvchux' Advice.
Do not attempt to borrow money with
out collateral on Good Friday.
Take statements In reference to the con
dition of planets today as compared with
their location about JIhsj years ago, with a
gruin of salt. None of the nineteenth cen
tury stur-gazers were on the ground at
that time.
arid Orna
mental Goods
Hill &
131 IN
The Finest In (he City.
The latest Improved furnish
ing and apparatus for keeping
tueut, butter and egKs.
223 Wyoming Ava.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
sse, and of all sixes, delivered in any
(inrt of the city st lowest price.
Orders left at my OlMoo
Itear room, llrst floor, Third National
Hank, or sent by mall or telephone to the
nine, will rucslv prompt attention.
Special contracts will be mado for the
lata and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.-
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Introducing many
THURSDAY special Kid Glove Sale. Two Dollars for One. We will sell 100
pairs of the celebrated Fosterina, 7-hook Gloves at $1.00 per pair,
Positively for One Day Only.
FR I D A Y Spedal Bargain Day in our basement of
goods from the receiver's sale of E. S. Jaffray &
Co. at Half Price.
SATURDAY A Manufacturer's Entire Sample
Line of Capes and Jackets at half price. No
Garments alike, and many of them the choicest
and jauntiest effects ever displayed in this city.
tfCacDuring this opening we especially desire
to call your attention to our new lines of Laces,
Handkerchiefs, Children's Caps, Gloves, Waists, Par
asols, and other Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings.
The change we made locating our
Children's Department on . ground
floor became popular at once. We al
ways sold the bulk of Children's
Clothes now we are doing more
easier of access larger quarters
greater stock more help. We like
our name to suggest Children's Out
fits. Mention anything for Juvenile
Wear if we haven't, we come very
Child's Jersey Kuils at $1.50,
Double Breasted Blouse Suits at $1.75.
Braided Reefer Suits at $2.50.
Hearlet and Blue Sailor Suits at $.1.50.
Wnisls of "Star" and "Mother's Friend" Make.
Larfre Lino Embroidered Waists,
Headwear and Neckwenr, Full Lines.
All Little Outfitting Perquisites.
We extend a cordial invitation
to all to visit our store and exam
ine our Hpecial display at Fancy
Vases, Uric-a-lirac, China, Cut
Glasm, Silverware, etc., ull the
latest designs, on
APRIL IHh, 12th, AND 13th.
Muke memorandum of these
dates. l)on't foi'net to come.
Consequently they must run easier
than any other wheel. Call
and examine them.
The secret Is out Not only do they
ay we do valuing for a living, but
that we do it well. So keep it going.
Tell everybody you ace, but tell them
not to tell.'
32 Washington Ave.
special features among lines
adapted to the season.
are Dcalitnt Clothiers.
Uotters and Furnishers.
You holmlil In tha cntr. It's tho Olelir-
ti'il AlMka. It well demrYm to b nllrroumi
ml hy nil ttmt la (nod. The tfmn pinn ho
fur 11.' mm. U your in order or do you notd
now ouor Look well to your refrtuoiator, for
it i nice to liold tha ice tn kiMp your food in
order. rrlip your Irak. '11 at u nil riiflit
it wntor inuy romcs rrom tua : pipe lor
dripping from loo. if It let nir l-k In than
you II l out of uockiit. our loo will iIimiv
poitr with aperd; your food will not kmp ao
wuy; nr main ao eweei-. tinruware, ot courte,
for everything and everybody.
. "9
Washington Ave
Itoston Hot House Cueum
bem, Uipe Tomatoes, Aspar
agus, Mushrooms, Khubarh,
Cauliflower, Water Cress,
Brussels Sprouts.
Hi uc Point Oysters, Large,
Medium and Little Neck
Clams. Mussels. Scallops,
I'rawn, Large Assortment ot
l'resli l'lsh.
- Penn Avetnuo.
Ret teeth, I5.U; bait aet, M: for gold ca.pi
and teeth without platee, called orown and
bridge work, call tor price and refer
ence. TONALOIA. for extracting taatk
without pain. Mo ether. No gaa.
Or all kinds, manufactured at short
aotice, at The Tribune Office.
of fixings that are
Leading Publications. Prang's
Latest Easter Lilies and Sweet
Violets. They Are Beautiful.
Episcopal Hymnals and
Prayer Books in Sets and
Music. New line of Catholic
Prayer Books, single and in
Stationers and Engravers,
April 12, 1393.
Have Moved
to No. 121 North
Washington Avenue,
Next First
Presbyterian Church
New Store,
New Styles,
New Prices,
We Want
You for a
New Customer.
-A iiar imn U dotlmr tmnud."
ThleLadlna'ftallfl Praveb UoagolaKU arat
taaa Baa etattreted free eaywhet la the U ...
noa m ec lata, awoay una.
reeu. net nr
Kauai everr war the bou
aeld la alt retail etene far
'J.M. We Bake tali aoat
oeneivee, loannm
tkeM, efyla i
aad If a&r one ia a
wa will reload the Ber
er aroa anouwrpalr. open
too er uoaaaon a.
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