THE RCBANTON TRIBUNE FHTDAT MORNING, APRIL 12, 1895. inal Beware of imitations. The Johann Huff's Malt Extract his this signature fW rfTlii-ffft 8 oil hcck moci. cinta a mtnutusus ole Agenls, New lorK. TALES 0FIW0PIIISI0NS News uf Interest to Kemlers I'p anil Down the Yullev. 1'I.AXS TOK liKBATCK I'lTTSTOX buuxcstloni fur Improving Business on the West Side-Subjects for Considera tion by the Hour J of tleulth. Other News of the New City. Special to the Scrunton Tribune. I'lttston. April 11. While nttston city in Its InclpU'iu-y 1 assuming; an ulr of a busy metropolis the people of this vicinity 'shouM not fursi't tht West ritlston has still many undeveloped ad vantages, some of v. Melt are at present asitatitiR the minds of some of our most jiromlnent West Side citizens. Con siderable comment has been provoked by the new West Sllle hotel scheme. A hotel on the West Side would have Its advantages. The proposed new Water street bridge is a necessity and should be built of the required strength, and constructed In such a manner as to per mit the crossing with the electric cars, which it Is proposed to run from River street to Kxeter borough, akmg Lu zerne avenue. With a view to provid ing for a greater Garden Village, we would suggest that the two stations of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern railroad within the limits of this borough be abandoned and that a new depot of modern structure be placed by the company at the Luzerne avenue crossing. Council Meeting. A regular meetin? of the common council was held in the city hall this evening. Chairman Buss presiding. A resolution pertaining to the appoint ment of the several committees was "adopted. The following- standing committees were appointed: Audltinsr R. T. Smiles, P. II. Doran, James o' Boyle. T. W. Lewis and Joseph Wintie. Finance T. W. Lewis. George R. Nell son. R. T. Smiles, Alex D. McMillan and John Foster. Judiciary James O' Boyle, M. J. Barry, M. T. Lynott, K B. Relly and P. F. Joyce. Estimates R. T. Smiles, P. M. Doran, Martin McDonough, M. M. Drew and T. W. Lewis. Streets and Ertdsrcs P. M. Doran, A. Brown, E. J. Gallagher and R. T. Smiles. Sewers and Drains Joseph Wlntle, A. Brown, G. R. Nellson, John Barker and M. M. Drow. Light and Water A. Brown, R. T. Smiles. E. J. Gallagher, John Barker and P. M. Doran. Fire Department John R. Connell. John Forster. William McKaig. M. McDonough G. K. Nellson. Police G. It. Nellson, Joseph Wintle, M. McDonough. Alex D. McMillan and W illiam McKaig. Printing John Barker, P. F. Joyce, M. T. Lynott, M. M. Drew and Alex D. Mc Millan. . Public Buildings P. F. Joyce, A. Brown, Martin Gerrity, Jospeh Wlntle and John Barker. Hallways K. J. Gallagher, A. Brown, P. M. Doran. John It. Connell, G. Ji. Nell ton. Taxr Neilson, M. McDonough, E. J. Gallagher, William McKaig and John Fos ter. Rules Martin Gerrity, V. F. Joyce, V. B. Ittlley, Martin Hesalon and M. T. Lynott. Laws and Ordinances Martin Jfesslon, M. J. Berry. T. W. Iwl, John K. C'on rell and Alex D. McMillan. Sanitary Alex D. McMillan, John Bar ker. T. W. Lewis, P. F. Joyce and Martin .Hesalon. License M. T. Lynott, P. B. Relley, Jo seph Wlntle, John Fouler, Martin Gerrity. Collectors' Accounts M. J. Berry, Mar tin Gerrity. William McKaig, John R. Con m-II and John Foster. Treasurer's Accounts John Foster, Alex D. McMillan, Martin Hesslon, K. J. Gal lagher and John R. Connell. Manufactures William McKaig, M. 3. Berry, James O'Roylb, P. B, Relley and M. M. Drew. Pavements M. lf. Drew, A. Brown, Martin flerrity and James O'Hoyle. Annexations P. li. Relley, M. M, Drew, James O'Hoyle, M. J, Berry and Martin McDonough. On the ordinance relating to amount of salary to be given the several city ofllcers no action wiu taken. , The meeting adjourned to meet next Monday evening. Hint to Sanitary Officers, As the warm weather of the Hummer eraser) advances the obnoxious odor that arises from the filth that has col lected during the winter In the cellars and out-of-the-way corners of some of our prominent business places, as well as about our streets and dwellings, be comes unbearable. Aside from the dis agreeable odor which arises, from such collections of refuse matter great dan ger of an epldemlo from the disease germs which It Is suro. to breed, pre sents Itself. Our board of health and sanitary officers should, consider this matter seriously and should take some means to have all nuch streets and. places cleaned Immediately, Other Items of Interest.' George McKown, of Tunkhannock, was visiting his brother,'.Dr. II. Mc Kown, of the hospital. The team of Milkman A, V. Coleman, of the West Side, became unmanageable on Linden street this morning, arid ran to Wyoming avenue, up Delaware ave nue and from there to Montgomery treet, where they were stopped. But little damage was done. Patrick GUboy, a prominent tea mer chant of Duryea, was a visitor In' town today. ' : - Mr, Gould, of Jamestown, N. Y and Mr. Palmeter, of Hawaii, are guests of the Hotel De Bently. The Elite Social club will entertain their friends with their first annual ball Liitner Laiiiri'Miiis Says: THE Johann Hoff Malt Extract has been used in my f-imilv fnr manv vears. It J V wfrf possesses excellent medic- 543 qualities. genuine .v.j on Kitstcr Monday, April IK, ut Key atonu hall. C. Donnelly was a visitor at Scrantoti today. Tlumius Uoliuu has uevepted the posi tion as local HHi'iit for the Soruntoii Truth. Mr. Boli.u'i Is a young mini of promising abilities u nd his pinny friend j are predicting his future Bucoess. Mlsa Kiln Eurly. of Upper Plttston, left yesterday morning for tlaltlmore, where she will become a member of the St. Joseph Mission Order of that oily. Miss Florence Benjamin, of Ttink haumvk, is the guest of her brother, George Uenjiimln, of this city. TAYJLOK. Mrs. William Riddle, an aged lady, died at her borne at the Sibley early Wednesday morning. She Is survived by a husband and several grown-up children. The water company are extending their main im Railroad street to the new silk mill, which they will supply with water. The Young People's society, of the Calvary Baptist church, who hold their meetings In the church room, will have a debate tomorrow evening on "Wo man's Suffrage." The ladies will take the negative and the gentlemen the atllrmatlve side of the question. The First Presbyterian and Metho dist Episcopal churches will hold union services on Easter Sunday. Rev. Mr. Jones, of the former church, will offi ciate berth In the morning and evening. In the morning the services will be held In th Presbyterian church, and In the evening at the Methodist church. Special music Is being prepared by the choirs of both churches. The Calvary Baptist and the other churches also are preparing special features. The borough council will hold a meet ing In their chamber rooms tonight. The Taylor, Pyne and Holden mines were paid yesterday. At the Pyne mines three fakirs played the shell game, and succeeded in swindling Cas per Schields out of about 140. The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Episcopal church, held a ribbon social in the church parsonage last evening and reaped a snug sum of money. The Electrics will hold their second April annual ball In Weber's rink on the 23. The postoffice will only open at cer tain hours today, from 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 ta 2 p, m. EAST STKOUDSBUKti. Mrs. Peter and Louise Lesoine spent Friday last visiting relatives at Mar shall's Fall. Mrs. Ellis Jones, of Portland, spent Friday last In town visiting her parents on Prospect street. Miss Mary "Wolfe spent Saturday and Sunday at Shawnee visiting her grand father, Mr. Myers, a former resident, a blacksmith, of this place. Miss Carrie Smith entertained a few at her friends at her residence on Lackawanna avenue, on Saturday even ing. Mrs. W. H. Thompson, accompanied by her niece. Miss Minnie Rinker, of Scranton, left on Wednesday for a trip to New York city to visit relatives and friends. They will stay until after Easter. J. S. Goodwin, of Allentown, was In town on Wednesday on business. A. H. Haunders, of Blnghamton, N. Y., was In town on Wednesday visiting friends. Mrs. M. L. Smith and Mrs. A. C. Smith returned on Wednesday from a Visit to Mrs. Belle Smith, at Mt. Pocono. The Clover Leaf Social club will hold their next social on Tuesday evening, April It, at the residence of Miss Katie I'lphcr, on Washington street. -Eugene tJoney, of Pocono .Summit, was in town on Tuesday on business. Miss Nellie Marshall and Dr. and Mrs. William Douglass left on Wednesday for the latter's parents, at Ogdensburg, N. J. M00S1C. , E. Tlrodhead, of Main street, was In Scranton on business yesterday. Mrs. Heberllne and, daughter, Corrli?, of Mlnooka avenue, were visiting In the Electric CHy yesterday. The water was within Ave fi-tt of tho iron bridge which crosses the Lacka wanna at River street. It overflowed the Flats and backed water up to Will iam Millard's truck garden. James A. Hand, 'of Main street, has returned from Warren, Pa where ho was attending the funeral of his mother-in-law. The MobhIc Powder company paid their employes yesterday for the month of March. Mrs. 8. J. Hinds and daughter, Mat tie, were visiting in Scranton. James Levari & Son, bottlers, are making somo improvements in their es tablishment. They are putting In an other bottling table In anticipation of a large summer trade. 1 Mrs. W. S. Mulchings was a vlslstor out of town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk and family, of Spike Island, attended the wedding of thujr son, George Kirk, to Sarah Williams, of Mill Creek. The Christian Endeavor socloty of the Mooslo Presbyterian church will hold a sunrise aervlce at 6 o'clock a. m. on Easter. An Invitation is extended to every one to attend. llONESDALE. The pews of Grace church will be rented on Easter Monday, April 15, be tween the hours of 8 to 4 p. m. At the same time a vestry will be elected for the ensuing year. ' ' ' William Weiss and daughter have re turned home from New York; City and m are occupying their home on Park street. '. i' ' '-; Augustus Thompson and George Wes ton are home from Yule, Superintendent L. O. Rose, J. Kirk Rose and W. M, Gardner went down the canal yestorduy Inspecting the breaks caused by the recent floods. It will be two or threo weeks bufore they can be repaired, Misses Josephine and Louise Dor land leUt for New York City yesterday morning. Mrs. John James and Miss .Mary Munner are liv attendance at the Metho dist conference at Carhondale. lllcycles made their first general ap penriuico on tho streets here yestorduy noon. A large, number of now wheels have beun purchased within the last two weeks. A Huddle horse owned by Hurt Bry ant was oluiiHH'd off yesterday. Henry Schveniley, who held a ten-cent 'ticket, wus the lucky mini unci now offers tho horso for Halo cheiip. DUN 91 ORE. Chillies Cole, a student at l'l'llU'ctcm, Is spending his spring vacation with his parents In litis borough. J. W. Plnnell ImH sold Ills property ut corner of Drinker and Apple slreets, consisting of u dwelling house und store buildings, to l'i. 0. Fuller, of Scrii.nton. 1 Tho Washington Social club will hold a bull ut Koch's hall, on April IX. Thomas DcrHhclnier, who Is Very 111 nt Ills home, on Chestnut street, of pneumonia wits slightly Improved yes terday. 1 . J. (.angari leaves today to Join ItulTiilo Hill's Wild West Hhow. This Is Mr. l.iinguu's fourth year with the show. John 11. Ames, merchant of lliiwley, spent Wednesday evening ut tho resi dence of (I. W. Fru-it. The funeral of Mrs. Peter Jackson, will be held this afternoon ut 'i o'clock at tho house. The residence of Stephen Richards, on lllggs street, was the scene of a very pleastn gathering Wednesday evening, the occasion being a maple sugar bo clal given by members of the Kpworth league. The social wus attended by about tlfty ih-rsons. A very line pro gramme was rendered. .Mrs. Edward Gugel, who has been spending some time with relutlves In town, returned to her home, In New Haven, Conn., yesterduy morning. Mnt .Months In tied. Cured in Hours. T. J. Hlackmore. of Huller A Bluck more, Pittsburg, Pa., suya: "A short time since 1 procured a botlle of 'MYSTIC CURB.' It got nie out of the bouse In twenty-four hours. 1 took to my bed with Rheumatism nine months ago and the 'MYSTIC CURB' Is the only medicine that did me any good. 1 had rive of the best physician tn the city, but I received very little relief from them. I know the MYSTIC CURB' to be what It is rep resented and take pleasure In recom mending It to other poor sufferers. Sold by Carl Loreus, Druggist, 4111 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The anthracite coal shipments In April lust year were 2,7i7,30ti tons. The Jersey Central annual meeting will be held on May 10. The books, which close April 13 for the dividend, will remain closed until Muy 11. If the Reading railroad's coal shipments to March were to be taken as a basis the company would, It Is claimed, be entitled to 33 per cent, of 42.0HO.wiO tons, which Is supposed to be the market's requirements this year. No. 6 slope, which Is situated a short dis tance west of the Coleralne breaker, will soon be put in operation again. This mine was abandoned some few years ago on ac count of the resources being exhausted, us was thought, but recent explorations de veloped the fct that It contains an abund ance of coal. Among the laws passed by the North Carolina legislature, lust adjourned, was one requiring railroads to redeem unused tlekets. The usual details are specified, and this, with the law making It a mis demeanor for any person except the agents of railroad companies to deal In rallroid tickets, ought to drive scalpers out of business In that state. By a remarkable coincidence, three divi sions of the Pennsylvania system ore of equal length. These are the Chicago and Logansport division, the Indianapolis ana Vincennes division and the Pittsburg and Altoona division all 117 miles. This equal ity In length was tho result of mere chance, as there never was any attempt In uniformity In establishing such division points. The Beaver Brook colliery, under the management of Robert Russell, Is now making large shlpmnets of conl, regard loss of the fact that but half time Is the order of business. This colliery leads all others for producing coal, In proportion to the time worked, and with the many new plans of preparing some of the pro duct a second time without any addi tional delay perfected, the plant will bo a grat ono. All those terrible, Itching diseases of the skin that help to make life miserable for us are caused by external parasites. Doan's Ointment kills the parasite and cures the disease. Perfectly harmless, never falls. I nlverslty Extension, Abroad. The university extension movement Is spreading In Belgium. During the session of IMCl-irt the attendance was 4,flUU. As the lecturers received only their traveling ex penses, the fee was reduced to 10 cents and i rents for u. courso uf six lectures. The subjects were history, sociology, hy giene law, physiology, palaeontology and agricultural chemistry, lCach lec turer will draw up a list of books useful to his students, Thesn will be forwarded by the central comniltttre to the local secretaries, who will lend them us re quired, Buffalo Cattle Market. Buffalo, April 11. Cettl KeiinlptH, 793 hesd; on sale, 2D head; market stendy and firm; light steers, Il.Uu&i veals, slow at t4.nOaii.2r,; common, :in4. Hogs Receipts, 2X0 head; on sale, 1,000 head: market closed very dull at 10c. decline; good York weights, If'. 40; good mixed packers, good mediums, r.4!nf.riu; choice henvy, tiVOr.ufi.lifi; pigs, r. Tfi; roiiRhs, H.Mir,,Wi; stags, $37rn4.U. Sheep and Uimbs Receipts, 5,1)00 head: on salo, G.SOO bead; market dull and fully 10c. lower than early sales; best lambs, ri.75aO.S1; fair to good, t4.40iiS.Aft; common,; mixed sheep, gouil to prime, t4.30a4.7ri; light common to fair, 1.1.314; export ewes, 4.f0a 4 7ft; wethers, II HHafi.lU. WORKS b earlaf twtsrlss, dUlfuriur, tasllUHiii bsawn of ullua,lotMu4BlgewhmUlNbUt. . T I STOCKS AND BONDS I Now York, April 11. Stocks were dull to day, but the tone of the market was strong. Bales amounted to 12V.000 sharoa. At the start the coalers displayed weak ness. Delaware and Hudson fell Vi, Jer sey Central frLater on they both re covered. Lackawanna rosa to 1(0. In the trunk lines New York Central moved up to 97V4. Lake Shore to 184, Canada Southern to 51. The rise led to realisations and the advance was lost, Atohlson was strong and on good buying moved up to t. The bonds Improved 1 to I per cent. Tho Grangers ruled llrm, but no change In prices, Manhattan was In brisk demand, and advanced nearly 'i per cent, Chicago (las rose to 73. Speculation closed Arm In tone. Not tdiangos show gains of VfcalH, Manhattan leading. Hugar, Heading and lleneral Blectrla lost WiU-Vi per cent. The range of today's prices fur the ac tive stocks of the New York slock mar ket are given below. The quotations nre furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dlm mlck, nuinuger for William Linn, Allen A Co., slock broker, 413 Spruce street, Hn union. O'pn- High- Low- Clos lug. est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co V7 U7 v7 Vl'i Am. Col. Ull UiiVfc -US WAfc 2S Am. Hugar R'g Co. 10.1 ltil Wii V Arch., To. A H. F... f.4 tn t Can. Hoiith MV M M M ciies. ohio mt mi i7"y. n Chlcugo (las 73 73 71 t'ble. a N. W !I2 Vi VI Chic., II. A Q 11 Kli 7lt 7l-i C. C. C. A HI. I, XH Wi M 3 Chin., Mil. & l. ... G7'4 M; W r.7tfc Chic., It. 1. P 14 lit M It Delaware A Hud I'jr liM'4 K.Vt !., I.. 4 W If.t'4 lt;o lMI'i, HilCi Klst. . C. V Ui'm Wt 14'k i ll. mi. Klm-trle 34, 34fc UH'j, UtVfa l.aku Slioro 13!) I. ouls. H NhhIi f.'.' f.J'i t.J'i r2't Manhattan Kle Ill 111!'-, m 112't Mich. Central M7',i W' 7 VV Mo. l'acltle 1!4 24 23't; 23 Nut. Corilituo ti II U v 0 Nut. Lend 32 MH, K2' S2& N. J. Central KM1,; M Wi, 3'fc N. Y. Ceiilrul K7 Y714 U7 l7 N. Y. ft N. K , 3Xi 3H14 3K'4 Hi N. Y., H. ft W 13 13i V! Vi N. Y., H. ft W 1'r... 3f. 30 35 85 Nor. I'liclllc i 4'4 4 4j Nor. Pueltte, l'r 17' . 1HM, 17"m 1H'4 out. ft West Iii'.j - 11; lll'a in1 I'hll. ft Ilea. 1 13 13 13 UK Houtliern It. R 11 ll"t 11'; l'( Tclin., C. ft J 17V, IX 17' IK Tex. I'liclllc ! s'ji i WnbiiHh mi, 61 Ni 6 WuIiuhIi, Pr 14'4 14M, 14V 14V4 West. Union 87 M7',i 87 87 II. ft O (WHi MK t 11. H. 0 10',, 10 K',(, 10 CIUCACIO BOARD OIA TRADE PRICKS. O'pn- High- Low- Cloa- WHBAT. lug. eHt, est, Ing. May OTi bO'ti 0IH 04 July 0HV4 Mi, 06 tt September 67 07 ' 07 57 OATS. May 39 39 28 28 July V7 ii7 27 27 September 35 20 2o 25 CORN. May 45 411 45 40 July 40 4i;-j, 40 4)1 September 4U 47 40 4ti LARD. May 7.05 7.05 7.U0 7.00 July 7.15 7.17 7.12 7.12 September , 7.27 7.30 7.25 7.25 PORK. May 12.37 12.47 18.22 12.87 July 12.50 li.hi 12.40 12.47 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tations. No. Par Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 20 50 Dime Dep. ft Dl. Bank 02 CO 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 600 20 100 Oreen R'ge Lurn'r Co .... 110 1U) laO.Lucka. Lumber Co... 110 C 100 Lack a. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 159 5 100 M. ft M. Savings Bank (Carbondule). .... 225 10 50 Providence ft Abing- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 10 100 Scra'n Savings Bank. 200 10 100 Scra'n Laco Cur. Co 50 5 100 Scranton Porting Co 100 25 100 Third Nat'l Bank ... 3J0 6 100 Nut'l Boring & D.ill- In Co., Pr 90 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 90 3 100 Scranton Bedding Co .... 101 83 110 Scranton Axle Work 85 10 J' Scranton Glass Co 70 . 2 100 Scranton Jar & Stop per Co R5 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co 100 60 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad DO 50 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 120 15 loO Bonta Glass Co 17 00 100 Spring Brook Water . Co 91 p) 10 Lacka, Store Asso ciation, Limited 12 BONDS. 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co S00 2 000 Kcon'y Steam Heat ft Power Co 500 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 106 6 500 Scranton Glass Co 500 Scranton Wholesale. Fruits and Produce. Dried apples, per lb., Katie; evaporated apples, finite, per lb.; California prunes, 6a8e.; Kngllsh cur rants, 2a3o.; layer raisins, tl.7Gal.80; mus catels, 4a5c. per lb.. Slat. 40 per box; new Valcnclas, 5a6c. per lb. Beans Mar rowfats, 13 per bushel; mediums, t2.2SaJ.30; pea beans, $2.25. Pens Green, tl.10al.16 per bushel; split, S2.50a2.60; lentels, 6a8c. per lb. Potatoes 70aHOc. per bushel. Onions Bushel, Sl.25al.30. Butter Old. Hal 7c; new, 18n22c. per lb. Cheese al2r. per lb. Kggs Fresh, 14a14o. Meats Ham, 10c. small hams, 10c.t skinned hams, 11c.t California hams, 7c; shoulders, 7c; bellies, 7 He; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 12c; sets, 13c; Insides and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-1 b. cans, $2 40 doxen. Pork Mess, $14; short clear, $15. Lard IPuf, In tierces, 8c. ; In tubs, 8c; 10-pound pails, 9'4c per pound; 6-pound pnlls, 9c per pound: t-pound palls, 9c. per pound; compound lard, tlences, 6n.; tubs, tic; 10-pound palls, 7c. per pound: 6-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 8-pound palls, 7c. per pound; Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $lu4.20; Ohio and Indi ana amber, $.';. 20; Graham, $3.20; ryo flour, $3.20. Peed Mixed, per cwt., $1.05. Grain Rye, 60c; corn, OOoMn. ; oats, ,19n40c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12al6. Ilay -14.50al6. Buckwheat Flour-$2 per 100. New York Produue Market. New York. April 11. Flour Oulot, steady. Wheat Dull, II nil, lower; No, 2 red store and elevator, 60a60.; afloat, 81n'ilc.; f. o. b C1h2c. ungrader red, 07aii4c; No. 1 northern, tWc; 'aptlons closed steady; May, 0c.j Juno, 60c; July, flc. ; August, 60o. ; September, lc; Decern Iv r, b.'lc. Corn Dull, llrm; No. i, Mr. elevator; 67c. a Mont; steamer mixed, OOaSle. ; options closed weak; Muy, 50c; July, 60c.; September, 6Hjc. Oats ljulet; options weaker; April and May, 32c; July, 32c. ; No. i white May, 3ic; spot prices, No. 2, 82tt3.1c ; No. 2 white, ;UiC; No. 2 Chicago, 33u33c; No. 8, 32c; No. 3 white, 3i)c, ; mixed western, 33n34t.; while state and western, 36a40u, Pro visions l'lrm, unchanged, l.ard Quiet, easy. Butter Quiet, unchanged. Kggs Kiisler; sluto nnJ Pennsylvania and west ern fresh, 12c; southern, Ual2o,i duck, 28a.11c; goose, 50aUO4. Toledo Grslu Market. Toledo, O., April ll.-Wheat-Rccrlpts, 4,800 bushels; shipments, 14,000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 rod rash, 67e. ; Muy, 67o.j July, 57c. August, 67o. Corn Receipts, 11,580 bushels: shipments, 11,580 bushels; market dull: No. 2 mixed rash, 4tic. I No. 3 do. 45c. ; No. 8 yellow, 46c. Oats Receipts, 920 bushels; shipments, 970 bushels; nothing doing. Clover Heed Re ceipts, 180 bags; shipments, 495 bags: mar ket llrm; prime cash, $5.96; April, 16.82; October, $6.05. Chiosgo Cattle Market. Chlcugo, April, 11. CattleRecelpts, 9, 000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, 4.10a4.5: atockera and feeders, $2 60 a4.70; cows and bulls, $1.75a5; calves, 1 2a 4.76; Texans, 83.35a6.50. Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head (market weak; heavy, t5a5.16; common to choice mlxnd, $4.86alUS; choice assorted, $4.605.10; light, $4.766; pigs, $4.26 a4.0. Sheep Receipts, 18,000 head; market weak; inferior to choice, $3a4.76; lambs, $4a6.90, Philadelphia Tallow Market. , Philadelphia, April ll.-Tallow Is dull at, the late decline. We quote:. City, prime. In hhds, 4c; country, prime. In bbls, 4c. ; do.' dark. In bbls., 4c; oakes, 4c; grease, 3a3C y Oil Market. Pittsburg, April 11. OH opened and low eat, 150; highest, 180; closed, 169. R. C. Joiner, Allen, P. O., Hillsdale Co., Mich., says: "Nothing gave my rheu' matlsm such quick relief as Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrlo Oil." . , onnolly & Wallace The Greatest and Cheapest Sale of DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE LESS THAN HALF PRICE From the wholesale bouse of & H. J AFFRAY A CO., New York, bought at Receiver's Hale. This In an opportunity to buy the latest and bust in the Dry (iooda line, right at the open inn of tho Bpritig Beason, at loss than half real value. We cannot go Into details on appear incredible CONNOLLY & giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiis S c IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlB W a K WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the can t please you. ONE CENT A Word. WANT! OF ALL KIND" COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IB MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIB RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADB, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ABB INSERTED FREE. wanted. CITY ANDSUBUHBAN PROPEHTIES TO sell, rant or esclunre MERRIFIELD, 818 Sprues, oppoait Hot.l .loimyii. Help Wanted Male. RESPlNSBLirMATw aalarr stated upon lDtarriew; altar ulna. 23 Library Building. v ANTED TWO OOOD BUTCHERS, IN- quire 120 . Main avenue, city. ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN verr town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly : big money for apenta; no capital required. EDWARD C. EIHH CO., Borden Block, C'hloagq 11L SALESMEN RESIDENT SALESMEN wanted, acquainted with the local and nearby druc and Krooery trade, to handle our line of blab grade cigars. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD COWLES m Co., 1U Chambers street, N. Y. For Rent. FURNISHED MONT ROOMS WITH beard; first-claaa accommodations; gas and bath, etc 182 Adama avenue, corner Spruoe street. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RBNT 8 minutes' walk from Ulenbnrn station. Address 8. N. C ALLEN DER, Dime Bank Building. 1OR RENT A LAROE STORE ON MAIN X street, Taylor. Apply to Mrs. T. L.Jonea, OR RENT-TWO BTORES, DWELLING bouses and barn at 314 and 81a Cedar ave. Inquire at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. avenue. FOR RENT A BUILWNO ON FRANKLIN avenue, suitable lor business. Address P. O. Box 448. ITOR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH GAL V Irry formerly occupied by C L. Grlflin, Including rooms for housekeeping, last Wyo jnlag avenue. l'HA8. 8CHLAGER. FOR RENT-BRfck HOUSE OF" NINE rooms, from April 1st, 418 Vine street PP)y to L. M. HORTON, 3 Commonwealth Building. . 1X)R RENT-A LAROE, 4-8TORY BUILD F tug at 188 Franklin avenue: suitable for wholesale business. CARSON ft DAVIKS, Bcrauton. FOR RENT FURNI9HED AND UN FUR uished rooms at 408 Lackawanna avenue. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1182 Luserne, Hyde Park. TOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL A suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JER MYN, 11V Wyoming ovenue. For Sal. I'l'Oit sa1XmTlk"rute?Tn John Lohman's Hotel, at 10 a m. ifdk S A LK-A "SECON D H A N D "ELf7v A J tor. as good as new. Inquire of JOHN P. DEAN, 247 Jefferson avenue. IOTS FOR BALK HEALTHY AND J pleasantly located; one mile from sta tion, on Main street. Inquire of O. CHAP MAN, Clark's Orcan, Lackawanna Co.. Pa. Buelnese Opportunity. WANTED -A RF.LIABLR MAN WITH I'llMK) to $8,0(10 capital; rare opportunity, for particulars Inquire of .1. W. BROWNING, attorney, 414 Spruoo street. Horses at Auction. tiranTcobTwIuT X" liorsea, good workers and drivers, sev eral matched teams: (weight from 1,000 to 1.800) at auction on Tuesday, April 10, at his stablta, 8:14 Raymond Court. Houses on Credit. IOUSES BUILT ON CRED1 dreaa lock bol XI8, Scranton. Special Notices. NOTICE ON AND AFTER MAY I. I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free open sir advertising ex hibitions with the atereoptlcon: Taylorvllle, Hyde Park, Providence. Dickson Olyphant, Peekvllle, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tising are 110 per mouth. Address E. H. Call, Tribune olltce, oity. npHB SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want this relic. ' Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plcturcs,show Ing the foroes In aututl battle, aketohed on the snot. Two volumes, COUO pictures. Sold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, nil charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 1121 Adama Ave., Seranton, Pa. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH some party d-slrlng to sell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, core station agent, Bkinner's Eddy, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA aines, etc., bound or rebound at Tub Tribuni office, ulck work. Reasonable riricys Itjlrvoyant. Saana vrH-TrtN in.Alnvi' ANT AND Al Phrenuloflst, Arnout Hon avj rsrenuiogui, Arnout uoass, vs Mioaa wanna avenue. ) For a short tint only. TIE IOBITII lEIilfi SI. DRY GOODS L088 account of limited space, but seeing Is believing, and what might iu print will be seeu and appreciated on our counters. SALE WILL CONTINUE AS LONG AS GOODS LAST. WALLACE 209 wSldg Ave- Latest Improved Process, Charter Application. N JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN utiilicatiou will be made to the irovernur of the fctate of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the Hnventwnth day of April. A . D. 1W, by r-smuel lhnrue. Gnorge W. Qulntard, Walton Feigutou, G. G. Williams. ,luhn R. Piatt, A. K. Hurlbutt. Andrew H. McClintock. George b. Smith and Henry Z. Russell, under the Act of Assembly o( the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April 1871 and the supplements thereto, for a rsuewal of the charter of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, the character and object whereof is the rain ing and quarrying of coal and transporting the aavie lo market in crude or manufactured form, and for these purposes to have, possess aii'l enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the aaid 'at of Assembly anft-jts sup plements, ANDREW IL MCCLINTUCK. Solicitor, Legal. LIZZIE PRICE VS. ELSWORTH PRICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Lacka wanna County, No. 5, Nov. T , Ihrj. To Elsworu Plica, respondent above named: Tbesobpa-na and alias subpoena in divorce having been returned non est iuventua, yon are hereby notified to re ai.1 appear at said court on Monday, the 27th day of May. at 8 o'clock a. m,. to answer the libelant's com plaint. FRANK H. CLEMuNS, Sheriff. C. 8. WOODKUFF, Attorney. Proposals.' SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived by the undersigned for the sextun ship of the Simpson M. E. church, until April 80, lKtt"i. for the term of ooe year. The right to reject bids reserved. Address S. w. WRIULEY, Chairman Committee. 3U7 Twelfth street, Scranton, Pa. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of John Jermvn. Priceburg. Pa., until April Hh, Itt, for sinking two 2) shafts, the size of one to be 111 feet, clear of buntona. and about 240 feet deep; the other to be lux 18 feet clear of bnntona and about '-0 feet deep. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars apply at office. W. M. JERMYN, Bupt. Agents Wanted. QENT9 WANTED $20 TO PER DAY Ji. easily made in any locality. We furnish a line of samples free and allow M per cent, commission for selling. Particulars free, or we will mail a aampls of our goods In at rllng silver upon receipt of ten cents in sumps. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO, Boston. Muse. A GENTS MAKE F10 DAILY BELLING AL umlnuui novelties; new process silver ware ; bar goods; big line, the new, wonder ful metal; delivered free: sample In velvet lined case. 10o.; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., 8.K Broadway, New York. OENT8 HINDE'B PATENT UNIVER aal Hair Curlere and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed' Hair Plna Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par tlculara. Address P. O. BoxjM. New York. ANTKD - ACTIVE 6ALKSMEN TO v handle our line, no peddling. Salarv, ITS per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, Boston, Mass. Situations Wanted. CITUATION WANTED BY A BUTCHER, O a first class man. Address J. D., Tribuue offioe. SITUATION WANTED - CORRESPOND ent for a newspaper: wages no object Address, with stamp, box 127 Clayton, N. J. CITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING, O Ironing or eleantng by the day; washings taken home, also. Call or address "L. B.," 834 Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. YOUNO WOMAN WOULD LIKE A 8ITU atlon in dressmaking oat alilislunent. Ad dress M. WRIGHT, Old Forge, Lackawanna county, Pa. fTUATl6NWANTBD-BY A MAN AS blacksmith; a flrst clasa horse ahoer. Ad dress GEORGE CH1LDS, Olyphant, Pa. SITUATION WANTKD-STEADY.RELIa" bleuian wants position; has couaiderabla experience of counting houa. work; reference. Address "J. H," Tribune office. AMBITIOUS WOMAN. COMPARATIVELY atranger, wants position aa housekeeper or waitress in a refined home. Address "U." CITUATION WANTED A OOOD R F.LI A C ble woman of experience wanta situation as housekeeper In a respectable family, nenr gcrantou. Address, with stamp, 8ALL1E KKK HEART. East Slroudsburg. Pa. i"XPERlENeED SALKSUAN, THOR Jli ougbly acquainted with the trade in Seranton and vlcluitr, wishes position with firat.claaa house. Address "MONROE," 2il Wyoming avenue, city. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOU NO k) man as clerk, good references; had expa tlenae in groceries and dry foods; attending uainats college at present. Address "A. Z.,n Tribune office. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physician and Surgeons. bit O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to (It Spruce street, Scranton, la, (Just opposite Court House Square.) PR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE 201 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce- street, over Kruncke's drug; stroe. Residence, m Vine St. Offlee hours: 1030 to U a. tn. ajid I to 1 and (.so to 7.N p. m. Bun day, I to I p. m. DR. W. EL ALLEN, 513 North Washington avenue. ...... ... ALFRED HAND, WILLIAmTj. HArtt. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common, wealth building. - Rooms It, M and 81. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 1 and to, Burr buUdlug, Washlng . ton avenue. Ever Inaugurated in Scranton. mm WML per yard. Rugs and Carpets ulve us a trial and see it we and 604 Lack, its., Corner Adams. DR. 6. L. FRET. PRACTICE LIMITET diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat; offi', 122 Wyoming- ave. Resi dence, E13 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATEB. 125 WASHINQTO.V avenue. Oflice hours, 8 to a. m . l ie to 1 and 7 :o 8 p. m. Residence 3Jt Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ. M. D.. OFFICES Ct and W Commonwealth buiiaing; resi dence 711 Madlton ave.; offlee hours, J0 to 12, 8 to 4. 7 to 8; Sundays, 2 80 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye. ear, nose? and throat and gynecology. DRTltAYTzw'pENN AVE.; 1 to I P. H i call WZ. Lis. of women, obetretrtco anl and all dls. of chll. Lawyers. JE8SUP8 ft HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealta building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. WIXLARD. WARREN KNA AT torneys and Counsellors at Law, He publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNET-AT law, Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEGT8, 81 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4t Spruce street. B. F. K.1LLA.M, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave Scranton. Pa. FRANK T. OK ELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room S, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNET-at-Law, rooms 63, 84 and 66, Common wealth building. SAMUEL wTeDGAR. ATTORNET-AT-Law. OfBce. J!7 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. U A. WATRES, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. 422 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law ti Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boy and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at rW . Quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANX, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KIXDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pile received at ail timee. Next term will open April 8. - J Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY1 In porcelain, crown and bridge 'work. Odontothneapla. Office, S2i North, Washington avenue. C. C. LAUbXcH 7 SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON. OFFICE COAL EX change. Loans. TUB REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Calleudcr. Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK A CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 148 Waahington ave nue; green house, 1&0 North Main ave nue; store telephoe TeX Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 616 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ol Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. K. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. ' Mix teen th St.. one block east ot broauwars at Union Square, New York. American plan, $3.60 per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. a. W. aasenger depot. Conducted on tho luropsan plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS A VON 8TORCH. ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 26 and 26, Commonwealth, building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ABCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 608 Waahington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 486 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN ft MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Priee building, Us Washington avenue Seranton, Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, reeeptlons. wed dings and oonoert work furnishse. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyemlnar avenue, over Hulkert e mustc store. - ' MEGARGBB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper aags, iwnw. ton, ra. ul riealara In Woadwara. Cordage Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. couniani ana auaitor. itoevna m Williams euiming, ' epposne asiiwr Agent lor uie ttez nre jixtmcuiaaw..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers