The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 11, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Busy days among the new Dress
Materials. New iuvoice3 this
morning and a new grip upon low
3G-iuch all Wool Sergo. Beauti
ful assortment of all the new
Spring shades. Instead of 39c. the
price is now 23f. lie Yard.
Trimmed aud untriiumeJ, at
most moderate prices.
NETS, exquisite, artistic produc
tions of expert Milliners, from
$1.73 to $15.00
An attractive showingof all the
up-to-date styles.
with the new full sweep ribbou
collars and newest trimming ef
fects, $3 tS $3.50 and $7.50
Lowest prices in town. Choic
est styles and best qualities.
for April is now ready aud given
away to all who call for it.
41 2 'Sprue Street, Soranton, Paj
Specialist on
Nerve Troubles,
And Dlaeoaea of the Heart, Lung9, Kid
Beys, Liver, Womb, Stomach,'- Bladder,
Head, Flu and Epilepsy.
He wtth bte aMlatints treat all diseases
Of the Ere. Noes, Ear and Throa, Jjya
tei, Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv
oua DebUHy, Female Weakness and Irreir
ulamust KWbUy Losses and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood. Varlococele, Blood
X'oisanln, Bcsetna, Scrofula, St, Vitus
panoe, Dtebetes, Bftg-ht's Disease,
Aathme, etc.
'Any one suffering wtth Catarrh who
ftruitel ta be permanently, quickly and
thaapty cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS.
The doctor ha discovered a specific for
thla dreaded disease. You oan treat and
Jura yourself and family with It at home,
t newer falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOURS Dally, i a. m. to p.
m.; Sunday, 10 to 4.
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any otber house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
. at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as wc need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
' John N. Sharpstpen, at present a
clerk in the Honesdale postofllce, will
leave on Monday fur Carbondale, where
he. will enter the services of the Car
bondale Lumber company as bookkeep
er. ; . . . -
Rev. J. J. Doherty, who hag been 111
for the past few 'days, Is still confined
to his bed. ,
The marriage of Miss Olive Isa .Rock
well to John H. Evans will tuko place
at the home of the bride Wednesday,
April 17, at 8 p. m.
Proceedings of I'rcd Wall's Trial, at
Commonwealth Attorneys Endeavor to
Draw tho Links About the 1'rlsoncr.
Abrara Udo's Dumualng Testi
mony -Story of Traced)'.
Special to tho Srranton Tribune.
Tunkhannook, April 10. The evidence
In the Waterman murder trial, which
was ..begun yesterday,' was continued
today before a larire crowd of interested
S. Judson Stark, who was one of the
coroner's jury, testified to examining
the ground where the body was found
and ulso the embankment to see If there
were HlK" of anyone having fallen off
the wall. -He saw nothing to lead to
such a belief.
Jumna V. Plutt, attorney for the de
fendant, miggeHted that the Jury be
taken to the spot where the body wa-
found und allowed to examine th
ground in order to better understand
the testimony. A quibble immediately
arose as to whether the defense Intend
ed to point out the location with the In
tent to produce upon the minds of the
Jurymen t'hut the tragedy was merely
the result uf accident. It was filially
settled by counsel on both sides agree
lug not to make any explanations.
Taking of Testimony.
Theodore Stretter, undertaker, testl
fled to being tailed up In the night, Jan.
9. ls:M, and taken to the (Jearhart coal
chutes, where he found tho body uf
Waterman. Described position. Fount
cut over l.-ft ear Inch and a half Ion;?,
skull cracked, and other wounds upon
the head; blood Issuing from nose and
ear. Carried body to undertaking es
tablishment. Washed body, found dirt
in wounds. When body was found the
wound was not in contact with the
ground or dirt; Examined ground on
top of wall. It was loose lilting and of
such a. nature that I think 1 could have
discovered It If anyone had stepped upon
Counsel ' for ' defendant questions
Streeter-The- body was brought to my
estttbllxsKK-nt about '.2 o'clock. I ex
amined clothing next morning. Do not
know who or hoi many might have
handled or examined clothing. I took
clothing off. I Examined It before I was
first called before coroner's Jury and
again aftemvard.
Prosecution questions: Found blood
on handkerchief around neck and on
vet-t. Wood on pockets of vest, like
'finger marks.' Didn't examine clothing
until body was taken to my store
Didn't fUul any blood on front of cloth
ing; reason why. I examined particular
ly was because I heard them say he
had the nose bleed. There was blood
on the hat. ' The family of the deceased
asked for the clothing and had it until
the tlay of the funeral, when I brough
it home. It has been In my possession
ever since. There was dirt and gravel
In the wound over the eur so that I hail
to stretch It apart In order to wash it
out. Looked as if It had come in con
tact with .the earth. The ear was torn
as If struck a blow. Saw no other
b.mises on the body. Vest was buttoned,
but don't think coat was. There was
no m-'tney In pockets when I examined
cl'thii.g.- Wound over ear was dry, not
bleeding.. . Judge thp pool of blood
where he was found came from the nose.
Money Found on Corpse.
I. E. Weseott recalled: I examined
the body Where It lay when found, In
presence of -Mr. Kutz. Felt Inside of
pockets of .vest., but found nothing;
found some . things In pants pockets
found pocketbook. Oave It to 'Squire
Kutz. It was closed all In proper shape.
Opened it after we got over to Tjui
Harding's; found $9.93 In It. Found a
watch, also. It was fastened to a but
tonhole In the vest by a string, or slip,
The bills' in pocketbook were folded
up nicely as though they had been there
for some time.
Streeter recalled Brings vest taken
from body and Identities as same, also
condition Is same. Counsel for defend
ant objects to admitting vest as evl
deuce because it has not been in his
continuous possession, and others, rela
tlves of the deceased, had handled it
Objection sustained, but Jury must
Judge for themselves the weight of evl
dence It should curry.
Mrs. C. W. Waterman, widow of de
ceased, called and identified the cloth
lug exhibited as th? same worn by her
husband when he left home the day of
his death. Clothing admitted to evi
dence. ... .
. Dr. J. W. Denlson Helped make post
mortem examination of body of C. W.
Waterman March 9, 1894. Found wound
on left temple, ear torn down, and small
puncture on top of head. In my opinion
the wound on temple produced death.
The upper edge of the wound was clean
cut, the lower bruised, as though made
with a blunt instrument. Think a per
son receiving such a' blow would be
Mrs. S. Bates Tells tbe Story of Her
, Sufferings.
How She Was Cured By Munyon's Little
' Pellets Aftor'physleiuns
Had Failed.
Mrs. S. Bates, of Cecil, N. J adds her
testimony to that of the thousands, who
have been saved from a life of suffering
by Munyon's Remedies. She said: "I had
suffered greatly with indigestion and
stomach trouble. Everything 1 ate dis
tressed me. I was nervous and fretful and
rapidly breaking down, physicians had
fulled to help me, nor did any of the rem
edies I took relievo me until I Began
using Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. The re
sult was astonishing. After, taking but
three doses I felt greatly Improved, and
after taking one 25c. bottle I was entirely
oured." 11
Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Curo
cures all forms of Indigestion and stom
ach troubles such as constipation, rising
of food, distress after eating, bloating of
the stomach, pnlp!tutlon of the heart,
shortness of breath and all affections of
the heurt . caused by indigestion, 1 It
soothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs
that have been weakened by over-cutlmr,
or where the lining has been Impaired by
physic and Injurious medicines. Price,
Munyon's Homoopathlc Home Remedy
Cmipany, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearly every diseuse, which are
fold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a
bottle.' V,
Those who" are In doubt as to-the nature
of their should uddress Professor
Munyon,'-lMKi Arcti street, Philadelphia,
giving full syiftptonms of their diseuse.
Professor Munyoil will carefully diagnose
the case and give )'9U the benefit of his
advice absolutely free of nil charge. The
Keniedles will be sent to ai.y address on
receipt of .i lu:i price.
N . ', '
rendered unconscious at once, and not
J able to walk. Saw pool of . blood in
f r..i u. t... ...... '
Afternoon Sosslon.'
Dr. Denlson utlll on the stand The
character of the wound on the temple
was such that It could not bleed much
It wus a contusion. The effect would
be to paralyze the heurt. Traced the
drops of blood front the pool In front of
the Hteveus house dlugonally across
the street, and down the sidewalk to
perhups a couple of rods below Heck
man's house, then buck up to the Mont
rose railroad crossing and down the
track to point nenrly opposite where
the body was found, but could not trace
It under the trestllng to where It hud
lain. I made the autopsy, assisted by
Drs. lildleman. Hill and Heller. Think
Dornslfe was there also. Found dis
coloration on back of neck, nose was
scarified. Describes condition of front
of Stevens' house; witness said he did
not think Waterman received the fatal
blow there. He could not have bled so
much If he had. Pool looked as If the
blood came from the rfrise. It Is my
opinion thut he did not receive : the
puncture of the skull ut the same time
that he did the wound mar the ear,
neither were they made by the sume
W. K. Kelfer, O. S. Miller and M. A.
Haeon swotn, but no new fact3 elicited.
They examined tho ground and em
hunkmcnt. but found no marks to sup
port the theory Wutermun had fallen
William Ollroy Was in the Stevens
House on the night Waterman's dead
body was found. Waterman came
there along about I) o'clock. Staid there
probably half an hour. Was Intoxlcut
ed, took a drink while there. Krid
Wall was there. He and another fellow
claimed they had a drunken man in
lh. barn and hud to luck after him.
They went out aud were gone probably
half an hour. Vattinvui wrstt out the
front door about .;!. Fivd und his
coiiipuiik.n went out the front dour also
between 9.:i0 and 10. I left, the house
about 10.30. Don't think Wall was In
toxicated. Heard no noise or disturb
ance outside. "
Nelson Lehn Was at the Stevens
House on night of Jan. 8, 1894; went
there ubout !UU, after attending lodge.
Do not think the street lamp In front
of hotel was lighted. Fred Wall, Pratt
and some companions were drlukijig
over the bar Inside. 1 raw Waterman
after he was dead, lying near the coal
chutes. I was ut the Keeler House,
and went down. Think It was about 11
A. W. Feldman Was at the Stevens
House on th? night mentioned. Think
the street lamp In front wus not lighted.
Charles Harding Was ut the Stevens
House at about 9.30 on night men
tioned. Staid about fifteen minutes.
Saw Waterman, but not FreU Wall.
Went over to the Wyoming House,
found Fred Wall and Pratt there. They
wanted oysters, but Tom told them
he hadn't any. They had been drink
ing, but don't think they were very
drunk. They spoke about going back
to Stevens' House barn to look after
Pratt'B brother, who- was In the barn,
drunk. They were afraid he would
freeze to death. Pratt .was at Stev
en's House when I left, but he soon
came over to the Wyoming House.
Waterman had a red handkerchief
hanging down In front of his vest;
didn't nutlcj that he was bleeding.
Says Deceased Was Intoxicated.
Jerome K. Lord, night clerk at
Packer House Waterman came Into
the Packer House about 9.30. He was
considerably Intoxicated. Wanted
something to drink, but would not let
him have anything. His nose was
bleedtng somewhat. He wanted to
know if anybody had engaged board
there for hlin. 1 told him "no." Think
he said he was going to the Stevens
House. He was so drunk that It occa
sioned remarks from those In the room.
Somo of them watched, I think, to Bee
If he got safely across the railroad
tracks when he left.
W. H. Rosengrant Was proprietor of
the Warren street hotel at the time
Waterman was found dead. Fred Wall
came In about 9 o'clock on that night
and again bout 9.30. Bert Pratt was
with him. Moth had been drinking.
Jennie Caskey Kept a confectionery
and oyster store on Warren street In
January, 1S94. On the night of Jan. 8
Wall nd Pratt came In after oysters.
Wall seemed uneasy, and went out sev
eral times. Said something about look
ing for somebody. They took their oys
ters stewed. Think they were there
about three-quarters of an hour; left be
fore 10 o'clock. (
Ide's Uainnging Story.
Abram Ide Dive next door to Stev
ens house. On tho afternoon of Jan. 8,
1S94, was working for Dr. llldlemai
Saw Waterman and others standing
near Oearhart's coal ofllce. Waterman
had some money and he and the others
were talking In rather loud voice about
the money, Fred Wall was standing a
few feet away. Saw Fred and Pratt
standing near my fence about supper
time. Didn't get the run of their con
versation, but heard somebody say,
"why didn't you hit the . The
lamp In front of Stevens house was put
out or went out between 9 and 10 o'clock.
Late in the evening I went put to draw.
some water at the hydrant, and heard
someone say "we must keep this awful
still." Another of the party said "sh-h,"
as If to keep him still. .After going Into
the house flaw a flash of light as If
someone was lighting a match. Next
morning saw blood on the walk and
found coupling pin, which had blood
upon It, lying Just back of where the
men stood the night before. I went to
the station to take the Montrose train
to Lake Carey, where I was working.
I first learned that a man had been
killed while we were going up the
mountain. Don't know what became of
the coupling pin, never saw It again.
I next saw Fred Wall Thursday morn
ing following. He had on new pair of
overalls and Jerk shirt. I remarked
that there must have been a fire. He
explained It by saying that Sherm
Stevens had a sk-k horse and' he got his
clothes bloody, and could buy new ones
as cheap 'as to get the old ones washed.
Cross-examined Did not mention anv
of these circumstances to anybody, not
even my wife, until I was called before
the grand Jury.
Piles! Piles! It ehlng Piles. -Symptoms
Moisture; intense Itching
and stinking; most at night: worso bv
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very Bore. Uwanye's Ointment
stops the Itching aud bleeding, heals ul-
., "i, ii ico-'t crises removes th.
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for AO
cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia.
William Ordnung spent Monday with
his parents,, at Hveley vllle, Wayne
county. .. .' . .
Nathan Cobb, of Decatur, Til., visited
Fort Jt City relatives and friends cn
Monday. ' '
The Forest City breaker was idle
Tuesday on account of the slope being
Hooded. A small creek whlchi runs near
the elope bccfima e.rolleq by the rains
of Monday night and worked its way
into the mouth. .'
Some- of our oldest residents claim
thi;t the Lackawanna was higher yes
terday 'than it bus-ever been, ksnuwn
to be before. All the footbridges along
the stream have been washed away.
An eg'; social will be held by the
Ladles' Aid society of the Welsh Con
gregational church tixt Tuesduy even
ing. An admission of 25 cents will be
charged. The proceeds will be applied
to the church debt. . Arrangements ure
being mado to have the new church
painted und papered, and the public is
Incited to come out And aid them
financially next Tuesday evening. . .
We cull the attention of sarn; of our
"reporters" from Forest City who have
an Inclination to brag about "scoops"
to the fact that up to Tuesday The
Tribune was the only taper that con
till noil an account cf the sad accident
at the Warren Int. which resulted .In
the death of the little daughter of Da
vlt! Thoma.'i. In bona fide news matter,'
both local and general, The Tribune
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Dladdcr ills
cases relieved In six ho'-r.i by the "New
Cireut South Airiorlef.ii Kidney Cure.'
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
tuck and every part of the urinary pas
sages, in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water und pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and eure this Id your remedy. Sold
by C. .M. Harris,-Druggist, J -5 lVun ave
nue, Hcranton, l'a. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Everts enter
tained u number of young people ut
their home Saturday evening. Tluse
who enjoyed the evening were Dora
Plumber. Maggie Morgans,' Mcrtlc aud
Addle KverU, Sal ah and Mabel Hobbs,
Olive Murphy. Gertrude Finn, Olla and
Jessie Kennedy, May H-alL'tcad, Misa
Kline, Miss Speddlng, and Mesurs.
Decker, Will Evert3, Robert Clark. Al
lan Harris, Walter Speddlng, Itobert
urunduge, Clarence Everts, Harry
Harney, Allan Finn, John Relchenbuck
er, Kulph Koblnson, James Will, Will
Lewis, Giles Hobbs.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ban
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain: cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take r.o
other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
E. L. Bucon made a flying trip to
Blngh-amton Monday last.'
Luther Edwards, of Aplachln, N. Y.,
Is visiting J. A. Nivcr.
The death of the youngest daughter
Hard Work and Indigestion go
Hand in Hand.
Concentrated thought, continued in, robs
the stomach of necessary blood, and this is
also true ot hard physical labor.
When a five horse-power engine is made
to do ten horse-power work something is
going to break. Very often the hard
worked man coming from the field or the
office will "bolt" his food in a few min
utes which will tuke hours to digest. Then
too, many foods are about as useful in tbe
stomach as a keg of nails would be in-
fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach
refuses to do its work without the proper
stimulus which it gets from the blood and
nerves. The nerves are weak and "ready
to break," because they do not get the
nourishment they require from the blood,
finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide
awake when the overworked mail at
tempts to find rest in bed.
The application of common sense in the
treatment of the stomach and the who':
system brings to the busy man the full en-
ioyiuent of life und healthy digestion when
le takes Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to
relievo a bilious stomach or after a too
hearty meal, and Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery to piirify, entich and
vitulize the blood. The "Pellets" are tiny
sugar-coated pills made of highly concen
trated vegetable ingredients which relieve
the stomach of all offending matters easily
und thoroughly. They need only be taken
for a short time to cure the biliousness,
constipation aud Hlothfiilness, or torpor, of
the liver ; then the " Medical Discovery "
should be taken in tcaspoouful doses to in
crease the blood and enrich it. It has a
peculiar effect upon the lining membranes
of the stomach and bowels, toning up and
strengthening them for all time. The
whole system feels the effect of the pure
blood coursing through the body and the
nerves are vitalized and strengthened, not
(leadened, or put to sleep, as the so-called
celery compounds and nerve mixtures do
but refreshed und fed on th food they
need for health. If you suffer from indi
gestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, and any
of tbe ills which come from impure blood
and disordered' stomach, yon can cute
yourself with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery which can be obtained at any
drug store in the country.
CMchutrr't Enill.h llluuj nrani.
wrljjlaal and Only Genuine.
Arc, alwtvi rrltablo, lAOltB Mk
WUtfffiit hr vnfchcMtrt K'lulith itft ,
WoitW Brand In Krd aud ft'otii mil Ilia'
JT -fcflUsci. hum Willi liliip i-IMhui. Tuko
I f fit t,u" anttimitatinna. At DrtiKRl;, or wnd 4c.
W in atuotia fur rwrtlciilitm, t'-t.niunlaU ml
"Kliof foe I.mH , in hltrr, ,y tvl Urtl
r . jmiui. it'stMM ir-iiNiiinmn. inm ntptr.
rwm m .1
IlaTe Ton Hare Throat. Plmnles. Connsr-ColoMd
HpoU, Aches, Old Sores. Ulcers In Moutti, Hair
tailing? Write Cook Renrdy CoSUf stu
onleTrmplr,4'hlcaao,III.,forpruufii of cures.
Capital UM0,n0.atlenUcii rod nines-cars
ago tcrtay ounrt snd well. lOQ-pngeftoot rr
Good News
Send This Around. It Tells uf Monjy to Be Saved aud Bargulns
Worth Having :
Thoklud tbat stands tho racket
and always looks well,
CO Children' Suits, 4 anil 5, to
clear thoiu out. ..... . 50c
About 100 Hoys' Supivlur Tailored
Suits, LI tied PnntH, Hinitrt Juvkvls
and a gruud quality, to Ho"e $1.1!)
We've a little lot or extra quality Suita
for boys' drewt wear that were
made up specially to tho ordr of
Henry Goodman, Tlie sizes tire 6
. to 14 yean and (lie price was M,60.
Take turn now at .-.$1.99
rt Dnrglans Still Continue and Remember That AH Our Piece Goods
Vrc Uctng Closed Out at Practically What Wc can Got for Thorn.
of Mr. - and Mrs. Frank. Lindsay oc
curred Monday last. -
Mrs. W. J. Sheridan, of Binghamton
was a caller In town Monday lust.
9. D. Bacon, ot Corning, la.. Is visit
ing friends and relatives, and his buy-
aooa noine.
iMlss A.. J. Wilcox will haVe an exhl
bltlon Thursday and Friday. April 11
and Vi. A tine display of millinery and
Kuy Snyder, who has been seriously
111 with pneumonia, is convalescing.
Patrick Luddon, sr., an old and re
spected. citizen of this place, died yester
day afternoon, after a short illness.
Michael Murray Is confined to his
home by a cold.
The Clreenwood mines will be Idle to
Getting Quarrelsome.
With gold and silver kicking up
A most disastrous row ,
"f is plain that money never talked
As saucily as now.
Washington Star.
Dnrtmooth Professors
Called It Incurable.
"I hsd a painful ulcer on my ankle,
Which physl-
clans called an
old man's sore,
dueto the poor
state of my
blood. The
soro spread to
the size of a
saucer, and I
dad tri frlvn
SiKaurgeons at
College would
opera lion,
my advanced age, 78 yearo, in itself was a
barrier, and that only temporary relief
could bo given. I was pining over my
misfortune when a fri-nd urged melto try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had taken but part
of a bottle when tho eruption looked more
healthy and after taking 6 bottles the sore
Hood's 8aP Cures
completely healed, leaving only a scar.
Hood's Sarsaparilla also helped my wholo
RVHt.AIH ..1 ImVAnnl talt ur. ... 1 1 . 1 1
John 8. Cummer, WestLebanon. N. IL
Hood's Pills EX S .EiI"S"M'
BUUANTON, PA., April 8, 1S93,
Dear Silas:
Before accepting your kind
invitation to spend the
you at Fannville, I would like
to know if there are any com
missions which, I can attend
to for you.
You know everything is
much cheaper here and more
up to date than around your
part of the country, and if
you have any change, I should
advise you to invest it in
yourself and the boj-s. There
is a store here called "THE
BELL," No. 230 Lackawanna
avenue, where I bought a suit
very cheap. You will be sur
prised to hear that I paid only
$7.00 for it. Gent's furnish
ing goods can also be bought
there for half the amount that
you would pay in Fannville
Let me know by return of
mail just what you want, aud
I shall be glad to accommo
date you. With love to Lydia,
Ruben and John, also your
self. I remain vours.
P. S. Tell the boys that
with every knee pants suit
sold at the "BELL" each boy-
is entitled to a cnance on a
bicycle to be drawn for July
5. Don't let them miss this.
Follow Charles Augustus's
advice and trade at
, 230 Lackawanna Ave.
Travels Fast.
Goodman made up most of these
In bis own factory ou tbe South
There' more of them hore. than any
two stores should have; so hero
gis fur n slaughter that you cau
not appreciate till you see the
Price begin At 12c. now, and from that
rise by easy grades to 30c, when
you reach a waist bettor than
which It will be difficult to buy at
any piieo.
rA .i..i..l..K
I I ST I '1 iu. 1
fl III
on IB, i.
: ;
1 1 II
: 4
500 Rolls this season's importations. Prices start
at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00
Cut quantities of Mattings 2 cents and 5 cents
over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers
supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices.
Ij -
Eff rj wlm y
put together and it Is a direct result
courteous treatment. There Is no "red
you want we'll arrange the payments
to pay a little money weekly or monthly opens the way to furnish your home
in regal style. We show everything in Furniture and Carpets from the cheap
kitchen wood seat chair to the solid mahogany parlor cabinet; from the old
hemp carpet to the latest designs in Wilton Velvet. In fact, YOUR PROM
ISE will buy everything that helps to make housekeeping pleasant
to pay a little weekly or monthly will entitle you to any style of Baby Car
riage of our fifty odd samples. They range from $3.73 to (35.09. Refrigerators
aud Ice Chests and Mattlugs are among the. near approaching "demand-
hlna " Koo num. t
Headaches prevented and cured by hartal
your eyes nvlentiacally examlntd aud
fitted accurately by
guaranteed ia every ease.
305 Spruce StrV
These are a few of the attributes of
our Peerless Credit System. Here's
what we do-and we do it a little
better than any one has ever done
before we sell Carpets and Furui-
Furniture on credit we have
marked every article at a low figure
so that you can compare our prices
with the cash prices of otber store.
We give credit to our patrons be
cause they appreciate such accom
modation It is our way of obtaining
a staining their patronage. K0t B bigger store and a big-
ger stock than all the rest of them
of lowest prices -easiest terms -aud
tape" around here -come and get what
to please you.