1 -:: It TJIE SCTCAXTOy TJilliUNE WEDNESDAY MOTCXINGr. 'jflkPRIL 10, 18D.T 8 ' GORMAN'S hmm MM. DRESS GOODS. Busy days among tho now Dress Materials. Now invoice this morning and a now grip upon low prices. 3G-inch all Wool Sorgo. Beauti ful assortment of nil tho now Spring shades. Instead of .T.)c. the price is now 23('. Use Yard. HATS AND BONNETS. Trimmed and uutrinnned, at most moderate prices. TKIMMED 1IAT3 and LOX NETS, exquisite, artistic produc tions of expert Milliuers, from $1.15 t 13.00 CAPES, WAISTS AfjD SEPARATE WAISTS An attractive showing of all the up-to-date styles. STYLISH SHORT CAFE3 nudo with the uow full sweep ribbon collars and newest trimming ef fects, $& US, $3.50 and $7.50 DRESS LININGS. Lowest prices in town. Choic est styles and best qualities. - MODES ID FABRICS for April is now ready and given away to all who call for it. GORMAN'S" GRAND DEPOT. DR. .-. REEVES, 41 2' Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, And Dlneaiea of the Heart, Lunpa. KI1 ney, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Kladdur, Head,. F1U and Epilepsy. H with bin MKlsUints treat all diseases of the Eye, Noo, Ear and Throat, Iryn peppla, Rheumatism, Lout Vitality. Nerv ous Debility. Femal WoaknesB and Irreit ularltlea. Nightly Louies and Krrore of Youth, Lost Manhood, Varloeocele, Wood Poisoning, EoMima, Sorofula, Bt. Vltns Dance, Diabetes, Bright' Disease. Abthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, qulc)cly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOU.AfiH. The doctor has discovered a specific for thin dreaded disease. Yon can trtnt and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOURS Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. in.; Sunday, 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in "the trade, for goods of the. same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about onc-lialf the reg ular price, as wc need the room. J. 5cott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. FJMCEBUltU. ; The deadlock in the council was -. j broken -.Saturday evening; by Council t man : Mullln supporting 'the Dickson ! combino, -.His piirty Is very Indignant j over his actions 'and denouncW him forever, but he must have some mo tive In turning his colors. . Tho follow. . ' Ink officers were elected: President, Hon.- M. F. Ftiddon; secretary, Tromas Palmer; treasurer, ThAman Orli.-r; street commissioner, Thomas Ely; chief of j ' ' police,, John Mullln. ,. , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iWS OF THIS wm roin:sT CITY. Mrs. N. 10. Rriiniliifro Is vlalttiiR hrr ulster, Mi'H. liwii'Kc Ktilnbju'k, of Scrun ton.. Frank Hln.i mid vlf wen nt ThoMtpson yontord.iv, iitlrnilin;? tin? funeral of Mr. IIIihh' fiitlur, Ira I linos, who h:id ic!icli''d the rlpi line of four SL'nre ;-t nrs. Annio, t!u live- months-old daughter of Mti'luii'l I'ctub, of Delaware street, died Saturday morning. The Inter ment was nt Carhomlale yesti-rday. The board of trade held u ineetlnir FVl.lay evenlnsr. at which u iiuiiiImt of Importiiut matters were diseased, unuiiiK others bi litfr the senate and limine bills cll-vrlmliiatinif nsaliist bulldlnt,' and loan iissoolations chnr teled outside the state. Strom; ivhuIu tions were passed condemning the hills, und have been forwarded to Senator 1 lai clenberxli and Vaughn of the Twentieth und Twenty-sixth senatorial districts, and to Representatives Jlll luril and Moore, of Susquehanna county; I'nderwood and Curtis, of Wayne, and Karr, (.'oniiell, fi rover anil U'Malley, of Lackawanna. The board will meet UKiilu on Friday evening. April 111. It is reported that the new Council will enforce the sidewalk ordinance, and lay cross walks on Main street. Po so, (fentlenien, do so, and a suffer liiK Reiteration will rise up and call you blessed. The Tribune made first mention of the fact that tho Kpworth league would present .1 regular programme hereafter on Tuesday evenings. Chairman Max oy of the uroirrnmme committee, has prepared the following Interesting pro Kramm for this evenlnpr: Essay, S. O. Yelvlnston: music, Mrs. F. E. Keod; oration, ti. F. Maxey; select reading, Stanley Evans; recitation, Martha Grif fiths; haiy solo, Harry Hoed; select reading,. Mrs. G. E. Wedeman; address, Wilfivd Eichonbenr. Chairles r.urdkk, nsent of the Hill side Coat and Iron company nt Hones dale, spent Sunday with his parents. At Montrose there are seventeen For est City cases on ths court calendar, nnd as court commenced yesterday, there was an exodus to the county s:tt yesterday morning. No less than seventy-five citizens of the borough, in cluding prosecutors, defendants nnd witnesses, left feir the sequestered seat of justice, lioth Justices of the peace and the two con-tables were among those subpoenaed. liUCOELLXOTES. J. T. Anderson, "JS, Is engaged In holding revival meetings at Montgom ery Station. Porry Calvin, '94, preached at North umberland on Sunday. The Evangelical trio, , consisting of Messrs, Flint, Harper and Flsk, were engaged ' fn religious seirvlces during vacation at Milton, Pa., assisting Rev. Edmundsoji, who Is doing very success ful work as an evangelist. The state convention of College Young Men's Christian association presidents will be held at Rucknell un iversity on April IS to 21 Inclusive. Ar rangemense for entertainment are already being made and a good attend ance is expected. Dr. Harris gave an Interesting and instructive address to the students of the university on Monday morning. On Tuesday he will give an address at the armory on the "Fall of Klchmond." The outlook for a good base ball team Is quite favorable at present. AVe re gret that H. C. Stanton of Chinchilla, a candidate fur catcher, 13 not able to be with us this term. Ills place will probably be filled by Mr. Hrady, who shows up very well. It Is not yet known who will occupy the pitcher's box. The candidates are A. T. Wil liams, Mulkle and Geary. Practice games are given every day at 4.15 p. m. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Illadder dis eases relieved In bIx ho'rs by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptnes.i In relieving pain In the bladder, kldnys, back and every part of the urinary pas ungeg. In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want oiil'k relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Druggist, lia Penn avo nue, Scranton, Pa. AVOCA. P.ev. Price, of the Methodist Episco pal church, who has labored so earn estly arid successfully for the past few years, has been called away to a new mission field. Farewell services were held flunday, and his congregation, to whom he has endeared himself, regret deeply his departure. 'V.Isb H. Quinn has returned to re sume her duties as teacher in the public schools at Klmlra, after spending a few days with her parents. Miss .Mamie Hutchinson Is the guest of Nellie Dornn, of West Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, of Kingston, visited tho home of his par ents Sunday. N Miss Lydla Connor spent last even ing at PlUston. C. A. Merrick has removed his family to Hazeton, where he has accepted a position as mine foreman. Miss Alice Morahan spent Sunday with Dunmore friends. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has beon used for ovor (lfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho uhlld, softens the gums, allays all palu: cures wind colle, and Is the best 'remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd tako no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. JUKMYA'. The fair of the Sacred Heart church will re-open Monday next. Mrs. Patrick llloomcr, of the East Bide, and Mrs, John Maynard, of lower Main street, are seriously 111 :-The ladies - of tho Congregational church will glvoi'ai. tea In Enterprise hall on Thursday, April 18, to which all are Invited. ' . Our borough fathers are considering the advisability of opening Fourth Btrect from Henry Stone's corner to U. street, .' ' 1 5 Miss Josle Davis, w'.m has been Very III wUh grip. Is improving. The Kpworth league if tho Metho d; Kplfcopul church have secured the Independent Ulee (dub from Wyoming seminary to give an entertainment April IS. The choir of St. James Episcopal chuiih wll give an riitorlahunent In Enterprise hull April 20. An lnteiest ir.U programme h-as been araiijf cd. moiTsic D. A. Hondard, contractor, was In Scranton on business yesterday. Anyone desiring to order The Tribune can do so by calling on the ntfont, C. It. Frassonl, on Alain street. Mrs. Thomas Weir, of Illver street, Is still confined to the house by the grip. Oliver Levun was vlvlting his father, on Main street, over Sunday. David kohcrtMon returned to his studies at Wyoming seminary yester day. Miss Annie Nlchol was visiting In I'lttston yesterday. At the last meeting of Iteiinett lodge, No. 1)07, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, the following ollleers wen; In stalled by District Deputy Grand Mas ter Wetzel and staff: David T. Davis, N. G.; I.uke Clark, V. G.; George Treg alls, secretary; Goorv W. Drouu, as sistant secretary; It. Hellas, treasurer. John Itoblln was elected trustee nnd John S. Metz representative to grand lodge. Mr. and .Mrs. Chris Kabinc, of Mi nooka avenue, spent Sunday In Arch bald among friends, Miss Hose Warner was visiting In Scranton yesterday. W. S. Hutchlngs, of this place, has gone on a two weeks' trip to Florida and the south. t The members of tho Moostc Kpworth league accept the Invitation of the Kp worth league, of Duryea, to visit them on Wednesday, April 10. The men employed by the Herlln Iron works have Mulshed the building for the IJonta Plate Glass company, and will leave today for Atlantic City, N. J., where they expect to remain all sum mer. A number of young people from this place attended a party In I'lttston given by Miss Clara Kiehmoml. Among those present were Misses Eliza Price, Lizzie MoMurtrie, iMaggle Eewis, Nina Dabar and Thomas Patterson. Rev. J. C. Tenant preached an excel lent sermon at the Methodist Episco pal church on Sunday evening. . His topic was Man's Partnership with God." Mr. Tenant has a pleasing and earnest manner when preaching, which holds the attention of h,!s audience till it Is dismissed. Ira Rrodhead, of Mill City, spent Sun day at the home of his father-in-law, Harvey Jacques, at the new powder mills. TAYLOli. Michael Kane, a driver In the Green wood No. 2 and residing In MInooka, was kicked In the face by a mule yes terday. His Injuries are very serious. A meeting was held last evening at Weber's rink by delegates of the differ ent societies to arrange for the parade on Decoration Day. Joseph Whlteford has accepted a po sition in the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western freight olllce in Scranton. Work on the foundation of the new silk mill was commenced yesterday. The Taylor, Pyne and Ilolden mines will be paid tomorrow. Entries are still coming In for the tournament of the Nonpeiiel Athletic club, to be held In Weber's rink on April 25. Arrangements are being made to have some of the best nmatuer boxers In the county to iartielpate in the contests for honors and points. William G. Nelger has commenced the foundation forh Is new block on Taylor street. The Price Library association will hold a bachelors' social In their rooms on April 17. The social of the Shamrock Social club, to lie held In Weber's rink on Monday next, promises to be a grand success. . F. E. Jones, of Snyre, was the guest of S. A. fcntke over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Kerry, of Kings ton, was calling on friends In town Sunday. Camp 2'i0, Sons of Veterans, will held their second uniiunt masquerade ball at Music hall, April 22. The following amounts have been raised In the Wyoming Methodist Epis copal church during tho five years of Kev. G. C. Lyman's pastorate: For Im proving parsonage nnd church prop erty, $1.7:10 1 for missions, $::,li(): other collections, $S2fi; salaries of pastor, pre siding elder and blsljops, JC.KIH; current expenses of church and Sunday school, $3,1111; Wyoming seminary nnd Preach ers' Aid Society, $I0,M, making a total of $2!),2S7. There has been an Increase of membership of over 100. OLD FOKlii:. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Dent, of Brook lyn, N. Y.. were tho guests of II. L. Edsnll on Sunday. kev. J. L. kace left for Honesdnle on Tuesdny to attend the Methodist con ference. Miss Jennie Drake, of Walnut I.nne seminary, Is spending her Easter vaca tion at home. The teachers of Old Forge township received their pny for March on Mon day evening. kev. J. Erwln Tlrodhend, of Philadel phia, Is home during his Easter vaca tion. Tho teachers of Old Forge township will hold their monthly Institute In Drnke's hall on Saturday, April 14, be ginning at 2 p. m. All teachers und those Interested- In educntlonal work are cordially Invited to attend. Trains arrive nt and leave Lnckawnnna con venient for teachers at a distance. CAKHOXlUm. . Delaware and Hudson company will pay the employes of the gravity rail road and their shop hands In this city today. Delaware flnd Hudson engines Nos. 25 and 27 are In the locomotive shops In this city for repairs. , Miss Merrlttn Donovan returned to Scranton yesterday from a two weeks' visit In this city.. . TUNKHANN0UK. The impaneling of the Jury In the Waterman murder cuse was concluded at 3.1(1 yesterday afternoon, the list be ing as follows: Cyrus I. Stephens, George W.v liolid, Fred J.iqueS, K. D. kohlusoii, Addison E. Mowry, George Smith, Ira Winters, Draper Smith, Huol 1 laker, D. A. Knupponberg, Corey Walters, Charles F. Halin. The attor ney for the commonwealth took up the case and William and Henry Water man, Woscott, and Thomas Harding were sworn. The main points of evi dence soiiiilit to be established by the llrst witnesses were to the effect tliDt Waterman came toTunkhannock on the day of the murder to attend court; that Ir absolutely necessary in order to liaTe pood health. Tlie"&reuteiit ulllietion of the human race U impure blood. '"hero ure about 2101) disorders inci dent to the human frame, tho large majority arising- from the impure or poisonous condition of the blood. Tho best remedy for ull blood dis eases is found in Hood's iSursapnrilla. Its remarkable cures uro its loudest pruiso. It is not what wo Nay but what Hood's Sarsapurillu does that tells tho story. No remedy lias ever lmd so marked EUccesK, or won sueli enormous sales. Scrofulu in its severest forms yields to its potent powers, blood poisoning and salt rheum and many other diseases aro permanently cured by it. For a general Spring Medicine to remove those impurities which have accumu lated d 11 rimr the winter, or to overcome That Tired Feeling, nothing equals he put up at the Wyoming house, and that late In the evening he was found dead In tho alleyway near the Gearhart coal pockets under circumstances that Btrongly pointed to murder. Harding, who Is proprietor of the Wyoming house, testified that Waterman put up at his house; that he became visibly Intoxicated during the day, and that early In the evening he left the house still In the same condition; that Pert Pratt and Wescott became apparently alarmed for his safety when he did not return at bedtime and started out to hunt him up. About 10..10 they came In and announced that they had found him out In the alley and he was dead. Harding took an engineer's torch and went out to see about It, nd without wailing to Investigate whether the man was actually dead, ran to Dr. Bidleman's olllce and aroused him. The latter went over and examined the man nnd found him dead. Harding testified as to the position of the body, which was lying with the head next the stone embankment that supports the Inclined railroad tracks leading up Into the coal chutes, the feet stretched out Into the roadway, the hat clasped between the legs. He also testified to a conversa tion with Fred Wall which occurred next day, In which Fred said: "I un derstand they say I had something to do with this murder?" "Yes," replied Harding, "I've heard It Intimated that you might have had something to do with It." "I don't see why they should say such things as that; I didn't have anything to do with him," said Wall. "Well," replied Harding, "you was with Bert Pratt last evening, and they seem to think he had something to do with It, and so they suspicion you." Asked by an attorney If Wall didn't say that he could put his hand on the man that did It, he replied that he wasn't Just sure whether he said that, but he thought he said he believed he knew who did it, but he couldn't swear to It. The court room will probably be crowd ed today, as some of the most Impor tant witnesses are expected to be upon the stand. ' Theodore Wtreetcr has connected his store, house and tenement house by a private telephone line. ' Almond Cassldy has Just finished re pnintlng Fred Strupler's dwelling up the Turnpike. There Is talk of a select school at Vosc. Tim rains have set' the Tniikhannock creek on a rampage and the river Is rapidly crawling up to the danger line. Tho hlghwater mark of ISS'J will soon bo reached, and it Is not improbable that It will go much higher. Country roads are navigable with a tugboat, Court Notes. ' In consequence of the division of Mon roe township several ollleers had to be appointed. The following is the list: Overseer of poor, klchard Moore; audi- Have tou BoroThroat, Ifmples, Copper-Coloicd Spots, AcIips, old SutvH, Ulcere In Mouth, llnlr Kalllnu? Write I'ook llrnicily Co., HOT Mu nleTrnipl,'iilruiro,lll.,furproor(iof cures. 4?apltnlVft0t,00. tntlimtnfturetiiltiyenrs Good News Send This Around. It Tells of Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING The kind that stands tho racket nnd always looks well. 0 Children's Suits, sizes 4 and 5, to clear tiiumout sua About 100 Hoys' Superior Tailored Suits, Lined Pants, Smart Jackets and a grand quality, to close $1.49 We've a little lot of extra quality Suits for boys' dress wear that were made up specially to the order of Henry Goodman, . Tho sizes are G to 14 years,and tho price was $3.60. Take them now at, $1.09 mwmmm Shirt IJaralans Still Continue and Remember That All Our Piece Goods Are Being Closed Out at Practically .What We can Get for Them. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE, 516 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tor, M. C. Major; collector, G. F. Town send. . fl. S. Day vs. Lydla S. Perkins. Pond approved by court. Court approves bund In matter of as signment of H. W. Yielding. , Commonwealth vs. John Hilster. In dictment, lurceny. . True bill. Commonwealth vs. Hefernls Huwke. Indictment,, selling liquor to minors. True bill. Commonwealth vs. John Duggan. Assault ami battery. True bill. Commonwealth vs. W. II. klchmond. Assault and battery. True bill. Commo.nweulth vs. Wlllimn kosen Biant. Assault and battery. Not a true bill. Commonwealth vs. W. II. klchmond. Fulse pretense. True bill. oo'd " I wish to say that 3 years ago wo bad 1 beautiful boy born to ua. At the ago of 11 months lie breathed his last, a victim t Impure blood. On Aug. 4, 181)1, anolhei boy was born, who at the age of twt mouths became afflicted with the sami disease. We believed the trouble wai con. otitutional, and not common sore mouth I procured a bottle of Hood'B Barsaparllli and commenced to give it regularly t both mother and baby. Improvement be gan at once. We have succeed In eradica ting the scrofulous blood from the system and today wo are blessed with a nice, bil baby boy, 18 months old the very Picture of Health, all life and full of mischief thanks t Hood's Barsaparilla. I am a minister it the Methodist Protestant church, nnd il affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's Barns parilla to all as a safe, iuri remedy. Even my wife, after takiuj Hood's, became healthy and fleshy and bai the bloom of girlliood again." Rnv. J. M Pate, Brookline Station, Missouri, SCKANTON, PA., April 8, 1895, Dear Sias: Before accepting your kind invitation to spend the EASTER HOLIDAY with you at Farmville, I would like to know if there are any com missions which I can attend to for 3'oit. You know everything is much cheaper here and more up to date than around your part of the country, and if you have any change, I should advise you to invest it in SPRING CLOTHING for yourself and the boys. There is a store here called "THE BELL," No. 230 Lackawanna avenue, where I bought a suit very cheap. You will be sur prised to hear that I paid only $7.00 for it. Gent's furnish ing goods can also be bought therefor half the amount that you would pa' in Farmville. Let me know by return of mail just what you want, and I shall be glad to accommo date you. With love to Lydia, Ruben and. John, also your self. I remain yours, CHARLES AUGUSTUS FLETCHER. P. S. Tell the boys that with every knee pants suit sold at the "BELL" each boy is entitled to a chance on a bicycle to be drawn for July 5. Don't let them miss this. Follow Charles Augustus's advice and trade at THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. Travels Fast. Money to Be Saved and Barguius Having : BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Uondmau made up most of these In his own factory on the South Side. There's more of them here than any two stores should have; so here goes for a slaughter that you can not appreciate tilt you see the goods. Prices begin at 12c. now, and from that rise by easy grades to 80a, when you reach a waist butter than which it will be difficult to buy at any price, IB 0 A AT E 409-402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND TH . fSEIUil CHI'S JftB, i 0 -0 r ill! 1 1 0 KEBRj SIHM 1 CO. Jr ffii 500 Rous this season's importations. Prices start at $4.oo a roil, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 2l2 cents and 5 cents over the roil price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. IJSEBHHI 0MFORT RELIEF gCONQMY D URAB1LITY I NDEPENDENCE TRUSTWORTHINESS We've got a bigger store and a blg- -- - --- -: : - gcr stock thau all the rest of them put togcther-and it is a direct result of lowest prices -easiest terms-aud courteous treatment. There is no "red tape" around hero-couie and get what you want we'll arrange tho payments to please you. HOME I I UMSIltU COMPLETE. ' to pay a littlo money weekly or monthly opens the way to furnish your home in regal style. Wtf show everything in Furniture and Carpets from the cheap kitchen wood seat chair to the solid mahogany parlor cabiuot; from the old liemp carpet to the latest designs iu Wilton Velvet. In fact, YOUR PROM. ISE will buy everything that helps to make housekeeping pleasant. 11AIIY CARKIAOF.S. HI I RKiliRATORS, , and MAITINUS. . to uav a little weekly or monthly will riage of our 11 fty odd samples. They and Ice Chests and Mattings are among the near approacmng "aemq bles." Sue ours. ECONOMY FURNITURE G0 SCRANTON'S HOME' PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE.. I II 'FAIR SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prevented nnd cur3 by h.iTin your oyt scientifically examined and titled accurately by dr: shimberg. KYES EXAMINED FREE. Satitfactlo guaranteed in every case. 305 Spruce Street These are a few of the attributes of our Peerless Credit System. Here's what we do -and we do it a little better than any one hax ever done before we sell Carpets and Furui- Furniture on credit we have marked every article at a low figure so that you can compare our prices with the cash prices of other stores. We give credit to our patrons be cause they appreciate such accom modationit is our way of obtaining YOUR PROMISE YOUR .'. PMIS entitle you to any style of Baby . range from $3,75 to $33.00. Refrlgeii