The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 10, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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HP8fa3 RTflVR
(These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bncheller, Johnson & Pnch
eller Bnd nre'prtntcd InTheTrlbuno by special airunKement. simultaneous with
' their appearauce in the leading dally Journals of tlio largo cities).
The men on the ground took no no
tice, but continued to stare doggedly
before them. The man wwklnii at th.
tent looked round quickly for a mo
ment, and the old man on the bucket
looked up and nodded.
Quick to see the most likely friend,
lleWtt at once went up to the old num.
extending his hand. "Sarxhln daddo,"
(.Good -luck, brothers!) he said: "dell
lnandy tooty' vurst." (How do you do,
father? Give me your hand.)
The old man smiled and shook hands,
though without speaking. Then Hew
itt proceeded, producing the Hut bottle
of whisky: "Tatty for pawny, dials,
lvll manUy the pawny ami lell posh the
tatty." (Spirits for water, huts. Give
me the water und take your share of
the spirits.)
The whisky did it. "We were Romany
ryes In twenty minutes or less, and had
already been taking tea with the
gypsies for half the time. The two or
three we had found nbout the tire were
till resarved, but these, I found, were
only half gypsies and understood very
little Remany. One or two others, how
ever, including the old man, were of
purer breed, and talked freely, as did
one of the votnn. They were Lees,
they said, und expected to be on Wlrks
by aiee course in three days' time. AVe,
too, were plrimentrroes op travelers,
Hewitt explained, and might look to seo
them on the course. Then he fell to
teUUiff gypsy stories, and they to tell
ing others back, to my intense mysti
fication. Hewitt explained afterwards
that they were mostly stories of poach
tnwith now and again, a horse-coping
i . v.
Ono Leg Was Thown Over the Other as lie
anecdote thrown In. Since then I have
learned, enough of Romany to take my
part In such a conversation, but at the
time a word or two here and there was
all I could understand. In all this talk
the man we had first noticed stretch
ing the tent rope took very little inter
est, but lay with his head away from
the fire, smoking his pipe. He was"a
much darker man than any other pres
ent had. In fact, the appearance of a
man of even a swarthier race than that
of the others about us. Presently in
the middle of a long and, of course, to
me unintelligible story by the old man,
I caught Hewitt's eye. He lifted one
eyebrow almost imperceptibly, and
glanced for a single moment at his
walking stick. Then I saw that it was
pointed towards the feet of the very
dark man who had not yet spoken.
One leg was thrown over the other as he
lay, with the soles of his shoes pre
sented toward the fire, and In its glare
I saw that the right sole, was worn and
broken and that a small triangular tag
of leather was doubled over beneath In
Just the place we knew of from the
prints in Ratherby wood.
I oouM not take my eyes off that man
with his broken shoe. There lay the
secret. The whol mystery of the
faetastlo crime in Ratherby wood
centered in, the shabby ruffian. What
Waa tt?
Sat Hewitt went on, talking and
joking furiously. The men who wera
not ieaklng mostly smoked gloomily,
but whenever one spoke he became ani
mated and lively. I had attempted,
once or twice, to Join In, though my
efforts wera not particularly successful,
except in, inducing one man to offer mo
tobacco from his box tobacco that
almost made me giddy In the smell. He
tried some of mine In exchange, and
though he praised It witli native polite
ness, and smoked the pipe through, I
could see that my Hlgnett mixture was
poor stuff in his estimation, compared
with the awful stuff in his own box.
Presently the man with the broken
Bhoe got up, slouched over to his tent
and disappeared. Then said Hewitt (I
translate): "You're not all Lees here, I
seer' '
"Yes, pal, all Lees."
' "But he's not a Lee," and Hewitt
Jerked his head toward the tent.
"Why not a Lee, pal? 'We be Lees
and he Is with us. Thus he Is a Lee."
"Oh, yes, of course. Hut I know ht
is from over the pawny. Come, I'll guess
the tern (country) he comes from It's
Roumania, eh? Perhaps the Wallachlan
The men looked at one another, then
Thin OSiilta,
The reason why they are thin
is because their food docs riot
nourish them. Probably they
do not assimilate enough fat.
Cod-liver Oil is the most easily
assimilated of all fats, but in its
natural state it upsets the stom-
ach and deranges the digestion.
In Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with.IIypophosphites
this difficulty is overcome. It is
:; half -digested, 3 ready and is very
palatable. Children grow: fat
on it when all other food fails to
nourish them.
' Don'tbtpertvatied to accept btvbttilutit ,
Scott 4 Bowno, N. Y. All Druggists. 50c and tit
lORRIbOn .
the old Lee said: "You're right, pa!
you're cleverer than we took you fur.
That Is what they call his tern. He Im a
peUiU'iigro (smith), und he conies witii
us to shoe the giies (hoisis) and mend
the vniiloes (vans). Hut he Is ivUh Ud
und so is a Lee."
The talk and the smoke went on, and
presently the man with the broken
shoe returned and lay down again.
! Then, when the whisky had till gone.
and Hewitt, with Home excuse that 1
did not understand, h id begged a piece
of cord from one of the mea, we left In
a chorus of kooshto radtea (good night.)
l:y tills time It was nearly ten o'clock.
We walked briskly till we came bark
again to the Inn where we had bought
the whisky- Here Hewitt, alter some
little trouble, succeeded III hiring a
village cart, and while the driver wan
harnessing the horse cut a couple of
short stleks from the hedge. These,
being each divided Into two, made four
short, stout pieces of somethlry; less
than six Inches long each. Then Hew
itt joined them together In pairs, ea?h
pair being connected from center to
center by about nine or ten inches of
the cord he . had brought from the
gypsies' camp. This done, he handed
one pair to me. "Handcuffs," he ex
plained, "and no bad ones, either.
See you use them so," and he passed
the cord round my wrist, gripping the
two handles and giving them a slight
twist that sufficiently convinced me of
tin excruciating pain that might bo In
flicted by a vigorous turn, and the
utter helplessness of a prisoner thus se
cured in the hands of captors prepared
to use their instruments.
"Whom are these for?" I asked. "The
man with the broken shoe"."'
Hewitt nodded. "Yes," he said. "I
expect we shall find him out alone
about midnight. You know how to use
these now."
It was fully eleven before the cart was
ready and wc started. A cuarler cf a
mile or so from the gyrvy encampment
Hewitt stopped the cart, and gave the
driver instructions to wait. We got
through the hedge and made our way
on the soft ground behind It. In the di
rection of the vans and the tent.
"Roll up your handkerchief," Hewitt
whispered, "into a tight pad. The mo
ment I grab him. ram It into his mouth
well In, mind, so that It doesn't easily
fail out. Probably he will be stoop
ing that will, make it easier; we can
pull him suddenly backward. Now be
We kept on till nothing but the hedge
divided us from the Kpaee whereon
stood the encampment. It was now
nearer 12 o'clock than 11, but the time
we waited seemed endless. Hut time Is
not eternity, after all, and at last we
heard a noise in the tent. A minute
after the man we sought was standing
before us. Ho made straight for a gap
in the hedge which we had passed on
our way, and we crouched low und
watted. He emerged on our side of the
hedge, with his back toward us, and be
gan valking as we had walked, behind
the hedge, but in (he, opposite direction.
We followed.
He carried something In his hand
that bmked like a large bundle of sticks
He Hold Sumo In Jlstinguisliubl o Object
Over tho Flames.
and twigs, and he appeared as anxious
to be secret ns we ourselves. From
time to time he stopped and listened;
fortunately there was no moon, or in
turning about ns he did once or twice
he would have observed us. The Held
sloped downward Just before us and
there waa an.ithcr hedge at right an
gles, leading down to a slight hollow.
To this hollow the man made his way,
and In the shade of the new hedge we
followed. Presently he stopped sud
denly, stooped, anil deposited his bun
dle on the ground before him. Crouch
ing before It ha produced matches from
his pocket, struck one, and In a mo
ment had a. lire of twigs und small
branches thut sent up a heavy white
smoke..VVhat all this portended I could
not Imagine, but a sense of the welrd
ness of the whole adventure came upon
me unchecked. The horrible corpse In
the wood with Its severed wrist, Hew
itt's enigmatical forebodings, the mys
terlou tracking of the man with the
biwken shoe, the scene around the gyp
sies' fire, and now the strange behav
ior ,of this man, whose connection with
the tragedy was so Intimate, and yet
so Inexplicable all these things con
tributed to make up a tule of but a few
hours' duration, but of an inscrutable
lmpre?1veni:as that I began to feel In
my nerves.
The man he'nt a ' thin stick double,
and, using It as a pair of tongs, held
rome indistinguishable object over the
flames .before him. Kxclted as I win I
could rxt help noticing that he bent
and held tho stick 'with his left hand.
We crept. ptcuJthlly nearer, and as I
stood se'veyly three years behind him
and looked over his Khouldcr the form
of the object (stood out clear and black
against the dull red ot tho Jlame.- It
wao a human hand.
To lie Continued.
! . A neor Knnsns Well.
Prom tliff Wnmego .Times.
. A frc.alt of nntnrt has been d'.sroverort
on Prof. at.'John'j farm, north of Helvue,
In tho shapo of a deep well which nup
pjlcs fresh wator alternately every two
weeks. '. ' "s ' . ' " ', . ' i
' Yes; ptirlnn All Times.
Prom tho-New York Sun.
Experience shows thnt during sueh t'mes
ns these in Cuba, v'.gllunco Is needed for
tho protection of the interests and rights
of American citizens. j
.' i " - ' :.
Disease Is to lk Surely Cured Only
by Destroying the Microbes
That Cause It.
It Is Pleasant to Take, I'.fficlont and
Ono of tho surest ways to bo r.'ck and
keep on being sick. Is to till one's self llh
medicines. It is not Infrequently tho case
that tlie medicine taken 'o cure somo
comparatively trlviul allm lit Is no hard
on I hit hloniaeli Unit Um illi e ition Is
mined. Most of Hid treatment physi
cians give Is a matter of guess work, imil
often It does morn harm than guml. Tho
principal tumble Is that there are compar
atively few physical!! who really ciuler
iiliind the nature of all ill: -.uiscs, The
germ theory of 1Ihsihu Iim i had to light
:ts way against obstinacy and prejudice.
It is really singular how slow the medical
liri.l'eKsluii was to uilupt the mlcrolm theo
ry. Among the mure Imuran! piw tlt.on
eis, physicians who ale giving pills and
rusirtiiiis the same ua llndr tallieii did,
the mlcrotie theory Is still iinbeileved.
Aiming Idiiiallly educated ami liiieral
mluili il liiielurs. there Is not one whu does
not know that every disease is eaii'ed ,y a
!.,eeli s of microbes, which vary with the
character or the disease. The r.iun most
responsible fur this knowledge Is Mr. Wil
liam Ituttaru. who, by his experiments and
hy ills discoveries the mlerjueope,
has actually proved I hut .there Is a neper
ale nail ilbllnet laieiulje fur c.ery tlls-
.ise. Ai r. it uliiatY. re.-i, -arches uii.l Oi;'
covcrles eulmlnatcd In liie pi ''p.'tret on of
Ills UuW i.umius "Mlelahe Klil V." M,e :llv
ln; wf I Ills umiilf ri'ul remeily Air. it.nlaiii
suys: "UihI.mi'h Allerube k Her," Is lui
u mt illeliie uny more than tvlli: -r water Is
a mod. erne. Just us the killer N eliarmil
with earboire aeld ;as, so tins fennel Is
water claused Willi ant'eeplle j;a'Vt;.
It Is as watiron'y in smaller iimti
titles. IIS l!l!iisept:e power sleos 1'eMueillli
tloii. No microbe, not evtu the iiileiebt' of
It piKry, can live In 11, but the Odhi'i min t
be Slllllelellt to permel'.te the clll're body.
Hectors give n spoonful at a t ile.'. The
ilo'ie of the ".Mleiolie Killer" is a wine
glass full, or mure. I'Uy.'lehin's preserip
tiuiis are poisonous. This Is not. Alcohol,
or whiskey, is highly antiseptic, but when
diluted with water, it loses Its antiseptic
Tin- same is true of drugs. Tim "Mi
crobe Killer" also loaes its properly when
diluted. It is of exactly, the proper
strength In the bottles mid Jugs in which
It Is sold, ami should he talma us It 1".
liaduai's .Microbe Killer Is a pate and
ccrutln cure for every disease. It
kills microbes und thus Immeil'at. !y
stops the cause of the trouble, livery
disease that the human body is heir to Is
caused by the existence of microbes. If
these are killed and eradicated ironi the
blood, there can he no olekiiess. It does
not make any ll!Tereneo what the trouble
seems to be. Whenever any part of the
body Is in a disordered conilltllon, the real
cause Is microbes. No matter where llice
are, Itailam's ".Microbe Killer" will hunt
them out ami k'll them, und the disease
will be cured. To one who has not seen
under a microscope tiie dtlTereijce between
pure blood and blued full of microbes,
these statements seem Incredible. As a
matter of fact. It makes no difference
whether they are believed or not ta long
us the cure is affected.
The only trouble that II r. Ttiulnm ever
had was to got people to make u trial of
h's preparation. Its effect Is so quickly
apparent that a trial Is all that is needed.
Any one who Is sick will he easily con
vinced of the merits of the J'.Mlcrotio Kil
ler" if they only try it. It Is not an ex
pensive expor'ment, and It means restored
liealt h every time.
A fifty page book, giving full particulars
regarding this wonderful medicine, ulso
testinionlrls of cures, mailed true. Ad
dress. The Wm. Kudam Microbe Killer
Co., Lalyht St., New Ym-k 'itv. or
Seranton, I'enn.
Story of un I astern Uirl Who Took I'p n
Claim In the Car Wc,t.
From the New York World.
Young women who llnd that exist
ence palls and that there is nothing un
der the sun which can give lliem a
thrill should follow the example of .Miss
Nellie H-obe, who went to Colorado
three years ago and took up a claim.
Miss Heche's original purpose in going
to Colorado, was to regain her health.
When that was accomplished, she
found herself with such a surplus of
energy that she began ranching, In
spired by tho example of Miss Mallon,
who had already won fame as a
ranchero. Miss Heebe took,. up a claim
In the San Luis valley and hired a
practical farmer and his wife to live
with her and help In the work. She
herself looked after the cattle and
sheep, and In haying time drove the
team and cut the gracs. .This your she
sold -VI head of cattle and twenty
three carloads of potatoes, besides
sending to town nineteen loads of hay.
.She says, with panlonablo pride, that
her ranch has been as profitable us any
of Its size In theiSan Lula valley.
She has more or less exciting adven
tures since she became a rnnchwoman.
One night she was awakened by Koine
one who was trying to cut his way Into
the house through the wire window
screens. Miss Heche politely requested
Mm to desist, and when ho refused she
shot at him. He wus not killed, but
was disabled and forcd to Klvp P th,!
profession of n midnight marauder.
Anothir time one of Miss II ebe'H
horses was stolen. As soon na she dis
covered her loss she 'mutinied her swift
est steed, seized her truf ty rifle mid gal
loped oil' for her trusty neighbor; Miss
Million. Hoon the two girls were In hot
pursuit of the horse tlilcf, and llnully
they overtook him. He made no at
tempt to guard himself against two
young women riding along the road,
not realizing, of course, the connec
tion between one of them und his bor
rowed (toed. Consequently It came
upon him vlth the shock of a surpi Iko
when be found himself covered wiih
their rifles and ordered to dismount.
He did no. protecting with western
ehlvnlry that he would never, have
taken It had he ktj iwn that u woman
, i i I , ... 'S'J
-mj u m m - jy.w
''fj Ml iJ
Hat I'.ood t'.ie Tost cl Timo
J-J 7
Mild t m a r i w c
owned It. Then he told such a tale of
woe and want that the two women,
wdio had started out with vengeance In
their hearts, gave him some money and
sent him on his way rejoicing. For wo
men will be women even when they run
ranches in tho Han Luis Vulley,
111 Ins to lie l.cniont with Is.
Prom the Wllkcs-Harie Times.
Hays the Heranlon Tribune:' "A con
temporary avers that ten seconds after
the Wlllo's-Harre court house struck
eleven, tho other evening: the Heranton
court house struck eleven also. This is a
serious charge, which should he thorougly
luvestlituteil. Heien I on is Hot ten soconds
h'h'iid V.'lllas-liiirru In uiiythlng." No?
What's tho mutter Willi our llre depHrt
iin at und the court house wo are going
to lo lidiiil and our j'lean streets und oar
Susquehanna river und but there's no
use fo'.iw; into facts too deeply. Hloeinn
Hollow Would feel her degradation loo
keenly, .
ti Ancient Peiro'o'.im Spring,
In Xante, one of the Ionian Isles, there
In a petroh'um spring that Is mentioned
by Herodotus. It hui been known for ly 'iM'" years.
Tho liru of the Trol'cv.
Only n lew links are lacking to com
pletely parallel the i'ov,T York, New Haven
and Hartford with trolley lines between
Now Volic ami SprliiKllcld.
l Il i'Vllllltioil in t.i I'ool.i.
From the I'l'.ca observer.
The April fool can he imbued. It is the
yeiir-aroiiiiil foul that makes life a burden,
t.i l A 1.1,1,11 TO TSI1S
,?" '"rj tirent Knfcllsh Remedy.
j$ S Gray's Specific Mcdlcino
fSM& Jiifts IF Yllll SUFFFH fr"m nr-
f:.ntv mn m,,n hf vtiim Utf
liiiUy. Wrnkn'SH ft limly hd I Mhul, hpnruia
tarr.n ft. iti.ti liniiot'Miry, iint all lim?nsL'ij iliitt
! 1h ' mi MVir irulnl;;iiit!( unU nolf ultiw. nH
j-oas til Memory ami I'owcr, iimni'U3 of V.i
i'n, rririiauro iil A;n and uim.y ntho uiv
ttiMt tl'r.t Iftid in Jiii-Hiiitv or I'nnimnjttiun
una nn i A.'i v rraw, vv ito for n p-uuhlnc
fiMrtm ( I KAY M M)l 'J N K h . lliiffakt,
K.V. Th j-j.u -;fl-i y.uM -ino In hoM l y nil
ilmirifltfl at li nm' luu kuifti,, or x ) -:knv'rii
for If. , o i Atntynal un r'ijit ot imn Hv,
ml witU uvnry su.10 uder )Jlf
I'irtior ir.oiu-y refuQitil. i
ttTOn ac-o:nt of CounterHits wo bnvu
frdopirj thti Vul.uw Winjj'. tr, tho only
In a bul-l lu burautou by ilkUUtawu brcs.
m, m
reliable anil effectual because of the stim
ulating ection wiilcii it exerts over the
nerves and vital powers of tho body, add
ing tone to the one and Inciting to re
newed and Increased vii;or tho slumbering
vitality of the physical structure, aid
through this houlthful stimulation and
Increased action the cause of PAIN Is
driven away nnd a natural condition ri
stored. It is thus that the KKAUY I!U
Lli:''' Is fo admirably udaptud for the
Cl'lif!! OP PAIN and without the risk of
Injury which Is sure to result from the
use of many of thu so-called pain .reme
dies of the day.
It Is Highly Important That Every
Family Keen a Supply of
Alvnys In the houso. Iln uso will prove
beiietielal on ull occasions of pain or sick
ness. There Isnothing In thu world that
will stop pain or arrest tho progress of
dlsnse as quick us the KJiADY RE
Coi:, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza
Rheumatism, Neuralqia, Head
ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif
ficult Eresthir.g.
one to twenty minutes. NuT ONE HOUR
nfler reei'liig this mivortisenient need
any one BUFKEU WITH 1'AIN.
For headache (whether sick or nervous),
toothache, neuruUlii, rheumatism, lum
bago, pains and weakness in the buck,
spine or kidneys, pains around the liver,
pleurisy, swelling of tho Joints and pains
of nil kinds, tho application of Hadwuy's
I Hendy Heller will Iturd Immediate eusa,
I end its continued use for a few days ef
fect a permanent cure.
Internally A half to a tn.ispoonful in
half a tumbler ol water will, In a few
I minutes, euro damps. Spasms, Hour
Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Heud
ache. Flatulency and all internal pains.
There Is not a remedial agent In the
world Hint will cure Fever and Ague nnd
all other Malarious, Wlious and other
I fevers, ulded by HAhWAV'H 111.1.8, so
I quickly as RAD WAV'S KEADY HE
I i.ii'.i.'.
priro 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Always Roliable.
Perfectly tattolcsi,
Puroly Vegetable.
elegantly coot3.
curge. regulate, purify, cleans ana
strengthen. KADWAY'S PII.L3 for tho
cure of nil disorders of the Btouineh,
Itoivcls, Kldnoys, lUadrter, Norvous His
en.nos, btzzluets. Vertigo, Coatlreuaxa,
Observe tho following symptoms raault
Ing from (".leeaees of the fllftostlve or guru
Ooustlputlop, Inward pllej, fullnass of
blood in thu head, aoldity of tho atomsoa,,. heartburn, disgust of food, tan
tieme of weight of the utomaoh. tour erne
t tit loin, iiln.ilne or fluttorln.v cf ttia hrart.
choking or suffoaatlhv auisatlomi whoi)
In a lying poeiuro, dlmnoes of vlilon, dots
or webe buforo the alaht, fever anil cull
I pain In tho head, doflolenoy of orjplr.
tlon, yellowness or inu n,;in an i ec, p:un
Inthesldo, chost, limbs, snt altdion flusfiei
Of hnat, burning In the fleah,
A few dosmi of llA)V,A)f'fi ntJI will
free tho system of all the ttbovo-naaicd
Price 5o. por box. Sold by Druggists
or oont bv mall.
flrnd to DK. HADWAY A CO.. Look
Cox COS, New York, for llook ot Advice,
IO Made
tWWvfetevVcSI Mo
16tb Way, ra-foljP Of Me.
proilncpD t lie ahnre reiulta la UO days, i It art
liowiirfiillyaiidiiuirlsly. l im n when til odium fill
Veium mu vl II roKiuii tlioir lent ninnliooil.audoli
men will rvrowr their otithtul vitor hy mini:
Ki'.VIVO. It !iiirklynaim)yr!'liiieNfrta
lu'Ki, VMltr, IuiuU'ii-y. NiKhtl.v tiulwiloni.
Lent Pownr, KIHti Mi mcry, WuhIImk blueanei. am.
ell cfTortn of Hetf-ubusu orevee.eaud lndljicrutloii
which nntltn onr for inly. IiiirIiioSh or marriaan, Ii
net only f itrm by nt.irtltui at the wit ot riteeiBft. bte
laaereit nrrvtnnia au4 ltoHl builder, brlns
li'ir hacrf tlio pink glow to pulu rherks evil re(
ituiino tho Are of youth. It word" off fn-iiult.'
nnu ComaiTTU'ti ii. Iiifltt un having 1C1 1V(), n.
nhfr. It cun bo eaiTied ii ! rooket. By n.l!
11.0(1 per vickani!, or ill tor $5.00, with a poii
live written guiirnntoo to ruro or rcun.
honioary. Ciiotdur froo. Addrtb
"v.u MEClCiHH CD., n rilvor ft.. CHICG0. !l'
for Ml fcy Metfliew Tiros,, Drl
: kcruutua ,
M E5 fir fl
:..4.vajw. '
The t'hilaileltibla Hpeelullst, und his unso
cial ed utulf of liligllsh unit Uermun
physlclHiin, are now poi iiiiitiently
locutud at
Old Po3toffice Ruildlng, Corner Ponn
Avenue end Spruce Stroet,
The doctor Is a gnuiuac of the Univer
sity of 1'emiHylvunlu, formerly demon
p leu tor of physiology and uurgery at tlie
MeUico-chlriiigieal collego of I'hlhidel
phla. His specialties are Chronic, Ner
vous, bain, Heart, Womb and illoud dls
Tho symptuniH of which urn dlzzlneHsJaek
of confidence, sexual wciiness in men
und women, hull rising In throut, spots
flouting before the eyes, luts of memory,
unuhl. to eoncunlraie the mind en olio
snhluct, eusily Klartleil whuu t iiddi nly
spoken to, iiml doll distressed mind, which
unllls tliem lor performing thy aeluul du
ties of life, making liappim ss liupo; slide,
distressiiiif thn uctlun of tlio bean, cans
lug llm h of heal, depression of splrlta.ut II, cuwanllee, (ear, dreiinis.mel
iinclioly, the uusy of eoinpiiny, feeling as
tlrod in th. morning us when r tiring,
lu k of energy, nervousness, iri iiib'liig
confusion of thought, depression, coic lipa
tlen, we;d'.ne:,! ot the limbs, etc. Tho: o so
uRei'ted Kiiuuld consult us Immo.lluteiy
i a"d bu restored to perfect health.
; Lost Manhood Restored.
j WvukcupK of Vounjj Men t'u n il.
If you have been given up by your phy.
sieiaii call upon thu doctor und be cxaui
, "d. lie cures the worst vuscn of Ner
i vous L-hllity, Kerofuia, Old Bores, u
I turrh, I'lleu, FemulH Weiildiess, Affec.
j tions of thu I'ye, Kar, No:-e uiiil Tiiruat
Hlhir.a, Heai'nuxs, Tumors, Cancers and
i Crloples of every dcseilnt Ion
C.ons'.iltnllons free and slrletly soered
and confldenlr.:. i im-o hours dally frm
S H.m. to U p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2.
Kin-lose flvo 2-eent hIhiuiis for symtimm
blanks and my book railed "New J,lf. "
I will pay ono thousand dollars In t'old
to nnyone whom I cininot cure of Hl'I
rld Post Offico Itiiildi'ng',' corner X'Lua
avonuc und Kpruc street.
t Ill's M
Mannfaoturers of the Ce'.ebratoi)
CAPACITY : Barrels per Annum
mum, blasting and spcrtihs
Manufaetureii at the W.ipwallopr-n Mills, Lt
teme county. Ph., ami at Wil
niington, Uelav are,
Gouoral Ag,mt for tho Wyoming District.
113 WYOMING AVE., Seranton, Pav
Third Nationnl Bank Duildiuj.
THnS. FORD, 1 IttMton. Pa.
.lens M. KM1T1I ft SON. l'lytnntith. Pa,
I. V. MUM.IUAN. Wllkea-flarre, Pn.
AffeuU for the Hiauuo Chemical Com
pany ' liitfb KxplueiTee.
The World Renownod and Old RoliabU
Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm
" Sugar and Tea.
Every b,f Rurrantcd to slve aatlifactloa
or money mfmidod. Kull pnuteil ihmuiioue
from a ebihl U a ifrovvn pimou It la purely
vtKtauland cannot roiiUvnlv harm tlio moat
teuder bitaiit. liialat oi having Dr. ('amt
beil'a; accaiit no other. At all Drucgitte, Hie
BOUTH "HANT0, P., Nov. 10, IRtM.
Mr. U W. (7aniihall-lenr Hlr: I have
Blvon my boy, Freddie. 7 year old, aome .of
T. t'ailinlieira Mnirk1 Worm tSuuar end i'ca.
,niid foray iinprwo til a fternoon about 'i
o i'iock no arii a lapewol in nioaaiirintf
aliont ft) fe"t in leuiftil, bond nud ni. 1 Imvo
It, inn tMittle nn'l any pora'JU ulHliinif to aoo
it can do ao by ciillini; at my more. I had
trlod tintiieroim other triuedica recommended
for taking tnpoworm". b it all failed, lu mr
oatiniatlon Dr. C'tiiiipboll'e is the groatoat
worm remedy in exiat-neo.
Youro . r reaontlullv.
Note Tho above ta wnat evoryboilv aovi
aftr once u-iiuj. Maiiiifuctureii bv 'C. W.
Camptiell, UoieHHter, Pa. Successor to Dr.
John . auipboll & Hon.
French Injection Compound
4'nrra pw!ltT'lyt quickly; (not inoMy flunks.)
luuiHiiUt-il or it h nicy i-elmitlttl. Avotil ilanTnun
ruiui-tili:i. ruIKrciiUMT iH.ltlf. Mis lluillr
(will vrn wvt'ifHt vw) Bout itoiIU, wnrim fnnu
(iiisi vail. m. wli!i iMily fcclLiitllKUlly uituiu nyrlUKO,
to any ttddruHS for fa.uO.
kuaitlv IVrlttin
4Jnnrniil'(iI 4'ure lor
RTiTl ail tt jiuUiir rllincnt
liib cf you ii it anil mUlillu-
ItcfM'itAof trratninnt. EKHorS, fi-oiluclrtr weak
f owi, Mt-rvoui l hiiUy. Niffhtly Kntu- loi n.tVnmiiintUtin,
i.uitnlty, Kiliiit.m; lralii.i:vUwiof txiwcrof (tioUea-OTtivoOr-rai-siil:I)itlmr
ontMorntily, milTiwnr:'l nmr
r. Wnijguii'klycrctlby Dr. l.iMlrtrurBronUIi Nrrvo
( rnlna. 1 bvj not on) euro by ktnrt inu at Ibn tftxit tof t!it
nuttt. aro ii rmi ' 'M I? XONlO hnO Itl.OOU
IK n.bKlt bHvffimf ba'.'lc (ti pink plow to nalo
c'ffrl; and ni.ritik ll.o I IKi: Vol TH to tho
bftlU'iit, Hy mall, $1. km pcrla or tf fur wlth wrlu
in (Parimtcn t vttrc tp refund thn money. lUttilt
For sale by JOHN H. MIULPS, Di U.
gist, Wyoming itv. anU Sprucu ula
ashhiirn-Crohhy Co. wish to assure their manv rati
rons t nit they will this year hold to their usual custom
uf milling hIKHILV OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
cm-iiif; to the excessively dry weather many millers itr
of the opinion that it is already cured, und in proper
condition for milliiiK. Wushhurn-Crosby Co. will lake
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature heforc Kriitdiut;.
This careful attention to every detail of miHint hat
Placed Washburu-Crosby Co.'s Hour far ubove othef
Wholesale .Aqents.
ViV ; . - v-lSvl f w fii.-or rj "il : trr
.-i li-WtJ Involunl.rr K!iej.:i,Lj (turn at
' :aif.w.ylu
f or sa!e By JOHN H. PHLF3,
Spruce Street, tcrzn'.on. Pa.
4 ''J
Nov. IS, 1?S4.
Train loaves tkrantun for Plillndelptiliv
and New York miv 1. a- H. R. H. a! A7
H.m., lL'u."., 2.:fc r.n.t 1 1 3S p.m., via P., 1.. i
Y. R. 1(.. 6.MI, 8.01, 11.2 i an., oiiil .?.n p.m.
l-aveSei'ntoi. fur I'lltHon nnJ WilkeF
Biirre, via !.. I.. & VV. It. It., .t. S.0:--, 11. 13
a.m.. 3,riU, U.07, 8.f.0 jVin.
Leave Seiantmi for White Haven. H:i
zleton, J'ottsvllle ninl Ril points on tho
Heaver Aieadow ami l'ottf.ilie branches,
vlu K. & V. V. K. It.. ii.4ii n.m.. via D. A: M.
it. it. at 7.45 a.m., UM 2.3S, 4.ivi p.m., via
P.. 1. & V. K. 1!., O.uu, 8.i", U.i) a.m., 1.3U,
3.50 p.m.
Leave Seranton for Hcthlehom, Ea'ton,
l'.earlinK, ltarrlabnr anil all Intermedial. i
liolntH 1. & H. n. n., 7.45 a.m., KM,
2.:iS. 4.00, 11.3Sij.m., via 1)., 1.. & V. It. 11.,
G. 00. 8.0S, ll.l'il n.m.. l..?.l p.m.
Leave Seranton fftr Tu;iUliarrock. To
wanrla, Klmtru, llhaea, Geneva i.inl nil
Ititernieiiiate polhts via P. & H. K. It.. 8.43
a.m., U.Ki nn.l 11. Si p.m., via D., L. & W.
H. R.. 8.0S, SUm n in.. l.uO p.m.
l.oHVe treranton for Hoeliester, rtntfaio.
XhiKara Fallrf, l'etroli. Chicago ana nil
points west via P. H. H. 1:., S 15 n.:ii.,
lli.or., .V 11.. IS p.m., via, P.. I., ft V. H. R.
ami IMltston Jinieilon. 8.; a, C!fi a.m.. Lit),
8.50 p.m., via K. .t V. V. IS. It.. :i II p.m.
l-'or Klmira und tlio viist via Salamanca,
via P. A- H. It. It.. 8.4.1 a.m., 12 0"), HX. p.m.,
via P., L. & V. R. it., 8.0S, 9.5 j a.m., 1.30.
ami .07 p.m.
rullman parlor anil aleeplnR or I,. V.
rhnlr cars on all trains between L. : B.
Junetlon or Wllkep-Harry and New York,
Diiladelplila, Buffalo, und Suspension
ROLL1N' H. Wll.nt'n. Gen. Supt.
CHAS. 8. LKK.tlen. 1'nxs. Aixt., I'lilla., I'a.
A. W, NONNKMAfHF.H. Asst. Gea.
Pass. Agt., South liuttileliem. Va.
Del., Iaick. and Western.
Trains lenvo Hrrnnton as follows: Ex
rress for New York and all points East,
40, 2.04, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.; 12.55 and 3.50
Kxpress for Ennton, Trenton, riillnrlel
phia and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.,
12.55 and .1.50 p.m.
WushliiKton and way stations, S.55 p.m.
Yobyhnnna accommodation, 6.10 p.m.
Kxpress for Ulim'linmton, Oswci?o, El
iriiiii, t'ornlnii, Hath, Pansvllle, Mount
Morris and Ruffolo, 12.10, 2.33 n.m. and 1.24
p.m., muklnpr close connectloiiH at Ruf
falo to all polnta In tho West , Northwest
and Southwest.
Huth accommodation, 9 a.m.
Rinclmmton Hiul way stations, 12.37 p.m.
Nicholson acconimddatlon, at 6.15 p.m.
MiiiBhumton and Kliutra Express, 6.05
Express for Oortlnnd, Syracuse?, Osweiro
i:tla and ltlelilleKl Springs. 2.35 a.m. and
1.21 P.m. , ,
Ithaca. 2.S3 and Rath 9 a.m. and 1 24 p.m.
For Northumberland, lMtlslon, Wllkea
Rnrre, riymouth, ItloiSmsburn and Pan
vllle, making close connections at North
umberland for )"lllirtniKport, llarrlsbiirif,
Baltimore, Washington nnd the South.
Northumberland and intermediate sta
tions, COO, 8.65 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m.
Nantleoke and Intermediate statlona,
8.0S and 11.20 a.m. I'lymouth and Inter
mediate stations. S SI and 8.62 p.m.
Pullman parlor und sleeping couches on
ail express trains '
Ear detailed Information, pocket tlmo
tables, etc., apply to M. I.. Smith, city
ticket olllen, !2S Luckawuiina avenue, or
depot ticket olllce.
ROAD. Commencing Monday,
rffl llfSaa lll'' J"'? n" train
St a fi A wlllari-lve tnaw I.ack
w Br tf awunna avenue atution
Iff i as ftrtlows:
' Trains will leave Bcran-
ton station for Vurbondalo und in
turmodlalu points at 2 20, 6.45, 7.00, 8.2S and
10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20, 8.56, 6.15. 6.16, 7.25, 9.10
mil-11.20 p.m. . ,
for Earvlew, Wnymart and Honesdala
at 7.90, 8.26 and 10.19 12.U0. 2.20 and 6.1
T'or Albany, SaratoRii, tho AdlrondaolM
and Montreal at 6.46i.m. and 2.20 p.m.
Eor Wllltes-Barr and intormedlat
.hits at 7.46. 8.45, 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.06,
1.20. 2.S8, 4.00. (.10, 6.06, V.16 ami 11.38 p.m.
Trains will arrive nt Seranton Btatloa
from C'arbondnle and Intermediate polnta
at 7.40, 8.40, 9.31 und 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2.34
8.40, 4.64, 6.65, 7.45, Ml and 11.33 p.m.
Erom Ilonesdiile, Wnymart and , Fan
view at 9.84 turn., 12.00, 1.17, 2.40, 6.66 and
7.45 p.m. -
From Montreal, RaratORa, Albany, oto
at 4.64 and 11.33 p.m.
From Wllkes-Rarre and Intermediate
polntn at 2.16, 8.04, lrt.0 and 11.56 a.m.,
2.14, 3.39, 6.10, C.03, 7.20, 9.03 and U.U p.m. ...
S3 a i
Si 00b;
2 Comsonwe.a.!tii BT
Seranton, Pa.
r Ton oT?a a wrwt Co-d with Trr.ITTi:
D t-.i;iiiv, oj.-t cJ I'(j(-r iti ( Uii"t(i-
DTcmw. If Lafi-inc1. fuch irnuhln l-md
i it n.i' i.T, si.' i dot boi i : . - m. nil
i- n i-ri'tm tjia.uf, ,. it CUJto Lt itiattl tbw utnvj. Ale?
ICINK Co-- cifcTt-iai-a, Chid.
Fharmscist. cor. V.tming Avenue and
Central I'uilroaJ of New Jersey.
I l-el!l,-:i al: t i:.sqilu. ull:i Hlv.Hloui
Aniiirae.te voal usu t.t;rusneiyi insur
ing cleauliiiuss uiid cuiutui i.
ii.uL i .ni.ii i. lif r ut' f .MARCH 25,
Trains leave Beranton for Dttston,
Yi'llkes-Bane, etc., tt 8.2o, 9.15, 11.30,
12.4:.. 2. in', 3.U',, 5.w, 7.2'. p. in. Sun Jay a, S.ui
a. in.. i.tK). 2.",r.. 7 lo p. i i.
For Atlantic City, 8.21 a.m.
For New York, Newuik anil Elizabeth,
S.S xpress) a.m., 12.45 (express with I'.i.f
let parlor caij, 3'Jj u-xpi.iss) p.m. Sun
di.y. 2.15 p.'.n.
For Mauih Chunk. Allentbnn, Ecth'.e
hem, Ki.stuii aoii rhii.-e't 'j,liln, s.2'i a.i.i.,
12.4.', :;.0.". 6.00 (exeej,t l'hifauelihia) p.m.
buriila.v, 2. i .m.
For Ioiik I ti ;i nc h. Ocean Grove, etc.. at
8.20 u.m., 12.45 p.m.
For 1-teadi.u', Lebanon nnJ HaiT.sburg,
via Allenlown. 8.2C1 a.m., 12.lo, 5.00 p.:n.
Sunday. 2.15 p.m.
For l'ottsville. 8.M a.m., 12.4r p.m.
KeturiiliiK. leave New York, foot of Lib
erty Ftrect, North river, at 1M0 (oxpre s)
n.m., 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with Huffet
parlor car) p.m. Sumiuv, 4. SO a.m.
Leave Philadelphia. Retinitis Terminal,
J.on a.m., 2.W) und 4.30 p.m. Sunday 0.27
Throuph tickets to all points nt lowest
rates may be had on application in ad
vance to the ticket aent nt the simian.
11. I'. BALDWIN.
Oen. I'hss. Agent.
J. n. OLIIAFSF.N. Cien Supt.
Erie and Wyoming Valley.
Trains leave Scrnnton for New York
and Intermediate points on the Erie rail
road at 6.35 a.m. and 324 p.m. Also for
Honesdale, Hawlcy and local points at
6.35. 9.45 a.m., and 3.24 p.m.
AH the above are through trains to and
from Honesdale.
Trains leave for Wllkes-Lurre at 6.40 a.
ni. und 3.41 p.m.
In Kneel Sept. lCth, 1894.
North Rtinnil,
South Uonr.rt.
205 liOJiiOl 202 10 I WS
3 9 & c -a J 6tatlona -a w ft
5 2 & 5 fTralns Pally, & "
y. K.xeeptriiindayl 5 Q
p a Arrive lave A Ii
.... 7 ii."' ... NY Frank liu Si .... 740....
.... 7 10 ... West 4-Jnd St .... 765 ....
.... 7 00.... Weehawken .... 810....
p H P M Arrive lave AMP ii ....
"8 90 1 IS .... lUneiH'k Jiiuc. CCD
810 109.... Hniicock 000 911
7 68 1U.S6 ... Suirlk-ht 618 ! ....
7M K4(l .... Pnntonrark 9 31 ....
7 4."i 13 40 .... 'Omo 6 88 41 ....
7 38 1SISS .... PoTntelle 640 .V) ....
7,'i.l 13 M .... ltelaiout 64.1 Ml ....
7!t! liOii .... rieaxant Mb W 306 ....
71!) fllNO ... Unioiidale MV Si ....
70fi 1 1 41) A M Forsett'iiy 710 SlOr M
6 51 1131 915 Curbondalrt 73t 5'!
6 4H IUjO 912 White Hriilge 7 27 f3 3- 5 37
f6 4.1 f 9 0.1 Mavfleld f7 83 f3 43 fS 4-J
6 41 11 S3 9 0.3 Jermrn 7 31 3 45 6 45
, 11 1H 8 57 Archibald 7 40 8.M 8.M
6 S3 flllS 8.M Wlllton 7 43 3 M 8 64
630 1111 8,M) PeeUville 74S S 60 8 Mi
0 35 11 07 8 44 Olvphant 763 401 804
6 31 11 OS 8 41 lilcksoa 7 54 4 07 6 07
611) 11 03 81 Throop 7 Ml 4 10 6 10
614 11 ) 8.1il Providence 8 00 4 14 814
fltlS fllW 833 Park Pines 8 03 f4 17 816
610 10 55 830 Seranton dm 4 30 6 30
p u A A M Leave Arrive a mp hi1 at
All trains run dnllv except Similar.
f. iFiiiliea that inuus atop on alg-nal for pa-
Secure rates via Ontario It Western befon
ptircliAHinR tickeia and save money. Day auf
MgM upreas to me west.
J. 0. Anderson, Gen. Past, Ac
I. Fworon, Div. Faaa. Agt., Seranton. ra
. The Acknowledged Expert
' Horseshoeing and Dentlstr
is Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Ave;,
near the Bridge. . j