The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 08, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Bnsy days among the new Dress
nTnrnrinla. XftW illVOlCCS this
uiorniug and a new grip upon low
3G-iucli all Wool Serge. Eoauti
ful assortment of all the new
Spring shades. Instead of 39c. the
price is now 23l IkG Yard.
Trimmed and uutrimmcd, at
most moderate prices.
NETS, exquisite, artistic produc
tions of expert Milliners, from
$1.75 to $13.00
An attractive showing of all the
up-to-date styles.
with the new .full sweep ribbon
collars and newest tr'umnlug ef
fects, $3-98, $3.50 and $7.50
Lowest prices in town. . Choic
est styles and best qualities.
for April is now ready and gi ven
away to all who call for it. . .
412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Specialist on
Nerve Troubles,
and Diseases of the Heart, Lunas. Kid
neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder,
Head, Fits and Epilepsy.
He with hlo assistants treat all diseases
of the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat, Dys
pepsia,' Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv
ous Debility, Female Weakness end Irreg
ularities, Nightly Losses and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood, Varlococele, Blood
Poisoning, Ecima, Sorofula, St. Vitus
Dance, Diabetes, Brlght's Disease,
Asthma, etc.
Any one Buffering with Catarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS.
The dootor has discovered a specific for
this dreaded disease. You can treat and
cure yourself and family with It at home.
It never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOURS Daily, 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sunday, 10 to 4.
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. Mi of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as wc need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
Professor S. S. Thomas ' will give a
lecture In the Railroad Young Men's
Christian Association all on'Ap'ril 16.
Te Scranton Glee club, under the . di
rection of Professor Tallle Morgan,
will also take part that evening,
t Thieves (rained entrance to the
Mitchell House last evening and se
cured about $2 in money and a bottle
of liquor.
Earl W. Travis, of Blnshamton, Is
Visiting his uncle, L. T. Travis.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
J3. W. Harris, of Philadelphia, Is In
town making final arrangements for
the opening exercises of the Salvation
Army that is to locate In Kast Strouds
burg. "The German Volunteer" was pre
sented to a largtsized audience on
Thursday evening, and each part was
represented by the different la
dles and gentlemen of this place.
Comedian Saphar, in the title role, was
extremely funny and kept the audience
In a continuous roar of laughter during
the entire evening. Mr. Crowley, as nn
Irish soldier, was exceptionally good,
and several local hits were made that
were appreciated by the large audience.
Much enthusiasm Is already being
manifested in base ball at the Normal,
and it is to be hoped the team will
keep up Its practice It hns so nobly
started and thus become one of the
strongest teams in this section of the
country, as we wish to see them win
games and honor as in previous years.
At a meeting of the Athletic association
it was decided to isnie season tickets
at liO cents, and a committee of live
was appointed to make arrangements
for an entertainment to be given for the
benefit of the association.
M. ,G. Coiii'trlght has made an ex
change of his farm at Marshall's Creek
with Jesse Smith, of Kast Strouds
burg, for a house and lot.
Herbert Davis Is somewhat better,
and It is hoped will soon be able to
mingle with his friends again.
Mrs. C. W. llruton has returned to
her home, at Canadensis, after a vlsLt
with Kast Stroudsburg frtvnds.
Miss Ixt tie Scott, of McKecsport, has
returned, .to. her home after a two
months' visit with friends In Montclalr,
N. J., and Bast Stroudsburg.
Tltinnas C. Waters has returned from
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
and . taken, his former position in Dr.
H. IStivh's drug store.
The Shakespearian society of the lire making arrangements for
thulr anniversary meeting.
Tim Clover Leaf Social club held Jts
regular business meeting at the resi
dence or Miss Allle Chambers on Tues
day everting.' There was a small at
tendance owing to the Inclemency of
the weather. . Several new members
were added and the names of a number
proposed, who will b,e balloted for at
the next regular meeting. A commit
tee was appointed to look after the
next social that will be given shortly.
The National Express oflice has been
moved to the new building west of the
Methodist church. This company is
steadily gaining favor with our people
and la continually doing an increasing
The enrollment at the Normal now
numl ers 270, with more to follow. This
number could be largely Increased if
the school had greater facilities for,
their accommodation. As It is, many;
of the pupils board in private families.
The little' Vernon Brothers, the won
derful child musicians, will give an en
tertainment at the Presbyterian church
on, Monday. . evening, April 8, at 8
o'clock. Their entertainment has been
highly endorsed by both .the press and
pulptt; ' Tickets are for sale at D. R.
Brown'B, Dr. LaCar's, and the New
York stpre.
Stewart Shlvely has removed from
East Stroudsburg to his farm in Bar-i-A
William-Townsend has sold his beau
tiful residence on the crest of the hill
back of Academy Hill to Mrs. Crowley,
of Main street.
Mnnsr.-Cyphers & Chamberlain are
making extensive Improvements to
their meat market, including a large
and more convenient refrigerator.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion of this place have lately purchased
a rew piano, which they expect to place
In their rooms today.
I)avld Everett, who for many years
was proprietor of the hotel at P.road
headsvllle, moved to this place on
Tuesday. He owns the property on
Scott street formerly owned by his
brother, J. E. Everett.
Among the railroad rumors current Is
one to the effect that the Central Pennsylvania-
and Western railroad will be
built, this year. The road will connect
this place with Watsontown in North
umberland county.
Uzal Hull, of the defunct Keystone
Fibre company, is seeking to locate a
factory In Alleatown for the manu
facture of fibre ware. He Is the In
ventor and patentee of most of the
machinery and processes by which the
goods are made. Ill-luck has appeared
to follow Mr. Hull. The first factory
at riehidere, N." J., was twice de
stroyed by fire. After removing to
East Flroudsburg and when the new
factory building was completed the
structure was blown down and ruined.
It was rebuilt, and In November, 1894,
it was destrcyed by fire.
Messrs. Graul and Mulligan, '9", were
visiting over Sunday; the former at
Wllkes-Iiurre, and the latter at Phila
delphia. Miss Grace Conner, who waa called
home on account of sickness, has re
sumed her studies at the Normal.
George P.. Miller's place In the clnak
and suit-making firm of Mandel & Mil
ler, in East Stroudsburg, is occupied by
Frank Adler, and the firm name Is now
Kandel & Adler. Mr Miller ha3 re
moved to Philadelphia.
professor Kemp, of the Normal, has
reorganized his Tilble class. He Is
giving a series of lectures on the life
and work of Saint Paul.
Lewis Bush, employed at the East
Stroudsburg Glass company's works, Is
seriously ill with an attack of grip.
Miss Nettle l ush has returned from
a visit to New lork city.
Ira Carpi nicr, emuloyed by the East
Stroudsburg Giuss company, had his
hand severely cut by a companion acci
dentally hitting him with a bottle
which was broke, cutting the cords.
Miss Hertha Place, a popular school
teacher in the school at Popular Valley,
severely sprained her ankle on Thurs
day. ' ' ,
Miss Anna Martens, of Orange, N.
J., is visiting Mrs. Harvey Hush for a
tew days. ' .
Sherman Coss, of Clalg's Meadows,
was a visitor In town on Wednesday.
Moses C. Strunk, of Hunter's Range,
was In town uh Wednesday, -and left
on Thursday, Accompanied by Several
Stroudsburglaijis, for Plhladelphla, to
purchase horses.
Miss Marshall, of Ogdensburg, N. J.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Doug
lass, in East Istroudshurg.
The town ciuincll of Ea:it Strouds-
burg met on Tuesday evening in A; R.
Hrittlan's office, and business of im
portance wus transacted, the most
prominent being that of fining bicycle
riders that use the sidewalks $10. The
salary of Mayor Puterbough was fixed
at $50 per year, and the wages of Po
liceman Welter raised from $40 to $45
per month. The next meeting will be
held on April 10.
The Misses Swlnk, who have con
ducted a dressmaking establishment in
East Stroudsburg for several years,
left on Friday for Easton, where they
will often an establishment similar to
the one here.' They leave with best
wishes of a host of friends for their fu
ture prosperity and success.
A convocation of stags assembled at
the residence of L. II, Burnette, on
Washington street, on Friday evening
and a general good time was spent.
Stories were told and reminiscences
of youthful days discussed, after whioh
an elegant repast was nerved.
Professor A. Ormoml, of Princeton
college, Is siH-ndliig a few days with his
family, on Center street.
W. A. Mutchler, of Easton,1 Is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. if. M. Mutchler, in East
Stroudsburg, fur n few days.
Miss Annie and Emma AVeller, two
charming belles of Washington, N. J.,
are visiting Edward Welter and family
In East stroudsburg.
Professor Kaufman, formerly profes
sor at the Normal, but now at Ilanis
burg, where he hu3 charge of the nat
ural science work In the Harrislturg
public schools, is visiting friends in
Professor Curran, of Hackettstown
seminary, is visiting hU parents, Dr.
and Mrs. H. A. Curran, at the Normal.
Fred. Storm, of Hackettstown Fvm
innry, Is visiting his parents, Judge
and .Mrs. J. It. Storm, ut the Bur
nette House.
Monis Itosenfeld, connected with the
stair of a Hebrew paper In New York
city, is visiting J. s. Silverman, th
East Stroudsburg clothier, for a few
The senior reception to the junior
class will be given on May 10.
Mothers! Mothers I '. .Mothers.'!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hns ben
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes tho child'
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, nnd is the best remeilv f.,
diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Be sure and ask for "Airs
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no
other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
The annual election of Sunday
school officers of the Berean Baptist
Sunday school, which occurred In the
chapel on Friday evening, resulted as
follows: Superintendent, .13. M. Peck;
assistant superintendent, W. F. Nye;
secretary, A. S. Lcwsley; treasurer,'
Charles Perkins; librarian, Walter E.
Bennett; chorister, B. It. Hall; organ
ist, Miss 'May L. Avery.
William, the 4-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. White, of 1G0 DundafT
street, died Saturday morning or scar
let fever. Funeral was private and
was held Sunday. The remains were
Interred in St. Rose, cemetery.
Emmons L. Peck, of Emmons, Pa.,
is the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Peck, of Washington street.
Robert Marshall Is home from Key
stone academy to spend his Easter va
cation with his mother in this city.
A. H. Van Dermark spent Saturday
afternoon with friends In Wilkes
Barre. ; '
Morris & Spaeth will open their new
drug store In the Leader building this
Thlrty-nlne out of sixty-two property
owners on Park street have signed the
petition for the Improvement of that
thoroughfare. The peltlon will be pre
sented to the councils this evening.
Miss Louise Williams has returned
home from an extended visit with her
aunt, Mrs. John Thompson, of Wilkes
Barre. W. L. Yarrlngton Is filling a tempor
ary clerkship in the Miners and 'Me
chanics' bank.
The new suits for the Carbondale
Base Ball club have arrived. The color
is a combination of pink and brown of
a light shade. Tho trimmings are navy
blue, with caps, sweaters and stockings
to match. Across the front of the shirt
Is the word "Carbondale" made of blue
The Carbondale First Presbyterian
church will be represented at the
seventeenth anniversary of the Wo
men's Foreign Missionary society of
the presbytery of Lackawanna, which
will be held In the Honesdale Presby
terian church on Wednesday evening
of this week, by Mrs. C. E. Lathrope,
Mrs. J. B. Hoyt, Mrs. W. E. Frisble and
Mrs. S. E. Ray nor.
Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Eighth ave
nue, fell down stairs on Saturday morn
ing and received several painful
bruises and a sprained wrist.
Attorney J. F. Reynolds spent Sun
day with his family, who are visiting
friends In Forest City.
A. R. Jones has severed his connec
tions with the Herald and will this
morning commence duties .with the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bliss, of Sus
quehanna, are visiting friends in this
All those terriltlo, itching diseases of tho
skin that help to maku Ufa miserable for
us are caused by external pnrasltes.
Donn's Ointment kills the parasite nud
cures tho disease. Perfectly harmless,
never fulls. .
Excavation will be commenced on tho
new silk mill today. Mulherln & Judge,
of South Scranton, have tho contract
for the erection of the building..
Mrs. PercIIla Watklns,' of Taylor
street, Is 111.
Casper Troufer and Andrew Rlcler,
Tuajj" Ureot English Remedy.
Jy Gray's Specific Kcdlclne
mn wat m tua ta. Tons uf
billty, WnukneMof Body nnd Mind. Sperma
torrhea, and limiotBiiey. and all dlneaaoa that
arise fcom over- Indiilyence and aelf-nutMs. as
Loss of Memory and Power, Ulmnttsa of Via
Ion, Prfltonture Old Age and many other OU'
eaam that lead to Imanltv or Consumption
and an early grave, write for a painphlot
Addreaa OKAY MEDICINE L'.)..' Buffalo.
K. Y. The bpeciflo Nedi.-lne is Bold by all
druggist at SI por package,, or six j aclases
for So, or eent by mail on receipt of inonov,
and with every 5.00 order WE CllnrUllTEE
a onre or money ref andod. ' i i I
W"On arroint of counterfeits wo have
adopted the Yol.ow Wrapper, the only gtna
ln old la Scranton by Kattbiwi firua.
of the Sibley, will leave today for the
stute of Montana, " ' ... .
Mrs. John E. Davis, of Main street, Is
suffering' with illness. - . ,'
The work In the coal mines about
this vicinity is very dull. The Taylor
mines only have worked but two days
during the past week.
Miss Florence Swartz, of Plttston, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
vChnis Moslnger, on Main street.
The Price Library association will
hold a Bachelor's social on the 15th of
this month.
The final examinations of tho third
quarter were held last week. School
closed Friday for a week's vacation be
fore the fourth quarter, which opens
Monday noon, April 15. Many of the
students will work during vacation to
raise funds for next term.
Miss Nellie Taylor, a graduate of the
academy, now of Rucknell university,
paid us a visit last week. .
The annual prize speaking contest of
the young ladles was held In tho liap
tlst church Friday evening. The at
tendance was much larger than usual,
and when the entertainment com
menced there was harddly standing
room. Tle general verdict Is that it
was the best contest of tho kind ever
given by the academy. The success of
the contest Is due to the faithfulness
and 2cal of the young ladles In the
work of preparation, the untiring la
bors of their instructor, Miss Acken,
and the personal Interest shown by her
in each one of the contestants. The
prize was awarded to Miss Vlda Cra
mer, with honorable mention to Miss
Martini Taylor. The programme In
full Is given below: Invocation; music;
recitation, "Fall of Pemberton Mill,"
Miss Estella Halley; recitation, "Aunt
Sopronla at the Opera," Miss Lodusky
Parnes; recitation, "College 'oil Cuns,'"
Miss Frances I lace; recitation, "Hobby
Shaftiie." Miss Martha Taylor; recita
tion. "Etniira Ann," Miss Ethel Oarr;
recitation, "The Station Master's
Story," Miss Jessie Keminerer; recita
tion, "Onbe," Miss Louise Mace; recita
tion, "Derrick Sterling," Miss Fanny
Manny; recitation, "The Farmer nnd
the Wheel," Miss Vlda Cramer; music
by Factoryville band.
The members' of "O. C." held their
quarterly "spread" at Mrs. Capwell's
Ice cream parlors Friday evening, after
the prize speaking.
Kellcf In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South Amerlct'.n Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages, in male or femalo. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In piisHlng It
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief nnd euro this is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Drujrgist, 123 I'enn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
The college term opened on Thursday.
The base ball team returned from tlu
southern trip Friday, tired out. Pom
eroy hnd the misfortune to sprain his
ankle during the first game.
Lafayette won two of the three games
with University of North Carolina. The
scores were 9 to 1, 4 ti 3 and 3 to 0.
On Thursday afternoon Professor
Homer I!. Sprague, president of North
Dakota university, delivered a lecture
on Shakespeare.
On last Tupsday occurred the death of
John F. McCoy, '47, Vjho was at one
time a trustee of the college. At the
time of his death he was returning to
New York from Jamaica, where he hnd
been spending the winter for his health.
A new prize, Instituted In the depart
ment of English, is for the best essiy
on "Old English Language and Litera
ture from Beowulf to 1000."
Tired, Weak, Nervous
Hood's Sarsaparilia Restores
Strength and Bodily Vigor.
Tho cause of that tired, weak, nervous
condition In which bo many people find
themselves, is the failure of tho blood to
properly nourish
the nerves and tis
sues. Feed the
neives upon pure
blood, and .they
will be steady and
strong. Bead this:
"It is with pleas
ure that I recom
mend Hood'i Bar
saparilla as an ex
cellent nerve tonlo
and blood purifier.
I have taken it
more than once
lira. C. D. Venable
Keithsburg, 111.
and am taking it now. I was tired, my
body ached, and I felt very badly all over.
I was afraid I would be sick. I thought I
would take Hood'i Sarsaparilia, and
It Has Cured Me,
and I find that it is cheaper than the doc
tor's bills. Hood's Fills are the best I
have ever taken and I use no other. I am
glad to have an opportunity to recom
mend Hood's Sarsaparilia." Mrs. C. II.
Venable, Keithsburg, 111.
Ee sure to get Z-
' IloodV Sarsaparilia is sold by all drug
cists, six forfS. Prepared only by
P. I. BViod & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hrtr.rVa Dille ' all liver Ills, blllou
I IftOU S I'lllS nesg. headache. 2Bc.
Good News
Send This Around.
It Tells of
. Tbo kind that stands the racket
and always looks well, -
CO Children's Suits, sizes 4 and 6, to
clear them out. 50c
About 100 Boys' Superior Tailored
B 11 its, Lluud Pants, Smart Jackets
and a graud quality, to clone $1.49
We've a little lot of extra quality Suits
for boys' drew wear that were
niado up specially to the order of
Henry Goodman, Tho sizes are 5
to 14 years.aud the price was t3.60.
- Take them now at .'...$1.99
Shirt Barginns Still Continue and Remember That All Our Piece Goods
,. Arc Being Closed Out ut Practically; What We can Get for Them. r
t . A Time of Great Mortality. ,
Especially ISotlueuble la Children. Will
i Man Ceuae to lCxUt ? C'un tho
' Oiuega " be Averted ?
Why is It, with our improved sanitary
appllunccs, our care to obtulu fresh uir,
pure food, and plenty of exercise, the ob
servance, In fact, of every hygienic law,
that In spite of every care each succeed
ing Generation seems to become weaker
and shorter lived? Is It that we are now
suffering for indiscretions of our ances
tors, or is that terrible, tuikuown end of
man at hand ?
Whatever the cause, the existing con
dition of things Is too apparent. Especi
ally is this noticeable with 'the babies.
Instead of tho mother's life-giving milk,
they are compelled to begin a struggle for
existence with the bottle. The result In
many cases Is disastrous. The liltlo one,
failing t! obtain necessary nourishment,
grows weaker dolly, until death ends the
struggle. The end in these cases is
Simply Stnrvutiom
With this termination so often the case,
tho best physicians of the day have re
sorted to the use of L'ovinine, that great
aud original raw food product, us a means
to save the babies.
" In this connection Dr. A. B. llolilnmn,
CI Dudley St., Boston, after commending
liovinlne wont highly for various compli
cations where the waste of disease inui t
be checked, and new blood, llesh, mid
strength created to effect a cure, says
concerning this life-creating preparation,
"With feeble, bottle-fed babies, a small
amount added to lite milk lias in my
practice saved many children,"
Hovltiine is not a medicine, hut a
life-nmliitttining, flesh, bone, ami blood
making preparation that contains the
greatest amount of nourishment in the
least possible liulli.
Clve it to the little, ones while there Is
still hope. Your physician, if you ask
him, will recuniniend It, and you will
bless the results obtained forever.
230 Lackawanna kn, Scranton.
not know wlicre to hviy
your Spring Suit, drop
in at our, store, 230
Lackawanna avenue,
and we will show j-ou
wliat we are
DOING in the line of Spring
clothes. Just think of
an outfit like .the fol
lowing :
Suit, $10.00, worth $15.00
nat, l.vo,
Shirt, 1.00,
Collar, 10,
Cuffs, 20,
1. 25
$13.45, $20.45
Making a saving of $7.
When you are
DONE buying you will be sur
prised to see how much
money you have left.
' 230 Lackawanna Ave.
Ban too Bora Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored
Spot., Aches, Olri Bom, Ulcors In Mouth, llnlr
riklllnal Write I'ook Remedy 'o.,SOT M-Mnle1mple,'hlciMro.lll-(forpruofsof
Capital W50O.O00. 1'lllenUiuured nine yenra
Travels Fast,
Money to
B13 Saved and Bargulns
Having :
Goodman mnde up most of these
in his own factory on the South
There's more of them here than any
two stores should have; bo here
goes for a. slaughter that you can
. not appreciate till you see the
Prices begin at 12o. now, and from that
rise by easy grades to 30c, when
. . you reach a waist hotter than
which it will be difficult to buy at
any price, . . - A , ,
J$ A ''V'2, , P JT if h
h .... .1
: . ,V. ,
o- 4
APRIL 4th, 5th AND 6th.
Ladias', Misses' and
lilt UU11U,
f j h o
mm umu
SSl ; JIM '
500 RoI3s this season's importations. Prices start
at $4.oo a roil, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00
Cut quantities of Mattings 2j cents and 5 cents
over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers
supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices.
M4 --;-.t -,-
'T'KUS 1 WUK I n llNb ve'Ve got a bigger store and a big
1 -.--ij . ger B0Cj (aan nu the rest of thorn
put togethcr-and it is a direct result
courteous treatment. There is no "red
you want we'll aWange tho payments
to pay a little money weekly or monthly opens the way to furnish your home
in regal style. We show everything in Furniture and Carpets from the cheap
kitchcu wood seat chair to the Bolid mahogany parlor cabinet; from the old
hemp carpet to the latest designs In Wilton Velvet. In fact, YOUR PROM
ISE will buy everything that helps to make housekeeping pleasant.
to pay a little weekly or monthly will
rlttire of our flftv odd samnles. Thev
and Ice Chests and Mattings are among the near approaching
bles." Bee ours. ...
225 AND 227
Children's Jackets,
IleaJar.hea rroventol "! cured hy bvla
your eyes scientifically rxsmiaeU aud .
fitted accurntely by
guaranteed in every case.
SOS Spruce Street.
These aro a few of the attributes of H
our Peerless Credit System. Here's
.l,o ,1 n.wl .. .1.. It n liMlo
n linn nv aim n 12 uu it. i iivuu ...
better than uuy one has ever done a
before we sell Carpets and Furni-
Furniture on credit we have
marked every article at a low figure
so that you can compare our prices
with the cash prices of other stores.
We give credit to our patrous be
cause they appreciate such accom
modation it la our way of obtaining
and retainiug their patronage.
of lowest prices-easiest terms -and
tape" around here-come and get what
to please you.
entitle you to any style of Ba
ranee from 13.75 to 835.00. Kerr