8 ,'TIIE SCH AXTOX TTITBUXE FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 5. 1895. PROOFS . of our price leadership will lie seen throughout the season in our store Points interesting to money savers uro hard to miss, while parsing through our aisles -they are every where. Never before have such "up-to-date" thoroughly desirable goods lven suowu m huuu quuau ties and varieties at tho very be ginning or the season. washableIress fabrics. Ginghams. I'rints, in last colors; Scotch and French Organdies and Swisses, I rench and American Satuuns. Frencli, Scotch and American Ginuhams, l'crcalcs. Challies, Gallatcas. Ducks, Mad ras, Piques. Assortments that no other house can show; prices that none other dure .name consistent with values TOWELS. Hiiek Towels. Hemstitched Tow- els, Napkins large mid small sized Imported Damask, ificaciicit irisii Damask, Linen Doilies, Fine l.inen TowcliiiK, Hath Towels, Crash Toweliiiji. lu fact, anything in tho line of linens by the yard r other wise. We should command your at teutiou and receive your favors. SKIRT WAISTS. Have become one of the articles of apparel which are submitted to tho criticism of the must fastidious tastes. The manufacturers have designed them in many shades, different mate rials and many colors. JS'ew kinds are appearing every day and we have ta ken advantage of the diversified mar ket and can show all the new arrivals Trices are right. HOSIERY. The spring importations have al ready been put on sale, and we are showing besides a suitable line of relia ble black in our separate brands. Lisle Thread, silk finish, iu beau tiful shades ot tan and russet colors, The best of dye, double soled, double toe and high spliced heel all of them of the latest rasiiloned. Jt'rices accord' lug to the new tariff schedule. GLOVES. Early spring and summer importa tions, best ot colorings, embroidered backs in black, shades of tan. made by the best foreicn manufacturers. Four Buttoned English Walking Gloves, English Keds, Tans aud Drowns. To be iu style aud well gloved, you should buy from our glove department. WHITE G003S, EMBROIDERIES. Cambric Embroideries, Nainsook Embroideries, with loop edges and torchon edges. Myriads of patterns, all overembroidery'full width flounces. The saving of one-half to you aud stiliaprolit to ourselves is what we have to say iu regard to our large stock of Embroideries. We are also showing a large line of White Dotted Swiss. Full Width Victoria Lawn, Plaid Nainsook, In dia Lawns, English Long Cloth, and a splendid quality of Corset Cov ers, Skirts, Drawers and Chemises GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR. REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, end Diseases of the Heart, I.unss, KM neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder, Head, Fits and Kyllepsy. He with his assistants treat all diseases of tho Kye, Nos, Ear and Throat, Dys papsla. Rheumatism, Ixst Vitality, Nerv ous Debility, Female Weakness and Irrui, ularities, Ntehtly Losses and Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Varioc.oce.le, Klood PotBonlBg, Eczema, Scrofula, St. Vitus Ijance, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Asthma, etc. , YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFTF.R: Any one nufforinir with Catarrh who Wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months1 treatment for only FIVE JjOLI.ARH. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with it at home. Jt never falls to cure. A trial treatment OFFICE H0T7RS Dally, 9 a, m. to 9 p. in.; Sunday, 10 to 4. CARPETS ... Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in , . the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWmNNA AVENUE. HONKS!) ALU. Krnest T. Drown Is home from New Tork College of Dentistry, having com pleted his course of studies. Edwin F. Torrey, jr., passed ye.Mter day at hla homa here. Rods 'and reels, llsh lines and fish hooks are now being displayed by our merchants. Unless much warmer weather sets In and at once, the -first fisherman will not have a very pleasant time In tho woods qf Wayne on April IB. Rev. E. J. Balsley, of Carbondale, will preach In Grace church this evening. ,4i IWK-JWTOliV Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IPlL JK2SK53 IRDW ABSOUUTEnf PURE IWS OF THiS ViClNlTY FOIiEST CITY. M. W. Woodmansee Is In Port Jervls, N. V., on business. About Jl.lno wus raised by subscrip tion of uur citizens to trade the slU' for tin- car factory. The ensliuvrn of the Hillside Coal and iron compuiiy will muki the survey without chaw. A limited amount of the stock of the for est Oily Car and MunufuetuilnK' coiiir I'Hiiy Is still on the murJti-t, hut It lnis been almost all taken. The company's capital stock Is $.'11,000. The grading will be done an soon us the survey Is made and building will follow closely. Kxpeileiieed miners say that the mine ear, with Call.lKher'H patent axle box, which the company will nmiuit'iutuiv, Is by far the best tiling of the kind ever placed on the market, and the ollleers uro reeelvliiK Inquiries from different operators cuiicernltm the time when they will be ready to receive or ders. I!y special arrunuemeiit with the Itloomsburi? far company mine cars are now belli;; built at that place, supplied with the new patent, for the Hillside Coal und Iron company, and the latter corporation proposes to use these cars exclusively in Us mines. The Forest City Car and Munufaetuiini? company has purchased Air. dalla Kher's patent and has exclusive control of It. The new Industry will be a tfreat thins for this boroiiKh, and we hope will be a start toward niakhiK Forest City a manufacturing town. John KeVllh, of Pleasant Mount, Wayn county, was a visitor lu town yesterday. Kmory Woomansee, of Newark Val ley, .'. Y returned home yesterday, after a Week's Visit with his In-other, Al. W. S'o(idnmnso, of Delaware street. X. K. Hell i.i sick with pneumonia. '.. C. Hell, of Carbondale, visited rela tives and friends In this borough Tues day. "Zip" was formerly proprietor of the Forest house. A meeting was held Saturday night In the board of trade rooms in the opera house liulUlinjr to protest against the passage 'of house bill No. I'M) and of senate bill No. B.17. Hoth these bills are intended to strike at buildiiif,' and loan associations chartered outside of Pennsylvania. As a number of these associations do businr.'s here and as one association alone has 1,100 shares taken In Forest City, there was con siderable . Interest manifested. The house bill requires foreign associations to give bonds In the sum of not less than $10,000 nor more than $ll)0,oui) be fore they can do busine : ?n the state, and the senate, bill provides that $101), 000 shall be deposited In cash or bonds before any such associations can oper ate In Pennsylvania. Strong resolu tions were passed In condemnation of these measures, and these resolutions, together with a generally signed re monstrance, will be sent to the senators and representatives from Wayne, Lackawanna and Susquehanna coun ties. On Wednesday evening, April 17, the choir of the Methodist Episcopal church will given an entertainment in the church edifice, and the member are now busy preparing a programme. At a meeting of the Forest City Car and Manufacturing company, held Fri day evening, the annual election took place and the following ollleers were chosen for the ensuing year: Presi dent, 'V. J. Davis; vice-president, James II. Fleming; secretary, James J. Walker; treasurer, Henry Hox; direc tors, .1. J. Walker, W. J. Davis, James IK. Fleming, L. J I. May, Benjamin Maxey, T. J. Maxey and Henry JSox. A lodge of the Daughters of America was organized at Hlgglns" hall on Tues day evening, and the following officers were elected: Vinnle Hyatt, P. C; Dr. Jennie Young, C; Mrs. W. S. Bryant, V. C; Mrs. Joel Haynes, A. P. C; Airs. Jessie Higgins, A. C; Airs. II. Joseph, A. V. C; Airs. Henry Hox, treasurer; Airs. Frank Hines, warden; Atay Grin- nell. conductor; Rena Pentecost, re cording secretary; Alame J. Brown, as sistant recording secretary; Kmma Buckingham, financial secretary; Helen Dunnler, Inside sentinel; Kobecca P.uck Ingham, outside sentinel;. Airs. II. Box, Mrs. Frank Hines, Mrs. Jessie Hig gins, trustees. The lodge meets each Tuesday evening. The Tribune Is by all odds the best dally paper that comes Into Forest City It treats local subjects in an Intelligent manner and does not mislead Its read ers by giving careless and Inaccurate reports. Do not be talked Into subscrib ing for inferior Journals when you can get the best at the same price. Sub scribe at once and keep up with events In the outside world at tl:'- same time that you post yourself on local happen ings. Mothers! Mothers!! Alothsrs!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ben used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethlnjj, with perfect success, it soothe3 Uio child, softens the gumn, allays all pain: cures wind colic, and Is fhu best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druKKlsts In every part of the world. Bo sure and ask for "Air Wlnslow's Soothlnif Syrup," and take i,o other kind. Twenty-fivo cents a bottle. PECK VILLK. The Ladles' Aid society, of the Pres byterian church, will hold a social and supper tit the home of Mrs. Jerome IJllabrldge this Friday, evening. All the delicacies of tho Keason will he served. Including Ice cream. All for cents. ( Misses Stella Arnold and Kmma Barnes have returned to their studies at fitroudsburg S.tate Normal school. Mrs. Sarah Stevens left yesterday to make her future homo with her daugh ter, Mrs. Sarah Burdlck, of Green Klclge. What was the matter with the coun cilman from tho Third ward on the tax ing of the Electric and Tel. -phone poles at the council meeting last Monday evening? lie bhould be heard from on the subject. ' ' , John Warner, of Nantlcoko. has moved his family Into the housd re cently vacated by William Walkoi, on Hickory street. The Young Peoplo's society, of the Freflbyterlun church, will hold a Maple Sugar social at the church par lors next Tuesduy evening, April !. Services over the remains of Floyd, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Warfield, were held at the residence of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. P. Snedlour, on Main street, Wednesday afternoon. The services wera eon- ducted by P.ev. Air. Ellis, the Baptist minister of Blakely, assisted by Hew K. P. Doty, of the Methodist Episcopal church. The floral offerings consisted of a pillow of Mowers with the Inscrip tion, "Floyd," a large bouquet, by Air. and Airs. William Sykes, of Green Uldge; bouquet of carnation pinks, by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cullender; also one by Aliases Etta Budd and Addle Swingle; cnlla lillles, Airs. Z. P. Travis; bouquets. Airs. William Hohner and Allss Nora Pickering. Several other smaller pieces adorned the casket, The prtll bearers were Joseph Page, I.orlng Truvlrs, Hhepard Warlield und Wayne Wademan. pincrfiuJKU. The council met Tuesday evening to try to break the deadlock, but failed. This In thi fourth 'meeting In a week without doing uny business. A grand ball aud entertainment, un der tile auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, will be held in Faddcn's hull April IS. Harrison Jones, of Plymouth, visited friends here yesterday. Samule Norris, one of our mosit popu lar townsmen, has become proprietor of the Central hotel. Pay day at Storrs' colliery today. Do not miss the fourth annual ball and concert of the Ancient Order of Hibernians In Faddcn's hall Easter Monday night. It promises to eclipse all other social events of the season. The Citizens' Cornet band will hold a ribbon social on the evening of April. 20. Aliss Battle Evans, of Forest City, Is visiting friends here. The 1'iicebui-g Glee dub will make their llrst appearance In public Easter Alonday evening. Thomas Turner Is nursing a sprained hand caused by being run over with thei hose cart of the Eagle Hose com pany of this place. Thomas liray, while out hunting Tuesday, shot a gray fox. Airs. James Morgan 1m confined to her home wilh the grip. "For three years I suffered from Salt Itheum. It covered my hands to such Ml extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles of ihirdock lllood Bitters cured me." Blbhie Young, Popes Alills, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. CAU HON DALE. The remains of Ira Tonkin, the 1-month-old child of Air. and Airs. W. H. Tonkin, who died at their home at Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday, will be brought to this city today and Interred lq Alaplewood cemetery. Manager Alartin Swift, of the Car liondale Base Ball club, has signed a new pitcher, John Leach, of Newcastle, Pa. Out of twenty-nine games pitched last season, Beach lost but two. Invitations were received In this city by many persons to the wedding of Aliss Gertrude Haulman, of Chambcrs burg, and B. S. Baker, of this city. The event will be celebrated on Wed nesday, April 17, In the Methodist church at C'hambersburg. Aliss Bridget AIcGee, who was severe ly injured In the Carbondale Steam laundry a few days ago, was removed to her home on Upper Belmofit street from the hospital yesterday. Aliss Libhie Lastly is visiting Ilones dale relatives. The misery of years has been cured In a slnglo night by the use of Doan's Oint ment, a positive, never-failing remedy for Itching Piles and all similar diseases. Your dealer keeps it, or can got It for you. AVOCA. James Allan moved his family to Dickson on Wednesday, where he Is employed as mine foreman In the Klch mond shaft. Death has once more visited the home of Airs. Edward Doran, and has taken her beloved husband. Air. Doran was an amiable and companionable man, a devoted husband and loving father, and was beloved by all Si'ho were favored with his acquaintance. Deceased was about 47 years of age, and was born In Ireland. The funeral will be held to morrow (Saturday) morning, when a high mass of requiem will be celebrated In St. Mary's church. Interment will be made In West Avoca cemetery. Keller in six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dig. eases relieved In six ho'rs by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great BurprlKo on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages. In male or femalo. It relieves re tention of wnter and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want qul"k relief and euro this Is your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn avo nue, Scranton, Pa, M00SIC. Any one desiring to order The Trib une can d si) by calling at the house of the ngent, C. 11. Frasssonl, where they will receive prompt attention. The Aloosle Powder company has shut down Its works for nn Indi'finlte time. The cause assigned Is that the magazines are full and orders are slack. Another of William Bnrtclnon's chil dren has been taken sick with diph theria and Is confined to the house. The Ladles' Home and Foreign', AIls slonnry society of Ihe Presbyterian church will meet this (Friday) after noon at the house of Airs. Thomas Hail stone, on Alain street. A surprise party was tendered Miss Maggie Lewis at the home of her par ents, on Main street. The evening was passed In dancing and music. The fol lowing were present: Misses Maud ami Grace Edsn.ll, Edith Smith, Bessie, Mamie and Alattle Hinds, Jennie Wler, Blanche Tiegallas, Elian and Alice WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION MMMM l ALlibU XU THIS Uront E im Huh Remedy, Gray's Specific Mcdicloo r.w""jj"".'""t 1 1 Tons an- blllty, Weakness of UodyHUd Wind, Mpermn torrbea, aud Iinnotency, nud til dinnntea that rlB fiom over lndnUjunco aud jwlf buflo. na Ixwa ol Memory und Power, Uiniimu of Via Ion, Premature Old Aga and many otuar dla anaea that )ud. to Insanity or Consumption nd u rly itrnvt, write for a pnniiihlet. N. Y. Tha l-pedflo Modklna la sold by all druj jlata at 1 nor package,, or fix aiikasea v. , ... w, iumi im receipt ei inonor, and with avory Jo.00 order UC RIIR R ANTI-'F core or mooey refunded. wr ""H"H Iftfr ror to, or aent by nmil on receipt of inonor. wl with aw,. OT. m . , 1 1 If nil. . . .-J t"Qn orromt of oouuterfalta wo hare ooptea inu xvi.ow vmptar, tha only gma lit Sold la Scrutea by Uattaav rA MM Price, Annie Bronn and Lizzie MoMur trle, Alessrs. John Brodhead, John Dy mond.GeorgePiice, John Green, Archie Young, Wllllum Mulr, Samuel Beam, Walter Hinds, Henry Kirk, Alexunder Young, William Jones, James Campbell and Wesley Howell, of 1'lttston; Amos Wilson, Archie Stanton, George Baxter, and Del. Knapp, of Duryea. Refresh ments were Rei ved during the evening. George Tregallas' little daughter, Ethel, Is confined to the house by a cold. Pern Edsall, formerly butcher for E. C. Berlin, left yesterday morning for New York, where ho expects to get em i. i imj A $400 Puzzle c 1 i t t i 1 1 s rici u hi; out it cotit iiiifl tho fuftn or a fatlior ami thtvu lRunhtrn; you nou tho father, wliero uro tiio tiaujlit"i'M7 If your vyva uro bright utiounh to liii'l nil t'irtH) you uro untillud tj u rowani. f r- i'htt iir.i- 1 li-t ca of tlln National Seed Sioic will ijivo I- Ui.i: seven b .ua :iful picturea ((iellls i'or decorli tintf u home) as a i-tHviird to any 01m who a'l inula out ihe ttireu dimple to: a' faces. These )lcturos were superb. y ex I'eutiil in colors by a linn ul' trb puilliHherH who wereoblitfo'l tolii uiiliitn 111 lr bust. tiei8. their prodae tions lieliiK too ex-. peiiKivo for tlieo hard tlmo. The entire stock wns pui ciniHed by ua and what orivln iilly coHt tliounaiuls of dulhirs will now b'j givi'n away lo attract nttentiou t our NATleNAI.COl Mil TION or I I.OWKIl SKBIIS. for 'iKiNniHunof IHHi. Tho publ ailed urieeof tliran picti res wan SI, but wo will send them (a se lected Keriea of seven) an a reward to every peisun IhidiiiK uud muiking the three iiuiij.ii eia'faceH with hii X and eueloaing hstiih with Kixteen S-eout atiunus for NationalCoulhu tio.v No, 1, eoiuaininv aniuniiense variety of Uio clio.-leHt and most beautiful (lower a odd. if you ptncliaHo your Heeds from us otiuu-a-nori wo will alwuva have your order. We nunr:witee perfect aatiatuctiun or monuy ro uu.ded. .VMIO In CASH PK KM II MS. -Ihe person seudiag as above wIhmo euvelupo heai-a tlio earliest poHtuinrk will lie given a $:10U I pright piano: to t o Second '.i5 in cash; to third .Sin; to fourth SIS; to fifth 1(): and to the next seven will ho given $5 iu gold, if able to Und the three face you alio' Id answer promptly; and enclose at once will! lu et. 'Htainpa and you will reccivoMU 1 VMluablo lot of pictures and seeds by return mail. Address NATIONAL SKIil) 1HULAL', VVoahiugtou, ii. C. P. O. Box aiS STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and 6ld Roliabla Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every bos Rurrantosd to give aatiafactlon or money refunded. Full printed riirectioua from a child to a grown poraon. It is puroly vegctablo and cannot positivelv harm the most tender Infant. Insist on having l)r. Camp, boll's; accept no other. At all bi'uggiats, 2m WONDERFUL Borra Scrantom, Pa., Kov. 10, ISM. Mr. C. W. Campbell Dear Sir: I have Eiven my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, some of r. Campbeira Magic Worm Sugar and Ten. and to my surprise tbia afternoon about 2 o'clock he passed a tapeworm measuring about &" feet in length, head and a'l. 1 have It in a bottle and any person wishing to see it can do so by calling at my store. I had tried numeroua other remedies recommended for taking; tapeworms, but all failed, in mv estimation lr. Cfainpbell'a is tho greatest wuiui ruuieuy in existence. Yours v.tv resiiectfully, FRED HEFFNEB, 732 Bech St Kote Tho Above is What evnrvhnriv avm cor uiiuv utiu. iiiauniacnirea Dy w, Campbell, Lancaster, Fa. bucceasor to Dr. Johu Campbell 1 Son. Have yon 8oro Throat, Plmplos, Coppor-Colored Spots, Achos, Md Htin-n. Ulwre lu Mouth, Hatr FalllnK? WrltoCooU Krmedy Co., SOT Ma onlc Trmplr ,hl viiiro.I llMfor proofs of euros. Capital tAOO,4H0. 1'atUmtscured nlnr year ago today sound unci well. I OO-pnge hook IWfi At Wholesale. RICHARDS LUMBER telephone: 422. EVERY WOMAN Gomattnaa neoda a rellbl, monthly, roiraUtlny medlelna. Only haraiUa uj Uio puraat drug, ibeuld ba uaeU. 11 you want the boat, got Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Ther arc prompt, aafo aH carUln lnreanlt.Tbniinlne(Dr. Paal'a) oarer llaap. nulnt, Beutauj'where.H.W. Addisai 1UL MsoilUJia Co., Cleraland, O, For Soleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Good News Send Thig Around. It Tells of Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Tho kind that etuuds tho racket and 11I ways looks well, CO Children's Hults, sizes 4 and 5, to clear them out 60c About 100 Bo.vb' Suiierior Tailored Bulls, Lined Pants, Huart Jackets ftnd a grand quality, to close $1.49 We've u little lot of extra quality Suits for boys' drews wear that were itiude up specially to the order of Uenry Goodman, Tho sizes are 6 to 14 years.and the price was f 3.60. Take them now at '. . . .$1.99 Shirt Baruians Still Continue and Remember That AH Our Piece Goods Arc Bving Closed Out nt Pructicully What We cun Get for Them. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE, CIO LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ployment. His many friends In this place will wish him success In his new venture. Airs. Alfred Tenant will give a Bible lesson on Saturday evening at 7.30 p, m. In concert with the regular Epworth league, at the Atethodlst Episcopal church. Mrs. Burt Vosburg, of Main street, was visiting In Scranton, yesterday. John Dymond, who purchased the property opposite the Methodist Epis copal church formerly occupied by Frank Mostellor, contemplates getting I: graded and surveyed and then selling It fur building purposes. Ib tho Iicst Blood Purifier, Appetizer uml Nerve Tonic. It cures That Tired Feeling 239 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. IF YOU DO not know where to hny your Spring Suit, drop in at our store, 230 T i L,acKavanna avenue and we will show you what we are DOING in the line of Spring clothes. Just think of an outfit like the fol lowing : Suit, $10.00, worth $15.00 nat, 1.7-), Shirt, 1.00, Collar, 10, Cuffs, 20, Tie, 40, u (( (( ii $13.45, t $20.45 Making a saving of $7. When you are DONE .buying you will be sur prised to see how much money you have left. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. CO 22 Commonwealth BTd, i Scranton, Pa. ft Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenuo and Travels Fast. Money to Bo Saved and Bargains Having : BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Goodman made up most of these In his own factory on the South Side. , There's more of them here than any two stores should have; bo here goes for a slaughter that you can not appreciate till you see tho goods. Prices begin at 12o. now, and from that , ' rise by easy grades to Stto., when you reach a waist bettor than which it will be difficult to buy at any price, ' AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE., MtalNIINGi DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, GRAND I! It Ladles', Misses' and ill us, m i 5 I ffil o o fSiii vy uMiliii WiW : i afar 1 500 Rolls this season's fmportations. Prices start at $4.co a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 2 cents and 5 cents over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong and dependable. AH the shapes and conceits in trim mings, in prices ranging $5.5o to $35.00. The buyer ii r I) Is will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person or by mail. - That "1895 Spring Outfit" is a seller. Have you seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished com plete.' ' .' ECONOHY FURNITURE CO SCR ANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. i 1 1 FAIR enn 1 iirnii n J 5th AND 6th. DISPLAY OF Children's Jackets, Etc. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. IIcai3achc8 rroventpfl ard cured by havtoj your eyes scientifically examined and fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FliEE. SatisfacUoa (.uai'anteed in every case. 303 Spruce Street. may conceive the shape and colorings, and we'll be sure to have it. It would be difficult to find a larger variety than we are now showing. The $5, $6 and $8 kinds are very popular, and the $10 article will make you wonder why any one wants to spend more for a Baby Carriage. If inclined to spend more there's nothing to stop you. III A . i NT I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers