The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
TIIE SCKAXTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1895. EQUALLED BY FEW I AND ) EXCELLED BY NONE x FRESH mm niiTTcn III MIIII II I I III I II llLIlif ILI1 1 UUULU IN 1 POUND PRINTS. it and you will use no other. 24c PER POUND. LUCE BROS OS OTHER SIDE DF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day oirthc 'cst Side of the City Noted. LITTLE CHILDREN ENTERTAIN Those Who Attend St. David's Kinder garten Render an Excellent Pro gramme la Simpson Church-Funeral of John A. Jumes. The young members of St. David's kindergarten school gave an unique en tertainment last evening In the Simp son Methodist Episcopal church under the auspices of the ladles of the churcn The room was wen nuou anu me uuu .t'Wple went through their exercises In a very cretmauie manner, iuc f- formance beran at 7.30 o'clock. Their Instructor, Jliss Lillian Hall Morris, has labored Industriously with the chil dren, and her efforts were greatly re warded bv the excellent showing made lust evening. The kindergarten exercises opened wlththesewinssong.anda short prayer was then given In concert. After two hymns the pretty moon and raindrop songs were sung. Miss Beatrice JHor rls. a cunnlntr young miss, gave a reci tation entitled "Aunt Melissa on Boys." The kindergarten drill and arm exer cise was then given. Miss Morris recit ed "Betty and the Bear," and the chil dren went through some excellent man oeuvers In a pretty march. Again Miss Morris was called upon to recite and this time she responded with "Our Hired Girl." Then followed a series of kindergarten games, showing the re- suit of excellent training. Among them were quaint song3, legends and games of various descriptions. After the en tertainment Ice cream and cake were sold. The young entertainers were served with these delicacies free of charge. Music for the evening was fur nished by Miss Margaret Olbbs. Miss Lillian Morris was assisted in the ex ercises by Miss Maud Fisher. The young people of the kindergarten are Misses Mlna Harris, Edith Llndabery, Ethel Griffiths, Katie Davis, Bertha Dorsey. Gwl.idys Marsh, Loon a Mc- Donough, Marie Biach, Bertha Houser, Cortnne Lotz. Ethel Phillips, Myra Soroats. Harriet Armstrong, Flossie Sprouts. Ethel Pains, Ruth Carson, Sadie Ferber, Hazel Betterly, Helen Reynolds, and Arthur Beck, Alfred Becker, Howard Coleman, Paul Eynon, Klchard Davis, and James Wilson. John A. James Hurled. A large number attended the funeral of the late John A. James, who died on Monday, from the home of his sister, Mrs. Williams, on North Filmore ave nue. Rev. Thomas A. Bell, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church, officiated, and preached an eloquent sermon. The services were conducted at the home, where the remains which were encased In a handsome black casket, were viewed. During the ser vices a double quartette, consisting of Ellas E. Evans, David Hughes, Fred Weaver, John L. Williams, Misses Ag nes Joseph, Jennie Price, Margaret Phillips and Mrs. A. B. Eynon, ren dered appropriate selections. The floral offerings consisted of baskets and cas ket bouquets. Interment was made In the Washburn Street cemetery. The all-bearers were Thomas D. Bevan, Lewis Williams, Lot Ludwlg, William Marlow, Benjamin Daniels and Morgan . Morgans.' Sold Liquor Without a License. , County Detective Thomas Leyshon, Constables John Davis and Timothy Jones, visited a, "hole In the wall" on Twenty-second street yesterday after noon and arrested the proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. John McN'ulty. For some time past complaints have been re ceived concerning this place, and the officers found things yesterday as rep resented. The prisoners were taken be fore Alderman Owen D. John yester day afternoon and received a hearing. MoNulty was held in $500 ball to ap pear at court. Ball was furnished. Funeral of Mrs. Clark. ; The funeral of Mrs. Anna Clark, of Hampton street, took place yesterday , morning at i o'clock. The remains were removed by Undertaker Neville to St. Patrick's church, where a. solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. F. P. MoNally. The auditorium was well filled. The flowers were nu merous and Included very neat de signs. A large number from Blngham ton attended the services. Interment was made In the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The pall-bearers were Rlch- erd Lonergan, John Halenan, William Murphy, John Glbbln, Lj. C. McCfraw, ana William Langan. . Brief Notes of Interest. The employes at the Sloan and Hampton mines received their pay yes terday. The Continental Glee club held a well attended meeting last evening in St. . David's hall. Louis Bennett, of Price street, has returned home from a visit with friends at Rickett's, Susquehanna county, : Robert Morris lodge, No. C8, Order of American True Ivorltes, held an inter esting meeting last evening in Masonic hall. , Mrs. B. T. Stone, of Bellevue, gave a tea at her home on Wednesday even ing. The evening was enjoyably spent. " B. J. Neville has opened a furniture , and undertaking store on North Main avenue. D, O. Jones, of Olyphant, has become manager. David "Williams, of Academy street, has received word announcing the death of his mother at Merthyr Tydvll, TV Wales. Deceased was 02 years of age and was a slater to Thomas W. Davles, of Eynon street. Jenkln Morgan, of Morris court, was committed to the county jail yesterday in default of $200 ball. Morgan was charged with beating his wife. ' Rev, T. J. Collins, pastor of the Scranton Street Baptist church, will preach his seventh anniversary sermon on Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. The remains of 'Mrs. Henry Protheroe of Providence, were interred In th Washburn Street cemetery yesterday afternoon. A large number attended A regular meeting of the West Sid board of trade will be held next Tues day evening In St. David's hall. There are many Important matters to be con Bldered. The funeral of Patrick O'Brien, Meridian street, will occur this morn Ing at 9 o'clock. A solemn high mass of requiem will bo celebrated In St Patrick's church. Interment in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Miss Celia Lewis, of Lafayette street, entertained a number of her friends on Wednesday evening Rt the home of he father, Thomas Lewis, on Lafuyette street. Games and slnplng were th principal amusements and were kept up until a late hour, when refreshments were served. The funeral of Miss Bridget Mulherln who died on Wednesday at the home of her brother, Thomas Mulherln, of Jackson street, will take place tomor row morning nt 9 o'clock. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrat ed in St. Patrick's church. Interment will be made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Miss Mulherln was an estlm able young ludy. Sixteen thousand rolls of wall paper damaged by fire to be closed out cheap to make room for new goods. Call early for bargains. Morgan & Co., 101 North Main avenue, West Side lluslncss Directory. PHOTOG RAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per uozen. They are Just lovely, con vince yourself bv calling at Btarnor Photo Parlors, 1U1 and 103 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standanrd Jnva Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma con & Co. Fine Groceries, 118 South Main avenue. , SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything: you have to sel . Furnl ture. Stoves, Tools, eto. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 102-1 and lltt) Juckson street. WALL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds 206 North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new siocu. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does (rut-class riumninK, bteam Heat ana uas f ining. batisraction Is strictly guaranteed. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Rev. Richard A. A list's Thirtieth Birth day Celebrated in an Appropriate Man ner-John Flannory Injured. Wednesday was the thirtieth an nlversary of the birth of Rev. Richard A. Aust-, pastor of St. Mary's Polish Catholic church, of Prospect avenue and the event was worthily celebrated by the esteemed clergyman and his friends In a befitting manner. Priests from Plttston, Plymouth, Hassleton and Glen Lyon visited Father Aust and tendered him congratulations. Judge F. W. Gunster, Dr. John O'Malley, At torneys George S. Horn and Cornelius Comegys, George Okell, Chemist Charles Koempel, and Mr. Miller, 'of Bechtold, Brandow & Co., were invited. and the party partook of Father Aust's bountiful hospitality. In th.e afternoon a dinner was served In the dining par lors of the parochial residence, and dur- Aing the feast the banqueters, with worus or eloquence, renewea ineir wishes of long life and happi.iess to their reverend host. Father Aust re sponded with sentiments most appro priate. In the evening the fuur hundred pupils of the parochial school, mar shaled in holiday attire, tendered e greeting to their beloved pastor. Ju venile addresses, glowing with respect and cheerful admiration, were pre sented, and In the nature of gifts, beautiful bouiiuets of fragrant flowers were offered. As mementoes moreendur lng vestments of rich fabric and cleri cal robes were given. The children spoke In both the Polish and English languages. Father Aust addressed them in turn and thanked them most cordially for their solicitude. Accident to John I liinnerv. While trying to board a freight train gonig at the rate of almost thirty miles an hour, John Flannery, son of Martin Flannery, of Minooka, was Injured Wednesday evening, and he had a nar row escape from being ground to death beneath the wheels of the. train. He was partially under the Influence of liquor at the time. He fell against the cars and was knocked to the ground, rolling around and escaping from going under the cars by the veri est good luck. His heel was badly lacerated and he was bruised about the body. The ambulance removed him to the Lackawanna hospital, where the re port comes from that he will be out in a few days. , Shorter Paragraphs. A class of children will be confirmed next Sunday at the Hickory Street Presbyterian church. Branch 85, Catholic Mutual Benefit association, will attend holy commun ion In a body at the early mass In St. John's church Sunday morning. A regular meeting of the Scranton Athletic club was held last night and the rennrt of the committee on a site for the proposed new hall was dis cussed. Reduced Kates Authorized on the Nickel I'lnte Hoiid. to the west and southwest, March 6 and Anrll 2. account Home Seekers' excur sions. Ask your city ticket agent for de tailed Information, or address r. J. iioore, general agent, No. 23 Exchunge street, Buffalo, N. Y. Personal attention paid to watch repolr- Ing at Turnqucst'B, 205 Wash. ave. .p. The beneficent Influences of the newly cut pine are condensed and refined In Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Byrup, nature's own remedy for coughs and colds. Gent's diamond slneve buttons at Turn- quest's, 205 Washington avenue. Does your head foe I as though some one was hammering It; as though a million sparks were flying out of the eyes? Have you horr'.hlo sickness of the stomach? Burdock Blood Bitters will cure you. Diamond ear studs at Turnquest's. 205 Washington avenue. We show samples of high grade print ing in catalogues and booklets The Trib une Printing Department. Whan Baby t m alcV, we gave her Castors. vVhen she wan a Child, ihe cried for CWorU, When sho became Hiss, the clung to Cantoris. When die bad Children, ilie gave them CasiarU COMMITTEES WERE MED Cliulrniiin Wcstpfnlil of Select Council Nukes General Change. BIDS rOKSEWEK CONST la'CTlOX Thirteen Contractors Applying for tho Job on tho Fifth District Main Sewer. Ordinnnco fur Paving I'onn ' Avenue Passes Two Keudlngs. Select council's first regular business session of the current llscal year was presided over lust night by the new chairman, Charles AVestpfahl, and the easy and natural grace exhibited In his adaptlblllty to business promises to win a record at the conclusion of his term for fairness, enterprise and dispatch. As soon as the minutes of the meet ing of organization were read and ap proved, the list of standing committees was hunded to City Clerk Lavelle and read. There has been a general change made In the complexion of the commit tees. Chalrmun Westpfahl has made unusually good selections In his up polntment of the chairmanships of the Important committees. For Instance, Charles F. Wagner, chief clerk In the ocunty commissioners office, received the chairmanship of the estimates com mlttee; Colonel George Sanderson, the chairmanship of the auditing commit tee; and Fred Durr, that of the lire de partment committee. Colonel Sanderson is the only mem ber, It will be notice, who has been appointed to the chairmanship of two committees. There are twenty-two committees and each member of the branch has received a chairmanship, The list is as follows: Names of Committees. Auditing George Sanderson, John E. Roche, C. E. Chittenden, H. T. Fellows, Wado M. Finn, James Munluy, Fred Durr, W. J. Thomas. Kstimuitos Charles F. Wagner, C. E. Chittenden, R. H. Williams, Victor H. Lauer, Thomas J. Coyne. Finance Finloy Ross, J. A. Lansing, R. II. Williams, John F. Schwenk, Peter Kelley. Fire Department Fred Durr, Georgo Sanderson, W. J. Thomas, John F. Schwenk, M. J. Burns. Judiciary George Sanderson, R. H. Williams, Wade M. Finn, Thomas J. Coyne, P. F. McCann. Light and Water-Wade M. Finn, W. J. Thomas, Flnley Ross, M. E. Clark, Peter Kelley. Laws and Ordinances M. E. Clark, J. A. Lansing, .George Sanderson, J. E. Roche, Fred Durr. License P. F. McCann, Finley Hoss, Adam Schroeder, M. J. Burns, Charles F. W agner. Manufactures Petor Kelley, J. A. Lans ing, Charles F. Wagner, M. E. Clark, Kred Durr. Police H. A. Fellows, Fred Durr, W. J. Thomas, James Munley, Victor II. Lauer. Printing James Manley, Peter Kelley, M. E. Clark, W. J. Thomas, C. E. Chit tenden. Public Buildings John E. Roche, Adnm Schroeder, George Sanderson, P. F. Mc Cann, J. A. Lansing. Parks Victor II. Lauer, Charles F. Wagner, J. A. Lansing, George Sanderson, John E, Roche. Pavements J. A. Lansing, H. T. Fel lows. W. SI. Finn, M. J. Burns, James Aianiey. Railway R. H. Williams, II. T. Fellows, W. M. Finn, P. F. McCann, James Man ley. Rules Adam Schroeder, C. E. Chitten den, M. E. Clark, T. J. Coyne, John F. Schwenk. Streets and Rrldpes C. E. Chittenden, Flnley Ross, H. T. Fellows, John E. Roche, Victor H. Lauer. Sewers and Drains W. J. Thomas, Adam Schroeder, II. T. Fellows, James Manley, John F. Schwenk. Sanitary T. J. Coyne, II. T. Fellows. R. H. Williams, Charles F. Wagner, Petur Kelley. Taxes John F. Schwenk, W, J. Thomas, Charles F. Wagner, Thomas J. Coyne, Wado M. Finn. Treasurer's Accounts M. J. Burns, R. H. Williams, Flnldy Ross, Victor H. Lauer, Thomas J. Coyno. llids for Sowers. In the rear of the council chamber were a number of sewer contractors Interested in the bids that were pre sented for tho construction of Section A, of the Fifth district main sewer. City Clerk Lavello opened and read the following bids, accompanied by the re quisite certified check: T. J. Jennings, $1.87 per linonl foot; It. C. Mlthchell, $37,032.60; A. H. Coon & Son, Kingston, Pa., J1.6S per lineal foot; Fox & Ruddy, $1.85 per lineal foot; Flannughan & O'Horo, $1.60 per lineal foot; Howloy Bros. Co., $1.97 per lineal foot; J. B. Fish, $33,423.65; Joseph Stewart & Co.. $1.83 per lineal foot; P. J. Cleary. $1.74 per llneul foot; Fred Hendler, $1.64 per lineal foot; Vincent O'Hara, $35,349.30; Dunn Brothers, $2.03 per lineal foot; Fahey Brothers, $l.8S per lineal foot. Mr. Roche's motion was carrled.whlch ordered the bids to bo referred to the proper committee, with Instructions to award the contract to the lowest re sponsible bidder, and Include In Its re port a resolution ordering the ordinance printed. The following appointments submit ted by the mayor were confirmed: M. J. May, ns permanent man of the Eagle Hose company; John Mack, os perma nent man of the Neptunes, and James Hopkins, . as permanent man at the Cumberland Hose house. Victor Lauer wanted to refer the nominations to committee but It was not done. I Pavement for Penn Avenno. The first ordinance to pass two read ings was one to provide for the paving of Penn avenue, between Lncknwanna avenuo and Spruce street, with tho pro vision that the city pay half the assess ment. Mr. Finn objected vigorously, but his opposition to the ordinance was not effective. Ordinances providing for grading ana constructing the ap proaches to the Spruce street and Roar ing Brook bridges were introduced by Mr. RochOy Resolutions passed were: Directing the city engineer to make the assess ment for paving Clny avenuo from the termination of the asphalt pavement at Oliver street, to the south side of Pine street; authorizing the chief en gineer to erect a fire hydrant at Lu zerne and Twenty-second streets; au thorizing the city engineer to make a plan or profile of grade of Twenty-sec ond street, from Luzerne northerly six hundred feet. XQUTII ENDNOTES Mrs. A. S. Johnson, of East Market street, Is suffering from an attack of the grip. The third annual ball Of the Columbia Literary and Athletlo club will be held fn Company H armory on May 8. Miss Ida Wtntermute, of Tunkhan- nock. who has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. N, Melxsell, of Albright avenue, has returned home. The young son of Nicholas Caspar, of Capouse avenue, who wandered away from home Wednesday morning, was restored to them yesterday afternoon. The Welsh Baptist church was well filled yesterday afternoon, when tho fu neral services of Mrs. Henry Protheroe were held. They were ' conducted by Rav. W. F. Davis, assisted by Rev. W. O. Watklns. Th pall-bearers were L. N. Roberts, Charles Thomas, Jahn J. Owens, Evan H. Crlmtha. Inter ment waB made In tho WaBhburn Street cemetery. A meeting will be held In Fenner and Chappcll's hall next Saturday night for the purpose of organizing a lodge here of the Junior Order of United Ameri can Mechanics. Residents of Leggetts street sought to amuse themselves yesterday after noon with a cocking main. A discus sion arose during the progress of it in which It whs claimed that Charles Robinson hit John Connolly's young son. Mr. and Mrs. Connolly went to Alderman Roberts' office to owear out a warrant for his arrest and whllo there Robinson came In for the purpose of having a warrant Issued for Connolly's arrest. They, however, set-, tied the matter and went out together. John Doyle, of Mary street, died Wednesday night of dropsy, from which he had been suffering for over two months. He was well known here, having been a resident for over forty years and for many years employed at the Leggett's Creek shoft. He Is survived by a daughter, who resides in Owego, N. Y"., and fuur sons, Martin, Peter and Stephen of this place, and David, of Livingston, New Mexico. The funeral will be held Suturday afternuon with services In the Holy Rosary church at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. Michael Burke, of Hudson street, died very suddenly at his home about 10 o'clock Wednesday night from apo plexy. He was In robust health, hav ing worked during the day at his Job as compuny hund at the Leggct's Creek shaft. He has been a resident of this place for over thirty years und Is sur vived by a wife and four children. The coroner was notified and held an in quest at the residence last night about 7 o'clock. He selected the following Jury, who returned the verdict of apo plexy after hearing the testimony of the members of the family who were present at the time of his death. Tho Jury consisted of Anthony P. 0'Donn.ell, John B. Phelan, John O'Hara, Thomas Welsh, John Welsh, and John Conway. The funeral will be held Saturday morning, high mass of requiem being said In the Holy Rosary church at 10 o'clock. Interment being made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. FOR ALL DIM OH MB 111 $100 Given for any Case or In complicated Catarrh We Cannot Cure. DR.W.H. HACKER Has associated with himself ft CATARRHAL SPKC1AL18T from WASHINGTON, D. C, who strict lr fellows out the method of tba celebrated "ENGLISH SPECIALIST," Sill MORRELL McKKNZIE. in the treatment of CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA nd all1 THROAT and LUNG trouble; also ALL DiV FECTS of UEAHINO, arising from catarrh. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite New Hotel Jermyn, Scranton, Pa OFFICE HOURS-8 TO 8. HORSE - SHOEING REMO.VED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing uud Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. . RESTORES VITALITY v. Made a ft ' awell Mar uthiar.Wy 0f Me. THE GREAT 80th Day. produces the nliore results In 30 days. It a.-ti powfrlnlljroou quickly. Cure when ell othors fell Voting men will reaalu their lost nuuliood.aiidoli men will rerovor their youtbful vigor by uein: KKVIVO. It quiukiy and surely restores Norvout nest, Lout Vitality, Impoteiicy, Nightly Liulwionx Lost Power. Fall ln Mi-mory, Wantine DUruca. an all effects ot aolf-abuno or eii-nra aud Indiscretion which unllti one for study, bnslaew or ruarriuo. I' not only curaa by "farting at the scat ot disease, but la agreat nrrv tonlo and blootl bnilder, brim Iff back tlio pink glow to pale chottka aud re storing the fire of youth. It wards off rnssnlt) and Consumption, lniltt on baying RltVlVO, o alitor. It can be earriod In vent Docket. By incJl 41. OO per package, or tlx fortO.OO, withe lioji live written guarantee to cure or rerum tho money. Circular (res. Addrei 'OVAL MEDICINE CO., C3 Rlvor 81., CHICH00, IU I'M sale by Matlhaws Iros Draggle Scruuton . I'm, 'oung and mldme. ett ana women, The .wrnlt-ffectsnr Vol TlfVlTT. KMniwuiirwmnii. !-,timiui, urouucing WesK- fifes, Nerrous nobility, Mghlly EaiiMlous,Consuinpt(nn. nmnlty, Esliaustltig draliwand loss of cower of toe Oca eratl e organs tinflulng otiefnruttKly, butnemai,d mar- gKrolsquIcklycurt-ilbyDr. lied rlrm-iHMielli Nerve ralaa. Tbcy not only cure by HtarTlw at the east o? dls ouw. but am a rrcat NKRVH lUNIO fed BLOOD ill il.uril, bringing baok tlio pink atlpw to pete therke and restoring tli KinB r rOtlTH to "tie paUeus, lit mill, l.lo per box or for with writ ten ftuarantoe tu cure er refund the money. Book bee.lipaateb I erro Urete Dtvi 8J1BS, 7ew Teres For sale, by JOHN II. PHELPS, Drug gist, Wyoming ave. and Spruce street. Frencli Injection Compound Corf :nsli:fif. quickly, (tot wrroly etiftfka.) Ouarantmd or money rofundl. Aold dungcroua remediifii. i'rii-scoconlsiwr bottle, all; llottlee (nil! uure toveriiat f,ase) aont pretisld, aecure front observation, with on.y udouUikiUly laaUo ayrluge. lonuy wloreratur fj.oc. ?Jk. 7 lit bay. 7W l VU jX MU. 6i'tlraaUed dare for VJ'vi J 7V Uotn ot WELSBACH LIGHT Specially Adapted Iw Reading and Sewio& JO A Pro lie IT Economlcol. Consumes three (3) feot of gag per hour and gives an efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Saving at least 33 J per cent, over the ordinary Tip Burners. N Cull and See It. THOiELLCO U 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, rianufacturers' Agents. WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY I SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH t BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDLSEs MUSIC, ETC. DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lo terno county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. H8 WYOMING AVE., Seranton, P Third National Bank Building. A or hoiks : TH08. FORD, Vitteton, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH ft BON, Plymouth. Pas E. W. MULLIUAN, WUkos Larro, Pa. Agents for the Repaono Chemical Com pany's High Explosive. CALL UP 3632. CO. OILS,, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Mi TO isi MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'B'r. Ill's M LAGER BREWERY. Uannfscturers of the Colebrated PILSENER LAGER SEER CAPACITY : Barrels per Annum ill. Linn Allen &,Co. t STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exohansro and Chlcaso Board of Trade, either for cosh or 09 margin. 413 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A 8PECIALTT. 6. doB. DIMHICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 5.001 ROOF TIMING AND SOLDERING All done away with by th use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, Which constats of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofa. also to brick dwellusra. which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack- i inn or DreaKina- or. tne urica. it win out laat tinning; of any kind by many years, and It's coat does-not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contracts taken by an.unw uAttTMAMM, mi surea at. H. A.KULBERFS 1 Ml SII POWDER GAR 151 (I 0 ft BY THE BOX AT LESS THAN THE COST TO MANUFACTURE We give below what the Cigars are actually worth and also what we will sell them for during the next week or ten days. There is no humbug about this sale. We would be glad to have the purchaser take them to any reliable manufacturer and have him ex amine the stock and the class of work and see if he would want to match them at the price at which we are selling them. The cheapest Cigars in the lot are good, sound goods, well made and good smokers. There is not a brand in the lot that is made from low grade Tobacco, and most of them are either clear Ha vana or seed and Havana filler and Sumatra wrap per. But a trjal will soon tell any smoker what the goods are: Nonpariel , Brilliantes Steamship Sporting Times Senators Edna (100) Invincible On the Sly Red WasD El Modcna (100) Conductors Black Rabbit Cozy Blue Label Brotherhood , Puck Tuxedo Our Champion Chicky Chick.' Bon Fume Minne Sota Gold Coin National Sweepers No. 1 Amber (100) La Verona Duke of Warsaw Little Perfectos (100) Comrades Aksido No. 3 Havana Blossoms. . . . La Cordova La Espanola Brevilo La Verona La Fiel (100) La Teta S. B. W We Are In It Aksido, No. 2 Aksido No. 4 National Punch Gem of Columbia , La Delta (100) Direct Wire (100) La Cordena (100) Manuel Garcia Aksido No. 1 Lord Delaware Opera (100) Manuel Garcia (K. V.) Lord Delaware Con. Esp Number 24 , Lord Delaware Reg. Per Silence Grand Orient , La Belle Cubana (K. W.) La Belle Nueva (Imp.) Lord Delaware Rothschild (25) Shiller (K. W.) ; La Belle Rosa (K. W.) El Condilla (i!5) La Vulta (Imp.) Manuel Garcia (Imp.) , La Fidclio (Imp.) Rey Del Rey (2.") (Imp.) Flor De Chesterfield (Imp.) , Any Cigars not giving the best of satisfaction, or not fully up to representations, will be taken back and money refunded. THE SCRANTON GASH STORE F. P. PRICE, AGENT. OM AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rivw ets, Horse Nails, Pjles, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts', Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1I EIDER SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA-Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. OcateraJ Office: SCRAKTONePA. . n D Actual Worth. Our Pres ent Price. 90 : f 50 1 00 53 1 00 60 1 10 70 1 10 : 70 2 25 i 1 50 1 50 90 1 23 73 1 75 1 15 3 00 2 15 1 75 - 1 25 1 73 1 25 1 75 : 1 25 1 50 1 00 1 90 1 40 1 75 . 1 25 1 90 1 40 1 90 1 40 1 90 1 40 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 4 00 3 00 2 25 1 75 2 23 1 75 4 25 3 23 2 23 1 75 2 23 1 75 2 25 1 75 2 25 1 73 2 25 1 75 2 25 1 75 2 25 1 75 4 25 2 00 2 25 : 1 75 2 23 1 75 2 23 1 73 3 00 1 90 3 00 1 90 3 00 2 10 2 23 1 75 G 00 3 90 4 50 ' 3 50 4 75 3 75 2 73 2 23 4 00 3 50 C 50 ; 5 75 4 50 ! 3 50 3 75 3 25 3 00 j 2 00 4 23 3 75 3 50 2 25 3 75 2 50 4 50 ' 3 50 4 50 ' 3 50 2 50 2 15 4 50 3 25 4 50 ! ' 3 73 2 25 ! j 1 75 R 50 ' 4 93 5 50 1 4 90 5 50 ; ' 4 73 3 00 12 75 6 00 ; ' 5 23 H