8 THE SCRAHTON- TRIBUXE--:THUESDAT MOHNING. APRIL 4. 1895. PROOFS of our price leadership will be seen throughout the season In our store. Points Interesting to money savers are hard to miss, wnue passing tli rough our alslea-they are every where. Never before have such "up-to-date" thoroughly desirable goods been shown in such quanti ties and varieties at the very be ginning of the season, WASHABLE DRESS FABRICS. Ginghams, Prints, in fast eolors; ' Scotch and French Organdies and Swisses, French and Americuu Sateens. French. Scotch and American Gi miliums. Percales, Chullies. Gulluteas. Ducks. Mud ras. I'iuuts. Assortment! that no other house can show; prices that none other dare name consistent with values TOWELS. lluck Towels, Hemstitched Tow els, Napkins laixe ud small sized Imported Damask, uicacneu irisn Damask, Linen Doilies, Fine I.inen Toweling, Hath Towels, Crash Toweliiiu. lu fact, anything in the line of linens by the yard or other wise. We should command your at tention and receive your tavors. SHIRT WAISTS. Have become one of the articles of apparel which are submitted to the k ..11! . ... . criticism 01 me must lusuuiuus lasies. The manufacturers liave designed them in mauv shades, ditierent mate rials and many colors. New kinds are appearing every day and we have ta ken advantage of the diversified mar ket and can show all the new arrivals. Prices are right. HOSIERY. The spring importations have al ready been put on sale, and we are showing besides a suitable line of relia ble black iu our separate brands. Lisle Thread, silk finish, iu beau tiful shades ot tan and russet colors. The best of dye, double soled, double toe and high spliced heel all of them of the latest fashioned. Prices accord lug to the new tariff schedule. GLOVES. Early spring and summer importa tions, Desi oi colorings, eiuDromerea backs in black, shades of tan. made by the best foreign manufacturers. Four Buttoned Lnglish Hiking Gloves, English Reds. Tans and Browns. To be in style and well gloved, you tliould buy rromourglove department. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. Cambric Embroideries, Nainsook Embroideries, with loop edges and torchon edges. Myriads of patterns, all overembroldery.full width llouiices. The saving of oue-hulf to you and still a prolit to ourselves is what we have to say in regard to our large stock of Embroideries. We are also showing a large line of White Dotted Swiss, Mill idtn Victoria Lawn, Plaid Nainsook, In dia Lawns, English Long Cloth, and a spleudid quality of Corset Cov ers, Skirts, Drawers and Chemises GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR. .-. REEVES, 41 2 Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, and DlHeajet of the Heart, Lungs. Kid neys, Liver, Womb. Stomach, Bladder, Head, FIU and Epilepsy. He with hi aasistantH treat all diseases of the Eye, None, Ear and Throat, Dys pepsia, RheunWtlam, Lost Vitality, Nerv ous Lmbllity, Female Weakness and Irreg ularities, Nightly Losses and Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood. Varicocele, Blood Poisoning-, Eczema, Brrofula, St. Vitus I lance. Diabetes, Bright' Disease, Asthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. TUREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaijed disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. GKFIOK HOITRS Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, 'and our prices lower than any other bouse In the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES : V r 1 v, of e?er description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. 5cott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE . .WYOMING. Charles Hoffman has moved his fam ily Into . their new house on the corner of Fourth and Sunquehanna avenue. When your organ or piano needs re pairing, call on C. T. Wheelock.i ... lLtj. and . Mrs.' James . Fowler and daughter , were visiting at Wllkes Barre. . W. a. Shelly has moved on his broth er's farm, near Mill City. , HEWS OF JHIS VICINITY STKOUDSDUHU. . An excessively large audience was present at the Baptist church on Sun day evening, filled that edifice full to suffocation. The attraction was the immersion of five converts, Miss Clara Drake, of East Strnuds burp, entertained a few of her many friends on Friday evening lust. The following were present: Misses Mabel Howe, Dlanche Howe, Clara Drake, Jennette Howe and Messrs. John , an Gordon, Charles Mutchler, Charles King and Frank Kckert. A birthday party was given Mrs. M. W. Urown at her residence In East Stroudsburg on Saturday evening lust. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuster, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stilvely, Mr. and Mrs. L. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Van Gorden and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Hannas and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Mosteller, Jim. Moses Tranxue and daughter, Mrs. Daniel Miller, Mrs. Frank Merring and son, Mrs. Cliurles Kutzler, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Mary Ulsbelng, Wesley Mosteller und daughter, und Missus IJertha Kutzler and Ella Smith. Miss Florence ltussell, of New York, Is visiting friends In Strouduburg, Mrs. E. V. Savacool, of East Strouds burg, is recovering from un attack of grip. Thomas Hay, of Uergun Point, N. J., Is visiting friends in East Struuusbuig. The Delaware Valley Electric loud will be sold at auction at the court house on Monduy, April 22. at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon. The sule Includes road bed, tools, powder rails and spikes, ties, poles, shuntles and all the fran chise, right of way and real estate of the above company. Miss Nettle Merwlne, of this place, has accepted a position in a large mil linery store at Bangor ' Miss Belle Mutchler, of Kaston. Is vis iting her uncle. Druggist II. M. Mutch ler, of East Stroudsburg. Harry Doane. of Uuonton, Xt J., visit ed frlumks In both boroughs on Tues day. The partnership of the firm known as Davis & Hagerty, the Jewelers of East Ktrondsburg. has been dissolved, D. W. Davis eontimring the business. Mrs. A.. U. Wyckoff returned on Mon day from a visit to Paterson. Mrs. Crowley, of Main street, has pur Chased the Townsend cottage on Acad emy Hill and moved In same on Mon day Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cronk and daughter, Bessie, are visiting Mrs. llugene Bowlby. ' Ilobert Hapgood, secretary of the Baltimore Young Men's Christian asso elation, spent a few days In town last week vlsllinrf his cousin, Airs. Bible, at the Normal. Charles Houcke, of the Normal, has been cbosn delegate to tho state con vention of the Cjllege i'oung Men's Christian association, to convene at Lewtsburg, April K James Hance, clerk In Bushe's phar macy. East Stroudsburg, will sever his connections with that plate shortly. Frank Southard, the well known base ball pitcher, left this plac on Mon day for Toronto, Can., where he has signed with, a club of that place for the season. Mrs. John Dreher, of Tobyhanna, Is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Chvles Troch, of this borough. Miss Grace Bonner, of the Normal, has been called to her home at Tunk- hannock owing to the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. William La Bar, of Norm;; Hill, is confined to her home with a serious Illness. Mrs. William Taylorand mother, Mrs. Miller, of least Stroudsburg, are sick with the grip. Miss Blanche Howe, a student at the Normal, is seriously 111 at her home In East Stroudsburg. Mayor H W. Klstler was In Mllford on Monday on business. Mrs. Rona SIngmaster has presented the . trustees of the First Presbyterian church of the place with $1,500 towards paying for the new parsonage. The old parsonage sold for $1,500, which leaves $150 balance In the treasurer's hands clear of all expense. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Henry, of Henryvllle, visited relatives In town over Sunday. John Jones, of Bangor, was In town on Saturday last visiting J. L. Thomas. William Brown, of this place, has been enrolled as a student at the Nor mal. Mrs. Harry Dreher, of East Strouds burg. and Mrs. Daniel Dreher, of this borough, attended the funeral of Miss Emma Williams at Slateford on Satur day last. The deceased was a cousin of Mrs. Harry Dreher. The Interment was made at Portland. The misery of year ha been cured In a Ingle night by the use of Doan's Oint ment, a positive, never-falling remedy for Itching Piles and all similar disease. Your dealer keeps It, or can get it fur you. HALLSTEA1). Mrs. R N. Ives, of Btnghamton, Is visiting her son, Ward Ives, In this place. The Presbyterian Sunday school on Sunday elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Superintendent, C. K. Swartz; assistant superintendent. Rev. L. W. Church; organist, Mrs. Ueare; assistant organist, Miss Mattle Millard; secretary, H. E. Robinson; treasurer, .Miss Lillian Church: librar ian, Warren Van Loan; assistant li brarians, Fred Church and Fred Outer hout. Hon. James T. DuBols, of Washing ton, D. C, Is visiting friends and rela tives In this lace., Phllo McDonald is moving Into living apartments In the Major building on Franklin street. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church of this place will hold a social this evening at the home of George Hat field, on Pine street. Mrs W. W. Adair, who has been vis iting friends and relatives at Buffalo, has returned home. Services appropriate for Easter will be observed In the Presbyterian church on Sunday, April 14. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. ' Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bean used for over llfty year by millions of mothers for their children while teething. Ith perfect success, it ootnc the child. softens the gums, allay all pain; cures wind colic, and I the best remody for diarrhea. Bold by druggist In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mr, Wlnslow Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. NICHOLSON. . Dr. C. D. Newton, of Montrose, was a caller In town Monday last, The death, of E. E. Howe, better known In our town as "Uncle Ed," ocr curred Monday noon. He has been an esteemed citizen of our town for many years. He was In Ills ninetieth year, being the oldest male citizen In this borough. Interment . Thursday et Brooklyn. Mrs. Q. S. Hlnkley has returned from Scranton, where she has been at tending her sick daughter, .Mrs. Bert Smith. Mrs. H. N". Kelly visited her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Rogers, of Scranton, Mon day last. A. L. Titus .to visiting In Montrose. K. D. Newton and family left Tues day afternoon for Hawley, their fu ture home.' OLD F0K0E. Lyman Hofflcker, of Dalton, spent Sunduy at the home of Mrs. Harriet Knapp. . Miss Carrie Evans has returned home after spending the winter In Iterwlck. Mrs. Leslie Race and daughter, of Clurksburg. W. Vu.. are visiting at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Mrs. Ira Porter has left for Liberty, N. Y., liuving been called there by the deuth of her niece. Miss Kate Clark Is confined to her home by the grip and bronchitis. liunsim Van Cump Is breaking ground preparatory to building a house oil Muln street. James Burret returned home on Mon day, ufter (-pending a few days In Wyo ming. Rev. O. V. Ward occupied the pulpit at the Brick church on Sunday eve ning, Mr. Tennant being ubsent on ac count of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooper were vis itors to West l'lttston on Sunday. George Fletcher bus moved into Wll llam Davenport's house, and William Tasker will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Fletcher. William Rum ford was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Thornton, on Sun day. Three houses were destroyed by fire on Monduy morning In Babylon. Onu was vacant and the others were oc cupled by Daniel Cotton and Miles Glb- bons. The origin of the fire Is un known. It started In the vucaut house. The foundation for the Wllllum A breaker is now ready for the carpenters. Mrs. Albert Llpan, of Sturmervllle, Is sick at the home of her mother, Mrs. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stewart and Mrs. S. K. Drake called on friends In Pitts ton Tuesday. Thomas Pickerel Is preparing the foundation for a new dwelling. olyHunt. Mrs. Samuel Pugh died at her home on the West Side yesterday morning after a painful Illness of over two months' duration. Deceased came to this place from Plttston about four years ago, and has since resided here. She was 68 years of age. Beside a hus band, a son and daughter. Dr. A. L. Pugh, of Scranton and Mrs. G. W. Dunn, of Peckvllle, survive her. The funeral will take place Friday after noon. The remains will be conveyed on the41.02 Delaware and Hudson train to Plttston, where Interment will be made. A carnival of nations will be held In Mahon's hall for three nights next week. It will be conducted by the Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian church. They will be assisted by local talent, and a good programme Is as sured. Miss Lucy Farrel returned last eve ning from a three weeks' visit In New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard, of Car bondale, called on relutives at this place Tuesday. "A Jolly Lot" will hold the boards at the Father Matthew Opera house next Wednesday night. Mrs. Dr. J. Price and children re turned home to Newburg, after a visit at this place. lloSttALE. The Wayne Silver company have se lected the site for their building. The place chosen Is adjoining the factory of Clark & Co., on the west or Seeleyvllle side. The building will be a frame structure and the power for running the machinery will be supplied by Clark & Co. Work on the construction of the building will be commenced at once. Edwin B. Twltmeyer,. who has been spending the past two weeks at his home here, returned to Lafayette col lege today. One of the signs that marble season Is now at hand- is the numerous street brawls between boys of minor years. An encounter that had a host of wit nesses took place on Ninth street yes terday. No blood was spilt. A. A. Brown, Sam T. Smith, Scran ton, and E. D. Weldon, Carbondale, registered at the Allen hosue yester day. Joseph Crandull, who returned from Philadelphia a few days ago. Is now employed by Wooden & Blukncy, as bookkeeper. William Pell, who recently resigned his position In Carboudale, has re turned home. Lewis Holies, having .finished his course of study at the New York Plumbing Trade school, has returned to Honesdale and will enter the employ of Hlller & Holies, The northern part of the Williams building, which Is being lilted up for Druggist Relchenbaker, will Boon be ready for his occupancy. ,-. "For three years I suffered from Salt Rheum. It covered my hands to such an extent that I could not Wash them. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." Ltuble Young, Popes Mills, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. THUOOP. The funeral of Mrs. Charles Fnhrlng er took place on Monday lust. The re mains were Interred at Sterling, her residence before her marriage. A house occupied by August Flail was dlcoyered to be on fire on Monday. His wife being out the children took some clothes and soaked them with oil and then set them on fire. The tire was extinguished before the arrival of the hose boys. Messrs. Peter Parry and t,. Lulyhen Evans, of Itlehmondale, returned home N.f CURES 1 Cnntlnntln. r CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. l.f ... lilUfiUM .IzTTSl.t ran 1 writ that yen may know tne good I have received from B. B. a I was all out of health rnd suffering; with con si Ipstion and biliousness. I tried othur medicines, but thoy falieil in do any good. At last I bought a bottle of B. B. B.. snd twfui I ha) used it all I wtut to wnrs n well as ever. Go Nrt.soi. Btx M.Irvlutou, Warren Co.P Acts On the Bowels. on Monday last, after a. few days' visit with friends here. Miss Mamie Bingham entertained a large number of young friends at her home last evening. DUNMOKK. Thomas Durghlmer Is very 111 at his resience on Chestnut street. Coroner Kelley did not hold any In quest over the remains of Jeremiah Ryan, who was killed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. Un dertaker Letch worth prepared the body for burial. Yesterday relatives came here from Great Bend and claimed the remains, and they were whipped to that plnce for Interment lust evening. George W. Durshlmer, of Varden, Wayne counjy, spent yesterday culling on Dun more relatives. R. U. Phillips, of Newfoundland, Wuyne county, returned horns yester day, after spending a few days In town on business. Mr. Phillips conducts a creamery at thut place and was here looking up the butter market, it being his Ih'Ht trip of the-season. Mr. Phillips always llnds a ready market for his goods In Dunmore and Scranton. The Dominican fathers are doing a great work at St. Mary's church. This meetings are for men only. They are excellent speakers. All men should muke un eflort to attend. The church is crowded to Its utmost capacity' every evening.- - , . .. The Kpworth league will hold their regular monthly business. and literary meeting Tuesday evening. , ' Miss Belle Connor, of Avoca, who has been visiting Miss Lizzie Clifford, of Butler street.'hus returned home. Miss Bessie Manly, who Is attending school ut Lancaster, wus culled home yesterday morning on account of the serious illness of her sister, Miss Mary. William King and family, who have been residing with Rev. J. W. Williams the past year, have removed to their new dwelling house on Dudley street. Jacob Smith and family, who have been residing on Cherry street, have removed to their elegant new home In Petersburg. Mrs. John Marshall was taken with a paralytic stroke last Saturday, and Is now in a serious condition. Mr. Buckendorf and family, of Petersburg, have removed to the Packer dwelling on Butler street. Mrs. John May Is seriously Indis posed at her home on Butler street. MINOOKA. . The O'Oonnell council, Young Men's institute, held a debate Tuesday evening ut their rooms on Willow street, the subject was: "Resolved, That Capital Punishment Is a Benefit to the State of Pennsylvania." , Mrs. John Ratchford, ot Hyde Park, visited Mlnnoka friends yesterday. O. M. Hobbs' new residence In Green wood, Is ready for occupancy. The May Flower Base Ball club will hold a grand ball In the near future. It looks as If the supervisors has not received their time books yet. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hears by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of it exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa, A $400 Puzzle CUT THIS PICTURE OUT It contain the face) of a father and tbrxe daughters; you see tb father, where are the daughters? If your eye are bright anouau to find all three you are entitled to a reward. jine pro prlnturs of the National Seed Store will Hive FHKE seven beau tiful pictures (Gems for decora ting a home) as a reward to any one wbo can make out the three daugh ter' faces. These pictures were superbly ex ecuted in colors by a firm of art publishers who wereobllned to liq uidate their busi liens, their produc tions betas too ex pensive for these hard time. The entire stock was put ohased by us and what origin ally cost thousands of dollars will now be given away 1o attract attention t, our NATIONAI.COI.1.CCTION or t'lOWKR SEIDS, for thoseasonof I KM. Th published oriceof these fdetures wns$l, but we will send them (a se ected series of seven) as a reward to every person finding and marking the three dauuli ors' fanes with nu X and enclosing same with sixteen 2-cent stamps for NationalCoLLKU tiok No. 1. comainlnir anlmmense variety of the vbodest and mcnt beautiful flower s-eds. If vou uurcusse vour seeds from us one sea son we will always have your order. We guarantee perre't satisfaction nr money ro lunded. $400 In CASH PREMIUMS.-The porson sending as above whose envelope bears the earliest postmark will be given a S300 I prlght piano; to t e Second $25 In cash; to tlilrJ SiO: to fourth SIS: to fifth l O; and to the next seven wib b given $5 in gold, if able to And the three faces you she Id answer promptly; and enrdoa at oiki Wltn io xci. scanips auu yon win receive ini valuable lot of pictures and by return maK. Address NATIONAL SKFiO BIHEAl, W...M. 1 , IT P n Un HIM Bav yon Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Acbes, OU Son, Ulcers In Moslb. Halr Kalline? Write Cook Krmrdr Co., BOt Mm sonlcTeiople,Cli leoo,l II, for proofs of ouree. CaiBltatl WMM, Patients en red alae yeatre jMochiymmmpnjOnor Good News Send This Around. It Tel U of Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING The kind that stands the racket and always looks well, , 60 Children's Suits, sixes 4 and 6, to clear them out 50c About 100 Boys' Superior Tailored Suits, Lluetl Punts, Smart Jackets and a grand quality, to close $1.4U We've a little lot or extra quality Suits for boys' dress wear that were made up apeclitlly to the order of lienry Qoodoiau, The sizes are 5 to 14 years.and the price was t'H.50. Take them now at $1.99 Shirt Bargiuiia Still Continue and Remember Thut All Our Piece Goods Are Being Closed Out at Practically What We can Get for Them. BANKRUPT 616 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. s . .. 1 r Nervous ' Peopl should realUe that tha only true and permanent core (or their condition la to be found In having Pure Blood Because the health of every organ and " tissue of the body depends npon the purity of the blood. The whole world knows the standard blood purifier Is D-Qftod's Sarsaparilla And therefore It is the onlytrueand reliable medicine for nervous people. It makes the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet natural sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, crfcct digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema or Salt Bheum, and all other blood diseases. Hood's Pills S,S.blk',"ef THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ava,, Scranton. IF YOU DO not know where to buy your Spring Suit, drop in. at our store, 230 Lackawanna avenue. and we will show you what we are DOING in the line of Spring clothes. Just think of an outfit like the fol lowing : Suit. $10.00, worth $15.00 Hat, 1.7,, Shirt, 1.00, Collar, 10, Cuffs, 20, it 3.00 1.25 u IS 30 Tie, 40, 75 $13.45, $20.45 Making a saving of $7. When you are buying you will be sur prised to see how much money jxu have left. DONE THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL STILL IN EXISTENCE. Tha World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea Every bos fturranted to five satisfaction or money refunded. Full printed directions from a child to a grown parson. It is pural y vegetable and eanuot positively harm tbe most tender Infant. Insist 00 having Ur, Camp. bull's; aecept no ether. At all Druggist, Itfo, WONDERFUL. BOUTH B'-RAHTOS, Pa, Nov.10.18M. Mr. C. W. Campbell-Dear Sir: I have Elves my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, some of r. Campbell's Magic Worm Sugsr and Tea, and to my surprise this afternoon about I o'clock he passed a tapeworm measuring about K feet in lcna-th. head and all. 1 have : It In a bottle and any person wishing to see it can do so by eslliug at my store. I had tried numerou other remedies recommended for taking tapsworms, but all failed. In my estimation Dr, OwnpbeU'a i the greatest worm remedy In existence. , Your t.tv reanectfully, FRED HEFFNER, 78! Beech St Not The above is what everybody Bays after onoe thing. Maunfactured by O. W. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Bucoessor to Dr. I Johu Campbell ft Boa. Travels Fast. Mousy to Be Saved and Bargains Having : BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Goodman made up most of these in his own factory on the South Side. - There's more of them here than any ' two stores should have; so here goes for a slaughter that you can not appreciate till you see the good. Prices begin at 12o. now, and from that rise by easy grades to 89c., when . you. reach a waist better than which it will be dllilcult to buy at any pi Ice. - t STOCK SALE, III 1 AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE., OPENING DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, 5th AND 6th. GRAND Ladies', Misses' and NE III, Ml KERR, SIMMER 1 SI, fP IT I I ml f ; 1 1 in JAPAN A MATTES. 500 Rolls this season's importations. Prices start at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 2 cents and 5 cents over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. I "FOR THE BABY!" A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong and dependable. 'All the shapes and conceits in trim mings, in prices ranging $5.5o to $35.00. The buyer 1 . - rn Its will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person or by mail. .' That "i8o5 Sorinsr Outfit" is a seller. Have you seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished com plete. ; ' ' v'V.:V .- ECONOMY FURNITURE GO SCR ATM TOM'S HOME PROVIDERS. ' 225 AND 227 WYOMING1 AVENUE. II FAIR. SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF , IIS, Children's Jackets, Etc I EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches provsnted snd cured by hartal four syes solntinoaily szamtosd and fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satisfactlot guaranteed la erery case. 305 Sprue Stroefa mav rnnrplva tha charw and colorings,and we'll be sure to have it. It would be difficult to find a larger variety than we are now showing. The $5, $6 and $8 kinds are very popular, and the $10 article will make you wonder why any one wants to spend more for a Baby Carriage. If inclined to spend more there's nothing to stop you. - '.''V I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers