fTIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TOURSDAY. MORNING, APRIL 4, 1895. T EQUALLED BY FEW AND 1 EXCELLED BY NONE FRESH hiy in IN 1 POUND PRINTS. .Try it aud you will use no other. - 24c PER POUND. LUCE BROS. ON OTHER S1DEJF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the 'est Side of the City Noted. REHEARSAL OP THE NEW CHOIR It Was Held Lait Jilght in Mears' Hall. Patriot leeu)'i Desperate Assault ; Upon an Officer Cases Heard by the Aldermen Personal Notes. The newly-organbsexl oholr under the leadership of Professor John T. Wat klna held a, very suoceasful rehearsal last evening In Mears' hall. The choir, which bow oontalns 175 voices. Is com posed of the best talent in the valley. The rehearsal lust evening was on the compositions "Gloria" and Ulossoms Born of Teeming- Springtime." TheBe pieces were sung through several times and all present gave a most favorable criticism. 'During the evening Thomas D. Da vles and James A. Evans gave short addresses, in which they expressed themselves much satisfied with the re hearsal and pledged their most hearty co-operation with the new venture. Mr. AVatklns wishes to state that a rehearsal of the basa and tenor singers will be held next Sunday morning at 10,30 o'clock In Mears' hall, and the soprano and alto singers will meet the same day at 3.30. Assaulted an Officer. Henry Burschal, constable of the Fifth ward, is slowly recovering from a severe blow whioh he received at the hands of Patrick Feeney, of Tenth street, on whom he went to serve a writ Tuesday. When the conirtable put in an appearance Feeney hit him in the face and this sent the officer of the law down a flight of stairs. Mrs. Kline, who resides nearby, assisted the aged officer to his feet and he was taken home, where a physician was sum moned. His assailant was arrested by Constable Timothy Jones, of the Fifth ward, and was taken before Alderman Blair, where he was held in, $500 ball to appear at court. - Arrested for Threats. William Emmell was arrested yes terday by Constable Timothy Jones on a warrant Issued by Charles Mc 3iulty, of Filmore avenue, on a charge of making threat against the McNulty family. Some time ago, Emmell's dog was poisoned and he accused one of the McNulty family of this act. Since then there has been iwar between the families. - Alderman Blair held Emmell irt- 1500 ball to appear at court. The ball was furnished. Probed a Dea's F.ye. David Williams, of South Hyde Park avenue, was arrested , yesterday on complaint of Brooks Bass, of Jackson street, who charged the defendant with probing out the eye of a dog. The case was heard last evening before Alder man Johns. The dog in question snapped at Williams some time ago and the latter has since been hankering for the canine's life. Williams and the dog met on the avenue a day or two ago and Williams made a Vicious lunge at the animal's face with his umbrella and succeeded In gouging Out one of its eyes. Williams was directed to pay a fine of 10 and costs. Frank-Orf Nupllnls. Miss Annie Frank .of North Hyde Park avenue, recently employed as bookkeeper for Carson & Davis, and Christopher Orf, of Buffalo, were quiet ly married at the bride's home on Tues day evening by Rev. F. A. Paupe, pas tor of the Oernri.T Presbyterian church. After the ceremony a supper was served, and the young couple received the congratulations of their friends. They left .on the 12.10 Delaware, Lack awanna and Western train for the groom's home In Buffalo, where they FREEDOM FROn FRECKLES, and from all such disfig urements and ! Wemishes.fol . lows the use of the Carls bad Sprudel Salt It clears and freshens the skin won derfully takes away that dull and mottled look that comes from stomach derangements. Even in chronic and stubborn cases of skin disorders, such as eczema,' It is the prescribed remedy. The blood, the liver, the stomach, the kidneys all arc acted upon pow erfully, but naturally, by the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt You get the same bene fit the same cure, the same feeling of lightness and clearness all through your system, as if you were at Carls tad itself.' . -:':v. .I,'.,.-, . Insist upon the genuine imported, natural Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from the Sprudel Spring at Carlsbad, and bears the seal of the city and. -the signature of "Eisner 4 Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, 'New York," 'on every bottle. will reside in the future." The bride is a well known and estimable young lady. Uricf Motes of laterost." Mrs. Henry Greenwood, of Garfield avenue, Is seriously ill. The funeral of the late John A. James will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment in Washburn street cemetery. Miss Maggie Jenkins, of Hampton street, has gone to New York, where she will enter the Salvation army train ing school. Jenkln Morgan, of Morris court, was arrested last evening for abusing his wife. He was placed fn the Went Side station house and will have a hearing today. This evening, In the Simpson Metho. (list Episcopal church, an unique enter talnment will be given by the children In St. David's kindergarten school. The admission fee Is ten cents. The members of the Simpson Metho. dint Episcopal church will petition the conference at Carbondale next week to allow their pastor, Rev, L. C. Floyd, to remain. Mr. Floyd has been pastor for four years. John Davies, of Pleasant street, was arrested last evening on complaint of his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Davlcs, who said that he made threats and abutted her. He was placed In the West Side stution houHo by Officer Markee. Miss Adele Breakstone, the accom plished elocutionist of Wyoming Bern Inury. who has participated In several entertainments In the city, will appear in the Plymouth Congregational church on April 25, at un entertainment given by clasws 22 and 23, of the Sabbath school. Local talent will assist. Sixteen thousand rolls of wall paper damaged by Are to be closed out cheap to make room for new goods. Call early for bargains. Morgan & Co., 101 North Main avenue. West Side Business Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner's j'tioto rariors, ivi ana UH south Minn avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standanrd Java Coffee Is unexcolled. The leading coffee of the day. t or gala only at F. W. Ala eon & Co. Fine Qroctsrles, US South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and sea the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1028 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, 208 North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints ana window unaues. just openea witn new stock. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 riorin Alain avenue, does nrst-ciass Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Elcctrle Siguals Plaoed on the Street Ku 11 w ay-Illness !of Thomas J. Moore. Personal and Otherwise. Electric block signals, like those al ready in operation on the other lines of the Scranton Traction company, were put in use yesterday for the first time on the South Side and Mlnooka Street railway, and they worked successfully. No. 1 light is located at Lackawanna avenue and Mattes street, and No. 2 at the switch opposite James F. Best's Roaring Brook hotel, on Cedar avenue. The other lights are placed respective ly at the switch on Pittston avenue around the corner from Birch street; the switch at No. 11 school, and at the switch on the Mlnooka hill on Cedar avenue. With this improvement the South Side and .Mlnooka line is now one of the best equipped under the com pany. Illness of Thomas J. Mooro. Although his condition la not serious. Manager Thomas J. Moore, of the Mea dow Brook and 'Mlnooka general stores is confined to his home on Adams ave nue with. an. acute attack of the grip. Mr.. Moore has not enjoyed good health of later and not long ago was stricken with a dangerous spell of Illness. There is nothing to create any alarm In Mr. Moore's condition, contrary to reports. His very many friends will be pleased to learn of his speedy return to his former vigor and usefulness. Shorter Paragraphs. Mrs. Martin Melvln, of Cedar avenue, is dangerously ill. Miss Mamie Conboy,, of Cedar ave nue, is seriously 111. . Miss Margaret Lundy,' of Orchard street, Is visiting friends In Wilkes Barre. An entertainment will be held at Cal lery'a arcade on Tuesday evening, April 23. Conductor Patrick Dolphin, of Palm street. Is very ill, and has not been on duty for a week. James Clifford, of Prospect avenue, left yesterday morning for New York city on a business trip. - A. C. Meyers, of Pittston avenue, has returned from a business trip In the southern part of the state. Rev. Father MIller'B sermon at the mission in St. -Mary's German Catholic church last night was a most eloquent one. ' Hotel-keeper John T. Gibbons, of Ce dar avenue, has moved to Taylor, where he will engage in the same busi ness. Th foundation walls of the parson age of the Hickory Street Presbyterian church are almost ready for the su perstructure. Michael MIchaley has succeeded Frank Moeller an proprietor of the hotel at the corner of Prospect avenue and Cherry street. Owing to the overcrowded condition of No. 3 school a small percentage of the attendance will be transferred to the old Presbyterian chapel, on Hick ory street. William 'McDonough, the Prospect avenue lumber dealer, has disposed of his stock and accepted the superln tendency under the lumber Arm of iMul- herin & Judge. Father Miller preached to the women of the parish of St. Mary's German Catholic church, last night and im pressed them very deeply. The chil dren's mission is conducted apart from that of the adults. Sermons to fit their minds are given each evening in St. Mary's hall at 7 o'clock. This plan la found to be fruitful of great good. The zealous missionaries have been wished many a blessing for their untiring at tention to the spiritual work of , the parish.' Plies! Piles! Itohlng Piles. , Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stlniflng; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sort. Swanye's Ointment Stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul na, stiu in moHt cases removes tlK tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for M cents.- Dr, Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. . Diamond ear studs at Turnqucst'f, 205 Washington avenue. Tallinn solid hMvai fMifltolntna wntnti only $4.23, at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka wanna avenue. Does your head feel as though some one was hammering It; as .though a million sparks were flying out of the eyes? Have you horrible sickness of the stomach? Burdock Blood Bitten wUl cure you. HEARING IH SCANLON CASE Accused Has Entered Hail to Answer Charge at Court. TESTIMONY GIVEN BY MR. DUNN lictolled the Events That Took Place in the Office of Colonel FiUsimmons. Utter Said That Ho Did Not See tbo Shots Fired. Deteotive Anthony Scanlon appeared before Alderman Fuller yesterday afttirnoon upon a charge preferred by Alex Dunn of "committing an assault and battery with Intent to kilt and lev eling a plHtol and llring two shots" at the complainant. Mr. Hcanlon was held In two ball to appear In court, his father, Anthony Uuanlon, sr., qualify ing as h!a bondsman. The.heacing attracted a large crowd to heur the evidence. Attorney J. P. Kelly appeared for Mr. Dunn, and At torney J. F, Scragg represented Mr. Scanlon. Mr. Kelly opened his case by recapitulating the events of the case and stated that the charge wan one of felonious wounding with Intent to kill. His client was at Colonel FltzHlmmons' office on business und in leaving the office made some remarks to Mr. Scan lon with regard to a disputed bill, when the latter threatened to annihilate his client, who, however, did not Imagine that Scanlon had any intention to in jure him until he picked up a piece of iron and flung it at Mr. Dunn. The missile Rtruck the door Jamb, a few inches from his client's head. When the iron missed Dunn's head, Scanlon picked up his revolver (and chased Dunn down the stairway, firing two shots at him. Mr. Dunn's Testimony. Alex. Dunn, in giving his testimony, said that when passing Scanlon he re marked: "Chappie Scanlon, have you any money today," when Scanlon re plied that he had stood enough abuse from him and added "I'll kill you." He replied "Scanlon, you're a big bluff." Scanlon, after picking up the piece of iron and throwing it at the witness, got his revolver, when witness retreated through the doorway, closing the door behind him. Scanlon, however, fol lowed him and fired two shots, which lodged in the wall, the lime and plaster striking witness in the face. Mr. Scrugg cross-examined Mr. Dunn as to the check sent by Mr. Scanlon In payment of the bill, but Mr. Kelly ob jected and his objection was upheld. Mr. Scragg then started in another di rection and questioned the witness whether he had not been cautioned by Scanlon not to call upon him again after the check was tendered, but again an objection was successfully made. The attorney then endeavored to ascer tain if Mr. Dunn had seen Mr. Scanlon on Sunday morning with regard to the account, when his question met with tha same fate. Several other questions were ruled out of order, and finally in cross examination, Dunn admitted that he was told by Scanlon not to "dun" him any more. He had written a letter In lead-pencil, but Mr. Kelly objected to the letter being read. Mr. Scragg In timated that It contained threats. He also admitted that he told Scanlon that If he put down the Iron, he (prosecutor) would receipt the disputed: bill. He thought he lost his hat on the stairs but would not swear that It was not Ifflt In the office, as he was a little nerv ous at the time. He sent a young man for the hat and told him to be careful. Did Not Sco Shooting. Colonel Fitzslmmons gave evidence that the two men were very angry and quarreling, but did not see Scanlon shooting. Captain Edwards stated that on behalf of Mr. Dunn, he made an ex amination of the stairway and saw the mark of two bullets. Mr. Scanlon then waived a futher hearing and entered ball In $800. NEWS OF THE RAILROADS. Conductor John Brink, of the Erie and Wyoming, is severely ill at his residence at Dunmore. Secreatry Mahy, of the Young Men's Christian association, . addressed the noon meeting at the machine shops to day. On an average 113 men attended each of-the "Air Brake" lectures. This breaks the record for many miles around. Owing to the arrival of the warmer weather the storm doors at the Dela ware and Hudson depot have been re moved yesterday. A high grade elevator is being erected at the Delaware and Hudson depot, which will reach the top floor. The In novation will be welcomed by the large staff who occupy the offices on the third floor. Conductor E. E. Bedell has been pro moted to a passenger run on the On tario and Western. Ho was formerly a resident or this city and is well known to the boys. The annual statement of the Lake Erie and Western railroads gives the capital stock of the company as $23, 680,000 and the funded debt 310,875,000. The accounts for the year Just closed represent a surplus of $T96,RG9. Another members' rally will be held on April 16, when the meeting will bo thrown open to all railroaders. One feature of the evening will be an Il lustrated lecture on electricity by Pro fessor Pelrce, of the Scranton School of Mines. D. T. Powell has been appointed to succeed George Macdonald as ticket seller at the Delaware and Hudson de pot. Mr. Powell was previously on night duty in the same offce, and his place Willi be filled by W. E. Becken dorf, of Pittston. N Yesterday about 120 new volumes were added to the library at the asso ciation rooms. Including the works of J. Fenlmore Cooper, Caption Charles King, A. Evans, J. -J. Holland, It. L. Stevenson, Mark Twain, J. Marlon Crawford and George Ebers. Personal attention paid to watch repair ing at Turnquest's, 205 Wash. ave. For plumbing and electric bells tele phone 2242 to W. O. Doud & Co., 609 Lacka. ave. . 1 . ! We show samples of high grade print ing in catalogues and booklets The Trib une Printing Department. . ,, The beneficent Influences of the newly cut pine are condensed and refined In Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature's own remedy for coughs and colds. , Gent's diamond sleeve buttons at Turn- quest's, 206 Washington avenue. I ' When Baby was slok, we gave her Osateifa, . When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, . When she became Hiss, the clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she (anthers Castoria, j FIRST T REATKIENT FREE FOR ALL DHS0FHE1IHI $100 Given for any Case of lu complicated Catarrh We Cannot Care. DR.W.H. HACKER Has associated with himself a CATARRHAL SPECIALIST from WASHINGTON, D. C, wuostrlutlr follows out the method of tbe celebrated "ENGLISH SPECIALIST, " Slit MORKELL McKENZIE. Id the treatment of, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA end all1 THROAT and LUNG trouble; also ALL DEr1 FECTtt of HEARING, arliiag from catarrh. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite New Hotel Jermyn, Scranton, Pa. OFFICE HOURS- TO 8. "ssrar REVIVC RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man uthvr.MX of Me. THE QRIAT 80th bar. jpzixisa-oja: xi.xiBajHixs'sr produces the above resnlts ln.30 days. It sett powerfully and (jutoklr. Cures when all others (til Youns men will regain their lost mtnhood, oo4 old men will recover their youthful visor by uslnt BE VI VO. It Qulakly and sorely restores Nerrom nets. Lost Vitality, Impotence, Nightly Emiasiont, Lost Power, Falllnf Memory, Watttna Diseases, etti all eSVcta of self-abuse or eicess sad Indiscretion which aaSttoaeforstndy.baslDeseormarrlaae. It not only oures toy ttartlst st the test et disease, but Is afreet nerve tonic and bjoadl builder, bricg leg back the plak glow to pal shacks aad re toring the Are of you til. ft wards off Jneanltj and Consumption. Insist oa hating BE VIVO, ne other. It can be carried la .eat pocket. By mail 1.00 per aaokagt, or six lor SS.OO, with posl tire written guarantee to sure or reran c! :Be money. Circular tree. Address '0YAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL r aale by Matthews Broe Draggis fieranton . Psv Thla Famona Remedy curei quickly and per tnanuutly all nervoua OlHeaaveH, aucA aa Weak Moruory, hoatt Rmln Power, Honduche, Wake Mine?", I.mmt Vitality, nightly emissions, evil dreauix. I m potency und wast Inn diacatei caused by youthful errors or excesa. CoiiUitm no onliiteH. Is a nervo tonloand blood bullrfer. Makes the pal and puny strong and plump. Raally car riot. )n vottt pocket. Si per bo; for 95. By mall prepaid with a written guarantee to cure or money refunded. Write ua for free Medical boo It amit fteuled In plain wmpper. which con tains testimonials and tlnanclal inferences. char go for conanltatlnna. Btwart of im its t(oH. Sold hTour advertised fluents, or Addmi3 NKUVK BEtD '., Masonic To tuple, Chicago. SOLD IN SCRANTON, PA., H. C. flANDKUSON WASHINGTON, COK. fiPUUCE. DKUGGISTS. DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM FreeUee, 'Insist, Liver . Mole. Blackheads, Senbura and Tea, and re atorea the akin to Its orlgt . Ireshnea. praaoauig a clear aad heolthf eonv plexlon. Bnperlortoallfaca MM.nLttniia and twrfcrtlv At 'all aiuMista, or mailed lot tocta, Circular. VIOLA AKIN SOAP b ply leensjiiable a a ana puUrM noes, mmmUs tke MM, tat wtumt IMI B the saner?. AbMlmdt nre aad liSalllly mttt eatai. At iractfiu, Prise 25 Cesta. G. C. BITTNKR 4 CO.,Tolioo, O. .For sale by Matthews Broa, and John H. Phelaa. fssenite ar ths HismssT Mtmeat, Amtesmc 1 UPUI UAI I.MflMVMIh minuLinrmixH jfrf "d. 1KWAI.TP. will rare you. A !j f 1 JM wonderful boon to tu ITeren Intluent.-t, Brenokltle. oiHATrrria. Arr immttlaUriUft. An efficient reneoy, eonTcnlent to carry la Banket, readr to pte oa Bret Indication of noli. Cantlaeed Use) Kafoets rtrninl Car. (atlifacUonnaranteedormoney refunded. Frlea, t pta. Trial free at prtunjiiu. Regi.tered mall. W ceuW. ... CtL CDjliiS, sir., tkm lirtn, Hick, 0. 8. A, OVaxMC-Avxe'a, UrMTHflL Th "' nd ''" remedy for men I flWU ail thin dltsesesjectema, Itch Lalt Itbeum.nld Ports, Hurnt, uie. tvoaderfwl rem ed.forPII.KS. Prlee, ets. at Drat- Q a as glttt or by mall prepalfl. Artrtrctt a aboTe. DrlWr . .F SLr ' by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. 1IGOIMM Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, NerTonanena, Debility, and all the train , ot evus irom early errors or I later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry. etc. Fall strength, devel opment ana tone given to )orery organ ana portion oftheboav. BlmDle.Dat ural methods. Immedi ate improvement seon. PoMmm ,,rvM.IHl. (IDn referanrAa. Bonk. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed! free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. EOYAL rll ROYAL UDIES'OrtLYIcSp! pressed and painful menstruation, and. certain PIIVIHTATIVI 'r all female trregurMritiet. bold with a Wrltttt tairaatM to Can Send a 2c stamp for particulars and "Guide for if Ladiea." Inmiit on having TM Xeyel T" C rreirroul Taileti (let Onwa Irtnd) w sw aearie VsKKrM.nOYil Its. CO. Toav ale Cart B'l'g r.U. Bet, SIUS, M For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Drug gist, 'Wyoming ave. and Sprues street FA ' kleketter,s Eagllefc Blaaesd Brand, Pennyroyal pills OrlaiHal fuid Oalr Ocatrlae, srii Uronl tMIM. natatv Mtftut dmamarmttt mthalilm iw mnd ilftiiarM. At Drttcftsxaer wa44a, U ItABD fBf MTtrCeUart, tMtllJrOnlaUf M HeJUaf Vr t4tf,n im Utttr, br rtrtara MatlT 1 A. A AS TMtlDMDiall. Nam Pammr. ff ut bar. nannies. Bend tor i 7 iasXWTO mmr- c -, Tt 3r3tlCl I a giaal aad valy ecaaiae. JwKjs rilait. la a ma iak aV t tor ChtchetHr StulUk Dt JWV frmnd Is Ked aa oM wf taitioVVT eftltd with bin A Hbbasi. Tttatta W 111 C- -al feral VELSBACII LIGHT Specially Adapted for Reading ud Sewing Jp, i Pi lie IT EconiH. Connumeg three (8) feet of gas per hour and gives aa efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Saving at least 83 J per coat, over the ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. INT k CQNNELL CO,, 434 UCKlWaNNI AVENUE. Manufacturers' Agents. H.A.HULBERTC niiaii WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY I SOU DECKER BROTHERS KRIHICH & BJtCK STULTZ a BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Man of acta rod at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lb eeroe county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. tIB WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Notional Bonk Building. Aobccies : nnna tMin . . . . n JOHN B. SMITH SON, Plymouth, Pa. t. w. HULL1UAN, Wllkea Barre, Pa. Agent for tho Repaano Chemical Uos basy's High Kxplosivos. CALL UP 3682. MONEY 1 1 ilim CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, Mgr. BREWERY. Manufacture ot tha Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY j 100,000 Barrels per Annum Wm. Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and soli Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or os margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. doB. DIHIICK, Manager. telephone: s.oox ROOF TIMING AND SOLDERING All dona away with by tha use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwallnga, which will Jirevent absolutely any crumbling, crack, ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It'a float does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Joe) r pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HABTMAXN, (27 Birch M. E. Ill's W LAGER BEER B BY THE BOX AT LESS THAN 1 COST TO MANUFACTURE We give below what the Cigars are actually worth and also what we will sell them for during the next week or ten days. There is no humbug about this sale. We would be glad to have the purchaser take them to any reliable manufacturer and have him ex amine the stock and the class of work and see if he would want to match them at the price at which we are selling them. The cheapest Cigars in the lot are good, sound goods, well made and good smokers. There is not a brand in the lot that is made from low grade Tobacco, and most of them are either clear Ha vana or seed and Havana filler and Sumatra wrap per. But a trial will soon tell any smoker what the goods are: Actual Our Pres. Worth, ent Prlc. Nonparicl ,. $ "JO 50 Brilliantes 1 00 oj Steamship 1 00 B0 Sporting Times 1 10 70 Senators 1 10 1 70 Edna (100) 2 i!5 : 1 50 Invincible , 1 50 90 On the Sly , 1 25 75 Red Wasp 1 75 1 15 El Modena (100) 3 00 2 15 Conductors 1 75 1 25 Black Rabbit ; 1 75 1 25 , Cozy 1 75 1 25 Blue Label 1 50 1 00 Brotherhood 1 90 1 40 Puck 1 75 1 25 Tuxedo , 1 90 1 40 Our Champion 1 90 1 40 Chick v Chick 1 90 1 40 Bon Fume 2 00 1 CO Minne Sota , 2 00 1 50 Gold Coin 2 00 1 50 National Sweepers 2 00 1 50 No. 1 Amber (100) 4 00 3 00 La Verona , 2 25 1 75 Duke of Warsaw 2 25 1 75 Little Perfectos (100) 4 25 3 25 Comrades 2 25 1 75 Aksido Xo. 3 2 25 1 75 Havana Blossoms , 2 25 1 75 La Cordova , 2 25 1 75 La Espanola 2 25 1 75 Brevilo 2 25 1 75 , La Verona , 2 25 1 75 La Fiel (100) 4 25 2 00 La; Teta 2 25 ! 1 75 S. B. W 2 25 1 75 We Are In It 2 25 1 75 Aksido, No. 2 3 00 1 90 Aksido Xo. 4 3 00 1 90 National Punch , 3 00 2 10 Gem of Columbia 2 25 1 75 La Delta (100) 6 00 3 90 Direct Wire (100) 4 50 3 50 La Cordena (100) 4 75 3 75 Manuel Garcia... , 2 75 2 25 Aksido No. 1 4 00 3 50 Lord Delaware Opera (100) , C 50 5 75 Manuel Garcia (K. W.) 4 50 3 50 Lord Delaware Con. Esp 3 75 3 23 Number 24.... 3 00 2 00 Lord Delaware Rep. Per 4 23 3 75 Silence 3 CO 2 23 Grand Orient , 3 75 2 50 La Belle Cubana (K. W.) 4 50 ; 3 50 La Belle Nueva (Imp.) '4-50 3 50 Lord Delaware Rothschild (23) 2 50 2 15 Shiller (K. W.) 4 50 3 25 La Belle Rosa (K. W.) 4 50 1 3 75 El Condilla (23) 2 25 1 75 La Vulta (Imp.) 5 50 4 93 Manuel Garcia (Imp.) S 50 4 90 La Fidelio (Imp.) 5 f0 4 73 Rey Del Rev (23) (Imp.) 3 00 ' 2 73 Flor De Chesterfield (Imp.) , 3 00 . 5 25 Any Cigars not giving the best of satisfaction, or not fullv ud to reoresentations. will be taken back and money refunded. THE SCR ANTON CASH STORE F, P. PRICE, AGENT. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rivw ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1K1B SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Mamifaotursra of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. n ll aencral Offics: SCSUNTON. PA. . 1 I Wot, 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers