9 THE RCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNItfGr, APRIL 4, 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. A WANDERING WILLIE'S BATH Tramp lumps lato tho Susquehanna to Escape PursuersJohn Horan Injured-Gymnasts Will Go to Wilkes-Barre - Personal Notes. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PltUton. April S. A. tramy whom Burgess Uennettandan ofllceratarteil to run out of town, this morning; nea uown the river bank In front of Joseph Hlle- ttian'a residence and Jumped Into the water. He remained standing up to his shoulders In the Ice cold water until his pursuers went away, and then un concernedly walked up Susquehanna avenue. Shortly after emerging from the river he again called from door to door, but was soon sought after by Chief of Police 'Williams, who request ed him to shake the dust of West I'ltts ton from his tandeln under penally for returning. He very gratefully com plied. A miner named John Horan was seri ously Injured at the Phenox mine this evening at S o'clock. His injuries were caused by a premature blust. Miss Margaret Olbbs and Miss VI pond, of Scranton, were today guests of Plttston friends. Mrs. II. Oliver and father returned today from Council Bluffs, la., where they have been to attend the funeral of a. sister of Mr. Oliver. Mrs. Berryman, of Wyoming avenue, this afternoon gave a tea In honor of her guest, MIS9 Babson, of Washing ton. D. C. Mrs. Hiram Hobbs Is lying In a critical condition at her home in Upper Plttston. J. J. McAndrew has moved his gro ' eery stock from the M. Bolln building to his recently erected building on North Main street. J. H. Hall, who has been employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad company as brakenuin on Plttston shift, has re signed his position. Mr. Hall expects to engage in the hotel business at lilng hamton. George Qulgley, the congenlul pro prietor of the Campbell's Ledge hotel at the Junction for the past two years, has removed to the Ledge hotel ot Cox ton. G. P. Van Duzer. the promising young tonsorlal artist, will resign hia present position and, on Monday next, will as Bume the management of the tonsorlal parlors situated In the Berwick House, Berwick, Pa. The Ladles' auxiliary will tender a reception to General Secretary B. F. Armstrong tomorrow (Thursday) even ing, at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation parlors. The members of the gymnasium clasB of the Young Men's Christian associa tion will participate In the exercises at the Ninth Regiment armory, Wilkes Barre, Friday, April 5. A special car has been engaged and will leave Broad street at 6.40 p. m. Mrs. William Downing, of Baltimore, Md., formerly of Dunmore, is visiting the family of Bradley Downing, of the West Side. Insurance Agent R. X. Hughes today moved to his new office in the Board of Trade building. Reese Hughes, of Carbondale, was today In this city on business. The "Millionaire Tramp" will be Riven for the .benefit of the Leek Comet band at Music Hall Tuesday, April 16. W. H. Beckendorf has resigned his position with the Scranton Truth to ac cept a more lucrative one with the Delaware and Hudson Railroad com pany. Eddie Joyce, the Junction barber, Is confined, to his home with the grip, James Buckley left last evening for Kew York. He will sail for England. J. C. McAndrews, of the Electric City, was In town today. TTJNKHAMOCK. Application will be made to court on Monday next for the Incorporation of Laceyvllle village as a borough. The projected confines will contain about 170 acres of land. E, C. Sharpe, of Windham township, Is announced as having his eye on the office of county treasurer. Several oth $r men in the county are doing likewise. The Fitch brothers have assumed charge of the Keeler house, and are getting things adjusted as rapidly as possible. The funeral of James Meeker, father of Mrs. James Donley, will occur at Lehman today. The shifting engine was derailed near the water tank yesterday morning, re quiring the services of the wrecking crew at Coxton to get it back. Colonel N. A. McKown will go to Philadelphia Monday next to attend the annual banquet of the iMedal of Honor Legion, he being one of the number who were specially honored by congress for deeds of daring during the war. His special act of bravery wag capturing a rebel flag alone and un aided. Miss Rose McKenna, of Arnot, Pa., is Visiting Mrs. James Cosgrove. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. D. Sampson have ar rived from Emporium, Cameron coun ty, and will make their future home here. The B class at the high school has been combined with the A class, and both will be graduated together at the close of the spring term. The school will be re-graded at the 'beginning of next year's course. The remains of Oscar B. Sherwood were taken to 'Meshoppen from Wilkes Barre for burial Tuesday. The floral offerings were very fine. S. Judson Stark Is the possessor of a liver half-dollar of the year 1853 that he prizes very highly. It was given his daughter, Lizzie, by some of the dealers in town, who, In making 1 Vraticura WHITE VroTTMDiwaCwwiCow.- t tot. Pnipa. BortM.P t. A. I change, doubtless did not realize the prize they were parting' with. There are two varieties of coins of that date, one having an arrow on either side of the date and rays diverging around the iflgure of .the American eagle, and the other tacking in these. The latter is very rare and valuable, but the former are plentiful and worth only face value. The change In dies was made because tho coins were too heavy, as at first stamped, and tha rays and arrows were added to distinguish tho one from tho other. Manter Ray, son of Rev. George Hlty, Is quite 111. Dr. L. E. Meade and Stephen Barber have purchased the handsome Perch eron stallion of Frank Holjrate. Mrs. -John M. German, of Wllkes Barre, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mil lie Carver. Scott Vaughn, of North Platte, Nob., formerly of this county, Is here solleit Ing seed grain for the Neliratilca suffer ers. Among those In this immediate vicinity who have contributed ar;: Hon. John Jn.ckson, Newman Fitch, F. W. DtWllt, W. K. & C. A. Little, Mor ris Depue, and Emerson Lott. Services of the nations of tho cross were held at tho Catholic church lust evening, it boing changed from Friday evening, tha usual tlmu. Tunkhunnock lixhtd. No. 699, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Installed the following odlceis Tursday evening: Noble grand, F. S. Hernvin; vice grand, J. F. Rons; secretary. J. F. Stickler; as sistant secivtary, Andrew Keyit; treas urer, F. C. Burgess; rl;ht supporter of noble grand. C. E. McVlcur; left sup porter of noble grand, 1. J. Sci'tf, supporters of vice-grand, T. II. Gum and W. M. McVlcar; warden, CI. II. Ross; conductor, C. H. Burgess; guards, Gtorge Pmlth and K. I). Furmmi: scene supporters, J. E. Harding and C. M. Ross. alOXTJIOSE. James Woolcy of Scranton, Is in Montrose. Dr. J. Lawrence Kevin and J. B. Melnken, of Jersey City, are registered at the Montrose House. C. Kinney hns accepted the position of day clerk at tho Montrose House. Joseph Doyle Is, for several days, the guest of his brother, James Doyle. Rev. Ariel Hughes, of the Montrose Baptist church, has resigned his pas torate and will accept a call at Newark, N. J. Mr. Hughes has been In Mon trose for several years and will leave many Manila who will regret his de parture. Samuel Rogei-s, of South Bridge water, was In Montrose on Wednesday. Mr. Rogers is a veteran of the war of 1812 and nearly a centenarian. W. F. Ransom, of New Milford, was In Montrose on Wednesday. James Peck, of Ores-t Bend, Is a guest at the Exchange Intel. Harry E. JonoB, proprietor of Mott's woolen mill, is making preparations for running the mill to its full capacity. Charles Beck, who was Injured re cently by becoming entangled with tho rope of a hose cart bound for a fire, Is now able to walk without tho use of crutches. The Montrose Telephone and Tele graph company's charter has been re ceived, and on Tuesday, April 9, a meet ing will be held to elect officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. J. Brewster McCulIum has re turned from Florida, where she and her husband have been to attend the wed ding of their son, Searle McCoIlum. Judge McCollum is in Philadelphia. ilr. and Mrs. W. D. Lusk and Miss Elizabeth Lusk, who have been spend ing the winter in Florida, are expected to return home shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Searle McCollum are the guest of Mrs. D. W. .Searle. Hon. Galusha A. Grow was In Mon trose on Tuesday last. Mr. Grow has boen very kindly treated by time and enjoys his temporal visits to Montrose us In days of yore. E. B. Hardenburg, of Honesdale, and M. L. Drane, of Stroudsburg, are regis tered at the Tarbell House. Prothonotary W. J. Baker sold, last week, to Juan F. Portuondo, the noted Philadelphia cigar man, la team of registered Percheron horses. This is not Mr. Baker's first dealing with Senor Portuondo, as last fall he sold him a large flock of registered Shrop shire ewes. Mr. Baker's farm is locat ed but a short distance from 'Montrose and is a model one. Frederick Blddle Butler, of Philadel phia, will arrive In Montrose on April 12. Mr. Butler has for several years spent his summers in Montrose and his many friends will be indeed glad to see him. G. W. Baker has returned from Blng- hamton. The Impediment to pedestrians which The Tribune spoke of In a recent issue, as existing In front of a Church street Jeweler's, has been growing. A large glass sign, In which photographs are displayed, has been anchored to tho strips of wood. There Li plenty of room In Montrose which could be used for advertising without utilizing the side walks for that purpose. Why Is It al lowed? A small cose could be hung or placed In the stairway leading to the photographer's. The owner of the building is at fault for allowing such a nuisance the photographer Is all right. And about this case. Thereby hangs a tale one of the oldest dentist In Mon trose took the same view of It that The Tribune- man does he had his office in the building whose front Is desecrated by the unsightly sign. He Is now en Joying new quarters in a different building. It was the privilege nnd pleasure of The Tribune correspondent to witness a road review, which took place on Tuesday at Elk Lake, Dlmock town ship. The reviewers, D, D. Lathrop, E. P. Munger and A. H. Patrick, were ex ceedingly kind and obliging to the farmers Interested in the road, which Is wanted by thirty-nine men and not wanted by an unknown number. The proposed road Is to skirt Elk Lake and It is apparent that those In tho vicinity want a road all around the lake. An encounter between two of Mon trose's elderly and prominent men oc curred early Wednesday morning at McCausland's drug store. No serious damage was done by either of the con testant but an eye-wUness claims that the insurance man made a few more points than the man who presides over the festivities of the grand Jury. The cause was an argument over cor poral punishment of young girls In the publk) schools and nearly ended in a practical demonstration of exactly what constitutes corporal punishment. No need to suffer with rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, cramps or colic. Dr. Thomas' Eolectrlc Oil cures all such troubles, and does tt quickly. MOSCOW. A. Havenstrlte, of Carbondale, visited his mother, Mrs. William Havenstrlte, on Friday. Bernard Robinson moved In one of A. Hinds' tenement houses on Mill treet Tuesday. , The Women's Christian Temperc-nce union will meet at the home ot Mrs. Gardiner today. The Moscow public school will close on Friday with appropriate exercises. D. J. ('louse is confined to the house with the quinsy. . The. young friends of Miss Sophia Slmpklns gave her a farewell social last night. S. M. Watts has so far recovered es to be able to be out again. Next Sunday evening will be the last sermon that Mr. Slmpklns will preach as pastor of this charge. He has many friends that are sorry to loose him. The Minxes Jeple and Ellen Bourn returned from visiting friends in Yates vllle last nlglit. On next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Slmpklns will take In a class of proba tioners Into full membership. W. Runyan, of Brooklyn School of Pharmacy, was tho guest of B. J. Can non, on Sunday. The drama, "The Midnight Charge," by Moscow amateurs, will be repro duced under the auspices of the Sons of Veterans on Tuesday evening next. If. B, Watts was in Mcranton, Tues day. Mi?s Heller, of Tobyhanna Mills, spent Sunday with llt.tli Gardiner. Profefsor Houl:, of Tobyhanna, was this g'je."'t of P. S. Pralens, on Sunday. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Rotithern pig Iron Is offered In this mar ket nt W nt the furnace. It roHtii lOVi cents per bushel to send wheat from Chit-ago to Liverpool. The world grows S.MiO.OOO.ikni buchels of potatoes, Germany being the lurKest pro ducer. Connecticut lins passed n law prohibit ing street cars to cross steam roads ut grade. Two tliousnnd patents have- b.ien takn out In this country on the manufacture of paper ulone. Thero Is a report In New York that the Lclilch Valley has placed 83,000,000 one year gold notes In London. Tho supremo court of California has decided tliut the holder of a through rail road ticket bus a right to utop-ovor priv ileges. All the shops on tho Vandulla system sre busy repairing the passenger and freight equipment preparatory to the promised heavy traffic. The Patihandlo shops at Columbus, O., aro so crowded with work that In soma departments the men are working four teen hours a day. Pittsburg Is perturbed over the fact that the firm of Spang, Chalfunt & Co., which was the first to use miUir.il gas for fuel, has gone back to tho use ofcoul. Through increased postal facilities, a letter posted In Paris at midday can be de livered In London at 8 p. m., by means of an "express messenger" arrangement. During the third week in March seventy three railroads Increased 1.44 per cent, in gross earnings. During the second week eighty-two roods Increased 1.32 per cent. In France, a very good gas Is made from the fatty material contained In tho soap suds, after washing wools and yarns. The wnsh water of a woolen mill with 20, WJ spindles will annually yield enough ef this substunce to produce 1,100,000 feet of gas. A new Imitation of gold Is made of M parts of copper and six of antimony, with a little, magnesium and carbonate of lime added while It Is melted. It is said that It preserves Its color, is an almost exact Imitation of gold and that It costs only a shilling a pound to make It. One of the surest signs of returning prosperity is the Increase in number of orders for locomotives, and more es pecially for cars. It Is stated that over 100 roads are In the market for cars, ranging In orders from 100 to 400 cars, be. sides tho large contracts already let. Mexico produces anything that can be raised in any other country. So varied is the climate that in the same state can be raised any product of tho tropics and of the polar regions. Cotton, wheat, rye, sil ver, silk, cocoanuts, bananas, rice, cocoa, vanilla, logwood, mahogany, hides and wine are the principal products. ' The Massachusetts board of conciliation and arbitration reports that the strikes In that state last year were numerous, but generally unsuccessful, and that those called successful entailed more loss than gain to the workmen. The results of arbi tration were favorable to all concerned, but It seems that both parties to a labor controversy will seldom agree to so calm and reasonable a method of settling a dis pute. Speed without smoke or cinders is what muster mechanics are seeking to accom plish with locomotives. The experiment on the lialtimore and Ohio In burning coko In the engines hauling the fast express trains overthe trons-Ohlodlvlslon has beon a success thus far. The trains have made the time, and the annoying smoke and cinders wero conspicuous by their ab sence. Should the testB continue satisfac tory the passenger engines on the lialti more and Ohio will be equipped to burn coke. A scheme has been projected by W. H. Andrews to transport noal 1n large quan tities by piping. His project is to convey coal from the Connellsville teglon to New Castle, Youngstown, Sharon ami other towns and cities throughout the Shenango and Wheeling valleys through a giant pipe line, and wherever It pays to transfer the the coal Into coke, there to build coke ovens. In order to drive tho coal through the pipes and pumps It Is to be crushed and diluted with water. Pumping stations and reservoirs will be built at Intervals along the line. of all cases of consumption can, if taken In the earlier stages of the disease, be cured. This may seem like a bold assertion to those familiar only with the means gener ally in use for its treatment ; as, nasty cod liver oil and its filthy emulsions, extract of malt, whiskey, different preparations of bypophosphitcs and such like palliatives. Although by many believed to be incura ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large per centage of cases, ami we believe, fully pi percent, are cured by Dr. 1'ierce'a i.omen Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering couch with copious expectoration (includ ing tubcrctilar matter), great loss of flesh and ex ire ute emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to its as cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, been sa pronounced by the best and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, iu curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nasty cod liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these cases and bad either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for short time. Kxlract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the ltypophos phites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 pages which will be mailed to you, on re ceipt of address and six cents in stamps. You can then write those cured and learn their experience. - Address for Hook, World's Dlsr'RNSAR.Y Medical Asiajciatiok, Buffalo, N. Y. STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, April S. The stock market was irregular and choppy today. At the opening a weak tone characterised the trading. The loss In the prices of tho Grangers, however, was unimportant, and at the close these Issues were very little below yesterday's figures. As a rule aftor the opening the market became strong, Sugar was again a feature. The price opened at 102 .fell to 101, rose to 102, and receded to 101, a net loss of fop the day. General Electric was heavy, falling from K4 to 33'i. Humor had It that the an nual report now due will not be favorable and that tho chances of an amlcablo agreement with the Westtnghouie wero not as good as a week ago. The heaviness of the stock finally affected the general list and In the last hour there was an in creased pressure to sell and prices fell H a. the anthracite coalers being especially weak. The market closed Irregular but in tho main weak. Net changes show losses of iu2 per cent., General Electric leading. Total sales were laS.OOO shares. Tho range of toduy's prices for the ac tive niocHH or tne New York mock mar ket are Kleven below. The quotations lire rurmsneu tub Triniinn ny tj. nil is. mm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & to., Mluck brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scianioii. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing. Am, Tobacco Co !)4v Am. Cot; u:i Am. Buiiar Iie'g Co.lo2r A Sell., To. & S. Fu... V i.'un. Boulh 40Si Clierf. ,t Ohio 17-14 Chicago Ius 72 Chic. & N. W UPi Chi, it. & 7:i!u C. ('.. C. & St. I. Sl Chic, All), ti St. P... 67"4 Chic, It. I. St V C414 Delaware & Hud 127'4 Ulst. r C. V )it Gen. Electric Hi Louis. & Nash 61'i Munlinttan Kle IW',4 Mo. Pacific 21 Nat. Cordage 6T4 iNp.t. Ix-nd 83 N. J. Cunti-ul m N. Y. Central W N. Y. & N. E 3S14 N. Y., L. K. W..... 1014 N. Y., S. & W., Pr... 20V4 Nor. Puclllc 4'4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 17T4 Ont. & West 10'J Phil, ft Huad 134 Southern K. It llli Tenn., C. & I tt!4 Tex. Pool fin Union PaclHc 114 Wabash, Pr M WeHt. Union hSU 13. S. G est. est. IliK. 2G'4 2liT4 26-4 1024 lUi'4 1'.'1'4 tr'i W4 4H:2 4i, 4'.i'.j 17 1' 17k 72-1, 714 71"i Vi S!'4 1'4 Ti W'i 75S :)7i W 37 iVt f."-4 C7:)i 4. f.3?4 03, 127',4 127'4 1M4 n ir.H K5'4 S4 f-'i'i f.l-li Gl4 51 i 1134 HO',4 11 Mi 4V4 2.H4 23'.4 6'4 6(4 33 32 82'j, W H4 943-4 W 9T.V4 r.'.4 3SH 3U',4 37 10i ID 1014 M 30 &i4 4 414 4H 17-t4 17f4 17V4 NS'4 . 14 1"4 13"- 121,4 1214 3IT4 11 11 17T4 1074 17:4 914 M4 M4 114 1114 11"4 14 14'4 14 '4 fcJi'4 RH'ji lS'i 1574 15 15'4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. . O pn- High- Low- Clos. V J-lfiAT. May July September .... OATS. May July September .... CORN. May July September .... LARD. May July PORK. Mny July lug. est. est. Ing. "5 65' 0474 MH M'i K44 6 M'.i 07 574 &714 6774 274 3074 2014 S 284 itn U .SS-14 2'iV4 2W4 2ti4 264 4i;4 4t?4 W), 4774 4M4 40H 4 474 44 4'4 7.02 7.07 e.5 6.S5 7.17 7.20 7.10 7.10 12.52 12.57 12.10 12.15 UM 12.C7 U25 12.27 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange tations. No. Par Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. 20 DO Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank (2 50 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 000 20 100 Green R'ge Lum'r Co .... 100 100 I.lirka. Lumber Co... 110 6 100 Locka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 147 6 10O M. & M. Savings Dank (Carbondulu) 10 50 Providence & Abtng- ton Turnpike Co..,. 85 10 . 100 Scra'n Savings Bank. 200 10 1U0 Bora'n Lace Cur. Co 5 100 Scranton Forging Co 100 25 100 Third Nat'l Bank.... 350 6 100 Nat'l Boring ft Drill ing Co., Pr 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 3 100 Scranton Bedding Co .... CO 100 Scranton Axle Works .... 10 100 Scranton Glass Co 2 100 Scranton Jar & Stop per Co 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co CO 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad 50 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 15 100 Bonta Glass Co BONDS. 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co , 2 500 Econ'y Steam Heat & Power Co 8 100 Madison Avenue Im provement 5 COO Scranton Glass Co Quo Ask. 110 150 225 CO 100 70 100 to 120 1774 950 COO 105 COO Scranton Wholesale. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., Halle. ; evaporated apples, 8a9c. par lb.; California prunes, 6'-ia8e. ; Kngllsh cur rants, 2T&a3c; layer raisins, tl.7oal.80; mus catels, 474a574c per lb., Slal.40 per box; new Valencias, 67-ja(!74c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, 13 per bushel; mediums, S2.2na 2.30; pea beans, 12.25. Peas Green, tLlOa 1.15 per bushel; split, I2.50a2.0; lentels. 5a 8c. per lb. Potatoes 70a75c. per bushel. Onions Bushel, $1.10al.20. Butter-Old, 14 al7c; new. 19a22c. per lb. Cheese 9al2c. per lb. Kggs Fresh, I4a1474c. Meats Bams, 10c; small hams, 1074c; skinned hams, 11c; California hams, 774c.; shoul ders, 774c; bellies, 774c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef. Outsider, 12c; sets, 1374c; Insides and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.35 dozen. Pork Mess, $14: short clear, 115. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 874c; In tubs, 84c; 10-poudn pails, 974c per pound; 6-pound palls, 9Hc. per pound; 3-pound pails, 974c per pound; compound lard, tierces, (74c; tubs, 6c; 10-pound palls, 774c per pound; 5-pound palls, 7c per pound; 3-pound palls, 774c per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, t4a4.20; Ohio and In diana amber, (3.20; Graham, $3.20; rye flour. $3.20. Feed Mixed, per cwt, 11.05. Grain Rye, Cod corn, 48alc. ; oats, 5.1a 4So. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12h 15. Hay 14.DOal6. Buckwheat Flour ?2 per 100. New York Produce Market. New York, April 3. Flour Dull, steady. Wheat Firm; No. 2 red store and eleva tor, o'4c; afloat, 61c; f. o. b., 61aC27ic; ungraded red, 67a63c. ; No. 1 northern, 68 4a 6Mic. ; options closed steady at unchanged pi-Ices. Corn Dull, firm; No. S, 66c ele vator; 5774c. afloat; steamer mixed, 5ti'4a 52'4c; options closed steady, unchanged. Outs Quiet, steady; options dull, easy; April and Mny, 33c; July, 34c; No. 2 white April, 37c; spot prices, No. 2, S3r.; No. 2 white, 3774c; No. 2 Chicago, 31a 34c; No. 8, 33c; No. 3 white, 3634c; mixed westorn, 3474a'l.ri4c. ; white state and west ern, S7a4074c Provisions Firm, unchanged. Lard Qulot, weak, unchanged. Butter Quiet, steady;, elate dairy, 9al974c; do. creamery, new, 21c; western dulry, 8a 1374c; do. creamery, new, 12a21c; do. old, Sulfide; do. factory, 7al2c; rolls, 7aWc; Elglns. 21c: imitation creamery, 9a1!c Cheese Unchanged. Kggs Steady; state and Pennsylvania, - 1374alc; western fresh, 1374c; southern, 1274al374c; duck, 27a394c ; goose, 60a&So. Chicago Stock Markot. -Chicago, April 8. Cattle Receipts, 11,000 hoad; market slow and about steady; common to extra steers, f4.16ati.R0; stock ers and feeders. 2.7.'in4.6.'; cows and bulls, tl.75au; calves, L.Wa5; Texans, S3.25a6.60. Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head; market firm; heavy, S5a6.30; common to choice mixed, t4.6Tia5.10; choice assorted, t4.80a4.95; light, 4.(ioa4.l!5; pigs, I4.25a4.00. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 h'.-ud; market active and steady ; In ferior to choice, )3a4.80; lambs, t3.75a5.85. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., April 3. Wheat Receipts, 26,115 bushels; shipments, 63,000 bushels; market dull; No. 2 red cash, 5OTic; May, 57c; July, 6794c; August, 57o.; No. 3 red, 65o. Corn Receipts, 10.5S8 bushels; ship mttnts, 43.200 bushels; market quiet; No. t mixed May, 4074c Oats Receipts, none; shipments, 400 bushels; market nominal. Clover Seed Receipts, 326 bags; shipments, 033 bags; market firm; cash, 85.60. . Oil Market. - Pittsburg, April 8. Oil opened, highest and closed, 114; lowest, 113. Sclotio Rheumatism Cured. L. Wagner,. Wholesale Druggist, Rich mond, Vs., says; "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate enough to fet MYSTIC CURB FOR RHEUMATISM. This cured me after doctor's prescrip tions had failed to have any effect. I have also heard of fine results from others who have used It." Sold by Carl Lorens, Drug gist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scrantgn. c onnolly & w m m -JL CIS, -smfrs mmmMi Moo iWPrSS. Don't fail " t 1 SSr'VwW& inspect a, ?effiBHrSr our line be. ifflNtwmmm- SV t&Uk- fbreyoubuy TOfW' : mmmm ffllli!llli!lliUI1il!!il!!3 B U Sll!llllllll!IIIEIIIl9 w 3c E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents a K.. 4ka I 4n4 Imv..J n aiuuiwu uy we can't please you. A Word. WANT! OF ALL KINDB COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAltOH WILL BE LESS THAN 15 CENTS. THIS RULE! AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED ITREQ. Help Wntd Male. ANTED TWO GOOD BUTCHEKS. quire ll N . Main avenue, city. IS- XV AKTKD - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a uioDutioly: big money for aeeuvi: no capital required. KDVVAltD C. r'JSH A CO., Boruon uiocic, imcuKo. ill. CALEbMEN - KtWDENT SALESMEN O wanted. ncauAluted with th local and naarby druc ana (trocory trade, to bundl our line of blg-li grade Hears. Address, giving reforancea, J. EDWARD COWLES A Co., M Chauibera atreet, N. Y. Help Wanted Females. G IRL WANTED 21'i BPKUCE STREET. For Rent lOB RENT -TWO 7-BOOM HOU8ES. NOS. V 618 and m Forest alley, between Diokson 1. A r -I - JAnn, . ,n M.mh ltinntr ttUfll Will fill. UQUU,) .....V ,.UVU. of MONKOB BROW, Bull a Hted. 1OB KENT-TWO STORKS, DWELLING I1 houses and barn at UU und .11(1 Cedar ave. Inquire at Davidow Bros., SIX Lacks, avenue. I 'OK RENT A BUILDINU ON FRANKLIN venue, suitable for business. Address P. O. Box 8. F'OR RENTTHE PHOTOGRAPH OAL ler formerly occupied by C. L. Orlflln, innludiuR rooms for housekeeping. ISi Wyo mlBgavenua. CHAB. 8LHLAOER. TOR RENT-BRICK HOUSB OP NINE P rnanii. from Anril lit. 418 Vine atreet Apply to L. M. HOKTON, 3 Commonwealth. Building. T70RRENT-A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD- J. ing mi iiu rrnue.ua avruuv, buhhuw iwi whoWls business. CARSON & LAVIES, Scranton. R RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR- Dished rooms at sua Lackawanna avenue. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna, avenue. Address THOMAS K. EVANS, aear 11 Luzerne, Hyde Park. vdi rent-nicely furnished hall r suitable for lodiro rooms, JOHN JKR- 11 YN, 110 Wyoming; ovenue. For Sale. FOR SALE-TWO 6INGLE HOUSES, largo lots, beat Dart Urenn RJdtre. Also corner lot with double bouse, also farm in Wayne county. C. T. Bellamy, U.'U Delaware street ."OR SALE A SECOND-HAND ELEVA I. tor. as Bond aa new. Inquire, of JOHN F. DEAN, 247 Jefferson avenue. IOT8 FOR SALE-HEALTHY AND J pleasantly located; one mile from sta tion, on Main street. Inquire of O. CHAP MAN, Clark's Green. Lackawanna Co., Pa. Houses on Credit. H OUSB BUILT ON CREDIT. AD- dress lock box 218, Scranton. Horse at Auction. HORSES AT AUCTION AT CUBICK'8 stable. Scranton, Wednesday afternoon. April 10, sound work and driving horses. W. B. Moore. I M. COBB JUST ARRIVED WITH A V new enr load of horsea making 40 head, weight -from. 1,VU0 to 1,609; soon at Xli Ray mond cottri. Found. WW lOUND SILVER SHOE BUTTONER, P with initlala on handle. Owner can have same by calling at 311 Franklin. Agents Wanted. AGENTS MAKE 810 DAILY SELLING AL uminam novelties; now process silver ware; bar goods; bis? line, the new, wonder ful metal: delivered free: saranle In velvet lined case. 10c; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVaLTY CO., Xii Broadway, Kew YorK. AGENTS HINDE'8 PATENT UNIVER aal Hair Cnrlera nnd Wavers fused with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed"IIair Pine. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and f nil par ticulars. Address f. u. Box aa. xtew York. WANT) D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle onr line, no noddiine. Salarv. $75 per month and exponses paid to all- Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6308, Boston, Mass, Buffalo Cattle Market. Buffalo. Abrll 8. Cattle Receipts. 8E0 head; on sale, 50 head; good handy cattle were steady and firm, while bulla were very dull for all but prime fat butchers' lots; market closed firm; light to good hiitc-hers' Htecra sold at &3.!H)a4.85: bulls. JJ.75a3.jO. Hogs Receipts, 6,400 head; on sain, J, Wo nena; niurxei oiosea sieaay; mod Yorkers. 8Ti.Ouu5.iri: light Yorkers. 84.rOa4.0u; mixed packers, ta.MaS.'Ja; Rood mediums, l5.23u5.SB; choice lioavy. ?j.40a 6.M; roughs. $4.SOa4.M; stngs, 8ft.25a4.3ii; pigs, 84.70u4.80. Sheep oirl Iamba Re ceipts, v.400 head; on sale, 0,000 head; mar kot closed quiet and easy; prime lambs, tTi.OOafl; kood to choice, $5.505.80; common to falr, 84.76a5.40; mixed sheen, good to choice, 84.40a4.75; fat wethers, Jl.86ft6; com mon to fair sheep, 83.50a4.25; culls, 823.2S. TPEI OE j AiimsiA f 1 1 if 1 1 1 111 ftnMg? nnMMnilV AUAMAPC 209 Washington Ay. CARPETS uaccai mi), uvcu rrucss. mmm iehk ei Proposals. 1 1ROPOSAL8 WILL Hi RKCEIVF.D RV A I D. Dua, Treasur.ir, at Xll'4 Waxliiiicton avenue, until li o'cljck noon, April Otli, luM. for tho m&nufacturu of paviiif brick at the coiiipany'x lant, Nay Aug, Lackawanna eo-inty, Pa. 'Ihe contractor to quarry tho shale, make and burn tho brlrk nnd pllu came nnswlt'-h assortort ri-ady for shipment and keep the ui'clunery und kilns in goo I repair. bipurat!i ff ;rs will nli,-be reoeivcU wherein contractor hliail mako repaira of all items costing $' or under and the company all larger items. Toe company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURING CO. Charter Applications. TOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN li apulication will bs roads to the governor of tho slato of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the Keveiitoentli day of April, A. V. 115, by SainuelThiirue, Giorgo v. Quints r J, Walton Forguion, M. G. Williams, ,)ohn R. Piatt, A. S, llurlbutt. Andrew li. McLlittock. Gi-oriu B. Hmith aod Henry Z. Kuraell, under the Act of A.'iseinbly of the C'omraoiivrealtli of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide fur the incorporation nod regulation of certain cor porations," approvel April 20, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a renewal of the charter of the Paunsylvania Coal Company, the charactor and object whereof Is tho min ing and quarrying of coal and transporting the same to market In crude or manufactured form, and for these purposes to have, possrg? aii'i enjoy nil the rights, benefits and privi leges ot the Hiiid 'ct of Assembly anil Its sup plement!. ANDREW a McCLINTOCK, Soli.-ltor, fdministrator's Notice. SiEFONUATscRAN deceased, late of Scranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania. Letters of administration, upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all pereons having c ulms or demands against the said estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the same without delay to me, and those indebted thereto aro requested to make immediate pay ment to WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Scranton, l a, Administrator, Dissolution of Partnership. TOl-THTcOPTljERslnlpRE ll tofore exiating between D. W. Burr and Charles A. Burr, under the Arm name of t. W. BURK CO., baa been dissolved by mu tual consent. D, W. Burr succeeding in the business. All debts owing by the said firm will he paid by V, W. Burr, and all accounts owing to the late firm are to be paid to Charles A. Burr. u. w. ni'Ho, CHARLES A. BURR, March 27, 1805. Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrenologist, Arnout House, 428 Lacka wanna avenue. For a short time only. Special Notices. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free opun air advertising ex hibitions with the stereoptlcon: Taylorvillo, Hyde I'ark, Providence, Dickson Olyphant, Peokville, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given cn Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tit ne are J 10 per month. Address E. H. Call, Tribune office, oity. "rpHE SOLD1er"1N OUR CIVIL WAH." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pirtures.ahow ing the forcaa In actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2,000 pictures, bold on easy monthly payment-!. Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 022 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pn. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH some party d-slring to sell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, care station agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, HAGA slnes, etc., bound or rebound at Trs Tribuks office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Situations Wanted. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS would like a position; is willing to do most any kind of work; can give references. Addross J. W. B., Tribune building. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN to wash, scrub or do house cleaning or fflcet. Address "J. C." T S, Main avenue. ANTED BY A YOUNG MAN. A POSI tion where he can leant the barberlne business or the urocery business. Address L. O. S.,"4SS Mimin avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI onced grocer clerk; wishes a steady situa tion: has some knowledge of bookkeeping; SKaks German and English. Call or address "M" 127 Madison avenue, Dunmore. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O man aa elerk, good references; had expe rienoe in groceries and dry gooda; attending businois college at present. Address "A. Z.," Tribune offlco. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED te (18 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) XlR. A. J. CON NELL, OFFICE! 201 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug etroe. Residence, 722 Vine st. Office hours: 10.80 to 11 a, in, and 2 to A and 6.30 to 7.80 p. ro. Bun day, 2 to 8 p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. AXFTIED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors, Common Wealth building. Rooms 1, 20 and 21. W. P. BOYLR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. M and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. , , Wallace a Opp. Court Hosse. per yard. Rugs and Carpets A ! I 1 r vjive us a inai ana see n we 02 and 601 Lack, aye., Corner Adams. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED" diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Real dence. 12') Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 126 WASHINGTON avenue. Olflce hours, 8 to 8 a. m., 1.30 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 20 Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. T., OFFICES 61 and 68 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; olllce hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays. 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology, DlCkAY," 2WPENNAVR: 1 to 3 P. M.j call iOi'L Dls. of women, obstrotrlce and and all dls. ot chil. Lawyers, JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND CounHellorx at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JK8SUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JEB8UP. JR. WILLARD, WAKRENftkNAPP. AT-tornc-ys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Bel union. Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEOYS, 221J5PRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security, 4D8 Spruce street. B. P. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i yoniiiig qve.. acrqnion, fa. PRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa, L. A. WATRES, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Schools. BCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scrunton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGA it ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open April 8. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Office, 32S North Washington avenue, C. C. LAUBAChTsURGEON DENTIST, No. 116 Wyoming avenue. R. m. stratton, officb coal ex- change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loon Association will loan you money, on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on B. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R, CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 762. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRANK Un avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, H. N. ANABL& Proprietor. - Blxteenth St.. one block east of ttroauwa;', at Union Square, New York. American plan, 83.60 per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., U W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS A VON STORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 26 and 28, Commonwealth building, Scranton. . E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICII rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS, ARCUlXaiCTaV Price building, lit Washington eveniM Bo ran ton. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHBSTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions. Wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music store. MEoXhQEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, papier bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE; snle dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC. countant and auditor. Rooms 10 and 10, Williams Building, opposite poetoAea. Agent or the Rax FlraEjrUngulshar. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers