8 TIIE SCBAOTON TEIBTJNE WEDXESDAT MOItNINGr. APRIL 3. 1895. PROOFS of our price leadership will be teen throiiL'liout the seamm in our store. PoIiiIh Interesting to money savers are hard to. miss, while pausing through our aisles -they are every where. Never before have such "up-to-date" thoroughly desirable goods neen sliown in sucn quanii ties and varieties at the very be ginning or tlie season. WASHABLE DRESS FABRICS. Ginghams, Prints, in fast colors; Scotch and French Organdies and Swisses, French and American Sateens. French. Scotch and American Ginghams, Percales, Challies. Gullateas. Ducks. Mad- ras, l'iqiies. " Assortments that no other hoUKe can show; prices thut none other dure nume consistent with values TOWELS. Illicit Towels, Hemstitched Tow. els. Napkins large una small sized Imported Damask, Bleached Irish Damask, Linen Doilies, Fine Linen Toweling, liatlt Towels, Crash Towelinit. lu fact, anvthiuir in the line of linens by the yard or other wise. We Khould command your at tention and receive your lavors. SHIRT WAISTS. Have become one of the articles of nppnrel which are submitted to the criticism of the most fastidious tastes. 1 The manufacturers have designed them in many shades, different mate rials ami many colors. New kinds are nppeanng every day ana wo nave ta ken advantage of the diversified mar ket and can show all the new arrivals, Trices are right. HOSIERY. The spring importations have al ready been put on sale, and we are miowing besides a suitable line or relia ble black in our separate brands. Lisle Thread, bilk finish, in beau tiful shades of tan and russet colors. The best of dye. double soled, double toe and high spliced heel all of them of the latest fashioned. Prices accord ing to the new tarilt' schedule. - GLOVES. ... Early spring uud summer importa tions, best of colorings, embroidered backs in black, shades of tan. made by the best foreign manufacturers. F'our Jtuttoned l.nUsli Walking Irloves, Knglish Keds, Tans and Drowns. To be in style and well gloved, you should buy from ourglove department. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. Cambric Embroideries; Nainsook Embroideries, with loop edges and torchon edges. Myriads .of patterns, all over embroilery, full width flounces. The saving of one-half to you and still a profit to ourselves is what we have to say in regard to our .large stock of Embroideries. We are also showing a large line of w nite Wotted Swiss. Full WMth Victoria Law n, Plaid Nainsook, In dia Lawns, English Long Cloth, and a splendid quality of Corset Cov ers, Skirts, Drawers and Chemises GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR. .'. REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scronton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, and Dtflpaaes of tho Heart. l.iuv?s. Kid neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Bladder, Hend, Fits und Epilepsy. He with his assistants treat nil diseases of the Kye, Nose, Ear and Throat, t)ys pepwla, Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv-. oils Debility, Female Weakness and Irren ularltles, Nlphtly Losses and-Krronc of Youth, Lost Manhood, Varloeocele, Hlood I'oIsomIiik. Eczema, Scrofula, Bl.' "Vitus Imnce, Diabetes, Sri(;ht's . Dlssoae, Asthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY' CURED. THREE MONTHS' OI'i'ER: Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, quickly anil cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. T OFFICE HOtJRS-Dally, 9 a, m. to p. m.; Sunduy, 10 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same, quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis : 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Belief in Six Hours, Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours, by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy I a great surprise on account of Its exceeding; promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, In' male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, DiHEglBt, 12 Peim avo sue, Scranton, l'a. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 11 c Absolutely pure NEWS OF THIS VICINITY MONTROSE. Colonel James P. Taylor, of the In dependent Republican, la In Wilkes ilarre. Junius Doyle, formerly of the Mont nwe house, goes to Scranton as day clerk at the St. Charles hotel, which la now being conducted by T. C. Melvin, The Farmers' Alliance and Industrial unlun held an oyster supper at the rest deuce of Appollos Stone on Saturday evening last. The receipts were very gratifying to those interested, as a lartro number were In attendance. John Howell shipped over 100 veal calves to New York on Monday and to day will endeavor to make a like ship. merit. Prices ranged from 3 to 4 cents per pound, live weight. John 8. Courtrlght has returned from Scranton. He Is assuming a decidedly dignified manner since his admittunco to practice In the United States court. Sap Is running fairly well and already the product of some of the sugar bushes Is to be seen In the markets. Maple syrup will average about 75 cents per gallon. The Montrose cheese factory, operat ed by iSantoro Bros., & Luca Petrollno, Is in full blast. Mr. Petrollno told a Tribune correspondent that they expect to do a larger business this year than ever before. The subject of electric lights In Mont rose Is Intermittent. Occasionally a loud yawp Is heard, but It dies out aa quiokly aa K oame. The subject Is ono which could be easily sulved one way or the other. Electric lights will never come by slttlnir down and like McCaw ber, -wait fur them to turn up. Someone recently passed a counter feit .paper, dollar on one of the mer chants of Montrose; it is one of the Martha' Washington scries of 1891. Its number 1b E 3S417566 E, and Is an excel lent, reproduction of the genuine bill, save that the left eye In the vignette droops considerably lower than In tho original.' ' People should lie on the look out for dollar bills bearing this or a like number, and examine them carefully. The Imitation is very similar to the t'l Stanton certificate counterfeit, which was current three years ago. Apropos of the electric light for Mont rose oomes the fact that a new gas has been, discovered, the virtues of which are manifold, and even if Ira E. Miller, of F.lmlra, Is here trying to get the town council to purchase a plant for tho borough-, 'It will undoubtedly end there and we will wait for gas. Professor Ratclift, of the Bingham ton Conservatory of Music, Is In Mont rose, ' The preparations for the produc tion of the comic opera, "The Pirates of Penzance," will soon be started under his direction. The opera will be given by local talent and under the auspicesS of Hook and Ladder company No. 1. Ira E; Miller, of Elmlra, Is registered at the Tarbell house. Miss Isabelle Hloomlngdale, of Tunk hannock, spent Sunday with Montrose friends. ' The Ttev. Father E. J. T-iafferty preached, at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary on Sunday last and will also celebrate high mass on Palm Sun day. Mrs. James Wheaton, of Salt Springs, vftited Montrose on Monday. Miss Grace Smith, who Is at present assisting' in the Instruction of pupils at the Harford Soldiers' Orphan school, accompanied by Miss Bennett, of Har ford, spent Sunday with kinsfolk. The misery of years has been cured In a sltipte night by the uws of Doan's Oint ment, a positive, never-failing remedy for Itching Files and all similar diseases. Your dealer keeps It, or can get It for you. CLARK'S GREEN. Oakley Beemer has bought the J. B. Rlker house and will occupy It at once. J. B. Rlker has removed to his farm near Factoryvllle. D. S. Patrick now resides with his son, H. N. Patrick,, on Arlington ave nue, and is reported to be much im proved In health. Joseph Kibble, of Scranton, now oc cupies the house recently made vacant by his brother, James, on Arlington avenue. A five o'clock tea was had at the home of William H. Swallow on Fri day last. The following shared In their hospitalities: Mr. and Mrs. E. Lutsey and daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Aylesworth, Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Good, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Davis. Mrs. L. J. Northup, of Scranton, spent Friday with her brother-in-law, J. C. Clark. The Elite party of young people of this vicinity, held an evening party In the hall over Frace & Parker's new store on Thursday last. It was a great success, many lingering until old Sol broke the dawn of another day. ' The new move of the Summit Metho dist Episcopal church members, vt withdrawing with Chinchilla and form ing a charge by themselves, and having a resident minister, leaving Waverly and Clark's Green as a separate charge, Is meeting with favor. The entertainment of the Clark's Green Epworth league was an well patronized as the weather would per mit, and wa enjoyed by the few who aim to replenish the treasury and keep up the Interest of the league. An Inter esting programme was rendered. Rev, F. H. Parsons, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will complete his conference year on Sunday next. He has had the unanimous call of the church to return. The Ladles' Aid society, of the Metho dist church of Clark's Green, will give a supper In the church on Thursday evening, from 6 to 8 o'clock. r ueorge vv.- xieemer nun exenangea nis beautiful new store building and Masonic hall with Dewey Doerchimer, of Schultzville, who will assume charge soon. i ; , i ; , Mr. Hallock, of Scranton, now oc cupies the L. M. Potter pluce, the latter having moved to Scranton some time since, ' t , Samuel Polhamus ' and family have again returned, 'after 'a winter's so journ in Scranton, and are heartily wel comed by their many friends. Eleotrlo Star Lodge, No. '490, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, held Its semi-annual election of officers on Sat urday evening; last with the following result: A. I. Ackerly, noble grand; A. A. Davis, vice grand; J. W. Rhodes, sec retary; E. H. Reed, assistant secretary; and Past Grand B. F. Akerly, trustee. Installation of officers will take pluce on Saturday evening next, April 6, 1835. WAVERLY. William Lewton, of Scranton, was a visitor here last Wednesday. v M. S. Roberts, of Lenoxville, Susque hanna county, was the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunyon lust Tuesday. Justice of the Peace James H. McAl plne Is confined to the house by a severe attuck of rheumatism. Parker Bros., who have been In the horseshoeing business here, have re moved to Fuctoryvllle. Attorney C. Comegys. of Hyde Park, hus moved here and Is occupying the old Bliss homestead. Thomas Jenkins, who has been con ducting a meat business here for a number of years, has removed, with his family, to Chinchilla. Washington camp, No. 314, Patriotic Order Sons of America, had a very hugely attended meeting last Wednes day night. This camp has within a short time added twelve new members to Its roll. Rev. F. II. Parson will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Rev. A. Hergen llrowe will hold ser vices at the Baptist church next Sun day at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. The president of the Kill Time club predicts Its early dissolution. AVlth the advent of spring the members are In clined to talk about work, and as work ing Is against the rules of the club, the president predicts Its early dissolution. E. II. Calkins la doing Jury duty this week. Joseph B. Mershon Is 111 of the grip. Earl Carpenter has removed his butcher shop In the store room lately accupied by Tom Jenkins. Attorney C. Comegys, of Scranton, has moved here with his family and Is occupying the old IUIss homestead. Washington Camp, No. 314, Patriot Order Sons of America, will hold their regular meeting next Wednesday night. Burgess Ed J. Stone and wife gave a birthday party at their home last Sat urday, In honor of their daughter, Mary. Refreshments were served and the day was happily spent. Songs, reci tations nnd games formed features of entertainment. The following were present: Master Howard nnd Stanley Stone, Misses Mary and Louisa Parker, Lorenz Hall, Olln Parson, Walter Park er, Harry and Robert Johnson, Harold and Helen Stevenson, Mary, Jennie and Francis Watson, Chrissle Bold, Mary and Marjorie Stone. "For three years I suffered from Salt Rheum. It covered my hands to. such an extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Hitters cured me." Llbble Young. Popes Mills, St. Lawrence county, N.-Y, CARBONDALE. The first meeting of the new poor board was held In their room In the city building on Monday evening and effect ed an organization for the present year. The meeting was called to order by Secretary Gilmartln and the election of officers resulted as follows: Presi dent, Edwin Moon; secretary, M. F. Gilmartln; treasurer, Dudley Gordon: Dr. J. S. Nlles was appointed physi cian to the department for the ensuing year, and J. J. O'Neill was retained as attorney. By virtue of a landlord's warrant sworn out by Andrew Mltcneii, tne personal property of James Coughiln, Jr., In Keystone block, will be sold for rent at constables sale today. Ted Shaffer removed his family from Waymart to Carbondale Monday. Dr. W. A. Spencer has purchased of Mrs. Koon, of Scranton, a lot on Spring street, between Lincoln and Sialem ave nue. The lot has a frontage of sixty feet and Is seventy-live feet deep. The doctor will, in the near future, erect a handsome home theVeort.- -. Mrs. George W. Bly and little son, of Laurel street, ore visiting relatives Iff Greene, N. Y. Mrs.W. A. Manvllle Is visiting friends In Philadelphia this week. B. F. Maxey, of Forest City, was a Oarbondale visitor yesterday after noon. , . ' . " John RQB."raji emj)l6K,o Ui Dela ware and Hudson car snop, nau tne middle finger on his left hand smashed between timbers In the Bhop yesterday. The Injured member was amputated by Dr. Thompson. Gurdon Pendleton, of Wayne street, who has been 111 at his home for the past week with grip, Is now convales cent. On Wednesday evening, April 24, the choir of the Baptist church, In conjunc tion with the Kimball Glee club of this city, will give a high-class musical entertainment In the auditorium of the Baptist church. Miss Margaret Watts, of Scranton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Rob erts, of South Church street. Mothers! Mothers! ! Mothers! J ! Mrs. Wlnslow'e Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allay ull pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. MOOSIC. Mrs. David Bllllngton, of Main street, was visiting In Avoca yesterday. John. Davy was In Scranton yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson were visiting out of town yesterday. Joseph Davis, a resident of MoosIc, has transferred his fumlly to Wilkes llarre, where they will reside In the WEAK HEN WUB ATTEHTIOB 12M Great English Remedy. Cray's Specific Medicine e IP Vnil SIIFFFR from Nor- fi!?u7eknHiof Body and &llnd,Hperma iorruca, and Impotency, and U dlmasas that TIM rxom OT.r inaalgeno. ana (eirbue. as Loss of Msmory and Pow.r, Dlmneaa of Vis ion. Prematura Old Ac and many other dla' M(i. that laad to Insanity or Consumption and an early grova, write for a pamphlet. iddrea GRAY MEUIOINK Co.. Buffalo, N.Y. Tba SpBciflo Idedl.ioe Is sold by all druralat at II per parkaga,, or six package tor o, or aent dt mall on receipt of money, and with srery ft.00 order UF GnmNTrf a oars or mon.r rfundd, fWOa account of counterfeit we bar adopted tba Yellow Wroppar, the only gvna Is field la Bcraaton by iiatUuwi Bros, future, he having secured the position of barn boss at one of the colleries of that place. William Ives, of Brook street, was in Scranton last evening. William Cox, of Main btireet, has moved Into, the house belonging to Frank MoHteller, on Minooka avenue, Mrs. William Wescott, of Main street, was visiting In Scranton yesterday. Alonzo Ellis, of Forest City, spent Sunday with friends In this place,- Mrs. John M. Robertson, of Main street, was In Avoca yesterday, William Mosteller's little girl. Mertllo, Is suffering from a bad cold. Anyone desiring to order the Scranton Tribune can do so by calling on the That Tired Feeling b a certain indication of lmnnrs and lm. poverlshed blood. If your blood could always be rich and pure, full of the red corpuscles upon which, its vitality depends, you would never be weak, or Nervous I Boils, pimnlea. scrofula, salt rheum, would never trouble you. But our moaa oi living, mat in all winter In poorly ventilated homes and shops, depletes the blood and there is loss of appetite, and weakness. . Hood's Sarsa parilla Is the standard remedy for this condition. It purifies, vitalize and enriches the blood, overcomes that tired feeling;, builds up the nerves and gives perfect health. Bead this: "Our daughter, Blanche, when four years of age bad a humor break out on her hands and face, which our phyilolan . pronounced eczema. If the cold sir reached her face or hands they would swell up, look almost purple, and headed blisters would form and break, a N. B. Bo sure to got A $400 Puzzle CUTTIIIS PICTURE OUT It contain the face of a father and three daughters; yon sea tba father, where are the daughters!1 If your eye are bright enough to find all th roo you are entitled to a reward. l-tT'l ae pro rrlftorM of the Mntlonal Seed .store will give 1'WKE seven beau tiful pictures (licins for decora ting a home) a a reward to any one who can make nut tho til roe duuga tei e face These pictures were superbly ex ecuted In colors by a flrui uf art publisher a who were oblitred to liq uidate 111. ir bust noxH, their produc tions bain i: too ex- IH)nnive for these hard times. The entire iitorlc was unrohaiml br nsand what origin ally cunt thoujtundn of dollar will now be pivon away to attract attention tu our NATION ALCOLLBCTION or FI.OWKR SEEDS, for the season of IMto. The published nrloeof these fiirturos was $1, but we will send them (a so ectd sories of seven) as a reward to every person fludinB and marking the three dauijli era' faces with mi X and enclosing same with sixteen 2-cent stamps for National Collko Tioy No. 1, containing; animnieuse varioty of tho chociest and moKt beautiful flower a-eils. If you purchase your needs from us one a eou we will always have your orders. We guarantee perfect satinf action or money re funded. $400 in CASH PKKMIbMS.-Tho person sending as above whose envelope hears the carllewt postmark will be given a $30U L pright piano; to t Second $25 in cnah; to third $20; to fourth $1 5: to fifth $1 0: and to the neat seven will be glvon $5 in gold. If able to flud the three faces you slioi Id answer promptly; and enclose at one with lA'liot. stamps ana yon will receive th) valuable lot of picturea and seeds by rntnrn mall. Address NATIONAL SI.KU llLUtAl. Washington, U. (J. P. U. Box U4S. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea Every boa gurrantead to give satisfaction or money refunded. Fall printed dlreotiotu from a child to a grown person. It is purel y vogutableand cannot positively harm th most tender infant. Insist ou having Dr. Camp bell's; aocept no ether. At all Drug glta, S6o, WONDERFUL South Bpranton, Pa, Not. 10, 1891. Mr, O. W. Oampbell-Doar Sir: I have 61ven my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, somo of T. Campbell' Magic Worm Sugar aud Tea, and to my surprise this afternoon about 9 o'clock he passed a tapeworm measuring about So feet In length, head and alb 1 have It In a bottle and any person wishing to soe it ran do so by calling at my store, I bad tried numerous other remedies recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed.- In my estimation Dr. Ownpbell's la the greatetl worm remedy in eifswnce. Your TJrv reanectfully, . FRED HEFFNER, 732 Beech Bt. Not The above Is what everybody says after onoa Uilng. Manufactured by C. W. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Successor to Dn John Campbell A boo. Bar Ton Bote Throat, Pimple, Copper-Colored BpoU, Aches, Old Bores, doers In Mouth, Halr-ftlllna-r Write Cook Hesaedy Co., 807 Mr soaleTenplehleaaaJ ll.,for proofs of cure. Capital a&00,004. PatlentsonnM Bine yearn Good News Send Tills Around. It Tells of Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING The kind that stands the racket and always looks well, CO Children's Suits, sizes 4 and '5, to clear them out 50c About 100 Boys' Superior Tailored Suits, Lined Pants, Smart Jackets aud a grand quality, to Hose $1.49 We've a little lot of extra quality Suits for boys' dress wear that were . made up specially to the order of ' Henry Goodman, The sizes are 6 to 14 years,and the price was 13.50. Take them now at $1.U0 Saiirs Shirt Bargiuna Still Continue and Remember-That All Our Piece Goods Are Being Closed Out at Practically What We can Get for Them. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE, ,' I ntr l lir I u I a vrnwrvm 510 LACKAWANNA AYE ME. agent, C. R. Frassonl, Main street, where they will receive prompt atten tion. 7 Charles Molunyex Is going to move Into the house vacated by Wllllum Cox, on Main street. James A. Hand and son left Saturday evening for Warren, Pa., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hand's mother. - Messrs. John Metz, W. R. Manners, Amos Young and E. Brodhead were In Scranton last evening on pleasure bent. Prayer meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at the Presbyter Ian church, at 7.20 o'clock. The Mooslo Chemical and Fertilizer company paid their employes yester day. . Discharging a watery fluid, and tho burn. lnjt and itching would drive her nearly wild. Unless we incased her little hands she would tear patches of skin from her face and hands. Wo tried many doctors and many remedies and at last gave the case up as hopeless. But onr daughter Cora tried Hood's 8anaparilla,to cure a scrofulous lump near the left breast which caused tti much pain and after taking 4 bottles it disappeared. Blanche, who is now eleven, had spent seven years of suffer ing, so I concluded to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She took 6 bottles and her face la smooth and soft as a baby's, the color of a rose petal. Her hands are soft and white, where four months ago they, were blue and red and calloused nearly like leather. I can not express my gratitude by pen or mouth. It seems a miracle and our friends are surprised." Mrs. Anna L. Clabk, 401 E. 4th St.. Dulutb, Minn. pari I Hood s and only Hood's. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Where do you trade? Where you always strike a bargain in CLOTHING, at the Bell Clothing House, 230 Lackawanna avenue. New in design, elegant in effect, the cheapest in town are our Spring Overcoats and Suits. You Have Saved By purchasing your winter clothes at our store. Now Is A Chance To save your dollars by buying your spring outfit of us. Notwithstanding our low prices we will give away as'a trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe ty Bicycle, full ball bearings, worth $35; with the purchase ot . every Boys' Suit or Knee Pants, you are entitled to a chance. Drawing conies off the 5th of J uly. THEJELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. Travels Fast. Money to Ba Saved and Bargains Having : BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Goodman. made up most of these In hla own factory on the South Side. . There's more of them here than any two stores should have; so here goes for a slaughter that you can not appreciate till you see the goods. Prices begin at 12o. now, and from that rise by easy grades to 8l)c, -when you reach a waist better than which it will be difficult to buy at any price, , 9a -J- El AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AYE, OPENING DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, 5th AND 6th. GRAND Ladies', Misses' and ' A III I 4 k KEBB, -SBEBECKEB & Oft j JAPAN MATTES. Soo Rolls this season's importations. Prices start at $4.oo a roll, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 24 cents and 5 cents over the roll price. Samples sent by mail. Dealers supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. "FOR THEJME A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong and dependable. All the shapes and conceits in trim mings, in prices ranging $5.So to $35.00. The buyer f r will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person or by mail. That "i8o5 Spring Outfit" Is a seller. Have you seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished complete. ECONOMY FURNITURE GO SCRANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS, , 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. I FAIR. SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF Children's Jackets, Etc t V EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headanho pTov.nttd and cured by hiTtnj your Kiantlflcally examined tod fitted accurately by DR. 5H1MBERQ. STBS EXAMINED FKEE. 8atlfatJo guaranteed i rry cut. 305 Sprue Strest i V. -v .-5 'j' i J' ' - Tmay conceive the shape and colorings, and we'll be sure to have it. It would be difficult to find a larger variety than we are now showing. The $5, $6 and $8 kinds are very popular, anfl the $10 article will make you wonder why any one wants to spend more for a Baby Carriage. If inclined to spend more there's nothing to stop you. II, SI, , 118,