TUE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING APRIL 3, 1895. 3 NORTON'S 322 Lackawanna Ave. ' "AT HOME" AGAIN. Ready for business At the Old Stand. Not all settled yet, Cut 60 that can attend To f riends and Patrons For Goods in our line. . Come and see us In our new "Home." M. NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. 11 0! mm THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. &CO. IMPRINTED OK EtCH CIGAR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's Court House Square. J. FRANK SIEGEL'S E CONCERT 1 AT THE FROTHINGHAM. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA AND BAND, 40 PIECES Easter Monday Night, April 1 5. Tickets on tale at box ofllee, on ticket ad roltticg lady uud gentleman; extra ladies' tickets, 5Uo. fiuJ""A general invitation extend ed to all present and former pupils and their friends. Strangers buying tickets at box office must be intreiuced. No ticket sold to parties not known. . 1'EKSONAL. General Manager Beetem, of the Scran, ton Traction company, Is In Baltimore. J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent of the Jersey Central railroad, was en gaged on business In New York yesterday. United States Commissioner A. J. Col born, Jr., yesterday received an Invitation to the golden wedding of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colborn, which will take place at their home in Somerset, this state, on April 15. It Is needless to say that Mr. Colborn will attend. BUILDING PERMITS. Issued by Inspector Wilson During Month of .Varch. , ' During March building permits were Issued by inspector John Nelson for Improvements, the ' estimated cost of which will be $38,000. Those to whom permits were granted are: Consumers' Ice company, workshop, Ash Street, Seventh ward. David Owens, extension and alterations, South Main avenue, Fifth ward. John F. Walsh, single dwelling. River street, Nineteenth ward. Joseph Lutey, single dwelling, Parker Street, First ward. Martin Shumbruskl, Dingle dwelling, Theodore Btreet, Second wnrd. Fred Nothacker, single dwelling, South Washington avenue, Kleventh ward. Henry Welngard, single dwelling, Ash street, Tenth ward. H. B. iJickey, store, Mulberry street. Sixteenth ward. Frank Roebllng, extension and altera tions. Mulberry street. Sixteenth ward. T John Fern, extension, Lincoln avenue. Fourth ward. H. A. Dlmleck, single dwelling, Rlch mont park. First ward. Adam Thompson, stable, Adams ave nue, Ninth ward. Mrs. Mary Squires, bay window exten sion and alterations, Wyoming avenue, Eighth ward. Herman Hagen, extension, Albright ave nue, Second ward. Herman Hagen, extension, Grove street, Second ward. II. Moses, store, Penn avenue, Sixteenth ward. M. Norton, store, four stories, brick and stone, Lackawanna avenue. Eighth ward. Scranton Packing company, extension and alterations, Wyoming avenue, Six teenth ward. Easter Millinery Opening, at Mrs. Cushman's on Thursday and Frl dayi April 4 and 6. 610 Spruce street, op posite Court House. PURE RICH BLOOD Is essential to good health, because the blood Is the vital fluid which supplies all the organs with life. Hood's Sarsauarllla Is the great blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable, harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe. , ! Sterling silver teaspoons only 94.60 per set at Davldow Bros., wholesale and retail Jewelers, 217 Lacka. ave. - The leading magazines have completed, or are Just about completing, their vol umes for the year.' If you have any vol umes on hand The Tribune Bindery can make them into beautiful book for you at short notice and low prices. A postal sent us will bring our prices to you. ' Sterling silver belt buckles nicely chased only $1.00 at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka, venue. Snowihite FIRST IS A MURDER CASE Crimlnul Trial List for the April Sessions of Court. BIG BATCH OP LAW BREAKERS Two Hundred and Sixteen Cases Sot Down for Trial in Space of Two Weeks -Crimes on the Mat Km brace All Manner of Offenses. April sessions of criminal court will begin on Monday, ' April 15, and con tinue for two weeks. The trial list as prepared by District Attorney John U. Jones Is herewith appended. As has been the rule In a majority of the terms of criminal court within the past few years the first case on the list this time is a murder trial, the one in which Leonardo Rosa is indicted for the kill ing of Vlto Lauisso, on Willow Btreet, Dunmore, two months ago. There are many other Important cases on the list, which Is as follows: First Week, Monday, April I S. I. Leonardo Rosa, murder; Thomas Leyshon. i. John Martin, larceny and receiv ing; Amasa Beemer. 3. Mary Snyder, larceny and receiv ing; Mrs. A. E. Suxton. ' 4. John 'Menner, alias Join) Ludwlg, larceny and receiving; Philip Graff. 6. William Hatch, larceny and receiv ing; A. D. Say era. 6. A. D. Sayers, larceny and receiv ing; M. W. Hatch. 7. Lansolot Slowther, malicious mis chief; Henry Adums. 8. John Martin, larceny and receiv ing; Amasa Beemer. a. James W. Powell robbery; Will iam T. Simpson. 10. John Norton, robbery; Nellie Anderson. II. John Doe, alias Joseph Solloz, statutory burglary; George Keller. 12. John Doe, alias Joseph Solloz, statutory burglary; A. F. MoCullum. 13. William Welsh, William Joyce, robbery; William T. Simpson. 14. John Boyer, assault and battery; Emma, Boyer. 15. William Hall, false pretences; An thony Seeger. 16. William Hall, false pretences; An tliony Seeger. 17. Annie Eagan, false pretences; John Coleman. 18. John OstrofskI, larceny and re ceiving; Frank Mancheskl.- 19. Alexander Mitchell, larceny and receiving; William T. Simpson. 20. Alexander Mitchell, larceny and receiving; William T. Simpson. 21. Alexander Mitchell, luroeny and receiving; William T. Simpson. 22. Alexander Mitchell, larceny and receiving; William T. Simpson. 23. James Grant, carrying concealed weapon; John Johler. 24. James Grant, pointing firearms; William T. Simpson. 25. Michael Langan, rape; James Ward. 26. Michael Langan, fornication and bastardy; James Ward. 27. John R. Thomas, selling liquor without license: Thomas Leyshon. 28. John R. Thomas, Hattie Thomas, keeping bawdy house; , Thomas Ley shon. L'tt. John Bakfer, defrauding boarding house; James Farrell. 30. Robert E. Williams, fornication and bastardy; Annie Edwards. 31. Robert E. Williams, seduction; Annie Edwards. 32. Floyd Schoonover, William Kroe ger, disturbing religious worship; Kev. A. B. O'Neal. 33. Anthony Duffy, rape; Kate liar ten. 34. Michael Krotky, tippling house; John Katzesky. 35. Patrick J. Gtlroy, false pretences; Elizabeth Klapeske. Tuesday, April 10. 36. Charles Thlel, bawdy house; John Gilbrlde. 37. Charles Thlel, Catherine Thlel, bawdy house; J. W. Clark. 38. Samuel Soloman, Charles Solo man, forcible entry and detainer; J. Greenburg. 39. L. P. Williams, forgery; G. W. Goddard. 40. L. P. Williams, fraudulently ob taining Insurance policy, etc.; G. W. Goddard. 41. Joseph Evans, assault and bat tery; William Peck. 42. Thomas Roland, assault; Mary Roland. 43. James Knight, robbery; William T. Simpson. 41. George Gollatto, tippling house; Joseph Mlhalko. 45. John Hoban, fornication and bas tardy; Sophia Kaufman. 46. Edward Dunstan, attempt at rape; Patrick Cosgrove. 47. Charlotte Snyder, assault and bat tery; Mary Tracey. 48. Daniel P. Byrne, selling to minors; Margaret Hull. 49. Valentine Haas, felonious wound ing; Thomas Jones. 50. Valentine Hass, assault and bat tery; John W. Howells. 51. John Howells, Thomas H. Dodds, Samuel Thomas, Howell Davis, aiding prisoner to escape; Valentine Hass. 62. Thomas Jones, larceny and re ceiving; Charles Westowsky. 54. Thomas Powphry, false pretences; H. Goodman. 55. Belle Edwards, disorderly house; Annie D. Schafer. , Wednesday, April 17. 56. Abraham Glazier, selling liquor on Sunday; John Hchlvak. 57. John Schlvak, assault and bat tery; Abraham Glazier. 68. Simon Miglin, assault and bat tery; Rosa Glazier. 69. E. D. Lathrope, William Lathrope, C. E. Lathrope, libel; H. J. Brennan. 60. Martin Farrell, malicious mis chief; Catherine Welsh. 61. William Nancarrow, false pre tences; Andrew Wlttko. 62. John Nancarrow, Mary Owens, tlppl1ng""hou8e; Jacob O'Prlntek. 63. Paul Derblne, tippling house; John Coppurcunsky. 64. Henry Burgess, seduction; Mary Knatt. 65. Gomer Jenkins, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 66. David (Pembridge, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 67. Martin Botozazk, assault and bat tery; Andrlzf Starlak. 68. John Lukan, Mary Lukan, tip pling house; Albert Buchta. 69. William Pembridge, larceny and receiving; Jane Thomas. 70. Daniel Shay, Patrick Moloney, Thomas Brennan, assault and battery; Julia Hartnell. 71. Charles Pruce, Adam Perednlck, Anthony Miller, John Mlllsky, assault and battery; George Dejunes. 72. Howell Richards, laroeny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 73. Frank Bowen, larceny and receiv ing; Jane Thomas. 74. William Orlska, Joseph Gudlunas, malicious mischief; Joseph Flesher. 75. Morgan Richards, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 76. Thomas Morgans, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 77. Harry H. Evans, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. 78. R. J. Bowen, larceny and receiv ing; Jane Thomas. 79. William J. Jones, larceny and re ceiving; Jane Thomas. Thursday, April 18. . 80. Myron J. Stone, forgery; George M. Hull. 81. Myron J. Stono, embezzlement; George M. Hull. 82. Michael Lavelle, . John Lavelle, George Callahan, riot; George Starner. 83. John Grlffln, Clarence Depew, Louis Glabb, nuisance; Thomas Moore. 84. Michael Costantooovage, Wash ack Mushack, assault end battery; John Shernock. ' 85. Evan Semratt, Miohael Semratt, Harry Semratt, Rltz Semratt. Stephen Yurkosky, Alex. Kiioub, Wassal Minn beck, John Pranko, robbery; William Goodman, - 86. Evan' Semratt, Michael Semratt, Harry Semratt, Rltz Semratt, Stephen Yurkosky, Alex. Knous, Wossal Mish John Pranko, assault and battery; William Goodman. 87. John Chester Peck, burglary; Da vid Weyman. 88. Paul Hliskl, felonious wounding; Samuel Meshanek. S9. Mary Maholko, assault and bat tery; Pauline Dehofski. 9U. Garby ' Cincavlch, Peter Bron sconski, Peter Shlnkavlch, breaking fence; John Duffy. 91. Henry Goodman, perjury;. Henry Hwrrck. 92. Thomas Loftus, assault and bat tery; Patrick Roach. 93. Thomas Loftus, aggravated as sault and battery; Patrick Roach. 94. John Fanning, assault and . bat tery; Samuel Reynolds. 95. Thomas Crofton, assault and bat tery; Ellen Crofton. 96. William J. Shubmehl, libel; Jo seph J. Jermyn. - 97. William J. Shubmehl, libel; M. F. Fadden. . 98. August Gable, Lena Gable, rape; Verando Andrews. 99. John Welsh, assault and battery; Edward Stock. I rldny, April 10. 100. A. C. Stanton, forgery; Gustor Kamrath. 101. Philip Hensley, adultery; William Regali. 102. Philip Hensley, perjury; William Regali. 1U3. Gussle Regali, perjury; William Regali. 104. ' Michael Klnlsh, larceny and re ceiving; John Jeznots. 105. Alary Jeznots, larceny and re ceiving; John Jeznots, 106. Mary Jeznots, adultery; Thomas Leyshon. 107. John Kelly, assault and battery; Annie Gudy. 10S. E. E. Grelner, assault and bat tery; Mrs. F. A. Johns. Saturday, April 20. 109. Charles Sun ford, surety, Llllie Henry. 110. Bernard Bubel, surety; G. M. Schmidt. 111. Richard Gaffeny, surety; Mary Gaff en y. 1.12. Mary Gaffeny, surety; Bridget Gaffney. 113. Thomas Maxwell, surety: W. J. Fulton. 114. Joseph Smith, surety; Simon 81s kos. 115. Annie Burey, surety; John Ban ko. 116. Honora Chlcoskey, surety; Wil helmena Carryll. 117. Bernard Garden, surety; John Carden. 118. John Nework, surety; Jacob Scruper. I 119. Andrew Gernscheck, surety; Ja cob Scruper. 120. Michael Groece, surety; Jacob Scruper. 121. John Kerole, surety; Jacob Scruper. 122. Milton McKenny, surety; Levi M. Snyder. 123. Lansolot Slowther, surety; Cora E. Slowther. 124. August Ash, surety; Marshall Preston. 125. Patrick E. McDonald, desertion; Kate McDonald. Second Week-Monday, April 22. 126. W. G. Bateman, John S. Luce, attempt at arson; William T. Simpson. 127. Frank Posdro, larceny and re ceiving; John Billing. 128. James Pollard, Mary Pollard, Jane Boland, assault and battery; Jo seph Pool. 129. N. J. Baker, rape; Mary E. Baker. 130. John Jennings, John Jennings, jr., tippling house; Patrick O'Brien. 131. John Jennings, John Jennings, Jr., selling liquor on Sunday; Patrick O'Brien. 132. Max Kohler, felonious attempt, John Situs. 133. Joseph Gereskle, felonious at tempt, John Situs. 134. John Gereskle, felonious attempt; John Situs. 135. Jacob Gereskle, felonious at tempt, John Situs. 136. Peter Jones, rape; Mary Brefka. 137. David James, seduction; Minnie Hickler. 1.18. John Bevauque, carrying con cealed weapons; Mathlas Wagner. 139. John Bevauque, assault and bat tery; Anthony Aullo. 140. Samuel Bevauque, assault and battery; Michael Forkner. 141. Lewie Search, assault and bat tery; Michael Forkner. 1.42. Martin Brennan, assault and bat tery; Anthony Carf. 143. James Gettings, assault and bat tery; Anthony Carf. . 144. James O'Boyle, assualt and bat tery; Anthony Carf. 145. Thomas Williams, assault and battery; S. E. Wldemun. Tuesday, April 23. 146. Arthur Gregory, larceny and re ceiving; Thomas L. Williams. 147. William Healy, robbery; Mary Connell. 148. William Healy, false pretences; Mary Connell. 149. Domlnlck Healy, Annie McKeon, assault and battery; Patrick Shay. 160. Thomas OjHurn, fornication and bastardy; Nellie Mahada. 151. William Hammett, Walter Ham mett, larceny and receiving; William T. Simpson, 152. Domlnlck McKeon, malicious mis chief; Patrick Shay. 153. John Gordon, larceny and re ceiving; Mary L. Kenyon. . 154. George Fanning, larceny and bailee; George Franz. 155. Stephen Howey, aggravated as sault and battery; John Jellnskl. W6. Timothy Dougherty, assault and battery; John Zazlerskl. 157. Thomas Thomas, John Klrby, tip pling house; Albert Leplc. 158. Thomas Thomas, John Klrby, selling liquor to minors; Albert Leplc. 159. Thomas Thomas, John Klrby, selling liquor on Sunday; Albert Leplc. 160. John Klrby, aggravated assault and battery, Albert Leplc. 16L Daniel Wallersfleld, selling liquor without license; Thomas Leyshon. 162. Daniel Wallerslleld, selling liquor to minors; Thomas Leyshon. 163. Michael Kost, larceny by bailee; Wassal Hodganlts. ONLY ONE PLACE In this city to buy Silverware right, and folks ara flad Ins It oat. Olnd to seeva all tbla week. KOUKR9 Bit Ob.' "1817" THA SPOONS $1 FOR THE SIX When old alow poke says they ain't the real YOU KNOW THE - REXFORD - CO., 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Picture Frames- Made at short notice. High Class la every respect : . I Inside Decorating In at) Its branches. PRATT'S Uckaxanna Arcs. Wednesday, April 24. 164. Tony Voch, felonious wounding; William T. "Simpson. 166, Walter tirownlee, tippling house; E. L. Craig. . 166. Lewis Marino, robbery; Bridget Rodlk. 167. John Hanlon, furnishing false statements to reporter; John R. Coslett. 168. Frank Scavo, felonious wound ing; George Williams. 169. Jasper Sllvles, false pretences; H. H. Hofllcker. 170. Hugh Battle, tippling house; Wil liam Son ii. 171. Hugh Battle, selling liquor to minors; William Sonn. 172. Conrad Vernon, forgery; Henry Voelkers. 173. John Ford, attempt at burglary; P. J. MoNamura. 174. Herman Klrchlnbaum, larceny by bailee; Lewis Fcldman. 175. Michael J. Welsh, embezzlement; Stephen Tunstall. 176. Alonzo Relchard, larceny and re ceiving; O. S. Lutz. 177. Susan Peters, alias Susan Bur gess, adultery; H. E. Washburn. 178. Muda Ringo, felonious wounding; Stephen Sandore. 1,79. Patrick Feeney, Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Kate Mulherln, tippling house; Thomas Leyshon. 180. Patrick Feeney. Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Kate Mulherln, selling liquor on Sunday; Thomas Leyshon. 181. Patrick Feeney Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Kate Mulherln, selling liquor to minors; Thomas Leyshon. Thursday, April 23. 182. John Vendokes, Joseph France, Jacob Oroboth," malicious mischief; Michael Munley. 183. Joseph Krlstlnak, tippling house; Joseph Stool. 184. John Dresh, felonious wounding; Alfred Bunfteld. 185. George Combrnekus, felonious wounding; Alfred Banfleld. 186. John Schlduck, felonious wound ing; Alfred Bantleld. 187. Charles Llden, burglary; John Surber. 188. Alexander M. Dickison, carrying concealed weapons; Fred Mink. 189. Alexander M. Dickison, bigamy; Thomas Leyshon. 190. Alexander M. Dickison, perjury; Fred Mink. 191. Martin Boroskey, assault and battery; Theodore Yankoskey. 192. George Chabra, Peter Bnshtska, felonious wounding; Powell Mynick. 193. Anthony Boroankl, aggravated assault and battery; Victor Chatikus key. 194. Patrick O'Brien, aggravated as sault and battery; L. P. Moon. 195. Samuel Davis, aggravated as sault and battery; Martin Lach. 196. Peter Kozielck, tippling house; Thomas Leyshon. 197. Peter Kozielck, selling liquor on Sunday; Thomas Leyshon. 1J98. Anthony Keturakls, Anthony Ke turakla, jr., George Kupc-runaa, Joseph Kazlanckus, felonious wounding; Charles Iiluck. 199. Ferdinand! Arlgonl, embezzle ment; Salvatore Annello. 200. Joseph Bedochas, Anthony Bunos, Motta Muskunas, malicious mischief; Agnes Krustoskl. 201. August Mlglln, felonious wound ing; Joseph Biddochas, 202. Bernard Koerner, Henry Koern er, felonious wounding; William Munke Muller. 203. Andrew Smith, Joseph Keturlsh, felonious wounding; George Smith. Saturday. April 27. 204. John Jennings, Jr., surety; Pat rick O'Brien. 205. N. J. Baker, surety; Mary E. Baker. 206. Jane Connolly, Burety; Patrick Connolly. 207. Joseph Yorefetch, surety; Michael Jabelco. 208. William Davis, surety; Emma Davis. 209. Bridget Hlckey, surety; Mrs. J. J. Rogers. 210. Stanislaus Sclmlln, surety; Abra ham Glazier. 211. John Shlvak, surety; Rosa Glaz ier. 212. Michael Burke, desertion; Ann Burke. 213. Charles T. Evans, desertion; Nora C. Evans. 214. Charles Merkel, desertion, Vic toria Merkel. 216. Frank Heffron, desertion; Mamie Heffron. 216. Jacob Boes, desertion; Llna Boes. TWO LARGE AUDIENCES. Were Attracted to the Frothingham After noon and Evening. Walte's Comedy company attracted large crowds to the Frothingham yes terday afternoon and evening. A large number of ladies and children attended the afternoon performance, when the curtain raiser, "Edith's Burglar," and the four-act comedy-drama, "Driven from Home," were presented In a very creditable manner. For the evening performance "Little Wild Cat," a mlrth-provoklng comedy, was given. It is a comedy that gives Miss Carrie Louis a class of work that Is peculiarly Butted to her. Although somewhat Indisposed, she captivated the audience by her versatility and cleverness. This afternoon another 10-cent mati nee will be given. "Our Angel," a laughable comedy, will be presented, and at night the powerful melodrama, "Beacon Lights" will be staged. St. Brendan Council, No. 243, Y. M. I., will hold a special meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock to take action on the death of Patrick O'Brien, one of its members. Money to loan at a very low rate of In terest on watches, diamonds and Jewelry, ill business strictly contidentlal, Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. ave. ' Buy the Weber and gat the best. At Guernsey Bros Flllsburre Flour Mills nave a capacity of 17.600 barrels a day. TODAY ONLY We have . placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want inouey. HERE IS In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $3.49 a pail! fomerly $3.50. 410 SPRUCE STREET. 5CHJMS A COOD HEALTHY GROWTH Finishing and Furnishing Fund Amounts to Over $350. TWO Y0UXC BOYS GIVE A SHOW Proceeds Were Twelve Cents, the Father Gave tight Cents and the Total Was Contributed to the Fund,-Soveral Projects Are I'nder Way. During Monday and yesterday The Tribune received $13.40 for the Finish ing and Furnishing fund of the Young Men's Christian association from twenty-seven persons. This amount added to the total $341.45 last acknowledged, brings the present grand total up to $354.85. The cash statement up to 6 o'clock last night was as follows: PREVIOl'BLY ACKNOWLEDGED. THE TRIBUNE 10 00 Sundry contributions 2U 15 fill 45 NEW CONTRIBUTIONS, It. D. T $2 N. S. C 2 W. 8. Harris 1 Cash 1 11. C. Cooper 1 Marshall 1 Providence 1 M. L. T 1 J. 11. Ward..; Cash Meyer F. T. E Carl Werns A. P. Madison M. J. O'Hara Friendly S. T. Miller N. R. B Charles Johnson Fred Johnson A Mother D. H. T L. D. K Two Boys J. O. McMlclmel Adams Avenue Clerk 13 40 Grand total $304 8j Two Hustling Boys. Two boys, Charles and Fred Johnson, of Adams avenue, gave an entertain ment Monday night and were assisted by several of their young boy and girl friends. An admission of 2 cents was charged, and to the 12 cents thus real ized the father added 8 cents, and the total of 20 cents was brought to The Tribune office by the boys yesterday noon. They told the cashier that other young members of the association are planning a similar means to raise money for the fund. It is just such efforts that are most appreciated by The Tribune, and, no matter how small a sum is realized, the young Americans will be given all the credit they deserve. If you desire, cut this out and send with your contribution to The Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. Finishing and Furnishing Fond. From. Amount. It ia not neceafary to use this coupon, which la printed only for your conve nience. Any amount from 1-cent upward will ba reoetved by The Tribune and ac knowledged through ita columns. Address: The Tribune Y. M. C, A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Good Things Coming. Several projects to procure money for the fund have been started by members and friends of the association. The re sults will be announced by The Tribune within a few days. Any person who Intends making a contribution should not delay the mat ter. During the summer will be offered an opportune time for renovating and repairing the building and its contents, but plans for such work will not be made until the fund Is composed of a certain amount. Prospective subscrib ers to the fund should not remain in the background. Contributions are needed now. If you Intend making a contribution, the use of the above coupon will simpli fy matters. Cut it out and use It. CLOSED For a few days, as we are moving to our new and larger quarters. Announcing Opening Date and don't fail to come. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 118 WYOMING AVENUE. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE MANUFACTURING CO., MAKBBl OV SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Ofllee: 820 Washington Avenue. Works! Maying, Pa I q. V. . B. M. H. DALE. General Sales A gcnl, .Sera itlan. Pa SPRIWG STYLES 4$444)4f4 V e MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Statement March S. 1805, called for by the Comptroller of the Currency. RESOURCES. toana $1,430,774.01 Overdrafts 280.74 I'nited Statca Bonds 80,000.00 Other Bonds 2UU.S55.UO Banking House 28,074.40 Premiums on t. S. Bonds,.. 1143,75 Due from I'. S. Treasurer... 7,000.00 Due from Banks 26:1,791.18 Cash 159,876.86 2,207,006.10 LIABILITIES. Capital $200,000.00 Surplus 260,000.00 Undivided Profits 72,356.90 Circulation 71,800.00 Dividends Unpaid 520.50 Deposits..... 1,037,214.90 Duo to Banks 26,013.74 2,267,000.10 WILLIAM CONNF.I.L, President. GEO. U. CATM.V, Vico President- WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. DIRECTORS. William Connell, George II. Cutlln, Alfred Band, James Archhald, Henry Bclin, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. Special attention given to business ao counts. Interest Paid on time deposits. THE TRADERS national Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL 250.000 SURPLUS, $35,000 BAMTTEL HTNES, President W. W. WATSON, Vice-President, A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Hlnes, James ST. Everhart, Irv ing A. Finch, Pierce B. Finley, Joseph J. Jermyn, M. S. Kemerer, Charles P. Mat thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Wataon. and LIBERAL. This bank Invites tho patronage ef bus men and arms generaiy. SPRING SHAPES ARE AHEAD NOW, AND IT'S TIME TO PUT YOUR HEAD INTO THEM. CONRAD 306 LACKAWANNA AVE. Moosic Powder Go, Rooms 1 and 2 CommveaItii Bld'fc SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSB DALE! WORKS. LafBin ft Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powder Elect rlo Batteries, Fuses for exptobV log blasts, Safety Fuse and Repaano Chemical Co.'s High Explosives TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LuGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmira, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi ' THE BEST IS, AYE, THE TIONS OF AND SUBSTITUTES FOR A POLIO Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of IMPORTED IB 111 Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. THE FROTHINGHAM, 3 Nights and 2 Mutinccs, Commencing Monday, April 1st The BAKNUM of Them All, WHITE'S COMEDY CO., PREMIUM BAND AND ORCHESTRA Of V) Artists, sutiportint the Peerless Quen of Comedy, MIHH CA lilt IE LUih, Id a j' Uy lot of new conieilim. The uaual ladies' frve tickets for Monday nicht can be prouurad and rofterre-'l at box uflira. Hale of Hata opftna Friday, M.rch '. PRIChb-10c., Xo. and KJo. Matinees 10c, THE FROTHINGHAM, "J Thursday, Friday and Saturduy, APRIL 4. 5 AND 6, KIATINEEJATURDAY. C. B. JEFFERSON, KLAW ft ERLAKO ER'S MagniKQiflrnt Production of PALMEK COX'S Up-to-Date Extravaganza. THE BROWNIES. A COMPANY OF 100 PEOPLE. GORGEOUS SCENERY AND EFFECTS. Sale of seats opens at the box offloe Monday. April 1, at a. in. PRICES- $1.50, tl.00, 76c, 5Ur., 2oc. Tbeatnr trains oa all railroad run ning into bcranton. ACADEMY OF MUSIC xx THURSDAY, APRIL aV The Charming Emotional Actress, ELITA PROCTOR OTIS, In a Scenic Production of OHARLeS DICKENS' Immortal Fiction. OLIVER .'. TWIST (upport'd hv a strong cast, including CHAS. BARKON and W. A. MEsTAYEB. Old Lon don scenieallv depicted aa Dickens saw It, and aa CruikshanK illustrated It. Kegular prices. Sale of Boats opens Tues day, April ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRI DAY, APRILS. Eighth annual tour of Mr. E. fl. SOTflERN (Under the management of Daniel Frohmau.) F"l rat . Time - Here. in his new comedy, OPT. LETTARBLAIR New York Cast and Scenery. Special prices Lower floor $1.50. 1.00 an4 75o i Balcony Too. and 64c. : Gallery 23c. Sale of aeata opens Wednesday, April 31 ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATU R DAY. APRIL 0. THE SUCCESSFUL FARCE-COMEDY, ALL LAUGHS. CLEVER COMPANY OF ARTISTS Bale of aeata opens Thursday, April 1 WILL CARLETON Author of "OVER THE HILLS TO THE POORIIOUSE," etc, etc.. Will LECTURE AT THE FROTHINGHAM TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9. Theme "The Prama of Itmnnn Nature," lntoraperaed with Recitations of Original Poems. RRICES-75cT, SOc. AND 25o Until Batarday Kight, EOe, 85c. and 24o. Diagram opens at box offloe Friday, April X at a.m. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday end Saturday. THE GREAT PRODUCTION, Beautiful Scenery, Exciting Climaxes, Clever Specialties, And a Strong Cast ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS. 20c seats down stain reserred for ladies and thoir escorts, Next Attraction-Return of HOWARD WALL'S IDEALS. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 31 1 Lack. Ay. and Stewart's Art Store. Phots Engraving for Circulars, Books, Cita loftus, NiWiDtpers. Half-Tonea and Une Work. CHEAPEST." AT0ID IMITA IN TEMPTATION OF MONEY
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