TILE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-SAT UKDAY 3LO..NING. MAllCII itO. 1895. 3 NORTON'S 322 Lackawanna Ave. AT HOME" AGAIN. Ready for business At the OM Staud. Not al) settled jet, But so that can attend To Friends and Patrons For Goods in our line. Come and see us In our new "Home." M. NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go, J. FRANK SIEGEL'S E COD! AT THE FROTHINQHAM. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA AND BAND, 40 PIECES l uster Monday Night, April 15. Tickets on sale at box office, one ticket ad mitting lady and gentleman; extra ladies' ticket. 5uc. Jsqjf'A general invitation extend ed to all present and former pupil and their friends. Strangers buy ing ticket at box onVeoiurt De introduced. .o tickets aoia to parties nut known. IN LOCAL THEATERS. Few, If any minstrel comijunlt-s are better known to the thf-ater-iroers of this city than (.corse Thatcher and Carrol J. Inson's minstrels, who will appear a the Academy of Music this r.(rv As to the ability of these '.popular exponents of mln streisj .. ritertaln an audience, there can be little doubt, especially to those who have witnessed their performance on some previous occasion. The or ganization which they will bring to this city will, in points of elegance, novel ties, beauty and spWndor, surpass any thing we have yet seen. The first part Is an attempt at scenic magnificence rarely achieved In minstrelsy, and the rising of the curtain will disclose spectacular of splendor, brilliantly II lumlnated with beautifully colored electrical effects that have been espeel ally devised for this company. The Frothlngham stage will be occu pled next Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday by Walte's Comedy company, supported by Miss Carrie Louis. This clever little woman will this season be the central figure of the famous Walte's Comedy company. Premium band and Solo orchestra. It requires thirty (30) people to represent this attraction and every one n artist In their respective lines. Manager Waite gives more and better show for less money than any manager on earth. Matinee Tuesday and Wednesday at the uniformly low price of 10 cents. For next week Manager Tlurgunder has booked three first class attractions. Thursday night Kllta Proctor Otis and company will appear In "Oliver Twist:1 Friday night K. H. Sothern and com pany will be seen and Saturday that amunlng farce comedy, "The Railroad Ticket," will be the attraction. Vl, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes da. next week there will be a big, Joll Mertainment at Davis' theater by tl. company of funny oomedlnn. known all over the couirtry as "A Jolly ivu. i ney come highly endorsed by tne press everywhere they have nil- lieared. The company Is headed bv America's representative musical art ists, the four emperors of music. How aid, Russell. Tenney and Talher, mid are without a doubt the best on th American stage. They were formerly with the "Jay Circus." They are nbly nupported by the following well knowii plnyers: The famous Vougure family an European novelty specially engaged who will present their very laughable "l,o Dnnse Le Vermolse;" I,a Hello Clarice, a charming little dancer from Madrid; Kmery & Marlowe, llelmunt & Olynn, Hill & Powell, Miss Frnnkle Rich, and a military brass band, which will give a street parade and free con certs In front of the theater. BCIWiruLA. salt rheum, nnd nil disease of the blood, dyspepsia, headache, kidney anil liver eomolalntn. and (ntnrrii ,. cured by Hood's Haisnparlllu, tlio great oiooa puriner. HOOD'S PILLS euro Jaundice, bilious ness, nick headache, constipation and nil liver Ills, t , Buy the Weber and ft th beat. At Guernsey Bros 1 "I waa run over by a lumber wagon Did not expect to live. Was terribly bloat. ed, My friends bathed me with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil. and I was cured. W have great faith In Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil." Mrs. Wm, F. Babcock, Norvell, daemon, ,o.( juion. Plllsburyi Flour Mllla have a capaelt at ll,tu) barrels a day. Snowline IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY Social Element Is In Seclusion Diir- imj Lenten Scnson.. QUIET 1X1 II. APT EK EASTER Tho (iaitiut of the Week's Events Sounded In Short Purusraphs-Uuosts unj Ka tertulnont-Personel Mentiou lie duccd to a Compact Couipus. Yesterday's Wllkes-llarre Record says: "One of the principal yearly events of the Young Men's Hebrew uh Bootatlon Is the 1'uiiin ball, which ul- waya attracts dancers from tar and near and for which the most elaborate preparations ure made. Oppenhelm's orchestra was hidden behind a bunk of palms, and the chandeliers were en twined with evergreen. The commit tee included Albert Lewis, Martin Free man, Harry Livingston, Adolph Klein, ami Isadore Falk. Among the out-of- town attendants were: New York, iinuel Klkus, .Moses Wiseman: Scran- ton, -Miss Levy, K. M. Iinll'ii; IMiilailel phlu, Simon Walters; I'inclnnall, Solo mon llclser; I'lttston, David lleyiuan. Isadore tbmipei'ltz; Salamanca. '. Y., Miss liruwu." Women base hall enthusiasts will re ceive with pleasure the assurance of the Sciantiin club's directors that every convenience possible will be urniiwd for the fair sex at the park this season. An end section of the grandstand Is to be reserved for them and divided from the other portion by u partition. The entrances arc to he from the rear, which will do away with the annoy ance of having persons pass along the front. All parts of the grounds, bleticliers and grandstand are to he well polleedaiidanyklndof rowdyism or bad languuge Is not to be tolerated. If the management keeps these promises the result will be seen In continuous and large audiences of women. The members of the French Hretoti dance In the Klrmess were entertained one evening during the week by Miss Florence Sllkman, at her home, on North Main uvenuc. Those present were: Misses (lertrude and Hessie Williams, Grace Sllkman, Anmi Collins, Hlancbe llallstead, Alice Kvans, Alice and Jennie Ziegler, Hessie Orltlln, Flor ence Silkman. Lizzie Gabriel, and 1'hll llpine Tropp, and K. K. Cooper, S. F. Silkman, James T. Geddes, S. 11. Swingle, George H. Jackson, F. H. Wldmayer, George M. Mulley, H. A. Smith, Carenco O. Reed, George Sllk man. AVednesday noon In Elm Park church were married Miss Nellie A. Woolsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wool sey. of Madison avenue, to Schuyler C. Gernon. There were no bridesmaids nor maid of honor. Miss Woolsey was attired In a brown traveling suit and was accompanied to the altar by her father. The groom was attended by his brother. L. B. Gernon. The ushers were John H. Blackwood, Dr. Horllnghoff, and Casslus Stackhouse, of this city, and Lafayette Gernon, a brother of the groom, of Hoston. After April 1" Mr. and Mrs. Gernon will he at home at Xo. si.". Vine street. A company of young West Siders paid a surprise visit Wednesday even ing to Miss Kdlth Davis, niece of Depu ty Wardxn Price, of the county Jail. In the party were Misses Celle Lewis, Jemima Roderick, Gertie Thomas, Sa die Thomas. Minnie Thomas, Nettie Datesman, F.llle Griffiths. Ida Lewis and Mollie Slantz; Kldrlge Dougherty, Will Thomas, George Nlcholls, Will iam Grltllths, E. H. Evans, Peter Lewis, Ray Williams and Eddie Watklns. The sixteenth anniversary of Miss Lena Reinhard was celebrated Thurs day evening by an enjoyable party at the home of her parents on Webster avenue. Among those present were: Misses Kdna Kvans, Lizzie and Emma Casper, Mabel and Clara Spelcher, Julia and Christie Z. nke, Mattie Ellen word. Carrl De Wilde, Hessie Spelcher, Flossie Howard. Nellie Thomas, Mar garet Davis, Esther Casterllne, Tessle Kauffman and Anna Spelcher. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hunt, at their resi dence, corner of Jefferson avenue and Pine street, tendered ft reception Thurs day evening to the choir of the First Presbyterian church. A dainty lunch was served during the evening, which was Interspersed with vocal selections by many of the singers present. During the TH-xt few -weeks the choir will be entertained by other well-known people. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered William L. Iveland at his home, 925 Cedar avenue, Wednesday evening. Light refreshments were served at a seasonable hour. Music was furnleshed by Mrs. W. L. Love land and Miss Resale Myers. The promenade concert and ball for his present and past pupils and their friends, to be given by Professsor Slegel Easter Monday night, promises to be an enjoyable affair. Music will be fur nished by Bauer's bnnd and orchenlra of forty pieces. PERSONAL M E.VTH N: Among the well known H'-rantoiiinus In New York during the week were Mr. und Mrs. FroMilintliiim, Mr. and .Mrs. Wool- worth, F. O. Mega raw. Conrad Sdiroed 'r, E. (', I ii-ii n, Miss A. II. ('oilmen, Ell Agcr, M. J. Healy mid J. W. Onkford. F. A. Cnindall, of lluffalo, who was nt oiki time editor of the ItepublUnn, of this city, has resigned bis position ns manag ing editor of the HulTiilo Times to ac cept the superintend!-ucy of public docu mi-ills at Washington. George D. Ilrown, president, ond A. L. Francois, treasurer, of the Eureka Cash Register ronipiuiy, were In lllimliniiitiiti Tuesday to make nmiiigcmciits for tin transfer of the plant to this city. J. E. Juild, of Judd llros., wholesale lumber dealers, of this city, left .Monday for Aberdeen, N. ., where be will speni a few days lit I heir mills and then visit relatives and Mends. The 1U. Itev. William M. Murker, 1 .!)., bishop of the missionary Jurisdiction of Olympla. Washington, has been the guest of his aunt, Mrs. H. G. Marker, Mud! son avenue. Miss Teresa Carey, of North Main ave nue, has returned from New York and has assumed charge of the trimming tlcpnrt nicnt of Hasliuihur's store. Hugh C. Smyth, a member of the bar of Luxernn county, on motion of lion. W W. Watson, has been admitted lo practice in the Lackawanna courts. N. Morgnn, formerly of this city, has re cently been appointed superintendent of the Mansfield, O., district of the Prudon tlal Insurance company. Miss Llxtle Wtllllams has resigned her position at Jermyn s store to accept one at uiarK s store, park place. Andrew Hayes, after living In Olyphaivt two years, has returned to Hcranton, owing- to th death of his wife. , , , Dr. C. W. Roberts, of this city, has been sleeted president of th Interstate. Hom eopath lo Medical society. Mr. and Mr, 0. M. Turner, of Plalnflold, Pa,, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Swurtz, of Adams avenue, returned home Wednesday. E. B. Davldow has sailed on the Nor man iu for Hamburg, ami will muke an ex tended European tuur previous to his ;e turn. H. 11. Archer, of Jefferson avenue, has leased a house on Mulberry street, where ho will reaidit from April I. Joseph F. Haugl Is entertaining his sis ter, Miss Nellie lluugl, ut bis home on 1 ilckson avenue. Ex-Siiperlntenduiit of Schouls Werner, of Northampton county, was here on busi ness Thursday. Professor Richard Lindsay will remove from l'enn avenue to 308 Washington ave nue, on Momluy. Hon. Oiilushu A. Grow was ut the Wy oming Wednesday, on his way from Hiir rlsliurg home. C. C. Ferber, of the Clemens, Ferln-r, O'.Malley coiuiany, Is In New York liuylii:,' spring stock. .Mrs. James Staples, after a week's visit to New York city, relunieil to her home Wednesday. Mayor Coiim-ll, Miss Coinu-ll ami M'-s. Kdgar Coinu-ll have returned from I'hll.i lelphla. E. M. At water, of Wayne county, has been vlslllug his daughter, Mrs. G. Phillips. J. Fred Sullivan, of I'lovhli-nce. I!. I., Is visiting Editor .hinu-s I.. JihIkc. of Un hide. Dr. A. J. Council's olllce will lie nt Zf Washington avenue from .Monday next. Mrs. G. 1 1. Keyes, of l'enn avenue, Is -covering afli-r a pro!rm-lt l illness. Thomas Moore was In New York city during Hie middle of the ueck. Mrs. Joseph Levy left Thursday for a shun I'lsli t,i ,, w York city. Miss I'liiiciu, of .M I III In avenue. Is vis iting West I'lttston friends. Miss Kose Ciniavaii has returned from a business trip to New York. Postmaster Miilliu, of I'itistiin, was vis iting In I lie elly Monday. Joseph Louis, of the Plymouth Tribune, was In the. city Tuesday. .Mrs. M. 1 1. Iline, of I'lne sti t, has re turned from New York. Colonel Meredith L. Jones, of New York, was lu the city Friday. Attorney T. F. Welles was iu lliiighaui ton Thursday. J. H. Hopkins was In Curbuiidalc Wed nesday. J. H. Smith, of Kingston, was here yes terday. Attorney J. M. Harris Is Iu Philadelphia. LIFE OF Ml'ixDKLSSOHX. Iclt I pon hy Kev. Jacob l-ciicrliclit In His Address nt the linden Street Temple l ast Night. Itev. Jacob Feurllcht delivered an Instructive lecture at the Linden Street Temple last night upon the life of Moses Mendelssohn, who was born at Ger many In 1754, and was Justly celebrated fur his writings In defense of Jewish re ligion. The reverend gentleman opened his lecture by citing the manner In which Mendelssohn at the age of 25 years was consulted by the eminent Leasing, his devoted friend, as to his opinion upon an essay which Lessing had written, and received the unexpected reply that It was good, but that he could produce one equally as good. Lessing there upon Invited him to prove his words and in a brief time Mendelssohn handed him an essay which was full of trite thoughts and masterly Ideas, and which was printed and circulated contrary to the knowledge nnd wishes of Mendels sohn, hence his advent Into the literary world was against his will nnd without his seeking. It was, however, an In centive for the greater works which followed. In 17t!4 he published "Die Evidence tier Metaphysicians Wlssen shaften," which secured for him the po sition of prize essayist of the Roynl Academy of Science of Merlin nnd the faculty elected him one of the members of that body, but Frederick the Great struck off his name for the only reason that he was a Jew, so that In spite of the acknowledgments of his literary achievements and scholarly attain ments he was regarded as a Jew, an alien and outcast. Religion llccamc .Materialistic. In the Eighteenth century the domi nating Inlluence of sceptics was fell in Europe, and the works of Voltaire nnd others, tended! to make religion materi alistic, nnd unbelief became fashiona ble. Christianity lost Its hold on Intel lectual minds and atheistic Ideas pre vailed and In particular the doctrine of the Immortality of the soul was en tirely demolished. Mendelssohn, who believed In a spiritual life beyond, un dertook to regain for mankind the treasured hope nnd this was brought about by the publication of his chief work, "Fhaednn," a dialogue whltten In the manner of Plato, In which he proved, with logical force, the Immor tality of the soul. The effect of the publication was to electrify the coun try and "Phaedon" became the book of the times, and In two years three editions were Hold, printed In every European tongue. The congratulations which were showered upon him showed conclusively thnt his genius had lifted the Jews to the height of eminence. Mr. Feuerllcht then went on and show how Christians In nil nges re garded a liberality In thought by the Jews ns an approach to Christianity, and several Incidents were graphically dlscribed In which Moses Mendelssohn was challenged to refute his own argu ments or become a Christian. lie con tended, however, that Mendelssohn took advantage of the opportunity o proclaim his adherence to the religion he dearly loved nnd exposed the errors of Christianity, and ut the same time showed the true diameter of his reli gion consistently with reason. W ords of Wisdom. The following excerpt from "Phae don" was rend: "In nccordnnco with the principles of my religion, I can ad mire, even love, the great men of other denominations, without being led to the silly thought of seeking to convert them. I count among them muny friends although not of my religion. We love each oilier dearly, but never Iiiim my heart whispered 'Alas, for that excellent man's smil.' " hero Is (iood Music. Those who have not recently at tended th Hunday afternoon service for mun at the Young Men's Christian association have missed some exceedingly Interesting musical services. Tim association glee club of sixteen voices tins been thoroughly organized and constantly trained by Di rector Morgnn with very gratifying har monic results. A feature of these, services Is the excellent orchestra musln rendered by Conrad's orchestra In a prelude to the regular service, us an accompaniment to the singing and after the service clones. Tomorrow nrternoon the gifted young pas tor of tho Dunmore Hunt 1st church, Itov. A. H. O'Neal, will address tho meellnu;. All seats are tree to men of every creed. . A rhnnoo to Learn Latin. A class beginning the study of Latin will bo formed Monday evening, April 1, In one of the class rooms at the Y. M. C. A. For further information Inquire at the Y. M. C. A. ' ' Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will be In his Bcranton office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from I In th morning until ( In th venlng. WAITING UNTIL TOMORROW May Unit the Y. M. C. A. of Your Contribution to the runt). DELAY IS THE THIRt OP TIME Sixteen Persons Acted Yesterday unJ Contributed Over Light liollnrs-Ono Subscriber Writes of the (iyiiinusluin unJ r.dueiitloiinl Departments. Tuning yesterday the Finishing nnd Furnishing fund of the Young Men's Christian association grew to $:!:i:i.l0 by tho addition of $S.,ri5 received from sixteen persons during the day. It was a great day for one-dollar subscrip tions. At C o'clock Inst night the cash state ment of the fund was as follows: I'ltFVKU SLY ACKNOWLEDGED. THE TIMIil'NE im INI Sundry contrlliutioiis '"t .yi'-'i 55 K E W CONTUIIII TIONS. W. A. Knox i ini S. I'nlmer I mi Cash 1 ihi II. S. W 1 no D. N. E I ihi II. A. Mini!, k 1 im J. M. Edwards ',ii Wyoming LT A Friend 'Si H. George I L. K. Johns In It. I.. A HI Cash HI I e l.oni; 5 Edward Wl ler r, X. Y. . S S 55 Grand total $:;: lo Acknowledges Help He liecehed. A young man who lias D eceived espe cial benefit from the gymnasium ami educational departments eucliiscd U with the following letter: Editor of The Tribune. Dear Sir: Having been a member of the Young .Mull's Cliilsiiaii association for one year I feel It my duty to say a few wolds about the hem-lit I have received from It. My taking exercise lu the itymmisliini my heulth has improved, am! by taking a busi ness course under the tuition of Mr. Tni pen 1 have become better lilted for my business. .My iittemlance at the building lias shown me the great need fur an In creased equipment both In the gymnasium and tho school room, and for which pur pose I herewith gladly enclose $1. II. A. Dlmlick. There are several hundred young men whose experiences have been similar to those expressed In the foregoing letter. May be extra help given them Isn't worth a dollar, but It Is worth some thing. When you decide upon the amount, clip out one of these coupons and use It: If you desire, cut this out and send with your contribution to Tho Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Irouj. Amount. It is not necessary to use thiacoupon, which is printed ouly for your conve nience. Any amount from 1-cent upward will be received by Tlie Tribune und ac knowledged tliroui;ii its columns. Address: 1 lie 1 1 ihune V. M. C, A. f inishing and f urnishing Fund. lo Not Hesitate. Someone has said that "procrastina tion Is the thief of time." In the case of this fund procrastination may mean the loss, at least, of money. Don't be a party to It, but scud The Tribune, with your autograph, inltals or mark any manner of sum from 1-cent unpward for the Finishing and Furnishing fund. Attend to it today. Do it now. RETIRING CITY FATHERS. , Those Who Will Kctlro to Private Life on Monday. Monday noon six members of com mon council will retire from olllce and as many elected In their stead will be Installed, In addition to five members who will succeed themselves. The retiring members are P. II. Gui llen, Democrat, First, ward; E. E. Robu than, Republican, of the Fifth ward; J. VV. McLean, Democrat, of the Seventh ward; T. 13. Howe, Republican, of the Thirteenth ward; T. E. Davis, Republi can, of the Fifteenth ward; Arja Will iams. Rcpubllcnn, of the Seventeenth ward. Their successors will be, respec tively, John Loftus, Richard Thomas, Mlchuol Gllroy, C. S. Seanuins, Joseph Oliver and Luther Keller. Excepting Mr. Loftus, who Is an Independent, these new members are of the same political faith as their predecessors. The remaining live new members who succeed themselves are James J. drier. Democrat, of the Third; James Molr, Republican, of the Ninth; Robert Rob inson, Democrat, of the Eleventh; Pat lick Hlckey, Democrat, of the Nine teenth; D. P. ltattle. Democrat, of the Twenty-first. The political complexion of the new organization will remain the same as heretofore, unless Mr. Loftus, who was elected ns nn Independent, displays Democratic tendencies; otherwise, the voting will be as follows: II Democrats, D Republicans, 1 Independent. 'Hie "Ocopntrii." The latest In Kid Gloves. FINLEY'S. In this elly to buy Rllverwnrn right, and folks ure Und ing it oil'. Ulud to see veil nil this week. UOU lilts HUMS.' "8I7" TBA SPOONS $ FOR THE SIX When old slow poke says they nlu't the real YOU KNOW THE - KEXFOim - . 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CO.. Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class la every respect Inside Decoration Id all lt brauches. PDATT't . . 312. inn 11 ui ucnawanna mm. ItLOOD IN HIS EYE. An Italian Wub llent on Murdering Several Hoot blacks. A vloiouH assault was made upon sev erul young bootblacks on Lackawanna avenue yesterday afternoon by an Italian mimed Salvadore Clra, 40 years of age. Clra might have seriously In jured one of them but for the timely Interference of Patrolman Marker. The boys had been teasing Clra, who armed himself with an iron hoop and pursued them, He made a murderous swing at one of the lads who escaped tho blow by dodging but waa caught by the thoroughly angered Clra. He raised the hoop preparatory to striking the boy when Palrolmun Marker caught his arm and arrested him. He paid a line of $2 In police court. WHITE'S OOSTI.Y CRUELTY. lie lleut an I xliiiusiej Horse mid I'oi felted 'leu hollars. For cruelty to u horse Thomas While was nrrcstcd on Jackson street Thurs day night by Lieutenant Williams and Patrolman Lowry. White is a huckster and was driving a. team owned by a Mr. Phillips, which was covered with sweat. One of the horses fell from exhaustion, whereupon While began to beat iilul abuse It. He deposited for bis appearance lu yes terday .1 police court, but did not up- ; pear for a hearing. i i HORSE WAS STOLEN. Accurate description Sent hy Duller to I Police Officials. ' I'ollce authorities in all towns In tlie valleys have been unfilled to he on the alert fur a horse and buggy stolen Thursday night from Itlchurd Wil- : Hums, of Tliroop. The out lit Is described as follows: j May inure, dark above th" knees, 1.1 or ! 15 hands Iol-Ii, white spot on forehead, 1 ear split 1'i Inche, black top buggy, : plaid blankets. Spalding's base Hull I, aide for '"Ki" for sale at C. M. I'lorey' umlug avenue. s, Wy- Telephone 12-12. W. G. Doud & Co., Ml Lackawanna avenue, lor all kinds of plumbing. - Special prices to closo out our sheet music and small musical Instruments. J. L. STE1.LK, 134 Wyoming avenue. CLOSED For a few days, as we are moving to our new and larger quarters. Mill Announcing Opening Date and don't fail to come. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE We have placed iu our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want mouey. HERE IS In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $2.49 a pair, foincrly $3.50. SCHfiMS 410 SPRUCE STREET. THE ILIMITED.l CORNER LACKA. AND JEFFERSON AVES. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Try our bfst prlvnto growth JAVA ana MOCHA Coffee and lie coil voiced that wt ell nothing but the Purest and Rest. Wo receive dully FRKRH EUOB, and CKKAMKHY III "if EK nut up In 1-pouud prints, 6 pound glaas pail and tuba. Our Canned Goods, Fruit and Vegetables Are from the best packer; th stock li re newed every fifteen day in tide dewart- mam, tliun Insuring vou nothlug but f ruah gooda. 8ileaenta for "SISHON'S" BERRIES, of all kiiKls, which will be seat to us dallr from LaPiume as aoou aa th. aeaaon open. Wa gitar.nbwl quiok delivery of good from all dvpnrtiienta, honest weight and meaauiitoaallgfwls uuruluusid. SPRIWG STYLE! Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of S MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N. A. WERT'S WYOMING AVE, SCRANT0M. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Otb.tr PIANOS Also a lurge stuck of lir.st-cluss ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. CONRAD'S ASSORTMENT IS THE LARGEST. IT'S A FACT and facta are facta. There ia no arguing with faots. They're real, eolld, tangible. CONRAD HAS THE LARGEST LINE -OF - HATS IN THE CITY. WELSBACH LIGHT Specially Adapted (or Reading and Sewing, Consumes three (8) feet of pas per hour and Rives au efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Having at least S3 J per cent, over the ordinary Tip lturnerm Cull und Sec It. HUNT & CIJHNELL CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rUnufacturer' Agents. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 Comraoieallli Bld'g, SCR ANTON. PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MAUB AT MOC8IC AND KUBU UAL.K WORK. B. Laftlln A Rand Powder Co." Orange Gun Powder Elaotrlo rfnttertra, Fuse for entplod 1ns ulaata. Safety flwe and fiepaono Chemical Co.'s High Explosive. TAR CUM Cures Colds. Lays Out LuGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by U. ELM EN DORF, ElmlrH, N. Y., and for sale hy the trade generally. MEGARGEL & C0NNELL, Wholesale JUcnts, Scranton Pi 1 1 1 f 11 tell! JpfSMl III nnd Very 9 EMM. IMPORTED Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. MMJMJA ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY. MARCH 30. MINSTR Au uLoratu production up-tVUutt Luin- Lart'o and cleVnr company o! bUr-k fa; artiHti. WATCH FOR THE GRAND PARADE KKUlar iirliws. Bale of noau opens Thurs day, March Zi. THE FROTH INGHAM, 3 Nights und 2 Mutioeos. Commencing Monday, April 1st. Too BAKXL M of Them All, HI PREMIUM BAND AND ORCHESTRA Of 81 Artmts, guppurtinir the l'eerle Queen of Uouiedy, AllbS CARRIE LOIS, in a joll lot of new voinedli-b. The uaual ladiea fret tickets for Monday ntfrht van be procured and rmerved at box office. Kale of aeata opena Friday, lUrch M. PRICEB-lOc., JOc. and 3oo. Matiueea-lOc, fHE FROTHIXGHAM, Thursday, I riday and Saturday. APRIL 4, 5 AND 6, WATINEEJATURDAY. C. B. JEFFERSON, KLAW it ERLAXCi EK'S MaitniKinfl' ent Produr-tiou of FALiili-K co.vs I p-to-Uate Extra vak'anza. THE BROWNIES. A COMPANY OF 100 PEOPLE. GORGEOUS SCENERY AND EFFECTS. Snip of Hftt otvti at th l,nr nfflra Mufwluv-- Airill.nt W a. m. PRJCES-SLaO. SUA', Tie. Theater trains uu all rilrodfc ruu niijfT into Scrauton. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1, Z and 3, The Prize Winner of Fun, WHITE'S COMEDY CO A JOLLY LQIC7 HEADED BY THE 4 EfflPERORS OF IYIUSIC 4 iFormeily with "A Jay Circus.") A Musical C'onn-dy Brimming Over with Fuu. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS. 0c. ai ata don-n stalra re'orved for lml us and thi-ir escorts. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Statement March 9. 18H5. culled for by the Comptroller of the Currency. RFSOIKCES. loans $1,430,774.91 Overdrafts 28H.74 1 nitcd States Bonds 80,(100.01) Other Bonds 2UO.SJ5.20 llnnWinR House 28,074.44 Premium on I . S. Bonds... 04J.7.1 Due from I'. S. Treasurer... 7.HO0.0O Hue from Banks 2tM.7iM.lrt Cash I5,87.8tl 2,267,P06.10 LIABILITIES. Capital - $200,000.00 Surplus 200.0OO.00 I ndivided IToftts 72.35.0O Circulation 71.8t0.00 Dividends l npaid 520.50 Deposits 1,037,214.00 Hue to Hunks. 20.U13.74 2.207,90.IO nil.l.Un CONM I.I . President. liEO. 11. Cal l.IN. lcc President. W II 1. 1 AM II. PLCh. tasuien, DIRECTORS. Wllllum Council. George II. Catlin, Alfred Hand. Jiunea ArchbaU, Henry ltd in, jr., William T. Smith, Luther kcller. Special Attention given to business aa counts. Interest Paid on time deposits, ! ...... .1 STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable, Dr. Campbell' Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boa gurranteed to aire aatiafaetkia or mouey refunded. Full prlntad direction from a child te a frown perann. Itiapnraly. vegetable and oanuotpoettively harm the most tender infant. Insist en having Dr. Canips. bell'a; aooept do other. At all Dreg (faa, 2 WONDERFUL. Booth Sr-nAHtoir, Pa, Mar. 10. ISM. Mr. C. W. Campbell -Dear Blr: I have f lven my boy, Freddie, I year ola, tome of r. Camplwira Magic worm Sugar and Tea, and to my aurpriaa tale afternoon about I o'clock lie passed a tapeworm measuring about 8& feet in length, head and all. 1 tiara. It In a bottle and auy person wishing to ae it can do by calling at my store. I had tried numeroua other remedies recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed. In my estimation Dr. Uompbell'i ia the greatest worm remedy In existence. Yours Tery resnectfully, FRED HKEFNER, 732 Beerh St Note The above Is what everybody says after onoe suing. Maunfactured by C. W. Campliell, Lancaster, Pa. Bucoessor to Dr. John Campbell a) Bon. FHiirwGirwAvTR; OFFICE AND SHOP 311 Lack. Av. and Stewart's Art Store. Photo EngravlBg or Circulars, Books, dia logues, newspapers. Kalf-Tonaa Line Work. A A i A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers