The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
TITE RCTJ ANTON TI?miTNT3-S ATITRDAY MORtfnTGr, MATCCII 00, 1895. TUJiKHAKNOCK. The following are the officers pf Tunk hannock Lodge, No. 699, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, recently elected: Noble grand, Fred Herman; vice grand, J. Frang Ross; secretnry, John F. Slok ler; assistant secretary, Andrew Keys; treasurer, F. C. Burgess; trustee, J. I. Seutt. G. D. Do "Witt Is about to move Into his new house. Kev. George Illne, pastor of the llup tlst church, Is preaching a series of In teresting Sunday evening sermons on the parable of the Ten Virgins. Frederick Franks was down from Vose on business yesterday. Charles Schenek.. of Homer, N. Y., ws visiting friends and looking after business matters here yesterday. Rev. A. H. Poerstler. of Croswoll, Lancaster county, is expected here to day to uct as regular supply for the Kvnngelleal pulpit. He will begin with preaching services tomorrow moruingr. Ilenort comes from Vose that (1. 11. Kllsworth, who has .recently been ;if tllcti'd with erysipelas In the face, will now be obliged b have part of his jaw bone removed. The disease seems to have taken another form, or to be com plicated with something else, and lias attacked the bone. The personal property of Fi-:mo!.i "Weaver, of Monroe township, will be sold by the sheriff April 11. I'ofessor K. M. Stark, the Mi-hoop-nny pedagogue. Is in Philadelphia this week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. S TVintermute is seriously ill. William T. llrewer and Miss I.oii Clark were married at Meshoppen Thursday by Key. It. M. l'aseoe. While Constable John Straley. of N'oxeih was coming over to attend th" Piekler law suit yesterday morning his horse suddenly drooped dead. I'p to that time the animal was apparently as well as ever. The accident occurred as he was leisurely driving along near tin fair ground. Jack Koss settled his petty thieving nffair last night by paying the costs, returning the pocket-book, and giving his note for the money he had spent. The case of Knoch Slcklor. of Xoxen, charged by his uncle. Zlhe Siekler. with stealing hides, was heard before Es quire Kutz yesterday. The evidence showed that the defendant had bought the hides and paid for them; that the prosecutor had taken $17 on account rind afterward settled all accounts with Enoch, taking his due bill. In which transaction nothing was said about any debt for hides, although the alleged stealing occurred some time previously. It appears to have been a spite action on the part of the plaintiff. .Miss Margaret Jayne. of Nimble, is visiting her sister. Mrs. F. C. Hurgess. Mrs. Rebekah Brunges is reported very sick at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. R. Scouten, at W'ilkes-lla'.re. Her son Howard will go down this morning to see her. William I. Avery has returned from his Florida trip. Miss Mary Ingham, of Mehoopany. Is endeavoring to form a class in paint ing here. The dwelling house of Thomas Hope, of North Branch township, was burned to the ground un Thursday, with needy all its contents. The origin of th- lire is unknown. The property was Insured for Sl.Onu. Triton hose hoys are endeavoring to lease a plot of ground on the Punderson Miller estate on which to lay out a base ball diamond. They expect to be able to congregate a strong team this seas on. The Lehigh Valley will issue half-fare clerical orders again tills season. Mrs. J. G. Soaulding will remodel the S. W. Dickinson property, recently pur chased by her. before moving into It. The tramp. Cole, who tumbled through the hay loft at the Wall house barn a couple of weeks since, has recov ered and drifted whitherward. FOREST CITY, The Forest City Car and Manufactur ing company is now a chartered cor poration. At one time there was some doubt as to whether the company would establish its plant here on ac count of the difficulty in securing a suitable place. We are pleased to state, however, that It Is permanently settled now that the. manufactory will be In Forest City. The site chosen is on the east side of Main street, a short distance north of the Clifford breaker and near the Erie railroad. The grad ing for the site will be done by the board of trade and work will be com menced In a short time. Stephen O. Yelverington, who has been holding revival services at State Line, near Susquehanna, returned to his home, In this place, Thursday. Enterprise Hose company. No. 1. Jubilated Thursday evening In honor of the splendid new hose wagon which they have received from the (ilea son and lialley Manufacturing company of Seneca Falls, N. Y. The members of the company. In uniform, formed in line at the hose rooms, at S.:;o, and marched down (.'enter street to Main; thence north on Main street to the Clif ford breaker; countermarched to Hill fide Coal and Iron company's railroad; countermarched to ('enter street, and Up Center to Hose rooms again. The pa rade was headed by the Forest City Urass band, which furnished inspiring music to enliven the occasion. A con spicuous object was the new hose wagon, which preceded the hand and on which proudly sat Orlvrr "Mucky" Bates. The wagon cost the boys $400 and to say that It Is elegant Is drawing Hi 8 8 1 Beware ol imitations. 1 he W genuine Johann Hoffs Malt Extract has the signature -,rm ajt m on neck label. Eisncr & Mendbwon Co.. Sole S5 Arrontc Niw York. It mild. The wagon Is of the "bell front" pattern, weighs about 1.200 pounds, and will hold 800 feet of hose. At the forward end Is a nlckle-plated arch, arranged with a nickel-plated harp at top. In which an 8tt-lnch nickel plated brass signal lamp swings. The lamp has a gold-plated eagle on top and on the glass Is the number of the lire company. There Is also In the wagon a wire basket for coats and hats. It has the latest Improved style gong that Is arranged on the rear axle and that strikes automatically by the revo lution of the wheel. The general finish und trimmings are of bright brass. The wagon is well Ironed and strongly made in all parts and will bo a great heli to this excellent company In Its work of protect lug borough property ugalnst destruction by lire. After the parade the firemen adjourned to the Davlcs House, where an elaborate sup per had been prepared. About forty persons, besides the band, sat down to enjoy the repast. After supper the party adjourned to the hotel parlors, when- a pleasant time was spent visiting and listening to vocal and Instrumental music A cornet solo, rendered liv Henry Evans, was much enjoyed, and 1. J. Jones f.mK a number of selec tions in his usual happy manner. Everybody present left feeling that they had been well entertained, and with a thorough appreciation of the Enterprise Hose company. The beys richly deserves their new wagon. It Is hard to S'ee how It call help them to Improve on tin: work they have done in the a'U. because their motto of excel sior has ulwayn been maintained, hut we suppose from now on a lire won't have u ghost of a show end insurance will drop to a lower notch than the thermometer did In January, im"wk vuTLk. The young people of the Methodist Episcopal church kti.iwn as the Eureka society gave an euterui inVient and shadow social at the home ol -Mrs. Will iam Krear. on Gr.U'sy avenue, last Wednesday evening. The house was thronged during the whole evening. The young ladies had made great preparations tor the evening ami the result of their efforts was shown by tile manner in which matters were ar ranged. .The programme opened with a piano .-olo by Mrs. William Krear, after which singing by the Male quar U'tle. A solo was then rendered by Miss Swingle, of Green liidge, which was followed with a piano duet by Mrs. C. C. White and Fred P.enjanilu. An other selection by the Male quartette was rendered. A social time was then indulged in, after which supper was served. Mrs. G. Crane, who has been visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Herbert Mc Cormlck. for the past ten days, will return to her home, at East Orange, N. J., today. Miss Annie Williams, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs, Joseph Hulse. returned to her home at Hyde Park last Thursday. Edward M-. ilirnes. an engineer at the Sterrlck Creek shaft, received se vere Injuries last Wednesday. While walking over a trestling to the tire room, the plank broke and he fell a dis tance of twenty-live feet. His right arm was broken and his back and hip w ere injured. Mrs. Anna I.uyshou, of I'ittston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Corey Jenkins. Miss Julia Kcstell has returned from New York city, where she has been pur chasing her stock of spring milllm-ry. Look out for her advertisement in Tiie Tribune in a few days. William Walker removed his family to Plainsville yesterday. Miss Pearl Treverton. of Seranton, called on her cousin. Miss Maud Trev erton, yesterday. Piles.' Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense itching nml stinirinir: most nt tiiirht- wnpjn v... scratching. If allowed to continue tumors rorm. wmcn onen oicon and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Kwanye's Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals al .'i, n imsr cases removes th. tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for W cents. Dr. SWiiyrie & Sun, Philadelphia. OLYTHAM1. The KIt.tie Rhoades Comedy com pany presented "East Lynn' to a fair slzen audience last evening. It was ex ceedingly well rendered by the members of the cast, "fiootlrs' Baby" will be presented this afternoon, nnd they will close a week's engagement with "No body's Claim" this evening. George Mason is visiting In Washing ton nnd Philadelphia. Services will be held In the Presby terian church tomorrow morning and evening. Rev. It. C liryant, of Au burn, will oceiloy the pulpit. Miss Cora Vovle returned to Car bondale yesterday after a visit with relatives at this pl'ioe. Miss Lizzie Krdtehcr, of Archlmld, is the guest of Mrs. John Ferguson, of Lack a wnrnui street. Regular services In the Young Men's Christian union rooms tomorrow after noon a t 4 o'clock. Miss Mame Wallace, of Carbondnle, is visiting In town. U. L. li-rry was In Hcranton yi ster dnv. Rev. I. rt. Ellis will occupy the pulpit in the P,l;i.key Ita.oti.'it church tomor row morning and evening. No need to scratch your life mvny. Dunn's Ointment brings Instant relief !n nil eases of Itching Piles, Pin Worms. Eczema, Rlngwormv, Hives, or other Itchi ness of the skin, (let It from your denier. ' Mrs. Kendal ft ft ft ft ft ft 8 B 1 S SAYS t Tllll genuine Johann .toffs Malt Extract has helped me consider ably to keep my strength. I Consider it the best nutritive tonic and table beverage I know of. " " I S3 FACTORY V1LLK. Vrs. Charles Haag Is confined to her home by ttlckness. Arthur Cobb will move Into the rooms vacated by Peter linker. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Haptlst church, met on Wednesday afternoon and sewed for Mrs. SamUel Onkley, who has been confined to her room by sickness for some time. In the evening they served supper at the dining rooms of the church. Among the students home are the fol lowing: Miss Nellie Taylor, lliicknell university; Warren Smiley, University of Pennsylvania; Herbert Reynolds, of Cornell university; and Rattle and Lllile Carpenter, of Manslleld Normal school. Mr. 'fingley. of Nicholson, will occupy rooms lit the Sisk block. Mrs. A'mlra Quick died at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Thomas II. Reynolds, Thursday night, of dropsy of the heai't. Funeral services will be held from the First Haptlst church Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Miss Minnie Cook returned from n visit to her aunt in Colorado last Sat urday evening. Every one Interested in Evergreen ci inctcry Is urged to meet at Grand Army of the Republic hall on Wednes day evening, April II. Miss Sarah Watklns celebrated her llflccnth birthday Friday afternoon and evening. A largo number of her young lady friends were present. JUOOSW. Epworth league will be held at the .Methodist Episcopal church at 7:::o p. m. Mrs. W. S. Hatchings was visiting out of town. Mrs. I. l. Warner, of Main street, is confined to the house by sickness. Janu s I.ovau - Son, hot tiers, of this place, arc preparing for summer trade by adding a large number of boxes to their already large supply. Frank lir.ezy ami family have taken up their residence iii Lackawanna. The bridge over the Spring lirook, below Spike Island, Is broken by a la.rge tree, which was blown down on it. It will require a new bridge as tho supports are all broken. Work for the supervisor. A number of members of George 11111 Post, No. elO, Grand Army of the Re public, went to Seranton last evening to visit W department commander at Ezra Grlilln post. M1N00KA. The O'Connell council, Young. Men's Institute, will hold a debate next Tues day evening at their rooms, on Willow street. The subject Is "Resolved, That capital punishment Is a beneJit to the state of Pennsylvania." A runaway occurred on Main street yesterday. The animal was stopped before any damage was done. Thomas Costello Is back to his olid hounts, after a few months' visit In the Empire state. The Mayllower Rase Mall club has purchased a neat blue uniform for the coming season. Walter Moore, accompanied by his household effects, departed from No. 4 yesterday morning. The supervisors put a few loads of ashes on Main street Thursday. INDISTKIAL TOPICS. The Illinois Central has decreased $:!.1SI, i In gross earnings during the last seven months. Standing ill the aisle or on the platform Is to be made illegal by a bill introduced in tho Massachusetts legislature. The Georgia Central plan of reorganiza tion bus been pronounced a failure, and It is likely the system will lie disintegrated. The Lackawanna has given an order for 5'j) frleght cars, and the Standard Oil company Is building loo tunk cars at .ts shops. The Louisville division of the Pennsyl vania lines lust week handled at Indian npolls over Kim loaded cars, which Is a much better record than for some time past; liu were forwarded ami !' luoiiKht in. The New York, Ontario and Western Railroad company has bought the prop erty of the Toronto Coal company, To ronto. Canada. This will give the company facilities for handling an increased quan tity of coal at Toronto. The advance in the wages of coko work ers has had a very stimulating effect upon tho steel trade. It means a greater cost for raw material and, as Hessemer ore promises to be higher, the conclusion is general that prices for steel products have touched bottom. Th"ro has been soni good buying of Hessemer products In the last few days at advancing prices and there have been a good many Inquiries that Indicate an uneasy feeling on the part of cinsmncrs lit their small stocks. In the west I !i ssi'mcr pig advanced promptly. For foundry Iron the demand in this mar ket hns been larger and prices are firmer but it Is a reflection of the improved feel ing In the sleel department rather than i nythlng else. The actual volume of busi ness has not ineressed much. Car bull I- crs are more active and the railroads lire beginning to give out more work. Sheet Iron mill men lire not doing as well lis Wllkes-Iiane Lender: "Yesterday Geo. W. .Millies, of Ciuiioiidale, and George M Donald, of Heninton, spent tho time with friends in this city. They were here on huslmss. and as both have a history and are making history. It is proper to give them space. Mr. Millies Is n member of the state geological survey commission. Mr. M .-Donald has been III Ihe employ of Ihd Delaware and Hudson company as ticket p.griit at the Ki ranlon depot, but has llled his resignation, to take effect April I. lie was organizer for District Assem blv Hi, Knights of Labor, anil orgmilzei the Clerks' Assembly In this city. Messrs. Mllnes nnd McDonald will embark In the coal laiHlnef.s. IihvIuk a lot of hind near Yntesvllln and some near Moosle they will develop. The new company will erect a coal breaker during this coming summer and open mines. The young men ere energetic Mini will run Ilieir new iius'.ness on new lines. They intend It shall be un like the old style corporations. STOCKS A XI) B0XDS. New York, March 2!). Speculation at the stock exchange opened rather wi nk, sugar, Rending and Jersey Central scoring declines of Vjii. The down ward movement, however, was not of long dura'lon for the reason that the weakness did not bring about general selling, and before 11 o'clock the whole list was on the up truck onco more, and by 2 o'clock tin advance of to 2 per cent, wiih established. In the rise Jersey Central, American Cotton Oil, sugar, the grangers, Hocking Valley, Louisville and Nashville, Lend, New England and Western Union were most prominent. Jersey Central rose 2; Cot ton Oil. 1; Northwest, 1: St. Paul, 1; Rock Island, ; New England, 1; Louisville und Nashville Western ITnlon, ; General Klectrlc, 1. In the late-trading General Electric wns raid ed down to 3ti; subsequently recover ing to .Ifl'A. Atchison was In better de mand, moving up to 6. At the close when General Electric rallied the whole markvet Improved" In sympathy. Net changes show advances of to 1 per cent. Total sales were 221,000 shares. Tho range of today's prices for the an. tlvo storks of tho New York stork mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du H. Dlm mlck, inanagor (or William Llun, Allen ft Co., stock Seranton. brokers, 412 Spruce street, lug. est. est. lug. 94 VIM KW4 Sl'A l 26 101 1W4 101 H'k 6 6T4 49H 49H 4'JH 17H 17'A 17H 71V, 71 Ik 71ii ti2' HI n 74 73ii 7 3H 3H 3H M 57 S7 HP 4 HU 1L-7-U KVb IliT'.i ii;i nil li;- lli'.i 1.V4 hVi 37 3f.V S1'4 KK SX KH 1H7'J 137M, 137'4 r,2 MM, 61 '4 1KI V4 lnJ1, 1HM, 2'j :'4'i 23 r.74 & i S2'i 32 32',), :ii u:l4 !i.v'i I1.V4 lir,':. 3 37 37-li '4 !' ;i Pi'i 12:'4 Pfi I'i 4', 4'4 lii'.j lil'i Hi'!, lil'ii lii',4 Hit, 1:1-, l2-i, i:Hj 12's IP, I lk !'' I':'i 111' 1 Hi', ni'4 l'' '.', i:1i M" i Ml KS'.i HS"4 Am. Tobacco Co Am. Cot. Oil 2G:i4 Am. Sugar Ke'g Co.lOoH Atnh., To. & S. Eo... & Can. South I.... 4H Chva. & Ohio... 17'4 Chlcugo Gas . 7PS, . ftUk . 73i4 . as ,. &7'i ,. M .VSl ,.1111 . lli'i- ,. aii'i ,. M8 .life; .. MM .imi'ii . II-'j ,. 24 ,. ti'K, . :m . ti ,. !" ,. ;i7 . !!", . 12 . ;rei .. I'M . Vi . . Il'.s . . ';k .. lll'i . . lilt . u ,. fWt ('hie. & N. W hie, H. q C. C. ft 8t. I Chic, .Mil. & St. P. I'hlc, U. 1. & P.,. Delaware ft Hud... D.. L. ft W Dlst. ft C. F Gen. Electric III. Cent nil .like Shore Louis, ft Nash Manhattan Hie Mich. Centrul Mo. Paellle Nat. Cordage Nat. Lead N. J. Central N. Y. Central N. N. N. N. Y. ft N. 10 Y.. I.. E. ft w... Y., S. ft w Y., S. ft W Pr. Nor. Paellle Nor. Paellle, Pr.... ( int. ft West. h i. ft Head.. Southern It. li. Tex. I'lielllc... I iii in Pacllic. Walmsh Weliash, I'r.... West. I'uton... Ilvlilenil, r cent. CHICAGO IJOAltD OK Tit A I 'E PRICKS ip'n- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. In. est. esl. lug. May fi.Vs M .I'.'.', 1V1H July fiii'a t'i'i Ti'll-j Wji S;'ilellllier Til's fjK'i .Wii M'.i, OATS. .May 2!i"b ,'Ii'4 2!! 211 July 2-o 21", 2.V'i 2!l'4 C'.ii'N. t May Hi i;r'i, 4ii 4i;:4 July I'r', I.)-', 4'i'i, 4ii'a Sepleiiiiier MI'm 47 4i;':h 4iii.i HARD. May 7.17 7.H7 7.H2 7.02 July 7.22 7.22 7.2D 7.211 Si piciulicr J. lu 7. lo 7.30 7.32 I'oltK. May I2..r,0 I2.."i 12.42 12 17 July 12.112 I2U2 12.H2 12.D2 Siptemher 12.77 12.i7 12.77 12.5V Scrniiton WIkiIcsiiIc. I''rults and Produce Dried apples, per lb., Salic. ; evaporated apples, Salle, per lb.; California prunes, li'uKc. ; Knglish cur- ints, 2li-a3c, ; layer ruislus,; iiius- I'attls, lari'jc per lit., $lal.4o )er box; new Valenc:as, bailee, per lb. lieans Marrow rats, f.l per laisliul; meiiiuuis, -.z.i a2.30; pea beans, J2.2"i. Peas (ireen, Jl.lua I. In per bushtil; spill, ;2.;ila2.liO; leiitels, ba. Sc. per lb. Potiitocs 70ii7."ic per bushel, onions llushel, Ituttur Old, 14a 17c.; new, l'.a22e. per lb. Cheese !ial2c. per lb. I'lggs l-resti, luaKPuC. Meats- Hams, 10c; small hams, Hi'jc; skinned hams, lie; Culirornla Imms. Vic; should ers, 7Vic. ; bellies, 7We,; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Meats Outsldes, 12c; sets, lSViie. ; Insldus and knuckles. 15c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, SIB dozen. Pork Mess, 14; short cut, 113. Lard Leuf, In tierces, 8Vic. ; In tubs, 874c; 10-pound palls, ii,ic. per pound; 5-pound pails, Hac per pound; 3-pound pails, UVc. per pound; compound lard, tierces, li1,!'. ; tubs, ii34c ; Hi-pound pails, 7'4c lier pound; nound nails, 7ae. per pounil: 3-iiound palls, 7''jc. per pound. Klour Minnesota patent, per barrel, J4a4.20; Ohio and In diana amber. (3.20: Graham, $3.20; rye flour, J3.20. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.05. drain Rye, 115c; corn, thajlc; oats, 30a 45. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12a 15. Hay-$H.50ulii. Buckwheat I'lour $2 per loo. York New Produce Market. New York, March 29. Klour Quiet, steady, unchanged. Wheat Plrnier; No. 2 red store and elevator, tiO'-jHiiOc ; hiIuhi. U2t,4P.; f. o. !., t'llSicac ; ungraded red, 57ail2c; No. 1 northern. il'J'.jailH:lie. ; options lirni; March, H),c; May, (lie; June, lil'sc; July, iil'jc; August, tibqc; September. il2'c; December, lll'kc Corn Dull, film; No. 2, fSic. elevutor; 571ii. afloat; steamer mixed, 51a."i2'ic; options dull and firm; May. 5F'.c; July, 51 '.c; September, 5PV'. Oats Dull, lirnier; options quiet, linn; March, April and May, 33' c; July, 34c; No. 2 white April, 3H:V. ; spot prices. No. 2, KP.i-ulMV. ; No. 2 white. 37'4c.; No. 2 Chicago. 34'5a34V.; No. 3 , 33c; No. 3 white, Utt'jc. ; mixed western, 3lai5c; white state and western, 3lo35c. Provisions yulet, llrm, unehiinged. Lard Quiet, easier; western steam, J7.25; city, ii;l4c. ; March, $7.30; May, $7.35; refined, (Inn; con tlnent, $7.7o; South America, $8; compound, 5riio5V. Hutter Kirm ; state dairy, Ha hl'-c; do. creamery, old, lonl5c; do. new, 21c; western dairy, Sable; do. creamery, new, 12n21c; do. old, 9al4c; do. factory. 7a 12c; rolls, 7al0c; lOlglns, 21c; imitation creamery. 9at5c. Cheese Kfrm, unehniiKed. Kggs ! Inn ; state and Pennsylvania, I.I11 l.'l'c; western fresh, 13c; southern, 12a 13c; duck, 2Ha2'.ic; goose, 55a(iOc. iliiffalo Stock Market, lluffaln, March 2!'.-Cattlilteeclpts, 2. 2no head: on sale, 40 head; market strong. Hogs Receipts. 8,400 head; on sale, 2.2K) head; market closed very dull and weak for pigs; good or choice 1 orkers weights, $5u.r.05; light, $4.90u4.95; good mediums, $5.l5a5.20; choice heavy, $5 roughs, $4.25a4.H5; stags, $3.25a4; pigs closed at $4.tinu d.i!.ri. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9.700 head: mnrUot closed strong; choice to ex tra lam lis, S.7aafi.90; good. sfUOuG.Ki: com ninn to fair. $4.50a4.76; good to cholco mixed sheep. $4.fi0Hfi; common to fair, $J."la 4.25; CU1I8, $2.25a3.25. rhicneo Stock Market. Chicago, March 29. Cattle Receipts, 4.- Wl heail; demand goon; prices unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 19.0(10 head; market dull heavy, $1.75a5.15; common to choice mixed, ?4.ii.ria.ri.o.i; choice nssorieii, Jl.noal no; light, $4.HOll4.SO: pigs, $125111.00. Sheen- Reeellils. li.iHi head; market steady; Inferior to choice, $.,a.i; lambs, $.i.;.iiiii. Plillndvlpliln I allow Market. Phlhidehililii. March 2!.-Tallow Is firm ly held, but deiuiind is only modernte. We quote: City, prime. In hhds, 4'.;c; country, inline. In bids, l'c: do. dark, In hlila, 4a4',c; cakes, 4"4i; grease, 3;c ' Oil Market. Pittsburg. March 29. Oil opened mid highest, H4': lowest and elcied, ll.P. Charter Applications UTICK IS llKIIKI.Y (IIVK.N THAT AN iiiiiuie:itioii will In mndd to thn eorortior of the stiitn or I'l'iniiylvniiK, ca ediiemlnr tlte serenteentli day of Apri1. A. 1). ls'15, l,v Munuel I lioriie, (leoren W, tjiiiiiunr,!, Wnllon leimeoi. 11. li. williains. .iniiii 1 Plait. A H. tliirllmtt. Andrew II. Mol'lintiM'k. (li oi iie 11 Mil 1 111 nun nenry . luimrii, miner tile A" of Asaeillhlr of the I'oimiioawi'iiltll of I'eim Iviniiii, entitled "An Act to provide for the Uiriirpomtioii 111111 reguiiiii 11 el cci;liiln ei.r pnriit ois," upprovn I Apiil 211. INTI. ami the siipp'riii' iits tliereto, foi- s renew d of tliu eini'tnror tho Pininsvlviiiila f oul ('oiiiimiir. the c lliiliiuter 811(1 object wllereof Ih tint llilll- ing HUd qniirrying ot c-ord und trmisporling lie Mime 1o market. In 1 rudu or iuaiiiifnn:itrid form, ion! for tliemi pnri imeii to luive, pusHi s nil t enjoy 1111 inu riiinu. iHneniit hiki privi. leues of tliu Hlllll i t of AHKelllllly mill Itn HlUh plnilK ut. AMlllll.W H. Sl( l.l.l.NTOCH, KoMeiter. Situation Wanted. ll'ANTKH-ltY A Y()PN( JIAN A Post l t lull where ho can learn IIik barberlng iniflUiefiH or ine vrocery iiiiMineBt. Allure "U. II. H.."4'!2 Mltflln Hvuiutc. SITUATION WANTKH -BY AN KXPK.IU L7 o iced grocer rlerk; willies n stendy nitiin- t on: Iihh some knowleilgo of liookkoiMihitf fpeakn Ueriiiiiu ami KngliNh. Csll or ailurosH "M ' 127 iiliuliii'in uveiine, IHinniorv. SITUATION WA NTK1 BY A YOITNM ki mini clerR. omul rorireiice: hnd exne rietiii'ln irroi'inlwi and dry gnnilM; nttnndliifr htiMitm'H eollouu st nrefluiit. AdilrcsM "A. Z.. ' Tribuno otllce. otTUAIION WANTKD-BY A YOl'NO nuin.iu, to worn In more orofilcnj ran fur ulh niA reforenra: in'iiimlntod with city. (mil iriiMiini urniieu ooiee. WELL-KNOWN YOUNU BUHINKH8 MAN with tn veara of exnitrleuca In Hnran. ton, denlre, to intter hliimnlf ; ran glvn time in pnrt, ir nmiranin. Auuruaa . u. I', Ueneral Dullvury, city. VANTKD-BY A YOUN(l LADY WHO 11 uDdxratniida a lunnber of 1iiiiriihk lieldea KiiHmIi a poaition aa IhioIi keeper or eini K. Auureai i. u, no. aw, i riouuu otuee, city. tHTUATlON WANTED AT PLAIN HEW. Ing and children,' clothe,, ruforetioea. AddruM Jentintto Hue. Trlhilne otllce. OITUATION WANTKD BY A BOY IN f oftlce or atore, Addreaa U. W., Tribune omce. C11TTJATION WANTKD AH STATIONARY ngineor by a yoniiB mnrrlcJ man, five ycara oxporlonoe with all klnilK of englnna and Honors, neat or rararanora. Aaureaa tuginaor, iock Dos til, vuBmora, ra. Connolly & Wallace LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS Our trade in this department lias been very large, and we our garments are Cut Right, Hade Correctly, Perfect Price. Wc show them in many different weaves of cloth Serges, Wide ivlonairs, plamand fancy, Chev Aid Many iots, Satin Luxor, Pean De Soie, ExclnsiYt Novelties Urocades. 1 hey are interlined with the best of materials, such as Fibre Chamois, Hair Cloth, Grass Cloth, etc. Are lined aiid finished with the most reliable grades of Pcrcaline and Silk with Velveteen facing. v Lengths from 38 to 43 Inches. Prices from $3.75 to $35.00. OUR LINE OF SPRING CAPES Is pronounced by all who the city: CONNOLLY & iSlIIBQBCIIIIIIIIII HBSllilliS mm E3 r SIBlillSBIIIlllSlllllllllllS li WILL clean Iuyrain and Rrtisspls for 1 Cents . ... - - - o i' smnrpfl hv thp I can't please yon. ONE CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACPOTINT 19 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH Help Wanted-Male. SALESMEN SALARY OH COMMISSION, O to in trod ueu uur uoods to the trado: per- nianuiit pinition: st;i,lo ln.e; niuasimt work. Auar.m, witn muuip, Kl.Mt m r it tu., u., 11, L IllClliro. w ANTED TWO OOOD BCTC'HERS. quiro ISO N . Jlam avouue, city. IX- VANTED - WELL -KNOWN MAN IN f oTerv town to nolieit stock Bubseriu- tioni: a monopoly, bit; money ior agents: no capital required. ED WARD C. EIKII CO., Uurilen Ulecli, ctuoiiRo. 111. CALKS SI KN - RK.SIIJE.VT SALESMEN 1 wnnted. acouaiiitod with tho local and uaarby dnifr and grocery trade, to haiidlo our lino or iukii tfrnne ctara, AUiireaH, Kivinir roferimces. J. EDWARD COWLKS Co.. Ha ChainliiirHHtrwit. N. Y. Helo Wanted Female. A . CHANCE TO MAKE MOXEY-I MADE V SVIKm the lust six wock-i H'llllliu' Dish WaMhera, and was hick part of tho tune. I don two why otheraaj not eo lntqltiuonui Washer l imueHs. No (imvis-iiik'. Sold nil my WasliurH nt homo. Perfect satiHfactioii. Every one sold aeda another, hvery family wanta one. 1 will make l,(kl tlii veal- tiasy. 1 enii wash and dry our disjiea In two minutes. Any ono can make $'i to ?l- a day. For i-ircn lurawiitoto Irou ( ltv Dish Washer Co., S, Highland Ave., K. E. I'lttplnirfr. l'a. C"7 ill"! A WEEK- PAID TO LADIES O J. V)y i and k'onta to sell tho Rapid Di-h Waalicr. Washes and dries them In twoinin titea without wetting the liauda. No i-xperi onco uecesnarv: sella at ainlic. iiermaneiit to Kition. Aildreas W. P. Harrison ts Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, Ohio. Uanted -Women and oirls to work for mn at tlifir honiea durintf spurn time, day or evening, at touehhii; up and fliilshliiK pictures. Talant not required. Par tteulara and work sent to you by mail at oue any distance BON INK, Art rubhsher. Ty rone, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED FOR FIN EST LINE of Clilera. Fruit Svritps and unfernienti'd Winaa In tho market. Liberal salary. Ad dreaa California Cider Compauy, 4ilS Ureen- wleh utreet, New lurk ( ity. MAX WANTED A S1XOI.E MAX WANT ed to take cam of heraea and irenoially iiseful around factory, nt M. T. KELLEK'S Lackawanna ( arrlaKo n orks. :il.i Ailnins ave. w ANTED A (tool) COOK drosa. Ml Vinu street. AND LAI X- I ADY TYPEWRITER AND UOi K KEEP I J er wimtml at once. Annlv to Dr. (Irewer. old P. (. Hiiihllnif, Scrniiton, Pa. I.iXfl'.KIl.NCED MILLINER WANTED J j Totalin ehaiKi" of aliop; referenee ro imlioil. Call on or address J. D. STOCK Kit & CO . .terinvii, Ph.. Main street. For Rent. I .Mil KENT ABOUT . I and handsome idn APRIL l.'ii'll-A NEW iae-r.Min e.itt.'i'je on tlio Motl-Haven tract. Blake y It. rouiih, between Olypiianf and Peckville; street ears pass tho dour for Seiantoii: jn u tne tor a man li'ituv biisineMs hi Scraiiton. who wauls a pleasani, siiluirban home for the siiuiinrr; lout very reasonable. Apply to W. K. SIOTf, Mott-llavell. T)LE.SANT FHONT UUOM TO LET. H'R I nlshed, see mil llcor, Hill Hprueu street. POU BENT-TWO STORES, DWELLING 1 lions -s and barn at Mil and :iln Codnr live. Inipure at Pavlilow tiros, -17 Liiekn. nvenue. I MR 1IK.T-oNK-IIAI.P)K oToltl'; AND rooms above at 'JUT Wvoniliur nv -nue, for- niei W oeenplivl by Hull Co.; liuildiiia In rear will be linen to mil Teiianr. inquire at room III. ('oiiimoiiwealtti ImlldiiiK, or .V Jef ferson aveiiiiH. , ItOl'SK FOR KENT -II ROOMS: HOOD I 1 locatiim; waier in kitchen Addreaa . H. YEAOElt, Moscow, l'a. l.MK KENT A Itt'lLDlNO ON FRANKLIN 1 avenue, auitabio lor busiuosa. Aildreai P. O. Box UK I.OR RENT THE PHOTOHR APH OAL I 1,-vy formerly occupied by C. I. (Ii lllln, inrllliliim iiHims for liousekeeplnit, I'M Wvo lliiim avenuo. ( HAS. SUILAOKIt. I,MR REST-BIIICK HOUSE OF N1.K 1 vonina, from Airll 1st, IH Vliipstrret Apply to L. M. llOit ro.N, il Coiiiinoiiwealth Uiiilillmr. 1XU BENT-A LAUOE. 4 STOUY BUILD 1 Iiik at LEI Franklin avenue; aultaliln for Wholesale business, CAKSON iK DA 1I.S, Herantun. MR KENT. BRICK WAHEHoUSK WITH elevator ou I)., L. ft W . switch ami Wast Lackawanna avenue. Seranton Stove Work. F ?OR RENT FURNISHED AND UXKUR nlsbed rooms at alw Lackawanna avenue. TTOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I Lackawanna avenue. Addniaa THOMAS 11. EVAN8, aear liatf Luierne, Hydo Park. .MR BENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL aultaliln for lotlno rooms. JOHN JEH- SIYN, III! WyoinliiK oveniie, Clairvoyant. RH. FENTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND i' PbreiinloKlat, Arnout Houan, f.'.H Lack a wuiinn avenue. For a abort tiraeonlv. Found. lOUND-SILVER SHOE MUTTONKU. F with Initials on handle. OwVar can 1, I. I W .. . '11, n 1.1,.. - m.. wuti vj vauiug a ea rrauaui Wale Diagonals, see them, to be the most stylish and reasonable priced in WALLACE, j afpet Imnrnvpd Prncpec CARPETS BS1TD1 BEIilMOo For Sale. i( ACHE KAllSI FOB BALK CHEAP iU Eauv taring, fino fruit, irood arirliiir water, it'xA baru and house, two trout utreumii; noarD., L. St W. K. K. loqulre of OTTO LiEL'BLER, 815 Adams avenuo, city. .VJK SALE A bECONU HAND ELKVA tor. km uooil as new. luouiro of JOHN F. DEAN. 'HI Jetferrton avcnim. IOK SALE-NKW hCHCilLh, KCKKIES, 1 Phui'tona. Carts and Wuwuimof all kuics: aUo hoeond hand Bukk1"i. Liimlaus. Couch a etc, cheai, nt M. T. K ELI. tit 8, 31 j Adam MR SALE-FARM OF ONE HUNDRED and rift v aerea. situate two miles north of Waverlv: has on it laive resideuco and tene ment house, and three barns: bus to be told to settle estate, if. S. KSllillT, administrator, Alt! Cherry street, Dnnmore. l.MK SALE -A LARGE SOAP FACTORY i in the central iiart of the minim; reirioii: all machinery and appliances of modern make: factory now in onerstion. For particulars ad drets WM. I1EALD, Oormantown, Philadel- plan, l'a. IOTS FOli SALE HEALTHY AND J pleasantly located: one mile from Na tion, en Main street, lnouire of O. CHAP MAN, Clark's Oreen. Lackawanna Co.. Pa. Sealed Proposal. (JEALEII PROPOSALS WILL HE RE l J cuived at the ollico of tho City Clerk. Seranton. Pn.. until 7 :W o'clock ti. m . Thurs day. April Ith, Isy.V to construct Section "A.' of Firth District Sewer system, in accordance Willi plans nnd specifications therefor nled in the otllce cf the City Clerk. Kueli proposal sha!) he accompanied bv cash or certified check -n the sum of one hundred dollars. In casethu bidiler to whom Ihe contract shall have beeD awarded refuses or omits to execute contract lor the work m accordance with i.Laus and Hiiecinnationa tl erefor within ion days from t ii - ilata of award, the enclosure oeeotni'anyiin; lus proposal snail no t.-riviteu to the use of tho city of Seranton. The con tractor will lie required to Rive s lion 1 in tho sum of two thousani) dollars. The citv Kiiei neer's estimate of cost of the work is S''i. The dtv reserves the right to reject any and all lil. I,. Bv order of Citv Councils. M T. LAYF.I.I.E, City Clerk. Si-roiit'ii. Pa.. March i'i. IMi.'i. Dissolution of Partnership. OTU-ETHE CO PARTN ERS1I1P iTkKF- i tofore existlmi betwesn D. W. Burr and Chnrles A. Burr, under the firm name of I). W. IH'Rrf ft CO., has lieen disaolved by mu tual consput, 1, W. Hnrr surcotdiiiB in the business. All debts owing by the and Arm will be paid by D. W. Burr, and all accounts owing to tho late Arm are to be paid to Charles A. Burr. D. W. KURR, CHARLES A. UUKR, March 27. lSft'i. Business Opportunity. v'.Xlft MONTHLY Ul'ARANTEED- O i ll t iVt'g concern wants representntive in Scrniiton, (or any city not takcnl. Must liav. tew liiindreil iiollara casn to pay ior fiasls on delivery after ortlers aro sei-ureu. '. E. VAIL. Morse Buildiiic. New York. Agents Wanted. I I F.NEHAL AtiENTS WANTED-SELL- 1 iiiir new nitieles to dealers: exclusive ter ritory, no competition, no capital required: '.HI to ;i per cent, profit. Columbia Chemical Co, iBl Deariwrii t., Chicago, III, H EAUT1FUL PARIS- NEW. IMMENSE, noiiilerful: over HO nhotoa. 11x1:1: bia pnv to agents; no experienco noisluil. HIS TORICAL PUP. CO.. Phila. DENTS MAKEM DAILY SKi.l.INU AL i umliium noveliies; new pn-osa silver warn; bar uoods: biff line, tho new, wonder ful metal: delivered free: aaiuple in velvet lined case III-.; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., ill i Broadway. New York. ""(JK"NTs" illl)ES PATENT UNIYKlT l aid llsir Curlei and W avers (used with out heat I, and "Pyr Pelnted' Hair Pins. Lib eral cominissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Allures 1-. o. hox idu. ,rw ork. U'ANTi D - ACTIVE SALF.S.MKN TO liandin our line, no peddling. Salary, !7."i per mouth andexpensi-s paid to all. (ioials entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 6.kS, Boston, Mass. Special Notices. W'OUl.l) LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH some part v d"siring to sell milk route. Address .IOR N FOSTER, rare stilt leu agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa. l AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH KX-" 1 lubitlons and lectiiie ujun any subject de sired. These exhibdioiis will bu tllusiratei, liaving hi my possession tho most powerful Dissolving storeopt icons made. E. II. CALL, Trlnnne Ofllec. rol! WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations INU-IHna. Two Volnmo Folio, l.atl; payable lnonthly, H.M. 1'elivoivd by express complete. Prepaid. Addiess P, U. MOODY, tils Olbson street, Seranton. Pa. ULANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, SIAOA tiues, etc., bound or relwund nt Tiir Tiiiiii'Nk ollico. Vuick work. Reasonable prices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 61S Htiruce street. Scrunton, I a. (Just oppostts Court House Square.) DR A. J. CONN ELI OFFICE 201 Washington avenue, cor. Bpruca street, over Krancke's drug ntroe. Residence, TU Vina at. Olflco hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 9 to 4. and C.30 to 7.30 u. m. Bun- day, 3 to S p. m. DR. W. U. ALLEN, CU North Waahlngton avenua. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HANI), Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms IP, 20 and 21. W. P. BOYLE, ATTORN E Y-A T-LAW, nos. is and 20, Burr building, washing ton svsnua. attribute it to the fact that Fitting and Reasonable in and silk. Among them are 209 Sg&ZF ner vard. "Riifrt; and C!arnpr? 1 j o 1 Ciip nc n trial nnr1 c. if n- 602 and 604 Lack, aye., Corner Adams. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED1 diseases of the Eya, Ear, Nou mid Throat- offloe, 122 Wyoming ave. Real denve, Ci.fl Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to tl a. m., 1.3a to 8 and 7 to 8 p. m. P.esldenca 309 Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D.. OFFICES 51 and 53 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8: Sundays, 2.30 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of disease of the eye, ear, ncs and throat and gynecology. 5rTk A y7206 PENN AVE. iTtoT P. M.l call 2oti2. Dis. of women, obstretrlce and and all dls. of chll. Lawyers. JE8SUP8 & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonweulitv bulluiiiK, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE B. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WlLLARD. WAKREN& KNAPP, AT torneyg and Counsellors at Law, Re publican huildiiiu, Wasliington ave nue, Seranton. l'a. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORN E Y-A T law, Commonwealth building, S-rar.-ton, I'il C. COJlEGYsTliTlsi'Rl'CE STREEtT D. H. REPLCHiLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiuted on real estate security. 4u3 Spruce street. B. F. Kl I.L ASL ATTCRfEYAT-i.A V 120 Wyoming ave.. Siriinton, Pa. FRANK. T. OK ELL. ATTORN E Y-AT" Law. Room 5. Coal Exchange. Seran ton, Pa. JAMES AV. OAK FORDi ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, roonia iy, 6i and 6.".. Comtnon wealth building. 6AMUEL W. EDGAR," ATTORXEY-AT-Law. ofTlco, '"" Spruce pt., Scinrilon, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATToRNEY.TniW." 423 Lackawana ave., Seranton, Pa. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Schools. BCIIOOL, OF TIIE LACKAWANNA. Seranton. Pa., prepares boys and sir's for collire or business: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue hi rc quest. Opens September 10. KEY. THOMAS SI. CANX, WALTER H. BUELL. SI1S3 WORCESTER'S KINDEROAR- ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received lit all times. Next term will open Jan. 27. Dentists. PR. WILLIASf A. T AFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreupla. Office, j North V ashlngton avenue. C. C. LAI" BACH, SURGEON DENTIST. No. Un Wyoming avenue. R. SI. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. I.otins, THE RKPI'P.LIC SAVINGS ANT Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Cullender, Dime lianlc building. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store Hii Washington ave nue; (.-recti house, i:co North Main ave nue; store tolephoc iNi Teas, GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTKL, 515 LACKAWANNA.' avenue, Scrniiton, l'a., manufacturer ot Wire Screens. a Hotels and Kcstuurunts. THE ELK CAFE. 125 nnd 127 KRANK- llu avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZIEGLKR. Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, B. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. ' Sixteenth St., one block east ot Hiouiiwn;'4 at Union Square, New York. American plan, $3.o per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.,L. i vl iuiHsengcr depot, conducted on tna European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON 8TORC1I, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 2o and 20, Coinmonwealll) building, Seranton. kTi WALTERrARCdTlTlicT. OFFICE rear of Wti WashliiKton avenue. LV: IWIH H ANCOCK," J lC A RCH ITKCT. 4.V Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave., Seranton. DROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Pries building, IM Washington vsn j Seranton. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA M Colt; run alls, picnics, parties, reitiaie, t.-- ngs anil concert w ." - mis nilitress . j. uuuiti, ,iiuv... in Wvonilna avenue, over Humeri i music store. ME(VAROERTmOTHER8. printers supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Seran ton, Pa. , FRANK P. BROWN ft CO., WHOLE sale dealers in Wootlwnre. Cordage an ( ill Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, " "EXPERT A rountant and auditor. Rooms ll and Williams Hulldlng, ojipostte postofllcs Agent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher. 1