8 TflE SCKAXTOX TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH J9, 1895. GORMAN'S GRAND III: n LIU T, 1HH 29, - To Which You Arc Respectfully Invited. WRAPS, CAPES -SUITS In conucctiou with our Milli nery Opening will make our Kegulur Spring Display of Capes, Suits auJ Jackets. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, DR. REEVES, 412 Spruce .Street, Scranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, end Disease of the Heart, Lungs, Kid neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach, Hladder, Head, Pits and Epilepsy. He with his assistants treat all diseases of the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat, Dys pepsia, Kheumatlsm, Ixst Vitality. Nerv ous Debility, Pemal Weakness and Irreg ularities, Nightly Ishs and Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood. Variooocele, Blood Poisoning, Eczema, Scrofula, St. Vitus Dance, Diabetes, Brlght's Dlsea.se, Asthma, etc. YOUNG MEN QUICKLY CURED. Til RLE MONTHS' 01 TEH: 'Any one suffering with Catarrh who trlshes to be- permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only KIVK DOI.I.AK3. The doctor has dlscovt-red a speeilie for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure vourself and family with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOUP.S Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. in.; Sunday, lu to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of tile latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in the trade, tor uoods ot the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked a. ' will sell at prices about oncuall the reg ular price, us we treed the room. J. Scott Inglis 42S LACKAWANNA AVENUE. M00SIC. SupIp. daughter of William Hartel- on. died lust night of diphtheria. The funprul will take placo today. Inter inent will be at .South Hterllng, Wayne county. Two more of his children are confined to the house by the same dis ease. Prank Mostellcr is moving from Diamond Place, on Main street, to his new house a't Dttryea. His ninny frlendsll i familyWom ,11 regret the departure or nis Moosla. Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY NEWS OF THIS VICINITY DUNMOKE. Howard Hone has re turned liome. from Stiito toileKe, where he lias been for the past six months taking a iotir.se In clieinhUry. A iiunrterly meetlnt? will hp held Sun day in the Mt'thudiHt Eil.scop:il church. In tin- moinlni; the imstov, Uev. J. V. Leueock, will juvaeh, and In the PVf nim," Uev. W. I,. Thriipe, the firesiaiiitf elder, will preach and administer the sacrament of the Lord's supper. KUward Warfel has moved lii.-t family Into Mis. A. lirown's house mi Ureon Hliljre street. J:. men Carpenter has moved Into Mrs. Clark's house on Jiloom street. The Hon Ton danelmr class will hold n social HO (.kid Fellows' hall this eveiilntr, which will be one of the largest e flits of the season. . The fuuerul of Antonio Uiando, the Italian who was found dead in bed Wednesday moinini;, at HI 5 I'lne street, where he boarded, will be held today. Miss Minnie Mullen, of Pittsburg. Is visiting friends In town. Mrs. Kate Stanton und daughter Grace, of Whitney's Point, X. Y., are Visiting relatives In town. Mrs. William Iteddins, of ltrook street, entertained a number of her friends to a 4 o'clock tea on Wednes day before leaving for her new home on Dudley street. Among the guests were: Mrs. H. Jones, of Utntrhiuiiton; Mrs. Herman Brunning. Mrs. Samuel Cole, Mrs. John Keast, Mrs. Schuller, Mrs. Van Horn, Mrs. .U. W. Jones, Misses Minnie Simons, of New Jersey; Mary Couroy, of Peckvllle; Miss Lizzie Kraus, Ueurgle Jones, Miss Luwler and Annie Lawler, of Jessup. 12. L. Washer will run a photograph gallery at Laurel Hill park the coming summer. Johli Mullen has purchased P. J. O'Dotmell's hotel on Drinker street und w ill take possession April 1. Mrs. W. J. McOratli Is 111 at her home on Blakely Htreet. Kdward Shearen has returned home from Philadelphia. Miss Anna llaguerty is 111 at her home on Apple street. Alia. U..W. U. Allen Is very ill at her name on West Drinker street. JE1UIYS. The funeral services of Mrs. J. D, Stocker took place Tuesday afternoon at the family residence, "The Maples." The services were in charge of Uev. Charles Lee, of Carbondale; Kev. W. H. Swift, of Honesdale; Ilev. W. H. West- lake, of Dallas, and Kev. P. Oendall of Jermyn. A quartette from Carbon dale. consisting of Mesdames Burr and lladcock and Messrs. Thomas and iUurrlll, sang several exquisite selec tions. Wednesday morning a special car conveyed the body to Salem, Wayne county, for interment. Kev Mr. Swift accompanied the family, and the pall-bearers, who were George Kimball and E. A. Burr, of Carbondale ,. W. Dickson, of Scranton; W. S. Hutchlngs, of Mooslc; Thomas Hunter. of Jermyn, and illlam W alker, of Maytleld. The flower bearers were H. 1. Swlck, Thomas Walkey, W. H. Dod eon and H. A. Wlllman. Mrs. Stocker was a lady who was much beloved by everyone, and she will be greatly missed In the community. The be reaved family have the sincere sym pathy of all In their affliction. - - Nine Months in Bed. Cured In 24 Hours T. J. Illackmore. of Haller Ulack more, Pittsburg, fa., says: A snort time since I procured a bottle of '.MYSTIC C'L'KE.' It got me out of the house In twenty-four hours. I took to my bed with Kheumatlsm nine months ago and the MYSTIC CI RE' Is the only medicine that did mo any good. I had live of the best physicians In tho city, but I received very little relief rrom mem. i Know tne MYSTIC CLUE' to be what it Is rep resented and take pleasure In recom mending It to other poor sufferers. Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 41S Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. " phickbuiw. The council met Wednesday evening, but no business was transacted. Eleven votes were cast, each resulting In a tie. John O. Miller made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. James Morton, of Carbondale, made a trip here yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Williams, of Honesdale Is visiting friends here. Kev. Pather Shanley made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. Miss Catherine Huff, of Troy, X. Y., Is visiting friends) here. William Margetson Is training for his coming race with Vt alter Kennedy, which promises to excel any race ever held here. Keller in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder lis eases relieved In six ho'jrs by the "New Great South Amerlcr.n Kidney Cure. This new remedy Is a great surprlso on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In tho bladder, kidney: taik and every part of the urinary pas paste. In male or femalo. It relieves re tention of water anil pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 12S Penn ave nue, Scrunton, Pa. OLYHIAKT. Nealon Brothers have taken posses sion of the P.agle hotel mid changed the name to "The Arlington." The cntlro house has been renovated nnd the bn Is stocked with choice wines, liquors and cigars. They have also added lunch counter, where lunches of all kinds, hot or cold, will be served at all hours. Mothers! Mothers!! Mother!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng Byrup has been used for over flfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect sucuuss. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays an pain; curei wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Boothlng Byrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. FOKKST CITY. Thomas Maxey, of Clifford township, Is isltlng his son, Thomas J. Maxey. Krnest Tennant, of Aldenvllle, Wayne county, died of scarlet fever Wednes day morning, the funeral was held ytstciday. .Mr. Tennant was a former Latest U. S. Gov't Report PURE ncldent of Porest City. Ills age whs i.out "5 years. The frlendH of Pit.pntrlek, alias Filch, who was committed to Jail for ttempted criminal assault Tuesday, ro threatening newspaper reporters who made mention of the matter. As et none of the correspondent!! have iken to the woods. A meeting of the directors of the Knoll Head Rest company was held re cently at Vandllng. Secretary Osgood was instructed to receive subscription!) r stock, and Attorney L. P. Werte- mnn, of Scranton,. wits authorized to obtain a charter for the company. The SuKiiuehanna county grand Jury, which Is In session at Montrose this week, found a true bill against the ujiervlsors of Clifford township for neglecting to keep the Creek road. north of Purest City, In proper repair. Morris Itoumls was the complainant. W. 11. Reynolds. L. V. Arnold and John Jones were witnesses l.n the case. The effects of 10. L. Kent, the res taurateur, were Hold at public Bale, esterday. V. K. Klrby and Alderman Bunnell, of Carbondale, were In Purest City on business yesterday. DALTOX. Thj social given by the Women's Christian Temperance union last Fri day evening was very lurgely attended, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Misses Mabel Purdy and lla Jennings have returned to the Bluomsburg State Normal school after spending a few days' vacation at their homes. W. S. Decker, of Taylor, was visiting relatives at this place Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett, of Scranton, spent Sunday with friends at this place. The funeral of James MoKuue was held at Scranton last Monday. The in terment was at the Dunmore Catholic cemetery. Mr. McKune was one of the old residents of this place, and has been employed by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad for number of years. During the last three years he has been the gate tender at the rallroud crossing, and many of us will miss "Uncle Jimmy." Morton Purdy Is Bick. W. Clark Dean, of Phillips' Exeter academy, is spending his vacation at his home at this place. The young men's cluss met In the basement of the Methodist Episcopal church last Wednesday evening and passed resolutions toward organizing a Young Men's Christian association. Asa Eaton Is recovering some from his illness. Mrs. Kiser was at Scranton Tuesday. J. II. Miller has sold his property ami expects to move west this spring. The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold a social next Friday evening. Walter C. Purdy is serving as Juror at Scranton this week. Dan Jennings, of Clark's Summit, was visiting at this place Sunday. G. W. Carlton Is having the cellar wall built for his new house, which he expects to build this spring. Mrs. Emma Fashaber Is visiting rela tives In New Jersey. Mrs. X. T. Purdy spent Wednesday at Scranton. K E YSTONEAC ADE31 Y. Miss Acken, our instructor In elocu tion, was on the programme for select reading at an entertainment held lu the Penn Avenue Baptist church of Scran ton, and also at one In the Green Kldge Presbyterian church last week. At a petition from a large number of the young ladles the library will be opened to them exclusively from 4.15 p. m. to 5 p. in. three afternoons in the week. The young ladles' prize speaking con test will be held Friday evening, April Instead of March 29, as given lust week. - A minstrel show will be given In main chapel this (Friday) evening for the benellt of the base ball team. The young men have made thorough preparation for this entertainment, and If faithfulness and hard work will make It a success, there will be a large und well-pleased audience, and the base ball team will not be In need of funds this year. The Young Women's and Young Men's Christian associations held a union missionary meeting Tuesday afternoon. K. J. Duuklee was leader. Subject, "China." A programme con sisting of letters and reports lvlutlng to missions In China added to the In terest and profit. Harry Winters, of Dunmore, a former student at the academy, spent a few days with friends here lust week. 'For three years I suffered from Bait Ilhoum. It covered my hands to such an extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." Llbble Young, Popes Mills, Ht. Lawrence county, N. Y, CAIMIONDALK. Mrs. George Vnn Ketirn returned to her home lu Jersey City yesterday morning. Yesterday nfternoon at about C o'clock a limn was struck at Unlondale by a Delaware and Hudson engine and received Injuries from which It Is thought he cunnot recover. He was walking on the track and did hot hear the approaching train. He was brought to tit 1h city on the Erie Flyer, arriving at G.r7 p. m., and at once taken to tho hospital. He received severe Injuries about the head, and Is thought to be hurt Internally. Mrs. John Altken, who has been ser iously III, Is thought to be a little Im proved today. NEW MILIUM). F. M. Foote Is about to move to Blng hamton. , Prank Boyle, of Nicholson, was In town Monday. The family of James J. Coleman has moved Into the St. Mark's church pur- Ronage, It Is announced that David Depue, of Blnghamton, has purchased the Tar bell huuso at Montrose. Mr. Depue Is a well known hotel man P. E. 'Moxley, who recently Hold his meat business In Bttighamton, has since purchased the Donnelly Bros, market, corner Court and Wall street, In that city, and will take possession April 1. A female .Inmate of the Blnghamton Insane asylpm escaped from that Instl tut Ion on -Wednesday morning and walked ua far us this place before sha was re-captured. She was returned Thursday morning. The family of C. M. Shelp hits moved into Samuel Vuil's house, recently va cated by James Coleman. (.'. D. Demi Is home from Ithaca, N. Y. J. II. Pdwards nnd family will move Into the Presbyterian arsonage. Susquehanna county P. A. I. U. will hold Its next bchsIoit at Phlnney's hull, April II. Mrs. Electa C. Aldrlch, aged 79 years, died at the home of her son, A. M. Ald- j rich, In thlB place, on Tuesday of this week. J. .1. Potter, of Gibson, la reported as no better. i lie Engle hotel barroom and lobby Is being greatly Improved. The scholars of the graded school are preparing for an exhibition on the "lust day." JIOMISDALK. Itev. John N. Lewis, of Grace church, occupied the pulpit of Trinity church, Carbondale last evening. Mrs. Lottie Kobblns Cummlngs, of this place. Is visiting friends In Clicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews, of Cleveland, O., have been visiting friends lu re. As Mrs. Matthews Is In poor health they will go from here to Philadelphia to benellt It. W. W. Wood. W. 11. Mulln, John Kuliback and T. L. Medlund have been among Houesdale's visitors to Scran ton tills week. Itrw Henry L. Jones, S, T. D., of St. Stephen's church, Wllkes-Barre, will occupy the pulpit of Uruce church this evening. The llreman of this place believe In enjoying the comforts of life und In the THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Where do you trade? Where vou always strike a bargain "in CLOTHING, at the Bell Clothing House, 230 Lackawanna avenue. New in design, elegant in effect, the cheapest in town are our Spring Overcoats and Suits. Yon Have Saved By purchasing your winter clothes at our store. Nov Is A To save your dollars by buying your spring outfit of us. Chance Notwithstanding our low prices we will give away as a trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe ty Bicycle, full ball bearings, worth $35; with the purchase ot every Boys' Suit or Knee Pants, you are entitled to a chance, Drawing comes off the 5th of July. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ava. SIGN OF THE BELL Good News Send This Around. It Tells of Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Theklud that stands the racket uiul always looks well, 60 Children's Butts, sizes 4 aud 6, to elear them out 50c About 100 Boys' Superior Tailored Hults, Lined Pants, Htuart Jaekets aud a irrand qual I ty , to dose $ 1 .49 We've a little lot of extra quality Bults for boys', dress wear that were made up specially to the order of Henry Goodman, The sizes are 6 to 14 years,and the price was .1.60. Take them now at $1.99 Shirt Bargluim Still Continue und Are Uutiig Closed Out ut f ructlcully Whut Wc cun Get for litem. BANKRUPT - 610 LACKAWANNA AVENIE. most approved style, too. When the new town hall was built a bath tub was put In for their benellt, but no hot water pipes were attached. The boys have now purchased a gas hot water heater und bad It placed over the tub, und pronounce It a decided-success. The walls of Hiller und Hades' new building on the lateral basin lot have reached'the second story and workmen have commenced laying the south wall of the Natiunul bank building. The Ice has now moved out of nearly ull our. streams, but from three to four feet of snow still lays In the woods, promising considerable high, water If we should have warm ruins. VANDLIKG. Trlde of the Forest todgo, No. 41S, Knights of Pythias, will hold an enter tainment at the Congregational church, on Saturday evening. The following programme will be rendered: Address, Chairman Benjamin Milton; recitation, Evan Morgan; Blelghing glee, Excelsior Glee club; song, Philip Thomas; duet, K. Lewellyn und D. J. Jones; address, "The Principles of the Order," Dr. Dunnell, of Scranton; trio, "Little Farm Well Pilled," H. Lewellyn, Thom as Jones and Philip ThomaB; song, D. J. Jones; song, "Sword of Bunker Hill," It. Lewellyn; address, by Kllot Boss, of Scranton; glee, "Arabella," Excelsior Glee club. The contest for a gold watch between Uiehurd Lewellyn, of thlH pluce, and Lewis R. Bevan, of Scran ton, will then be decided and the win ner named. A free supper will also be served after the entertainment. Ad mission will be free. Edward O'Nell and Miss Rosle Kelr nan witnessed "Garry Owen" at the Grand Opera House, in Carbondale, Wednesday evening. Is the Best Blood Purilior, Appetizer und Nerve Tonic. It cures That Tired Feeling WELSBAGH LIGHT Specially Adapted (or Reading and Stwing. Consumes three (3) feet of gas per hour and gives au efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Suving at least 33$ per ceut. over the ordinary Tip Burners. Lull und Sec It. T & CONNELL CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Manufacturers' Agents. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Minofftctnred at the Wpwllopn Mills, La cerne county, r&., una hi Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Ganorfti Agout for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third Ktlonl Bank Building. aosrcibs : THOS. FORD. MtUton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH HON, Plymonth, Pa, K. W. MULLUtAN, Wilkes Bsrre, Pa. Agents for the Kcpcuao Chemical Oom taay'l lilgh KcpluaiToa. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'K'r. l IF YOUR OLD BOOKS NEED FIX. - INO, BEND T11KM TO Tkt Scranton Tribune Bookbinding Depfe 101 Travels Fast, Money to lid Saved und Durguins lluving t BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Uoodtunn made up most of these In his own factory on the Smith Side. There's more of them here than any . two stores should have; so here goes for a slaughter that you can not appreciate till you see the iroods. Prices begin at 12o. now, and from that rise by easy grades to 8c, when yott reach a waist bettor than which it will be difficult to buy at any price. Reinciiibcr Thut All Our Piece Goods STOCK SALI Jj A Pure While I GREAT pecial Sale s AT m FOR ialance of ML : . 500 Rolls this season's KE a K II 0 1 t ji?8ilv 0 h in ni 1 19 a fWMi at $4.oo a roil, 40 yards, and go up to $10.00 Cut quantities of Mattings 2l2 cents and over the roll price. Samples sent by mail, supplied at the very lowest wholesale prices. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. "FOR THE BABY!" A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong and dependable. All the shapes and conceits in trim mings, in prices ranging $S.5o to $35.00. The buyer RDM will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person or by mail. j I )V . . That "1895 Spring Outfit" Is a seller. Have you seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished complete. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO SCR ANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS. 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. I rA R THE the Week. 1 K importations. Prices start 5 cents Dealers EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headai-he r.ror.nted and curod Vj hirlaj i oar ) nct.ntiflcally examined uud titled accurately by DR. S'rilMBERQ. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Sa'.itfactlM guaranteed in every case. 305 Spruce Street. may conceive tne snape and colorings,and we'll be sure to have it. It would be difficult to find a larger variety than we are now showing. The $5, $6 and $8 kinds are very popular, and the $10 article will make you wonder why any one wants to spend more for a Baby Carriage. If inclined to spend more there's nothing to stop you. EH 1 M. Hi JAPAN MATTINGS. isf i in 1; 1. I -7