The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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."' Which You Are Respectfully
In connection with our .Milli
nery Opening will make our
Regular Spring Display of
Capes, Suits and Jackets.
412 Spruce Street, Scranton, I'a.
Specialist on
Nerve Troubles,
and LtlHeases of the Heart, I.uwrs, Kid
neys, Liver, Womb, Stomach,, Hluuiler,
Head, Fits and Epilepsy.
He with his assistant trent all diseases
Of the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throiu, Dys
pepsia, Rhumatlnm, Lost Vitality, Nerv
ous Debility, Kcmal Weakness ami Irreg
ularities, Nlirhtly losses and Errors f
Youth. Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Hloud
I'olaoninK, Kczemu, Scrofula, St. Vitus
Ijunce, Dlabctua, iinttht's Dliieane,
Asthma, etc.
Any one nufforlnir with Catarrh who
wlHhes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply uured may receive three months'
treatment for only h'lVK DOLLARS.
The doctor has discovered a specific for
this dreaded disease. You can treat and
cure yourself and family with It at home.
It never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOT? KS Dally, 9 a, m. to 9 p.
in.; Sunday, 10 to 4.
' Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked nnd will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, us we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
The Mayfleld station was broken Into
one time early yesterday morning.
The' thief secured one small express
, package and a few cakes for his pains.
Entrance was gained through the otflee
window by breaking a pane of glass
12x18, end crawling through the aper
ture. The barber who has held forth on
Lackawanna avenue for the lust few
months has closed up his shop and gone
to another town.
Mrs. Ann Rackus. accompanied by
Miss Lillian Huckus, are the guests of
Mrs. Samuel Backus, at Scranton.
The firm of Sayre & Shafer has been
dissolved, Mr. Shafer retiring.
Carmalt Rose, of Silver Luke, Is In
Montrose for a short stay.
The witnesses who have been In
Scranton for the Xell Frink trial have
reurned. The only Montrose witnesses
sworn were Dr. Decker and Mr.
Charles Post, who Is attending Cor
nell, Is spending a few days with his
mother, Mrs. William Post.
Leonard Raynsford has returned
from Ithaca, N. Y.t where he Is pur
f uliirf his studies.
Miss Nellie Conklln hus returned
from Mingliamton, where she has been
spending a few days,
Ceorge Watrous Is confined to his
home with an attack of cholera morbus.
A. Luthrop sustained severe injuries
by falling on an ley pavement on Wed
nesday. A delegation of Forest City firemen
visited Montrose on Tuesday and made
a thorough Inspection of the apparatus.
They wire loud In their praises of the
splendid equipment of the Montrose lire
1 ml die.'.
Hurry Harney, a pupil at Wood's
Uusjius3 college, Scranton, is home
visiting his parents.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Alney, former
ly of New Mllford, are now occupying
the I.!. Thatcher house, on Church
street. Mrs. Alney'8 sister, Miss Belle
McCollumu, Is spending u few days ii.
Frederick K. Emerlck, of Scranton,
wus In town Tuesday last.
II S. Kelly, of Tunkhannock, is
sp'.-mllng a few days with Montrose
On Monday night, April 1, Major
OVeoige H. Whitney will Inspect Com
pany G, Thirteenth regiment, National
Ou;rd of Pennsylvania, at Its drill
hHll. Major Whitney will be accompa
nied by Adjutant C. C Conklln and
other olllcers of the stall'.
J. M. Jeffers hus returned from the
sunny south. .
H. W. Beach, who Is attending Le
hiy'u university, returned on Wednes
dny for a few weeks' visit with his
!. D. Nash, prominent in the Brook
lyn Oil company, stated to The Trib
une correspondent that n smull
amount of oil had recently been struck
at a depth of 2.800 feet. The company
will bore 3,000 feet before discontinuing
investigations. Should the present well
prove a failure, as the first one did,
a third well will be sunk in Wyoming
Many people are making preparations
t- move this spring '.
There are at the present time ten
prisoners at the county Jail.
Two prls'rners were brought to the
cotnty Jail Tuesday night, M. H. Dris
coll. for defrauding Charles Stringliam,
of Susquehanna, of a board bill, and
John Fitzpatrlck. of Forest City,
charged with feloniously assaulting lit
tl Lizzie McAndrew, at Forest City,
Your correspondent saw him at the
Jail, but he was exceedingly uncom
murlcative and would not talk of tils'
case. He is an intelligent looking man,
well dressed and rather good looking.
His case is the worst one to come be
fore the grand Jury this session.
Workof thegrandjury: Mike Burdlck
broke up the "lockup" at Forest City
on Dec. 24 last in order that his Christ-
mast might be celebrated properly. He
was indicted. Another indictment
of a Forest City lawbreaker was that
of Antony Marafszki, who claimed to
Max Heller, a dealer In meat and pork
that Antonl Sabolofsckl had asked him
to get one pork shoulder. Antonl de
nies It; so a pork shoulder valued at $1
will either sent Antony to durance vile
or liberate him. Merrltt E. English,
alias Harry English, signed an order,
using another man's name. It read:
"Jenery the 2S, 1S95 Mr. Kesler please
let Harry English hav 10$ dolars oblige
Keen Lake." He was a poor speller,
but got the money. Antony Muchnlckl
stole ten pools balls, the property of A.
Mower, Forest City. He was also held
for trial. Michael Healy and James
Healy were Indicted on several charges
for assault with intent to kill, robbery
and assault and battery. They ore the
tramps who held up ex-Sheriff B. F,
McKune in Susquehanna January last,
and are decidedly tough-looking indi
viduals, other Indictments are Anna
Muslufskl, Forest City, selling liquor il
legally; Asa Fish, Great Bend, larceny.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
L. Wagner. Wholesale Druggist, Rich
mond. Va says: "I had a fearful attack
of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost
two months; was fortunate enough to fet
This cured me after doctor's prescrip
tions had failed to have any effect. I have
also heard of line results from others who
have used It." Sold by Carl Lorenz, Drug
gist, 41s Lackawanna avenue, Scranton.
Mrs. Rolx'it McMllan, of Avoca, wns
-isltlng Mrs. John M. Robertson, of
Main street, yesterday.
V. S. Hutchlngs wus a visitor to thu
Electric City yesterday.
Mrs. James A. Hand has gone to War
ren. Pa., to visit her mother, who Is
quite ill.
Miss Olive Penrl left for Stroudsburg
to resume her studies at the State Nor
mal school.
Mlsti Ida Wood, of Mlnooka avenue,
Is confined to the house by an attack
of the grl.
Miss Maine frecn and Mame Me
Crindle were in Scranton yesterday.
Messrs. James and William Steven
son and John Tusker were In Scranton
attending court, being subpeonaed
ns witnesses for William Repp In his
case ugulnst the Delaware, Lacka-
wunna und Western railroad company
for taking his culm pile.
Charles Snyder, of Main street, was
In Scranton yesterday on business.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder ills
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure.
This new remedy la a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part or the urinary pus
sages, in male or female. It relieves re
tentlon of water and pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave
nue, Scranton, Fa,
At ft meeting of the congregation of
the PreBbyterlan church on Monday
evening, the following trustees were
elected: E. E. Tut tie and George M
Lamb, three years; E, M. Scotten and
Louis Fr eel a rid. two years; and Rufus
Smith and O. W. Smith, one year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Adair are visit
ing friends and relatives In Buffalo.
George Llehestem, or Syracuse, was
among the visitors In town yesterday.
rs. fje
Mrs. feorge Stone, of Athens, ' Pa,
who has been visiting her parents, Mr.
und Mrs. J. B. McCrenry, in this place.
has returned home. i
ti-i eil Hunriu of this cltv. will onen !
a grocery store In the new Allen build- J
lug about April 15. ,
P. R. Carpenter will have a house
built on his lot on Pine street this
Miss Jennie Ross, of Vestal. Is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Jacobus, In this
Mrs. Henry Mcrlacle wus nt Carbnn-
dale yesterday to attend the funeral of
her mother.
The Pioneer Council, No. 932, Junior
Order United American Mechanics, will
meet In their new hull, on Main
street, tonight. This being their
first meeting In their new und finely
equipped hull a committee have ar
ranged for a general reunion, compris
ing eleven councils. An address will
lie delivered by Colonel T. R. Martin, of
Wilkes-Ilarre. He is well known here,
and will be well received. Miss Ella
Maude Stewart will also address. The
following Is the programme for the eve
ning: Singing, opening ode; prayer.
Rev. A. Jones; banjo solo, Harry Ush
er; address, T. R. .Martin; violin solo.
Marcella Maxwell: selection, Musical
Sextette; solo, Mamie Daley: address,
Ella Maude SU-wart: singing, (lice club;
selection, Musical Sextette. The pro
gramme will show und assure a pleus
ant evening.
C. A. Crosby, of Blnghauiton, N. V.,
Intends starting a brunch tent and
u wuing factory in this city.
Mrs. M. J. Oliver will leuve this morn
ing for Detrlot, Mich., to attend the
funeral of her sister. She will be ab
sent about one week.
W. D. Frank, business manager of
The Anthracite, was in Scranton last
George Benton was the guest of
friends at Forest City yesterday.
Tony Farrel, In "Gam y Owen," pleased
a good sized audience at the Grand
lust evening.
The site fur the Silk mill has been
chosen at last. The place selected Is
on Belmont street, und owned by
Morrison, Albert, White and Murphy.
Some necessary Improvements are be
ing made In the Baptist church by add
ing a new class room, und the library,
when completed, will be twice Its form
er size.
William Allen, who has been serious
ly ill for several days, Is convalescent.
Jones Brothers have finished moving
their stock to their newy rented stand,
In the Shroeder block.
Carpenters are at work remodeling
the old stand formerly occupied by
Jones Brothers for the new llrm of
Tucker and Stevens.
W. J. Maxey, of Forest City, circulat
ed among friends In town yesterday.
George Glllls and A. F. Burkett spent
last evening with friends in Green
Harry Skeels spent last evening In
P. A. Duffy, of the firm of Larkin &
Duffy, Is in New York mi business.
Rev. E. J. Bulsley and wife -spent last
evening with friends in Scranton.
Miss Sarah Hewitson, who has been
In New York for many mouths, has re
turned to her home in this city.
George Moon has moved his family
to Clifford. Mr. Moon will retain his
position In this city.
P. F. Buttler has resigned his posi
tion at Hotel Anthracite.
Mothers! Mothers !! Mothers'.!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and Is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Be sura and ask for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
It Is expected that Rev. Mr. Mark
wlck will occupy the pulpit of the Bap
tist church next Sunday morning and
Mrs. James E. Edwards and children,
of Glenburn, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Buckingham.
Mrs. Frank Hayden, a former resi
dent of this place, but now of Yntes
vllle, Is visiting friends and relatives
E. Fraee Is contemplating building an
addition and making other Improve
ments on one of his houses this spring.
Contractor H. G. Thayer Is figuring on
the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Battln arp ex
pected home from an extended trip
through the west and South in about
two weeks.
A party was held Tuesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Ferris
in honor of .Miss Clark, who Is visiting
there. About fifty young people were
Emory Foote, who has been suffering
with Inflammatory rheumatism for
some time past, Is able to be about
Messrs. Buckingham and Adams In
tend opening and building streets on
the Bucking plot. East Side, as soon as
the weather permits.
Charles Koch, foreman of the Union
Tanning company. Is making Improve
ments 'on his homo on lower Main
C. F. Edwards, the painter, has sev
eral contracts made for painting a num
ber of Jiouses In this place this nprlng.
This will certainly be u great year for
Elinhurst If ull reports aro true, that a
number of new houses will be built this
"For three years I suffered from Salt
Rheum. It covered my hands to such i.n
extent that I could not wash thum. Two
bottles of Burdock Blood Hitters cured
me," Lllible Young, Popes Mills, 8t.
Lawrehce county, N, V,
Joseph Sutton Is lying critically 111 at
his home on Breese Btreet.
Wllllum English has been quite 111
since Thursday,
John Davis and Daniel will
leave today for Central America.
Thomas Reudy Is building u new
house on the corner of Tnth and
Monument struetu,
A. H. Elsworth, who was relieved of
a tumor about four weeks ago, was get
ting along nicely until the middle of
lust week, when ho commenced sink
ing. It was thought another operation
would have to be performed but, thanks
to the skill of Dr. Benton, he Is now
able to sit up.
Oscar, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Miller, of Pucker street, West Avoca,
Is HI with pneumonia.
The drama entitled "The Confidential
Clerk" will be produced In O'Malley's
hall on Friday evening, April 19, by
the members of the MoshIo Dramatic
company. -
The Helping Hand society of the
Primitive Methodist church will hold a
special meeting Saturday evening at
7.30. All members are requested to at
tend. . . , . .
William Howell, of Packer street,
Is F.ulferMg from un attack' of the grip. :
Miss Fuimle? Webber visited Scran- j
ton friends last evening. I
James Alexander, of West Avocn, will
move to VYllkes-BjtTe next week.
Mrs. Thomas G. Brown Is lying 111 at
her home with pneumonia.
Miss Jeanie H. Dick will return to
East Stroudsburg on Monday, where
Bhe will resume her studies nt the
Normal school. .
Miss Ella O'Malley was a visitor at
Scranton on Tuesday evening.
At a met ting of the Wilson Fire com
pany of Peckvllle, Pa., held ut their
room. March lit, 1895. the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, J, Wilson Peck, of Scran
ton, a former resident aiul one of the
early settlers of this place, ap
preciating' .the efforts, of the ' young
men who have organized a fire
company, has expressed u wish that
this organization should help to per
petuate his name, und has donated the
sum of $125, that hla wish may Le
gratified; therefore, be It
Resolved, That, to show our apprecia
tion of Mr. Peek and his very generous
contribution towards our support, this
organization shall grant his request,
and In the future shull be known us the
Wilson Fire company, No. 1, of Peck
vllle, Pa.
Resolved, That the officers and mem
bers of the Wilson Fire company ex
tend to J. Wilson Peck their most sin
cere thanks.
Resolved, That these resolutions hi
printed In the Scranton Daily Tribune,
Olyphant Record und Gazette, und
spread on the minutes and u suitable
copy-be sent to Air. Peck.
Committee, William Bell, George A.
Bell, W. 11. Walker, E. L. Craig und VV.
B. Stevens.
Mrs. A. Nicholas, of the West End,
called on her many friends at Scranton
last Thursday.
Albert, the 4-year-old child of Mrs.
John Bembo, is very sick with con
gestion of the lungs.
Mrs. Frank Darles, of Ridge street, is
very sick with heart trouble.
Mrs. Bert Morgan and family are all
down with the grip.
Mrs. Wilson Bridges called on her
many friends at Jermyn lust Tuesday.
Mrs. Collins Dunstan, of Wanamie, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Cheney.
Mrs. Elmer Kennedy Is visiting her
parents in Wayne county.
Miss Gertie Davis, of Jermyn, was the
guest of Miss Julia Kestell lust Tues
day. Mrs. Harry Williams, who has been
visiting her parents at Plttston for the
past two weeks, returned home yester
day. Mrs. W. S. Bloes will leave this morn
ing to visit for a week with relatives
In Wayne county.
Mrs. David Tresler, of Lake Ariel, 13
visiting her brother, Harry Rockwell.
Clarence Williams was called to
Beach Pond last Tuesday on account of
the serious illness of his child.
Landlord M. D. Betts, of the Hotel
Wilson, will have his opening next
Monday evening.
Mrs. F. P. Doty and son, Howard, are
suffering with grip. .
Mrs. Henry Oberts gave a birthday
party to several little folks last Tues
day afternooon In honor of her 6-year-old
sun, Harry,
The Suburban wheelmen's ball, at the
West End, last evening, was a brilliant
and delightful affair. Notwithstanding
the Inclemency of the weather a large
number of people were present, and to
and those about to
become mothers,
should know thut
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription
robs childbirth of
Its torture, terrors
and dangers to
both mother and
child, by aiding Nature in preparing the
system for parturition. Thereby "luoor"
and also the period of confinement are
greatly shortened. It also promotes an
abundant secretion of nourishment for
the child. During pregnancy, it pre
vents 'morning sickness" and those
distressing nervous symptoms from
which so many suficr.
Tunis. Collie Co., Texas.
Dr. R. V. Pikrck, Huflulo, N. Y. :
J)earSir took your " Favorite Pre
scription " previous to confinement und
never did so well in my life. It is only
two weeks since my confinement and I am
able to dn in y work. I feel stronger than I
ever did in six weeks before.
Youis tiuly,
South llend. rueifie Co., Wast.
DR. R. V. Pihkch, lliiffalo, N. Y.:
Deur iiir began taking your "Favor
ite Prescription " the fust month of preg
nancy, aim nave con
tinued taking it liince
confinement. I did not
experience the nausea
or any of the ailments
due to pregnancy, after
I began taking your
Prescription." I was
only in labor a short y
time, and the physician. '
said I iir.t uloug tin-
IIUII'll 1 1 TUP 1 1
We think it saved me m- Bn
a great deal of suffering. I wan troubled a
great deal with leuetirriiea also, und it hus
done a wot Id of good for me.
Vouts truly, ,
Mas. W. C. BAKIiR.
Good News
ScuJ This Around. It TwlU of
Thekiutl that stands the racket
und ulwuys looks well,
00 Children's Suits, sizes 4 and 5, to
dour llicin out 5()c
About 100 Hoys' Superior Tailored
Hulls, Lined Pants, Smart Jackets
nnd a graud quality, to close $1.49
We've a little lot of extra quality Suits
for boyB' dress wear that were
made up specially to the order of
Ueury Oooduiau, The Biros are S
to 14 years, and the price was 13.50.
Take, them now at $1.99
Shirt Rarulans Still Continue and Remember That AH Our Piece Goods
Are Hcing Closed Out at Practically What We can Get for Them.
superb music pleasantly whiled the
hours away. A dainty supper was
served .about midnight, after which
dancing was most enthusiastically re
sumed. Some of the costumes of the
ladles were very attractive and the
scene was a charming one.
Lust 'evening the Congregational
church held their grund drawing In
Keystone hall. The following won the
prizes: Gold watch, William Greavy,
Dunmore; $10 gold piece, William Rich
ards, Providence; lounge, M. J. O'Hol
lerun, Jcssup; hair rug, John Pattln,
Olyphant; lamp, Edith Probert, Oly
phant. In the contest for a chair, Miss
Lizzie Evans received $17.80; ss Ma
mie Thomas, $29.25.
Last night at the Father Matuew
Opera house "Hearts of Gold" was pro
duced to a fair sized audience. Little
Maud, and not Little Jessie, as was
stated In yesterday's Issue, delighted
the audience with her singing and danc
ing. This young and talented child
possesses a voice of singular purity and
Scrofula From Childhood
"My mother has been afflicted with
scrofula in her head since her childhood.
bhe Is now in
her 61st year.
Bhe has also
suffered from
weakness in
t her back for
which she
never expected
any relief, bhe
. has faithfully
' tried Hood's
and it has freed
her system
from scrofula,
cured burning
pains In her feet and limbs and also a pain
In her left breast which prevented her
from lying on that side for fourteen years
It has made her feel many years younger.
Hood's 8a; Cures
She has taken four bottles of the tried Iclne.
We cannot recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla too highly." Ika K. VANaiLWiH,
Etna Green, Indiana.
HoO(i'J Pills th" after-dinner pill and
11UUU family cathartic! 2iu.
230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
Where do you trade?
Where vou always strike a
bargain "in. CLOTHING, at
the Bell Clothing House, 230
Lackawanna avenue. New in
design, elegant in effect, the
cheapest in town are our
Spring Overcoats and Suits.
By purchasing your
winter clothes at
our store.
To save your dollars
by buying your
spring outfit of us.
Notwithstanding our low
prices we will give away as a
trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe
ty Bicycle, full ball bearings,
worth $35; with the purchase
01 every Boys' Suit or Knee
Pants, you are entitled to a
chance. Drawing conies off
the 5th of July.
230 Lackawanna Aye.
Travels Fast.
Ma;y to Bj Saved and Bargains
Having :
Goodman made up most of thcs9
in his own factory ou the South
There's more of them here thnu nny
two stores should have; so here
goes' for a slaughter that you cnu
uot appreciate till you see the
Trices begin at 12o. now, and from that
rise by easy grades to SUu., when
you reach a waist better than
which it will be difllcult to buy at
any price,
$ : : : a
ecial Sale
Balance of
Wiltons, Axminsters, Moqaettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta
pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,
Salted to All Kinds
In All the Different Grades
A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong
and dependable. All the shapes and conceits in trim
mings, in prices ranging $5.5o to $35.00. The buyer
. may conceive the shape
U r
will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person
or by mail.
That "1895 Spring Outfit" is a seller. Have you
seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished complete.
j '2?5 AND 227 WVOMINO AVENUE. '
1 1
the Week.
of Styles and Famishing.
and High Class Novelties.
Headache pravanted and cured by hTta
your ya oiantlflcally latnload and
fitted aecurataly by
guarantied ia every caae.
305 Spruce Strest
and colorings.and we'll be
sure to have it. It would
be difficult to find a larger
variety than we are now
The $5, $6 and $8 kinds
are very populdr, and the
$10 article will make you
wonder why any one
wants to spend more for a
Baby Carriage.
If inclined to spend
more there's nothing to
stop you.
1 ut