THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. 3tARCII 28, 1895. 3 NORTON'S New Store, Lackawanna ave., Will be ready for trade , . On or before April i. Will open their large New stock Wall Papers, Window Shades, Stationery, Books, at very Interesting Prices. Wait and see. MICHAEL NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE SnouWhfte FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. J. FRANK SIEGEL'S lb AT THE FROTrtlNGHAM. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA AND BIND, 40 PIECES taster Monday Mailt, April 13. Tickets on salo at box office, one ticket ad' mittiog lady aud gentleman; extra ladies ticket, doc. tes"A ucncral invitation extend' eJ to all present and former pupils and their triends. Straniters buylna tickets at box office most be introiueed. Xo tickets aold to put ties not Known. Ex-Superintendent of Schools Werner, of Xorthumpton county, Is here on busi ness. " C C. Ferbor, of the demons, Ferber, O'.Malley company, is spending a few days in New York buying spring stock. Percy James, of Olyphant, the well known musician. Is able to take outdoor exercise after a prolonged Illness. E. B. Sturges and D. B. Atherton will leave for New York today to Investigate a proposition mado to the board of trade to locate an Important Industry In this city. The Rt. Rev. William M. Barker, D.l bishop of the missionary Jurisdiction of Olympla, Woshlngton, Is the guest of his aunt, Mrs, S. U. Barker, Zil Miidlson avenue. Miss Edith Liavls, niece of '! War 0n 1. J. frlce, or the coum. .11, was pleasantly surprised by a party of friends from the West Side lust evening, who Journeyed to the Institution on Washing ton avenue, where Miss !uvls resides with Mr. and Mrs. Price. The popular youns luoy, aunougn taken by surprise, equal to the occasion, and soon made her friends comfortable. An Interesting programme of vocal music and literary se lection wus rendered after which the gut-sts were regaled with light refresh ments. Those making up the party were: Misses Oella Lewis, Jemima Roderick. (lertle Thomas, Sadie Thomas, Minnie Thomas, Nettle Datesman, Kllie flrllliths, Ida Iewls and Mollle Hlantz; Kldrldge Dougherty, Will Thomas, George Nlch oils, William Griffiths, JO. H. Evnas, I'eler Lewis, Kay Williams and Eddie Walking. KING ALCOHOL GUILTY. TrleJ in tho Salvation Army llurruckson Jackson street. King Alcohol received a terrific blow at the Salvation Army barracks, on Price street, last night, where the sol diers of the local contingent had an semblcd to conclude the discussion which has been publicly curried on for ome time. A preliminary service was held which opened with the hymn, "I Will Win In which the master of ceremonies Up rlareti that he was gi'lng to win. This was followed by a similar uVrlnratlun from the' manly voices behind him They said they would win and the voices of the ladles wore then heard expressing their conlldence of winning, After a preliminary skirmish by the red coated soldiers In the way nf em panelling a Jury it was announced thn the representatives of "King Alcohol' and his opponents would review the evidence given at a previous hcurliij-, nerore the verdict would be arrived at The staff major thereupon began the delivery of a spirited defense of King: Alcohol, and claimed fair piny for all even the devil. "Not a bit of It," piped a, little female voice. Undeterred, how ever, he slashed Into the witnesses o the prosecution and ridiculed the Idea that King Alcohol was to blume for the sins which were charged up to him. lie claimed that the clergy and the Christian people of the country had ex pressed the opinion that the Baloon was righteously licensed and they should abide by the majority. . The representative of the prosecution then took off his gloves nd made mince meat of King Alcohol, his representa tives and everyone connected with him, directly or Indirectly, and so wrought upon the feeling of the Jury that they gave a verdict of "guilty" amid a deaf ening chorus of "amens" and "halle lujahs." PURE! RICH BLOOD Is essential to good health, because the blood Is the vital fluid which supplies all the organs with life. Hood's Bariaparllla Is the great blood purifier. MOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetablo, harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe. Plllsbury's Piour Mills have a capacity f 17.6W barrels a day. MAN mjM NAMES Convicted of Usinrj tlie United States Mails to Defraud People. MRS. RINSLAND FOKTINATE District Attorney Entered a Nolle Prosequi in ller Case-Joseph Conrod Convicted of Impersonating a Deud Soldier. Eccentric Doctor John Corr. George W. Knox, ullas W. J. Snnford, W. S. Domlnir. etc., etc., was tried be fore Judge Bullliigton yesterday after noon In the United States district court or using the United Stutes mulls to lefruud people. The accused Is a young man about 82 years of age mid possesses a Cv'lego education und a his tory that Is enveloped In a haze of omance and mystery. His real name he has not divulged, but It Is under stood that he is a son of well-to-do pco- le residing at Syracuse, N. T al though his counsel told Judge Tlutlliig ton yesterday that the prisoner's mother Is a widow In Indigent circum stance and that It was for the purpose of supplying her with the necessaries of life thut tho son became a law breaker. The accused operated for a time In the western part of this state under the name of W. J. Sanford. His plan wus to place a want advertisement In the newspapers stating that he was anx- ims to secure n young woman to 'tct as a manager of an agency ne wisncu to establish. To replies received through the malls he would say thut the ncinager would not be required to do any canvassing, but simply have to act as distributing ugent to those who were to solicit orders for the Schulter letter Ille, of which Hartford claimed to be the general agent. He- fore employing the applicant he re quired them to deposit with him a fee of $12 as security und for the payment of stationery for the agency. By that scheme Sanford worked young women residing in Altoona, Pittsburg, Wheel ing, W. Va., and other places. He Had no Counsel When Sanford was arraigned yester day he had no attorney and court di rected F. E. Alden, a special examiner of pensions, who is also an attorney, to look after the Interests of the accused. Though It was but the second case that Mr. Alden has tried since being ad mitted to the bar, he conducted a very spirited defence. Among the witnesses called on the part of the government were Miss Mary Wills, or Wheeling. W. Va.: Miss Margaret Ryan, and Miss Jennie -Oonard, of Altoona, and Mrs. Hulda Pltchard, all of whom had been Induced to give up hard-earned cash to Sanford. No testimony was offered on the part of tho defense. Attorney Alden said that his client had a statement of his case prepared which he would like to read to the Jury. District Attorney Hall objected, however, to his doing so unless Sanford was sworn and allowed himself to be cross-examined. He did not choose to do so and the case was given to the Jury. A verdict of guilty was returned, and Sanford was sen tenced to pay a fine of $100 and spend thirteen months in the Western peni tentiary at Pittsburg. The KinslanJ Case. District Attorney Hall announced to the court that he was prepared to enter a nolle prosequi in the case against Mrs. Maggie Rinsland, of this city, whq was charged with sending obscene let ters through the mails to her sister-in-law at Carbondale. Mrs. Rinsland was called before the court and Judge Buf- flngton said that It was with some re luctance that hi -ad allowed the nolle prosequi to be entered. It was not be cause of Inability on the part of the government to make out a case that the action had been taken, but from considerations as to her family that to the district attorney seemed sufficient. Mrs. Rinsland vas then dismissed with the Injunction not to be guilty of In decent letter writing again. Verdicts of not guilty were returned In the case against Jhn and Abel Mey ers, charged with burglarizing the post office at Roaring Springs, Blair county George W. Moore, of Clifford, Susque hanna county, pleaded guilty to forg ing names to pension papers, und was Benteiiced to pay a fine of $3, costs and spend six months In the Lackawanna county Jail. Joseph Conrad, of Northumberland county, was convicted of making fals'e affidavits for the purHse of obtaining a pension. He was successful In secur ing the pension and for a time drew $ a month from Uncle Sam. Conrad is almost "u years of age and Is bent and decrepit. He had a cousin of the same name who served In the war as a mem ber of Company C, One Hundred and Thirty-first regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. Joseph Conrad, the war rler, died of smallpox In Ittll and about two years ago It Hashed across the mind of his living namesake that there was no good reason why he should not draw a pension for the man who was dead, as Uncle. Sam would never know the difference. Mudu u Poor W lines. The prisoner Went on the rttand In his own behalf, ut made a very poor wit ness. He beiume much confused and practically convicted himself. Ills at torney, D. (). Coughlln, Paw that di fense was then Impossible und d cllned to address the Jury. A verdict of guilty was returned. John Corr, an old man who says he Is a Hotonlc and r.lectlc loctor, wus convicted of sending an obscene letter through the malls t the Bradford Ar gus, one of the leading papers of the northern tier. The defendant Is tin ec centric old fellow und created much amusement during the trlul of the case. Ho was found guilty, but Judge Uutllngton suspended sentence. TRIED IN COMMON PLEAS. Coses Thut Occupied Attention of the Three Judges. Hefore Judge Kdwards In the mnln court room the trespass suit of Mrs, Jennlo K. Brink In the sum of 11,600 ugalnst tho borough nf Duumure, wns put on trial yesterday morning. Kx Justice Alfred Hand and Attorney Wll Hum J. Hand are attorneys for the plulntlff and Attorneys I. II. Burns and M. K. McDonald represent the borough Mrs. Brink lives on Blakely street In Dunmore, and a few years ago tho bor ough council passed an ordinance wid ening the 4treet. In consequence four feet of the front of her lot was cut away and the fenco was shoved up ngalns the porch. On the four feet thnt were converted Into a part of the street, three find shade trees were growing and these were removed and destroyed, She valued the trees at $500 each and declared that she would not sell them for even that figure If any one desired to purchase them. The trees, together with the part of her land takjen, she stoutly maintains represent fir more than the amount for which tin suit Is brought. - Tho plaintiff's side of the case was still before the court at ad journment. The Mcrrywcather Case. . In No. 3 court room before Judge Purdy the Merry weather, trespass suit dragged along and will take up the most of today before It goes to the Jury. In Judge Archbuld's room the case of the city against Martin McDonough, of Mlnooka, was called for trial. City So licitor Torrey whs In the Interest of the plaintiff and Attorneys T. P. Mohan and M. J. Donahue represented Mf. Mc Donough. The action was brought to recover $'.'7. Mr. McDonough owns the property tut the corner of Klg street and Pittston avenue In the Twentieth ward. In 1K!)1 Fig street was graded and the burned of viewers that was appointed to usaess the cost of grading fixed the amount that Mr. McDonough's prop erty should be ussessed for the grad ing at $S7. There was absolutely no grading done opposite Mr. McDon- ugh's property, and he refused to pay. The attorneys for the defendants asked the court fur binding Instruc tions to the Jury for the reason that the assessment was made before the ordinance providing for the grading of he street was passed. Judge Archbnld took that view of it und a verdict wus ndered for the defendant. Court granted a rule to show cause why u ew trial should not be granted. Verdict in Jones Case. Ill the case of John P. Jones against Charles W. Maxwell and others a ver dict was rendered In favor of the plaln- titf. The amount in dispute was $400, he value of a team of horses, a wagon, hurness nnd blankets, sold at sheriff s sale, nnd bought by the defendants. At former trial of the case a verdict for the defendant was given, but court granted n new trial. UNITED STATES COURT NOTES. It Is probable that the work of tho dis trict court will bo completed today. Guy C. Davis, of Towanda, Bradford oiinty. son of ex-Lleulenant Governor Davis, Is one of the petit Jurors. The grand Jury Mulshed Its work yester day, but a number of the members of It were retained to act us Jurors In the dis- rlct court. Attorney 1. O. Coughlln, one of the heavy-weight members of the Luzerne 'utility bar, was udmilted to practice In lie United States court yesterday. The grand Jury returned these true bills yesterday: Charles N. Fox, tnkllig lol- r from postollice containing an article of value; Amos Robinson, currying on business of a retail liquor dealer with out paying special tax; Barney Stein- awth and Paul Strigls, retail llpuor dal-r.-t nut paying a special tax; Jacob So- kltels, taking letter from posloillee und nibczzling contents. WAR AMONG THESPIANS. Milliliter I lynn Pushed licsslo Burns Over u 1 1 link. Just before midnight last night Bessie Hums, one of the actresses of the Lon don Gaiety Gills company, which has been the attraction for three days at Davis' theatre, hud a warrant Issued for the arrest of John A. Flynn, on" of the owners of the company. Miss Burns charged Flynn with assault and battery. To AlcUirman Fltzsimmons Miss Burns told her tale of woe und said that Flynn had struck and pushed her over a trunk In one of the dressing rooms during the performance. Flynn eluded arrest, but his brother, the other part owner of the show, was found at the Lackawanna depot Just previous to the departure of the 12.10 train west, and at first refused to cross the Irate actress' pnlm with any sum. He was lator persuaded by the alderman's ora tory and Patrolman Lewis' presence to settle. The amount was $lti. The company appears In Binghamtnn tonight, but Miss Burns has obtained comfortable quarters In this city. JONF.S IS A I5RAVE MAN. Married a Vaa Dyko with $1.25 in He Ills Pocket. Richard W. Jones, of Luzerne street, nnd a maiden with the patrician name of Rebecca J. Van Dyke, entered Alder man Fitzslmmon's office yesterday. They smiled and looked coy. and the alderman reached for a marriage cer tificate. He knew by Intuition what their mis sion was. The knot was tied and Jones produced $1.25, all the cash he possessed In the world, to recompense the alderman for his services. The latter protested that It was not bargain day In the matri monial department of his court, and a female friend of the contracting parties contributed an additional 75 cents. One-third of this amount the alder man Insisted on turning over to the groom to ceieiirate me momentous event with, and then Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones went out Into the world happy nnd without a tare to burden them or an anxiety to cause worry. MUST SETTLE I P. Scranton Traction Company Conductors Kccclvc Notifications. Almost every conductor In the em ploy of the Scranton Traction company received a personal letter yesterday from General Manager Ilcetem to the effet that the shortages to the account of each one of them should be Bettled up ImmiKllately. There Is it system In vogue that main tains a strict account of the money turned In by each conductor, and dally a large batch of shortage: tdlp'i Is sent out from the general olllce notifying each conductor of his standing. Home receive notices that they have overpaid the company, but the preponderating percentage of them uro notifications that they have underpaid theicompuny In the dully settlement of accounts. The letters from Manager Bectem are In reference to shortages as far back as last July. Tclephono 2212. W. O. Doud A Co., SO-1 Lackawanna uveuue, for ull kinds of plumbing. Srcelnl prices to close out our sheet music nnd small musical Instruments. J. L. 8TICLLE, 124 Wyoming avenue. Ladles' solid gold watches, handsomely engraved, with Elgin and Wulthuin move ments, warranted to keep correct time, only $15 ut Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka wanna avenue. 18 size gents gold lllled watch, wnrrunled for 20 years, only $17.50, Luvlduw Bros., 217 Lackawanna avenue. , If you want a good plumber telephone 2242. W. U. Doud & Co., 609 Lackuwunna avenue. , Bicycles and tricycles at a remarkable low price at Davldow Bros., 317 Lacka wanna avenue. For plumbing and elentrlo bells tele phono 2242 to W. O,' Doud & Co.,' 609 Lacka. ave. Buy tho Weber and get the beat. AM3uerneey Bros "I was run over by ft lumber wagon. Did not expect to live. Was terribly bloat ed. My friends bathed me wi'h Dr, Thomas' Kclectrlo OH, and I was cured. We have great faith In Thomas' Eelectrlc Oil." Mrs. Wm. F. Babcock, Norvetl, Jackson, Co., Mich, A Man I'ays $2, Although He Says He Owes More. AMOUNT WAS NOT STOLEN Several Employes Made More Valuublc by the V. At. C. A., so W. E. L. Squared Himself -Offersa Suggestion of How to Cure Conscience- Complaint. To the Finishing and Furnlshlnu fund of the Young Men's Christian as sociation $7.-0 was added yesterday, muklng a grand total of $1117.45. ' Up to (i o'clock last evening the cash statement wus as follows: PREVIOUSLY ACKNOWLEDGED. Til 10 Till HUNK $100 00 Sundry contributions -1" 2."i $l!10 25 NEW CONTRIBUTIONS. W. E. L $ 2 00 Cash 1 00 A. 1. Scott 1 00 Wilson 1 00 T. It .West F. M. Hughes S. K. 11 Trolley Kallroader 1. V. A Cash Arthur Jones Charles DuukIus., Friend A. T. t r.o in 10 10 7 20 $317 45 Grand total Contents of Letter. The following letter was received during the day: Editor of The Tribune. Dear Sir: Tho enclosed $2 Is for the Furnishing ami Finishing fund and is conscience money. Tills small sum Is not all 1 owe the Young Men's Christian as sociation, but It is all 1 can afford now. I don't mean to Indicate that I have stolen from Its cash drawer, but I am positive that the kind of manhood it turns out has actually benefited me financially by milking more valuable sev eral of Its members who are employed under my supervision. 1 huvo the heart iest wish for tho success of your undertak ing. Yours truly, W. E. L. Scranton, March 27, IWj. The letter of "W. K. L." suggests that probably many other men similar ly situated have the same conscience complaint. A good way to effect a euro Is to contribute to the fund. Use this coupon. It will save you time: If you desire, cut this out and send with your contribution to The Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. I-'roin. Amount. It is not news-wry to use thitconpon, which la printed uuly for your conve nience. Any amount from 1-cent upward will b received hy The Tribune and ac knowledged through its columns. Address: The I lihiine V. M. C, A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Why 1 1 leads lire .Needed. From the roof to the cellar of the as sociation building on Wyoming avenue there Is a palpable need of new furni ture and repairs. The local associa tion does not or-compllsh less than the associations of other cities, yet for seven years It has not been possessed of funds sulllelent to complete and re plenish the first Finishing and Furnish ing of Its building. It Is to accom plish this much-needed work Hint the present uppeal is made. If the association has ever benefited you either directly or Indirectly, how much Is that benefit worth? If the obligation Is valued at $loo, $10, $1 or 1 cent, send the proper sum to The Trlb bune. It Will Hot be missed by you, but the association will be helped. "RED" KELLY RETURNS. It Was un Unlucky Move, for tho police Arrested II I in. For a burglary of nearly a year ago, Mishuel, ullas "Red," Kelly, who has served time for several offenses, has been arrested and remanded to Jail to uwalt n further hearing. Tho police have evidence that Kelly broke Into the store room of a Jewish peddler In Pine Brook during April of lust year, nnd secured dry goods nnd trinkets valued at about $:!00. He dis posed of the booty to an Italian mer chant, und left the city. Patrolmen Lewis find Roche arrested Kelly while he was at breakfust early Tuesday morning al a relative's house on Ca poiise avenue, near Phelps street. Kelly has been In the city several days, unl simultaneously with his re turn petty robberies have been report ed from tho Seventh ward. It Is be lieved that Kelly Is concerned in these. A REVOLTING CRIME. William Williams Accused of It before Alderman Kobcrts. William Williams, of Parker street, was arrested lust night on u warrant sworn out by a man named Barrett, on whose young son Williams is charged with having committed u revolting crime. The case was heard In private, und the accused held In $500 ball lor his appearance nt court. O. P. Miller be came his bondsman. BUY SOME In Mir went window we ure allow ing; Klexunt .Liuk'o Frumnil Pic tures, reaily In take homo nnd IiiIrIiIcii up tlio tiitro spots. Who don't lovo pictures; Andlhcprlco, 69c. We franio, too, wonderfully ch.ap. 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class la every respect 1 Inside Decorating in all It branches. PRATT'S 1 Lackawanna Avenue. Saved His Life What, flip's Remedies Did for a Prominent Ohioan. He Could Eat but Mule und Was in Constant I'aln-Cnrcd with One llottle. W. T. Loffer, a well known resident of Kent, Ohio, suys thut Munyon's Dyspep sia Cure undoubtedly saved his life. In re lating his experience he said: "For a long time) I have been alllloled with dyspepsia. I could eat scarcely anything and was In constant pain. The gas on my stomach distended It greatly and my heart be came affected. 1 was troubled with short breathing, tliitteilug und Irregular beat ing of the heart, aud often the pain wus so great 1 thought I was going to die. My friends wunled me to try Munyon's Dyspepsia. Cure, but 1 had tried ho many different medicines without being benellt ed that 1 thuiiglit this would be only one more fruitless effort. Finally I began using it and tho result wns wonderful. After the first bottle 1 could eat without discomfort, und am now thoroughly cured." Munyon's Stomach und Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of Indigestion und stuinuch troubles hui'Ii as eoiiHtlpatlon, rising of food, distress after eating, bloating of the stoninch, Hatlon of the heart, short ness of brea h and ull affections of the heart caused by Indigestion. It soothes, heals and invigorates stomachs that have been weakened by over-eating, or where the lining of the stomach has been Im paired by physic und InJur'ous medicines. Price 2j cents. .Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy Company, of Philadelphia, put up specl llcs for nearly every disease, which uro sold by all druggists, mostly for 2D cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt os to the nature of their disease should uddress Professor Munyon, l.TuS Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully d'.agnose tho case und give you the benefit of his advice, free of all charge. The Remedies will be sent to uny address on receipt of retail price. Kcduccd llutcs Authorized on the Nickel Pluto Hoad. to the west and southwest, March 5 and April 2, account Homo Seekers' excur sions. Ask your oily ticket agent for de tailed Infoi mutlon, or address F. J. Moore, general agent, No, 23 Exchange street, Buffalo, N. Y. 1SI7 Roger Bros.' at Davldow Bros. teaspoons, only $1.23, For a few days, as we are moving to our new and larger quarters. All Announcing Opening Date and. don't fail to come. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE. Ye have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want money. HERE IS . In Ladies' Vine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, buttc ,nid lace, at $2.40 a pair, fomerly $3.50. SCHANK'S 410 SPRUCE STREET. THE linn m ranii I LIMITED. CORNER LACKA. AND JEFFERSON AVES. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Trv nur best nrlvnto irrowth JAVA and MUCH A Coffee and 1h convinced tliAtwe avll Di, thing but tliu Purest and Beat. Wn rerclrn dnllv FUKSH EliUS. and CUKAMKKY KUTTKUnut up In 1-pouud print, o uounu giata pant ana luus. Our Canned Goods, Fruit and Vegetables Are from the host packer.; thn utock Is re newed every ilftonn day. In till, dpjiart- tnont, tnu. luiuriug you coming out i reeu goodf. ' R-lsannta fnr "HISHON'R" BERRIES. of all kinds, which will be sunt to ua daily from LaPlume aa toon aa the aeaaoa opena We guarantee quick delivery of goods from all dparttnutte, boneat wolguc and measure on au guoui uurguaeeu. SPRING STYL Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of IMPORTED 11$ MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N. fl. HULBERTS mm nc WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY t SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. WELSBACH LIGHT Specially Adapted lor Reading and Sewing. Consumes three (3) feet of cas ier hour ami gives au efficiency of sixty ((JO) candles. Saving at least S3J per cunt, over the ordinary Tip Burners. i.uii una acc it. J 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, flanufacturers' Agents. CONRAD'S ASSORTMENT IS THE LARGEST. IT'S A FACT and fuctn are facte. TIkto is no argutnj with facta. Tlioy're ruul, inlid, toiih'lblu, CONRAD HAS THE LABUEST LINE - OF - HATS IN THE CITY. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wnpwnlloricn MlUa, Lo aerua county, ru., unu at n il mlugtou, Dolaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Conor al Agent for the Wyoming Diatrlot. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, P Third National Bank DaUding. AOKHl'tKtt: thus. rom. 1 utBton, ra. JOHN B. HM1TH KON, Plymouth, Pa. K. W. JIU1.LKAN. Wilkes llarre, Pa. Agruta for the Ki'imouo Chemical Uoo (ui'i High xploarea. TAR cum Cures Colds, Lays Out LuGrlppe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmlra, N. Y and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa. Jffl A Pure Wfiite III t-F and very POWDER AND in Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY. MARCH 30. T nl-'oillIK I CtKKOII. hatcher & k,wm M I NSTR ELS Au elaborutu product f up-to ciutu min tttruUy and vuudio novelt;oj. l.Mrttu and clover company oi black face artlnts. WATCH FOR THE GRAND PARADE Regular prices, Salo of huuta opens Thurs day, ,larch 2i, HE FROTHINGHAM, Commencing Monday, April 1st. Tho BAUXUM of Them All, WARE'S COMEDY CO,, PREMIUM BAND fifjn flRflHFTRa Of 31 ArtihtH. ruuportinif the l'eorless (Juncn I'unii-dy, MlSrt t'ARHlE LOIS, in j diy of lot 1 tickets for Monday nicht can be procured uud ... ... 1.. ..!.... Fr iduy, March ai. PRICKS -10c, eOc. and illiu. Mutlhtcs 10c, 'PHE FROTHINGHAM, i-i. ..-... i i APRIL 4. S AND 6, MATINEESATURDAY. C. B. JF.FFER.SOX. KLAW & ERLAXO EK'S .Miumii-'iiifii'i-nt Production of PALllKH COX'S I'p-to-Date Extiavat;auza. THE BROWNIES. A COMPANY OF 100 PEOPLE. GORGEOUS SCENERY AND EFFECTS. AnlA ftf aeut r.n.ina lit tha linT nfHra M,.wlri v April 1, at II a. m. S1.(KI, 76c. oic Taeator trams oj all railroads run ning into Scranton. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fh-bt time in this city of A. Y. PEARSON'S Urumi scenic Kcprosentation ut n. Ridar Hazard's World-Fa-mous Oriental Homauct Adapted by EDWIN BARBOUR, with Its carload .of scenery and mechanical trtects CCC Tho Citv of Kor by SloonHitht. The OLL Fairy Urotto. A Volcano in Full Erup tion. Tho Swnnips of Zanziba. Tuia is llie only bit "f HE" Company on the road thil season. Special scenery and mechanical effecta ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENT3. '.Dc. irata down stairs reserved fur ladies aud their escort.. Next Attraction' A .TOLLY LOT." headed bythFOL'K E.MPElioUS OK uiorly with "A JAY CIRCUS. ") A1USIG (fur- THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Statement March S. 1805, called the Comptroller of tho Currency. for by KtSOl hci:s. Lonns $1,430,774.01 Ovcrdmfts 'JHIi.74 United Stutes llonds 80.0U0.00 Other IJonds 8UO.55S.20 llunklng House 2S,074.4d Premiums ou I . S. l!ond-i,.. 91.1.75 Hue from I'. S. Treasurer... 7.OU0.OU line from Dunks 203,701. IS Cus-U 1 59.870. Md 2,207,1)00.10 LI ABILITIES. Capital.. , $200,000.00 200,000.00 Surplus Undivided Profits C.irculHtiim Dividends I npald Deposits Duo to lliiuks , 72,3511.00 71,800.00 , 520.50 1,037,214.00 20,013.74 2.207.UU0.10 WILLIAM CONXKIU President. ULO. II. CATI.1N, Vice President. WILLIAM 11. PLCK, Cashier. Ill HECTORS. William Council. George- 11. Cutlld, Alfred Hand. .1 nines Archhnld, Henry Helin. Jr., William T. Smith. Luther heller. Special attention given to business ne counts. Interest Paid on time deposits. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Roliabla, Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boa gurrantead to give satisfaction or money refunded. Full printed diraotious from a child to a grown parson. Itlspur.d? vegtble and cannot positively harm tbu most tender infant. Insist ou having lr, Camp. boll'.i aocept uo other. At all Urogglita, ic WONDERFUL, f SoCTB SrRANTOW, Pa, Vny. 10, 18K4. Mr. U. W. Cainpboll-Uear Kir: I hare Biven my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, some ot T. Cainpiwlr. Magic Worm Sugar and Tea, and to my surprise thia afternoon about a o'clock lie paasad a tapeworm measuring about 85 feet in length, head and all. 1 have It la a bottle and any person wishing to aeo It ran do so by calling at my ator. I hud tried numerous other remedies recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed. In my estimation Dr. UuwpbelPa is the greatest worm remedy In existence. Yours Tory resnectf ully, FRED HEFFNEH, 733 Beech Bt Kote The above la what everybody save after enoe nlug. Mannfautured by C. w. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Bucoeaaor to IM John Campbell A Hon. JOHN L, HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 311 Lock. At. and Stewart's Art Store, Photo Engraving (or Circulars, Books, Cata logues, Newspapers. Half-Tones and Lin Works.