THE FCRANTON TlilTJTTNTC -THUrSDAY MORNING. 3IARCII 2S, 1S93. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. THROWN FROM HIS CONVEYANCE Serious Runaway Accident on South Main Street Purchased a Fine Farm. Proposed Bcucfit for the Leek Cornet Band-Other News. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Flttston, March 27. This mornlns William Williamson, son of Robert Williamson, of Fear street, narrowly escaped a serious accident. His horse took fright and became unmanageable on South Main street. In turning a coi ner the rlu came in contact with the electric car leaving this city at 11.40 o'clock. Williamson was thrown out and was slightly injured about the head and shoulders, dlso spraining one ankle. Slight damage was done to the car, one window being broken. The car was not the causa of the accident. Inquest Over Klchurd Louvcrick. An Inquest was held tonight on the death of Richard Louverltk. the boy. who on March 13 was so terribly burned in an explosion of gas at the Multby shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, that he died two duys after wurd. An explosion of gas had oc curred and a gang of men were or dered Into the mine to make some re pairs; Louverlok was sent near the scene of the explosion by Fire Boss Jones to clear away a place for a prop. The boy had a naked lamp and he walked Into a body of gas and ignited It. Deputy Coroner Perkins held an In quest and It was adjourned from time to time. Tonight only three of the jurors: John McOwen, Thomas Man Ban and James McMannus, appeared at tire Inquest, and the deputy coroner added M. J. Doyle, of Wllkes-Barre, to furm a quorum. The testimony of wit nesses was then heard and afterward the Jury, In its verdict, said that the deceased came to his death as the re sult of burns received in an explosion of gas in the Maltby shaft, and Fire Boss Jones was censured for sending the boy with a naked lamp into a place where such a volume of gas had ac cumulated, and the Lehigh Valley Coal company was censured for not keeping a supply of safety lamps on hand. The three non-attending jurors were stamped as recreant and unmanly per sons for absenting thmselves from the Inquest. Kan Over by tho Cars. Willie Kelley. 12 years old, a slate picker at the Butler colliery, on his way home from work yesterday attempted to jump on a moving coal train on the Lehigh Valley railroad and he fell un der the cars, the wheels of which leased over his left foot and crushed it to a pulp. He la a son of Martin Kelley, of Cork Lane, and was brought in FUzpatrlck's ambulance to the hos pital, where the surgeons amputated the foot below the ankle. The board of health met last night at the city hall, and among other busi ness transacted a resolution was passed notifying Edward Morgan and It. J. Hallock & Co. to clean up the rubbish in their cellars within twenty-four hours or abide by the penalties of the law. Mrs. Thomas Sheridan died at her home, on South Main street, this morn ing. She had been a sufferer for a long .time. Three pons and two daughters survive her. Funeral notice later. Purchased a Viae Farm. A vendue was held at the Gardner pstate located near Itansom Valley sta tion, today. The farm, containing seventy-five acres, was purchased by M. Bolin and F. P. Richards, of this city, for a consideration of $1,780. It Is considered a very valuable piece of property, as it contains a large quarry of blue stone, which can be used for building purposes. The personal prop erty was also auctioned off at fair prices. l.cck Band Benefit. Some of our local talent are endeavor ing to inaugurate a benefit for the Leek Cornet band, which will occur the latter part of next month. The play will be entitled "The Mllllonarle Tramp." Among the leading artists of the cast will be Frank Furguson, who has been Identified with Kittle Hhoades' com pany for several seasons. Death of Mrs. Mary Cruise. The death of Mrs. Mary Cruise, an aged lady Jiving with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. James Cruise, at Smlthvllle, occurred last evening. Besides Mrs. James Cruise she is survived by one son and one daughter. Funeral will take place Friday morning. Interment at Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, Scran ton. General and Personal Notes. Anthony Mahon and James J. Pad den, of the Electric City, wera taking In the sights of Plttston today. Prothonotary George Llewellyn Is making great Improvements In his re cently purchased property. It Is locat ed on Klver avenue, and commands a beautiful view of the river and the sur rounding country. K. J. Tallman, esq., of Summltvlllo, N. Y., la tha guest of his brother-in-law, P. K. Richards, on Delaware avenue. The junior team of the Young ..ien's Christian association will go to Wllkes Barre Baturday night to vie with the Junior team of the Young Men's Chris tian association of that city. EAST STKOUDSBUKQ. George Carr, of Tobyhanna, spent . Tuesday In town visiting friends in both boroughs. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yetter end daughter, Myrtle, spent Monday In New York city. Ked lights have been placed at each end of the hall In the Normal for the benefit of the students In case of fire, o that they will know which way to turn If fire demands) their speedy exit. Mrs. Abraham Albert la dangerously 111 st her residence, on Clreen street. Miss Nellie Plpher, of Marshall's Creek, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Place, on Green street. Mr. Dutut, brother of Walter Dutut, the prothonotary of Stroudsburg, has moved from Milford Crossing to the house of Abraham Albert, on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. James Place, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wolfe, William Wolfe and (laughter, and Miss Nellie Plpher at tended the funeral of Glmrd Staples, at Junction, N. J., on Sunday last. A epcclal train conveyed them from this point. Mrs. Wesley Slocum, of Lackawanna avenue, has returned from a visit to friends at Plymouth, Jf, J. Daniel VanWhy has been granted a license for his new hotel, situated near this place, on the Dushklll road. John Weber, of Tobyhanna, Is visit ing friends In Stroudsburg. John Lee, a photographer of Phllllps burg, N J has purchased the gallery rmeriy owneq py uom j, Dewsnop, V late Young Men's Christian associa tion secretary, and has -moved It to Lake Lopatcong. ' Miss Jennie Henry, of the Normal, has returned from a visit to her mother, at 'Blalratown, N. J.' Mrs. Morton Decker is recovering from an attack of grip. J. L. Thomas spent Monday in Eas ton on business. Mrs. William Burrows Is visiting friends in New York city. Charles Kelser, of the Lackawanna House, In this borough, will take pos session of tho Delaware House, at Water Gap, on Monday next. Howard Morgan, the present proprietor, has bought the wholesale liquor store of Henry Wllten, of Stroudsburg, and will take possession on tho same day. Wesley Henry, of Parkslrte, spent Tuesday end Wednesday in town vis iting relative and friends. R. W. Reynolds, formerly of the firm Burnett & Reynolds, of this borough, will open a furniture store In the build ing formerly occupied by Edward Morgan, the Jeweler. Mr. Morgan will take possession of the new store room recently erected by him in the front of his residence. JIIss Mary Roehrlg has returned to the Normal after a vacation of one week with friends In Bethlehem. Miss Mame Krauter, of the Normal, has returned after spending a few days with friends and relatives at Toby hanna. THREE BROTHERS SHOT. Hcsult of uo Old l end Between Families in Aluhuitiu. Birmingham, Ala., March 27. An old feud of long standing between thu Christian and Riddle families culminat ed in a bloody tragedy near Arm strong's chapel, Macon county, today. John Christian, aged 18, was found on the plantation of tho Riddles, when Seab and Charles Riddle, young men, drove him off. Christian returned wllh his father, Captain John Christian. Both were armed with shotguns, nnd forthwith opened fire on the Riddles, killing Seab and fatally wounding Charles. At this Juncture Andrew Riddle, aged 8, a brother of the victims, appeared on the scene, and he, too, was shot and will die. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Tho price of coal In tho Hocking valley region has been advanced 5 cents a ton. A gentleman closely Identified with tho Olcott-Reudlng committee says that presi dent Harris has Instructions from the oommHtoe to Insist upon a percentage minimum of the anthracite coal business of per cent.: if he accepts nnythitig less than this the. committee will want to know the reason. Evidences of coal have been found in the mountuins north of JtlltWnburi.; and an ef fort to find a vein is now being made. The people living In that locality have rulseil a fund and have engaged prospectors und drilling apparatus. According to a geo logist who examined the mountain ut dif ferent points there Is a vein of coul sonic where about MiflUnburg. Philadelphia, March 17. The newly elected board of directors of the Pennsyl vania Railroad company met this after noon lor reorganization. No changes were nuule In the personnel of the organi zation and President Roberts was unani mously re-elected. The total vote cast nt yesterday's election for directors was 91:1, tfiil, tho largest ever polled. Last year the vote was 7i3,3:iS shares. Shipments of bituminous coal over tho Huntingdon and Broad Top railroad last weok, while not as heavy as during the preceding week, were nevertheless quite large, aggregating 35, 78ft tons, or 7,!'4S tons in excess of shipments for the correspond ing week last year. This brings the totul shipments for tho year to date to 3iW,l" tons, against 352.1K! tons for the same time last year, an increase of 27,737 tons. Tho anthracite situation Is thus stated In a sentence: "One dollar a ton added to present prices means JtH,iJC(,0ty a year. If the companies even maintain the average price for the last ten years they would be a gainer by nearly SI3,oQU,0JO a year. It Is the clear perception of these facts which Is making the members of the trade more an::lons to agree upon some definite pol icy. It may not be dono this week or next, but It will be done before long." The presidents of the tastern bituminous coal roads will hold a meeting at the Penn sylvania railroad oftlco In Philadelphia today to endeavor to arrange a pool for tho government of tho soft coal trade this year. The Idea Is to ailot to each company a percentage of the tidewater trade, the lino trade not being Interfered with. If this matter can bo settled satisfactorily It Is proposed to advance freight rat's slightly above the rates charged Inst year. Tho percentage question, however, will le considered first. The Pennsylvania Coal company are about to mako an experiment which will be watched with Interest by every mine worker. The smothering of mlno fire has always been considered & very ques tionable proceeding unci It is the result of a test of this kind that tho company Is now going to reveal. Twenty years ago a firo broke out In their No. 3 mine near .Mt. Carmel. The lire got beyond control and all ordinary methods wero exhausted. H was not practicable to flood the place so the smothering process was resorted to. Tho gangways were closed up, all rrncks and crevices senleil as nearly air tight us they could be gotten. For twenty years tho place has thus been allowed to stand. Now they propo:o to reopen the gangways to seo whether tho lire Is out or still burn ing. New York, Mnroh 27. A member of t!io anthracite coal committee of five, ap pointed at tho meeting of the anthracite coal presidents on Thursday of last week, says that tho committee has made prog ress with the work, but that Its labors were not concluded yesterday. Tho mut ter under discussion Is of a very deliculo character, and the committee has liven re quested to observe unusual precautious that no Information bo given out until the report has been submitted to tho presi dents on Thursday. Reports of a special arrangement bntwenn the Reading nnd the Pennsylvania railroad companies mny be dismissed as Imaginary. It must also be understood that no demand by any company will be tolerated by the coal pres idents as a body. In whatever Is dono, compromise and a regard to the general Interests will be the order of the day. No Improvement In anthracite coal prices Is discernible. ) The Philadelphia Inquirer thinks that "If Mr. Sloan or .Mr, Harris or Mr. Olyphant, who have been In the coal business nil their lives, were to set about tho tusk of saving the coal trade, backed by the re sources that are behind the New Jersey Central party, there would be good rea son to look for the attainment of satis factory results. Rut Mr. Maxwell Is new to the coal trade; he camo In It In 18S7, und he has never known a tlmo when tho busi ness was anything but prosperous. The years since 1887 have all been good. It Is a significant fact thai the experienced men In tho trade are not hopeful of a set tlement, and the only way out seems to be through some glguntio speculative operation, such us a combination by merger or lease of some of tho companies, Of Aids there seems to be little prospect, In spite of the rumors circulating In Now York that the Pennsylvania railroad Is back of the deal and has obtalnod a foot hold In Reading." Piles ! Piles ! Itching Piles. . Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; woraa by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerato, be coming very sore. Swanye'a Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, nnd in most cases removes thv tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for M cents. Dr. Swayne ft Bon, Philadelphia. AN AGREEABLE INN9VAT1CN Bandits Who Huhl I'p a Train arc Promptly Shut Down. DETECTIVES KCKE ON liOAUD And When the Kobhors Stopped tho Train, the Detectives Took a Part In tho Lntcrtnliimcut, with Very Satisfactory Results. Chattanooga, TVnn., March 27. Two robbers dead and a third mortally wounded are the results of an attempt to hold up the south-bound train on the Cincinnati Southern railroad at 2.30 this morning. The train had Just emerged from tunnel No. 9, two miles north of Greengood. Ky., when a white lantern, swinging In the middle of the track, Just ahead, brought It to a dead atop. A tall, lank, bearded country man, perhnps 45 years old, mounted the steps of the engine, and thruBtlng the barrel of a pistol Into the face of En gineer Tom Springfield, ordered him to stand still, which lie did, while Fire man Rnnkin, who was next to the out law, observed a discreet silence. Three other men climbed Into the baggage car, which they evidently mistook for th express cur. Three road detectives, Thomas Grif fin, Will Eddie and Will Altgood, were In the smoking cur when the train stopped. Altgood stepped up to see what wus going on. As ho stepped down he was ordered to throw up his hands by a man who had a revolver, but Instead he pulled his own revolver and began firing. The other two rob bers took fright nt the shooting, and jumping from the baggage car, be gan a fusilude of shots. The Robbers Vanquished. Eddie and tJrlllln appeared on tho scene and It Is believed they brought down two of the -robbers, one of whom died Instantly, while the other lived till 4 o'clock. A third man was wounded In tho breast, perhaps fatally. He clam bered upon the tender and refused to budge until Cumberland Falls was reached. There he was given In charge of the operator. Two of the attacking party escaped. Olileials of tho road have hud knowl edge for eonio time of a plot to rob the train, and the olllcers were in readiness. The wounded man claims to be a trump from Pennsylvania. Nuno of the men were Identified, but are mountaineers. TUXKIIAN30CK. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Avery are rejoic ing that their son Charles F., who la nn Iron broker In New York City, has Just passed safely through a severe at tack of pneumonia, by which his death was daily expected, and Is now on the rood to recovery. Tlie antl-toxine treatment for diph theria In the case of Miss Malinda Rhinehurt la proving a complete suc cess. The patient began to mend Im mediately after the flrat Injection of the fluid, und Is now apparently out of dan gtrr. Her attack was of the most ma lignant form. A meeting of the Democratic stand ing committee has been called by County Chairman Asa S. Keeler for Monday, April 1. The meeting Is for the purpose of electing chairman, sec retary, etc. Peter liner Is out again after a month's illness. li!j wife has also been sick. Henry L. Ferris, of Mehoopany, has just returned from a month's trip to Florida. Mrs. A. D. l!rundage Is visiting her brother. Will P. Billings, at Kingston. Dr. T. Cray Merrltt, of Mehoopany, fded his diploma us dental surgeon at tin; court house yesterday. He is also a physician and surgeon of consider able practice. Reports from the P.rooklyn oil well denote a strong vt ij of gas nnd good idiowlug for oil, which will encourage drillers in this vicinity. Freight shippers In this vicinity are hoping that the project to get the Dela ware and Hudson Canal company to put a lino up tho Susquehanna Vnlley to compete with the Lehigh Valley, will prove a success. It Is probable thut right of way could be easily secured. V. Fred Williams, who has bun 111 for some time. Is Improving. COXKKLLTOXe An enjoyable Union Sunday school entertainment wast held last Saturday night. Miss Mabel Gregory, Miss LIk zlo John and Miss Sarah Richards re cited ndmlrably; David Plckrell gave a humorous recitation that was highly appreciated; the llowells family, of Ltiwrencevllle, assisted by friends In this place, supplied good music; T. Dn vles, of Duryen, entertained the audi ence with his comical sayings nnd do ings; Willi" Jones, of Mlnooko, sang a number of pleasing songs, nnd Rlchnrd Thomas, of Duryen, contributed several fine musical numbers. The foundation for the new William A breaker Is nearly completed, and the lumber Is d.iljy expected to arrive. The Lawrence breaker of the Conncll Coal company Is working nearly full time. Mr. Brown, outside boss nt I ha Law rence, In In Philadelphia. P. J. Judge, of th- William A, In Idling his place. John Sarber, of the Babylon hotel, Is making an ullcy ball court, CHOKED TO DEATH IN A FENCE. Peculiar Accident Happens to Colored (ioiitlcinnii Wlio Imtilhvd Too I'rovly. Versailles, Ky.. March 27. Polk Culmes, colored, while on his way home In un Intoxicated condition'' fell against the fence In front of the Versailles cemetery. His head became fastened between the pickets and he choked to death. Ittiffnlo Stock .Market, linffalo, March S7. Callle Hei-etpt Mr. hend; on rule, 29 head; market opened steady, closed firm. Hugs Receipts, 6,2.7) head; on khIm, 3,000 head; nmiket opened heavy, steady, light grade nnd pli's low, closed weak to Tie. lower; York weight:-, good, Ji.u.MU; light, Sl.MiM.SNl; mixed pack ers' and mediums, r. K)itF. ITi ; good heavy, t3.irmli.20; roughs, S4.2riB4.HO; sings. 3.2.',a 4. Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts, 6.3T.0 head; on sule, G,!!ii0 head; market opened steady and firm, closed strong, with Hheep louluo. Hurler: good mixed lets. $1.10; good to prime lambs, fair to good, r.2"a 5.65; light and common, U3ou; mixed sheep, fulr to good, R2'.a4.M); culls mid common, t2.GUo3.7rr, export sheep, $5uC.40. Oil Market. Pittsburg, March 27. Oil opened and highest, U4V4; lowest. 114; closed, H4i, Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, March 27. Tallow Is nulet and unchanged. We quote: City, prims, In hhds, 4e.; oonntry, prime, In bids, 4,e.; do. (lurk, In bbbls, 4c. ; cakes, 4c; grease, &c. No need to scratch your life away. Doan'a Ointment brings Instant relief In all coses of Itching Piles, Pin Worms, Bccema, Ringworms, Hives, or other ltehl n of the skin, Oot It from your dealer. STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, March 27. The anthracite coal situation dominated tho stock mar ket today, and the undertone was weaker than for some time past. At the opening Reading was affected by Us February statement. The stock opened at 14, dropped to 1214. and rallied to 13. Jersey Central was heavy, breaking Vt; Lackawanna advanced to 103 and fell to KilVi; Delaware and Hudson rose to 129 and broke to 128. Rumors were rife to the effect that the Lackawanna had or would acquire control of the Susquehanna and West ern, but the stories were denied by Lackawanna ofllcluls. In the Industri als, General Kleotrle wns weak, and In tho last hour led the decline, falling to 34. In the last hour the market was at Its weakest. Northwest fell 1, St. Paul i, Uurllngton , Rock Island , Chicago tins , Louisville and Nashville 1, Manhattan. , Mis souri Paclllc lVs. Lead 1V4, and Union Paelllc . Speculation closed barely steady in tone. Net changes show losses of '1 to 1 per cent. In the gen eral list, but the anthracite coalers closed unywhtre from Ts to 3 per cent, lower. Tho total sales were 250,000. The range or today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. Thn auolntlons are furnished Tho Tribune by ;. lu H. I'lm mlck, manager fur William Linn, Allen & .'o., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Hcruntou, Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co W OT'i Ki Am. Cot. oil. 2nMi Am. Sugar Ite'g Co.loo-'i loeH luo loo1,: Atch., To. & K. re... 5'i W: ret I,-', ('lies. & Ohio 18 18 17' 17',4 Chicago Gas 72 72 71-ia 71 Va Chic. & N. W W Wi Chic, U. & Q 78Si 78Ni 73' i 78'4 C. C. C. & St. I U7i 37 37';, 37i Chic, Mil. ft St. 1'... r.7 f7:' M's M' Chic, it. I. & p 4',i 01U M7h Melawuro & Hud 12!l 1211 WHi 127 D. . L. W 1W4 !l!3i WlVi lt.4 Ulst. & ('. V ll-ij, l.r. 14 14k (Jen. Klectrlc 3r,i ' :M'i, Lako Shore 137 137'i Willi li'.4 Louis. t Nnsii ri"'i ri r.114 Maiilmtlau I-Jiu loft ',4 IWi loii'i WSi Mo. J'ucllic n 234 22"), 23 Nat. Cordage fi' 6)4 h l'i Nat. Lead 32 32 31 3I N. J. Central ftr W4 93'i KHfc N. Y. Central SO f'i Wi P4, N. Y. & N. K 3.'.'4 3.".',3 3T,'4. N. Y., L, 10. W '' v; vn, m N. Y., S. & W U 1244 124 124 N. V H. & W., Pr... 35V4 3U'4 31 35 Nor. Paclllc 4' 4' 4 4 Nor. Puelflc. Pr 1"i Hi'i !' 11". (int. & West HiVj Hi-i 1ti'i Phil. & Read 14 14'4 12'i! 13', Southern It. R 12' j J2' 11 11 Tex. I'ucillc ! () ij jiij 1'nlnn Paclllc Id'-, ip-j, jiOj, n!, Wabash C'n (iia (i C' Wabash, Pr in, ll'j U'4 J-1'4 West. Union 884 88' 8s 88;, CHICAGO BOARD Of TRADR PRICES Op'n- Illgli- Low- C'los- WHEAT. lug. est. est. Inc. May .V, Kit 51 K'4 .inly .v:'4 57 5i't f;'i September 67 07 674 67(4 OATS. May 2914 2fli 2!) 2!l',j July 28 23 28 20 CORN. .May 40r4 4ii 4n'i 4CV- July 4v-U 4(i 40 4H',i September 4';- 47 4! 4C1i LARD. .May 7.00 7.02 6.97 C.97 July 7.!7 7.22 7.12 7.12 September 7.:W 7.30 7.27 7.27 PORK. May 12.30 12.52 12.30 12.30 July 12.03 12.C5 12.i0 12.50 September 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 Scranton Board of Trado Exchange tutlons. Quo Ask. No. Shs. 20 10 20 llAl 5 5 10 10 10 Par Val. STOCKS. Bid. ij Dime Dep. & Dls. Rank C2 50 First Nat'l Rank 000 100 100 100 100 50 100 leu 1U0 l,reen It go l,um r Co l.acku. Lumber Co... Lncka. Trust & Sato Deposit Co M. & M. Savings Hank (Carbondale). Providence & Abing- ton Turnpike Co.... Scra'n HiivIiiks Rank. Hcra'n Lace Cur. Co. Scranton Forging Co Third Nnt'l Raid;.... 110 150 225 "co 110 200 PiO 350 101) V) Nnt'l Poring & Drill ing Co., I'r Thuion Coal Laud Co Scranton Redding Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Class Co.... 100 '-0 10P4 K 45 3 50 5 loo 100 100 100 luo Scranton Jar & Stop per 1.0 100 Dickson Mfg Co 50 Lackawanna & Mont rose Uu 1 1 road 100 Traders' Nat'l Rank. BONDS. 1000 Scranton Trac, Co... boO iv-on'y Steam Heat & Power Co 35 100 40 r.o J20 50 80 930 500 500 30 8 1000 100 Scranton Trac. Co.... Madison Avenue Im provement 105 York Now Produco Market. New York. Murch 27. Flour yulot, un changed. Wheat Dull, lirmer; No. 2 red sloro and elevator, fioaCO'ic ; alloat, lil'ia iilic; f. o. b., (ilaOJtic ; ungraded red, 67a 03c; No. 1 northern, 0!)c.; options closed steady, dull; .March, (Mc; .May, )c; June, Ii0c: July, ; August, (il'.W.; September, (;ic; December, (e. Corn Dull, firmer: No. 2, 5tic elevator; 57Vic ulloat; steamer mixed, .Wia52e. ; options dull and firm; Muy, 51c.; July, 51'a51c. Onts Quiet, firm: options dull und un iihnnged: spot prices. No. 2, 33Vic.; No, 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 34V.; No. 3, S3c. ; No. 3 white. 3KHc; mixed western, 3la35c. ; white state and western, 37a40c. Provision Quiet, unchanged. Lord Dull, easy at unchanged prices. Hut tor Finn; stato dairy, DalUc ; do. creamery, old, 10a 15c; do. new, 21c ; western dairy, 8a13c; do. creamery, new, 12a21c. ; do. old, 9al4c; do. factory, 7a.l2c; rolls, 7:i10c; F.lglns, 21c; Imitation creainerv, Ph'ic. Clieese Steady, unchanged. Msgs Firm: state iiml Pennsylvania, 12'ic; southern, 11a 12c; duck, 23a28Uc; goose, tOaCOc rhiuaco Stock .Market. Chicago, March 27. Cattle Receipts, 11.. (VKl head: market weak; common to extra steers, $4.UuiK.45; Blockers Slid feeders, tl.lH) e.4 .00; cows und bulls, S1.50al.75; calves, J2.50 5.25. Hogs Ree'pts, 28,01)0 head; market weak; heavy, tl.70a5.1E; common to choirs mixed, W.0on5.ii5; choice assorted, Jt.XOa 4.); llll'it, ?4.(loel.Sil; pigs, ;.25h4.i!0. Sheep Receipts, ir,ooo head; ninrket steady; In ferior to choice, (at. 75; lambs, $3.75a5.73. I dmlnistrator's Notice. 1 j ricc -nned, InU of teruut m, Lsckawauna county, I'tiitiuylvnnii. Luttuis of uJiiilaistratlon, upon tho nhovo nitmrd pstiitn linviul bwnf granted to the undersigned. ll permtis having e'nlms nr (lemnnds Hfpiiust the s.dd eststn of the aiid (lecidort art rcMtioHttd to inuko known the SHtiin w.taout d Uv to nut, mid thoe Indebicd ther -toaru roc, lentil to make Immadinte nay. moiitto WILLIAM W. bCKANToN, Hi iiui ton. I t, Administrator. Clairvoyant. MRS. FKNTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND PlireiK 'legist. Arnotit limine, 41 Lacka wanna Hveiiuo. Fur a short t m only, Situations Wanted. C rrUA'l ION" WANTED BY A YOUNG O unin.lV, to work in store orofflco; ran fur nish good reference: acniuiuted wltn city, call at Tribune brsiien ollice. WELL-KNOWN YOt'N BUSINESS MAN with teu years of experience in Scran ton, deilros to better himself; can give time In pert, if desirable. Address "N, (4, P.," Uennrnl DullTery, oily. YVANTKD BY A YOUNO LADY WHO understands number of languages boddos English a position as bookkeeper or clerk. Address J. U. No. 900, Tribune office, rltr. . SITUATION WANTKD AT PLAIN SEW O Ing and childrene' clothes, refereuoes, u.l. T u. n. 11 in ' Auurm imubLV ow, l ruiuun VIMUV, SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY IN office or store. Address U, W., Tribune office, flARDENEli WISHES POSITION ; PER VT feet and e in furnish references. Woik by day or swiwn. Address O. Flea. Dtimore, SITUATION WANTED AS STATIONARY engineer by a young married man, five years oxpcrleno with allkinds of engines and bailers, best of refereueea. Address fiugioeer, lock bos 171, Dunmore, Pa. COBlilOllW LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS Our trade'in this department has been very large, and we attribute it to the fact that our garments are Cut Right, Hade Correctly, Perfect Fitting and Reasonable in Price. We show them in many different weaves of cloth and silk. ' Among them are Serges, Wide Wale Diagonals, Motiairs, plain ard fancy, Cliev And Many iots, Satin Luxor, Pean De Soie, Exclusive Novelties Brocades. They are interlined with the best of materials, such as Fibre Chamois, Hair Cloth, Grass Cloth, etc. Are lined and. finished with the most reliable grades of Percaliue and Silk with Velveteen facing. Lengths from 38 to 43 Inches. Prices from $3.75 to $35.00. OUR LINE OF SPRING CAPES Is pronounced by all who see them, to be the most stylish and reasonable priced in the city: CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 209 oinlfASnue' SHmmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiis B K CllUHIilBII(9fI.UI8illlls W E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the can't please you. Word. WANTS OF ALL, KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADR, NO CHARGE WILL EB LI5PS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO B.MALL WANT ADU, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WEICB ARB INSERTED FREli Help Wanted Male. WAKTKD-A (jOOlToYTrLEAKli tha harbor trw!?; ono who nail a littlo cxporience preferred, at bt''- Pi tstoa uveuua. r BITERS WANTKD TO DO COPYING at hum. LAW I'OLLEUE, Lima. O. w 7 ANTED TWO OOOD DUTCHIiUS. IX- quiro IM N . Main avoniio, city. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock sulisrrip tlons; a monopoly; bic money for agents: no rapi'al n-nuircri. EDWAKD C. FISU A CO., Bordeu Block, Dhlcuvo. III. Q ALES 11 EN - KKSIDEXT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with tho local und nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our line of high urodo Hears. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD L'OWLES CO., H'J Chumhers strsnt. N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. 7ANTED-A SERVANT OIRL: ML'ST 11 be a good cook and ronie w ll recom mended. Apply to SIRS. P. H. CLEMONS, Ml Vlns slr.iet. For Rent. OFIW.'B ROOMS TO LET 1 N A Sl'lTE OF two larrt, flrt-class rooms; second floor Odd Fellows' liniidinir 20U Wyoming avanue; janitor and heat prov dcd. Inquire of Janitor. TXirTBEN TT WO ST O R E sTb W E I-LI N G I1 houses and barn at ;IM and 31tl Cednr ave. Inquire Bt Davidow HrtH.. tf!7 Laeka. avenue. TOB RENT-APRIL 1; SECOND STORY V tint, 1S Lackawanna avenue: now occu pied bv HenwooJ, dontist. Apply to F. S. PAULt, or Atri nt E. Comegys. YrOR RENT A NEW 4-STORY DU1LDINO, 1 2" Sprnro xtrei-t, with elevator. In quire of SI. OH AHA, !M iAckawauca ave. 1XR RE.T-ONE-HAl.POF 3TOKK AND rooms aliove at ai7 Wyoming av.-nue, for iuorl occupied bv Hull & Co.; bnild-.Ufr in roar will be lltted to stilt tenants. Inquire at room ID, Common wealth building', or Sa Jef ferson avenue. HOUSE FOR UENT-ll ROOMH; OOOD locution; writer in kitchen. Address S. 8. YEAHEIt. Moscow, Fa. T?0 Itll E N T A BU I LDlN(VoN F R A N K 1. 1 N I avenue, suitablo lor butlness. Addross P. o. Box :s. irOR RENT THE PHOTOORAPH OAL- I lcry formerly occupied by C. L. Grifliii, inclutliiiK rooms for houBokeeplnK. i:w Wyo iniutf aveuue. CHAS. StjlLAGER. ion rent lihick house of nine 1 rooms, from April 1ft, 418 Vinestreot. Apply to L. AI. IIORTON, 3 Commonwealth liuild'luir. I.'ORRENT-A LARC4B. 4-STORY BUILD iug nt l:si Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CARSON & DAYIES, Hcranton. IOR RENT -BRICK WAREHOUSE WITH J elevator on 1 L. & V . swlt.-h and West Lackawanna avenue. Scranton Htova Works. 1?OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNKUIt . nlrhed rooms at Sod Lackawanna avenue, IrOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. F.VA.NS. acar MM Luaorne, Hyde Part. fTolt KENT NIUI'.LY FURNISHED HALL J suitable fur lodiro rmmi JOHN JER JIYN. ll'J WyoininK ovenue. Agents Wanted. AGENTS MAKE 810 DAILY HE I-L1NG AL nminuni novelties; cow process silver waro; bar uoods: bitf line, the niw, wonder ful metjl; deiiverod free: aauiple in velvet lined case. I0e.; ratalouue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO.,iWi Broadway, Now York. AUENTsTlflNbET" p7tKNTUM'e1T sal Hair Curlers and Wavers fnsod with out host), an:l "Pyr I'olutod"Hair Pins. Ub oral comuiitiHlons. Flee sain id o and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 1W. New York. ANTr D - ACTIVE " SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddliuir. falarv, JT5 per month and expenses paid to nil. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, WvW, Boston, Moss. Special Notices. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH sumo pai ty d isirinn to aull uillk route. Address JOB N FOSTfc.ll, care stutlou agout, Skinner's Kddy, Pa. 1 AM NOW PRKPARF.D TO KURNISli KX 1 hlbltlnna and lrctuitt npon any subjeot de sired. Thaso exhibitions will be illustrate 1. having In my posaoiuion the moat powerful UUaolvintf atoreeuticons made. E. H. CALU Trihnne OHloe. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 frank Leslie's Illustrated Week.y War lllnstrntloce Itkll-leHVi. Two Volnmo Folio, (iil.W; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by oxpress coiuplete, Prepaid. Addiass P, O. MOODY, 01b Gibson atreot, Scranton, Pa, BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A iluea, etc., bound or rebound at Thi TitiBUMa offlce. yulck work. Reasonable prices. For Sale. Ifs'Tr6Tr1iATl J pleasantly located: one mile from sta tion, on ktaiu street. Inquire of O. CHAP MAN, Clark'a Green, LaokawannaCo., Pa. Found t"MrVSMrVVVVrVWVVVVsiVVVVSrVVVVsA FOUND SILVER BHOB BUTTONER, with Initials on handle Owner van hart Mine by calling at 811 Franklin. THE 8 A Latest Improved Process, HIITD! BEDMIG Orphans' Court Sale. ORPHANS COURT SALE OF THE REAL estate of Charles ill. iray, deceased, late of Spring Brook tov.'Lihly, Lackawanna co'.nty, Pu. Notico is hereby (riven that by virtue of an ordur of the Orphans' Court o Lackawanna county, theie will bo exposed for sale at the Arbitration Room in tlie Court Houte at Scruutou, on Saturday, April l.t, lMlj, at i o'clock p. ro., th.- lollowinir described roalis tnto situat4in the township of Spring Eroolr, county and state aforesaid, aul buuudoil and described as follows: No. 1 All that certa'n piece of land situate in Spri..( Brook townshio, Lackawanna coun ty, Pennxylvauia. bctrinDlns at a stump in line of lots Nos. 'Si auu:K) of tUo lisher tract; thence westerly along the divid nif line of said tracts, 118 rods to u ccruor o-jmruon to Xoi. Z. 2i. und 3U; theuce alon of Nos. 1 and 21 tbeuiit aoulh s in ortKinal mrveyi rod. to a stak'beMdo the public road; thuncalouii said road, ut degrees otat, it) roJs; thtn -e along said road, til degrees east, US rods to p ace of beginning. Cunmininj,' ninet .-en ucr?a and twenty. eight perches of laud. more or les. No, 2 Also, all tUat certain piece of lar.d s'tuato in said Spring Brook townttiip afore said, beginning at a comer in tin public roid opposite a stono wall Cadivtalon fencs between land of Charles M. Gray and Rachel Rollins) : thence along said wall, sixteen rod at a right angle with said road; thence sotithwesteriy paraliel to said road, forty rods to a cor ner; thonce northwesterly a right angle to latt mentioned line sixtueu r'tds to the public road and thence ulong said public road to the place of beginning. Containing four acres of lar.d, strict measure. No. 3 Also, A I that certain pie.te of land situate in ih. townhip of Spring Brok. coun ty and !i'iit aformiJ. be duumg at a corner in tl'u lir.e of a public rnad leading from Ma ple Lake to o.cow; theuce aloug mid road north, tdxty-niue decrees esst, 4t perclies to a corner; th?nco south W4 perches to a corner: thence west 44 M0 peichesto a corner and then, o north 77 perches to tho rdacu of begin niug. Containing J acres andliJ perches of lan 1. more or less. Said premises are improved with a one and one hill-story frame dwel lng hoiwe. bara, outbtill lincs and fruit trees thcrean. IKKlISOr AI.E:-One fourthol'bld dnwn on day ois.tie and balance npon finsl eolitiru aticn of aale and delivery of deed, MARY JANE GRAY, Administratrix of Chas. M, Gray, Dec'd. J. G. McAsKIB, Attorney. Sealed Proposals. EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ccived at tho oflico of ths City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., until 7.;J o'clock p. m , Thurs day. April 4th, ltili.V toountruct Section "A," of Filth District Sewer system, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor tiled in the ottice of the City Ciork. Each propnsal shall be accompanied bv cash or ctrtitied check in the xum of one hundred dollars. In case the bidder to whom the coutract shall have been awarded refuses or omit- to execute a coutract for the work In accordance with plans and specifications therefor within ten days from tnt dato of award, the encio.uro accompanying his proposal shall lo forfeited to the use of tho city of bcrsnton. The con tract t will be required to give i bond In the sum cf two thoiiHaud dollars. The Cttv Engi neer's estimate of cost of the work is $J",s74.1i. The city reservos the right to reject any and all bids. By ordor of Cltv Cr.nncils. M.T. LaVELLE, City Clerk. Scraut -n. Pa.. March A lHi.V Charier Applications. X'OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN l npnlication will be tnado to the governor of the stuto of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the sevontoenth day of April, a. 1). bv Samuel Thome. Gcorco V. Ouuitar.t, Walton Ferguion, (.1. G. Wiiliatns. John R. Plait, A. S, hurlbntt, Andrew H. Mcl'llntock, George 11 Smith Henry Z Kum -ll. under the Act of AKseinbly of the Commonwealth of Penn sj'lvaniii, otititleil "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulati"n of certain cor porations," approve i April 20. 1S74, and the supplements tlitre'.o. for a of the charter of tho Pennsylvania Coal Company, the character and object whereof is tho min ing and quarrying of coal and transporting tho Mime to market in crude or manufactured form, and or these purposes to have, poistst ami enjoy all the rlidits, oenellts and privi leges ol tho said ot of Assembly and its sup plements. ANDREW IL MoULf STOCK. Solii-itor. Auditor's Notice. IN HE ESTATE OF CHARLES JOHNSON, deceased. In Orphans' Court.Lackawauna county, .no. .MS, Series A. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lai kw. nna couMy, to distribute tiie funds In the hands of Robert Murray, aJnilnis.rator of Charles Joumon, dec aed. hereby givs notice that he willst tend to tho duties of Ills stipolutment at his oftlce In the Municipal Hultding, Carbondale, Pa., on Tueiday, the Uith day of April, A. D. ISi'j. at 10 o'clock a. in., nt wu ca time and place ail parties having s claim on said fund must appear snd prevent t:e sameor ha for ever debarred. P. D. hTUA iT. Auditor. Business Opportunity. MONTHLY GUARANTEED 0t.H M 'f 'g concern wants representntivo in Scranton, (or any oity no: takon). Must havi few hundred dollars cssh to pay for gtsxla on delivery after orders are secured. F. K. VAIL. Morse Building, New York. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians aud Surgoons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 61S Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) hK A. J." CONN ELL, OFFICB iOl Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke'a drug stroo. Ilesldence, mi Vlns at, Ofllre hours: to 111 a. m. and t to 4. and 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Bun day, 2 to I p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, 612 North Washltivton avenue. AkiFRKD HAND, WILLTam"j."hAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Hooma 1, JO and HI. W. B BOYLR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton svsuua. ace per yard. Rugs and Carpets uive us a trial and see if we CO 602 and 601 Lad aye., Corner Adams. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED) diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat: otflce, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, C-H Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, IxC WASHINGTON avenuo. Oflice hours, g to t a. m., 1.34 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 801 Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., OFFICES 51 and C3 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 M&dlson ave.; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays. 2.S0 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose1 and throat and gynecology. DR. K A Y, 204 PENN AV Li. ; 1 to 3 P. M.; call 20W. Dis. of women, obs tret rice audi and all dis. of chll. Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealtlx building, Washington avenue. V. H. JK3SUP. HOl'.ACK E. HAND, W. H. ji:ssup, JR. WILLARD, WARREN&KNAPP, AT torneys und Counsellors at Law, Ke publ.cun building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. C. It. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building. Scran--ton, Vu. CCOIEGYS, 2J1 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. IlEPLdaLEATT0RNEYLlJAN9 negotiated on real estate security. 40$ Spruce street. B'.F.-,. NILLAJt. ATTORNEY-AT-LAV,', 1.U Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. FRANK T. (JKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room D, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFOP.D. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms C3, 04 and S3, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT. Law. OCIce. 317 Spruce St.. Scranton. Pa. L. A. W AIRES, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackanana ave, Scranton, Pa. J. M. C. RANCK. 130 WYOMING A School!,. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collga or business; thoroughly, trains young children. Catalogue at re Quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER II. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten Bnd School. 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received ut all times. Next term will open Jan. 27. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreupla. Odce, 32j North Washington avenue. c cTlaubaciiT SURGEON DENTIST No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TR.VTTO.V, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Loiilis. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any oUie'r association. Call on S. N. Calfondcr. Dime Bank building. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14tl Washington ave nue; green hou.e, 13M North Main ave nue; store telephoe TiZ Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ut Wire Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THU ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- liu avenue, luteo reasonable. P. ZIEOLER. Proprietor. WliS'i'MlNSTEli HOTEL, B. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. Blxtoenth St.. ono block earn or U roadway, at Union Square. Now York. American plan, U60 per day and upward. SCRANTONllOU8ErNE"ARD., L. & vT. Sassontrer depot. Conduoted on the iuropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON 8TOROH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 25 and 2)1, Commonwealth building, Scranton. e. l7valer7a"iu5h1tect. orricB rear of 600 Waabliigton avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 4il5 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton, BROWN & MORRIS, AKUHlTUOTa. Price building, VH .Washington avenue. Boranton. Miscellaneous. BACUU'B ORCHKSTRA-MU81C FOR bulls, picnics, partlos, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, in Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. UEGAKOEH BROTHERS, PRINTERS" supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse 130 Washington ave.. 8uraa ton. Pa, CNDERTAlaNG AND LIVERY, 1W3 Capouse ave. D. L, FOOTE, AQT. franIc p. brown & coholkC aale dealers In Woodware, Conlage end Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave, THOMAS AUBREY, KXPBRT AC countant and auditor. Olllce, 4U Sprue street. Agent for the Ilex Fire lUtla- Buiaher. 4 1 .L J.