The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1895, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE SCKAJsTOX TKUiUJSii: TUJiSDAr MOKJSLNU. , MA11C1E 2(5, 1893. v SPRING 11 Tho quickest way to sell gooda la to lmvo what the customer wants thou the pleased customer makes the dcniiiiiil. When wo start tho d iiinnd, we nre entitled to your custom. AVlit'ti the senson arrives, the seasona ble weather does not always accom pany it. The ulert merchant and the experienced buyer is ahead both of weather and season, and the latest im portations are in hand. bought under the supervision of ex pert buyers. .Lovely figured India iSilku in lUht and dark grounds, ueatelleets. tloral designs, splendid strouir material for blouse' waists. Wash Silks, Hlaek limired Tall'etas, lllack 8urah, Moire hiilks all the season's productions can be sampled nt our store. A latere quantity of silk remnants in thisseason's eiioieest ell'eets, in lenirths hiiitahle for waists, separate skirts or tiinimiiiKs, at our silk counter. We Set the Pace. Hprimr apparel. Naturally we turn to thoughts of dress, piiiii,' fabrics, rich in new weaves, resplendent in new shad s. IStill further attractions to our im luense stock of colored and black Dress (ioods are arriving constantly. Those lovely C'repomies, biack and In many shades for toe spriug season shown in great variety. Cheviots, Storm Serges, French Chatties, Eirj's Eye and Shepherd Checks, Shepherd Plaid Checks aud many other weaves utnl designs controlled by ourselves. Come where you can get an assortment and be sure you will not meet many, if any others, wearing your choice. VRAPS The ru'ks and the stands in our Coat lepartmeut are uow carrying their full complement of spring novelties. To be suited in style.fh should lirst visic our Coat rooms. There you will find willing hands to show you just what you want, determined te pl'-ase and have you get nothing but what is stylish iiuil uu excellent lit. GORMAN'S tf:HE5 DR, -:- REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Heevea has hart low? nnd varied ox frlenco in hojpltal ami prlvatq practice and treats all acute ar.'l r-hronlc dlaeaea of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, prematura weakness or der ay in hoth sexes, nervosa debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisonintc, fits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus" dance, SRthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young .Men Positively Cured. Offer to the I'nbllc for atorrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only KIV'H IiOt.l.A Ittf. Tho doctor has discovered a specliW: for this dreaded disease. Yon run treat and cine yourself and family with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. Or'FtOK ItOUItS-Dally. 9 n. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays. ID to 12 and 2 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs anil colorings, and our prices lower than any otluT house in the trade, for goods of the same (jiinl itj'. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices ahiuit one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ' MOOSIC. James A. Hand, of Main Ftreet, wan Vlsltlnit out'of town yesterday. The Hunriuy ehiol of the Methodist Episcopal church have Htarted practicing- for the Kaster entertainment. Mr. Price, bookkeeper for the Spring Jtrook Lumber company, wus In Scran- on business yesterday. .Tho Old l'jrj;e breaker of tho I'enn- U-aiiJa Coal company will bo Idle this David nnd Charles Robertson Kingston to resume their DEPOT. JVyoming seminary. NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUXKHAXXOUK. The primary department of the public Rchouls opened UK'uln yesterday mum- In jf, after a week's vacation on account of diphtheria. Mrs. K. B. lietijamlu, of Seranton, Is Visiting friends liere. Mrs. Mary Scull has ironu to Moscow to look after business matters. ltev. V. M. Hiller conducted quarter ly meeting services nt Kutonvlllu Sun day, and ltev. V'i S. Wilcox preached here In the evening. Maple syrup or this season's vintage Is becoming plmitlful. Miss Carrie Jones, of Wyalusing, Is visiting her cousin, Miss Ilenu Avery. II. U. l'"urman, of Danville, was here over Sunday to visit his brother, 12. 1. Kurman. At Nicholson Saturday the huge Btone derrick of lluwku & Shields fell, strik ing their mule team. Due of the ani mals was killed outright and the other so badly Injured that It had to be dis patched. Frank Chaffee 1ms gone to Home, liriulfoi-cl county, to attend a musical convention. ( Sheriff Knnpp will hold an tmiuest In partition on the real estate of the late William lMxon on Friday, March -H, and another on the property of the lalo Mary Ann Carey on Tuesday, April 2. ltugart & Space, the milliners, have gone to New York, where they will spend ten days In one of the large trimming departments. W. K. Hallock Is falling In heulth again. J. J. lepue visited (Seraiiton and Wllkes-ltarro the latter part of the week. Flank llawke Is home from Philadel phia ssslslng his people to move and get settled In their new home at Nichol son. o. It. Marey and Frank Robinson were down from Forkston yesterday. Thus far only two remonstrances aualnst lliiuor licenses have been Hied nt I In- court house, viz.: Forkston hotel, 1 1 ugh I.. Hush, proprietor, and Jwi iiiiiysvllle hotel, T. D. Collins, proprie tor. The objections mainly are that applicant Is not u proper person to be granted license; bondsmen are not itualitted electors, and In the case of the Forkston hotel that licensed house Is not needed. Mi,ss Kllle Reynolds has sold her type writer to J. K. Huugerford, of Wllkes Uarre. The personal property of Mrs. George llesley, of Mehoopany township, con sistng of cows, horses, wagons, etc., has fallen Into the hands of the sheriff and will be sold under the hammer April 6. The barn of A. B. Uenmon, of North moreland township, was consumed by lire at about 4 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The flames had made such pro gress when discovered that nothing was saved except a team of horses. The fire Is supposed to have been of Incendiary otiv'in. doubtless the work of someone who had a spite against him. He lost a span of horses about a year ago by poisoning, the miscreant entering the barn, putting the poison Into the mangers and carelessly tos Ing the package on the floor. Nine horses in that neighborhood were thus disposed of In the course of a year or so. Tho loss of the barn and its con tents falls heavily upon Mr. Denmon, as he had hut small Insurance. N. H. Davis was down from Jen nlngsvllle Saturday. The late Elmer E. Brown carried a $1,000 life policy in the Fidelity Insur ance company and $3,000 in the Legion of Honor. A Nicholson man named Olmstead, while boiling pitch to make gum for his children, set lire to the house and burned up everything except the fami ly. For the benefit of the rising genera tion we would state that such economy Is misdirected. It would have been cheaper to have purchased the gum. Four cases of diphtheria, some of th-m in a most malignant form, were reported to the board of health yester day. They are all In the Khlnehart family, where the recent death from that cause occurred, and that quarter of the town will be In strict quarantine until the danger Is past. Judge Harding, of Centremoreland, and W. I. Shaw, of Kast Lemon, were visitors here yesterday. The Wyoming Dlstrlet Kpworth League, cabinet met In Wilkes-Barre Saturday nnd arranged for a district convention to be held In Ashury church, Scranton, on Tuesday, June 4 nnd S. An effort will be made to get Bishop Mallellsu as one of the evening speak ers. Mr. and Mrs. Thanlel Wlntermute are both reported sick. The Jenningsvillo and Noxen tan neries have both shut down now, ami that Industry languishes, except In the school houses. Logs enough to keep the mill running two years have been corralled In the big boom at Lewis & Slttser's mill at Mehoopany. The murrlage of Andrew F. Oarrett son to Miss Lulu Harding, which oc curred at 1'hllllpsburg, N. J., Feb. 1, has Just leaked out. Piles! Piles! Ituhina Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense ltchlm; and stinging: most at night: worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed anil ulcerate, be coming very sore. Hwanye's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul- von, rind 'n most cases removes th. tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for AO cents. iJr. Swayue & Son, Philadelphia. IIALJLSTKAI). V. J. White, the private secretary for fialusha A. Grow, has returned from Washington. Iiev. McIIenry, of the Kplscopul church of Great Bend, has arrange ments nearly comple ted for 'the opening of a kindergarten school In that place this spring. Mrs William Maynurd visited In Blughamtou today. W. II. Adulr Is visiting friends In Buffalo. J. 10. Davis and L. D. Sawyer have moved Into the llunness block on Main street. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mm. Wlnslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over tlfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, it soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy f6r diarrhea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. He sum and usk for ' Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flve cents a buttle. ' jioni:si)ali:. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Toms, of White Mills, pussed Sunday with their parents here. , . Miss Antonette D. Ball has returned home after several weeks' absence. George James, ot Carbondule, . has been confined to his home here with grip. . R. A. Smith, Jr., left for Harrlsburg yesterday morning. He has received the appointment of a clerkship In the assembly. Miss Kmma Krnnedy, of Clinton, N. Y., who has been the guest of Miss Vinnle Hose, returned home yesterday morning. The canal will be opened up Monday, April S, for navigation. The work on the new brlelc building of Miller & Holies is progressing rapidly. As the directors of the Honesdale National hank have not yet adopted plans for their new building, only the south wall of the foundation for the building will be laid at present. The south wall Is the one adjoining the property of Hiller & Holies, and will be laid as a precaution against a cave-In, asthebauklutendsto lay Its foundation lower than that of the adjoining, prop erty. MOXTUOSK. "i. W. Baker spent Sunday In Blug hamtou. Conductor 13. 1). Carpenter Is the guest of his brother, W. H. Carpenter, In Montrose. Four Brothers post, Grand Army of the Republic, hehl a veiw Interesting meeting on Friday evening. W'.lKuiii loi an was in Blnghamton on Saturday. C. 1. Beck was so severely Injured at the liri! last week that he Is obliged to use crutches. John -M. Kelly visited relatives In Rush on Sunday. John II. Couitrlght and George I'. I.'Ule are in Scranton attending the Stoddard- Flink trial, now before Judge Aeiieson In the circuit court. K. 1". Munger and 1. S. Austin ure spending a few days in Scranton. John Howell shipped, via. Lackawan nu und Montrose railway, a hundred veal cnlvt" to Newark, N. J., jvsler ilav. 1 ie paid It and 4 cents, live weight. Today ho will ship u like number on the neeii i o.-,. railway. A. l.athrop and Miss Florence Lnth p.p have nlurned from 1'hlladelphia, where they have been visiting for the past week. Kx-Sherlir It. V. McKune Is registered at the Tarbell House. T. Kllroy, of Grout Bend, In In town. KiHvanl It. W. Senile, sometimes familiarly leiined "Alphabet F.d." by his Intimate friends, came from Susque hanna yesterday morning. He has re cently been in Philadelphia, where the Interests ot several clients were rigidly uphold. W. T. 1'sterbrook, of Great Bend, shook hands with many Montrose friends yestc i Jay. A dim'r.utive cyclone visited Mon trose at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Blankets weie blown from horses, buf falo robis stated high in the air, und for a few moments King Ventus did a'o ait as he pleased. No trees were blown down and the house roofs held on bravely The roads Pi the region surrounding Montrose are -rally In a horrible condition. Tile numerous snow drifts make wheeling almost Impossible nnd tip; many bare spots are prohibitory to a siciyh. Master Y. f-'t Mulfurd celebrat ed his tenth aoi.lversary yesterday. A number of his liltle friends were enter tamed by a birthday party. The resignation of Captain 'W. D. B. Ainey, Company G, Thirteenth regi ment, Ni tioiiiil Guard of Pennsylvania, Is a source of rep ret to all of Its mem bers. It Is not known when the elec tion for his successor will be held, nor will it lie until the acceptance of his resignation is received. The first thunder storm of the sea son occurred yo terday morning at 6 o'clock. Several violent penis awoke the echoes of tho morning quiet. '1 he .;rand jury, who have twenty three cases to act upon, convened at th court house yesterday. The next term of court will be held on April 8. He lief in six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder tils eases relieved In six hours by the "New Great South Amerlcun Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want qukk relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Hnrrls, Druggist, 1J3 Pcnn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. FOB EST CITY. Mrs. S. T. Burnard, of Carbondale, Is visiting Mrs. T. J. Pentecost, on Dela ware street. W. J. Burns, of Carbondale, was a visitor In town today. B. F. Maxey, John Matey, Thomas Maxey and W. J. Maxey spent Sunday in Cuf, There will be a special meeting of tho Forest City board of trade Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. In the basement of tho opera house, for 'the purpose of dec Icllng on a location for the Forest City Car and Manufacturing company, and for the transaction of unllnlshed business. The Methodist Kpbcopal Sunday school elected the following officer for the ensuing year Sunday: superlnten I ent. W. Flchenberg; llrs.t iisshilane, sup erintendent, Thomas Brown, Jr.; second assistant superlnti lident, G. K. Maxey; secretary, Bona I'enlecost; assistant secretary,' Maine Brown; treasurer, Mrs. W. 3. Bryant; assistant treas urer, W, S. Bryant; librarian, Oliver Pearsnall; assistant librarian, Stanley Kvans; organist, Mrs. F. K. Reed; aFslstimt organist, Mrs. G. K. Maxey. Benjamin tillgenast Is visiting Car bondale friends today. Henry Ree se, of Scranton, Is In For est City cm business. I). W. Layman, of Carbondale, visited Forest City today. H. Durst, ot Chlcugo, Is visiting bor ough friends. Inflammatory Kht-iinmtism Cured In :i I in vs. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Intl., says; "My wife had Intlainimitory Itheuinutisin In every muselo nnd Joint, her Buffering was terrible and her body and faeo were swollen almost beyond rectotnltlon; hud been In bed for six weeks und had oliiht physicians but received no benefit null she tried the .M VSTK'Cl'HK Full HHKl' MAT1SM. It nave Immediate relief nnd she was utile to walk uliout In three days. I am Kiiro It saved her life." Sold by Carl I.orenz, Druggist, 418 Laekuwunnu ave nue. Serunton. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. I bo to been Purifies The yo.r wltn aryiiliolis, Hmo taken doctors incdielUM lod uUut tntdlctnf of most all tndi. but Hon tpttinvil to do many ocd. I ftuaUy mn.i un my mind burdock blood UltWrt B(0 nnd lour buttle" of B. B, b,, kail taluk BLOOD, tDTtelf ntlrxly cured. Mill N. J. AfOuATLT, Bei Tio, ilerr Co , Vi PECKVILLE. The Young People's society will hold a shadow social at the residence of W. F. Frear on Wednesday evening of this week. ... Mrs. D. K. Stearns will remove to Providence about April 1 to engage In the millinery business there. She Is now In New York clly purchasing goods for the trade. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Sickle will learn with regret that owing to 111 heulth they will not be able to return home until warmer weather, or about May 1. Mrs. Frank Treverton Is slowly re covering from her illness. She Is at tended by Dr. Charles Treverton, of Scranton, David Mead, who has been quite 111 for the past week. Is attended by Dr. Beck, and Is doing well. The Kpworth league of the Methodist Kplseopal church will receive a visit from the league from Jenny n this evening. A choir of twenty-live voices will accompany them, and Rev. Mr. Gendull, u former pastor at Peckvllle, will also be present. A general Invi tation Is given to all, especially the young people of Peckvllle, to be pres ent. Presiding Klder Thorpe will conduct the fourth quarterly meeting Hervice In the Methodist Kplscopul church next Sunday morning. Mrs. William Mlcklow, of Avoca, vis ited Rev. and Mrs. Doty ut the par sonage on Friday und Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Burnes, of Second street, are visiting friends at Ulen but n and Waverly, Pa. Frank Lamberton, of Park Place, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bur ber last Sunday. Tho Kuivka society will hold a social at the home of Mrs. William Frear next Wednesday evening. A good time Is in store for all who will attend. Mrs. John Barnes will leave today to make her home at Washington, I). C. Miss Kstella Truex, of Derrick Cen tre, is visiting friends und relatives In town. Mrs. David K. Stearns and two chil dren, left here last Saturday for Prov idence, for which place they will muke their future home. Mrs. Thompson, of Avoca, Is spend ing u few days us the guest of Mrs, Henry Chapman. Mrs. Ike Owens, of Providence, visit ed yesterday with her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Whitehead, on Ridge street. "For three years 1 suffered from Bait Rheum. It covered my hands to such an extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Hitters cured me." Llbhlo Young, Popes Mills, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. JEOYN. The Kpworth League, of this place, pay ii visit to the league at Peckvllle this evening. All who will take part In tho services are requested to go. Bring the books Introduced by Mrs. Davis. Gomer Lewis, of C. D. Winter & Co.'s store, is suffering from a severe attack of the grip. C. E. Holmes has sold his grocery store to John Cain, who will hereafter conduct the business at the old stand. The funeral of Mrs. J. D. Stocker will take place at 2 p. m. today ot the house. The report that the services will be private is erronlous. The interment will be in Salem Wednesday afternoon; friends will take tho 8.10 a. m. train Wednesday morning. Richard Gendall, George Dyer, Frank Winter, Ralph Rymer and Miss Eliza Osborne return to their school duties at Wyoming Seminary today. John Farrel has returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in New York and Philadelphia. A. F. Gebhart has a new wood rim Columbia bicycle. TO PUT ON needed flesh, no mat ter how you've lost it. take l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It works wonders. By restor ing the normal ac tion of the deranged organs and functions, it builds the flesh up to a safe and healthy standard promptly, pleasantly and nat urally. The weak, emaciated, thin, pule aud puny are made strong, plump, round and rosy. Noth ing so effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical sci ence; this puts on healthy flesh not tbe fat of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds. It rouses every organ of tbe body to ac tivity, purifies, clinches and vitalizes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin, too weak, too nervous, it luay be that the food assimilation is at fault. A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver holds back this clement which would help digestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and the muscles, stomach and nerves get tbe rich blood they require. Spent Hundreds of Dollar! with no Benefit. M. J. Coi.ehan of rf Sat tint St.. Rotbui); flldM.. wiitw: Aiicr nulK'ting from dytpepia and constipation willi un told ngouy for at lut 18 months, I am more ttinn pleased to say that alter using Dr. Pierce'ii Golden Medical Iiu:overy Olid ' I'ICQuuit Pellets' for one month, I was entirety cured, and from that day lo tins I do not kuow, thank God, what even a lielit headache is. I paid n duclur oil Tremont St., Boston, in one dtiy (for liis advice only,) the sum with I, in r,,p medicine, and derived no J- Colkmam, Esg. bene lit. I aot more relief i'm oe hour from your mcdicium, as far as my stomach was concet ued, tlinii from all the other medicine I usM. It any person who rendu this is hiiIIciIhk from dv-nen'sia or constipation and will tine your niediciiie us I have doue, lie will uever regret it.'' Good News Send Thin Around. It Tells ot Worth CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Tlieklnd Unit Htumla the racket nnd alwnya looks well, 50 ChlMion'a Hulttt, hIzcs 4 and 6, to t'lonr them out 50c About 100 Hovh' Huperlor Tailored Bill In, Lined I'antH, Huiiirt JatkelH and n grand ('Utility, to rloce $1 .!) We've a little lot of extra quality Huttx for boys' dress wear that wero made up Hpeeliilly to the ordur of Henry tiooduian, The hIx'h are S to 14 yearrt.and tho price wustD.CO. Tuke them now at $l.mi rit Arc liciiiK Closed Out ut Practically Whut We can Get for Them. BANKRUPT To You Tho Most Important Matter dimiandinir attention at this season is the condition of your blood. Your health depends upon it, for us tho quality and quantity of the blood vary, you aro better or worse. The blood conveys all the elements which go to make up the organs, nerves and tissues of tho body, and carries away all dissolved, useless material. Every bono, niuecle, nerve and tissue, lives upon what the blood feeds to it. Tho whole world knows that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the standard remedy (or making puro blood. - It possesses merit peculiar to itself and by which it effects ltmrvclotia cures even when other preparations fail. When you buy your spring medi cine get the best, and that is Sarsaparilla N. B. Take Hood's and only Hood's. HnnH'e Pi I la "ytoby.wytotaktI 1 IUUU S fills easy la effect Hie. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton, Where do you trade? Where vou always strike a bargain "in CLOTHING, at the Bell Clothing House, 230 Lackawanna avenue. New in design, elegant iu effect, the cheapest in town are our Spring Overcoats and Suits. You Have Saved By purchasing your winter clothes at our store. Now Is A Chance To save your dollars by buying your spring outfit of us. Notwithstanding our low prices we will give away as a trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe ty Bicycle, full ball bearings, worth $35; with the purchase ot every Boys' Suit or Knee Pants, you are entitled to a chance. Drawing comes off the 5th of July. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Htnutantnred t the Wnpwnltorm Mills, La turns county, Piu, ami nt Wil m lug ton, Dulru, HENRY BELIN, Jr. ClcuorRl Agent for tho Wyoming District MB WYOMING AVE., Scranton, F Third NaUjuil Dnnk Building. AOKRl lFJI : nTTrci VM I ...... n t. rwiiir, i iiinKiii, i n. JOHN B. SMITH ISDN, I'lymonth. P. k. w. nu i.i.lUA n, viikm iinrre, '. Afrout for tlio Iti'iwuuo Cboiulcul Com pany uigu Htsp'oMvoa, Travels Fast. Money to lluving : Bj Saved mid lUrguinn BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Goodman limde up most of thou? in ins own laetory on the (south Mile. There'll more of them hero tliau nnv two stoics should have; so here Kca for a slaughter that you can not appreciate till you see the Kotidn. Prices begin at now, and from that rise by easy grades to 8!ic, when you reach a waist better than which It will be Ullllcult to buy at any price, STOCK SALE, POWDER 9 111 GREAT ecial Sale AT FOR ialance of ii KB, SiBB 1 GO. (arpetinqs Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. AN UNRIVALLED Suited to All Kinds of Ma ttinsrs 221 In All the Different Grades 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. A most worthy and pretty vehicle at $3.75; strong and dependable. All the shapes and conceits in trim mings, in prices ranging $5.5o to $35.00. The buyer U n IK will relieve all shortcomings. Interview us in person or by mail. That "1895 Spring Outfit" Is a seller. Have you seen it? Three rooms for $125.00 furnished com plete. ;' ECONOMY FURNITURE GO OCR AIM TOM'S HOME PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. 1 KSSSEBBBS3S o .0 1 1 Fair THE the Week. ASSORTMENT OF Styles and Famishing. and High Class Novelties. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prsvrnttd and enrrd by hartal four ye clsotiflcally iamlad and fitted accurately by DR. 5HIMBERQ. F.YKS EXAMINED FREE. SatUfattft guaranteed in every ca. 305 Spruce Street may conceive the shape and colorings.and we'll be sure to have it. It would be difficult to find a larger variety than we are now showing. The $5, $6 and $8 kinds are very popular, and the $10 article will make you wonder why any one wants to spend more for a Baby Carriage. v If inclined to spend more there's nothing to stop you. 0 $ i is t i BABY i 1 10 i V 1 11 .r -a. A,'