THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 26, 1895. Wldmalr, Chri. retail 14 7 00 Mock. J. W.. wholeiaie 14 7 00 BCRANTON, TWENTIETH WARD. Class Amount ConnU. Wlltiam, Meadow Brook More, retaU 11 JIB 00 Connsli, William, Meadow mine retail 14 f 00 Cnnll, William. Mlnoosa to twtalU 13 CanneM, Wra. & C. Na tional mines. 14 7 00 Paokertt, r. J., retail 14 7 C Dunleary, Mrs. M., grocer.. 14 7 00 penaro. Ernest, retail 14 7 00 Hue, Fred, meat market.... 14 7 00 tongaa, it. Gk, grocer 14 - T 08 Laveile, Martin, retail 14 J 00 Ltfwkawanna 8 tors Associa tion, South Side, retail 14 7 00 Mulhartu A Juitfro. lumber.. 13 It 00 McCrea, Mrs. John, grocer.. 14 7 00 MiUylawiqs, John. Riooer... 14 7 CO Martin, McDonoujgh, retail. 14 7 00 Ma.tyls.wics, John, meat market 14 7 00 Schaffer, A. R trocar 14 1 OU O'Malley, J. J., meat mar ket 14 ' 1 00 Bouth Sldo pharmacy, re tail 14 7 00 Toban. W., grocer 14 7 OU MoDonough, Wm., lumber.. 14 7 00 BCRANTON. TWENTY-FIRST WARD. Class Amount D., L. W. C. Co.. Diamond mine 11 $7 00 ., I & W. C. Co.. Brlsbln mine 14 7 00 L I. 8, Co.. BiivK's shaft. retail 14 7 00 TWpy & Co., cool, retail 14 J CO BOTTLERS. ARCHBALD. FIRST WARD. Beniln?, Ueorge VX0 ARCHBALD. THIRD WARD. Rementtzka. Georice S200 Gray, Joseph 200 CARBONDALB, THIRD WARD. Bchafer. Ceortre, Jr $800 Bmtth, William J 300 CARBONDALB, FOURTH WARD. Walsh, T. A $S0O CARBONDALB, SIXTH WARD. Avery, Chalea F 1300 DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. Hoeflllntf, Christian 200 DUN MORE BOROUGH. DavtM, James H "aU FELL TOWNSHIP. HeoJey, Peter J S100 Bauko .... 300 JBRMTN BOROUGH aloDamott, W. J $100 MATFIELD BOROUGH. Katfa, Mloltael 1X0 OLYPHANT BOROUGH. Brokopovlts, George 00 BCRANTON, SECOND WARD. Brock, Ueorge S $300 Spitxer, Adam 30 BCRANTON. FOURTH WARD. Edwards. J. E $300 BCRANTON, FIFTH WARD. Walther. Henry $300 BCRANTON, SEVENTH WARD. "ftoaah. John C $300 BCRANTON, EIGHTH WARD. Banc & Kampmeyer $300 BCRANTON, NINTH WARD. Bchrader, A W $300 BCRANTON. THIRTEENTH WARD. MoAndrew, Michael $300 BCRANTON, SIXTEENTH WARD. O'Hara, Michael J $300 BCRANTON, NINETEENTH WARD. SplUer, Joseph $3)0 BCRANTON. TWENTIETH WARD. Brosno, ilathlas $300 WINTSN BOROUGH. Paluka, Andrew $300 WHOLESALE. ARCHBALD BOROUGH. Healey, Thomas & J. J J?O0 ARCHBALD BOROUGH, THIRD WARD. Klopper. Max $200 CARBONDALB TOWNSHIP. Murphy, Bernard $100 CARBON DALE, SECOND WARD. Byrne, J. H $500 CARBONDALB, THIRD WARD. McDonald, John V $500 DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. Heerm&n, Harry J $300 Shaplra, Abraham :00 Beihsimer, John J 200 FELL TOWNSHIP. Kennedy, John D $100 Kennedy, John D 100 MAYFIELD BOROUGH. ' llendelson, Darld JEW OLD FORGE TOWNSHIP. Conway, P. J $100 OLYPHANT BOROUGH. Goodman & Weiss $200 DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. Lanifan. Patrick $200 SCRANTON. EIGHTH WARD. Schwartzkopf, Morris $J)0 Gllirallon. B joo Kelley, W KoO C&say, A. J. ft P. J 500 Walsh, E. J CuO Holtham & Welchel 500 SCRANTON, ELEVENTH WARD. Miller, Gustavo A $CG0 SCRANTON, THIRTEENTH WARD. Rarrick, Francis O $M0 SCRANTON, FOURTEENTH WARD. Cummlnxs, J. H. & Peter J 500 SCRANTON. EIGHTEENTH WARD. Welsbereer, William fcoo TAYLOR BOROUGH, SECOND WARD. Hamlclc ft .Moore jjijo BREWERS. CARBONDALE, THIRD WARD. Krauts, Peter jooo DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. J. O. Outknecht ft Augusta HufnaKel..$jO0 DUNMORE BOROUGH. Th Keystone Brewing Co ..$300 BCRANTON, ELEVENTH WARD. Robinson, Mlna. Hand. Michael 00 The Casey ft Kelly Brewing Co 000 SCRANTON. FOURTEENTH WARD. Robinsons, E. Sons j.-jo Any person so ascertained or assesHid who shall fall to attend such appeal or to appeal from the decision of the appraixur to the Common Pleas within ten days thereafter will not bo permitted to set as a defense o the recovery of the amount of the license which be la required to pay when suit shall be brought thai he is not a denier In merchandise, etc., etc The law further Drovldes that It shall be the duty of the Country Treasurer to sue ror the recovery of all licenses duly returned to him by the Mercantile Appraiser, If not riald on or before the first day of July n each and every year, within t. n days after date, and said Treasurer shall not be discharged from any such Uet-nxo unless he brings suit to recover the same on or before that date. TAKE NOTICE! A" " concerned In this, that an appeal will be held at the Arbitration Room, Court House, In the city of Hcran ton, on Thursday, April 25, im, between the hours of a. m. and 6 p. m ror city and county at whlt-h time and plare anv person above named, denned and olasHoil aa aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys may appear and appsal from their rttid assessment, or have errors. It anv cor. rastad, If they think oroper. WM. P. GRIFFITHS. Appraiser. WIND-UP SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 26, ODDS AND ENDS At your own prioe. Tomatoes, Pickles, Squibs, Baking Pow der, Oil Cloth, Bas kets, Tubs, Pails, Etc., Etc JOS. A, US, 113 S. Main 1? LUGE BROS, GASH STORES, 122 H. Main Avenue, ScmtM, 863 Mam street, Taylor, ra. Luce Bros.' Best Patent Flour. We guarantee this to be the best Flour made, per barrel, $3.05 34 pounds Granulated Sugar, Feed, Meal and Corn, idoz. finest Cold Packed Tomatoes 25-lb. Sack Buckwheat, 1 gallon Pure Maple Syrup, 5-lb Extra Choice Teas, Clark & Snover Tobacco Best Butter, 1.00 1.00 .HO .55 .SO 1.00 .35 .22 Try Our "Strawberry Brand" of Smoked Ments. BN OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. FUNERAL OP DAVID F. IRELAND Impressive Services Held at His Home on South Rcbecaa Avenue Meeting of Stoekholders of West Side Bank. Minor News Notes. The funeral of the late David P. Ire land, who died at his home on South Rebecca avenue on Friday evening, took place yeBterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home. Lonff before the services, a large number of Mr. Ireland's friends gathered to view the remains as they laid in a handsome black casket Rev. Thomas A. Bell, pastor of the Plymouth Conirreg-atlonal church, officiated and preached an elo quent Bermon. During his remarks he referred to the deceased's excellent character and genial disposition which had so endeured him to his friends. A sextette under the leadership of Ellas E. Evans rendered several selec tions. A delegation of Hyde Park todgv, No. 3u6. Knights of Pythias, anil the West Side members of Post 139, Grand Army of the Republic, were in attendance. Among the floral offerings were the gates ajar, a pillow, two wreaths, shield, star and crescent, and two casket bouquets. After the ser vices the remains were removed to the Washburn Street cemetery, where In terment was made. The flower-bearers were George Hill and Joseph Foy, The pall-bearers were: From the Grand Army of the Republic. Thomas Allen, Perry H. Fuller, and Morpan Lake; from the Knights of Pythias. William R. Thomas, John T. Jones, and Edward R. Jones. Report of West Side Bonk. The stockholders of the West Bide bank held a meeting last evening in the bank rooms, on North Main avenue. It was called to order by President Benjamin Hughes, and the annual re port of the standing of the hank was read. The following trustees were elected for three years: Reese G. Brooks, John T. Williams, and Een- jamln Hughes. The stockholders ex pressed themselves well pleased with the report of Cashier Eynon. Tomor row evening another meeting will he held, about 7.30 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officials and declaring a divi dend. Brief Notes of Interest. William Gurrell, of Ninth street, Icrt yesterday for New York City. Harry Peck, of Lehigh university, Is visiting his parents, on Pine street. Mrs. Margaret' Wllhelm, of Mauch Chunk, is visiting friends on the West Side. William Davles, of Davles" drug store, is seriously ill at his home on Tenth street. Walter Runyon. of New York City, Is visiting Lou Jones, of North Hyde Park avenue. J. II. FlRher of Plllipsburg, N. J., Is visiting Ira Newton, of North Re becca avenue. Miss Katherlno Price, a student at Bloomsburg Staite Normal school, is visiting her parents on Price tree. Misses Annie Jenkins, Qwladys Jo seph and Mary Davles have returned from a business trip to New York City. Mrs. Caroline Ireland and daughter, Mrs. J. Archio Jones, desire to tender their heartfelt thanks and show their gratitude for (the services which their so CLEAR EYES, a clear skin, a clear head, a clear sys temcome from the Carlsbad Sprudd Salt Partly, because of its cleansing, pu rifying action upon the blood, and be cause of its solvent, strengthening, stimulating action upon the liver, kid neys, stomach and bowels. It br'ngs them back to 0 healthy, natural condi tion, in a natural way. Habitual constipation, biliousness, loss of appetite, defective nutrition, dyspepsia every one of these has a time-tried remedy in tb.3 Carlsbad Sprudel Salt It is the actual water of the Sprudel Spring, solidified and put Into powder form on the spot. For chronic catarrh of the stomach and other stomachic diseases use the im ported Carlsbad Sprudel Wutcr, and add a small dose of the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to a tumblerful of the water whenever a laxutive action Is desired. . i Insist upon the genuine article, 1 which must have the signature of "Eis ner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agctkta, New York," on every bottl friends rendered during their late be reavement, the death of David P. Ire land. Thomas Jones, of Greenwood, will represent Panoaka tribe of Red Men at 'the next convention Philadel phia. Subscriptions are being received for the erection of new parochial resi dence for tit. Patrick's church, on Jack son street. Henry JE Davles, of Eynon street, entertained the members of St. David's lodge of Ivorites Inst evening In Co operative hall with an interesting talk on his recent western trip. A curtain In the barber shop of Evan O. Jones, on South Main avenue, was set on fire last evening by a gas jet. Fortunately the fire was discovered be fore further damage, was done. The funeral of J. D. Buyco, of Jack son street, who died on Sunday morn Ing.wlll take place tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. Rev. I. J. Smith, of Wyolus Ing, will conduct services at 2 o'clock. Miss M. Louise Williams has resigned her position as teacher at No. 11 school. About a yenr igo Miss Willlums ob tained a leave of absence and her place was acceptably tilled by David Owens. The latter la a graduate at the' high school, and during his period as teacher hits won mnny friends. There is no doubt but that Mr. Owens will be up pointed to permanently 1111 the position. At an early hour yesterday morning Mrs. John English, a well known resi dent of the West Side, died at her home on Jackson street, -after a short Illness. Mrs. English was a native of Ireland and has been a resident of this -.lde fur iminy years. She was 41! years uf aKe ami is survived by a husband and four suns. Deceased whs a woman of estuemable qualities. The funeral notice will appear later. The Hyde Park Literary und Debat ing society held a meeting last evening. John R. Edwards was chairman. Short political quotations were given by the members, and tin essay was read by D. II. Williams. The remainder of the eve ning was devoted to answering the qulerles of the question box. The mem bers of the society will banquet at Falrchild'e hotel on April 1,5. The ar rangements for it are in charge of John R. Edwards, Howard Davis, William A. Price, D. J. Davles and Charles E. House. West Sido Business Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, S1.40 per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con vlnoe yoursulf by calling at Starner s Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standanrd Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading colteo of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma eon & Co. Fine Orocerles, 116 South Main avenue. 6ECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, eto. Call and see the stock of J. C. King. and 102 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, 206 North Main avenue, and se his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does flrst-olass Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. NORTH END NOTES. Mrs. A. B. Conger and daughter, Bertha, of East Market street, are In New Yoik. Miss Mume Thomas has resumed her studies at the Bloomsburg State Nor mal Fchool after paying a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas, of Brick avenue. Miss Lizzie Wlllams, of New Haven, Conn., who was called here about a week ago by the serious illness of her father, William H. Williams, returned home yesterday morning. A number of her friends tendered her a farewell party last Saturday night at the home of her brother, W. H. Fisher, on Jones street. The Epworth league of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church was enter tained at the residence of E. B. Reyn olds last evening. The house was well filled and all were well pleased with their reception. Miss Grace Peck aided In the entertaining by reciting in her pleasing style, "The Naughty Girl," while solos were sung by Mrs. M. A. Goodwin and William II. Lanyard. Arthur Teal delighted the audience with one of his pleasing violin Bolos. After the entertainment refreshments were served the guests by Mrs. Reyn olds, assisted by her daughters, Misses Clara and Jennie. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Thomas Richardson has filed his bond as constable of the Twentieth ward. Edward Kneller, permanent man of the Century Hose company, has recov ered from a severe Illness. The funeral of Mrs. John McGee, of Cedar avenue, will be held at 9 o'clock this morning. A high mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. John's church and Interment will be made In Avocu Catholic cemetery. It is expected that something definite will he known In a few days concerning, the proposed new silk factory, for which a six acre plot has already been staked out on Cedar avenue, opposite No. 6 switch on the Mlnonka line of the Heranton Traction company. An Arabian trinket peddler attempt ed to assault Miss Agnes Ludden, a young woman who was alone In her father's house In Mlnooka, yesterday. She was stronger than her assallnnt, and he lied when he discovered his in ability to accomplish his purpose. A contest for a gold watch for the benefit of the widow and large family of the late Michael Dunn, of Mlnnokn, was decided lust night. Mlim Nellie Loughncy, of Mltmoku, won the watch, having rollected $2S3 against Miss An nie Connolly, of Taylor, who turned In $227. The gentlemen who counted tho money are: P. F. O'Hara. William J. llurke. I "id or Hlgglns. P. J. Mulherln, Thoinus F. Coyne, John Ludden, John P. Gullugher and Thomas King. Reduced Hates Aiithorlced on tbo Nickel pinto Kond. to tho west and southwest, Mnreh E and April 2, uceoiint Homo Seekers' excur sions. Ask your city ticket agent for de tailed Information, or address V. J. Moore, general agent, No, 2.1 Exchunge street, Uuffulo, N. Y. 1t& .liniLi Bflitifklna nf litcrh 0rn,1 nlnF. Ing In catuloKiies and booklets The Trib une Printing Deportment. (Vhen Baby was sick, we garo her Conor When she was a Child, she cried for t'utoria. When the boejuno tilts, she clung t Cantoris. When she bad Children, alio gave than Custorla, ffrna!f3 I U ' I t-H I I Here too SoreThrnat, limp let, Copper-Colored SpoU. Arhrt, old Honw, Uleori In iluuth, llslr Pslllnii? WriieCeok Itrmxij OhUOT M-onlpT-raplc,'hlcBo,tll.iirpitKif.otcure. npltnl WAOtMMMt. I'lk'iimcurulnlrnr Ti Just Enough Blood and Science Satisfy Two Clements. to ONE VERY UNJUST DECISION Result Annonnotd In Favor of Philip Monaban, Prank Callahan, John Mad digan and Joseph Allen-Several Draws Woro Disappointment. The first annual tournament of the National Athletic club of Scranton In Music Hall last night was attended by an audience which taxed the seating capacity of the house. From a pugilistic standpoint, and financially, the tourney was a success. There was enough blood spilled to satis fy one element, and of clever boxing there was sufliclent to meet the appro bation of others. If the judges and other nlllctals expected their decision to bo hissed they were not disappoint ed, although In several bouts the an nounced results were received with gen eral satisfaction. In the 115-pound class Joseph Allen, a lad of 10 years, of tho Nationals, met Hen Kerr, who was entered as "John Gorman, of the Philadelphia Swimming club." Kerr saved himself by quitting at the end of the second round. He was heavier and older thun his opponent and u harder hitter, but Allen used his bund und won. Kerr did most of the leading, but was paid back with Inter est in (the coupters, Allen hugging to avoid punishment. Stur Kvcnt of tho Tourney. The shortest and fiercest bout of the evening and the one most closely up proachlng a knockout was in the 120 pound class between Thomas Gardner, of the Excelsiors, and Thomas Mona hun, of the Nationals. Gardner rushed the fight at the beginning, and during the middle of the first and only round each tried to mix things up. Science was discarded and each wns satisfied to run the chances of severe infighting. At the end of the second minute claret was flowing freely from Monahan's nose and he was nenrly out. The gong saved him and he forfeited the light. An unjust decision and one that brought forth deHerved hisses and groans was that given Philip Monaban, of the Nutlonals, over Peter Mucker, of Olyphant, in the Hit-pound class. Dur ing tho first two rounds Monuhan tried rushing tactics, and In the breaks he Invariably got the worst of it. He was more cautious In the third round, but did most of the leading, Macker lundlng short left Jabs on the face in the coun ters. Macker would have smothered his man in two more rounds, and Insist ed on another round after the decision was given Monahan. Frank Callahan, of the Excelsiors, did as he pleased with Jack Woods, of the Metropolitans, In the 120-pound plass. Woods stayed three rounds, but there would have been no disappoint ments If Calluhan had been given the decision at the end of the second round. It Was a Draw. John Barrett, of tho Nationals, In, his shirtsleeves, cuffs and suspenders went In against Morris Posner in tho 140 pound class. The referee ordered nn extra 2-mlnute round and the result was a draw. Posner acted on tho ag gressive, was the most active and land ed the oftener with full arm blows. Uarrett got tho best of the Infighting. John Muddigan, of the Nonpareils, might easily have put Eugene Cos grove, of tho Nationals, to sleep in the third round. Maddigun had his man worsted from the beginning. In the second tound Cusgrove was bleeding copiously und would have gone down if Muddigan not let up on him. Cosgrove iult just before the end of tho third round. The fiercest bout was four rounds nt catnh-wtlghts between "Jack" Hicks, of Pine P.roek, and "Jack" Gllbrlde, of the South tide. It was give and take from the beginning. Gllbrlde was the stronser. but Hicks was the more scien tific, and, although on the defensive, wore the skin off his opponent's left rlts with half-aim body blows and fre quently landed on the face. A fourth and extra round was ordered and the result announced as a draw. The tournament closed with a 3-round exhibition between John L. Mitchell and "Hobby" Allen, In which Mitchell had clearly the best of It. The otllclalB were: Referee, P. J. Murphy, Instructor of the Beranton Athletic club; Judges, James Judge and Richard Havers; announcers, W. J. Burns, of Carbondale. For plumbing and elcctrla bells tele phone 2242 to V. O. Doud & Co., 6o9 Lacko. ave. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup brings Instant relief In cases of asthma, bron chitis, and ull throat and lung discuses, down to the very borderland of consump tion. Gilmores Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness; and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to' your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scrauton. RKVIVC RESTORES VITALITY. Made a istuj. jTCweii Mar. Tlfy of Me. THI QneAT soth bay. FxizaxiTorx nrt-ancxixs'sr produces tho aliovn retail lu so ln;s. It rti powerfully mud quickly. Cures whtu ell utheri fall Young men will rsmn their l.wit Bianhood.eoduhi men will recover their yonlbliil visor by uilnii KK VI VO. II quickly snd atiruly ratorM Mnnuus Hess, Lot Vitality, Iiu potency, NlgUtly biolMlona Lnt Powr, Fallliuj Memory, WaetluK liUouua, nut' all offocts of anll-abiim or lcexii and iDdUrretloo whloli nnltta ona for at inly, bualnvaa or marriage. II not only etitva by atartlns at the neat ot d'.acaae, bul utayrrat nertetonle an ' blood builder, brine Irf bus the pink glow to pale cheek, and re ilorlnf the Are of yooth. It ward, ntt Innattltt and UiDauniption. liwlat on bavins KKVIVU, n oilier. It can b carried In veal unset. Ily mall 1 .00 per package, or all for CS.OU, with posl Me wrlttoa guarantee to ear or run ! Ito mon tty. Circular treo. Address 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.t C3 River M., CHICAGO, ILl r 1 k Matthew BrotM Simtfili' waotea . l'St FfctotrrtubMl . trm lift. 1 i lonno WE HAVE It Is the best line of stuff for the money we ever saw. You will say so, too, when you see them. The goods are positively worth 50c. a yard, and are no doubt shown all over Scranton at that price. We have marked them 31 CENTS A YARD. This makes an 8-yard Dress Pattern cost you $2.48. They are Every Thread Wool and they won't last long. CONNOLLY & SI'SHIBSlHKIteSStKllteiS O CilllEllllllllIalllll.IUIIs m - "--"-" 3 can't please you. 3c TSSEI CEUNTOI FIRST TREATMENT FREE FOR ALL DIStBSES GF IKW $100 Given for any Case or In complicated Cnlarrh Vic Cannot Cure DR.W.H. HACKER Has sBjociated with himiflf a CAT4RKHAL SPECIALIST from W A8HINOTON, D. C. who strictly follms out the method of tho calohrntml "ENUUSH SPECIALIST," Bill MOKKKLIi McKENZIE. In tho treatment of CATAKRH, KliOKCHlTle, ASTHMA ami nil1 THKOAT and LUN'U trouble; nl.o ALL, Dl FEUTB of HEAIUNO, nrliing- from catarrh. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Oriposito Now llotclJi'iinyu, Scranton, Pa. OFFICE HOURS-8 TO 8. Ksseaet T tmi HiOMtat Mrwc.i Atrmeerme HEADERS, win euro ynn. A vtoutlcrfnl b.Min to fuflereri from told., Bnre't'braal, Inflaen'.i. Krnttchltta. or II A V 1TVEK. A!rti rmiwrtf.j!rli.r. itneltlclent rcfticriv. convenient to car; n Bortref, raarlr to on ar Indication of u,i Ini:anr4 Lao Frfecle I'cemanent 4'nro. Patt.facUonirtiarantecd or mnncyref muled. lrle, eta. Trltil rren at Itruagirm. Kfcl.tcrod mail, K oouw. M. t. CCItH, Xfr., Tkret Lttn, suck., 0. J, 4, oTTaxTr.TA.rtr3 MFHTHOI "''N" ".ureal "d e'fe.t remedy for WCVi I nUU mi, trema.ltch Halt ItbeuranM Soma, Hums, t ma. M'nnrterrtil rem eHtyforPll.:. !rlee, Bfi ele. at Itrua DAI f.4 giitaorhymwll prepaid. Ad-tre,-.anar.o.t,. DrL.rjl . For cale by Matthews Bros, and John H. FhulD. A t - - c . DR. HSBRA'S aeaeta a f marts "m.vmu? mi viola mtm Remove Frsekiea. Pimple, luer Moloi Ulacl.heorta, unburn eui'l Tan, and n tort's th skin lu Its nrlgl ual freshness, praduoiiig a cloar ruiil healthy rom-fj Tiicaion. Biiuunur ut n i nice replications and jwrfoclly rurjslLU.criuiUloJiuriOu. Imrrosa. At nil fccua lor Circular, VIOLA ftXIM 80AP U mplf !rvaipmbU u gklo ,irllilM (P utaN-j"tfl ftw tba uttrt. m& wtUsfmt tiftl tot ih unrirrf. AhfarJateir jmr utA 4dkUij lawua- MM. A-3nisiiitt, PHao 25 Crnti G. C. BI1TNH d CO. i Toledo, O. . by Matthews Etaos. and John H. Pholua. ThlaFnmona Remedy mrro quickly and por nmnfnlly ull norvont (IlKtThajH. eucli tw WVak Mm..r-f, fosor Hrntn l-uwrr, llotulm lt(, Wiifco fiilnortu, l.ust VHullty nlitlillT viiiUriltinn,,ttncy umt Riilii"(Mrioii!oiiriimiod by -toiithful orrurn r r ioiiin, 4'i-niiilnt nj onluti'ei. H II tirvn tnulciiM-4 Mood hulHrr. lMitkflMiie pit to ijih! piitiv fironu and piinnp- Kaitly cnrrli1 In vo-i rxMut. M ht lox O rur Wft. Uy mull pmimlit nltli h wrltton iiiinmntHo to our or tnoin y iiMuiitlni. Wtllti ttn lor rrve -nf-illnil h hit. it Hunt tnto1 In (iIiiIii wmpprr. which von IdlitM tAMlnmnlnlii nml i!tfKhit ritfrirfsnrci, Ko rharir C'nsiuliutlnn. M-umiih nt imUa- ktont. rnh hv fiir mlrcrHwii ntrnntx, or K-1lr-Pi iKUVKM:KI) CO.. Mtuiuulo Tom plii, :ii BOI.1) IN Hri? ANTON, A.. 11. C. 8ANDKRlN WAhMINti'lON.CtiK. Nl'uVrK, IHUJlSTH. ROYAL tSESk EOYAL i nro flu i vi a .... aVHUILU UKUI I cure for euu ureMcd and wi fnl men.lntatiun, nd arertnin PRMHTATIVE lor all femttle IrrcauUriiic. SolUw th a Vrlt',91 OttiraltH tl Clirt SrndaSo stamp lor funicular, and "Guide fur l.adic..'' luiiat on having The Boyal feniitroyiil latlcti (BtlCrewti trtol) addr.ii Vlikt II UOV Al. II HI. I II. IVnn a!. Uurt re'a t'.U. Ik, tl.V, '.v tars. For aula by JOHN 11. l'UELl'S. Urug gist, Wyoming av. and Sprue strsut 45 8c W I MADE A BIG PURCHASE OF WALLACE 209 0Washlnaton Ave. CARPETS ' - "'J.jvii. v- & 'a--" a 1 w BEDD 1PM TO our patrons: Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pat. rous thitt they will this vear hold to their usual custom of lnilling SIRItrr LY oil) WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owinj; to the excessively dry weather manv millers ure of the opinion that it is already cured, mid in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MM MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. WHITE PINE-OLD GROWTH DRY, Will it interest you to know tliat we have just placed in stock over a million feet of 5 4, 5 and 1 4 Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 432. IRON Ai3D STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEBEi! SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. (JeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN ....Mbiisi nwla "r-aHahl. twAnlhlv. Murnhilnf m-.llcn. Onlv tiAimlaa oJ ute uuxttAi or uai mvuiu am uma. u jou um umt. tv Dr. PeaS'n n.. nMM.t ans iwrUIn noliit. fiwtisajrwhMs. 11.00. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Spruce Strast, Scranton, Pa. allacc vi j AV.V4ge7 uu -wet v. and 604 Lack, tit., Corner Mans. LUMBER CO, SCRANTON PA. Pennyroyal Pil In rasslL Toa naatn (Dr. Fail's ) B Addrasi S bal Huiouh U- UotsI & CORNELL i '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers