G i i 1 I f Iff Fli In M fly Great Special Sale -AT- AT UtlL fly i IE j 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. FOR THE ANCE OF THE WEEK City Pastors and Their Hard Work Keliglotis Developments of One Yuch in All Our Churches. AUXILIARY ACTIVITIES NOTED Carefully CompilcJ Compendium of News unj I'crsonul .Mention Hclating tutlio Churches unj the Henevoletit unj Chai liable Ueligiou Societies. At a recent meeting' i.f the official l.oard r.f th" Park I!;n-- Methodist Kplseopal church resolutions won passed highly complimentary to 'tin w .Ik of th.i j.asti Itev. p. I:. Huwx hurst, I. D., J i s : i 1 1 thf past yi-nr, and h'- was. accorded an u nan im nin irivita tlun tu return anoth'-r y-;i r. but th--invitatlun hs de'lim-d, as ho hail ! f Mi-'l thiit It wiii necessary fur Mm In r-side In X-w .brs-y, whore he ha. properly interests ' n i'i rK nmiv at tention than he is able to give tlem from this remote point. A concensus of opinion prevailed that his departure will In- a distinct loss In l'ark Place church, anil thf Mi l Nidist rninmiitilty of tin; city. In. Il.nyx hurst Is the embodiment of energy, ami litts succeeded In lmiartini tin- tnnv Hplrlt Into the rhurcli. During thf past year nlmut II. fiOn was raised fi.r rhurcli purposes anil considerable Improve ments have linen effected In the r'dilice. The reverend gentleman will leave the church with a flourishing Sunday school. Increased rongrogutlons nnd an Kp worth league which has doubled In flrcngth during his ministry. One commendable feature hast bii-n the series ur lllustrtited lectures which have been delivered upon practical sub jects, anil were largely ottond-d liy the younger members of the. church. Cluirelt Progression. Ffforts nre lie InK made tn build a new Jinptlst churc h at llallstend. The tranters of the Methodist Fplsro piil rhurch at llallstend have accepted Hie plana of Architect F. II. Johnson fur the erection of a new church on the Uonsa lot, on Church street. The building In estimated to cost tri.OUO. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Walton MethndlHt Kplstcopal rhurcli will lie held tomorrow morni-n nt 0 ti'clork. The ladles if tho Simpson Memorial tdiurch are tn be complimented on the HuccPHHful mipper provided on Thurs day night. The mipper wns the last event of the kind prior to the balancing of the accounts of the feHtlvalH which have been held during the church year, and which will lie presented to the forthcoming ennferencis The Jiivenllo members bf the Kim I'nrk Zenith society deserve every com mendation for the practical and useful wovk Irt which they are etiKiiifiHl. Apart from the "valuable Instruction 'afforded, nt the meetings of the siKdcty, the mem liera contribute nut of their small eiirn InifS towunl missionary work In the city. "Mltr fhents" liave licen jrlven the children of St. Iv)e's Sunday S(diool to Bether with ft bnilKO enrolllDB thm In thn Ulocesan Ol'Klonary army. I'nr cnts nrn requested to keep the "Mlto i Chests' In mind nnd usslsf the children i In their denials anil works of entity. v A mother'n meetlntf has been opened In the klnderK.fi ten room In connection with the Sovih tilde minHun of St. I.i;k.''s church. A l.iw number linvi; ah.-ad..- availed themelv.H of the nin tini.-. atel then- is every prospect of u Iliuri.-diinif society. Item.-, of TcrMinal lutercst. To v. Km,', is ls-ra.1 ha?) aceeptel an invitation to pi'. aoh the niinual sermon before tile associated lodges of the Sons of St. (e-or'e, of Si r.inton and vHnlty, oil April s. Uiiiiit K"V. T.islioi Itiilison has tir rainted to attend at St. Luke's cliundi on .Ai.ril :'l for the purpose of coniirm inif candidates for adtnlssion to mcm liershlp of tin- church. Stearns, n former pastor Jtefornicd chinch, will fireen Kid'e I'risbyter- nmi row. Mr. Stearns is 1 for his Sunday school ad ml he will tomorrow i;ive an :-v. I). M. of the Craci Iifeat h at Hi Ian church I ndidir; di-ss.-- exposition of tiie lesson of tile day to the .si bolars. !-.'. It. Stiitpes has arrant;"! to deliver a set ii-s of lectures illustrated by slen optieon i.-us on "A Tour Around the World." Tlir- subject and dates will be April PI. "Japan and Japs:" April '('Ii'.na and Ceylon;" April ",i, "Monkey Laud:" May fi, "Kirypt aod Palestine." Tie- lectures will b" delivered at tlie Crcen I till -i- I'lfsliyterian church. Pev. A. !'. Chaffee will preach to the members of the local Odd Fellows' lodges nt tlie Asliiiry church tomorrow. In the absence or Rev. It. S. Jones, I. I., lald Thomas and John Kvans will occupy the pulpit oT the Providence Welsh Com;ri Rational rhurch tomor row iilKht. liev. (ii-orijf K. (lulld has been con lined to bis. home by an attack of (,'rip. Itev. F. A. Paupe, pastor of Ihef'hest nut Street Cii-nnan Ptesbylerlan church, has been conducting; speidul Lentfii services on Frlduy evenings, which have been well attended. . Itev. I. C. IhiKhfS will preach tomor row evcnlnK on "The Kvils of liitcm ierancc." , Itev. D. P. Jones, of the Tabernacle, Hyde Park, visited friends at l-:d wiirds chile durlnjf the week. Itev. I). K. KvniiH, of New York city, who will return to Wales to accept a call, paid a farewell visit to bis clerical friends in the city durlnx the week. Hev. Thomas t. Wnlklns, of Mary street, Providence, has hi-i-n very III duritur the week. Mrs. ( tract- Welser-I .i vies, who has been condu'-tliiK revival mertliiKH In this nnd other counties for the past few months, concluded her missions at Tunkhnnnock durliu; the week, and re turned to her home, In New Jersey. The Uonilulean fathers will bruin a mission at St. Mary's church, Duninorc, tomorrow, which Is Intended to con tinue for the ensuliiK two weeks, the first week's service helm; for men, nnd the second for women. This Is the first occasion upon which these Kentlemun have jirenehed In Dunmore. . Christian I mltuvor Work. Owlntf to a lack of iiuorum no moct Itif; of the City union wns held on Tues day last. No meetliu; will bp convened until the regular mcctini; Is held. Since the Plymouth church society have chn lined their lilht of moctltuf from Friday to Sunday, they have been compelled to hold the services In the main auditorium owlwr to the In creased .attendance. On Thursday pvenlnff th Oreen UIiIkp Presbyterian church society will hold a social. Tho Junior society of the North Main Avenue llnptlst church will hold un en tertainment on April 10. I ruin the Choirs. A chorus choir uf forty voice will sintf at 1'i-nn Avenue rhurcli tomorrow- and Chorister Whittemore hopes that this will bo but the nucleus of a choir Put strong. Considerable improvement has been manifested in the musical services of the Crac lteformed church and for this Miss ISessle flriflln, orKaniwt, and W. T. Haekett, chorister, are to be compli mented, Tlie cantata "Haymakers' will be presented by the choir of the Puritan church iluriiiK tlie mouth. ( omiiif; l:ents. Preparations are lieln made for the forty-fourth session of the Wyoiuhu; confer.-ni f tin- .Methodist Kpiscop.il church, which will conimence at Car botnlale on April P. Itishop Andrews will preside and Chaplain McCabo will attend. It Is expected thill about L'iO mliilsti.-rs w ill be present. The Carlioii dalo Methodists are making extensive arrai!;eiiieius for the entertainment of such a lar(.:o number of quests. Tlie iiieinbi-rs of the Plyinouth Con irt'ct,'atloiial church will hold special ser vices on March III, In -Injr tne thirteenth anniversary of the organization of the church. Iti the moinliu; there will be exercises ib voted to tlie cbildreii. Thomas Pell will preach the annivers ary sermon tn the cvi nln;:. On tl-.o fol IowIiik rvoiiluK. Monday, the annual roll-call of the rhurch mem'ner.s and ropilon will be held. A moen; of the Sunday school teach ers of llr.ice Ucfnrmcil rhurch will be held on Tuesday evening to arraiutc the Sunday school exercises for I.'asler. A Sunday school teachers' tnci tlii'v connected with the Oreen ltid;te Pres byterian church will be held nt tin- res idence of Col, Hitchcock tills afternoon a t ;i o'clock. ATraiiKcmrnls are belni; mad" for liolilinir the annual session of the Lack awanna Presbytery In the Second Pres byterian church durlni; the mouth of April. ArraiiKemrnts nre being made by the no-mhers of the Welsh Itaptlst church, Providence, to hold (in entertainment tea. at an early datu, to assist In rnlsini; funds to reduce the mnrttfnce debt. Strenuous efforts are leliif made by the members of the (irceli Itidue Primi tive Methodist Kplscopnl church to dis charge ihelr morlKUK1' debt by June 10. St. Luke's church annual nieetlni; for the cleclloii of vestrymen will be held on April la. A lat'Ke number of business men nnd women avail themselves of the noon dayservlces which art? hold nt St. Luke's church. The rector Invites men and women from olllces mid stores and shops to comewislile In the midst of their dity'H work nnd rest a while. A concert Js being arraiiRcd by the ynuiiR men ot St. John's Catholic church to be held soon after Faster Monday. H. O. Kerr will Rlvn his lecture, "My Trip Through Ireland," nt the Cedar nvenitft Methodist church on April !!. On Monday pvenlnu the members of tho Younjr Men's Christian union, of Ollypliaiit, will Klve a musical evenltur, under the direction of Mrs. Kate Wil cox, of this city. . TOMORROWS SERVICUS. Bt. Dnvld'i Church Cornor of Jucks.on street and ilroinley avenue. Itev. M. II Mill, rector. Morning prayer and sermon at 10.SW: cvonlnK prayer mid sermon at 7.80. Hundiiy school at 2..10. Friday cvon liit; service at 7.30. LHnny rn'rvlro dally nt p. m. durlntr Lent except Frlduy and Saturday. Bt. Luke's Church Ttev. lliiwrers Israel, rector. Fourth Bunduy (mld-Lpnt) In Lent. Holy communion, t a, m.; survlcs and holy enninuniliiii, lo.so a. in.; Sunday sebool, -.;:a p. tu.; eenia.i; prayer, :t.3J p. in.; mission service. p. in. St. Luke's .Mission, Dunmore l!cv. A. I.. I'll. an in chari;e. Holy coiiinianliiu, s. a. la.; Sunday school, u li. in.; evenliu; prayer ami sei niuii, 4 p. in. first liaptist Ciihrch Pastor Col lins will praeh Sahliath at Pi.::u a. m and 7 n. in Miiriiiior I lie-in- "IteW.-ii-ili for Ser vice." Seals free. All welcome. I Trinity I'nltcil l-angelieal Church J. (1. Wliltniire, pastor. Preaching services :il in :;. a m. Prayer and testimony at ll.l.'iii. in. Sunday s. liool at 2 p. m. lilblo el ii-e at 7.:!'i p. 111. At the Simps. ill Methodist l'.plscopal Church Love feast at !i a. m. followed by I he n ptlon of inetnUers and the i-oni- tiiuiilon serviee at iii.r.c. S,ilili:ith school at IJ in. hi tlie 1-vciiliitf the pastor will con tiaue Ids series of sermons on the "Ci .a tiim." SKitsliee. Slrau;;ei:i w.'leonie. Churcli of Christ, Scientist Spencer bullilint;, 'ila Adams avenue, ltlble lesson at .:: a. in. and rhurcli service at 7,'K) p.m. 1 1. N. MoKec, speaker. Allure wel come. Seats free. Oreen llldge Itaptlst Cliiireh-Itev. W. .1. Kurd, psistor. Services at M.IHin. in. and 7.:n p. m. Siildet In th mornln;,'. "The purpo-e of Suil'erlnj.';" In the evening, "I 'lltll'i s ll.ll." Otei n nidge Culled lOvanjrellcal Churcli liev. (!. I.. Maiee, pastor. Sunday school at !i.:!na. in. K. L. C. I I. l!.;:il p. in. Preai-h-lic; by the pa-dor in lit. la a. in. and 7.;iu p. Seats free nail straii'4eis weleoaie. Trinity Cu-'.lish Lut'.ieran church Admii" avenue, eoincr M iillierry s'net Itev. I-Mwln 1 .linn Miller, pastor. Services at n.:;e a. in. and i.::u p. 11 - The pews are free and all worshipers ave welcome. The Second I'vi Hliyiffian Church Itev. Charles 1'.. Itoblusoti, l.l., pastor. Ser vices at in.;ii a. in. and 7..'i . in. Tile l-aslor wlli inai-h In the mornlug on "The Prollt id OiiilllnesH for both Worlds.' In I tie, evening I he ipieslioii will he consid ered "What Is the Ailuioullion of Insula tion'."' Sermon In the evening on "How Small the Impossible and InvinclbleThlngs Are to Ond." All seats free at nb'.ht. All welcome lit all services. Oreen lildire Presbyterian Church Itev. 1). M. Stearns, of Oct miintown, Pa., for merly rector of (iriice ltefonneil l-'.plsco-pal churcli, of this city, will preach at lu.'a a. in. and 7.:i p. in. Morning topic, "The True NiD-.arito, or Separation l'ato Ciinl." livening topic, "Worn Jacob or Strength Made lrfert In Weakness." lllblesclio.il at i o'clock. Knileavor prayer meeting ti.au i. in. I-Ivcrybody welcome. Oince Churcli (lteformed 10plpcoinl) Moinltig prayer nnd service nt la.tti. Muti Jcct, "Kept," I Peter, I. !i. Kvenliig prayer and service at 7.:'.. Subject, "Faith," Mat thew, xv, lit. Preaching by tho pastor. Sunday school at the close of the morn ing service. Young People's Society of Chrls-llan lOndeiivor every Sunday evening at (!.:. Strangers cordially welcomed ut all services. Seals free. Calvary Itefonned Church Monroe nvn nue mid (llbson street. Itev. W. II. Btub lilelilne. pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7.S0 p. ill. by the pastor. Kverybody welcome. All Souls' Church 1'lnn street, near Adams avenue. Itev. O. W. Powell, pas tor, will preuch tomorrow at lo.ao u. m. and 7.3U p. m. I-'ltn Park Melhodlat Kplseopal Cliureh W. 11. l'enrce, pastor. Morning subject, "Some Lessons from the Disciples Stormy Voyage." Kvcntng subject, "Tho C'on lticror." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. I-Ip-worth league nt U.30 p. m. Pciiii Avenue Daptlst Church Rev. Warren (1. Partridge, pastor. Services nt 10.30 u. m. nnd 7-itn p. m. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. Strang ers especially welcome Conservatory hall, 402 Lackawanna ave nue, opposlto Wyoming avenue, Uospol song serviee ut 3.15 p. in. Kvnngellstlo ser vice nt 3.30 o'clock by Evangelist James Scovlll. All welcome. Tho Church of the Oood Shephord Oreen Hldge street nnd Monsey avenue. Mid-Lent Sunday. Morning prayer and Litany, H a. in.; holy communion ami ser mon, ln.lio a. in.; Sunday school and llilile class, l'.:il p. in.; Young People's service, i. I.'i p. m.; evening prayer urn! sermon, 7..M. Al seats flee. All welcome. Jackson Street Uaptlst Church The pastor will preach tomorrow both morn ing and evening. .Morning theme, "What Is the Dispensation of the Holy Spirit V" Kt'ciiiug, "The. Hvlls of Intemjieran ; Personal, l-'ainlly, Social, Civil and clal." Preaching at in.;) a. 111. and li p. m. Sunday school at i !. m. Cordial in vitation extended to all. St. Paul's (Hngllsh Lutheran) Church Park Place. Itev. Oeorge M. Scheldy, pas tor. Fourth Sunday In Lent. Services, la.3i) u. in. and 7.3U p. la. Singing school, Professor Smith, Instructor. Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Pews always free and visitors cordially welcome. Howard Place African Methodist Epis copal Cliureh Preaching ut 10.) a. ni and S p. in. by the pastor, liev. C. A. McC.ee. - . AN LC DOTE OK CI RITX. The Tramp's Trade Mark Wns Not Pretty hut Impressive. From the Heading Herald. "A tramp was arrested and brought la fore the burgess of Itcllefonte, charg ed with defacing private residences. He had been caught scrawling cabalistic llgurcs upon t inventor Curtin's hand tome stone mansion, and the governor was present ut the hearing, only as a spectator, however, and not as a prose cutor. "I am not a tramp." said the prisoner, when asked to give an account of him self. "1 am a coul miner out of n Job, and I am working my way from Pitts burg to Schuylkill county. Them marks are signs." "If that Is the case, what do the signs mean'.'" (iierled the burgess. "They might not mean nnythlng to a gentleman like you," wns the reply, "but tu every hungry man who travels the road they are plainer than print. They will tell blm when he comes along whether It be to-morrow, next week or next month, that the man wlm lives In tlmt bouse will always give a man a squnre meal for the asking." 'Despite all the honors that have from time to time been paid to nie," said the governor. In speaking of the Incident, "It was the proudest moment of my life when that poor devil spoke up for me In the burgess' olllce here In my own town." GOING TO CARLSBAD Isn't necessary now. Carlsbad is coining to you. At least, the health - Eivins part of it is. You get every curative quality that has made the place famous fur hundreds of years in the Carlsbad Sprit del Water and Salt That is if you get the gcuuine. Beware of the so-called "improved" or "artificial" salts offered in the mar kct. The genuine has the signature of "Eisner & Mendclson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every package, Write for pamphlet Health flints and Riiles oi fiygien Sii((icstions' That May Save You Many u Doctor's Kill. WISDOM FOK THE HOUSEHOLD These Hints Don't Cost .Much. Are Not Copyrighted, and if They Don't Do You Any Hood, They'll Not Ho Yon Any Harm. It Is said that no class of people suffer more with rheumatism than farmers and yet the remedy for this dre.id dis ease is. or should be, right at hand. If celery were eaten inure freely, sjf ferers from rheumatism would. It is said, be compai ativcly few. It is a mis taken idea that cold and damp produce the disease; they simply develop it. When celery Is uton largely, an alka line blood Is the result, and where this exists there can be neither rheumatism nor gout. It should not only ln i.itrn raw, but cooked. Cut it Into small pieces and boil till soft In as little water as possible. Add to this a little rich milk, thicken slightly with Hour, and season with butter, pepper and salt. The tender haves and small ends of the stalk, which are usually thrown away, should he used for soups; cut line and used for vegetable soup, or dry the large haves, crumble them to pow der nnd use for seasoniip; other soups. And no part of the celery need be wasted. The sanitary arrnngemer.t of hotels Is thus proscribed by a particular French savant, who fears that as at pres ent conduct, propagate disease germs. "First of all," he says, "ea.lt gmst room should afford air In proportion to the number of persons occupying It, and should be well ventilated and sunny. The walls should lie hard-finished or coated with an Imnrrmr.ihlc paint which can be washed, nnd. so for as possible, nil corners should be rounded to inak them accessible to washing. Moldings, unler-.i rounded, should be discarded. Carpets should be rigorously prohibited, and a parnttef floor, which ran be washed, substituted, or a covering of llnoltum of tin artistic and pleasing design used. An advan tage to be gained by this la the abolish ing of the spaces which always exist between tine boards iff an ordinary wooden Hour. If the tiaveler desires to be more conifortuhie, he can have a movable carpet or rug, on condition that after his departure It la luateu nu1 passed through a disinfecting bath before It is uscilngaln. Thesamoptwau tlons should be taken with regard to carpets. In rooms tlmt nre not very much used a heavy linen covering can bo Btibstltuted for carpets, which can be sent to the wa-h like clothing. For the same reason curtains should not be tolerated, except those that can be washed. White ones nre preferred, as the monotony can be relieved with a border of embroidery In bright colors. Heavy materials, like plush and velvet, Bhould never be used. The furniture should bo very wimple In design, so that It can be cleaned easily. Wooden furni ture, wardrobes, bureaus, nnd toilet should be vnrnlshed or waxed or, If perferred. lacquered. Chulra should have caned bottoms. Thus It Is pos sible to cotifornx strictly to -hyglenic laws, and at the same time piesvive ci artistic appeal nee." "I-'vety where, where it is possible, brass or iron be.lso.ius should ivpla.- those of wood. Toilet articles, i speeiu!- j ly the glas-- should be wash, d every I day with the greatest care. After t'r.a I departure of u patron th-y should be I washed in an antiseptic solution, sueii as a half per cent, solution of corrosive I sublimate, and the be.ldinjr, towels, etc.. boiled in alkalini:?ed water. After ;i room has hern occupied by an invalid. all tin- bedding and other linen should be sent to the disiu'ivttng bath, and the walls, boards, and furniture suhmttii:, to antiseptic washing and nntis,-.:io spraying. These precautions should not only apply to the bedrooms, but extend to the different rooms that the patrons have used, although with less strictness. The curtains of the parlors, where they renin in but a short time, da tint reouire such rigorous treatment. Ncvei lheless. draperies should he avoid : ed and carpets prohibited. The same. precautions should be observed in tha dining room. Here particular rara should be given to the washing of tha glasses, the forks, and the spoons. ThiS former, after each meal, should h washed In an antiseptic liquid, and af terward well rinsed In clean water, ntul the latter in boiling water. The vestt l-ules. halls, and stairways should ba without carpets, and should be wipej every morning with a. cloth wet with an antiseptic liquid. The closets should b large and well ventilated, nnd have, proper appliances for flushing." This done, hotels would, this authority thinks, lie reasonably healthful. e 1IKALT11 FOK T1IK MILLION': "Chronic asthma" Is sometime curel by ehaii'dng one's resilience. If one be young and has no inherited tendency to the affection there Is a greater chance of being cured. The shortness of br. a'h and palpitation of the heart which affects one thus indicted, when walking and climbing stalls, will be cured by taking 10 drops of the tincture of nox vomica in a little coll water) after each meal and at bedtime. lb-re Is the banner tooth powder: Get powdered piinihe, vinegar and a match stick. l'.p th- mati h silrk Into the vine, gar, then into the pumice, and gently rati on tlie teeth till the green and black tar tar is ri moved. Keep the teeth clean by brushing after eating and the last thMg before going to bed at night. Fiiiml parts of prepared chalk and powdered urivi, flavored Willi wlntergreeii, may be used every time the teeth are'brushil. . Gilmore's Aromatic Wins A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness, Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator auci corrector tot ailments peculiar to womani hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scrauton. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers