THE SCRANTON TlilKlNE SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1895. 3 The leading teachers of cookery and writers on Domestic Science use and recommend Cleveland's Baking Powder, as Mrs. Rorer, the Principal of the Philadelphia Cooking School, - " ff know what you nrc, citing when you use Its true composition ia . givio on every laocl. jf Mis Fanner, the Principal ol t'hc Uoston Cooking School, Miss Bedford, the Superintendent of the New York Cooking School, 'Mrs. Ewing, the Principal of the Chautauqua School of Cookery. Norn & Moore FIRE INSURANCE:, 120 Wyoming Ave. VILLUS 07 WORMS AVENUE. $5 REWARD! So many complaints of irregular delivery have reached us, which we have traced to stolen papers, that we now offer $5 reward for information that will lead to the conviction of any person caught stealing The Tribune from 'the doorsteps of rcnular subscribers. 'Monday will be the last flay for fUin? Appeals In the prothonoury's office. The diagram for the National Athletic Club'a tournament la now open ut ilnl Lert's musk: store. Tr.v.n w r--,.-r"-,isinn RAn r.f Mr. nnd Mra. 4hn FerKuson, of Capons n venue, dica nwu'lay evening, agft-J 29 year.-". Rev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor of Asbury Methodist Kpisropal church, will preaeh a sermon to the Odd Fellows on Sundiy evening. W. J. Welsh, Reneral ngent for the ,'Xorthwestern -Mutual Life Insurance com pany, yesterday paid the John Hundley estate SJM. " , Rev. V. P. Doty, of Porkvllle, will ad dress the Heranton Methodist Ministers' 'association next .Monday mornlnK upon the "Superannuates." ' A petition was filed In court yesterday 'tiy Attorneys i'ltzslmmons and Stark prayins for the Incorporation of the jjo clity of the Holy Cross, of l'rlr ehui - Miss Anna Hosle, st her home on fllhson street, wan married Thur-idny evenlnit 'o Archie Baldwin. The lirlde was attended tiy her cousin, Miss Mary Hosle, of Car hondale, and the groom by Alexander Mo Donnld. '. A high line fence In the r--nr of H. tln ft Son's I'enn avenue store began to blaze at an early hour Friday morning and an alarm was turned In from box 2i The chemical engine extlnK'ilshed the lire be fore; much damage was done. The Columbian quartette, which Is com posed of Krriryrf Morgan. Ool Morgan, . Watkln Morgan and Albert Jones, desire to iitato that they are not the party that appeared on the programme at the Kim J'ark church entertainment last Tuesday evening. The (0-ca.lled "Columbian (piiir tctte" that appeared there Is an entirely different organisation. CKA10 WAS THE SUBJECT. Ills Ouulltiea Discussed at a Confcrcnco Ilctwcca Kovcntio Collector Herring and f:ol. F.J. I'ltslmmons. Ilevonuo Collector Ornnt Herring Was In tho city yenterduy for the first time In two wo weeks, having been con fined to his homo at liloomsburg by an attack of the grip. After his nrrlvnl In the city he sent for Colonel F. J. Fltzsmmons and yes terday afternoon the two men had a conference In the nlllee of Mr. Herring concerning the charges mnde by Col onel FitzslmmonB against Deputy Col Jector William Cralff. What the result of that conference . was both men refused to nay. There was nothing for the public, they de . clured, and further than admitting that they had met and made Mr. Craig the ' uppermost loplo of conversation they refused to commit themselves. . The outcomo of the conference will be '. awaited with much Interest, An i: eiilng of .Music. ' - A song rocllal will bn given nt the Young Women's Christian association Tuesday evening, March Uii, by Miss Jean 8 lee. The programmo arranged provides ' for a. very enjoyablo evening, and 11 Is ( hoped the members of the association will ' plan to como and bring others with thorn, Admission free. ' I i The flnost line of wines, cigars, malt and ' other liquors In the city at Lohmann's, Spruce streot. R Koblnson's, Milwaukee and Felgenspan's beers on draught. Plllsbury'a Flour Mills have i pt 1J,W0 barrels day. capaolty IAGKAWANNA j THE Laundry. W M'ANULTY GiLBRIDE'S HARD LUCK His Company Disbands and Consta bles Chase Him. LOST ONtf THOUSAND DOLLARS Tluit Was the Net Kestilt of Ilia efforts to StnRO His I'lnys .Miss llcsslo Uruy son lias Hint Arrested for Inilmo to Produce Cola of tliu liouliu. M. T. Ollbride's company, which np peared at Ulyph.tnt Wednesday nlnht, where bis play, "Cljy (iovernnient." was presented, Is ho more. The en gagements to apieiir nt Wllkcs-llane lust nlg-ht and tonight have been can celled. .Mr. (tiltu'lde has been arrested tiy several constables nt the Instance of hotel keepers, who were desirous of secuiini; a settlement of the hoardintr bills Incurred by members of the com pany, but probably, none of tlient have displayed more intense anxiety for un Interview than Miss lles;:le lltayson, who was eiu;;i;;ed lis souhrette tit the r:i.U of $.':: per week. . This ladv secured a portion of her claim at Olvphnnt but a balance of S10 was owing yesterday and she wenl be fore Aldirinan Kitzsimnums and swore to int'nruiatloii against lillbride. She explained that at Olyphant paytiu'iits on account were made to all the mem bers of the company cnci pt Miss (lar rikin. A wairant was also Issued Jor Mr. Cilbride yesterday by Alderman Wright at t'le Instance of i-lie pro prietor of the Carpenter house. Company (loos to Pieces, liusiness Mapager Campbell resigned his position Willi the company after the Olyphant eiigaifenietit, and when It was announced yesterday the Wllkes-liimv engagftnent hail been cancelled the company w nt to piceccs. All of the members of it who came here from Now York have tickets to return to that city. It was stated that Mr. Sherwood, a well known Philadelphia man, will at once proceed to ovgauir.e a company and put "Without a Name" en the stage a;;aln. It is a much better dramatic work than the "City Covern tiH'iit," and In the opinion of those who took part in Its production in tills eity Tuesday night, has elements of success. H is very probable that "City tlovern ment" will be shelved for good. Those In a position to know, said yes toray that Mr. Gllbrlde's efforts to stage his p! ay In this city had caused him a, net less of $1.(100. Hearing Last l.vening. The constable sent forth by Alderman located Mr. Clildbrldo and brou-,-'nt him before the chief justice of the i;ie,lith ward Ia;;t night. It then transpired that Mr. (lilbriue had also issued a warrant for the arrest of Stage Manager William Wheeler upon a charge of larceny, Uie offense? being that Mr. Wheeler har refusul to deliver up the manuscript of Mr. tiildbridr's piays. The staje manager, in a dra matic manner, declared that he was ready for tho fray and would be Inter ested to hear ho-.v Mr. (illbride would prove his charge. Mrs. Wheeler, who, by the way. wa: principal lady, Inter pes -d and reminded Mr. Gilbrido of the very ur.gonilemanly manner in which he had behaved. It ai.enred that the manuscript was In Mr. Wheeler's trunk at the deprt and that the only condi tion upon whit-ii he would return the manuscript was that Mr. CilhriaJe's , would materialise. Hefore thl3 matter could be nettled, however, the ouestlon of board cropped up. Mr. Gllbride contended that the Wheelers hail promised to pay half the boarding- bill, as Mrs. Wheeler wanted her husband to be away from the other actors, owing to his drinking propensi ties. Mrs. Wheeler admitted her hus band's fondness for the cup that lnebrl HoK, but denied strenuously that they hud agreed to "split the bill." Mrs. Whel, r, Mr. 'Illbride. John Campbell, ag.-nt to Cilbride, and Miss Oarrlgan then opened up a debate as to the boarding bill, when Attorney Corbett escorted his client, flllbrlife, and the rest of the company to a private room to endeavor to arrange a compro mise. Charges of AH kind. From Wyoming avenue could be heard the accusations of lying made by the various parties until passers-by wondered if a performance of "City Government" was being given for the edification of the alderman. Cries of "You're crazy" and other uncompli mentary terms were heard Incessantly. In about half an hour, as no seitle ment was arrived nt, the alderman began to hear the caies. Mr. Wheeler was examined as to the manuscript and nfter some skirmishing went. In company with Messrs. Campbell and Tom Oilbrlde, to bring back the docu ments from the depot. Mr. (Illbride paid him $1 and presented him and Mrs. Wheeler with tickets to New York. Miss Garrlgan, another lady of the company, then stepped up, and In a mellifluous manner asked Mr. Cilbride for satisfaction. Another wrangle be gan and a compromise was effected by payment of the lady's fare to New York. Miss V.essle Irnyson then nestled up toflllbrldennd pictured herself a strnnd ed maiden In an alderman's olllee.whlch brought the tears to Fltzslmmons' eyes and $4;0 from Gllbrlde's pockets. (Ill bride, however, as a consolator, an nounced to Hie company that he was ashamed of those who had presented his play, all of them not being up to his Ideas, except a Mr. Allan. An Actor Who Iddn't I nt. Mr. Keogh, of the St. Charles' hotel. In order to be In the swim, presented a claim for $10.50 and Mr. (Illbride main tained his reputation by giving up the cash. Mr. Davles, a member of the com pany, complained Hint he had received no meals at the t. Charles that day, and Landlord Keough Invited him to come around and 'siiunre himself off." Ilefore leaving Hie nlderman's olllce Mr. (Illbride had dlschurgeil all his claims and received his manuwrlpt. AKKKSIlil) FOR FF.RJURY. .Henry Goodman Held In H0() Hall to Ap pear nt Court. Henry Coinhnmn, of Washington ave nue, was yesterday arrested upon u charge of perjury at tho Instance of Henry Herrlck, of New York state, and after waiving a hearing before Alder man Fuller, was held In $so ball to ap pear at court, M. Judkovlcs, of 45 South Washington avenue, qualifying as his bondsman. The warrant was Issued In conse quence of an affidavit made by Henry Herrlck, representing the firm of Mo Parlanc & Co., who alleged that Oood man "did unlawfully, wilfully, corrupt ly and falsely swear to certain matters and things In an affidavit of defense dated Dec. f, 18114, In the case of Mc Farlono, & Co., versus th eald Henry Ooodman." The defendant at the time swore that lOO'.i dozens of shirts sup idled ty McFarlane & Co., were not of first quality, but of second quality, and that they were worth $181.29 and not $604.24, as claimed by McFarlane & Co. Goodman also swore that Herrlck ad mitted that the goods were of an In ferior quality and that he would allow a discount of 2.1 per rent. Herrlck, In his ullldavit, makes oath Hint these statements are false nnd that Goodman swore to them, knowing them to be untrue. ISLE OF CUAiUl'AfJNF.. Hcocived with .Much l-'nvor at the Acad emy of Music. Thomas Q. Seubrooke, unlike Rich ard Munslleld, has no reason to com plain of his reception In this yclty. It was hearty and cordial, nnd at times bordered closely on the enthusiastic. "The Isle of Champagne," In which Mr. Seabrooke made Ill's nppearance ut the Academy of Music last evening, is labelled u conile opera on the house bill, but It scarcely urines to that dignity. It is light and ami frivolous In the ex treme, but frivolity and lightness Is of the delightful character theater goers admired so much In "Wang," and which won for that irs great popular ity. It Is an evidence, one might be warranted In saying, that people go to the theater to be amused rather than Instructed, when Manslleld plays to empty seats and Seabrooke causes the standing room sign to appear. Ai l, In matters theatrical, is very well In Us way, but it won't make people laugh and forget their cares in the way the merry monarch of the bile of Cham pagne can. and thai Is no doubt the reason why the highest forms of the atricals are not popular in the box of fices. Mr. Seabrooke, as King I'ommery Second, ruler of the Isle of Champagne, kept the audience in constant good humor last night, lie belongs to the natural school of comedians, anil then Is nothing forced about his efforts to amuse. The music of the "Isle of Champagne" Is catchy and tuneful, and it was well rendered lust evening, for Mr. Seabrooke has n number of good voices In his company. Miss Maud K. Williams rendered several solos wltli spirit nr.d feeling and was invaded hearty recalls. Miss Irene -Murphy assumed the lead ing female role, that of Pinna, the ladle of the Isle of Champagne, and did It In a very clever manner. She sang better than when last heard In this city with the liennctt and Moitlton Opera com pany, und displayed all the chic that has won prominence for. her In the realm of comic opera. Through an error the house bill announced that Miss Klvla Crox, otherwise Mrs. Thomas Seabrooke, was Plana, but Miss Murphy is so well known to Scran tonians that the mistake did not de ceive many. Mi.-s Murphy nnd Miss Crox alternate nightly In the role. Among the members of the company who won much favor with the audience last night by their clever work were Walter Allen. A. S. Kingsley, Charles M. McDonald, Daniel I,. Raker, W. Wallace Black and Kva Davenport. DICKISON IS CAU(jHT. The l'iku County Digamist l.anJcJ in t lie County Jail. ' Special Officer Fled Mink located his : game with ease and Alexander Mc j William Dickison, the young man who, it Is alleged, deserted his first wife to i marry another, will remain In the coun ! ty 3all until some one furnishes bail i to guarantee his appearance in court j to answer the charge of bigamy. The ofilcer had no trouble in .finding ; Dickison and returned with him at a I late hour Tuesday night. The prisoner v;as taken before Justice of the I'eace Arnold, of Peckville, and In default of ' ball committed to pail. MUSICAL HONORS. Conferred on II. Percy James, of Oly pliant. R. Percy James, of Olyphant, has re ceived information from the registrar i of Trinity university, Toronto, that his i cantata, "God Is My Refuge," n work containing solos, quartettes and fu gual choruses in eight parts, has been approved by the examiner, Frederick J. Karn, Mus, Doc, London, England. i The work was written ns a prolim- ! itmry to the final examination work. for the degree of musical bachelor. Out of nine cantatas sent for examination only four passed the required standard. Mrs. James was prepared for" the ardu ous task by T. J. Davie. Mus. Rue, of this city. MR. SCIIROI'IH.R'S CINCH. So Opponent for Select Council from the Sixteenth Ward. It Is not probable that Adam Schroe der, the regularly nominated Republi can candidate for select council from the Sixteenth ward, will have a Dem ocratic opponent. No Democratic nomi nation papers have been filed In the court house five days preceding the election, which will be held Tuesday. Among politicians It Is not considered likely that Mr. Schroeder will have any opposition. It has been currently re. ported that the Democratic leaders In the ward bad tried to lilt upon some available German, but without success, and It Is not expected that any eleventh hour candidate will be run on stickers. Wood's College Notes. The attendance for March Is more than tn-loi ai Irrcn as one year ago. One hundred ami ninety students are now In attendance at the night school. James Alherlim Is bookkeeper for the Lackawaiiii Store (Sitniuiny, a prosperous corporation of this city. Many A. Hall anil Anna llesecker leave the college to in pt of positions. Two culls for positions are us yet un filled. The demand Tor shorthand writers continues and a large number are placed before they have time to complete tho course. ' The earnest efforts of the faculty are now being shown. More students will complete Hie course this year Hum In nnv year of the college anil out of the many that have been placed In positions, not one has been returnisl because of Incom petency. professor Wood rpnnt Monday In WllkcH-llnrro In the Intererts of the new college. For plumbing ond electric bells tele phono to W. (4. Uoud &. Co., tiU Lacka. ave. Wo show samples of high grade print ing In cutalogiu's and booklets Tho Trib une Printing Department. Mill. DAVEV. At Mooslo, March 21, , La Vina, wife of J. II. lmvey. Funeral Monday. Interment at Hooch Lnke. FK1L. la Scranton, March 22, IKfij, Carl Full, at his home, SSI Franklin avenue, aged 11!) years. Funeral notice later. FKKGCSON. At Clark's Bunimlt, March 22, John V. Ferguson, aged 89 years. Notlco of funeral hereafter. HI'MMLIOU. In Scranton, March 22, 1TO.", Charlotte, wife of Frank llumniler, aged 84 years. Funernl Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her lute home, 217 Penn avenue, Interment In Forest Hill ceme tery. LUDWIO. In Scrnnlon, March 22, Nirh olus Ludwht, aged IB years, at the home of his mother, 111! l'rospect avenue. Fu neral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment In l'ttHton Avenue cemetery. CAPIAN AIM'S BURIAL I'iiikr (i. A. It. Auspices Tumuirow in t he Duiimoic Cemetery. 1'KIVATU SERVICE AT H01SE Sketch of Ills liecoi J Paring Hid Rebel lion und us u Citizen liiigaged in Many Untiles -Prominent lu Sci union's lievelupinent. The funeral of Captain Frank Power Atnsilen, who died Thursday evening nt his home, No. I llallstead place, will be held tomorrow afternoon, ltrlef private services will be held at the house ut 2 o'clock, Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan olllchulng, to be followed by burial under tin; auspices of the Grand Army of tho Republic, at Punmore cemetery. Captain Atnsden was born Aug. 2.1, Kill, In Itoonvllle, N. Y and came to Scranton with his father, the late Joel Amsden, in the spring of ISfjI. He has lived III this city the greater part of his life since. He was engaged with his father, who was the resident engineer, on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, and the surveys of the borough of Scranton, and after ward in general olllce work of civil en gineering and architecture. When the war of the rebellion broke out be enlisted as tlrst lieutenant In Lattery II. First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, on Aug. ii, pjtfl. He was as signed to Lattery (', June 21, IWS2. of which battery he was commissioned captain Nov. 2, ISCJ. In Charge of Camp Curt In. In the spriiiif of 1SC2 he was detnlled on loci-nltinc; service and for a time was placed in charge of Camp Curtin, 1 liirrlsbiirg; was acting adjutant und li'iirteiniaster of Artillery Battalion, First division, Fourth corps, and Joined Cutlery C just as the Peninsular bat tles .iiiiiii. nccd, sen lug with Artillery brigade, Seymour's division, Fifth corps. Army of the Potomac He par ticipated in the battles of Mechanlcs ville, Gurries' Mill. Charles City Cross Roods, and Malvern Hill. At Gurries' Mill the command devolved on Lieuten ant Ainsdeti. At the second battle of Hull Run, Aug. i!0, the battery was com pletely destroyed, except two cassionu, and Capt.iln Kern was killed. Lieuten ant Amsden was recalled to Washing ton to reorganize and was commis sioned Captain, and assigned to duty Willi Artillery brigade, Third division, First Ai piy corps. Army of the Polo mac; was in the battle of Fredericks burg Dec. H-lTi. He resigned May 2j, lso:i, on account of disability contract ed during the severe duties of the "Mud March." He was a charter member of Lieuten ant F.zra S. Griflin post, No. J Pi!), Grand Army of the Republic, holding at the time of his death the trusted position of quartermaster, an olllce filled by him for a number of years past. His Inter est In Grand Army work was recognized by the appointment ns nid on t ho staff of the commander-in-chief, also as aid and asslstont inspector-at-large on the staff of the Department Commander of Pennsylvania. Was City r.ugiuccr. After his return from the war he fol lowed his professions of civil engineer and architect In this city, of which he was city engineer for a number of terms, lie was in New York city In partnership with his father; on Long Island, as engineer In charge of the Flushing und North Shore railroad, and In Dover, N. J., as resident en gineer for the Morris and Essex rail road. He wus married on April H, 1SC0, In New York city to Harriet Fielding, who died March 3, 1SS2. He is survived by three children, Anna I.., of this city; Frank F., of Lebanon, und Edith D., of Philadelphia. RKDUINUTIH LIST. Cnses llcgun us l ino as the May Term, 1Hlt. Will lie Heard ut Coining Term of Common Pleas Conn. The three weeks' term of common pleas court will begin on Monday, Judge Edwards will preside In the main court room. Judge Archbald In No, 2, and it Is probable that a Judge from pome of the adjoining judicial districts will be on tin? bench in No. 3. There are one hundred and live cases on the lii:t for trial, many of which nre of an important nature. In seven trespass cases the city is named (IB defendant and the local electric railway com pany Is defendant in live. Since the terms of common pleas court were extended to three weeks, and three Judges employed In the trial of actions the number of cnses await ing trial has been greatly reduced. On Hie trial list for the next term are fif teen cases that were begun during 1S!I, some of them as lale as the May term. Judge Edwards said yesterday that within anolher year the civil courts of this county will be abreast of litigation and those who llnd It necessary to Invoke the law will not have long to wait to get a hearing before a jury. lU)lti;l.N(i A DI'.A F MUTE. The 1 xperlcnec of Albert Weiithcnill, a Wnyno Comity Keuf Mute. Albeit Weatherall, a deaf and dumb laborer from Wnyne county, was robbed on Thursday afternoon In a most daring manner, lie visited sev eral saloons during the day, and when In a helpless condition two men, claim ing to bo friends on the look-out for him, look the deaf mute In charge, and gave hint to understand that they were goliuF to place blni comfotably In bed. TO SELL YOU Is our business. Wc cannot expect you to buy of us unless we can make you some inducement. If you will call we can show you how you can- SAVE MONEY ; roasted daily. Uest Coffee House m Scrautou. E. Q. Coursen - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IftlUl They escorted him along Lackawanna avenue, down Itrldge street, until they reached the llloonisburg road of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company. Here they delected a cosy corner and after a time Weatherall was safely In the arms of Morpheus while his friends robbed him of $ll,!i, his shoes, hat, overcoat, and everything In his pockets. He awoke In a frozen condition und frightened several passers-by by bis strange appearance and wild gesticu lations. The police, guided by him. have Inspected the place, but owing to his Inability to describe the men, they have no hope of tracing the thieves. AT THE l-'KOTIUNtill AM. Nngent's Metropolitan Company pleuses l.urgo Audiences. Nugent's Metropolitan Comedy com pany gave a line production of the "Fugitive" at the Fiothlngham last night before a large audience. In the afternoon "Colleen liawn" attracted a Very large audience. This afternoon "East Lynne" will be given as u matinee, and In the evening "A Grass Widow" will be produced. TIMES AFTKK THE CASH. Have llcqiia l.eual I'loceedins Against County Commissioners to Secure Pay ment fur Publishing Mercantile Ap praisement. Ritsiness Manager W. H. P.ell, of the firm of Roll it Hudson, proprietors of the Scranton Tlnn s Publishing com pany, through Attorney M. E. McDon aild, yesterday applied to court for a writ of alternative mandamus to com pel Hie county commissioners of La"k aw.'inna county to publish tin; tile appraisement list for the year IWl.'i In the Times. Manager pell made an alllljavlt to llio effect that the paper of which he is a part proprietor is the only Democratic, dally In this county, qualllled with the additional usserva tlon that it Is the only papor.cxcept Sun day journals, roprest nling the minority party In Lackawanna county. Judge Gunster was on the bench In the main court room, and the proceed ings were begun before him. A rule was granted to show cause why a writ of mandamus as prayed for should not be issued and wan made return able nnd will be an;ued on Monday morning at 1) o'clock In open court. The allidavit made by Manager Itc-11 and upon which tlu mandamus 1s petitioned for states that county commissioners Samuel W. Roberts, Giles Roberts and John Demuth ordered the publication of the mercanlilo appraisers' list jf names and ( laKsilicatlon of persons subject to license In three papers, viz: The Scran ton Republican, Scranton Times and the Woehcnblatt, a German paper, none of which represent the minority party of the two principal parties of the county. County Solicitor ex-Judge H. A. Knnpp accepted the service of the rule and will appear for the county commis sioners at the hearing on Monday morning. Chief Clerk Charles F. Wag ner said that the proprietors of the Times published the appraisement list of their own volition, and they had carried the matter to court to receive payment therefore. If court decides that the county must foot the bill, then, of course, It will have to be done. Fred Wagner, publisher of the Scran ton Woehcnblatt, has certified to the county commissioners that his paper is u Democratic Journal. Clerk Wagner states that the Woeh cnblatt has given satisfactory evidence of its political principles; for it has been hostile to the Republican party for year.'. l ake Ariel l-Actirsion Announcement. The season of isfil proved the most sue cessful in the history of Lake Ariel, and of the many thousands who favored Hits ex ceedingly delightful and interesting resort with their presence, we believe there are few who are not enthusiastic over lis charms. With the opening of rpring, the liberal policy pursued In the line of Improvement will be continued, many new and attrac tive features are contemplated, which ur certain to delight annual visitors. Conditions me favorable for a decided Increase In excursion (ladle, although a general dullness In trade circles prevails throughout the valley." Many parties have secured desired dates, and the early appli cations which lire being received are Indi cations that Lake Ariel will eclipse her past enviable records. From churches and societies contemplat ing excursions, we Invite consideration, feeling that we possess In Lake Artel, a resort which will prove both delightrul and advantageous. Special intention Is given excursion business and ample arrange ments made for large pin tles. As many committees were disappointed last season 111 securing desirable dates. we suggest Hint applications be sent III as early us possible. 1 Auction Sale nt St. Charles Hotel. lleds, bedding and carpets of fifty rooms, one large safe, a new cash register, rplcu dld Imr fixtures, French plate mirrors, en tire dining room furniture ami a number of hair mattresses. Sale begins Monday March 2.", at la a. m. The lea-ling magazines have completed or are Just about completing, their vol umes for the year. If you have any vol umes on hand The Tribune ltlndery can make them Into beautiful book for you at short notice and low prices. A postal sent us will bring our prices to you. Telephone 2212, W. O. Pond & Co., Kl Lackawanna avenue, for all kinds of plumbing. Your watch run for ever without hav ing it cleaned and repaired. Take it to BERRY, THE JEWELER Who has repaired . watches and clocks for over 25 years. 417 Lackawanna Ava, SCRANTON CITY. BEST SETS OF TEETH. II luchidlnir tho tMlnleu extracting el by u entirely new procea. s. cl sNvnRp. n. n: s.. -Y 121 SPRUCE SHEET. 1 DONT LEI KILLED BYJlJIREET CAR Twclvc-Ycar-Old Willie rictehcr, of Dun more, Crushed to Death, HE WAS COMING FROM SCHOOL Han on the Truck Ahead of a Rapidly Approaching Car on Chestnut Street und Wus Instantly Killed-Coroner Kelluy Will Hold un Inquest, Opposite the Odd Fellows' building, on Chestnut street. Dunmore. Willie Fletcher, 12-year-old son of Jacob I'letcher, or C28 East Drinker street, wuh mangled to death at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon by a street car on the Dunmore Suburban line. School was Just out and the chil dren were on their way down the street going toward the postoflice, as Is cus tomary with them dally. Several boys Were together playing, running about on the street, and young I'letcher did not stop, before rushing across tho street car track, to notice whether a car was in sifiht. Car No. PIS, In charge of Motorman Frank Fleming, was Inward-bound and lipprouclilrig ut a rapid rate of speed. The motorman Is credited with sound ing the he'll long und loud enough to warn the children, but I'letcher was on the track ahead of the car und before he could escape or the car could be stopped It bore down upon him and crushed the breath out of his body. Ills skull was broken, his arms and legs twisted out of Joint, and his body bad ly mangled. The motorman, when h" saw that the accident was inevitable, reversed bis car, but it slid along ten feet before it stopped and dragged the body that distance. The remains were taken to the estab lishment of I'ndertakor Letchworth and at U o'clock removed to the parents' home. Coroner Kelb-y will hold uu in quest this morning. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2.:;'.', with services at the Methodist Episcopal church. Inter ment will be made In Dunmore Protest ant cemetery. Persons who saw the accident do not attach any blame to Mutorumn Flem ing. The sieed of the car was no greater than is usual, and when he saw the danger he endeavored with all the strength ut his command to stop the car. He resides in Dunmore, not far from the I'letcher household and Is deeply pained at his involuntary part in tile boy's death. To Close Out. Sterling silver Inlaid spoons and forks, tea spoons, $1.75; table spoons and forks, W.oO per set. These spoons are protected by a piece of sterling silver inlaid on wearing points and quadruple plate over all. Warranted 23 years, a.' MEltCEHFAU & CO.NNELL 3. Special Prices to close out our sheet music and small musical instruments. J. L. STELLE, lul Wyoming avenue. ID IT EVER STRIKE YOS That You Can Get First-Class Extract at FOR 24c. PER OUNCE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ODORS: West End Jockey Club, Violet White Rose. Frunjiepnnni.I.ily of the Valley, Orange Blos som, Crab Apple Hlossoni Viang Viang, Lilac Blossom. White Heliotrope. SOAPS A nice uraortinent cf Toilet Soaps in Cnsli-im-re, bouquet. Buttermilk, Uairy Maid, ond Cheriiblii Hat b. PURSES A new lino cf Pursea In Seal and Alligator nt 25c. and 50c. each. CUT GLASS A larire. assortment, including Berrv Dishua, llouqui-t linldori. Yim-irnr Cruets, Salt, and 1 i ppor Shakers, Water bottles, Olivo Llshca, lelei v l,s!ic, etc. 0. S. W00LVV0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front lr at Prawn! (he VbM Popnlar and I'ref.rred by LcaJing Arrnta Wararoomt: Oppostta Columbus Monument, !nrj Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. Bl HATS AT mm mm m wo Li rare Removal J. LAWRENCE STELLE, 134 WYOMING AVEMK, SCBAKTOX, PA. SHEETMUS1CANDSMALLMUSICALINSTRUMENTS ilCANDSILLKll At Almost Your Own Prices Before Moving. SECOND-HAND PIANOS AND ORGANS NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. BY WATER. Owing to the burstina of a water main in the street in front of our store, by which our basement was flooded to the depth of six feet with Mater, have had about $4,000 worth goods dovptfed. ?Lnisting of a lore line of CF ALL THE HEW SPRING STYLES. TOMORROW We Will Begin, a ill III Of the Entire Stock at a irn ftruT The stock is nearly as good aa new, the water havftig had but little effect upon it. These goods are all this) Spring's Styles, and no such opportunity to buy cheap will ever occur again. 138 Wyoming Ave. SUITS FOR EVERYBODY, Once in a while somebody comes in and says : You ready-made folks can't fit me.' That inau has had hard luck; he's been into a small ready made store or a biff one, whero they don't keep sizes enough or where sizes don't fit: IT IS DIFFERENT HERE OUR sizes fit, and thera are always plenty of them plenty, for example, of thoso nice Mixed Cheviots and Tweed Suits, plenty of thoso delicately woven, yet very handy, Worsteds. Suits for slim men, stout men and all sorts of uieu. Call nnd see. Clothiers, Hdierawumisnera COATS, SKIRTS, ETC I REMEMBER Sale A
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