TnE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 23, 1893. NORTON'S New Store, Lackawanna ave., Will be ready for trade On or before April i. Will open their large New stock Wall Papers, Window Shades, Stationery, Hooks, at very -Interesting Prices. Wait and see. MICHAEL NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY TheWestonMiliCo, J. FRANK SIEGEL'S HIDE AT THE FROTHINUHA.M. BAUER'S ORCHESTfii AND BIND. 40 PIECES luster MunJay Nijjht. April 15. TiekeNon -uleat box office, on- ticket ad mitticif lady aud seutieunn: extra Udard' tickets, joe. Ifcy" A genera! invitutimi extend ed to ull present und former pupils unJ their friends. IX LOCAL THEATEKS. Arrangements have lirrn malt' for th- r-appearaiice of Pete:- Mahor and' company nf specialty artists at th" Academy of Music this evenimr. This company appeared here on Thursday evening, and as may b- s n by the papt-rs. save a very pi'ij performance. This evenlnu; Several new s.inifs. fea tures ami (fairs will he Introduced. As a special feature Peter MahiT will m t Professor Patrick Murphy, of the '. Athletic club, in a four-round hnut of sin title buxinir. Th-r- will also be two others of like Interest be tween Hilly Hennessy. of l;,.st .n. nnd I'et-r Low.-ry, of Dublin, with two local men. Lillian Lewis, who will present h-r bier dramatic spectacle, "(i ",,utra." at the Academy of Music on Monday. -March 'IT,, stands nmornr the foremost of Kntrllsh speaklnir actresses. Sh" has been termed Jane I Fa ! in translate') into Kntrll -h. Miss Lewis' appearance here in "Cleopatra" Is an Important dramatic event. In the cast is that best of American actors. Charles I!. Ilanford. The prices will not he ad vanced. As Cleopatra. Lillian Lewi i has achieved unqualified succ ess. Vol anil feature ronsrdr together always for her success. The company through out Is efficerit, while costumes and scenery furnish a series of harmonious and Klowlnir pictures. The success of ('. I!. Jefferson, Klaw & FManifer's preat production of pal mer Cox's lirowriics." which will be at the FrothltiKhatn on Thursday, Friday find Saturday evcnliiK.s and Saturday matinee, April 4. ." and S, has been phenomenal everywhere owlnir to Its nnvel'les, cleanliness and Koriroousnovu, hut the report of the week's business In New Haven, which concluded on last Saturday evenlnir. March IB. Is almost beyond belief. The Hyperion theater, fine of the largest auditoriums In th.' I'nlted States, was packed at every per formance; In fact, A (treat was the de mand for space that extra perform ances had to be Riven, nnd for nine con- decutlve times the immense playhouse was crowded. over 25,000 people saw the performance in the space of a week In a population of only .Sn.iwn people. STOI'I'KI) Tin: waki:. Hoiihc ( lenred llceiiiisc Ikntli Wn ( (.used by ( nntuRloits lUsensc. A wnke over the remains of the child of John Lynch, of 812 Wyoming nvetme, nnd who waH upposcrl to have died of a rtlphtheretic disease, wait stopped by Sanltnry I'nlicetnaii Hurko Thursday nlBht. The child was 2 years ami 4 months and who was supposed to have died of a by the attending physician as having died of membranous croup. It was later ascertained that he disease was diph theria and the cus (riven to police man Jtnrko. When he reached the house Thursday nlirht he found a number of persons "waklnB" the child. The house was cleared of the visitors and a conta gious dls-ase placard placed on the door. The arraiiKements for a publlo funeral were stopped anil Interment a rid service yesterduy were private. T'RI.AYS ore dnn(ierous. A dollar spent for Hood's Hursupiirlllii now may pre vent Illness which will be expensive ami hard to bear. Now Is the time to take Hood's Bursuparlllu. IIOOrvB PILLfl cure all liver Ills, ec lleve constipation and assist dlKcstlon. 2.. For earache put a couple of drops of Thomas' Kclectrln Oil on a, bit of cotton nnd place It In the ear. The pain will stop In a few moments. Hlmple enough, Isn't UT IN THE WORLOJF SOCIETY Social Element Is in Seclusion Pur inij Lenten Season. OllET I'XHL Al'TEK EASTEK Tho Guinut of the Week's l.vcnts Sounded in Short l'liiuRruplis-liucsts nil J In-tertulncrs-Persnmil Mention He duecj to a Ciuiipaer ( ompass. A luncheon was (riven Wednesday by Miss Archlmld. Annum the Kuests were Mrs. T. li. Watklns. Mrs. Tate, Mrs. I' J. I'latt, Mrs. (icoikc Jermyn, Mrs. N. li. Itohertsoii, Mrs. 11. I'. SUipson and Missis lielin, Hunt, t'oursen, Jessie Courson. Matthews. Flora Matthews, Dale, llllmore, Kingsbury, Hitchcock and I'harlotte Hand. Itaucr's orchestra and hand, folly pieces, will furnish the music for Pro fessor Sleitel's promenade concert nnd ball at the Frothlimhum Faster Mon day iilitht. April I.".. A Kent-nil Invita tion is extended to present and former pupils ami their friends. Strangers will be admitted only by Introduction. Thetirceii l!lde Wheelmen will open their new club house, at Pin? Sanderson avenue, on Tuesday einliiK with a re ception from S to II o'clock. A number of Invitations have been Issued for the event, which will be otic of the princi pal social events of the week ill Ihe North Knd of the city. Miss Marlon I'.udd Hitchcock, the ward of tlcor.uo A. .Kssup. wil be mar ried Tuesday cveuini;, April -. to Dr. Ittirdett li'l'oiinor, of I'.rooklyn, N. V. The mariiav;.' will take place In t In First Presbyterian church, Lev. Dr. Juim-s Mcl.cod, the pastor, olliclatiuK. At a dinner jriven Thursday by the Lenten I'ookin;; clilh. composed of Misses Jessie I'oursrti. Archbald. Hunt, ISclin and Welles, at the home of Miss Uelin, th.- -.ncsis were Misses Thase, Hunt. Whit more. Watson and T. S. Fuller. A w hist tourney is in progress amiuii; the members of the Seranton llioyck cluh. The second session of the present series will be held Tuesday nlht at the ilub house. The club will Bive to the winner a handsome pti.e. The Misses Kichards. of S-cond street, etitet tallied a number of their friends at their home, on Second street, Thursday ovenliiB. The K-ystone Social club of the North :nd held a reception and dance In Company 11 armory last iii'ht. About seventy children were enter tained ut th- party or Janet Storrs, on Jefferson avenue, Thursday. Many are anticipating with interest th- Yale ill-e club concert April 17, at the Frothlncham. PKKSiiXAL M1CNT1I N: Tie- followins comment upon Colonel K. H. liipi'i-'s appointment as e-ninnssdi'.v Iteneral. by lieii-ral V. 11. 11. Davis, of HoyU-stown, Colonel Hippie's old briKade comman'ler. will b- read with interest. It Is from ib-n.-ral Davis' paper, the Demo crat: "F.zra II. itipple. the newly elected eiimmissary ireiieral of the National (iuanl of Peiins--ivani. with the rank of col onel, was the leader of Davis' brlKade bund ilurlmc the ofemttons In front of Charb-ston. S. I'. War of Itehell.ou. IV" coiiKra'iilate him on his promotion, mil when the editor of 'ho Democrat Kets hard pushed for rations, he will send his r--'pilsition to Colonel Hippie with the uxpe -taiion of having it honored on slitht." Aamn;' the Serantotilans In New York lurimf the we. k were J. J. .McCurmh'k, K. D. Caryl. .Miss J-rmyn. Mr. and Mrs. L. I it I' si n. P. S. Pane. Mr. anil Mrs. ,1. A. Davis. Dr. cud Mrs. ('. L. Fny. M. K. H"Mey. C. I,. Welehel. Mrs. II. Cnston. T. I'TIteiori. c.. M. Ifallst.a'l, Mr. and Mrs. II. '. Shufer, Iv .1. Swartz. J. J. Callahan, J. T. porter and K. P. SturK-s. A letter was re.eivd yesterday at th" piothonotary's otllie rmm Deputy Pro ihonot.iry Myron Khsscui, who is now- cn Joylmr a southern trip. The letter was dated A-h.vllle. N. C. and Mr. Kiisson s.ild that on his way honvward he wou' l stop ,tt t-oirits in Kentiii-ky and Tennessee. II is ex pi -ted In Serantun in a f"W days. Mr. and Mrs. James Arehbald, MDs Arehbald and Miss Itellrelca'.v on Monday for Phii.i l-o.hla, where ihey will Join Hi Florida e'-orJ!on of the Am-rlean In s iiute of Minlnir Lnxineers. The trip south will he made by soeelal train and the sojourn will last two weeks. K v. W. II. .Stubbleblne. pastor of C.d viry Iteforiiied etiiirch, who has been ab sent on a three w ks' leeturliiK tour, has reiiirned and will prearh in the ehati-1 tomorrow rnornlri ami evening. Dr. II. P.. Van Itoriran, of (ireen Itl l;-'-street, intends to leave this city lor I; if faloeariy in April to In come rnmiaer of a rnanufart oritur establishment. James M. Itoland, a former res'dent of this city, nnd a brother of C. (i. Poland, wai -det te'l warden of the Luz-rne coun ty prh-on Tie sflay nlcht. William Toid". of (ireeiiw oiel, a st i rlent at Stroudsburk Slate Normal sehool, arrled hoine yeslerdiiy to enjoy his spring vacation with friends. Attorney Cornelius Smith has been be. fore the supreme court iiiitulnif the ease of Juilson Nelson vs. the llillisde Coal and Iron company. Dr. P. II. MeAtidrew, kite of Ihe Lin ka wanna hospital, and Itcv. It. A. MeAndi'ew me expected to at live in New York from Ftirope today, SI. Clair MeK iwiiy. edllor of the llrnok Ivn Kaxle, w ho had been Hie ;iiest of Dr. It. II. Throop, left for Ihooklyn Tueii day moriilnK. Dr. I. mi left this mornlnv for Philadel phia, where ho will pursue li special course of Instruction In one of the hospitals In Hint city. Mrs. C. II. Van lliinklrk and Mrs. lain-, of Mi .Mulhcriv slreet, have Just relurii"d from u four wei-ks' trip to Palm Iti'iieli, lia. Miss Mollle Nonk, who has been vlslt ln fiienils In the city th past week, re turned to her home In Moscow last even Ink'. I-M ward Sultry, of West M irkel street, a student of St. Thomas' collee. Is In Phil adelphia for treatment of the eyes. Mrs. William Wood, of Wnvne, pa., Is vlsltlmt Inr ilauuhler, Mrs. II. (', Itey nolds. of 'J: Mulberry street. Ilev. lingers Israel, of SI. Luke's, preached In the Holy Trinity church, nt CiiiiMindnle, Thursday lilkhl. Misses (Iwladys Joseph, Mary Davles and Annie Jenkins have been on u busi ness trip to New York rlty. Mrs. M. D. Iline, of Pine street, and Mrs, William Maxey, of South lilbsoti street, nre In New York. Mrs. W. W. Watson, accompanied i,v her mother, Mrs, M. A, Ixisein Ink, has Kmie to Hi unfold, 8. C. ' Miss Allen Million, of the lllonmshorK Normal school. Is vlsltlAjr her parents on Mulberry slreet, I'Mllor Frank P. Woodward, formerly of Ihe Duninore iinneer, Is vIslthiR friends In this vicinity. Mrs. Falkenhiiry, of Adams avenue, Is VlsttliiR friends at lllnxhuniton und Sus ( lie ha u tin. Miss M. K. Ilealey und sister, Miss Kuthryn, of Wyomlnir avenue, are in New York. Miss Carrie Bmllh, of Trenton, N. J Is V ' the Kuest of MIsb Howell, of Monroe ave nue. Miss Coyne, of Allentown. Is the Riiest of .Miss Miller, of Jefferson avenue. Mrs. Joseph (llllesple spent several days In llonesilalc duriiiK the week. Itcv. M. J. Conway, of I'.rooklyn, N. Y., wiis In the clly Thursday. Miss Pearl Smith, of Seranton, Is vlsit llur friends In I loiicsilale. M!hs Kiln HraeBcr. contralto, Is vIsllltiK frlcndii in Jamestown. Detective Holland, of Wllkcs-Harre, was In this city ycrflerday. C. F. Mclbiiry, of llliiMhamton, was here Wednesday, I'. S. Piop' and Horace K. Hand lire III Corlland, N. Y. I''. (. .MexaiKcc Is etm'iiKed on business In New York. O. S. Johnson Is in New York. HOME Vimi NTTSKtltU. Iloxers (ioi'don nnd llclio Kcliini He fealeJ, hut Not Plslicni tclleil. Anthony Cordon ami John Tiithe, t!n two representatives of Ihe lOxcelslor Athletic club who conleh,tcd In the na tional tournament of the Culled Slates Amateur Athletic union nt lillsloun. leached home at !t o'clock Thursday nliiht, ii in I James Mclioldiick, who ae coinpaiiied iliem, was seen yi sterday by a Tribune n porter, (loiilou was In the pink of condition when he left here and y was Tlhe. und their friends con tldcnlly expected to hear of their vic tory. Cordon, In Hie 1T. pound class, mid a youm: f dlow named Mc.Mahon from the North Side Athletic club, of Allenhnny Clly, and was vanquished In the second round. Cordon admits that lie was de feated soiiarely. Put 'I'ihe went in iiKainst an opponent named O'Connor, and Mr. McColdrhk allcccs that 'lich should liave la en iiw.'iiilcd Ihe lioiit, that he defeated his man. The referee refused to older Ihe fourth round In re sponse to the clamors of (ho audience. In Hpcnkine, about the llpht that Chailcs Celliert look part In. Mr. Mc Coldrick said that Colbert Is the belter man of the two, and if Justice was done lie would lie adjuilueil the winner. , Joe Willlsehck. of Philadelphia. I'oucht and was disqualified because a foul was allow1, m. Mr. MoColdrlok said It was barefaced robbery to disqualify Willlsehck for what he had done. Will lsehck consented to come to Seranton ami enter (he Kxcelslor tournament al Music hall on April IT. Several of the contestants at Pittshlli'H; aBivcd to conic on also. ' . SI UUl.NDJ'U or Veterans Will Celebrate the lAent on Nicht of April II. Coiieral liolieit :., thi com mander ill chief of the rebel forces of the confederate army, on April !'. 1 St;.,, surrendered to the union army under Cctieral Crant, his enlire command at Appomattox court house. Va., ami that event in the history of Ihe civil war is commemorated as Ihe end of the II e hcHlon. Lieutenant Kzra S. Crlllin Post, No. bill, Ciand Army of the lb-public. Lieu tenant F.i i S. Critlin Women's Ib-lief Corps, No. .'.a. and Hie Sons of America, have combined loKcther to tlttitiKly cel ebrate th" impoi even this year Willi an elaborate camp lire at the Critlin Post rooms on Lackawanna ave nue. Comrade Samir 1 II. Stevens, of Cril- fin Post, Is chairman of th mniitUv of arraneometiis, atol It is proposed to prepare a stiiklnc; programme for tic occasion. It is int. ndfil. if possible, to secure lie consent of a well known B"titleman of thist city to j;lve the principle address. He is spoken of be cause he Is a Vep rau soldier, und was present at Lee's surrender. ether euti'i'tainliiB addresses will be Bivcti as well as a finished programme of vocal, itisl rumenlal and literary numbers. The llnale will be an old fashioned camp lire, wh'ii all the boys will n hit- Ihelr advenlii'S. 1'Mil.l) S I ATI S COl KT. Will Open III the I'eJeral ItuilJIiifi Here on Monday. fin Monday the I'liiled Slates district and circuit lourts will open In Ihe Federal biiildliiK In this city. .ludKc Achcsoii will pr. side in the circuit and .linlne P.ullim.ion in the district court. Jinlire Achcsoii, Culled States Mar shal Walker, Clerk W. S. Lindsay nnd other olliehlls of the court .'lie expected In th.- city tonh.iit. .ludere Cultiimton will spend Sunday with Ids colleite classmat", Deputy Ueventi" Collector Prundaip', of WllUes li.irre. AmoiiK the Inlercstim: cases that will b" called up In the clival) court is that of Anna Dickinson nital'ist Ihosc who refit rained her of her liberty In the Dan ville Insane asylum. The MotllroM' obsceh" letter case, which will be aire I In the district court. Is cxiitiiu; miii h interest, both ut that place ami In 1 1ll:-, clly. or i in: kaii.ko ads. Patrick .1. 1,'iiiKaii will deliver an ad dress on March ::l to the members of the Acme ode;c, Hrolheihood of Loco motive Firemen, upon the dlllii'tiitles In wok 1 10,' Ihe air brake, und the best way to ovcieome them. Tomorrow aflerti'ioti Secretary Ad klns, of Ihe Puna Vounif .Men's Chrls t In II ussoelalion, Illinois, will address Ihe Kospi I uieetini;. Mr. Adkins was formerly a brak"tnati mi Ihe Delaware, l.atkawaiina and Western company. Conductor A. II. Masters has been nominated for n seat on the board of directors of Ihe ccnlral Vounif Men's Christian ussoelalion, nnd every rull ronder who Is a member of that nsso clutloti should riot fall to record his vote for Die ' railroad candidate" nnd deposit his vol I to,' paper not later limn (1 o'clock tonlKht. Arthur has done In va hin hie work at the railroad asso ciation and is one of Ihe best known men on the northern ami southern di visions, and Ihe Yonnir Men's Christian ussoelalion would be a ureal jtalncr by his election. Police I our i Sentences. Twelve case of drunkenness were dealt with by A Idi' iiiiii n Fllssimmotis In pollen court yesterday morniuu and the follow lint sentences were Inlllctcd: Fcrdliiaudo Itei'K.v, thirty days' ImpiiKonmenl ; .lohn Mi Donald, Dunmore, thirty days' Impris onment; M. fusion, f arhondale, llflis.'ii days' Imprisonment; A. J. Wlckigor, Sus. ipiehiinna count. v, ten days' Impiisoiimeiil ; Peter lloriin, liiborer, ten days. - Coniinonwi-iilth lliilldlnrf and loan As. socliitlon. The f oinmonweiilth lliilltllmt nnd Iinn nsHOciiitlon will Issoe n secoml series of stock on April I. Applications for stock can now lie made lit the (illlee of Ihe asso ciation, CI l.iickawannu nveiiue, to ). H. Pnrlrlds-c, treasurer, or J. C. Vuuulinii, seerelary, I'oter r.nale Kenrrcstcd. Peter FiikIo wan yesterduy re-nrrested upon a (iia rue of embcxxlliiK ,'rnm the Prudential Insurance company nnd com mitted lo Jail by Alderman Wright to ap pear nt eoiirl. ' Aro you pnyliik" too much for plumbing? Our telephone Is !I2. Try us. W. O. Doud & Co,, MiB J.aekii. ave. llity tho Weber nd cat th btt. At Uuerntoy Urol AN EASY JJHO CRACK It Appears in the Y. M. C. A. IMnisli ini ii ml ruiiiisliiiiji Tii nil. SHOULD IT NOT HE HELl'RD Severul Persons TliouBht so Yesterduy und l orlhwlth Contributed - Tlnee lliindred liolliir Murk Is Not far Aw uy-Business Consideration. l-'or the FlnlshliiB n ml FurnlshlnB Fund $lil.'S was sent to The Tribune yesterday, maklui; u Brand total of $-'S7,4(i. The cash sliitemeul in detail up to (i o'clock last nlp.hl Is us follows: litllVM d'SI.Y ACKNOWLKDOFP. 'IUIK Tltlltl'NK $H 0.1 Sundry contributions Ixl '.i Tol id 'JHI 12 NHW CDNTItlllllTliiNS. K. S. W '-' 00 . I.. T. Willies W. II. Sherwood. South Side D. II. M Policeman A. li. Worlln Max S. L. K Marcus l.orlon... 1''. D. Wilde X P. M. u I.. 1 1. T Itliliard Todd.... I mi 1 mi Till M In 10 in 1" li I'S ! I Irainl total $X '.n It slioiild be remembered thai the fund Is to be used for no other purpose than Ih slKnlllcd by the words "llnlsli iiiK nnd I'lirnlshliiK." The ussoelalion has all thai II expects for carryltiK on lis ordinary work, bul money is needed, and led badly, for rellltliiB the buildiiiB. l''or Hcveii years no outlay lias been made In yoml an occasional hIIkIu expenditure for repairs. I in nlslilni'.s Needed I li t li - hi 1 11 1 . To etiunieralc .III detail how the Fln lshliiB and Puruishlm- Fund Is to I x- peiided would be a hopeless task, which fact makes (he Justness of (he cause all Ihe more ev ident. There does hot exist a i m or department In the buildiiiB tin' furnishings or walls of which do not need renovation or repair, and the third Moor lias never been mure than roii-iily llnlshed. If you desire, cut this out an J send with your ennti ihiition to The Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A." Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Amount It is not necessary to use til. coupon, wiiicli is printed unly for your cunve lliutico. Any uniatint from l-eent upward will he reepiveil by Th" Tribune und lie. knowleiled its culiiinui. Adilresc I he I ihnne V. Al. C, A. liiiisliiiiK a ud I mulshing I mid. It Is true lhat business men III well- i to-do circumstances appreciate the value of the association, but it Is to be j regretted that many of them do not substantiate their opinions with money. ' This statement may be relieved of Its J abruptness by a further observation. , "Money" is not used In this connection in the sense of hundred-dollar checks; I It simply means that If persons who I approve of the association's work ami ' purpose would contribute or PI I cents each, this Klnlshiuir and Fui nish- Iiik Fund could be closed. No One Would Miss H. Seranton contain!! lon.nnl residents, "iil.onil of whom could snare In cents each; but assumiiiu that only la per (cut. of the latter number contributed a dime each, the result would be $Miil. Is it an unfair estimate that th" Vounn Men's Christian association does J.'.on worth of Kooti to per cent of Scran ton's population'.' For any who intend to aid the association there will be no better opportunity offered than the present one. If money was not needed, this appeal would not be made. While you have ll on your mind, cut out Hie coupon ami semi with II any sum to The Tribune. If you nre modest, you nre not expected lo sinn your minie. Ai. .mini: accidkm". I dwuij nilinu killed itn J .lames Mcllalc Injured. A shocklmr accident occurred yester day inornliiK In the Delaware nnd Hud son No. 2 shaft, nt (ilyphant, which re sulted In the death of Kdward M'llara, son of William ti'llara, of Dunmore street, n yoiimj man about 'in years of an", and the serious Injury of .lames Mi Hale. About '.' o'clock Steven Synions, u miner, prepared u blast ami nave the 1 usual wurnlni;. wh-n the charge went off. klllltiK i' I lai n li ml Injuring Mc llalc to some extent. Help was sum ; moiled and the unfortunate men con- VJCll ved to their homes. lir. (ilhhnns, of New York city, will lie In Ids Hernnlon olllce. Ill Wyonilnit iivenue, every Mole day from S In the morning until V In tho evenliitf. Itemeber our telephone number Is 22 12 If you want plembhnt work. W. (1, Doud ft Co.. KM Luck a. live. BUY SOME In our west window uu nre show ing Klcvnnl I.iirjrc I'niined l'lc Hiros, ready to laUe hoiun nnd lnllitcll lip Ihe bare spols. W ho don't Iiivh pielurcs',' And the prliv, 69c. Wo frame, too, wonderfully i h';i. REXPORD JEWELRY CO LftCKAWANMA AVENUE. Picture Frames Minie nt Hlinrt notice. II tb Cliiss In every respect. liis'ulc Dicuiulinj In all U bratuiics. 312 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 PRATT'S IFYOUr WANT A LAMP, DINNER, TEA OR TOILET SET " When you move April i, I5UY IT NOW and save BIG money. WEDONT Want to move them, .ind rir m.nklnv n rtn cral clearance-sale of all! jjoods for less than cost. (II 116 WYOWIIKG AVE. Aflci' April 1, will occupy spacious store room llil Wyoiniiii? avenue. We have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's vShoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want money. HERE IS llinTLll In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and hacks, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $2. 49 a pair, 1 fomcrly $3.50. CHAM'S 410 SPRUCE STREET. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every bei Rurrnnte d lo Rive atisfartion or mouey reftuidod. Full printed directions from n eliild to a sniwn parson. It in purely vi'K 'talilnanil cannot poduvclv hsrm the most tender intnnt. Insist o.. having Dr. Camp bell's; accept do other. At .ill Drucftnu. Z'm, WONDERFUL. Bol'TII S HASTON, I'.t, Nov. 10, 1!M. Mr. C. W. Cimiibell Hear Sir: I havn fivon my bov, KreiMie. 1 years old, touiu of r. I niiiplH' M.ieie Worm Sueur and Ten, and In my suipri th nfteriiiMin about i o'clock he. a tapewerin measuring nhoiil A.' f'-'t in leUKth. honil and a 1. 1 Iiutu It iu n buttle nn l uiiy poison wn-limi; to nee it run d i no by railing at mv ion. I had tried numerous other leinedies reconiinendi d for tnkinK tupuworms. hut all faih'd. In ray estimation )i. Ciiiiipbell'a is tho greatest wnrin remedy in exist 'nee. Yours tv reaneiMinllv. Kl'EU lIKFFNb'.K. He.rh St. Note The above is what ev.Tyhodv wiv$ after onco nuni;. Maii'ifactiired hy t V. t aiuplu ll, Lancaster, Pa. bucccasor to Dr. John Campbell Jt ben. DUPONTS MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufiirtare.l at th Wnpwnllepen Mills, La feme county, pu., and nt Wil inliiKteii, l)ela are, HENRY BELIN, Jr. (lenerai Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE., Seranton, P Third Natioiial Hank tlilildiug. AIIFNCIIS : TltnR. FOIIH, I Ittston, Pa. JoHN II HM1TH SUN, Plymouth, Ta. K. W. MUl.l.lHAN. Wilkes llarre. Pa. Agente for Die Itepatiiio Chemical Com eany High K-i plosives. Btamlnrd Instruments In every aense of the term ns applied lo l'lunos. Kxceptlonnl In holding their original ful ness of tone. . NKW VDUIC WAItKIIOt'Si:, NO. M Firth uvenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1 1 A Adams Ave., New telephone lllda. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS., VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO isi MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'a'r. 1 1 uii i no fti Hi nil VA llllLLIlll ntn iimmmw dhuuhii? POWDER 1 MING STYL Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of IMPORTED MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N. A. HULBERT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTQN. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH S BACK STULTZ & BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of lirst-cluss ORGANS MUSICAL 1ERCHANDI3E, MUSIC, ETC. IT'S A FACT and facta are facta. There ia no arcuiug with facts. 1 hey'ro real, rolid, tuiiKiblc. CONRAD UAS THE LARHEST LINE - OF - HATS IN THE CITY. THIRD NATIONAL BANK 0I: SCRAMON. Statement Mareh 1K5. calleJ for hy the Comptroller of ihe Currenej. HI Mil U( I S. I nuns I.A.t(I.T71.!'l tHcrdrnfis jM!.7fl I nilej states bonds (llher Ponds J(lo..55.2(i llnnkiiic Mouse Js. 07 1.10 Pienilums on I . s. Ilonds... P1H.7.' Pile from I . S. treasurer .. ".itiid.dii line from Hunks id.l.TlM.IS Cusli I51,87il.r)ll j.:( 1 1 urn 1111 s. Ci.pital Jii(,0(i(i.m) surplus JO0.1100.00 I ndixiJeJ Profits 7 J..t.sil.tKI ( Irciihillou 71oii,oo Hiidends I npaid ..'iV5o lerssli'i Lil.17.21 l.tnt hue 10 Hanks Jil.oi .1.7 1 J,'J(7.t0it.UI II I I M ( (ll 1 1.. President. (.I O. II. CAII O. Mce President. II I 1AM II. PI ( h. Cashier. HUH c niKS. Willlnin Connell. (ieoree II. t'ntlin. Alfred Hand, .lames Arehhald. Henry Helm, jr., William 1. suiiili. I other Keller. special attention civ en to business nc counts. Interest Paid on time Jerosits. THE TRADERS National Bank of Seranton. QRUANIZCD 1890. CAPITAL 250.000 SURPLUS, $35,000 PAMT'KI. 11TNKS, Tresldeiit. W. W. WA'I'HON, Vh-e-l'nsdont. A. li. WILLIAMS, Cushier, PinilCTORfl. Bnmuel lllnes. James M. Fverhart, Irv Ing A. Klnch, Pierce II. Klnley, Joseph J. Jermvn, M. B. Kemorer, Charles H. Mat thows, John T. I'orter, W. W. Watson. Plil. iffii. CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL , This bank Invites tho pntrotiaca et bus moD una linn goneraly. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 111 I l uck, Av. nnd Meunrt'a Art Store. Photo Engraving Tor Circulars, Bocks, Cila lo$u;s, N Wjpapsfs. ' flalf-Tonei and Llna Work. 11 CONRAD'S Mr f ASSORTMENT i ic rur i HPirtT . hi Kills $4 ' 1 ID IIIB Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. USEMENTS. A CADKMY OF MUSIC. Hpn-lal ArrariK xn,,nH II vj H.-n lul tor llie Huiitwuvutirn of IRELAND'S CKfirrtPiON, IPeter Maher And ilih (,!tver Athl?ti and hp's- vtuity (kiunnvt un SAtiJRDAY. MARCH 23. t- l.-i,iUi'!" Bpoeialty Acts the full'jwi:,:; Peiui f.-atiiresjeive b-cii urriinirc; d : i'i.Tr.i'. .MAHhftVi'l ""t 1'Al KICK SIC II I'll i'.of this eltv (o'V lour wiontiiie jjj, Idl.l.v HliNNESsV.'iv B,"J". 2rZ,..ttt PKi r.It I.OWKKV, of i:"- ' H'vodur price Kale ut opens Thurs day, Mai en li. A CADKMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, MARCH 25. F.n. Time in teiactou. The- Lra-Il.-l:e Spe ta' le, CLEOPATRA 'mi; clkveh act:-.j;s-, MISS UlllIArM LEWIS. A Comcft' tit friiupanv with "S.ll. C1JA. li. liANi-OhD as A.N'TON V. .-, ' Kilterii Chnruseb. :jKalleti. 'J I'retai'-ri a. H Panorama' Views, :; i)u.jral NuuiNei, t 'i'al.l.-:.M v Viv.-oit 1' 1 ii.i, l...r..u u pie, (iranj ltt"r.v. C.eopatra's Krgu. Uor If ous i-tuines 1 acio'is .so.i " liiK'I.S-iK-.. Vie. auti'j..W. Saie of Lb..lL,.,.... I M e, THK FROTHIXGHAM. ThniJay, I n'Jay unJ uiuiiiay, APRIL 4, 5 AND 6, K&TiNEE SATliRDAi. C. K .1EFFE8(IX. KL.VW .V FULAXQ-l-H "'Jauii:jiii.-eul l iujueti.. ii ol PALMER COX'S iownies A ( mi'j:iiiy of 1 111 IVon'o. ?frfirf!iri EDV .1 to i PRICES $1.00, 75c, 5oc. and 25. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A. Y. PEARSON'S BIG REALISTIC PRODUCTION, THE POLICE PATROL Presented In Every Detail Just as Advertised. ADMISSION, 10, "23 OR 30 CENTS. . jitttB down fnir rnrvri fi-r lulies and tlunr iM'urts Two p-rforiianf ..iilv -i. "J U andItp. m. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. J0IIX 11AMLIX, The Acknowlciigcd Kxpcrt in llotscslinciiin und Dentistry, is Now l'crtiiancntly l.ocatcJ on West l.acLuwaimu Ave, Near the HriJac. tar cum (Aires t'oKls, Lays Out l.atii ippo, (Aires Incipient Consiiinption, Maiuil'acturea hy C. i;i..MKX. 1KN1 l.lmira. X. V.. and for said hy the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, Wholesale Agents, Seranton, Pa. THE UIAT I LIMITED.! CORNER LACKA. UNO JEFFERSON AVES. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Trv nur ls'st private rowth JAVA and MdlilA Co It ee and he conviiired that wo M'll in tlifiiK hut the Purest and Heat. We receive dailv PHKSH E(HI8, and CHKAMKKY Hl'TTEK nut up in 1-pouud prints, ii pound glass pail, and tubs. Our Canned Goods, Fruit and Vegetables Are from th hest packers; th. stock la ra. Hewed every tlfteuu day. hi thia detiurt moat, thus insuring you uotliluu but frexli UchkIs. , Sole aventa for "SISSON'S" BEnniRS, or all kinds, which will be sent to us daily from Lal'luma as noon as tho aensou ohuh Wo irnariintee quick delivery of kooiI from ail ilemrtinent, honest weight aud lucaaaru ouall Hoods uurcbiueil. 'The B i