.THE SCttANTON 'TKIIJUXE 8ATITRDAY -MOTtXINGr. -MAHCIt U3, lS).ji 1T1H!S VICINITY GORMAN'S TUNKHAMOCK. ft .. A 4 ! & liSL Dry Goods nre nocdod every sort and kind and you're ia doubt to shop, come here. We have sin unpiiualert assort ment and low prices. you save here will sur pi isj you. CAPES' WRAPS, WAISTS AND The story must bo told with cyesuot word. Tho dis play 01' every whim of fashion is here and to unit YOUK riT.SE, too. Ladies' Kid Gloves Larso Pearl Uuttons, Newest Spring Shades, Modes and Tans, all sues, Pries 75 Cents. Xever befora sold at less than 1 00. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, DR, - REEVES, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Jtocves has haU long and varied ex f erlen' e In ho.ipltiil and private practico mid treats nit acute, awl chronic diseases or men, women anil children. CONSULTATION AN!) EXAiHtHATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dl.i of ho nervous system, ulseases of 1 ne eye, ear. nose an'l throat, dyspepsia, rhiiuniiit'.Hin, lost vitality, preniaturu weakness fir decay In hoth sexes, nervous deinllty, catarrh, tumor, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, fits, epilepsy, In discretion ami error of youth, lost man hnoii. eczema, scrofula, Ht. Vliis dance, asthma, iliiseares of the heart, lung liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting .Muii 1'ositivcly Cured. Offer to the Public fur Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wishes to he permanently, quickly and clwuply cured may receive three month' treatment for only f'lVH IOI,I.AKtf. The doctor has discovered a specliie for this dreaded disease. You can treat nnd cur yourself and family with It at home. It in-. cr falls to care. A trial treatment Ire-. OFFICIO Horns-Dally, 9 a. tn. to 9 p. tn.; Sunday. 10 to 11! and 2 to 4. CARPETS rixiiiuinc our new line of Spring C.ouds. All of the latest designs ami colurings, ami our prices lower than any other house in the trade, fur goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We arc overstocked and will sell at prices ubo.t one-half the reg ular price, as w ' need the room. J.Scott Inglis 19 LACKAWANNA AVENJE. FACTOllYYILLE. Mrs. James Haker and daughter, Maud, are visiting friends here. . Duty Potter died at the home of Mrs. Oncend Capwell Thursday evening. He waH uircd 1)0 years and S months. Fu neral Sunday Bt Second Kapllst church nt 2 o'clock. Rev. M. J. Watklns, of First Haptlst church, will itttend. Miss Hose Johnson, of Latlirope, Is the guest of Miss Mabel Reynolds. Major Ackerly und Richard Griffin, of Clark's CJreen, culled on friends tn town on Thursday. Professor-Manchester has a double choir rehearsing for Easter services. IS! T, -;r V ::' wij. Wi if F. S. Harding succeeds the lute Elmer E. Brown as conimliisloners' clerk. Mr. Harding Is an Intelligent farmer from Eaton township, and has illicit Mr. Brown's place since the latter has been unable to work, thus familiarizing him self with the work. There Is no doubt of his competency. The Judge's room at the court house Is undenting renovation. The ferries alone the river are not yet running, on account of Ice on the banks. Interior repairs are boIiik on at the Keeler house. Mrs. Warren Kasson, who has been tlitlte III, Ik Improving Finest Schelhuch, of New York city, 1ms been vlstlng ut Dr. Lobeek's this week. He will go to Italy in May. The citizens of Husscll lllll turned1 out 111 large numbiru Thursday even Ins' to tile dutiatlun party given fur the lienellt of F. F. Drake, of tills plnee,. who has been conducting rellKiotis ser vices In the Huptlst church there ut In tervals nil winter. The gathering was held In l'.oinlngtou hull, where a bounti ful feast was spread and the inerry inakliiK went on until a late hour. Mr. Drake came home with $41) in his belt, besides being loaded down with pro visions which the hospitable people forced upon him. His efforts In re ligious work up there are spoken of In a very commendatory way, and to all ap pearances they are appreciated by the people. An enterprising Laceyvllle man pro poses to launch a pleasure boat upon the waters of the ruging Susiiuehanna this summer that will carry fifteen or twenty passengers and ply between that place and Meslioppen. Itev. Curtis K. Teiinant. a student at Wyoming seminary, preached at the Methodist Episcopal church Thursday evening. Country roads that have not been shoveled out since the hlb-.zard are tilled with Ice so hard that it has to be quar ried, like rocks, or cut with a saw, like wood. C. W. Capwell was down from Me slioppen yesterday. Country schools are closing. (.!. M. Ellsworth, of Vose. is better. The Shakespeare club bamiueted at the home of II. Ji. Shook lust evening, the daughter. .Miss Maine, doing the honors as hostess. The case of (ieorge I'. Little, assignee of P. II. Lines, vs. Adolph Kemoii, was heard before u board of arbitrators at Jordan & Hard well's office yesterday. Semon is a stone dealer ut Meshoppcti and purchased some stone of Lines wlio Is a Montrose man. ordering them shipped to Newark, N. J. When the bill was presented, Semon refused to pay it. alleging that a reduction should be made on count of shortag.- and excessive freight. At the hearing Se mon presented no evidence, and an award for full amount clalmc.1 was made to plaintiff. The urbUrnbirs were W. N. Iteynul.ls, Janus V. Halt and W. E. Carpenter. C. M. K'.shpaugh writes from Harris- burg that his boy. Harry, who w is in jured while playing foot ball, is con stantly growing weaker, and the out look is discouraging. A specialist from Philadelphia is about to begin treating the case anil Is confident of effecting a cure, out evidently me lamer i.um li mit very strong. Much sympathy is felt here for them. Allen Tlekner is out again. Wade Jayne, a student at P.looms burg Normal school, Is home for the spring vacation. Robert Shaw, a soldier In tn regular army, iiuw stationed at Fort Holly, Kan., is home on a furlough, lie has followed military life for nine years. John Sheridan will move his family to Nicholson April 1. where he will con tinue in the employof Hawke & Shields. Thomas Manley Is worse. Mrs. C5. W. Ferris has been called to the bedside or her brother. Arthur Lett, who Is very sick at his home at North Flat. Mrs. Thomas Snell, of West T'lttston Is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kussell, at Hussell Hill. .Mothers! Mothers'.! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ha been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, poftens the gums, allays nil pain; cures wind colic, an'l Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Ho sure and ask for "Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. TAYLOK. Mrs. John flrlfliths, of Nantleoke, was a visitor in this place on Thursday. Greenwood Nos. 1 and - collieries will be paid today. I A Hungarian residing in the brick ' house, on the Flats, was arrested yes- I terday afternoon on a charge preferred by M. ('. Judge for assaulting John j Owens, a clerk in Judge ft Co.'h stor I Mr. Owens wus out collecting bills yes- j terday and had occasion to call on the J Hungarian for a bill owed the firm. When the bill was presented the Hun, who was In a drunken stale, as saulted Mr. Owens. H" was taken be fore Hurgess Griffith., uud on the pay ment of the costs, I ich uinounted to JI!, was discharged. The entertainment given by the Gar den Village quartette of Plttston at the price Library association, last evening, was fairly attended. The programme printed In theMo columns was curried out and evoked applause well worthy of the efforts put forth by tho quartette In all their numbers. Wlllard D. Howe, the elocutionist, captivated the nudl encc. Joseph Hitchner disappointed those present by his Inability to ap pear. Fred Stone, who has been 111 with typhoid fever, Is Improving. . Keller In Sit Hour. Distressing Kidney and Hladder dis ease relieved In six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving- pain In the bladder, kidneys, buck und every purt of the urinary pas suges, In main or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Druggist, 1I!5 Penn avo nue. Scranton, Pa. IIOMISDALK. In the account In yesterday's Tribune of the burning of the bottling establish ment of J. Keltz, nnd adjoining build ings, the disabling of Hip steamer, R. W. Ham, was referred to. The acci dent was caused by the breaking off of one of the cogs on a gear wheel. The broken cog dropped down between the two geir wheels causing them to spring apart and breuk a Bprlng In the cam of the cylinder or the rotnry pump. This allowed the steam to blow through the escape valves of the cylinder Into the smoke stack, disabling the engine, The accident was not the fault of .At this season, more emphatically than ut any oilier, we should build for the future. AVIten Nature (fives vitality to Held and wood, there BhouKl bo the harmony of renewed life und energy in our physical systems. But, on tho contrary, we find ourselves weak, dull, tired. This is beeauso in tho winter .'wo liavo been housvd-up in poorly ventilated office, homes and shops, our blood has become thin and impure, and is unequal to tho demand of tho body for inoro life, mora vigor, more ent'i'fry, more strength. Nature imperatively erics for help I Where is it to befonnd? Logically enough, in a good Spring- Medicine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, the jtreat blood purilier. , This preparation lias proven in many years of feat that'll supplies the demand as uolliiug else cat) Q g S The statenionts In tho testimonial below ire familiar facts to the iniinciliiito (riciulB ot Mr. Oco. A. Zirkle, school teachor, of Mt. iloreb, Tcnn., very well known througttoat the county, whero he was born and has always lived. It illustrates the wonderful power ot Hood's Sarsapa rllla overall discuses of the blood. Head il: " i belie io in Hood's Bursapurilla. I will tell you vby. I have Buffered from in herited scrofula from childhood. When 37 years of ago my eyes became Strangely Affected. I could not read after sunset, and when I would close my eyes I could not open them; but on whichever side I luy on that side I could open my eye. This condition continued about two years, ond was suc ceeded by on intolerable itching all over my body and limbs I hnd to have my iiltla boys take shoo brushes and scratch ma. It was dreadful. It continued a month und was followed immediately by a tumor In t ho right sideof my neck as large as a small egg. I took physicians' pre scriptions till I lost hope. In tho mean time tho tumor changed its plnco to the immediate front of uiy neck, suppurated Iwl it Ices Rcnir mbcr, It is Not What We Say, but What Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, that Tells th Story. MOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES. neclig -nee or anything else, simply a bi e.ikdov. n th it ;r.:i" happen at any time. The A. M. A'.kinson. which was brought Into actinn after th.- iii'elil. tt to tie; ):. W. Ham. worked all right. The si coa l delay was c;;u:eil by the bursting of the h'i:ie. Mr. Kilix e;li mit"S his il.--:; at ?'!,",''u. !nt,rauce $1,1 A. Iliiit'Ji'g e-ini"il an Insur ance on hln bin n of fT.'O. Miss Julia .Meyer, of Traeeyvllle, is visiting i;in;?hnmton friends. Lost night Oslek Tribe uf Ueii Men held its aiinu.i! meeting find i h e', d ulnars. David "VMn. til efficient rce rutary of the tribe for the past four y.ars, stepped nut of nll'ice on account of hi having Hoii"sd.ile in April. As a token of bin valued and faithful ser vice:! his friends, the braves of the tribe, presented him with a li.mils.mi'' i;ol I headed cine on which v, ; eicrravil "David Wei'iln. Oslek Tiib:, No. Ills, Hoiiesdale, Pa." The pi esentation speech was mad" by Hon. John Kuh back, and was feelingly responded to by Mr. Wetliin. Edwin 11. T'.vitmeyi r Is home from Lafayeti'.e colli ge on i. short vacation. .Mrs. William L. Couvcr, of Deposit, Is visiting Miss Jennie Hall. CLAHK'S UKKKX. George J. Skinner, n fonm r resident of Clark's Green, died In South Auburn on .Monday biut, of CiuisuMiptlnti. In terment was made in M ilwaultie cem etery on Thursday last at 11 o'clock a. in. The Katie Ilue.hi'i properly has a new tenant and Is being renovated. Andrew Singer will occupy hi ncwly purchased home vacated by th" above tenant and will make large Improve ments on Him sain". Mr. Hallsti ad, a forrr.i r resident, but late at Leiioxvlll. . will occupy the iliggins house made vacant by Andrew Slng"i James Hlbble has removed Inio the south end of the Davis tenement liousi;, Ills brother having occupied the house he made vacant. A. I. Ackerly has broken ground for his new home, which Will be n line one, Judging from plans shown your corre spondent. The wedding at the Patrick residence was the great social event of the week. Miss Anna Lathrope, a sister of Mm. II N. Patrick, and Mr. Week';, of )( In id). Tioga enmity. Pa., were married on Wednesday at II. so a, m. Ira P.. Gardner, H. A. Norlluip, of T. W. Pentecost Is convalescing from his recent Illness. Factory villi-, and Clarence (!. Northup, of Washington, . c, called on frh nds here on Thursday. Mrs. Silas White Is slill seriously sick of grip. Ludles' Aid supper was held In Mcth- GOODMAN'S BANKRUPT STOCK, Hlti LACKAWANNA AVIIMI. Our February Inuiness w.s never bofnrono hr;nk. iiur I'litiinis siiy thnt I'l'ici'H iiu li, mid wo limy mid that cotupl tn list 'iliiu nm of prinit Htock nre n powmfut aid tn v.ilmn in ktxiiiiiK our Hiorj clouded with oa'cr buyers, Bargains In ladies' an j Cliildr.m'i Ho;lrrj Ladles' ribbed cotton hose, fast bfnek, a superior ipiallty anil sold every where for 2'ic. a pair, at 12 1-2 CENTS. Cbildrn's Rbb'd o",ri Child's ribbed cotton hosiery, fust black, double kneen nnd double soles, the best hose made for wear, all sizes 0 to C; this snniH quality Is us ually 9U'1' r'- "'' cents; your choice at , , , 19 CENTS, Great Attractions In Lidlfs' n i Cbildrcn's U'ldcrwar ' We have made decided reductions In ladles' and children's summer under wear. Swiss ribbed balbrlggnn veHt, low neck nnd sleeveless, a siilenil'd quality, und we have sold thousands ut "5 cents, at , J 10 CENTS. Men i Uathwjar Half prlco and loss. We do not In tend Id carry over any of our winter underwear. One lot of men's whits und 11 i'ii y undurBhlrts, In all sates, So easy to take and so readily assimilated, tho puri fying, vitalizing und enriching elements of Hood's Sar suparillu combined from nature's own (storehouse cf vegetable remedies for human ills, puss into tho stomach and ure then silently but certainly taken up by tho blood und sent to every organ and tissuo of tho body. Tho effect is often magical. Tho weakness is soon driven off, that tired feeling disappears, tho nerves aro built up, tho stomuch resumes its tasks even greedily, the appetite becomes us "shuip as a whetstone," uud the whole man feel " us made anew ." The wonderful eul'ca of Scrofula, Salt Ilheum, und other dreadful discuses prove tho great curative, blood purifying powers of Hood's Sursupurillu. You undoubtedly need u good Spring Medicine. Take Hood's Sursupurillu, the great blood purilier. Sareaparilia nnd was followed by others, till six had formed and broken. " Finally, three years ago, another large tumor seated itself on the point of my col lar bone and in six mouths another half way back on the bone. Both of them soon begun to discharge and continued to do ao till about seven mouths ago. I tried every tliing, including prescriptioui. I was often so weak Unit I could scarcely walk and my mind was so confused that I could scarcely attend to my business (school teaching). I was utterly discouraged. And now my story draws to a close. I began the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year ago, and took tivo bottles. When I began I hud no faith in it. In less than 3 months Both the Sores on my shoulder wcro healed ; I wbb cured of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous habit lias steadily grown less apparent. I I ,in;,.l. .-,,... Ilinn r ..KM .11,1 In mt, Ufa nnA am in the best of health considering my constitution. Do you wonder that I be lieve in Hood's Sarsaparilla ? I can do no less than recommend it everywhere." Geo. A. Zmui.E, Mt. Iloreb, Tenn. odist Episcopal church on Thursday evening with good results. The drawing of the silk buzz quilt of Word. tn Jt ti kins will take place at Giltnartln's hotel this ev ning. Dr. J. W. Heck was called very hast ily to Meslioppen in consultation last Thursday. John Wane, of Nantlcoke, who has bi i a visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Warne, ruturned home yesterday. .Miss Annie Copplns, of Nantlcoke. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. W. Jane, or No tb Main street. D. P. Taylor is improving very rap idly under the care of Dr. J. W. Heck. .Mis Lena IJarues, who has been s;i:'iuling the past we k with friends In Scranton, returned home yesterday. Miss Mina Flinch will leave on Mon day morning to make her home with h ! aunt In Susiiuehanna county. G. L. Killer, of Stroudsburg State Normal school, is home visiting his par ents. The employes of Rlne Ridge, Sterrick Creek, Riverside and Mount Jessup col lieries will be paid today. .Mrs. George Trevcrtou has b. en In disposed for the past few weeks. The !' clpts fro.n the oyster suppi r In id at the home of .Mrs. Drown last Wednesday evening, were thirteen dol lars. Mrs. William Mucklow. of Avoca, called on Mrs. Henry Chapman yester day. Rev. P. II. Ilriioks. of Wilkes-Harre, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyter Ian church tomorrow morning and eve ning. .Misses Emma ll.irnes and KUlla Arnold, accfuniianh d by Miss Kate Dodsoti, of Plymouth, are home on a f' w days' vacation from Stroudsburg Slate Normal school. Henry Chupman will leave today to visit ovi r Sunday with Nantlcoke friends. Miss Annie Williams, of Hyde I'flrk, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josi oh llauDc, Mrs. William Henry, of Chicago, ar rived yesterday at the bedside of her sick father, D. P. Taylor. AtUIUJALI). Mr. and Mrs. John C. Donnelly, of Laurel street, celebrated their tenth anniversary of their marriage by liold ihg a tin wedding on Wednesday even ing. A number of their friends assem bled ut the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Don nelly and enjoyed several hours In so cial Intercourse. A bounteous supper was prepared by the hostess and all the guests were roynly entertained. Mr. and Mis. Donnelly received many that we have been selling at 39 cents, reduced lo M i ii -, 31 CENTS. Mill's Half H S3 Men's cotton half hose, fast black and unbleached Imlhriggan, every pair full regular made and well worth Ilu cents, at H.n'.NaS Wo are offering the best values In men's negligee outing shirts, laun dered collars and cuffs, in percale or cheviot, with the choicest line of patterns, such as white grounds with halt- linn nml neat figures and blue grounds with polkadots, striped and figures, all made with a yoke and fin ished equal to any fl shirts; your choice 43 CENTS. 500 D.z:n Outing Snlrls Liss Than Cost .- One lot of men's anil boys' out shirts, light ground with the choicest stripes und colors, exceedingly good value, und worth nearly double the price we otter them at 4 CENTS. THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE, 5.6 UCKH. AVE " Wo nave used Ilcod'a Sareaparilla for our little boy, who bad a running sore on one of his limbs. He bad suffered from it for one and a half years He took seven bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and the sore is all healed and be is now well. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleansed bis blood and cured him." E B. Jounson, Bridge water, Iowa. Scrofula Eradicated. "I am a great Bufferer with blood trou ble. I have taken several bottles of Hood'B Sarsaparilla and find it the best medicine I ever saw for scrofula humors and blood poison. It strengthens the system and drives away that tired feeling. No one knows tho good Hood Snrsaparilla will do mlil it has been faithfully tried." Lai ha M. LAWTON, Bpragueville, New York. Sores On Neck and Arms. " Last spring I had Bores como on my neck and arms, owing to bad blood and a run down Bystom. My physician told me to get Hood's Sarsaparilla and take it to purify my blood. After taking three bot tles I was cured. It is an excellent spring medicine." Mrs. Anna Ditzleb, Kew Danville, Pennsylvania. mementoes of their wedding. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heck, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. William Klees, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Samson, Mr. and Mrs. George Llndermnn, Mrs. Charles Mllhaus; Misses Hattie Cal loway, Maggie and -Alzlna Eaton, Messrs. C. 11. Eaton, Henry Myers, George Mllhaus, C. A. Samson, and T. J. Youll. Miss Mary Harrett, of Church street. Is visiting relatives In Dickson. The employes of the Riverside Coal company were paid yesterday. 230 Lackawanna Ava, Where do you trade? Where vou always strike a bargain "in CLOTHING, at the Bell Clothing Hoidc, 230 I;aGkawanna avenue. New in design, elegant in effect, the cheapest in town are our Spring Overcoats and Suits. .Jou Have Saved Ify purchasing your winter clothes at our store. Money I Jow Is A Chance To save your dollars by buying your spring outfit of us. Notwithstanding, our low prices we will give away as a trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe ty Bicycle, full ball bearings, worth $35; with the purchase ot every Boys' Suit or Knee Pants, you are entitled to a chance. Drawing conies off the 5U1 of July. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL i GREAT AT i 1 i n i 23233 FOR of Baiance am, mmmm i n. (arpctings Wiltons, Axminsters, Hoquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. AN UNRIVALLED Ill AH 11 Suited to All Kinds of 9 ra n Ail tlio Different Grades m m A 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. 'C "Evr Boon in Lov b V We mean with your house and its surroundings. If you'll come here and examine our new ''1895 Spring" Outfit, consisting of 3 rooms (Parlor, Bed-room and Dining-room) furnished complete for $125.00 cau't pay it' all at once ? Well, we'll fix it for you, intro duce you to . "ECONOMY'S EASY WAY .TO t'A i . So much down and a little every mouth, and that's all; you save monev and furnish your home in-Regal Style. Yes! You asked for it and we'll give it free with every outfit, that beautiful ONE HUNDRED-PIECE DINNER Beautifully decorated. The furnishings of the three rooms are as follows : linni fill Tcte Ann Chair, two Side Chairs aud Divan (up r HKLUK bolstered in brocatclle, tapestry, silk plush or crush plush), Center Table, Brussels Carpet, one pair Lace C'urtaius,two Curtain poles with brass trimming. Bed, Dresser, Towel Rack. attrcss, (cotton top) nF.ll.Ruli M mm, nnniUI Six-ft- Extension Table, aut. oak, 6 cane -Kill) fil high-back Chairs, 2 Window Shades, In- crain Carpet. Dinner Price $125.00 for Entire Outfit. Young housekeepers, or those contemplating, are re spectfully requested to visit us. ,.. SEC mm CR ANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. CD 1 aO THE the Week. ASSORTMENT OF (1 u Styles and Furnishing. Japan. and High Class Novelties, EYESIGHT PRESERVED. nea.!Ache fTerented nnd cured by hnrtm yo.ir eyes c:ent.fi-lly emmintd and titled accurately by DR. SH1MBERG. tvrs KXA.MIMKI) FREE. SatUfactloi I guaranteed in every ense. I 305 Spruce Streot. NOltODY OR OTIIEK-FHMC WILL DO WHAT THi: "ECONOMY" DOES. SET Washstand, 2 Chairs, Rocker, Table, Woven Wire Spring, Ingrain Carpet. Set included with above outfit II 5 FURNITURE CO