THIS SCIJAXTOX ..TltNHTXE FllIPAY MORXIXG. MAttCIt li2, 1S95. GORMAN'S Mi Dry Goods are needed every sort and kind and you're in doubt to shop, eonio here. We liavo an unequaled assort ment aud low prices. you save, here will sur prise) you. CAPES WRAPS, WAISTS AND The story must be told with eyes not words. The dis play of every whim of fashion is here and to suit YOUll TUKSE, too. Ladies' Kid Gloves Larjio Pearl Buttons, Newest Hpiing Shades, Modes and Tans, all sizes, Price 75 Cents. Never before sold at less than 1. 00. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. OR, -:- REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Keeve has had long and varied ex perience In hojpital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseased of tlie eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepalu, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature "neiLkness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions. b!ood-poisonlrK. fits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lust man hood, ecxema, scrofula, Ht. Vtns' dam-e, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young illcn Positively Cured. Offer to tho Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering- with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treat men t for only FIVK DOI.I.AllH. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treat men t iree. OFFICE HOlTRS-natly, f a. m. to p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and i to 4. CARPETS Kxaniinc our new line of Spring Omuls. All of the latest (ksiifiis iiml colorings, anil our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS Wc arc overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as wc need the room. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Timoor. Thomnu Hamilton Is still confined to Ms hnmo. Josn'h J. Williams Is laid up with tho tTilp. Miss Nettle Bortly, who Is attending Bi'hool at the Normal school, at Bloom bur, returned home on ThursUuy for a short visit. Mrs. Thomas Morgan la on the road to recovery. Master Morgans, The Tribune news buy of this place, is still very sick. lit lis. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report hews erniis vicinity TUJiKHAXNOCK. A. J. Lewis, of Avery, who hns been housed up by slcknesn nenrly h II winter, was in town yesterday. The funeral of Klmer K. Ur.nvn, who died Wednesday muruliiK. will occur at Ceiitreiiioieluml Methodist Kplfi'iipal church today. Vor the past two weeks lie hud been quite rapidly failiiie;, and his death was not unexpected 4o lils friends. lie was about. X! years of litre, 11 consistent member of I lie Methodist Kplseopa.1 church mid a genial. Christian man. A little over a year wfo ho moved to this place from Nui'lhmoivlaiid, and was appointed 'clerk at the county com missioner's otllee. n position he filled faithfully and well us lunm as bis health Would permit. He leuves a wli'e ami two small children. Byron Koon is home from the south. Courts of appeal on unseated hind will be held at the commissioner's oll'ice today. Testimony In the case of W. S. Apple man vs. Wllmot Burgess was taken be fore J. Wood l'latt yesterday. The Involves the ownership of a cribbing horse, a matter that might easily cost all it comes to in these days of luv prlced horses. Gravel Hill ladies will meet nt Mrs. Mrs. James Armstrong's today for a rag bee. Beit Barnes, of I.ovelton, will start for Illinois Monday, w)let't he will spend the summer. W. S. Murray, principal of the Wind sor, Jf. Y schools, has been spending some time here this week with ills brother-in-law, Professor V. M. Wood. John Madden, who was so badly burned by falling on u red hot stove n few weeks since. Is out again. It cost $:!l5.84 to collect the ballot boxes In this county for the purpose of obtaining evidence In tho election con test, and $22.50 to distribute them again. The Ilalstead Herald comments thus ly upon ex-Congressman Jorden: The congressional conferees who voted to send Mr. Jorden to Washington to rep resent, for a short time, the famous Fifteenth district, need have no regret for the steps they took. Mr. Jorden in appearance and movements Is a very great way ahead of the average con gressman, and had he been fortunate enough to have been chosen for a long er term, we have no hestltancy in assur ing the people of the district that he would have been heard from In a most substantial way. He Is a gentleman eminently fitted for public life, being ambitious and quick to act, together with a generous heait and courteous bearing. He made many warm friends and left a splendid Impression. HALLSTEAD. V V Mitchell, tirourletor of the Mitchell Hou3e, has decided not to ac cept a proposition made him for a lease of the above hotel. Km'. Mr. McHenrv. of the Knlscopal church of Great Bend, has arrange ments nearlv comnleted for the ouening of a kindergarten early In the spring. The lady to be In charge Is from Pllil- adelphla. The ofncliil hoard of the Hallstead Methodist church approved the modi fied nlnns submitted bv Architect F. II. Johnson for the contemplated church building, on Church street, ana nas arranged to present them to the congre ir:itl.m. which Is to meet at the home of Mrs. Theodore Hayes, on Tine street, next Monday evening. A repetition has been arraneed by the manv friends of Mrs. Douglass Mitchell to take place Friday afternoon. A. H. Porter, of Wyaluslng, is can- veRsInc the neighborhood In the Inter ests of the Merchants' Mutual Klre In surance company of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Thomas Shannon wus visiting friends and relatives In the Parlor City yesterday. The amount cleared from the Baptist experience social Tuesday evening was $110.10 Instead of J10.4U, as stated In Thursday's Tribune. Professor !i. W. Pease, of l.lttlo Meadows, called on Professor C. K. Moxley, In this place. W. J. Pike, of Washington, the prlv nte secretary for Hon. (Jaluslia A. Grow, Is vlsltlwr his parents, In this place. The High School Literary union is rrermrlniT ft fine nriiitratnrne for the rhetorical exercises Frlduy ufternoon. The T.inlles' Aid Bur lot V of tllp Meth odist Kplscopiil church will hold a mar ket day on Saturday afternoon una evening. Frank Orntton Is visiting friends In Carbondale. The comedy drama, entitled "The old Fashioned Hustling Bee," will be pro duced In this pluce about April 1. Mrs. John Terboss visited In the Par lor City yestertfuy. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney nml Bladder dis eases relieved In six .hours by tho "New Oreat South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back aud every part of the urinary pas sages, in malo or fetnulo. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you wnnt gut-k relief and cure this Is your remedy. Hold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, Wj I'cihi avo nue, Bcranton, Pa. TAYJiOIC. Mr. and Mrs. John It. Neely, of Main street, are visiting friends and relatives In Peckvllle. William Toole, of the Slroudsburg Stuto .Normal school, Is spending a short vacation hero. The funeral of David Beecham oc curred yesUrdny ufternoon from his late home, In the pyne, and was at tended by a large concourse of people. Funeral services were held In the Con gregational church, on Union streot, after which Interment was made In the Forest Homo cemetery. The Pyne Shaft Keg turned out In large num bers. Bev. It. O. Johesj pastor of the First Prcsbyteriun church, removed his household goods from Hyde Park this week. - The concert at the Trice Library as noolntlon'a hall 'this evening will be an event of unusual Interest In. this com munity. The Garden Vlllnge quartette, accompanied by Wlllnrd D, Howe, tho well-known elocutionist, and Joseph Hltchner, are a company capable of furnishing an excellent programme, Em . S3 nut Til. -lit Ml, vv i,,.,l unit .1..II-! li I eil a large uudlcnco in the Anbury Meth odist church, in Kcrauton. The large hull owned bv lSdwnrd Fal lon Is nearly completed. It Is ilie larg est 111 this portion of tlu; county. iionesiuee. C. round was broken yesterday for tin new National bank building. The building to b ecltil will be fully equipped ami modern In all. its appoint ments. . Wooden t Blakncy shut down yester day 011 account of boiler Inspection, Work will be resumed today. Olio Weaver was brought home Wed nesday night In a Pullman car. His condition Is about the same. The afternoon train 011 the Kile yes terday was about two hours late. The delay was caused by the breaking down of the locomotive at Pond Kddy. and n wait until another engine could be ob tained from Port, Jervis. The funeral of Mis. George Miller was held from the Herman Lutheran church at -u0 p. 111. yesterday. Hev. W. 1. Johnson, of likes-Burre, will preach at Orace church tonight. The oMicers of the Wayne County Sil ver company, eleeled 011 Tuesday, are W. B. Ili.tines, president; W. A. Wood, secretury, treasurer und general man ager. I'lilClOJUKU. Bev. Futhcr Conway, formerly of this place, but now of Brooklyn, made u business trip here yesterday. Harrison llolins.of Carbondale, called on friends here yesterday. The I-Vltiwure and Hudson Canal company is enlarging their freight house at this place. Churles liley, of Main street, Is im proving his residence. John Lathrope, of Taylor, visited friends here yesterday. William Robinson Is conlintd to Ills home by the grip. When will we have the next council meeting? Is the cry of our citizens. The Olyphant (lunette says It will be the Fourth of July. The council Is at a deadlock, und therefore no business will be done until they agree. The roads are In a deplorable condition throughout the town. In front of the Overland house there Is a stagnant pool which has been there for some time, and should be remedied as soon ns pos sible. We hope to have better manage ment of the borough affairs this year. - - - - Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beon used for over llfty years by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Bo sure und usk for ".Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and ta.ko no other kind. Twenty-five cents a buttle. MIXOOKA. The slate pickers In the Greenwood No. 1 colliery struck yesterday ufter noon on account of a new boss, who en deavored to make them obey orders. William Toole, a student at the Stroiidsburg State Normal school, Is visiting Greenwood friends. Manager G. T. Davis, of the South Side store, returned yesterday from a visit to New York. The funeral of the late Thomas Mul len, of Greenwood, will take place this (Friday) morning at 8 o'clock. Inter ment will be made In Mlnooka Catholic cemetery. Why continue to pass your nights In scratching und your days In misery '.' Doun's Ointment brings Instunt relief, and permanently cures even the worst caves of Itching Piles. It never fulls. HIS JOKi: KECOILI-IJ. One Congressman, Trying to llu t unny, Is Neatly Circumvented. From the Washington Post. A good Joke Is being told In the house lobbies on Mr. Itussell, the solemn and sedate member from Connecticut. Mr. itussell rarely Indulges himself In levi ty, but he did recently, and that's the point of the story. The Connecticut member resides ut nn up-town hotel. There also reside a New York member and his wife, and altogithcr sit und dine al the Sam" table. The other day at table Mr. Itussell resolved to treat himself to the luxury of a little Jolte. Addressing Mrs. New Yorker, he re marked with a mysterious smile; "Do you know that 1 saw your hus band to-day In one of the house galler ies with a lady." "You did?" "Yes." resumed Mr. Itussell, with sin ister dellberalenoss of utterance; "and he wus very attentive to her." "Ah, Indeed? Go on, Mr. Bussell, I am deeply lnlcresti-d." "Not Jealous, 1 hope?" said Mr. Itus sell, noticing Mrs. New Yorker's grow ing concern. "on the contrary, I am only Interest ed. Goon!" "Well, 1 think I'd belter not. You wouldn't like to have the whole truth told. I'm sure." Mr. Kuss.dl went on, in his tantalizing way. "oh, bul I assure you I am devoured with Inexpressible longing to hear all the pin tleulai s." Mr. Itussell Imagined he hud Ined veitenlly the greni-eyed mon ster In the bosom of his fair tete-a-tete, und begun to cast about for means to beat a retreat. "Now, don't let It worry you," be be gan; "us a matter of fact It wun not serious." "Not serious?" "Not at all," and Mr. Bunnell tried to frown down the whole Incident; "Its true, he sat beside a lady, but " . "Well, go on. She wus good looking, I dare say?" "Not at all; not at nil good looking. She was a very ordinary woman un prepossessing very, 1 assure you; n homely woman. I'm sure thut nothing hut the most common promptings of courtesy could huve led him to show her such matter-of-fact attention as I observed." "Oh, she was unprepossessing and homely?" "Yes, Indeed," continued Mr. Itusnell; "you would .never think of being Jeal ous of her had you seen her. That was the climax of tho Joke, for, with a laugh, Mrs. New Yorker In formed the Jocose Mr. Itussell that she had witnessed the same Incident that the lady whom he had seen In the gal lery was herself. That tho story Is true Is proven by the fact that the lady herself after ward rcluUd It to a number ot her Irleitds.: ; TEAKS A BEALTIFIER. The Woman Who Weeps frequently Koi talus a Strom? Charm. From the New York Kveiilng Sun. A capacity for tears abundant, w-trm mid ready ones Is, says a' physician, one of the surest preservatives of the feminine beauty. It Is u grlevlous mis take to think tears can Injure the sweettst eyts or dig furrows In any face when their lain Is fresh and most fre quent. Tl'cy are the natural outlet of emotion, a sort of liquid lightning rods In which excitement und passion are mnnt easily and rapidly dissipated. Sweet Alice, that wept ut u frown, re tained until late In her career rounder contours, unfono'.vtd brows, dimpled lip;), shilling ryes and her hair so brown. So do nearly all Weeping women who let rivers of hot, salt tears course down over their cheeks. It Is she who keeps up a power of thinking, who hus few tears to shed. and those flow with an effort, whose lines and gray hairs come early. A capacity for tears Is worth cultivat ing, since not only does a luck of them score heavily against one's freshness of face, but has its marked effect In general temperament. The women who weep easily have correspondingly light heuriH. tender, demonstrative und Im pulsive ways and a charm the dry t yed women lack. - , -Oulto Accommodating. The liardlner Heporter-Journul tells of a good man of Unit place who stays at homo Sunday forenoons and "dues the dishes tliiit the women folks inuy uttend church." II' this Isn't practical Christianity, whut Is? THE VAST SOLAU SYSTEM. The Sun Would Uo Hardly Visible Along side of the Pleiades. If our sun were removed to the Pleia des it would hardly be visible In an opera glass with which nearly 100 stars can lie seen In the cluster. Sixty or seventy Pleiades surpass our sun In brilliancy. Alcyone being 1,000 times more brilliant, Glectra uUO times and Mara nearly 400, says Longman's Mag azine. Sirus itself takes a subordinate rank whim compared with the five most brilliant members of a group the real mugnilieence of which we can thus in some degree apprehend. If we seek to know the dimensions, not of the individual stars, but of the cluster Itself, we are met with many difllculties, but, on the assumption that It Is approximately spherical In shape, we can calculutei its diameter to be over 40.ouo,ooo,oui) miles. If we think of the dimensions of our Solar system ,by themselves or In relation to terrestrial matter, they appear stupendously enormous. Neptune, the most distant known member, has an orbit over 5,00t), 000,001) miles across, but the solar sys tem Is to the Pleiades but a Llllputlan to a Brubdlugnagiuli Is but as a mi crobe to a mountuln for a sphere the size of the solar system would, If It were spherical and Its diameter that of the orbit of Neptune, be relatively so min ute that It could be contained more than 400,000,000,000 times in a sphere the ssize of the Pleiades; in other words, the limits of the Pleiades could contain K,0 solar systems as many times over as there are miles between Neptune and the sun. It must not be forgotten that though there are 2,o(K) stars In the cluster, yet Willi such dimensions for the entire group vust distances must seperate the stars from one another. In fact, 2,300 spheres, each with a diameter of 3,000. 000,000 miles, could be contained In tho limits assigned to the group, and, as suming equal distribution of the sturs In the group, each would be at the cen ter of a sphere 3,000,000,000 miles acroJS. and, therefore, a light Journey of 187 days from Its nearest neighbor. SOME VALUABLE TEETH. Ilulf a .Million Dollar in Quid Spent on Them early. From Le Temps. A Frenchman who has been traveling In tills country says that what struck him must In the I'nlted States was the j American habit of tilling the teeth with gold. About t'liio.OOO worth of gold Is ; thus used every year, he says, all of which Is, of course, burled. So he fig ures that :U the end of three centuries the cemeteries of America will contain gold to the value of f If.O.OOO.OOO "I am afraid." he adds, "that this will prove loo tempting to the practical mind of the future American, and we shall see the day when companies will be organized to mine the- cemeteries und recover the gold Secreted in the Jaws of dead an cestors." The writer then goes on and figures on the aveiage amount of gold In the teeth of each deud person. He has evi dently been consulting the record of vital statistics, for he says that STu.000 p.'., l.le dk'd In the I'nlted States In 1SS9. Tills would bring the value of gold In each person's teeth to nn average of about cr.ty cents, and he thinks Unit In well-crowded cemeteries the mining of thin gold could be carried on profit ubly, despite the small average value. jSSb - J-fc iB tr71 l. x&. vw. w w Bpsr -ftA art era crv- GOODMAN'S BANKRUPT STOCK, 510 LACKAWANNA AVKNIE. Our February builneiis w.n r.evi r before sn brisk. Jnr 1'iitriiiin Kiiy tlint prici-mlo p, ami wo mny mid Hint eompl to icumrtiiu nta of spring ntock nr piiwm fill Hid to viiluea In keeping our stem ci owded with uugvr buyers. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Ho ;krj Ladles' ribbed cotton hose, fast black, 11 miperlur ipialtly und Hold every where for 2oc. a pulr, at , n , , , .. , 12 1-2 CENTS. Children's R bb;d Hosiery f'hlld's rlhbud cotton hosiery, fast black, double knees and double Roles, the best hose made for wear, all pltcs li to 0: this same quality Is Un - unity sold for 2j cents; your choice ut , , 19 CENTS. Great Attractions la Ladles' in I Children's Underwear We have made decided reductions In ladles' mid children's summer under wear. Swiss ribbed balbrlggan vest, low neck and nleeveless, a splendid quality, and w have Bold thounmuls Ul 'J5 cents, at . . ,1 . 10 CENTS. Hen a Underwear . Half price and less. We do not In tend to curry over any of our winter underweur. One Jot of men's white and vruy underhlits, lu all lic, DOYLE ON 'AMERICAN BOOKS. What the Author of "The White Com--' ' panC'lluuto Say About Tlicm. ' From the Ladles' Home Journal. , Mr.- Doyle, speaks .of "The Scarlet Letter" as' the greutest novel yet v. 1 It ten In America. He was fascinated 113 a boy by the subtle genius of the author of "The Snow Imuge" and "The Ureat Stone Kence,"and those other finely conceived bits of psychology so drama tic In their expression and so touched with the imperishable charm of art. Tho novelty of the situations in Bret Hurte's stories, the newness of the dia lect, and the uncommon blending of heroic and crinilnul qualities in hero and heroine had a kindred'spell for an Imaginative boy, who had active hands and feet, as well as an active mind, and whose Imagination responded to the appeal of that which Is adventur ous, unusual and subtle. He was early drawn, also, to Ameri can historical writing. He reveled, as many un American boy lias done In Washington lrvlngls "Conquest of Granada," wliich he regards as a store-house for the imagination of a boy of chivalrous Impulse; und one may venture to guess that It wus this kind of rending which laid the foundation for the writing of "The White C.jui puny." lie was also an assiduous reader of Prcscott. One of the great regrets of his visit to this country w is the fact that he could not shake hands with Dr. Holmes, and tell the genial "Autoerut,' In his youthful age how many delightful hours hud been spent In Kdlnburgli In the society of the Bus ton wit, poet and philosopher. IV. Doyle regards "The Autocrat of Hi--Breakfast Table" ns one of the most distinctive of American books. Is the Best Blood Purifier, Appetizer and Nerve Tonic. It cnrc3 That Tired Feeling 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Where do you trade? Where you always strike a bargain in CLOTHING, at the Bell Clothing House, 230 Lackawanna avenue. New in design, elegant in effect, the cheapest in town are our Spring Overcoats and Suits. You Have Saved Money Now Is A Chance By purchasing your winter clothes at our store. To save your dollars by buying your spring outfit of us. Notwithstanding our low prices we will give away as a trade stimulator, a Boys' Safe ty Bicycle, full ball bearings, worth $35; with the purchase ot every Boys' Suit or Knee Pants, you are entitled to a chance. Drawing comes off the 5th of July. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE 230 Lackawanna AY& SIGN OF THE BELL that we have been rolling at 35 cents, reduced to 31 CENTS. M'i Half H so Rlsn'g cotton half hose, fast black and linbloucluid balbrlgKiin, every pair full regular mude and well worth 2i cents, at- Ben's N-'gllgoo Shirts 12 1-2 CENTS' Wo ore 'offering the best values In men's negligee outing BhlrtH, laun dered collart) and cuffs, lu percale or cheviot.- with tho choicest line of patterns, such an white grounds with hair line afid neat figures and blue grounds with polkaduts, striped and tiKures, all mude with a yoke und fin ished equal to any ft shirts; your cholca . 800 Den Outing Sblrts , 43 CENTS' Lsss Than Cost One lot of men's and boys' out shirts, ltKht ground with the choicest stripes and colors, .exceedingly good value, and worth nearly double the price we ' offer them I J ' 49 CENTS, THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF GOODWIN'S CUT . ' TRICE STORE, 516 LICK. AVE. THEML 0 III O O CREAT AT for of Balance & i O (arpetings Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets. Body Brussels, Ta pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. AN UNRIVALLED Suited to All Kinds MS PS I IK fill Mattings In All the Different Grades and High Class Novelties. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. We mean with your house and its surroundings. If you'll come here and examine our new "1895 Spring" Hniflt rwti itui cr nf a rnrvms (Pnrlor. Bed-room and Dining-room) furnished complete for $125.00 can't pay it all at once ? Well, we'll fix it for you, intro duce you to "ECONOMY'S EASY WAY TO PAY." So much down aud a little every month, and that's allj you save money aud furnish your home in Regal Sty le. Yes! You asked for it aud we'll give it free with every outfit, that beautiful ONE HUNDRED-PIECE DINNER SET . beautifully decorated. ' The furnishings of the three rooms are as follows : Tcte Ann Chair, two Side Chairs and Divan (up holstered in brocatelle, tapestry, silk plush or crush plush), Center Lace LurtaiuSjtwo Curtain poles witn brass trimming. RF.Q-RD01 Bed. Dresser, Towel Rack, Mattress, (cotton top) hieh-back grain Carpet. Dinner niNIN.-Rl Vllllll Price $125.00 for Entire Outfit. Young housekeepers, or those contemplating, are re spectfully requested to visit us. I ECONOMY FURNITURE I SCR ANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS I 225 AND 227 Lb 1 cia! Sale Fair THE the Week. mm i go, ASSORTMENT OF I a u of Styles and Famishing. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches praTenteil and curd by bTta your eyas cieutiflcally zamiaa ul fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. F.YEB EXAMINED FBEE. Satisfaction guaranteed la every cass. 305 Spruce Streak n in Love ?" XOBODY OR OTHER FIRM WILL no WHAT THE ECONOMY" DOES. Table, Brussels Carpet, one pair Washstaud, 2 Chairs, Rocker, Table, Woven Wire Spring, Ingrain Carpet. III Six-ft. Extension Table, ant. oak, 6 caue a a a a 1 T sM 3 T Chairs. 2 window onaaes, in Set included with above outfit WYOMING AVEN M r K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers