The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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ten der, soft car -
rock thy sor rows
Tound theo in thy
til life's beam - iug
1. Sleep soft - ly, 0 my babo. 0 nweot, Which..
2. Up - ou ' my breast thy gold Oa liead, lioek'd
'. -. Sea. 8p.
to my lieort I press; " 1:'i flit - ting sun - beams eomo to greet With,
by ita rise and full, .. Ah! were my heart for n.vo tbo ted To
gEfo--g-T - - 72 2-- rbz .Tif jr- -B" L -S f -F 5 ;3
y Ig-: tit Ln -csj " -
-- ifl-j rnMt m- -Mm f' - -g g g gr
(gv?rr:trr ;trrr 4rrt-rrrT: rrrg:- -- :zEE -nitar
i - - t i r
CrV-p j -3- - - r I ' 1
1 1 i " -mf -st
I pg Sgzgr
The 5e
(These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson St Bach
eller, and are printed InTheTrlbune by special arrangement, simultaneous with
their appearance in the leading dally journals of the large cities).
l arkncss und Then Light.
When Amy awoke she was lying In
total darkness. There seerm-d to he a
great weight upon hT. and especially
it pressed upon her fao.
The must horrible thought that can
be was the first that came to her. Shi
believed that she had been burled alive.
But the sound of a human voice drove
away that terror. It was a woman's
Voice, and very ;entle and sympathetic.
"You. must lie still," It said. "I)on't
be frightened. You're in a hospital,
but you're not much hurt."
"Why is my face covered?" she cried,
In terror.
"Your eyes have been somewhat In
jured, but"
"lilind! Was nut death punishment
"No, my child, you are not blind, and
V'-ur eyes will soon he as serviceable as
ever they were. You were struck In
the face by a jet of flame which might
Well have killed or blinded you. But
It did neither. You will not even be
"Does my husband know?"
"All?" .
"1 do not understand"."
Amy was silent for a moment.
"Who told my husband?" she asked,
St last.
"We have communicated with him,"
Bald the sister, for such was the nurse.
"Is air. Carroll here?"
"I do not know whether he Is now in
the hospital. He was here till early
-."Have I been unconscious all night?"
"It is now about seven o'clock."
Amy renewed her Inquiries about
Carroll. The sister left the room and
returned immediately with the Infor
mation that the young man was In the
waiting room, but that the hospital
physician would not permit the patient
to talk any more. If she would go to
sleep, she could speak with Mr. Car
roll when she awoke. Having no al
ternative, and, being exhausted be-
tie Swallow
"don't make a spring. " Neither
will one bottle of Scott's Emul
sion cure a well established case
of Consumption, but it will ease ,
the Cough, relieve the irritation
and arrest the progress of the
disease, and if persistently used,
with the observance of the laws
of health, will surely restore the
patient in the early stages and
give great comfort and prolong ,
life in the latter stages.
It is simply Cod-liver Oil
properly emulsified, combined
with Hypophosphites and Gly
:crine. It is a tissue-builder.
Don be ptriuatled to accept a tubtUtute
Swtt&Bowrn, N.Y. Ail Druggitti. 50c and $1.
' AffeAlonateMy dotflcaleil to tittle THEODORE HARRY COHfl.
May dreams as fair
TUev'd fada iu dreams
W'hilo an - gels guard
Would e'en dis - pel
Copyrifhl, iSuu bv The New York Musical Rec Jil Co.
-l-; j tr : 1 i v J
cond Promise
yond measure. Amy went to sleep. It
was a wonder to her, as her senses
slipped away, that she could enjoy that
blessing, for her body was racked with
pain and every breath was agony, as a
result of the smoke which she had In
haled. She awoke much refreshed, a little
after noon. The first question was
whether any word had from her
husband. In reply the sinter lead a
message full of loving flyrnputhy. Jle
would be beside hsr In spirit, he wrote,
so long as she was called upon to suffr-r
and to wait. Huvlng heard this mes
sage twice, she renewed her request to
speak with Carroll.
He came In response to the sister's
summons. She asked anxiously If he
he had suffered any injury, and he re-
The Letter.
plied Jocularly that he had lost one eye
brow and a part of hlH hull-, und con
sidered himself exceedingly lucky.
She began to overwhelm him with
thanks for huvlng rescued her. He
checked her.
"Don't multo a hero out of me." ho
said. "I'm on the other side of the
ledger. I'm one of the saved, us you
are. It Is true that I helped carry you
out, but there was a time when I don't
believe I'd have gone any farther, if I
hadn't had help. I'm breathing noth
ing but three-cornered flies even now,
and I was a mighty sight worse off
"How did you happen to be there?"
"I followed Chase," he suld, with
considerable hesitation.
She shuddered.
"What has become of him?" she
"Heaven know He got out of th"
hotel all right, and then he skipped.
You needn't say unythlng. I know why
he has gone. He deserted you."
"How did you know that?"
"Oh, I understand his whole plot. I
know how he got the Information a3 to
your hiding place. He bribed a letter
carrier nfter falling with all your
servants. He got the postmark, of
course, In. that way. I learned whnt
he waB up to and watched him. It was
none of my. business, you know, as I
told you that evening on the pier, hut
I -was bound to do It."
"I shall thank you as long as1 live."
"Don't think of It. Well, Iound out
that he was to leave town for Albany.
I missed the train, but caught the next,
and was only a little behind him.' It
wasn't very hard to trace him to the
Delavan, but It took time. As soon as I
saw 'Mr. end Mrs. Mason' on the regis
ter In his handwriting, I saw the whole
ns E - den's plades Spreud
bo - reno and fair, Uu -
theo through night's shades, And
a moth - t-r s euro, And
game. He'd made an appointment for
you in Mrs. Mason's name."
Carroll's voice trembled us he recalled
his emotions at the moment of that dis
covery. "Just as we that Is, Just as I" he
"Was there soma one with you?"
cried Amy.
"Well, yes; I had a shrewd fellow
with me, a-nd he deserves most of the
"A detective?"
"Oh, he's perfectly trustworthy. He
has every reason for keeping this affair
a profound secret. As I was saying,
Just as we made that discovery, the
ularm was given. We lost precious
time by not knownlng the hotel butter,
but at last we fought our way to the
foot of those ntalrs. There Chase dashed
squarely Into me, and pretty nearly
broke me Into two pieces. However, I
had strength enough to pick him up
and throw him down the next liight,
which may have slaved his life, for he
was pretty budly used up after his col
lision with me.
"And then you appeared. I shall
never live to see another such specta
cle afl was made by that Hash of fire
hissing through the partition beside
you. and revealing you to us. Tile rest
needs no telling. Here we are, thank
heaven, and not much hurt, though I
shiill miss that mass of yellow curls for
a time, and so will some one who has u
better right. Hut I take Hie liberty of
inculdlng myself In that remark as my
sole recompense for helping to carry
you out of that smoke and lire."
"It will not be your sole reward, If
my gratitude and my friendship ure
worth anything."
Carroll choked an he strove to reply.
"You seo my throat's pn tty bad yet,"
he said. "And now let me put myself
at your services. 1 know there is some
thing I can do for you."
"I thought nt first that there was,"
she said, "but now 1 see my ditty clear
er. I bad Intended to a.ik you to keep
nil tlil:i freni him, but that would be a
mlserablo mliUake. 1 shull write him
the whole story; the good sister will
be my amanuensis."
" .Madly, my child," said the sister.
With mnny expressions of gratitude,
Amy dismissed Carroll, mid then she
dictated a letter that va:i clearer than
crystal. It reveal. d her heart from the
very llrst moment wln-n she had per
mitted her revolt against her husband's
Y 1 i -
W'i IB ii; IH'H Vii'.'ffl.,-,!lf1II
Miur A rthk Vine V ''' A
r a
Hit ttood th Tut l Tlmo , .
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ar- , y.,-!
lio - - lv vig . il Iceep ,., , . , . '
lull her lul -la, . by.. f bIccP' b1oc,P' ba ' mme
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FT--- ?
Soft - ly tliy moth -
Pure as
ser aph
List to the dream-an
hard fate to alienate her from him.
She confessed that she had taken her
freedom gladly when he had given It to
her; and that she had made wretched
misuse of it. She wished fur nothing
better than to return to him and never
leave him again. She commended Car
roll to her husband aa one who had
proven a true friend.
She told Carroll that she had done
this when he came next day, and he
pretended that he could have asked for
nothing more in the world.
"And, by the way," he added, "I
ought to tell you now to be prepared
Light at l ast.
for a considerable change when you
see Dr. Lynde. I'm told you'll be able
to see In a few days, and as soon as
your eyes are ull right you can go home
at once."
"A change?"
"lie Is considerably Improved."
"I thank Cod for It; but whether he
Is to regain his health or to remain a
hopeless Invalid, I shall never leave
him again when once we are reunited.
I believe that I have ulways had a deep
feeling for the Haciediiess of the mar
riage tie; but I have a thousand times
more now. If one wishes to know how
holy it Is. he must get a glimpse Into
the soul of one who is striving to break
and dishonor it."
"I guess you've stated It rightly,"
said Carroll, thoughtfully. "1 don't
really know how such a fellow feels,
but I'm dead sure of one thing he
doesn't love the woman." . .,
Which Is a very, homely way of stat
ing an Important fuet.
As Carroll spoke some one entered
the room.
"Who Is that?" cried Amy.
"It's the doctor," responded Carroll.
"Hi1 says that you may see today,"
said the sister, gently, "but It will
only be for a little while."
"To see again!" cried Amy. "It seems
years that I have been blind, How
long must time have Deemed to him,"
she added softly.
She was sitting In a great chair; and
after the window had been somewhat
darkened the doctor passed behind her,
and proceeded to undo the bandage
that covered her eyes.
In an Instant she saw Carroll, curi
ously disfigured by the loss of his eye
brow und by the close cropping of his
hulr which symmetry" hud necessitated.
Then she saw the sister; and a moment
later, turning, saw the doctor.
It was Dr. I.ynde.
They were alone In the room when
she recovered her from surprise and
looked around for th others.
Then they sat together for a long
time while he told of his recovery. It
appeared that his case from the first
had been totally misunderstood. . It
had been a surgical, not a medical case,
depending upon a direct Injury to the
spine, which, upon discovery, had been
recognized as remediable. The soulless
scientist from the fatherland had ac
complished It. - '
Lynde had wished his wife to know
nothing about this until he was fully J
Au - gtln from dieam-lnnd are 'com - - ing. Kleep,, la - - by mino,
, fc X
) tfS" :- a t.(s?
Vba- 't -: 1- i 1
... iti U ...... UO.
i 1 - f 5 o S" -S' :S'-"!: -if a
99 i ii I I iir 1' ' 1 -O t
H- O - ' - & V g. . l..yJ. t- tt-t.-.
is bum - ming; Swnj-t-il to uml
1 .
from glo
ry; Swayed to and
dimimicnio rita.'tfando.
restored, and for that reason had de
layed her return to him.
The reader will not need to be In
formed that Lynde was the shrewd and
discreet friend who had accompanied
Carroll to Albany, and to whose indom
itable courage the escape of all of them
from the burning hotel was due.
Nor Is there need to carry the fortu
nate conclusion of the story Into detail,
for It goes without saying that two per
sons whose lives had come so near to
shipwreck would be Just the very ones
to "live happily ever afterwards."
The End
""V"' Urmt English Remedy.
0 3 Gray's Specific Medicine
Bllty, WeaknoM of Body and Mind, Bprm
torroea, and Impoteney, and all dliwawa that
rin bom ovar iiidulgenc and self abuss. aa
Loas of Memory aud Power, blmuesa of Vis
ion. Prematura Old Abu and many ulnar die
aa that lead to Inaanlty or Coniumptiun
and an early grave, writs for a pamphlet.
4ddreu OKAY UED1CINE CM , Buffalo.
V. Y. Th Rpedno Uedleln la aold by all
drurtiataat I' per package., or tlx t ackacrs
for a, or eent by mail on receipt of niouev.
a cure or money refunded. JUmimjua
BfOn art-cunt of counterfeits wo haye
adopted tliu Yellow Wrapper, the only gtna
lne Sold in Bcranton by Matthew Brca.
Statement March S. 1H95,
called for by
the Comptroller of the Clin
i:sot IUI.S.
$1,430,774-. PI
".Hit. 71
, Jtm.555.JO
H1:l. 1A
. 'JU:l,7ll.lH
. 1S,W7'8U
1 nltcd States llonds
Other llonds
Hanking House
Premiums on I . S. llonds,..
Pus from I'. S. treasurer...
Duo from Uuuks
I Sin plus
S.jno,ooo no
-jut , o m.oo
1 ,0.1 7.2 1 4. Od
Indlvldcd Pro flu
Dividends L'npuid
De poults..;
Duo to Dank
WII I UM OONNLI.L. President.
tim. II. ('ATI. IN, Vlco President.
Wil l. MM II. I'ICh, Cashier.
William Council, Ucorgc II. Cntlin,
Alfred lluild, I nines Arclibnld, Henry
Delln, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther
Special attention given to business as
counts. Interest Paid ou time deposits.
IW:T 77. Made a
1st Day. f
Well Mar
18th Day,
of Me.
THE GREAT Itoth Hit.
rvriEjvroix hemsbt
producaa tile auora results lu .10 dnyi. It -!'
nowerfully and quickly. Curce when all othere (all
Vouuf men will rmalu their lost manhood, and oh
man will rerovor their youthful viior by mini
BBVIVO. II quickly and eurely reeiorea Norvous
neea, Loet Vitality. Inipotener. Nightly Knileelonv
Loet Power, Fslllug Memory, Waitlni DlMeaea. eut
all effect ot aelf buee or eiceea aud Indiscretion
which unbta one (or study, bullosas or marriage. II
ot only cures by starting at the seat ot dlasase. but
la a great nnrva tonlo and blood builder, bring
log back the pink glow to pal thmki aud ra
taring the Or of youth. II warde off rnsanlt
nd Consumption, Insist on hsilug BRVI VO, n
ether. It can be carried in test pocket. By mail
41.00 per package, or all lor 8.00, with a poal
tle written guarantee to euro or rorunt
the money. Circular free, address
tot lata fey Matthew Hroi Dfw(ls
Corantoa . fa.
-O f--
' 11 r XJaT
fro, Cen - t!y crnl k1ov,
1 , 1 1
fro, Gen - tly end blow,
$100 Given Tor any Case of l'u
eoini!!('iil!d ( alarrh We
lannoi Cure.
Huh Hi;C!n!d with hims-lf n L'T.KUIAL
si'i:eiAi.isr from Washington, d. c.
who utrivtlr foil ivit thu method of the
tvlobratod "ENUL'HH SPECIALIST." 8IK
MOKKKI.L JI. KI'.Nl'.ll-; in thu treatment of
CA'l'AliKil, BiiOM'MTlS. ASTHMA and all
THUUAT nmi H'Xtt trouble: alsj ALL Dli
KECIS of HEAUIXli, nrl,in(t from eatu.-rh.
Opposite New Uoti'lJei myii, b'cututon, Pa.
A I'.i-lil.r Wrllleu
Cfirnuiff J 'iipf Tor
fttri all uttrMl.UUff ttiltn-iitJ,
bub f )uitii f ami lutd tlo
ai v-1 i i-'n uiitl th tn"i. lh
n ru 1. tTtci.-tiif Yorni v v l
Kt.i lUortixmlim.'nt. ntitDl.r1., ,TVH)r.eii u tnk
nso, N'Tvmh.i iVbiHty, Nitrhtlr riMiilui.M'uUHumptitin,
liitutrily, Mlinmtrii.T i!rutn.' iti K-:iw.,f tHw.roi thf Uru
?iiUvtL'tLiV,i)utiilLllti,T viw f.iri.fe.Jy, bnlnwnrd nm
iAirHlfijt'.K'taitturilliyglr. l;oMrurr. naih Ncrtd
;rulntL. TLi'V m,i onlviiirf liv sLirtuu t 1 1 inhibit ttfttln.
rriK. but a.v n ptTAt M.I.F. luMr nl IHOUIi
111 tI.IKIt LriQit.iiir back thr pink lw to pat
cbct-kt nni net oridk-tl.i FIKK Ol Vol Til to Uio
pAUfiiL lty Hii1,lJMi,.iiK'korO for fr with writ
it ii ifiiiltani'. Iu t-UPf wp rt'lNintl fto miint. BiC
fiw. bvavni'la AcrvuCruUl'o., jUuisk)Utit)W VvrJc
Kor unit by JOHN 11. l', Uruy
K 1st, WyuniliiK ave. uiul Simuo Mivut.
French Injection Componnd
fare peMtlrely, qulekly. (not merely chwks.)
tiuHiunteed er money rerumleil, ilniiKennis
remedies. 1'rlieauerDt. m Iwttle, Nix lluiil
(will cure severest easel sent invMil. Ms-un lnui
ok.iervaiion. Willi only u-ieutliloaily made syrlugo,
to any address tor 3.u0.
IlaT yon Ho re Throat. Pimples. Conner-Colored
8pots, Aches, old Heres, L'lcers In Mouih, Hair-
rauingr nnwi'Ms nrnrart-SnHiiTaia.
inleTeiuwIe.l-lilenaVtltl.JorDroofeof curtie.
t'apltal HftOO.OOO. IKllenlscured nine year.
Eric and Woming Valley.
Trains leave Scranton for New Tork
and Intermediate points on the Erin rail
roadent 6.86 a.m. and 824 p.m. Also for
Honesdale, Hawley and local points at
6.35. 9,4o a.m., and 8.24 p.m.
All thf above ar through trains to and
from Honesdale.
Trains leave for Wllkea-Barr at 140 a.
m. and 141 p.m.
Different Doctors Ghe It Differ
ent Names.
Th Result Always, th Same. Speedy
Death. Intll Recently. Considered
Bopleea. ow, Kcw Method. SaW
Nothing is more alarming than disease
of an ulcerous nature. A continual gusw
1 1 uway of life-generating tissue, until
vital spot is reached, an artery li severed,
or from sheer weakness death ensues.
Especially in Gastritis ulcers of the
stomach is terrible suffering experi
enced. The symptoms, though not at alarming (seemingly a slight attack
of Indigestion), gradually become worse,
so that no nourishment can be retained
on tin- stomach, und unless the trouble
causing ulcer produces death by perfora
tion, the patient
Dies of Starvntlon.
In Consumption, where the ulcers attack
the lungs, the termination is very similar,
as it is, in fact, in any of the wasting dis
eases to which are given various names,
according to the organs affected.
By the methods of physicians of to-day
thousands of lives are being saved in cases
that a few years ago were considered hope
less. The lirst step now taken to effect a
cure Is to make new blood and tissue, give
the patient strength, and keep him " on
the gain" by administering Boviniue.
Ito vini ne Is nut a medicine, but a greatly
concentrated extract of the uioit vital ele
ments of lean raw beef. The life-maintaining
qualities of thU wonderful prepa
ration are simply marvellous. Dr. A. M.
Cook, of Xew Castle, l'u., states that he
maintained life lu his wife, while suffer
ing from gastric ulcers, for three weeks
without giving her anything through the
mouth, injecting Uovlnine Instead.
With such results as this, it is not to be
wondered at that fiovinlne is indorsed by
phybiclaus everywhere, and has become,
recognized as the greatest factor in saving
life, hastening recovery from sickness, aud
warding off disease, ever given to maa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
( l.ohifh and HUB'juebunna Dirisioa)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, tnsur
bits cleanliness und comfort.
TiuliiB leave Scranton for Plttstua,
W'llke.s-Barro, etc., at 8.20, 8.15, 11.W a.m.,
YiAl, 3.05, 6.00, 7.25, 11.06 p.m. Sundays.
I.OU a.m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p.m.
Kor Atlantic City, k.0 a.m.
For New York, Newark and Elisabeth
I 20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (express with But
fct parlor carl, 3.06 (express) p.m. Sun
day, 2.15 p.m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Beth'
hem, Kaston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a.m.,
12.45. 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m.
Bunduy, 2.15 p.m.
For Lone Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
1.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlabura
via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 6.00 p.m.
Bunduy, 2.15 p.m.
For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m.
Returning, leave New York, foot ot Lib
erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express)
a.m., 1.10, 1.80. 4.30 (express n-l-.h Buffet
parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4 30 a.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
1.00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be had on application In ad
vane to the ticket agent at the xtruloa.
Gen. Pass. Agent. I
J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
Del., Lack, and Western.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex
fress for New York and all points East,
40, 2.50, 6.16, 8.00 and 65 a.m.; 12.55 and 3.59
Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadel
phia and the south, 6.16, 8.00 and S.56 a.m.,
12.55 and 3.50 p.m.
Washington and way stations, 8.55 p.m.
Toby-hunna accommodation, .10 p.m.
Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El
mlra. Corning, Hath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a.m. and 1.2
p.m., making close connections at Buf
falo to all points In the West , Northwest
and Southwest.
Path accommodation, 9 a.m.
Uinghamton und way stations, 12.37 p.m.
Nicholson accommodation, at 6.15 p.m.
Bttib'hamton and Elmlra Express, ti.OS
Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego
Utica and Klchileld Springs, 2.36 a.m. and
1.24 p.m.
Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 8 a.m. and 1.24 p.m.
For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes
Buire. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
ville, maklmr close connections at North-,
umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisbuig,
Baltimore, Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions. ti.OO, 9.65 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.U7 p.m.
Nantleoke and Intermediate stations,
S.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
nil .vhraa. l.uln.
I For detailed Information, pocket tlmo
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city,
ticket office, 32S Lackawanna avenue, off
depot ticket otliee.
ROAD. Commencing Monday,
T aV M m" will arrive at new Lack
r I awanna avenue statloa
jig F ' as follows:
Tralna will leave Scran
ton station for Curbondale and In
termediate points at 2.20. 6.45, 7.00, (.25 and
10.10 a.m., 12.00, 120, 3.56, 6.16, 1.15, 7.25, 8.10
und 11.20 p.m.
For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale
at 7.00, :2 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 6.1
P.m. , .
l'or Albany, Saratoga, th Adirondack
and Mont mat at 6.46 a.m. and 2.20 p.m.
For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate)
iuts at 7.45, 8.46, 9.3$ and 10.46 a.ra., 12.0a.
1.20. 2.38. 4.00. 5.10. 8.05, .1 and 11.S8 p.m.
Trains will arrive at Scranton station
from Carbondal and Intermediate point;
at 7.40, 8.4v, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00. 1.17,2,34
8.40. 4.64, S.55, 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p.m.
From Honesdale, Waymart and Fare
view at 1.34 a.m., 11.00, 1.17. 140, 4.66 anoj
7.45 p.m.
From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, tc
at 4.64 and 11.38 p.m.
From Wllkes-Uai-re and Intermediate
points at 2.15, 8.01, 1006 and 1L65 a.m.. LIT
2.14, 3.39, 6.10, t.03, T.20, 9.03 and U.l p.m.
Nov. 18. 1894.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia
and New York via D. eV. H. R. R. at 7.45;, 12.06, 2.38 and 11.38 p.m., via D., L,
W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 1LC0 am., and 1.80p.m.
Leave Scrntiton fof Plttston and Wilkes
Bar re, via D L. ft W. R. R 6.00, 18. 1120
a.m., 8.50, 8.07, 8.50 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Whit Haven, Ha
xleton. Pottsvllle and all point on the
Heaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches,
via E. & W. V. R. K., 11.40 a.m., via D. it H.
!t. R. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 8.38, iOO p.m., via
1 . L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 108, U.20 a.m., 1.31V
3.00 p.m.
i.enve ormniDn ror iseinieiit-iu. u..iuhi .
Reading, Harrishuri; and all Intermediate
points via l. & H. R. R., 7.46 a.m., 12.C5,
i.Si. 4.00, 11.38 oi.m., via D.. L. 4k W. R. R.,
6.00. 8.03, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To
wandu, Elmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and all
Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R., 8.40
a.m., 12.06 and 11.85 p.m., via D., L. W..
R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a.m.. 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo,
Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all
points west via D. H. R. R 146 a.m.,
19 01 B if. 11 !W i, m.. via I.. w r m.
and Plttston Junction. 8.08. 9.56 a.i
1.60 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R.. 8.4
,.! 11 A U R It . B 4.1 a m UM II
vlu 11 I. M W. H. K.. H IPC a
m .. .1 a m n m
Pullman parlor and aleoplng
cnair car on no iruuie ooiwee
liinntlnn nr wllkea-iiiu-r ami
Phlladeipnia, uunaio, ana
CHAS.S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.,
4, a 11 Val 01UAL,nOin,