The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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," 122 H. Vain Avenae, ScrastM,
363 Main Street, Taylor, Pa.
Ince Bros.' Best Patent Flour. -We
guarantee this to be the
best Flour made, per barrel, $3.65
4 pounds Granulated Sugar, 1.00
Feed, Meal and Corn, - 1.00
idoz. finest Cold Packed Tomatoes .80
25-lb. Sack Buckwheat, - .55
l gallon Pure Maple Syrup, .SO
5 lb Extra Choice Teas, 1.00
Clark & Snovcr Tobacco - .35
Best Butter, ,?1
Try Our "Strawberry Brand" of
Smoked Meats.
Sume Events of the Day on the West
Side of the City Noted.
Appeared in the Current Number of Y
( Urych, of I'tlca-Heslgntitlon of 1'ro-
feasor kcunc, of No. 31 School.
Anniversary of a Church.
This month's Issue of "Y Drych." the
Welsh journal published at Utlca, X.
T., contains on the fourth page, a por
trait of Benjamin HuKhes, of AVash
burt street, mine superintendent of tho
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad company. -Accompanying1 the
portrait is a sketch of Mr. Hughes' life,
giving the pluce of his birth, ancestry
and ail noted events in his public life,
down to the present day.
. It contains extended mention of the
work Mr. Hughes has done in Welsh
musical and literary circles as chair
man, speaker und adjudicator. Many
anecdotes of his life are told, proving
tits loyalty, integrity and honesty.
Professor keune KeslunH.
Professor M. B. Keane, who has for
many years been a principal at No. 31
school, at Van Bureu avenue and Juck
eon street, has resigned. Mr. Keane
had secured a leave of absense for one
'week and went to New York where he
he secured a position as a teacher. He
returned to this city and wrote his
resignation, which he placed 1n the
hands of Controller George B. Carson.
Mr. Pritehard, of 'the Oral school has
been engaged for the balance of the
term. When Mr. Keane was granted
a leave of absence it was not known
that he contemplated resigning. It was
throught his reuson was owing to some
unpleasantness over night schools vt
Xo. 31. Mr. Keane has made a good
teacher, and many have expressed their
sorrow at his departure. .
A Church Anniversary.
The thirteenth anniversary of the or
ganization 'of the Plymouth. Congrega
tional church, will be celebrated on
Sunday, March 31. "The morning will
be devoted to children's exercises, and
will Include a programme of a most In
teresting nature. The pastor, Kev.
Thomas A. Hull, will preach the anni
versary sermon In the evening. On the
following evening, April 1, the annual
roll call of members, and a recention
x Will be held. The exercises throughout
.-,wlll be interesting.
Married I.axt l.vcnln?.
A very pretty wedding was solemn
ized last evening- by Kev. II. I. Kvans,
at his home on South Main avenue.
The contracting parties were Isaac J.
Evans, of Xorth Hyde Park avenue,
and Miss Barbara Williams, of Xorth
Rebecca avenue. They were unattend
ed.. The young couple are well known
on the West Side, where they have
many friends. Mr. Evans will go into the
hotel business on April 1, In the stand
occupied by John T. Jones.
. Brief Notes of Interest.
Police Oflicer Hetzeroth is 111 at his
home' on Xorth Hyde Park avenue.
Mr. Lauman, of Lowell, Mass., Is vis
iting his son, on Xorth Rebecca avenue.
Misses Owladys Joseph, Anna Jen
kins and Mary Davk-s are In Xew York
Mrs. F. A. Cramer, of Swctland
street, Is recovering from a severe Ill
ness. Miss Clara Conger, of Mill City, Is the
ffUPMt Of Aim A V. Vnrflld Ixt 1ankBl.n
y street.
V A social will be held" this evening In
the Wastiburn ; Street Presbyterian
church, .. , .' ...
Thomas Phillips, of Plymouth. Is
Vnaklng a short stay with friends on
this Hide. -
Koburt Morris lodge. Order of Amerl
' can True Ivorltes, will hold a meeting
this evening In Masonic hall.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Scran
ton Street Baptist church will hold a
upper and social -Oil evening from 8
to 8 o'clock.
Hev. D. C. Hughes will preach on the
"Evils of Intemperance" next Sunday
evening at 6 o'clock 'in the Jackson
Street Baptist churah.
The Infant "child of Mr. and Mrs.
Cold Packed Tomatoes, per doz., 75c
Good Batter, per pound, - 15c
2 Pint Bottles Pickles, . 25c
1 lb. Good Baking. Powder, - 10c
BIO CUT In Teen, Coffees and
Spleen. .
JOS, A. filEflS, sVaAT
Hausler, of Xorth Garfield avenue, Was
buried In the Washburn Street Presby
terian church on Tuesday.
Kev. P. A. Paupe, pastor of German
Presbyterian church, will conduct ser
vices every Friday evening during the
lenten season In the church.
The Hyde Park Literary and Debat
ing society will hold their annual ban
quet next month. A committee has
been appointed to prepare, for the
The members of St. David's lodge
of Ivorltes will be addressed next Mon
day evening by Henry P. Davis, of
Kynon street. Mr. Davis will speak on
"Yellowstone Park."
A Considerable number of new mem
bers have recently been added to the
Bald Eagle tribe of the Ked Men, which
meets at the Ked Men's hall, corner of
Jackson and Main avenue.
A movement is being made on the
West Side to organize a board of chari
ties to relieve the many cases of dlu
tress which are continually being heard
from. The mover is Mrs. William 11.
Coons, of Price street, nu earnest
worker In the Ladles' Home Missionary
society at tho Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church.
West Side lluslness Directory.
PHOTOGRAPH E K Cabinet l'hotos, 11.40
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by cnllliiff at Btarnor's
Photo Parlors, 101 und 103 South Main
GROCERIES Revere Stamlanrd Jnva
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee
of the day. For eulo only at F. W. Mu
on & Co. Fine Groceries, llli South
Main avenue.
for anything you huve to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and nee
the stock of J. C. King. 1024 und HGG
Juckson street.
WALL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds.
206 North Main avenue, and boo his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock.
ri.UMniNG William D. Griffiths, 113
North Muin avenue, does first-class
Plumbing, Steam Heat anil Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed.
Death of George Homer, of Muiu Avenue,
of Congestion of the Lungs-Urouiaecs
Have Another Dcmcstio H ur-Personals
u lid News Notes.
George Homer, of Main avenue, died
very suddenly lust evening nt his homo
of congestion of the lungs, with whlbh
he has been suffering since Thursday
night. He was one of the oldest resi
dents of this place, having lived here
for the last half of a century, and Is
survived by two sons, Lawrence and
George, both of whom are married an'l
residents of this place.
Mr. Homer was born in Germany in
ISIS and came to this country when
17 years of age and settled In Xew York
state, where he lived for ten years, after
which he came to Providence with his
future wife. He was a gardener by
trade and worked for many of the
prominent men of the city. Funeral
arrangements will be announced later.
lSromascs in Trouble Again.
There Is trouble once more in tha
domicile of Thomas Uromage, on Lloyd
street. Last fall Mrs. Bromage had
her daughters placed in the House of
the Good Shepherd, claiming she could
not control thorn, but about a month
ago she secured their release. Yester
day Bromage began to quarrel with his
family and swore out warrants for the
arrest of his wife and stepchildren,
Patrick and i.Mamle Barrett, charging
them with confiscating his watch and
chain and also threatening to kill him.
The warrant was served by Constable
Davis. They were brought before Al
derman Koberts, who discharged the
prisoners owing to lack of vidence, and
placed the costs on Bromage.
Told in a lew Lines.
Ambrose Mulley has returned from
his recent trip to Tillman, X. C and
Xew York.
Lawrence Homer, of Main avenue.
Is confined to his bed with an attack
of the grip.
Michael Sheridan, of Plttstnn, Is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. May O'Boyle, of
Market street.
Rev. George E. Qulld, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, is confined to his
home by an attack of tho grip.
Ambrose, the young son of William
A. Mulley, of Edna avenue, Is recover
ing from his late serious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. L." H. Denelr, of Cherry
Kldge, Wayne county, have returned
from a short visit with Mrs. Denelr'
sister, Mrs. D. L. Jones, of Muin ave
nue. James Sulllvnn was arrested by Pa
trolmen Saltry and Reese O. Jones ear
ly yesterday morning, being found
helplessly drunk on the steps of Clark
& White's hotel.
The funeral of Claude L., tho 7-yenr-old
son of Sheldon Kuple, of Xew York
street, who died last Tuesday of pneu
monla, will be held today. The service
will take place at the home nt 2.30
o'cloc k. Interment being made In Forest
Hill cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomns J. Will
iams will bo held Friday. The service
will be conducted at her home, at
Wayne avenue and Spring street, nt 2
o'clock by Kev. K. S. Jones, H. D. In
terment In Forest Hill cemetery.
Patrick Barrett, of Bloom nvenue,
was discharged by Alderman Koberts
yesterday morning at his wife's re
quest, who withdrew her charge and
paid all costs Incurred on Barrett's
promising to leave her. He was placed
under arrest by Constable Davis on
Tuesday night, his wife having sworn
out a warrant charging him with beat
ing her and throwing her out of the
Some time ago Gustavo Granq rented
the upper story of the house occupied
by Mrs. Mary Kelly, on Putnam street,
where he lived for some time, but on
moving from there last Monday at
tempted to take a stovp belonging to
Mrs. Kelley, nnd on her objection ns
Kuulted her. rihr- swore out a warrant
before Alderninn Koberts yesterday
and Crnno was arrested by Constable
Davis. After tho case had been heard
last night It wus settled, Mrs. Kelley
paying the costs.
Pinna have been under dlHcusslon for
some time for carrying on small enter
tainments In this plnceuf a social nature.
A aeries of them have been arranged,
the first of which will be held
In Archibald's hall tomorrow night. No
admission foe will be charged, but dur
ing the entertainment ft committee will
be selected for the further carrying on
of the work. It Is the Intention of
those who have Jho matter In charge
to offer small prizes for the best rendi
tion of certain selections, which will be
announced previous to the entertain
ment. The contest tomorrow night
will be. on a tenor solo.
Whea Baby was sick, we gave her CaitorlS,
When ahe was a Child, she cried for Contort.
Woes she became Mia, she clung to Caatorla.
Wben she bad Children, she gave tuem Caetorts
What Is Being Done by Notables In
the Various Lines.
Will Appear on the Stage of Music Hall.
Preparing for Opening of Huso Hall
Season in This City and Car
bondale Notes of Interest.
Considerable interest is shown in
sporting circles In the tournament of
the National Athletic club, which will
be held in Music hall on Monday even
ing. A large number of local men who
are reputed to be handy with thelt
dukes are entered, and will be paired off
to give exhibitions of their prowess and
cleverness. ,
Following this, on April 17, the Ex
celsior Athletic club will hold Its. an
nual tournament In Music hall. This
will be a strictly amateur event, und
be conducted under the rules of the
American Amateur Athletic union. Be
side a number of local boxers there
will be many entries from abroad. It
Is expected that there will be a num
ber of very Interesting events.
The warm weather of tho last week
has caused the base bail cranks to blos
som forth, and the presence of Man
ager Barnle In the city to get affairs In
shape for the opening of the season
has causd much discussion us to the
Scranton club's ability to cope with the
other Eastern league teams this season.
Mr. Barnle knows the men he has
signed and also knows the men In the
other teams, and It Is his opinion that
Scranton ought to take a pluce up near
the head of the first division. Other
base ball managers do not think so
highly of the Scranton aggregation.
They say It will be found weak with
the stick as compared to Buffalo and
Providence, and will be lucky to finish
In fifth pluce.
We ill Not Lose Hope.
That croak Is not going to shatter our
confidence In our club thus early In the
season. We will hope for a better
position In the league race than that,
but there is no doubt that .there will
be an interesting struggle in the East
ern league this season. The clubs will
be quite evenly matched, nnd there is
little probability that any one of them
will have a wulkover for the pennant.
Up In t'cirbondale manager Swift Is
hustling, getting his club together, and
supervising the luying out of a diamond
at Anthracite nark, ut Simpson, where
the club will play. A handsome grand
stand is to be elected that will bo con
venient and ornamental. It is not
likely that 'the grounds will be In good
shape before ithe latter part of May.
Much work will 'have to be done on
them before a game can be played, and
there is considerable doubt If the dia
mond will be In readiness for the open
ing game, about the middle of Apr!,
When the park is completed ahe Cat
bondale club will have one of the fin
est grounds In the State league circuit.
Jack Hess, of last year's Wllkes
Barre and Scranton clubs, Is now In
Carbondale waiting for the opening of
the season. He will do the greater part
of the catching for the Carbondale club,
but manager Swift has now got a line
out for Patchen, of last year's Scranton
club, and has hopes of landing him. With
these two men, he Justly feels that he
would be well fixed In 'his catching de-.
Mr. Swift Js getting a strong club to
gether, and it will unquestionably cut
a very large figure In the State league
during the approaching season.
Among knights of tlio Gloves.
George Williams, a Buffalo feather
weight, challenges George Dixon to
box in private or public for $5, out) a side.
Jim Corbett Intends to take his par
ents on another 'trip to Europe before
beginning training for his contest with
Bob Fitzslnnnons.
Peter Jackson, In replying to Slavln's
recent challenge, states .that he will
box Slavln ait no place In England ex
cept the National club.
Sam Bolen, the colored boxer, whom
George Dixon recently failed to stop In
six rounds, has been mulched to fight
Joe Hopkins six rounds. The bout is
scheduled to take place before the New
York Athletic club on the Ilutli Inst.
Young Madden, the Brooklyn bantam
weight boxer, will be matched shortly
to fight "Jimmy" Barry, of Chicago.
Madden says thattBarry is willing to
ment him. The only 'thing necessary
now to ring about a mill is the signing
of articles and the offer of a purse.
Dick O'Brien and Bobby Dobbs, the
welter-weight ' pugilists, huve been
muti 'hud to light to a finish on April 1,
ct ir8 pounds. Tho contest Is to take
place In Boston before a private club
nnd the winner Is to be matched against
Joe Walcott. to light one month later.
Steve O'Donnell, the. Australian pitg,
lost reputation at Boston by his failure
to defeat the veteran Jake Kllralu.
O'Donnell wasln good condition, welch
ing 17.r pound, while K II ill In was fat
nnd flitbby; weighing over 2J0 pounds,
They fought eight rounds, und at the
close, Referee PiU Shepard, amid
cries of '"KilralnjX'aTlialn!" declared
the contest a dsr It. took Keferee
Shepnrd five minutes to make up his
mind whnt decision to makev Kllrain
had the b?st of the lurt round, and at
'times It looked as though he wus going
to put O'Donnell out.
Whirls or tho Wheel.
In Chicago, where tho Napoleonic fad
Is now nt Its . height, a new make of
cycle has been christened the Xapolenn.
The Black Manufacturing company,
of Erie, has constructed a bicycle which
only weighs eight pounds and fourteen
Ex-President Charles Lusenmhe, of
the Lengue of American Whoelnien,
has been appointed grand marshal of
the cyclists' parade, to take place on
the Coney Island cycle path on Junp.l.V
Dirnberger. the record breaking Buf
falo cyclist, Is ut Hot Springs preparing
himself for the, racing season. Dirn
berger expects to give Savage nnd
Johnson a nurd rub for championship
W. J. Corcoran, fluperlntodndont of
the Wuliham track, will have at his
command this season two triplet and
six tandem teams to pace tho crack rac
ing men In their attempts at the
It Is possible In England to send your
last year's mount to tho factory of the
concern that made It, nnd at the ex
pense of less tli a n J:t have' It returned
to you re-emlmeled so ns to look exact
ly as It did when It was new.
The board of officers of the Massa
chusetts division has decided to give
$iK) for the purchase of prizes for per
sons securing the largest number of
lengue members during the present sea
Bon. This Indicates a desire on the part
of the-iJay state men to stand near the
head of the llnu regarding membership.
It Is suggested by thoso having the
management of tho Asbury Park Nr.
tlonal League of American-Wheelman
race meet In charge that on the Satur
day preceding nil bicycle clubs within
300 miles of Asbury Park shall organise
century runn and meet at central
points, nnd front such central points
move toward (he scene ot the meeting.
Curved from tho Diamond, .
Captain Tebeau has 1 signed his
brother, George, for Cleveland. .
"Joe" Quest, who Inherited a fortune
two'arB' igiJ," tuxs accepted; an umpires
ship In the Texas league.
Tom Parrott has been ordered to put
his slow ball on ice and depend solely
on his speed this season.
MoMahon In doing no pitching in
practice at Macon. The chances are
3 to 1 that his arm Is permanently In
jured. Stivetts has reported to the Bostons
In excellent physical condition. He is
many pounds lighter than he was at
this period last year.
Jennings and MoGraw have Joined
the Baltlmores at Macon. They con
firm the rumor that the New Yorks will
not get better than fifth place.
Catcher Jantzen, of the Louisvllles,
swings a 60-ounce bat, for which Pete
Browning offered almost any price. The
average bat weighs about forty ounces.
Reports from Galveston announce
that Anson's new second baseman,
Stewart, Is showing up lu practice a
second Pfeft'er. Anson has been trying
to secure this youngster for a year.
Western dispatches say that Harry
Staley reported In SI. Louis weighing
1B0 pounds, against 220 last spring. If
the figures iar correct Staley has
either lost a leg or is In the clutch of
The Pittsburg players left yesterduy
for Savannah, Ga., where they will
train. On their arrival In that city the
Brooklyns will 'leave for the Interior.
Tho Plttsburgs will remain III the
south until they open tho season In
The Washington team huve elected
Curtwright captain. Ex-Captain Joyce
is "holding ' out" on account of the
club's refusal to meet his" demand for
money, and Afanager 'Schmeltz declares
he will play Crooks on third base If
Joyce elects to remain In retirement.
An accident befell Gleason. of the
Baltlmores, -which may keep him from
the field for some time. Gleason was
rubbing himself down with witch hazel
when the bottle slipped nut of his Hand
and the neck broke off, In trying to
catch the bottle the pitcher stepped
upon the broken glass, cutting a gash
In the sole of his foot two Inches long
and three-quarters of an Inch deep.
Cross and Hamilton, the two players
of the Philadelphia Base Ball club who
refused to sign contracts unless al
lowed an advance of $3im cer lust sea
soii'b salary, came to terms Tuesday,
and signed contracts for the coming
season. This makes the team complete,
and the players, with Secretary Sheta
llne and Manager Arthur Irwin, left
yesterday for Hampton, Va., where
they will begin spring practice.
Fred. Fritz has accepted a position In
Providence, with Charles Henwood,
A. B. Olllver has moved Into the .Pot
ter homestead, corner of Green Ridge
and Potter streets.
E. L. Washer, of Scranton, will re
move' to this place April 1, and occupy
the -house on Shoemaker street lately
occupied by P. F. Swartz.
Large crowds gather nightly at Odd
Fellows' hall to attend the Indian vil
lage fair. Fancy articles are chanced
oft every night; also many valuable
articles are for sale; entertainment ev
ery evening. Last night was Red
Man's night. Do not miss the fair.
Only 10 cents ndmlssion. Contests will
come off Saturday night.
F. P. Woodward and family have re
turned from Southern Pines, N. C,
where they have resided since last Bum
mer. They will remain north until next
winter. They will spend the summer
among the hills of Wayne county. Mr.
Woodward will extend the circulation of
the Sand, a paper devoted to booming
the resources and advantages of South
ern Pines. . v
Willie Fay. of this town, better
known In Pittston and Bethlehem as
Frank Brewster, has returned home to
his family on Dudley street. Willie's
father, W. W. Fay,, was sent for and
became his bondsman at Pittston,
bringing Willie home with him. The
case at Pittston has been settled and
Miss Ma me Xocolas, with whom he is
charged with having eloped. Is at her
home In West Pittston.
Misses Frances Dillon and Louise
Lutz will hold an Interesting entertain
ment In the lecture room of the Method
ist Episcopal church Friday evening.
The following excellent programme will
be rendered by local talent: Recitation,
Miss Jennie Eden; piano Bolo, MIssiMay
Simpson; select reading, Miss Luretta
Miller; recitation, Miss Lizzie Wether
al; solo, Henry Dreyer; recitation, Miss
May Hughes; addreBS by L. W. Dillon;
select reading. Arthur Johnson; duett.
Misses Grace and Elsie Powell; recita
tion, Miss Anna Young; select reading,
Miss Mame Keller; recitation, 'Miss
Frances Dillon; selection, female quar
tette, Misses Marlon Kinney, Mame
Townsend, Grace Powell, Louise Lutz.
"How to Cure All Skin lilscoscs."
Blmply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures let
ter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face,
hunds, nose etc., leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great healing and
eurutlvo powers iu possessed by no other
remedy. Ask your druggist fur Swayne's
Reduced Hates Anthoriied on the Nickel
Plate Noad.
to the west and southwest, March S and
April 2, account Home Seekers' excur
sions. Ask your city ticket agent for de
tailed Information, or address F. J. Moore,
general agent, No. 23 Exchange street,
Uuffato, N. '
For plumbing and electric bells tele
phone 2212 to W. G. UonU & Co., C0 I.acka.
Trv our bmt rrlvate growth JAVA and
, . MOCHA Coffee and be conviiirett Hut we
ell nUtilug but the l'ureat and lli'.t.
W receive datlr FRESH K((1H, and
CRKAJIKItY 111 "ITER nut up In l iiouiid
prlnte, 5 pound ylaM pnilt and tuba.
Our Canned Goods,
Fruit and Vegetables
Are from tha bout pucker; tho ttuck la ro
newod every llfleoil da' In till" depart
ment, thus Insuring tuu nothing but fiiiati
Bileatonta fur "BtSHON'8" BERRIES,
of all kind, which will b Hunt to ua daily
frmn LoPitime as oon a) the neaaou upuna
We KuariiDbio iiulek delivery of godds
from a 1 departments, honeat weight aud
ueaanre on all mode nurcliaaed .
Complexion Presaitafl
dr. Htinva
ttemorea Preeklet, flmele.
Uer Melee, Blaekhead
ma I an, sua re.
More the skin to it origi
nal fitabD, froduoing a
elear and healthy .pom
nlailnn. Bunarlor to all f an
fteirtloni and .vorfeetlf bamltM.
(uugalita, ot mauea tor octa, oeua lor
um a amai ana) at tfi.
eta inrlM ftM amuM e M Mix. a4 nanii
' aawa. Aitrwim, PHeelSCenta,
G. C. BITTNCR4 CO., Toledo, 0.
. Fv by Matthtwa Bms. and Joha
H. PhaToa.
At ell
8100 tilven for any Case of In
complicated Catarrh We
Cannot Cure.
Hm UHSoclated with hlmsrif CATARRHAL
wbo strictly follows out the method of tbe
MOHHKI.L McKENZfE, In the treatment of
THROAT and LUNG troublos also ALL DE
FECTS of HEARING, arUIng from catarrh.
Opposite New Hotel JerniynSerantou, Pa.
Statement March 5. 181)5, called for by
tho Comptroller of the Currency.
Loans $1,430,774.01
Overdrafts JH1I.74
I niicd Stutcs llonds 80,00(1.00
Other Hoods.. .'110.555. 20
llunking House iH, 074.4ft
Premiums on I . S. llonds,.. 04:1.75
Due from I . S. Treasurer... 7.U0O.00
Due from Hunks 20:1.7111.18
tush 1 .M),H7U.Hti
Capitnl $200,000.00
Surplus 200.000.00
Undivided Profits 72.350.90
Circulation 7 1. 8O0.00
Dividends Lnpaid 520.50
Deposits 1,037,214.00
Due to flanks 20,013.74
UEO. II. CATLI.V, Vice President.
WILLIAM II. PLCk, Cashier.
William Council. Gcorgo II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand, James Archbuld, Henry
Bcllii, jr., Willinra T. Smith, Luther
Special attention given to business ae
counts. Interest Paid on time deposits.
Csiesue it thc Hiastar Muieai Aurwoamta
asthma inn nn
iNHAITfl will cur won. A
wonderful boon to tuff ran
from Coldt. Sore Throat,
jiQainwnrv, ireronvaiiia.
orllAYFITVEK. Afcrm
tmmtauiUTttier. Aoemeient
la pocknt, reartr to via on Unit todicfttinn of ooltf,
nunnea r.uccim rflrniMaii fare
pBtlsf ttcUuD ffutrantecd or oiflnny refunded. Prle.
&O rt. Trial trwi nt brunlHU. KevtitArad m.iL
CO Mot. E D. CUEsUH, LUr., Tkm Lien, ILci, D. a. 4.
MFNTHfH Tho u nd MfMt rm1? for
mtn I nUk lllilndlMBcrKrMinn.ltrh.8alt
Fheura,oil Fnrt .Burns, Cult, wonderful rem
tlr forPIIKtft. Price, SA eta. ut Drug- n i ne
HU or by mml prepaid. 4driUMbOTt, DflLFft
Par al bv Matthauv Bra. nrJ Jnhn
H. Phelos.
ThUFamnna Rcmtxlv euros quickly nnd pi t
ninuenily nil uorvuiu tll -caM?. uvh ni Viiik
Memory, L'Wof Hr:ttit lAmi'i, Ilotnlmlie, Wake
fulness, leunt Vltultiyt nliftittr euilHnluht, evil
druiiiuf), liupiifciit'y utnl uutlnt dUeuM rann'il by
yotithftil at- ir mr xc-mc. 4'ontnln no
onlutu. I! u iiprro tonic unit fclnotl bulhlet,
Mpkpfttho pnlaund rtitiv Rirmuiuu. plump. Kuril y
citrrlvil In voct ivktl. tM per hui O tor VA. Uy
mull pnu'iii'l villi n writ Ion unnrunirt to euro or
nmny rof nmJfnl. Wrtm im tor fre mrtllcul
tomtit tM'til "mlrrt In plain rup,Mr. wliirh con
tain. tPMthnonlnlft nnd tlnnnctul rcffrt'ni'eA. Nn
chnrgtf for raultiitni. Ihwitrt ut inH
ff w. r'oM hv inir ttrtvrUt'l ntrmit. or niirrva
NKKVKKFKIM O.. MatoilcT.uipl,-hlriiro.
prrkAtU und iiinful mmtlmntiun,
amla.rr.ain PREVENTATIVE
all frniillr irrrKlll.tllir. ivildwitn
aWtltteaOutrintMtoCuri Send a 3c
iUlnp lor nHrucularftUilU "(luitk for
I .ailit-ti." Init on having Tbl Ibyil
Foisn?ro?il Tailctj iBed Crowi Briid)
iddna. HtM 11.11. HL SHI. U. T.a.
flaMartll'd'll'.O.Itei, a,ll. turk
Vat sale ly JOHN 11. 1'lllCl.l'H, Drug
gist, Wyoming ave. and Spruco street.
Made a
A?vveii mar
f of Me.
THE GREAT 301 1, l)aT.
product the ahove result. In SO duya. II
I'owertulljr amlqiiU'klif. Curra wurn all ollirra tall
Youuunitnnlllrt'iula thuir loat mauhooil.aad old
men will iwovur their xouttiiul viaor by uauui
ItkVI VO. It uiilckljr anil aurvly mtoroa Nervoue
IMS. Lout VltalltT, liuimteiiur. NKIitly Kiuiwloaa
LoatPnw.r, (alllni Mrmury, Wantliit D!''
all r-nVcta ot mlf-ibuno or n antl indiKratloii
lilch iiellta one tor a' nil?, buetueaa or tnarrltfe. It
not only cur. by atarlma at tti. wiat ot dlaeaae. but
ti a treat nrrie tnnlct and lilooil builder, brim
leg beck tbe pink gtnnr to nale rhevka and re
lortiia tha lire of yonth. It ararda off Inuull
ind ConauiutloD. Inaltt on havlna ItKV'l
otliar. It van be carried In vet KKkt. By mall
1.00 pr parkwa. or alt lor 0.00, with poal
tie written guarantee to euro of return)
tlieojoney. Circular fro. Addreu
ret Ml by Matthew Bros., Drtufilr
acrautou . A'av
nave yon BoraThmat, l'lmplea, Conprr-Cototed
Spou, Aobea, Old Korea. Uloera In Uuulh, llair
Kalllnt Write C'Mk atraiedy CeaOt Mav
eaateTaaite A'ktraur,lll.or proofa ot evrea.
OoyltKl Se0),4HHe. I'atlenucured alaereare
axeeuwarwmnqannwoii. l
ifM, rhotnirniftt
KSV trm tilt
TO our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. m ish to assure their many pat
rona that they will this year hold to their usual custom
of millipg STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro
of the opinion thut it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will talis
no risks, and will ullow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
E laced Washburn-Crosby Co. 'a Hour far above other
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
Will it interest you to know that we have just
placed in stock over a million feet of f , 5 4', 6 4 and 5
Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ?
We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make
Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
flomeHaiai aaedi reliable, monthly, redialing medicine. Only nantleai taj
the pureil drug a eheuld be need. If jou want tbe beat, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
The? are prompt, eeie ar.A certain In reealt. Tbe enolne (Or. Feal'a) aeTerdiaap
neiat, eataaywBere,Sl.uO. Addreu i'SAJ. Mioiuua te,, UeraUcJ, 0.
For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Win. Linn Allen
& Co.
Buy and sell Stock. Bonda and Oraln
on Now York Exchange and Chicago
Hoard of Trade, either for cuah or on
Yl Spruce Street.
G. duB. DIM MICK, Manager.
:ALL UP 3682.
M. W. COLLINS, M'g'p.
t . . ... 1 . -1 j
Coal of the beat quality for domeatla
lae, and of all elana, delivered in any
(art of the city at lowaet price.
Ord.'ra left at my office
Roar room. Ilrat lloor, Third National
linnk, or sent by until or telephone to the
nino, will receive prompt attention.
Bpocle.1 conlracta will be mnde for Um
tale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
J 1 1 Lock. At. und Men art's Art iitora.
HbotQ EDgriTlng for Qrculirs, BoeU, Citt-
logutg, Nawspapara.
Kslf-Tonss and Una WotfaV
Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenus and
t inis M
UannraVJturera ot the Celebrates
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Moosic Powder Go,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtb Bld't
DALbI works.
Lsfflln Rand Pswder Co.'a
Orange Gun Powdci
Eleetrto Bsttsrles. Pusea for aralsil I
las bkvau, feWety Fuss aael
BtpiDJoClemlcil Co.'a HlftKyteiq
1 (ML
1 1