THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TliUHSDAV 3IOKNIHU, MAKCII 21, 1895. NEW AND RECENT BOOKS ' AT NORTON'S BOOK STORE. Captain King's Tame Surrender, 25c. Harraden's Things Will Take Turn,25& By author Ships That Pass, etc. ' Surduu's Madame Sans Gene, 25c, Hall Caine, Son of Hagur, 40c. b) author of The Maux man. . Townsend's "Chiinmie r'adilen," titcjoc Mary Kyle Dallas' "lHlltry," 40c, a very clever parody on Trilby. Parkhursfs Fight with Tammany, Q4C Crawford's Kalstons, 2 vols, cloth, Mrs. Ward's Marcella, 2 vols, clo., $1.10 McClaren's Bonnie Briar Bush, )c. Du Maurer's Trilby, illustrated, 1. 25 Coftin's Gist of Whist, 4th edition, 75c. Income Tax and New Tariff Law, 10c. Peloubet's Excellent notes on the Sab bath School Lessons for 1895. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. J. FRANK SIEGEL'S E Iffl AT THE FROTHINUHAM. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA AND BANO, 40 PIECES Easter Monday Mht, April 15. Tickets on sale at box ortk-e. cue tickot ad' mitticg lady a::d geatleiu.iu; extra, ladies' tickets, oUc. Sd?A general invitation extend' ed to all present and former pupils unJ their I'riciids. PERSONAL. Charles Robinson was In Wilkes-Uarre yest-nlay. Selden T. Munger, of Montrose, was here yesterday. Bowman CortriKht, of Shlckshlriny, was here yesterday. Alderman O. tt. Wright was in Wilkes Barre yesterday. Dr. Daniel B. Slrons, of Starrucoa, was In the city yesterday; Mrs. F. I.. McKee. of Plymouth, Is vis iting friends in the city. Ike Lorn?, of the Wllkes-Barre Record, was In the city yesterday. Miss Mattie Hart, of Green Ridge, la Visiting Carbondale friends. Attorney T. V. Powderly Is able to be about again after his recent Illness. Miss Eva Roblln, of lxndon, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Pearoe, of Spruce street. Kdward D. rloyer, of Catasauriua, was yesterday engaged here on business. Mrs. William Wood, of Wayne, is vis iting her daughter, .Mrs. H. C. Reynolds. Rev. Rogers Israel will preach at Holy Trinity church, Carbondale, this evening. Deputy Internal Revenue Collector William Craig spent y3terday In Car bondale. Rev. Nicholas Stahl, Colonel Oeorg-j Sanderson and Miss Ci.narlne Wlnton have arrived at Constantinople. Theodore R. Straub. teller of the Scran ton Savings bank, has returned from a visit to New York, Philadelphia and Hai ti more. Miss Kathryne Maloney, daughter f.f Mayor-elect Maloney, of Plttston, Is the fuest of Miss Minnie Cawley, of iv ette street. Miss Marian Budd IllUheork will be married In the First Presbyterian church In this city on April 2 to Dr. Hurdett O'Connor, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ' x Nelson O. Teets. of the Sumlay News (office, celebrated his twenty-first birthday yesterday, and Alderman John Fltzslm mons entertained- .Mr. Tets and a few friends at theV'estmlnster hotel. K. R. W. Searle, of Great liend, was In the city yesterday upon his return from Philadelphia, where he had been attending supreme court. Mr. Henrle, who was for merly a Scrantonlan, Is one of the most brilliant of Susquehanna's young attor neys, lie still takes great Interest In the affairs at his old home, however, and eels & pride in the growth of the Klectrlc citv almost equal to that of a real estate boomer. The following chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. W. (. Gearhurt went to Wllkes Ilarre hurt night to hear the concert of the Lafayette College Glee and Banjo club: Misses Foster, Travis, Torrey, Gra-e Bpencer, Dale, Mnmn Gearhart, and Messrs. Joseph M. Boles, Cassias Stack house, Beven Decker. William Hantcy, -;, W. Gearhart, Kdward Nettleton, V. It! Klrkpntrlck, George Brooks and Wllilaiti Dlrnmlck. , FOREST CITY TO NANTICOKE. Street Car l ines Connecting These Towns Will Ilo Complete In a l ew Hays. It Ik anticipated that In the early Hummer months the street car trucks between Forest City and Naritlcoke- will be completed, giving a direct connec tion of -fifty-two miles. At present the tracks ere laid from Nantlcoke to Plttaton, and from Scranton to Smith vllle, being a distance of one nillu and a half to Plttston, which will be laid as ' soon as the weather permits. Cars will, during the ensuing sum mer months, run along the whole dis tance under nn arrangement made be ' tween the various companies Intere'lted In the district between Nantlcoke 'and Forest City, , IP YOU are weak and worn out, or have that tired feeling Hood's Sarsaparllia Is Just the medicine to restore your strength and give you a good appetite. Hood's mattes pure oioou. -For n pinner 'pill and general family cathartic we confidently recommend HOOD B riL-ui. - Snowline HOW'S YDUR CONSCIENCE? Y. M. C. A. Helps the Community; How Many Help the Y. M. C. A.. WHAT FOURTEEN I'ERSOXS DID Sunt SO.OOtuTho Tribune Ycsterduy for tho Finishing and I uinlslilii Fund. An Obligation la Placed I'pun llusl tics Men and Member. Fourteen persona responded yester day to the renewed appeal for contribu tions toward the I-'InlsliliiK d Kur nlshiUK fund of the Younir Men's Chris tian association. The total amount of their donations was $11.1)0, which swells the Krand total to $71.0J. The eash statement of yesterday Is In detail as follows: l'lti:VHrSI.Y ACKNOWLKDOIon. THK Tltllll'NK $HHI M Sundry contributions HS1 1- Tolal j:ui 12 N K V CO N TH1HUTI ON Cash fi w 1. M. K 00 Krlend 1 00 I'. U .Martin. 1 (HI 1 mi r.u M Lester Mills. Amtto I N. O S. 11. drier T. H. dates I'on Quixote Artie .Means deoi'Ke .Means.... K. f V. Willi! ID 10 10 Grand total $:'71 IC It has been u noticeable fact that the contributions since the beginning of the fund have ranged from one cent to the highest single sum received, except ing the $100 given by The Tribune, which shows that the cause has up peuled to persons in all manner of financial circumstances. When It Is remembered that the association In principle, and work Is not confined to any religion or nationality, that It alms to better the physical, moral and In tellectual condition of any young man these facts remembered, It follows that the association should receive the aid of the community generally. It Is an AM to .Morals. This statement Is not dogmatic. It simply follows the generally conceded opinion that the association is an aid to the morals of the community. This admitted. It naturally follows to ask. "How much good has the association done youY" The business man, the lawyer, the broker, who feels that the association has a. money value, or rather, that Us works have a money value, cannot con siatently resist the appeal for help. If a clerk Is worth one cent a week more, by reasvn of his honesty and good health acquired through the associa tion, his employer has been benefitted Si' cents in a year. Knock oft the two cents and send the half-dollar to The Tribune f-.r the benefit of the Finish lng and Furnishing fund It's a good way to relieve your conscience. If you desire, cut this out and send with your contribution to The Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. From . Amount. It is nut neces.sry to use thiscoupon, which is printed only for your conve nience. Auy amount from l-cnt upward will be received by The Tribune mud ac knowledged through its culutnn. Addre-: The Tribune Y. M. ", A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. TTfttfTffWtt Tfttfffffffl There are probably several hundred young and old members who know they are getting more than $7 worth of bene fits from the Young Men's Christian association each year, basing the sup position on the fact that forty per cent. of the expenses are paid by the associu tion's outside friends. How many of these young men earn salaries of from J10 to $1." per week . Send In Any Sum. How many of the boy members are given their annual memberships by their parents? Many of both. Then why wouldn't It be proper for these young men and boys to square them selves by helping the Finishing und Furnishing fund? Any smull sum Is better than nothing, It Is not much trouble to cut out the above coupon and send It with 60, 25, 10 or 5 cents, to The Tribune. Don't put It off. Do It now. the ism: of champagne. Seabrooke Will Appear In ft as King Pom mury heo. Iik most comic operas of the present time. "The Fall of Champagne," us Illustrated by Thomas Q. Heabrooke, and his own c-otnlo opera company, which Is to appear at the Acndeiny of Music tomorrow nigh'. Is a clever elab oration of a ludicrously absurd Idea beautifully set, and abounding In songs. It can be truly said that this Is the first comic opera thnt has lieen heard for n long time which could honestly claim musical merit. The company Is the same that has received so many en conlums from the eastern critics, an 1 the finished performance shows that all have received the full benefit cf their long training together, and deserve the kind and flattering things that have been said of them. Hcubrooke himself Is the center of the plot as King Pnmmery Bee, and bubbles over with the froth of real, un forced merriment. He doesn't try to be funny, but he can't help It, and appnr ently he has as much fun ns anybody during the piece. Ills expression Is enough to cfltiso a laugh, while hl6 attitudes, and remarks ate convulsing. THE I'M Til ANNIVERSARY. Celebrated by Mr. and Mrs, James P, Harris, of Ivans Court. , Mr. and Mrs. James V. llarr'' ih britted the fifth anniversary t .jrt-lr manage at their home, 870 vr.'vnns court, Wednesday evening. A most en joyablu 'time was hud, Music, f lng and dancing was enjoyed- in u jil u lata hour, when refreshments 'were served by n number of the ludles. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, Jnmes M. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. D. It, Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Jrmn 8. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harris, .' Jr. and Mrs. I.udwlg, Mr. and Mrs. Lanmnn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Mulr, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson, and the Misses Jennie Jones, Norma Powell, Mary and Lizzie Kills, Lizzie Thomas Anna Lewis, Anna Harris, Mnrgurv Harris, Margie Harris, Gertie I.udwlg and Grace Harris, and the Messrs, Christopher Robertson, panlel Robert son, William Robertson, George Rob- ertsnn, Daniel Hnrrls, William Ludwlir; Isnao Prli'p, 1 lurry Kit wants, John Jenkins. Hush Klllr. Diivld Jones, Chester I-.u1wIk:, ttny Luninun, Clmi'les UiTtlne and William Harris. Many valuable pri's-.'iiiH were received, amtniff them a vuluuble nk cliiilr. ... SELECTING A CHECKER CLUB. Interesting Series of Preliminary Uuines Now In I'rofircss. An Interestlim serlesof eheeker RumeR are beliiK arraiiKeil by members of the St. Hrenden eounell of the Ynunjf Men s Institute, of the West Hide, with - lew to selecting the nix most export ilayers who will form the Institute's heeker elub. Those who are taking part In the pre liminary tames are William tlurrell, John druney, Thomas lloban, Thomas Walsh, M. KltZKorald, J. 1 O'Malley, atrlek O'llrleii, John Hosle. A. J. Mar-' tin, II. (lalhiKher and Ous MeDaile. fhe contest will Hose Saturday and the eheeker elub of St. Hrenden eoiinell will then be prepared to meet any simi lar club from any Institute In the county. LADIES WILL ENTERTAIN. i Pi out a mine That Will lie Kcudercd I'ndcr Direction of Woman's Holler Corps. Lieutenant 10. S. drlllln Woman's Ite- llef corps. No. Til), will entertain the comrades of the Urand Army of the Ke- publle and their friends at their post rooms this evening at S o'clock. The followluK proKramnie will be ri'lidered: Piano Solo Miss llertha Conner ftally Around the l-'lun".lly the Audience Reading, Selected ..Mrs. Jennie llctis Itccltatloli Mis, Nellie Snellen lima Waller Mrs. !:. M. Burgess .Mrs. Rachel Hall Selected ..Mrs. Margaret K. 1'ont Mrs. lone Walter .....Miss Bertha. .Conger ' By the Audience Song Kssay Recitation Patriotic Song.... Reading Reading Recitation Auld Lung Syne' THE MnmMVORLD. The scem-ry of "In Old Kentucky," which will be given ut the Academy of Music tonlgl'it, Is rich und appropriate, and the general setting of the play Is costly and elaborate. One scene repre sents the race track In Lexington ut the most exciting moment the finish of a closely contested race, and It Is de scribed us the perfection of scenic de tail. The play should not be confound ed, however, with those which depend for their success upon one or two strik ing situations. "In old Kentucky" Is u logical drama, built upon purely dra matic lines. In providing the play with sumptuous scenery, Manuger Jacob Little has done u wise thing, for most people who attend the play houses nowadays take u keen delight lu u story that Is set off by beautiful scen ery. This play Is not In any way con nected with "Old Kent uck." which has appeared here several times. Police l'uirol ut Hiivls'. A. Y. Pearson's successful melo drama, "The Police Patrol," will be pro duced at Davis" theater today, tomor row and Saturday afternoons und even ings, with marvelous mechanical und scenic effects. The company Is the same that has been producing the drama ut regular prices for several years. One f the scenes of the drama Is laid In the famous llaymatket square In Chicago, where the great anarchist riot took Place. Manager Davis considers this one of flie best attractions he hits yet billed for his house. Return Ftigugcmcnt of Mulier. P.-ter Maher and his clever specialty company will reappear ut tne Acad emy of Music on Saturday evening. The following special features have been arranged: Peter Maher Is to meet Patrick Murphy, of this city, for four rounds; Hilly llennessy, of Boston, will meet Peter Lowery, of Dublin. There has also been arranged another bout. Sale of seats will open this morning. I Milan l ewis ns ( I coputru. ' Miss Lillian Lewis will appear at the Acudemy of Music on Monday evening in a grand scenic production of "Cleo patra." An exchange says: "The play was given amid much splendor, the senery was a series of art pictures, the ci-stumes were unusual In their beauty, the stage settings were most tasteful, and In fact every requisite to an excellent production was used. Several charming dances- are Intro duced, the arrangement of the ballet and Its members being very grace ful. The dunce of Cleopatra before Antony, executed by Miss Lewis, was splendidly done. After the perform ance of the drama a series of beautiful living pictures are Introduced, In which nature and art are bo combined and blended as to satisfy the most fastidi ous." Notes from Stagelnnd. Frank Maya's dramatization of Mark Twain's "I'uddln' Head Wilson" Is now In rehearsal at 'Hip Herald Square theater, New York, and will be produced In Hart ford, Conn., on April 8. H. II. Ragan begBn bis series of Lenten Illustrated lectures before a large audi ence In Chlckerlng hull, New York, Tues ibiy morning. Ills subject was "Foot prints of lleorge WiiHlilngton." Mr. Ra gan delivered Ihut lecture lu this city two weeks ago. Mrs. Langtry, so It Is said, was presented at a performance of "tlusslp" ut Puliner's theater. New York, the other day with a largo bunch of roses. In the center of which she found u box containing a turquoise ring, with a note f luting that It was sent by four ladles, who hoped It would bring her lurk. ' A site has been selected In the central IHirtlnn of Philadelphia the exact loca tion has not yet Iim-u nnnouueed for a new theater. Tim enterprise Is backed by Now York capitalists, and work upon the structure will soon be started. The man ager will Ih Frank Howe, Jr., who for a number of years has managed the Wal nut Street theater and the Park theater, In this city. Mr. Howo will, on June 1. re linquish control of the Park theater. The new theater will probably bo completed In January. Henry Dlxey appeared Tuesday night for the first time us the leading man In Augustln Daly's revlv4 of "Nancy & Company," a farcical comedy from the (leruinn. The New York Herald, speak ing of Mr. Dlxey, said: "Mr. Dlxey was capital as Brasher, presenting a wonder fully detailed bit of character Holing, brimful of humor, carried to the very verge of discretion, and yet never passing be yond wise limit." ( , Sclutlc Ulicnmiitlsm Cured. I, . Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Rich mond, Yu., suys: "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheiimn-tlsm, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate enough to fet MYSTIC Cl'RK FOR ItlllU'.M ATIHM. This ceyxl me after doctor's prescrip tions hud fulled to have auy effect. I have also heurd of line results from others who have used It." Sold by Carl Lorens, Drug gist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Bcranton. , Hums Seekers' Fxcurslons, via. the Nickel Mate Noad. to points In the south, at one fare for the round trip, March G to April 2 and SO, Ask your city ticket ngenl for detailed Infoma Hon, or address F. J, Moore, general agent, No. 23 Kxchange street, Buffalo, N. Y, Rnmi-ber our telephone number Is 113 If you want plumbing work. W, O. Doud A Co., CUV Lacko. ave. UUy the Weber and f t tha best. At Quernsey. Bros NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE Kichurd J. l'urrcll a Candidate fur Office of District Engineer. LARGE NUMBER 01' TERSONS ILL Mission Will Open at St. -Mary's Uormau Catholic Church ou Sunday- Funeral of Mrs. ltuibura (iutheln lakes Pluce Tomorrow Afternoon. Richard J. Faircll, foreman of the William Council Hose company, Is In the lead for tho appointment as fourth district engineer of the Hcranton lire department to succeed Louis ScIiwuhs, the present elllclent and faithful chief, whose term expires In April. Mr. Schwuss will not consent to allow his numu to be used lu connection with a re-uppolntment. Mr. Karri-IPs. petition Is being signed wherever It Is presented und his friends say there Is scarcely any doubt but that he will be the next district chief. There ure two strong reusons, they Bay, why he should be chosen. One Is that the compuny he belongs to deserves recognition, be cuuse none of Its members has pressed forward for the honor for some years. The other Is that It would be hard to select a more active and dutiful lire man than Mr. Fun-ell. Sick List Is I urge. No other portion of the city Is suffer ing us dreadfully from the prevalence of Illness us the South Side. The rate of mortality Is abnormally large und seldom a day has passed within the last four weeks without recording from three to live funerals and the death rate does not seem lo wait upon the old. Persons ut every stuge Ip life's Journey are caught before the sickle. The physicians ascribe the cause for so much unhealthlness to the unclean gutters. The typhoid fever case spoken of recently in the family of Frnest W. Oluxer, of Fig street, has subsided and no longer threatens to spread Its germs to the detriment of the public health. Grip Is now the prevailing lleshuche. Mission ut St. Mary's German Church. Rev. Peter Christ, pastor jf St. Mary's Uermnn Catholic church, on River street, has completed all arrange ments for opening a mission for his congregation. It will be conducted by three Herman missionaries from Bal timore, Fathers Miller, Lotz and I'arr. Mass at 5 o'clock will be celebrated each morning for two weeks, und In the evening at 7.:iU a sermon will be preached. The mission will open on Sunduy morning, March 31, at the lute mass. , Funeral of llurburu Uuthcin. The sad news of the death of Mrs. llurburu Cuthelnz, of Cedar uvenue, wus received throughout the South Side yesterday with universal regret, and especially among the poorer classes of people, who knew her ns a charitably disposed und generous person. Much sympathy is expressed for her three orphan children, who had barely learned to cense sorrowing for their father, whose death occurred Just a year ago. The deceased was a devout member of the Hickory Street Presbyterian church, and was actively connected with the Woman's Aid society of the congrega tion. The funeral will take place to morow afternoon at '.' o'clock. Burial services will be performed by Rev. August Lunge, and Interment will be mude In the family plot In Plttston uve nue cemetery. shorter I'uragraphs. James Council Lodge of Odd Fellows held Its regular business meeting last night in Fruehan's hall. The Bight reading class connected with the choir of St. John's Catholic church, will hold a concert In the church hall after Lent, on a date which has iicm .vet been fixed. S. (1. Kerr's lecture entitled. "A Trip Through Ireland." will undoubtedly at tract a large and representative au dience at the Cudar Avenue Methodist Kplscopa.1 church on Tuesday evening, April 2. Since the pool tabid has been added to the rooms of Columbus council. Young Men's Institute, as an Induce ment to the young men to spend their evenings at the rooms, It has proved a valuable attraction to supplant the saloon. The Sunduy school class, which meets once a week at Phillips' hall, on Fig street, and Is under the direction of Rev. Rogers Israel, of St. Luke's P.piHcopal church, Is advancing rapidly In Its prep aration for the sacrument of confirma tion, which will lie administered upon them on the Sunday after Kuster by Rt. Rev. Bishop Rullson, of Reading. The funeral of John StefTotd. of Meadow avenue, wus held yesterday morning ut I) o'clock. Requiem mass was eelerated ut St. Mary's Herman Catholic church and Interment was made In the Twentieth ward Ucrmiin Catholic cemetery. Domlnick Uellly takes exception to the version that hns been currently re ported relative to his trouble with John Cawley, of Crown avenue. Rellly was arraigned before Alderman John I'.. O'Malley, of the Twentieth ward, on the charge of assault and battery. Cawley alleged that Rellly, In an In toxicated condition, came to his house and without any provocation used his fists upon him with great Torce. Rell ly's story Is that Cawley took n dog from him and Insulted his wife and thnt when he learned of what had occurred hu hunted up Cawley and punished him ns he felt It wus his duty to do. BUY SOME In our west window we are show lng Elegant Larjre 1'ruiiieil Pic tures, ready to take homo and brighten up the bare spots. Who . don't love pictures? And the price, 69c. We frame, too, wonderfully cheap. REXFORD JEWELRY CO 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Picture Frames- Made at . I'jort notice, Class In every respect lliSh Inside Decorating In all Its biancbes. ' 0 ( 312 lLatenna Avenue. nnRTT W u ii ii I II HI I il. To the World of Women. . Weak, nervous, delicate, overworked women need a strength builder, a tonic for their nerves, and a cure for that awful Internal trouble that is wearing out their lives. Thousands of women huve found such In Dr. Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy. Mrs. Christiana Beul, f of Jonesport, Me., writes that her daughter had been a great sufferer from female trouble, and after repeated trluls of doctor's prescriptions and other so-called cures, all of which gave no relief, she used F'avorlte Remedy and It permanently cured her. If you have headache, uterine ca tarrh, Irregular menstruation, leucor rhoea, or ' Irregular monthly periods, sickness incidental to change of life, or uny of the attending evils that are present In female complaints, use Ka vorlte Remedy; It will build up quickly the run down constitution, dispel those tired looks and feelings, restore the nervous system and permanently cure you. Our daughters grow up weak and delicate; mothers can avoid such condi tions by giving them Dr. Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy. court iiousi-: m:ws noti:s. I'aullne I.iedecker was appointed ud nilnlslnitVlx of the estate of I'eler Lcidecker, lately deceased, of 'the South Side. Deputy Cleric of the Courts Kmll llonn yesterday granted a marriage li cense to Ihwih! J. Kvuus and Miss liur- baru Kvuus, both of this city. In the estute of Christopher Mentzcr, lute of the South Side, letters of admin istration were granted to Margaret Meitzer, widow of the deeeused. Letters of administration were grant ed lu the estate of Mrs. liarbara Uuth eltne, lato of Cedar avenue, to John Krlchtel, father of the deceased. The will of Mrs. Zlllah 1'rice, late of this city, was admitted to probate yes terday and letters testamentary grant ed to her brother, Charles Armstrong, of Kit ton township, Wyoming county, and John V. llowurth, her soti-ln-luw, of this city. Albert S. Kline, an Ice dealer of Rob inson street, on the West Side, repre sented by Attorney M. A. McUlnley has begun u. suit for damages In the sum of Wi.UOu against the Scranton Traction company, one of the company's cars, It is alleged, collided with u wagon driven by Kline, and he was thrown out sustaining serious injuries. Telephone H2, W. O. Doud & Co., flu) Lackawanna avenue, for all kinds of plumbing. For earache put a couple of drops of Thomas' Kcleetrlc Oil on a bit of cotton und place It In the ear. The pain will stop In a few moments. Simple enough. Isn't it? IFYOUa-r WANT A LAMP, DINNER, TEA OR TOILET SET When you move April i, BUY IT NOW and save BIG money. WE DON'T Want to move them, and are making a gen eral clearance sale of all goods for less than cost. 116 WYOMING AVE. After April 1, will occupy spacious store room 134 Wyoming avenue. We have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want inouey. HERE IS In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $2 . 49 a pai r, fomerly $3.50. SOiM'S 410 SPRUCE STREET. tar cum Cures Colds, Lays Out LuGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. MunufucturcJ hy G. ELM EN DUKF, LlinliH. N. Y.. and for sale by tho tin Jo generally. . MEGARGEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa. ill ANOTHER BARGAIN SPRING STYLES Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds ana Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of IMPORTED 1 MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N. A, HERTS WYOMING AVE SCRANTON. STEINWAV t SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH I BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Otbera PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. ABOVE THE AVERAGE CONRAD'S SPRING LINE OF HATS. ' 305 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at tha Wapwalkipcn Mill, L tern county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, P Third National Bank Building. AoKKriEa: TII08. FORD, I'lttaton, Pa. JOHN B HMITH WN, Plymouth. Pa, K. W. 1MU1.I.1UAN. Wtlkea Barro, Pa. AirentK for the Kepauno Chemical Uom (aay'i High Ksplocire. Btandard Inatrumonta In avary acnaa of tha term aa applied to Pianoa. Exceptional In holding their original ful nesn of tone. , NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. M Jlfth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO IIS Adatne Ave., Naw Telephone lUdg. STILL IN EXISTENCE. Th World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell' Great Magic Worm 8ugr and Tea. Every boa aurrantead to' eH" aaUaf action or money rofuudud. Fall printed direattoue from a child to a grown aerann. It l purul y vegetable and cannot positively harm the monl tender lufant. Innlat ou having l)r, Camp. bell'ei accept no other. At Ml Drngglsta, Soo, WONP . UU Mouth ..o, Pa, Nov. 10. Win. Mr. U. W. .unhell-Uear Sir: I have given my bor rVeddte. 7 yeara old, eome of Dr. Camplwll a Magic Worm Sugar and Tea, and to my anrprlae this afternoon about o'clock he paaaad a tapeworm measuring about So feet In length, head and all, 1 have It In a bottle and any person wishing to see it can do so by calling at my store. I bad trlod nnmerona other remedies recoinmeuded for taking tapeworms, bnt all failed. In my estimation Dr. Cumpbell'a la the greatest worm remedy In existence. lours vsrv reenectntiiy. FKED HEKFNER, TK Beech Bt NoteThe above U what evervbodv aava lifter once using. Maunfaotured by C. W. L'amDbell. tancaater. Pa. Buceeaavr to Db m 1 Jehu yampboll at Boa. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ACADEMY OF MUSIC On Night, THURSDAY, MAR. 21 Jarou Litt' Mo-it Kluboratu Produc tion tlm SniiButloii ut All Melo dramatic Lflurt". IN OLD KENTUCKY All tbo original novelties nl features, aud pivcl'ely at prttnvuuid for mix cjuwfiitiv month ut Ihn Aoailuuy of Mun:, vuw Y r city. A freiiuin Horn Hace between K.u tu:ky Thoroinrtibredu Th liuruinir Htabift Kxpiosiou in the Cumberland Mountain-. Original PickauiDDv liana Swing Atro Mountain (Jiium, rtc. Unrivalled "hack," Hard or (oft bhrns and Grotesque Heatb oti aalo Tuesday, JIurcU l'J. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, MARCH 2Z THOMAS Q. SEABROOKE Aud Hih Own Opera Company, in tlio Fa kg tuous loujic Optra riucc-ba. Played by Mr. SealTooio and His Mcel codeut Orirniza-ku Ovi-r I.&.KI Tiow in all Ute l'riuclpal Citrus. PRICES-I-ower Kloor. il 5ft $1.00 and 75c; Lakony, Tic. uudbO-.-.; (iaiiery, Sale of bC-aU opens Wednesday, March -M, ut Da. ra. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, MARCH 23. Firat Tims in S -ranton. The Lia- uiatic- jp'-cta'-'lB, CLEOPATRA THE CLEVER ACTEEsS, MISS UIIIIAIM LEWIS, A CociT-t(-nt ('JH)iuv with MR. CHAS. B. HANr OhD as AM TON Y. "Fifte-n HirrKses. -" Ballets. 'J Pnn:!-rel V Panoramic Views, -j; Wu-huI Muml-.-rs 2 Tableaux Vivar.t. 1- Living Pictures. 1'eo ple, (iraud Scenery. a rJ..rje, Uor tfeais CiwtuM'-s, Fa-nous Murm S,-ti.e. PklCKS-ix.. .Vc Tic. and $1.00. ba"o ot &c-a!s opins Friday. March ACADEMY OF MUSIC. bUrvijl Arr:i!:2LmtMitii Kav Eeu Made fur ttie Hrut!Hnr:iuce of IRELAND'S CHIIKPIGN, Peter Mailer And His Clever Athletic and ciaity I'ouiitauv, i-n SATU R D A YJW ARC H 23. t; Besides ten Bpe-.-iaity Acts the following special ft-iiturt-!. have l;i-n arranged: PETEK MAHER will meM P.vTKlCK Mm PHY. nf this citv. fr four scientiitc- rounds: H1I.1.Y HENNERY, of B.eton, vill meet PET t R LoWEHY. of I'mblin. An t her i-fecial bout has be- n arranged. Rtyuiar haie of sea'.t opens Thursday, Marc j -i. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A. Y. PEARSON'S BIG REALISTIC PRODUCTION, THE in H ijj Presented In Every Detail Just as Advertised. ADMISSION, 10, lo OR 30 CENT3. 'JOu. f-aU down stair reserved for ladies and their escorts. Two performances daily at S and': p. ra. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIX, The Acknowledged Expert la Horseshoeing aud Dentiatry, is Now rcrinmicntly Located on West I.uckawunua Ave.! Near the Bridge. WELSBAGH LIGHT Specially Adapted lor Reading and Sewing. essaswie.,,5 v.. - Consumes tbreo (3) feet of giia per h tr ami Rivea nu efficiency of sixty (U. t candles. Having at least 33 J per oeut. over tha ordinary Tip Burners. Call and Sec It. HUNT & CONNELL CO,, 434 UCKIWANIU AVENUE. Jlanufacturer' Agent. ' nnTTn Nil II 1 uuiu Jll Pure While L AlPfiflu Until faiski -:V wiuuui Liuiii -Tdrv. . a II Ml
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